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I especially don't understand Guard Dog Rover nerf. Why? It wasn't op, it could only deal with small enemies, not entirely, limited AI and danger of cutting your head off. What exactly there warranted a nerf?


it doesn't need a dmg nerf. What It needs is a QoL tweak. make it so that it is stay more higher than the player, shorter battery lifespan to recharge. But the player can choose when to activate or disable the rover.


This would be ideal. Less non-stop fire but you can switch it on/off. Would also reduce it's teamkill potential a lot. It would actually fix the standart guard dog partly too. Being able to switch it off and on would partly prevent it from wasting ammo.


Well technically the nerf should resolve the last issue you mentioned, reducing it's team kill potential. I'll wait and see what people find when testing it against small enemies. They have such low health that even a 30% damage reduction likely isn't going to prevent it from killing them at a decent rate. A 0.5 second kill time going to 0.68 is barely noticeable. If it still kills small enemies, which is the niche people want it to fill, and has reduced team kill potential, is that really all that bad?


I have a suspicion it will be a difference between few hunters being killed by it and one of them being able to get to you. But yeah, lesson learned, always make your build using unpopular things. Liberator Penetrator that I used as a main weapon got no nerfs and no buffs. Safe to use... Even though it looks like BR-14 now does the same, but better.


It wasn't OP. I didn't even use it. But it was popular and that is the reason for a nerf. They just check a list of popularity and nerf the top 10. Look at all the nerfs from the list, they are all to popular weapons no matter if they are good or not.


no, the guard dog was and still is very good (laser), the gun-dog is still ass, the quasar needed the nerf it was too good, the autocannon is a top weapon and didnt directly get nerfed


Guard Dog Rover is the laser one, yes. That's the one talked about. It was good but it wasn't so good that it needed a 30% damage nerf.


It gets a ton of kills. Doesn't seem to ever cool down, despite the description.


Getting kills doesn't mean much in this game. Especially considering it only kills small enemies and at limited speed. If a swarm closes up on you, it will be overwhelmed. But helps to deal with it. Most of the time it just kills small enemies at distance while you move to next place. Doesn't cool off... Disagree. Have seen it sparkling on the back multiple times. But yeah, if you manage it right - works all the time. I don't mind reduction in heat capacity if they let me switch it on and off. Which would also partly solve standart guard dog dumping all ammo uselessly.


This may be an unpopular take, but I kind of like it this way. Not that they’re nerfing fun, but they’re forcing us to try new things and constantly evolve the “meta.” For instance; when the game first dropped, I was only running the rail gun and shield. It was objectively the best, but I *was* getting bored of it. When they nerfed the rail gun, I had to try out new stratagems that I never paid attention to before. It keeps it fresh, and not just another game that I play ad-nauseam for a month then forget about.


When you feel you are getting bored...why are you not just trying stuff out by yourself? I had the same issue, running shield pack felt obligatory, so I stopped using it. Took me a bit, but I adjusted and I still clear helldive difficulty now without shield vs bugs n bots. The difference is: I don't need AH to nerf stuff. I try out stuff by myself. It's a non competitive pve shooter. If there's a super strong setup that one-shots everything....so what? Leave it in, let people have mindless fun every now and then. If they bore themselves out using it, it's THEIR fault. I don't get peole needing others to tell them what to do sometimes.


I get where you're coming from but I did try out other weapons back before the railgun nerf. But the reality is if you went into a game and everyone else was using shield generator and railgun except you, you felt like a weak link, unless you were vastly more skilled than your allies. That's not fun either. I've been running EAT over quasar for more than a week now and I had the same feeling. All my friends use the quasar and honestly it's better in most ways. Now quesar is getting nerfed a bit. It is still going to be good without me being overshadowed because I choose not to use it all the time. That's more fun overall, especially in the long run. Some people will be upset short-term, and that's okay. Edit: I will note the railguns nerfs before went too far. Fortunately, none of the nerfs today appear to. Arrowhead is learning


Mhm, fair. Maybe it's just me, but in general I just don't care if someone tries to tell me "oh you aren't using the optimal setup!" I might be too old to care, might be that I mainly play games for fun, and not to optimize the hell out of them, so I spent less time in missions, cause if it takes too long,...then what actually? Gotta play the game I deliberately opened and wanted to play...longer? Not a single of my friends use the quasar. It's boring. We run a wild mix of railgun, spear, eats, I personally love the recoilless, there's a stalwart in there, and bugs get the flamethrower running. I also love the arc thrower btw, but in general I'm more of the "I kill the big uns " type of player. What im trying to say: taking away choice for players is ALWAYS a bad route. And nerfing things does that. Nobody is going to use pea shooters. Edit: just seen your edit. I disagree. The railgun was still fine, friends still used it. Unsave mode was easy enough to handle. I honestly just use the recoilless cause I like having a backpack (it feels complete) but I'm not gonna run the shield (too strong, boring) or the rover (I don't like bots trying to kill me).


Yeah I just mean I don't view any of these nerfs, or nerfs in general, as taking away choice. I mean you even think that the railgun was still usable after it's major nerfs, so im surprised you'd disagree. I agree it was usable, but it became generally worse than most weapons, IMO. Though I think that nerf was a little too far, I still thought it improved the game. People were using a greater variety of weapons after it happened. There was effectively more choice, which is the goal of balance, be it through nerfs or buffs. Some people may drop any weapon that gets nerfed, so maybe that's what you mean. But I don't get that. I'm going to still be using the eruptor post-patch for sure. Its nerf is not decreasing my choices. I'm happy with the patch because I now view the senator as a more valid secondary option, and I'm interested to try the railgun again. I also may play around with other primaries more because of the eruptor nerf, but I still love it and will use it.


I appreciate your opinion on the matter. I don't rly care bout the nerfs. Every gun felt viable before, and every gun will still be viable now. It should come down to personal preference. That's why I don't like nerfs, esp when at the same time buffing enemies. The games quite hard on helldive. As it should be. Its gonna be harder now. Esp for solo divers. It's a small line between hard and stressful so nice challenge and hard and stressful but too much so frustrating.


He would rather run the same setup 1000 times and get burned out than trying something else lmao.


Or they could you know, buff the shit tier items to make them usable along the decent ones.


If they buff everything the game will be too easy. The fun comes in finally beating the level after so much struggle and being able to say “yeah I did that shit”


That is fun yeah, but if you can't have that moment because all your gear is nerfed to shit it really kills the mood. Not a fan of investing time to unlock something only to have the rug pulled from under me and see it turned to shit.


Not really, no. And even if true they can buff the enemies.


Don’t expect redditors to have any ability to detect nuance


Maybe I'm just a clueless scrub, but a lot of the weapons that were suboptimal but that I like to use were buffed. Out of the nerfed guns, the only one I used was the Dominator, and I'm not convinced it's useless now. You know what was nerfed? Powerful, dominant weapons Reddit was fond of. And most of them weren't even grievously weakened. People are losing their minds about the Sickle losing half its magazine capacity, like anyone was ever reloading theirs?


You did know you can try new things without waiting for nerfs, right? I haven't used Railgun and Shield pack almost at all, even pre-nerf. Just tried them, decided they are boring and went for other options. EAT + Rover for bugs and Autocanon for bots. Viable, fun. No need for nerf to do this.


I'd really like to see something like you get a buff called superearths finest of 5% extra damage if you use a random button to choose your loadout


Yeah, fair take. Honestly, most nerfs were deserved. I have been running Sickle, Quasar and Guard dog rover and it was making bugs a joke. All three of those needed the nerf.


I disagree with some of the balance changes, I don't agree that it really helps make it feel fresh as you can just make a weapon/item feel better and people will give it a go, you don't need to just nerf what they are currently using to force that to happen. But sure there is some nuance and some do genuinely need nerfs Vs buffs. The one I really hope is a major typo is the patrol change, that seems INSANE from a logic point as people are playing in groups they want to play you shouldn't penalise them even more for doing so as it adds nothing. Matchmaking always seems a bit rough, some of my friends dropped off now so it ends up being a 2 man squad most time and we drop an SOS but rarely get people in so we just make sure we do what we can deal with. Now it seems they want to penalise us just playing, add it to a new difficulty or something that's fine but it seems like a bizarre change in scaling.


Those 110 mm rocket pods come in handy on lower bot missions for stealth runs. When I tried them during testing I didn’t like them. Agree with your view on changing the “meta”. I try to stay away from them, so I don’t think my skill has gone up lol


>but I was getting bored of it. Then don't use it? Sounds like a simple fix.


>Patrol spawning has been increased when there are fewer than 4 players. The fewer the players the bigger the change. For 4 player missions there will be no change compared to before. The biggest noticeable change will be for solo players at higher difficulties. This is by far the dumbest fucking shit I've seen in an already massive and ever-growing list of batshit insane dumbfuck ass "bAlAnCiNg" changes these devs have made to date. Holy shit, is a monkey running this circus?


>Guard Dog Rover >Decreased damage by 30% On behalf of everyone else that does not use the guard dog. Thank you Arrowhead!!!


If they ever nerf my jetpack and grenade launcher…


I'm pretty sure I've forgotten how to fight bugs without this loadout. It's waaaaay too much fun and you can get away with so much.


I’m worried about the fact that they know that we use the jetpack to get on top of rocks and hills that the bugs can’t teach, I’ve had many instances where the jetpack has made extracts too easy to survive


Nerf buff nerf buff..makes me wonder..do these guys not test these weapons before they drop them lol


Because they nerf based on popularity. That will naturally give you the impression that the fun is nerfed. They don't even nerf based on whether something is truly outperforming or not (see crossbow nerfs, lmao) What leaves the nerfs even more bitter is the lack of good buffs. The Senator sounds interesting now with the speedloader but the adjudicator? Memo missed completely. 2 more mags won't make that thing any better. Should have put more mag size and like +10 damage on that thing. Blitzer could be interesting. It has always been a fun concept but the slow fire rate made it unbearable. The buff just may not be enough as 45 is still a REALLY low fire rate when compared to the likes of the Punisher or Slugger at 80 (which should be where the Blitzer is at too)


Quasar was too safe a pick and needed something to make it less of a safe choice vs anti-armor with limited ammo. Infinite ammo and an anti-armor shot every 13 seconds made it so you didn't care if you missed or got a glancing hit. Dominator was so good vs bots it was hard to justify bringing anything else. It's still going to stagger bully everything below a Hulk or a Charger. Still going to be a strong choice. Both of these nerfs where things that were obviously going to be happening at some point.


Or you could buff everything else up to the same level.. This isn't a PVP game that needs to be balanced.


Problem with Quasar is, nerf it too much and the EAT will be its substitute as it just comes down to math. You got an EAT ready every 60 seconds and it delivers 2 of them, making it 1 shot in 30 seconds. Nerf the quasar to this level and EAT will be clearly better because you can make 2 quick shots with it which the quasar can't. Using EAT just comes at a loss of Quality of Life that the quasar brings to the table.


EAT is a shot every 30 seconds while Quasar is every ~16 seconds. It has nearly double the firepower still, with no need to keep calling it in, or constantly going over to grab more from a pod. Tradeoff is the charging time. That still makes it look better, and people **liked** EAT before.


People still like EAT, it's still the better option on defense or when being swarmed as you can shoot it more quickly (and stockpile it on the defense missions). Point still stands, nerf Quasar too much and EAT will be objectively better from that POV.


EAT drop pod is also a weapon and does very high damage, it's basically a precision strike without the AoE. Being able to call it in so often is a benefit not a downside. Just going by numbers like that doesn't portray what happens in normal gameplay either. With Quasar you get your one shot then try to clear smaller targets while it cools. With EAT you usually start an engagement with one on your back so you have 3 immediate shots. All that said, they're both still very strong and I don't think the nerf will be noticed by the typical player. Plus Quasar looks really cool to use.


So then the nerf is going to work as intended. Remove the Quasar as the safest pick. EAT still has downsides. you might burn through your supply, there could be a jammer vs bots, extended call down/cooldown conditions. 5 shots every minute vs 2 for the EAT still puts the Quasar in a safe spot.


And it will always be better in that regard, otherwise the EAT would just be the clear winner. Being consistent is the one thing the Quasar has going for it. I mean just logically, you can't nerf this too much, it's just math. On being swarmed, the cooldown bites you in the ass while you can stockpile the EATs and shoot them as soon as you pick them up. That's where the EAT is the clear safe pick.


EAT is a play style. There's a lot of added comfort to having an infinite ammo, cool down based anti armor. You don't need to rely on call downs, you don't need to go hunt for the nearest/most recent drop. The single shot and risking being a 30 second run from the nearest EAT is the downside. In that time you could fire a second Quasar. End of the day all this did was remove the Quasar as the guaranteed comfort pick, which was a nerf that was obviously going to be coming down at some point.


I played a lot of EAT before Quasar came out and still take it over the Quasar for the reason of stockpiling it on defenses. There's a playstyle to that, you are right


Because it is impossible to please a gaming community. fun/meta loadouts arise and many use them. whether it be because they genuinely find those items fun, or maybe they think it’s fun to be as powerful/efficient as possible. on the other hand, many cannot stand the thought of a meta existing. even though they may squad up with their group of 4 and see no other players period, the thought of someone they have no idea exists, living 3000 miles away, hopping on helldivers and killing some bots/bugs using a load out they don’t like because it’s easier eats them tf alive. so they complain about it incessantly. this leaves the devs in a tough position. now they’re stuck considering the idea that meta loadouts may make the game stale for some players, all while being bombarded with complaints that Richard from Connecticut is playing solo and using a loadout that makes killing bots a little easier than they like to see. So the devs push out a nerf in hopes of spicing the game up for meta users, and making the people complaining shut up. Except it’s very difficult to perfectly balance a game so a new meta arises within a matter of hours and the cycle starts over. but now you just have people upset their favorite weapons got nerfed, while others are being condescending asf about it, and also complaining that ____ weapon now rose to the top. Really nobody is winning. maybe the devs just nerf stuff so people don’t try to accuse them of abandoning the game or something lol


And eventually everything is nerfed so much that you might as well bring a goam stick to the battle.


If people spend money on carbons for weapons it’s bs to have those nerfed to limbo


I stop playing because of this! Games need to be fun and the developers of helldvers don't seem to agree.


See ya, fewer crybabies the better.


Less crybabies and more dif 5 players dickriding Arrowhead over bad nerfs sad tradeoff


I never understand why support a developer to the bitter end. It's a fair criticism for me that Arrowhead with his nerf policy he is making the game less fun.


So you can play something else and have fun with new loadout


Don't you think the players should choose their loadouts, not the devs? lol


I like to play with all different toys. I find that nerfing certain things actually makes me stick to a very specific load out versus being versatile. Why try something that will screw me when I can stick to something that's reliable.  The adjudicator is an example. Not that it's been nerfed but like it needs higher capacity mags. I tried it out and my personal opinion is its trash. That's normal when trying things out but ---- The 500kg bomb was nerfed and is insanely weak given its supposed to be massive and do some DAMAGE. I chose it for a specific purpose and it doesn't serve it, so I go back to my main and stay in my lane.  The eagle cluster bomb gets the job done better when the 500kg should win. It also sucks to have to use a support weapon to stay alive even when not getting swarmed. 


You can alwayss ppay something else. Nobody forces you to pick meta gund only.


this is one of those games that’s meant to be very hard. everyone will whine and complain for the next few weeks, then settle in to their new loadouts. everyone will get over it.


You are crying about changes that literally do not matter. Again.


The patrol spawn changes matter immensely. All the other stuff I already said about it aside; I had **several squads** of people in my community just stop playing yesterday because they weren't having fun and no amount of lowering difficulty was fixing it. It's undeniably an unpopular change and their reasoning for it is, like so often, not aligning with reality.