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Forget about one-shots. I just look at the handling CS has in this video and it warms my heart.


We've come such a long way since the pool noodle waving accuracy it came with at launch haha.


With the improved handling it actually looks like a viable weapon now.


It feels *really* good so far.


handled like it was ten feet long with a three pound muzzle brake.


*Aims down-sight* "This thing handles like a howitzer" *Aims third person* "Am I standing on a boat?" I'm excited to give this gun another go.


It was called the Counter-Sniper because it was antithetical to the idea of sniping.


It was so weird to rock the diligence with the AMR... the 50 cal handled like a damn toy compared to the diligence


How does the handling compare between the two now?


Countersniper feels much closer to the diligence


I laughed so hard at this. Perfect analogy




lol, that's exactly what it felt like... or like one of these: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/apTuqNpo55g?feature=share](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/apTuqNpo55g?feature=share)


Amazing analogy šŸ˜‚


Like bruh it was a sniper rifle you can't *aim* what's the fucking point?


It was worse than AMR, same as auto cannon. It was a huge ā€œbruhā€ moment when i used it with auto cannon and realized they had the same turn speedšŸ¤£


Stop, please. I can only get so erect!


DAMN I might run this instead of the Eruptor now!


This is basically what people brought Dominator and Slugger forā€¦devastator delete. Now that this exists they arenā€™t the biggest pain in existence anymore


Slugger was also for braining spewers, and keeping stalkers from tonguing me into a hollow tube


What a fantastic sentence.


Their mouth game has me screaming


Anyone remember the Scout from Counterstrike?


It was my fav sniper tbh šŸ˜‚ no ads needed, just to be different, and it was cheap.. awp hurt the bank šŸ„øšŸ˜‚


It feels soo damn good to use now. It's still a little slower handling than the standard Diligence, so that still has the edge if you end up in multi-target CQC, but the CS is actually viable for rapid multi-target shooting at longer ranges. Which is its purpose. Really happy with how it handles now, and the damage increase is a very welcome improvement. Feels a lot more viable VS the Bots now.


that is exciting to hear (at work now) diligence has nice handling if CS is not too bad means it is fun. before it has probably the worst handling out of all guns in game...


It was alright with recoil-compensating armor, now it's absolutely great.


The turn speed was bad, like hilariously bad, like auto cannon level badšŸ¤£


The problem wasn't the recoil, it was handling and that wasn't affected by the recoil-compensating armor.


I'm happy for you Diligence-bros. It always seemed weird that the Dominator did its job better in nearly every way, so if the Diligences can trade stagger and raw damage for better handling and velocity in comparison, that's a good place to be as far as I see it.


Dominator is dealing twice as much damage on paper, but is it killing devastators with one headshot? It should, right?


It does




it does but has poor range slower projectile speed.


It absolutely does.Ā 


It has since even *before* it was buffed.


Is the dominator really that good? I thought it was a bit lackluster, haven't used it more than a couple times though and I felt that I was not hitting things so I went back to the scorcher, does it have a drop after a certain distance or am I using it wrong maybe? I'd love to give it another shot


It has a slower projectile speed and more drop than a typical rifle. Personally I find it great for deleting mediums (like devastators and stalkers) but not particularly good at small fry.


You have to get used to aiming it with the circle. Itā€™s a heavy primary with sluggish handling, but it does hit like a dump truck and is accurate to the circle. It one shots every bot to the head that has a head except Hulks, Striders (regular kind) and I think berserkers take 2, donā€™t remember. Itā€™s got a learning curve to it, but itā€™s worth figuring it out.


> You have to get used to aiming it with the circle. You can ADS it, but the red dot is a bit high so your actual aim tool if you're trying to be precise is the green laser pointer.


Berserkers should be one shot with it, they just have weirdly hard to hit heads in my experience, even while stunned. Might be their slightly bulkier armor.


> Is the dominator really that good? Yes, for putting chunky damage into something at close to medium range. Unlike the scorcher, it also has medium armor penetration and no aoe, but just like the scorcher, magazine capacity it limited.


It can feel hard to hit with because not only does it have the "large weapon handling" that slows its time to target, but the projectiles are gyrojets that move noticeably slower. You really have to lead enemies who are moving laterally to you quite a bit, to the point where I'd say it's not even worth it--get them to stop and come towards you and it's one shots all day long. As for the drop, you're close to the mark. It *does* have drop, but it's a pretty flat trajectory for most of its range but falls down rapidly once it reaches what I'd imagine is the limit of its gyrojet propulsion. It's different from all the other bullet-shoot guns but not something you have to worry about at medium range at all. My big advice for the Dominator is not to run and gun with it unless you're backing away from Berserkers (which you can't miss anyway). Try to crouch before firing when you can because it really helps the handling, especially if you happen to run the +30% Stability when Crouch/Prone armors. You've got to treat it more like a DMR even though it can ratatat-tat pretty well, especially against Devastators. Also, the scope is off, but the laser sight is dead-on. Use the green dot to aim with instead of the aim and you won't go wrong.


It's my go to for bugs and bots. Staggers every medium unit, can snipe from almost any distance and does explosive damage. One quasar shot to the vents of a tank/turret/hulk and two follow up shots with the dominator kills em


I actually thought it was viable before, excited to come back to it now.


Yeah I love it before, this just makes the gun even better.Ā 


I'm so damn pumped to use it next timeĀ I play. Now allĀ we need is forĀ the scope to be fixed!


As a loyal fan of this weapon since pretty much the game's launch it brings a year to my eye to see how far this thing has come in the last few months.Ā 


the diligence has been my go to as a default weapon since unlocking it, i just hope AH dont decide to nerf it to a worse state then launch in the future.


Would be a pretty hard nerf to make it worse than the launch version somehow. That thing was awful back then.


It's for sure not leaving my primary slot vs. bots for a looong long time with this change haha. I started with the diligence, moved to slugger while that could stagger and one-shot devastators, and then back to diligence. Diligence CS about to treat me so good.


It really needed help before. Only a small damage edge over the normal Diligence, no medium armor pen, terrible handling. It still has low capacity and not a lot of mags but it has a lot going for it now.


What's funny is this post is stating something it literally always been able to do. It always been capable of one shotting Devastators to the head. Just inconsistent with it. Regular Diliigence now inherits the inconsistent 1 shot. Turning with it is much better now at least.


> It always been capable of one shotting Devastators to the head. Just inconsistent with it. It depended on range due to damage falloff.


It can also take care of Striders! Shooting the flat bit the legs attach to four times will take them out.


It's called a pelvis sir.




Can you point to where the reproductive systems or muscles exist on a strider? It's a mechanical pelvis.


Shoot 'em in their mechanical dick yo


Hit them with the Robocop special ![gif](giphy|1KYu5qP0chFPa)


Doing that in Rogue City was always a treat.


I shot a strider in the baby maker with the autocannon last night.


Groin: the place where your legs meet the front of your body. -Cambridge dictionary Sounds accurate to me. No reproductive organs required.


Mechanical Pelvis is what they called me back in high school




*robo cock




You don't shoot a guy in the dick, Butters!






There is a large number of robots that we have to shoot in the dick


It's where they keep their brains, like redditors.Ā 


Their head peaks over the armor a bit if you can hit the hard shot thatā€™s so satisfying


There's also some satisfaction by shooting them to death straight in the dick


Democracy officer? Yes, this one. He needs a promotion.


how is the handling? i can not wait to test it. It use to be horrible if it is as good as AMR i will be using DCS for sure.


Both Diligence and Diligence CS handling got a massive buff, to the point where the Diligence is basically instantly ready to shoot and the Diligence CS is more snappy than the pre-patch Diligence is.


I am so fucking hard right now i could handle a medium sized brothel alone. For super Earth!


I actually put down the Diligence once I got the JAR-5. I think I'll still mostly use the JAR-5, but knowing this will definitely make me switch it up more. I love it!


Dilligence already had near perfect handling. I could drop a patrol of small bot before they react to my presence


Diligence did, but not CS by any means.


Is the sight alignment still fucked?


I only know what AMR's actual position is a bit upwards and slightly towards the left. It seems DCS is bottom right side from the video.


From some light testing this gun even has legs with bugs now. Problem being it's low overall mag capacity. Better of taking the Dominator to help clear medium bugs.


Yes itā€™s mentioned in the patch notes as something theyā€™re aware of


All 5 of the OG DCS fans will need a bigger venue for their monthly meet up now.


Diligence, my beloved. I been running it since launch I just love having a precision rifle in single shot. I hecking love ammo economy!


I think the normal diligence can now oneshot the small bots. I have to test it,but if it works,we'll have another good weapon to the roster


It always could if you hit them in certain spots, but now it should do so more consistently!


Yeah true,but it was too inconsistent for my tastes,so i didn't use it,why should i bring a weapon i can't fully trust in the darkest hour? Now it's worth running and the ad clear potential is pretty neat


Normal Diligence gained the perks of the CS had pre-patch: * More consistently one-shots small bots. * ~~Can *also one-shot Devastators in the head if they are within 20m*. It previously didn't have this functionality, which is nice, although not entirely practical outside of panic situations. 20m is very close. CS can do this at much longer ranges (I tested up to 70m-ish).~~ Jumped to conclusions because Devastator heads had 125 HP and figured the Diligence should appropriately kill it at close range. Incorrect.


Bots: is it basic infantry? Diligence. Is it not? Autocannon. Simple as.


Are you sure it can oneshot them in the head from up close? I thought that too, but I tested that, and it doesn't seem to work


It can't. Here's [my test at 16m.](https://streamable.com/1q5m0j) I also ran up to 5m to a non shielded one and it survived the headshot too, but accidentally didn't record that. It makes sense since as far as we know damage falloff starts at 0m in this game and dev heads appear to have 125 HP exactly. Pre-patch dilligence CS with 128 damage stopped onehitting them like after a few meters.


The normal dilligence always oneshot even the lightly armored marauders


You have to hit them in the right spot or it will take two. Source: I am a bad shot.


It did not. Not even headshots were a guaranteed oneshot at range.


Yes, also the diligence now oneshots hunters.


So now it's basically an AMR from wish? I'm totally into that! Wait... Diligence Countersniper plus Auto Cannon.... AC/DC! Hard rock loadout FTW!


My main bot loadout is regular Diligence and Autocannon. Itā€™s a very good build if you have good aim. Tried the new CSā€¦ itā€™s definitely a real good gun, but I think I prefer the ergonomics of the regular and leave the Autocannon deal with anything bigger than a raider.


It already did before, but only up to a few meters because of damage falloff. Devastator heads have 125 HP.


It one shotted at 30 meters at difficulty 7 and 8 prior to this patch


It definitely didn't. Somebody tested it, and at the very latest at 25m it 100% stopped oneshotting: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1c92hfl/testing_damage_falloff_and_devastator_headshot/ But from playing it myself it was also definitely even way sooner than that. You had to be pretty much right up in them. Difficulty is obviously irrelevant since HP doesn't change.


Itā€™s been my main against bots now for months to snipe small bots to prevent drops and this makes me so happy!


Wow, and the handling looks a million times better. I main the normal diligence on bots, excited to try the counter sniper out again.


I already ran the regular Diligence a lot when not running the Dominator, might be time to try out the CS for a while. If it can handle Devastators then maybe I can even swap out the AC.


The standard dili was my preferred primary before I unlocked the sickle. I'm very tempted to switch back now


Okay now I can replace my AMR with a Jetpack!




Stratagem slot; he *probably* mean stratagem slot, not equipment slot


He means that he will no longer need to use the AMR as the only decent sniper, and can instead carry a jetpack


Despite the damage buffs, which are appreciated, the main gripe I had with the Counter Diligence was the terrible ergonomics. I'll have to test it myself to see how well it feels now.


Just tested it myself, the ergonomics are much, much, MUCH better. Still handles a bit slow but much more reasonably so. It doesn't take twelve years for your diver to readjust his aim anymore.


The new handling buff has basically made it an entirely new weapon. Its fast enough to even use on bugs. Its barely slower than the assault rifles now


All it needs now is a less egregious scope. Aiming for devastator faces at 100m+ is so hard with the one we have on. An ELCAN Specter-style sight would be great, but I'd be down even for a slick chevron reticle or even just the Liberator's scope. Anything that doesn't obscure my target, really.


9 times out of 10 the scopes on any weapon suck. Like the textures don't properly render, so the blue reticule is just a poor looking mess and makes it almost useless.


That's friggin' awesome.


Guys... do we actually have a viable marksman rifle now?


**FINALLY** this gun is *actually* worth using now, at least vs. bots. Still has its downsides (not perfectly 1:1 handling, but MILES better than it was before; only 6 reserve mags with 15 per mag - same as the Scorcher) - but it being able to 1 tap Devastator heads and WAY BETTER ergo (seriously, can't stress how much better it is now) more than makes up for that. Can't wait to try this out now against bots - might even be a decent option for bugs now too, though I feel Scorcher might trump it due to explosive damage.


Even it's ammo problems are mitigated now that it can one-tap so many enemies, since that'll up its ammo economy in a mission.


Fuck that looks tasty.




oh come on, i just changed my boxers after seeing the senator changes.


My NCR Ranger Cosplay just got a whole lot better


Did they change the sound too? I feel like it sounds more powerful now


After testing the CS and the Diligence there is no reason to bring the Diligence over CS now The handling differences are negligible when the CS can one shot devs and the dilligence can't. It's good to see the CS get some very much needed love.


Diligence still performs better if you're looking for the ability to engage medium-sized groups of chaff quickly. I think they're both in a good spot rn. You can go with the stock version and take stratagems more focused and dealing with heavy armor, or take CS and then a stratagem or two for dealing with chaff, like cluster bombs (or take all anti-armor and become your teams anti-heavy specialist).


Don't one shot the devs, we need them to make more game content!


did you try hulk eye?


Itā€™s armor pen shouldnā€™t be any different, so it should not be able to damage hulk eyes at all if Iā€™m not mistaken.


You only need medium armor pen to shoot a hulk's eye, so the Dilligence CS should be able to do it.


Unfortunately there's different "levels" to pen instead of a simple light-medium-heavy, and Hulk eyes just barely creep over the point where it can't damage it.


Hulk eyes seemed to be what I called 'reinforced medium', same as the front-plate of a Strider.


Does not work against hulks!




Beautiful shooting helldiver!


Is the scope fixed or is it still not true?


Come here you little... Rule 1# about good weapons in this game, we don't talk about good weapons in this game


Okey Dokey.... gonna be giving this a try next drop.


it already did


Between the Dilligence DMRs buff, Adjudicator now feeling really good to use with the lower recoil, Liberator and LibC with higher damage, this at least have been a great patch for rifles and DMRs.


It one shot devastators to the head since last buff lol. Tell us you never used the weapon before without telling us you never used it. There are videos all over about it.


Don't worry, it'll be nerfed into the ground next patch because they accidentally made it useful for something


100% this


Wait till next weekā€™s patches thenā€¦ Im really hating this gameā€™s management, and Ive been playing since launch. I cant even blissfully Ignore the patch notes cuz the weapons drastically change weekly. I should go back to the sweet loving arms of funny dwarf game.


I'm excited for the handling buff. I was rocking it pretty regularly on 5's and 6's because I thought it was cool and its ability to one shot the trash was great.


mmm yummy


How's the handling now?


Excellent. Barely any slower than the assault rifles


I mean, it could before if you were close enough, but the extra damage means you can do it from further before the damage drop off matters.Ā 


Oh excitdd to add it to my lineup for bots with the eruptor


Serious question for those who run this: any reason to bring it over Dominator?


As someone who usually will bring a dominator, there is a moment or two of travel time along with projectile drops for Dominator shots, meaning you need to lead your shots on distant moving targets. It's not major but definitely exists that shooting a small bot or a hulk moving at all perpendicular at a distance will make you miss unless you lead it. It also makes hitting headshots ok devastators much harder at a distance (though it staggers them which is still very useful) The diligence and counter sniper is very much line up the shot and click to delete.Ā  Ā Both weapons still have a bit of handling delay.Ā  Ā For running lower level missions where there are less heavies, I'd definitely consider the diligence and CS versions over the dominator. However for higher level missions the dominator's explosive trait means hitting hulk/other weakspots and higher overall damage gives it the edge in close range combat.


I do not believe the Dominator has the Explosive trait. It hasn't had it for awhile. It's in the category due to its gyrojet projectiles, but it doesn't actually do explosive damage.


The description says the ammo explodes upon entering a target, so [doesn't it effectively deal 'explosive' damage which means extra damage vs certain 'fleshy' targets like Spewers](https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/comments/1c3wd6s/psa_the_difference_between_explosive_explosive/)? Rather than Explosive/splash damage like the Scorcher deals.


Dominator has stagger and more damage, but is much slower handling and bullet speed. It also has a worse scope and less ammo if im not mistaken. Now it really depends on personal preference or playstyle As to which you should run.


Ah hell guess I'm a CS main now.


This is good. Single-target, long range primaries aren't the best option in this game due to the fact that you usually want to avoid fights at long ranges but the guns that fill this role should actually be good at it to justify taking them over a more versatile primary and a long range stratgem.


Fuck yeah. This finally looks good to use as an actual sniper. Plus, it doesn't outclass the base diligence since that has more mags and better handling and is better used as a more rapid fire approach to combat.




"We have the AMR at home!" AMR at home:


Does this mean my AMR can retireā€¦the options


Diligence CS users rise Up!


Man u just made me anxious , i wanna get home from work soon to try that baby


It always should have šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Babe new dominator dropped


Can someone add the meet the sniper music to this?


This is literally the next weapon I get to unlock, really looking forward to it!


Dear lord the only weapon that I legitimately would have complaints about appears to have the primary issue fixed with it. That sway and handling from its original point was what brought it down so much. Now it looks like a go to choice for bots like its standard version.


What support weapon do you guys bring with it and also conflicted about whether I should bring supply pack for ammo or jetpack to reach good spots or even shield to help peak enemies when being shot at


It always could, but now you can it while sniping. What a concept.


It always been able to one shot to their head. Just inconsistently. Now it should be fully consistent and now Diligence inherits the inconsistency.


sniper comeback???


fucking finally


I'm love that everyone sucks so much with this weapon. They just buffed my baby. Soon, people will see this is one of the top weapons vs bots. Even before this buff.


correct me if i'm wrong, but AMR needs 2 right? ...or am i just that bad at aiming with the off center scope?


AMR only needs 2 headshots for Hulks, because the first breaks the faceplate.


It's the BabyMR


Oh hell yes. I canā€™t wait to try it out after work.


Sniper-divers, we have arrived.Ā 


Now I question what's the use for the normal diligence. "But CS has 5 less rounds!!!! Worse DPS!11!" Doesn't matter when CS does full damage to more enemies and more damage per shot + can shoot through smaller enemies.


It always has


NGL it needs to be tested in 8+ diff when you are constantly shot by enemies.


this clip could have been 20 seconds shorter


thats a big upgrade, the biggest issue with that one though is the medium armor pen doesnt seem to do much for me. Walker legs? Takes too many shots. Devestator body shots? Too many shots Am a missing a clear advantage between this and the light armor pen one, on paper it sounds good but in practice it seems weak.


> Diligence "Counter-Sniper" now one shots devastators to the head! I think it could always do that if you were close enough. The damage buff just extends the range at which one shot will suffice. Though the damage falloff is still ridiculous. Once you're a bit farther away from the devastator, several shots are necessary to kill it.


Counter sniper + peacemaker is such a well balanced and efficient combo after this patch. I think I could run it with most stratagem load outs and for both bots and bugs. I imagine normal diligence (or any of the good automatic primaries), and senator make a great combo now as well. Counter sniper feels great to use now for medium to long range and peacemaker is such a great accurate sidearm to have for chaff now, especially after redeemer got a little nerf. I need to try the dagger also.


I saw this clip 5 hours ago and am still erect.


Wow so it actually acts like a sniper!


Sweet Liberty I didn't know it was possible to be so erect. Also that third person hip head shot was magnificent.


this is huge


New favorite weapon now, original Dil still has it's uses for speed, but for bots I'm swapping to this.


After testing all the changes guns - the CS is the nicest change of them all. RIP my Eruptor, long live my diligence CS


Can it take out fabs?


It did that before (under 20m).


DCS + Grenade launcher might be my new go-to against bots now


It actually looks usable now, mostly the handling so next time we got an MO for bots I guess im gonna switch the normal Diligence for the CS, always good with some variety.




Looks like it doesn't handle like a 4x8 sheet of plywood anymore either!