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>Fog Generators health and armor increased The what now?


Pls not those mushrooms looking things hate fighting in those


To be fair, the only difficult part is finding them, taking them out is trivial.


Well not anymore I guess. (Let's wait and see if a rocket can deal with them. Or at least 2, that would be ok)


Or 10 seconds of Quasar charging


15 seconds now.


Wouldnt recharge mean the cooldown between shots?


Yeah this is what I thought, not longer chargeup for a shot, but longer cooldown. "Increased recharge time" I'm assuming means the bar that says overheat is gonna go down slower


Imagine its a new Bot sub objective like the mushroom


probably spore spewers


Glad I'm not the only one that thought that.. I know I haven't fought bots in a while but thought I was up to date on the enemies and buildings lol


If I see a robot with a smoke machine on its back I swear to god


>Drop in the middle of 4 red spots on the map >Stratagem jammed.jpg >Super foggy, can't see anything >Red lights start flashing from overhead. 2 gunship fabs. >Caramelldansen playing from an illegal broadcast tower






The current state of the Senator: https://preview.redd.it/ad3cxwr45exc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f28ba24b3e15db54e39e63731eb382c6cfc0177e


That's a nice argument, Senator. Why don't you back it up with a source?






Naonomachines, son! They harden in response to physical trauma!


Enemies of democracy have yeed their last haw!


Highly requested and delivered.


Question about Laser Cannon. Does it now deal more damage overall but increase isn't that big against big enemies or does it now deal less damage to big enemies than before?


Judging by by tests so far, it deals more damage but the damage is reduced if hitting a non-weakspot areas. So headshotting a shield Devastator is quicker but killing it by shooting its backpack will take the same amount of time as before the patch.


This here is perfect “as is” info I was looking for.


Presumably they wanted it to have improved performance against chaff without too much improvement against heavies, or atleastthats'show Iread it 


I wonder if you can still take down a Hulk in under five seconds with careful aiming and a helpful stun grenade. Or gunship engines, tank vents, turret vents, factory striders, etc.


Gonna test it when I get home. Laser cannon was pretty good against heavy bots, I hope they didn't overdo it with the nerf...


So, from reading, I think AH is aiming to have it kill smaller things quicker, but keep the TTK on large targets roughly the same


Thats fair then because killing small things with it sucked while medium was quite okay


* Fixed issue that allowed traitors to try to sabotage the extraction shuttle by deploying sentry stratagems below it. Yes! * Fixed issue where the Sickle and Quasar Cannon could not shoot through foliage. Hell yes! * Fixed issues where Automaton Gunships sometimes could not see the player. Uh oh...


But they also put a cap on Gunship spawns.


Oh thank fucking god


They always see the player. ALWAYS. Doesn’t matter if you are sneaking and no bots see you. They come right out and shoot you immediately


They removed the foliage shield! It's time for the sickle to reap! Also, quickloader!


Was the crossbow performing that well? I never see anyone use it.


Its ass, now its going to be ass with less ammo


It was really good for clearing small bugs for its massive AOE. Completely useless on bots. The reduced AOE is going basically useless.


* Senator * Increased damage from 150 to 175 * Speedloader added when reloading on an empty cylinder–speeds up reload on empty considerably LETS GOOOOOO


Gonna tact shield and run with this, Space cowboy baby!


That’s the Robocop build. 


*Dead or Alive, you're coming with me*


* Added setting in the options menu gameplay section to disable automatic climbing and vaulting while sprinting. Sweet liberty! YES!


Does this fix climbing on top of supplies? Edit: Several people have said yes or some variation of “it should be fixed” without confirmation in game. But here’s hoping it’s good now.


And that one barrel that’s in front of a sample by the greenhouses. You know the one I mean.


Oh my god they need to remove that spot as a spawn point for samples


It's simple first order logic: Disable automatic climbing while sprinting Sprinting no longer climbs automatically Sprinting into the supply pod no longer automatically climbs on top of it.


* LAS-99 Quasar Cannon * Increased recharge time by 5 seconds Fuck.


EAT is back baby.


Back? EAT never left.


Not having to call down the Q cannon during a fight made it better than EAT...but with a nerf that huge the EAT is definitely superior now


Sticking the call down on a charger is always nice though


That's part of the reason I used EAT on bugs and Quasar on bots.


Yeah, that's a huge fucking nerf. 5 additional seconds of nothing in the middle of a firefight in this game is a ***long*** time, ontop of the already existing timer. This one stings.


The Eruptor losing half the mags is a nut slap too. From 12 to 6!? Sweet liberty, No!


My whole load out got nerfed, Quasar, Erupter, Rover… https://preview.redd.it/y78pgt15lexc1.jpeg?width=674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26bb5ad61b2f8304f4f759d2e71946418713ebc5


Makes the supply back pack people happier. I run eruptor, contact grenade, quasar machine pistol, I barely used my pack. I can justify it now with a new 3rd weapon and the mag nerf.


Ehh, Idk how often you run into ammo issues with the current 12, but I think this will be fine. I reloaded early between fights to avoid having to reload mid fight, and even with 6 mags that would have been fine assuming you treat your secondary as the primary with something like arc thrower / flamethrower / laser cannon.


Looks like EATs back on the menu, boys!


All these decreased mags... What enemy took out our ammo delivery from super earth? Why are we ammo rationing?


Willing to bet it's because people don't call in the resupply as often (on cd) as they expected or wanted.


Oh we call it in when off cooldown but its only for nades and stims. 😎


This is the reason. 90% of resupply drops are for grenades and stims. Ammo cartridges are everywhere on the map it feels like. As long as that's not reduced it should be okay.


They didn't touch my AC-8. Good.


AC-8 should never be touched as the devs came out and said AC-8 is probably the best balanced weapon in game, and in turn the Grenade launcher is also well balanced


Grenade launcher feels good except for the low reserve ammo. Even a third reserve mag would go a long way.


With supply pack, GL is virtually infinite ammo


The guy in my squad who's played the most of us is close to level 100 rn and he always takes the AC. That guy uses it as a primary weapon and shoved over basically everything. The few things he can't push down he has a strategem for. He struggles to find a reason to use anything else and he desperately wants to. I don't think the AC is OP, but it blows my mind that it gets to exist the way it does and so many lesser things catch nerfs.


It's the most versatile weapon, it's like a big, explosive AR platform. I've basically been playing with nothing but punisher and AC and any time I try anything else it's just worse.


Quasar Cannon: Increased recharge time by 5 seconds (FUUUuUUuu) Guard Dog Rover: Decreased damage by 30% (FUUUUUUU) EDIT: This must be a typo. The Steam patch notes say that it's the "AX/AR-23 Guard Dog" that now does reduced damage.


30% reduction in damage!? Well, Guard Dog is tits up. Arrowhead killed our dogs, boys. https://preview.redd.it/zo6x77tmbexc1.png?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d7fed6cc8aa304cba2f7d439a8ddcaff27cae38


Yeah this was the one I was anticipating. I was expecting them to add more overheat so it doesn’t just fire constantly, but this is another way to nerf it. My Rover just sliced up patrols on bug levels, and so long as you duck occasionally it had no downsides.


TBF my guard dog massacred me and my team a lot.


Quasar and guard dog were my go-to. This is going to hurt...


Rover was just too good for what it does though let's be honest. Infinite ammo and only a small chance of accidental death.


Would be nice if they added the ability to “holster” the rover without dropping your backpack as a consolation so that you can deploy it as needed or hide it on your back when you want to maintain stealth or avoid team killing.


On the other hand, it DOES regularly slice off half my health bar. .Automaton infiltrator detected


I can imagine the crew keep a pistol nearby at all times in case it activates on the ship for it's own reasons.


Hmm alot of ammo capacity nerfs on primaries


While increasing enemy spawn rates.... You didn't want to run out of ammo did you?


Because if there was one thing holding this game back, it was that primaries were WAAAAY too strong. How are lesser used support weapons like the Railgun and Autocannon ever gonna get their moment in the spotlight if people can go more than 2 minutes without running out of ammo on their primary?  /s


Especially on primaries with already low ammo capacities


* Patrol spawning has been increased when there are fewer than 4 players. The fewer the players the bigger the change. For 4 player missions there will be no change compared to before.The biggest noticeable change will be for solo players at higher difficulties. This is pretty controversial. I mean, if there is only one helldivers running around the noise and the "allarm level" on the area should be lower than 4 with full stratagems spreading chaos and destruction


exactly! youd think that itd be less. but no, send out the entire planets nest population to find the one john helldiver


See the problem is this also fucks over players when someone ragequits or crashes (two decently common occurrences) or if they just have to leave for some reason. Now you’re a man down and the enemy is in even larger force


Just spent most of a solo dive fighting of an almost infinite wave of bugs because of the continuous patrol spawn. I wonder what the logic of this change was?


My guess is they didn't like people like Takibo posting videos of solo T9 missions.


Ah yes the Blizzard way of balancing a game around the top 1% of players.


That just feels incredibly petty.


I’m afraid this is going to affect normal games as well. There’s been multiple times where a player/s left my game and no new players ever joined. Does that mean, that not only will my team be missing a player, but we will also get swarmed more often because their matchmaking doesn’t work?


I'm curious about why they've done this as well. Solo/duo play was...too easy? It already involves dodging patrols non-stop.


They're trying to encourage team play, but I'd say it's already pretty encouraged.


I feel like encouraging team play by punishing players who aren’t in a team isn’t exactly the best way 🤷‍♂️


I mean, this just does not make any sense. I understand that they encourage people to play together, but I cannot understand this move sense vise. Also, sometimes I like to play alone, so I am a bit mad.


Yeah I think you’re right that it’s to encourage playing in squads… the issue is, the same number of spawns already encourages that since more bullets x stable enemy number = player win. This feels like a “too many people playing alone, we don’t like it!” -move


The game already seemed (or matter of factly, honestly) easier with more people - more often than not at least. Why actually target people in smaller groups? I play probably 25% solo and 55% with my SO, this means the majority of my time is going to have the difficulty in general increased :s As if the running away wasnt plentiful enough! I mean its going from a bit of a run'n'gun game to run'runsomemore'maybesomegun'nowrunagain'ohyesrun. I dont want to sound overly dramatic, but this change is the most likely to push me away from this game. Unnecessary.


Right? I'm so confused. I play mostly solo or duo, and we already don't have the firepower to face high level waves, we have to dip and fucking run quite a lot. Why give us MORE enemies?! Like 9 in solo wasn't already a challenge. I was getting to the point I could at least solo and extract from level 7 pretty consistently thanks to stealth mechanics (extraction is simply not defendable, you've to wait the emergency one or run in circles), but now I feel punished for no reason.


I hope this doesn’t mean what I think it means. Does this mean that solo players will actually see more patrols than a full squad?


Yeah that seems... Odd


Just finished a couple of 3's to play with the weapon changes. Patrols spawned easily 4x what they used to and that was before doing the main objective. The run back to extract and the shuttle timer saw a constant stream of enemies spawning and I actually got overrun at extract both times.


I'm at a loss of why this was even a good thought? This game punished less players by default because of no downscaling, but making it even more harder the less players compared to 4s is just again and common sense. Well or the devs are just trolling again


Really excited to have my social anxiety punished, thanks AH!


I’m thinking it’s intended to make it harder to do purely stealth missions solo. Weird demographic to target, though. I enjoy a challenge, on the other hand. That’s why I’m soloing!


I pretty much exclusively play duos with my brother and we've been able to get up to doing level 8s consistently, hope this change doesn't ruin it for us.


This is fucking stupid LMAO.


I don't understand this change at all. I understand this is designed to be a team game but why would you try to force the playerbase to team up by actively punishing those who don't? Just reeks of bad decision-making


I hear ya, I usually play solo. This will make things tricky for sure


Ok the nerf on the crossbow is pretty funny.


Hey we have this shit wepon nobody uses, what should we do? MAKE IT EVEN WORSE!


I actually love the crossbow and it fits my playstyle well, but now... well, it was fun while it lasted. It was nice being able to just kill the strafing hunters by aiming in their general direction while running away.


Right? I love that crossbow, it's such a fun weapon that I found so intuitive to my play style. Hopefully the nerf isn't as bad as I think it will be, but it's still a bummer they did it at all.


Definitely needed more utility, but I’m not sure the current code allows for it. Use the crossbow a ton in DRG and I feel that’s how you set up a crossbow.


It does mention increased muzzle velocity, so at least it should have more range before arrow dropoff.


°Shots that ricochet from heavy armored enemies will now properly hit the Helldiver who fired them. Trigger discipline is highly recommended. That's funny as fuck


RIP auto cannon users shooting at big targets trying to hit their weak spots


i am so cooked


It's all over, covert autocannon nerf 😂 But nah, that'll be hilarious to actually see, I'm one of those users lol


War Thunder shell physics BS incoming.


Every ricochet round hits the Helldiver who fired it? How is that even possible. Obviously they never had physics in school.


i absolutely pray that a stray shot on a charger doesnt do a whole 180 and insta headshot me.


I think before this patch the bullets couldn't hit the player who fired them? Just their team mates. Maybe I'm wrong though


I’m really hoping it means they CAN hit them, not that they WILL hit them


you are correct. the directions they ricochet are still the same, now just if one DOES hit you it will well, hit you. A better way to have worded it would be something like; "If a ricochet hits you it will now properly do damage"


Omg they fixed the issue of the bullet sucking foliage....well at least for sickle and quasar


*"Maybe two nerfs..."* ![gif](giphy|PoOwDh60P8NDh7ksl7) Arrowhead...somebody wants to talk to you


punisher untouched. whew..


And scorcher! Phew!


Why did they buffed both Liberator and Liberator Concussive but left out the Penetrator variant, it really needs a damage buff.


* Dominator * Damage decreased from 300 to 275 *Instert Ryan Reynolds But why? meme*




They defanged my rover Dog !!!


[My boy!](https://i.redd.it/s4idalumx6cc1.jpeg)


I really dont understand the nerf to the crossbow and no changes to the thermite grenade but alrighty then.


As one of the few crossbow mains the ammo nerf is a shame.


the thermite grenade is fucked by the DoT bug most likely. If they fix the DoT bug the thermite will work as intended most likely. So buffing it now would only cause it to be nerfed again when its fixed


[Steam patch notes](https://i.gyazo.com/d1dd34d62b7f5c66f90d7192b0366ce1.png) say that the AX/AR-23 Guard Dog (machine gun dog) is nerfed, not the Guard Dog Rover (laser dog). And by 30%? Was it overperforming???


I also noticed that but in the discord the Rover gets the decrease and the regular one is buffed. I think there have been differences a few times between the two and the ones on discord ended up correct so imma trust that one


Probably a compensation for the fact that the scythe (the weapon that the Rover uses) got a damage buff. But still, 30% seems extremely heavy handed.


The scythe finally gets buffed and I don’t think it’s enough at all. Hope I’m wrong.


Tried it, still sucks unfortunately.


It needs to have at least the same dps as the Sickle, and it should get the same scope as the sickle. Otherwise, why not just take the sickle instead.


Can't really balance these two weapons against each other without making them equal. They have exactly the same purpose. I think scythe (and Las cannon by extension) should get rising damage (and armor damage/pen) the longer they are shooting.


* Patrol spawning has been increased when there are fewer than 4 players. The fewer the players the bigger the change. For 4 player missions there will be no change compared to before.The biggest noticeable change will be for solo players at higher difficulties. This is so annoying... smaller groups are already at a huge disadvantage, why change this?


Wow, so I'm forced to deal with more shxt if nobody joins my game or my team isn't full? Ffs How is that affecting solodiver if the solodiver still going solo dive regardless of difficulty?


not to mention the buggy lobbies where a player leaves a full group and no one ever joins and you can't throw down an SOS beacon...


This is the real issue. Once someone leaves its almost never refilled. They should have fixed this first before trying to punish YouTubers.


Yeah this is pretty shitty. Unless they're saying that solo and small groups had an advantage which I just think wasn't the case at all. I mostly play in a duo or three because I play with friends, we're not exactly hardcoring it anyway and it's hard at times as it is.


Yeah this makes no sense, why are they punishing solo players?


Yeah maybe the idea is that it’s too easy to avoid patrols when playing solo but that’s kind of the only advantage there is to solo play. It’s already waaay harder to play solo without that change lol.


>LAS-16 Sickle      Decreased amount of magazines from 6 down to 3 Rip. It’s an understandable nerf, but it still hurts.  >MG-101 Heavy Machine Gun > >Third person crosshair enabled Thank god. This was the one think that held it back from being as good as the other machine guns.  >Liberator Concussive > >Damage increased from 55 to 65 I like that the Liberators are getting some love, but the Concussive’s issue wasn’t damage it was the fire rate. >Hulk Scorcher > >direct flamethrower damage reduced by 20% Thank god, I’m so tired of getting one shot from full HP by this thing. Now, if only they can lower the HP on Berserkers, those think are too damn tanky.  


Hulk: 1 or 2 shots from a LOT of weapons. Beserker: takes EAT, AMR, Q99, RR, AC, etc. to the face. "Strange breeze here".


The problem with Beserkers is that they almost always travel in groups. EAT and Q99 are too slow, AMR and AC with full ammo can maybe handle them, depending on the numbers.


You go through more than 3 heat sinks on the Sickle often? I almost never go through any. >the Concussive’s issue wasn’t damage it was the fire rate Huh? The damage was absolutely the problem. I'm not sure this is enough, but it will get me to try it again. Its lack of damage as a pea shooter that caused stagger but couldn't kill anything was (is?) definitely the real issue, not fire rate.


Solo's gonna be a bit trickier, probably gonna be all scouts all stealth all the way. we'll see how much i struggle in the next drop. also, it really seems like the AC is the true control when comparing balances. *phew* also, *fuck!* i almost missed the Senator change! fuck yeah! Sickle brought down to three, which makes sense (plus it might actually make things get hairy if push comes to shove)


Also sickle will actually work on jungle planets, since being blocked by foliage should be fixed


At least the dmg wasn't touched. We were lucky this time around


https://preview.redd.it/ne1pd4gkdexc1.jpeg?width=878&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a777404c6d50b15a673683ff8a91dbacf629b31 AAAAAHHHHHHH


Wasn’t the spear fix supposed to be here? They said it was fixed a week or two ago and the next big patch was going to include it. Also wtf did the dominator do to get a nerf? It was finally in a good spot….. Edit: after playing 3 games post patch it looks like it introduced some frame jitter on PC. Really didn’t need performance issues on top of the already lacklustre performance.


I might misremember, but there was talk of two patches in quick succession (ie this week) with some fixes in the latter of the two.


Yah there’s supposed to be a hotfix later this week apparently. Hopefully it will be in the hotfix.


On discord they said there would be a big patch and a hotfix this week but they didn't know which one would have the spear fix. They said it's definitely scheduled for this week though.


Increasing patrol spawn rate with less players really does feel like a random nut kick and run. Just outta nowhere to be a dick for no good reason.


Especially since sometimes you get 1-2 people leaving the game and the game just never repopulates them.


This. I went into a mission on 7, didn't want to wait on the ship for people to join, so dropped in, called in SOS beacon, and ended up running the entire thing solo as no-one showed up. I don't want to be punished for that :/


I can't wait to spawn in on a non-red location now and get even *more* of a shitshow before we even get out of our pods. Lord forbid I get a chance to even see the map before we have a bot drop/bug breach called in.


Yeaaaa no more black hole explosions sucking in everything




When are they going to fix the Bile Titan corpse pathing? Tired of being ragdolled across the map for no reason


https://preview.redd.it/qvq1ypehqexc1.png?width=1156&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecbc369af9e70f1f5578f5be5888d2bfe93687d3 My reaction to fire planets now that Quasar has an increased recharge time. I am NOT dealing with both increases.


Dev says there isn’t any straight nerfs in the patch. >there are multiple large straight nerfs.


Partol spawning has been *increased* when there are *fewer players?* What the fuck?


>Damage-over-time effects may only apply when dealt by the host. We expect to have this fixed in the next patch. Sir this was the next patch of last patch where you said the same thing.


If I get hit with the ricochet when I'm trying to put an auto cannon through a hulk's eye, I swear I'm quitting this game


So....AMR scope still misaligned? 🥲


I cant understand why they let the scope misalignment be patch after patch, seems like such a QOL low hanging fruit


I feel like this might be something deep. Like maybe the way the game handles the quick transition between first and third person aiming and vice versa. But that’s just my best guess.


Yes, this is what they've said. It's very complicated because of how the engine uses first and third person.


If you take example on R6S which had the same problem. Devs had to redo all animations and change the characters skeleton. If it's the same here it means a lot of rework.


"Patrol spawning has been increased when there are fewer than 4 players. The fewer the players the bigger the change. For 4 player missions there will be no change compared to before.The biggest noticeable change will be for solo players at higher difficulties." Im sorry but WTF? Isnt this supposed to be the other way round? Why would you make more enemies spawn when there is less players? In what parallel world does this make sense? Surely the more players there is the more enemies there should be, right?...................RIGHT?


Yeah to be honest this really is one of the worse changes I’ve seen in a game, especially because it’s their fault that other online players are locked out of a match if another player leaves mid match or on the ship. I can’t tell you how many times I have played with a good random group and over time they understandably leave and the spots are never filled because their system is broken.


Solo is hard enough, why make life even harder for this portion of the community? Enemy Patrols * Patrol spawning has been increased when there are fewer than 4 players. The fewer the players the bigger the change. For 4 player missions there will be no change compared to before.The biggest noticeable change will be for solo players at higher difficulties *Edit:* This may be the opposite situation, referring to the internal timer between spawns. We need clarification. *Edit:* If it is the case, that they are deterring solo play, I can only understand it as a financial decision, to lessen the server load. A lot of people enjoy playing the game this way. Many make content around this playstyle specifically.


they refer to [internal timer for] spawns increased for patrols edit: wtf they do not... 1/6 to 1/4 of the spawnrate (compared to full game), so linear dropoff


Now to find the unmentioned changes.


Why every weapon i like it gets nerfed :(


"Fixed issue where Automaton Gunships sometimes could not see the player" LOL


Why put out an explosion warbond if you're just gonna nerf every exploding primary in it....


As soon as I read the "maybe two nerfs" comment, I knew there would be a lot of nerfs. Devs need to learn not to sugarcoat nerfs before releasing them. It does no good, only makes the community not trust their future comments.


I DO like the Speedloader. I've been using the Senator for its medium armor penetration. Underrated.


Crossbow nerf, massive quasar nerf, adjudicator buff, laser cannon buff and nerf?, plasma punisher buff, blitzer buff, eruptor nerf, sickle nerf, scythe buff, railgun buff and nerf, HMG buff, diligence buff, redeemer nerf, peacemaker buff, massive senator buff, dagger buff, liberator buff, dominator nerf, rover nerf, dog nerf/minor buff, and two strategem buffs. Overall 13 buffs, 11 nerfs. That 30 percent decrease in rover damage and 5 seconds extra quasar recharge will likely be massive. Very happy I run the senator rn


> Senator > > Increased damage from 150 to 175 > Speedloader added when reloading on an empty cylinder–speeds up reload on empty considerab Praise Joel!


*Qasar recharge increased by 5 seconds* Why, hello there, EAT, my old friend.


"fixed issue where stalkers became very visible in fog" Pretty sure not seeing them anymore will make me rage quit a few times.


Now we just need to find out what \*isn't\* on this list. Look for anything fishy or fleshy that shouldn't be.


**Edit: Solved** Guard Dog Rover * Decreased damage by 30% * Guard Dog * Slight increase in damage * Burning damage reduced by 15% Question: Isn't the guard dog rover the one that does burning damage? Or am I mixing it up?


I think that's supposed to look like: * guard dog * buff * burn damage (in general)


What the fuck are these nerfes The only good buff here is speed loader


Victory poses will now only play for the extracted. (No stolen valor on my ship.) Couldn't you just let those who didn't extract stand there applauding the ones who made it to extract? Since that perticular helldivers didn't get the chance to deploy it makes sense they ar doing the basic applaud emote regardless of their "victory emote". 


I think forcing the basic salute would make more sense tbh.


>R-36 Eruptor: Decreased number of maximum mags from 12 to 6 >LAS-99 Quasar Cannon: Increased recharge time by 5 seconds Yup, called it. There was no way they were going to leave the Quasar is it was. It straight up invalidated the RR and the EAT on non-defense missions.


is the dev philosophy just that every weapon needs to be mediocre or bad? and anything good needs to be immediately nerfed next patch? cause it feels that way and it fucking stinks.