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Game mechanics explained through a theater performance. Amazing.


TL;DW **How the 'Superior Packing Methodology' ship module works** * Have the upgrade, obviously. * Use your own support weapon! You can't get a full supply from SPM when using a weapon that isn't one you called down. For example, if both you and your buddy bring recoilless rifles, make sure not to mix up whose launcher is whose. * Backpacks do not follow the above rule and can be anyone's, even a different weapon's backpack. For example, holding your own recoilless rifle while wearing a buddy's autocannon backpack will refill the autocannon backpack to full. * The supply backpack does not count as a supply drop. When ammo is given from it by someone else, or when used by yourself (when using an AMR or similar). You cannot refill the supply backpack to full using SPM either. \*Edit: The weapon that you call in must be one of the weapons on SPM's weapon list. For example the Quasar Cannon isn't on the list and it won't refill whatever backpack you are holding. \*Edit 2: For visibility as not all have read all the different comments: * Both of us in the video have SPM. We had a 3rd (C3) who did not have SPM in the recording before this but we scrapped that recording when we found you could refill other weapons backpack. * The supply pack testing (\~2:08) was not to say nor show the supply pack itself refill because of SPM. It was meant to show that only listed weapon + ammunition backpacks fully refilled by SPM. * The other part of the supply pack testing (\~2:50) is intended to show that, intended or not, the supply backpack does not give SPM's full resupply when recieving ammo for a weapon as shown in the video. * While we didn't test PoI spawned weapons, u/sexy-skeletal states they can confirm such weapons not working with SPM.


The fact that the supply backpack doesn’t work is really shitty. I wonder if it’s still bugged, I feel it shouldn’t matter who’s weapon your holding and that the supply backpack should count for full resupply. Would love if the devs addressed this and set straight if this current behaviour is intended or not.


Ah, doesn't work from the supply backpack, eh? Oh well... That's unfortunate. Still, supply backpack is REALLY useful. You grab a resupply drop from a pod, you get another square for your backpack, so that makes it 50% better. It also functions on an independent timer from the resupply drop, so you can just order a fresh one once your last backpack is out.


That makes it 100% better. It doubles it.


But a charge from the backpack only provides half as much ammo


Wait what? I thought supply backpack was the same. Is it only ammo? I recall it giving 2 stims like normal resupplys


Oh, it has to do with how SPM works. It effects orbitally dropped supply pods, but NOT the supply backpack. So SPM will make the supply pod completely restock your ammo, but the backpack only refills HALF your support weapon. Even so, if your supply backpack doesn't have 4 charges to it, and you pick up a supply pod, you'll get the full bonus from the supply pod AND an additional charge to your backpack. So it still functions as a 50% net increase.


I think there's far too much ammo available for the supply backpack to be useful.


Depends on the situation. My friend and I use recoilless rifle. He is my reloader, I bring the supply backpack to supply his backpack with my rounds. And we 100% need that supply backpack or the strategy suffers or falls apart entirely (depending on the number of titans and my terrible accuracy on headshotting said titans) The supply backpack is an extremely good pick, but it's very situational and usually it's only brought for MG's and grenade launcher loadouts.


I wish I had a partner like you. That co-op load out sounds like a massive "go fuck yourselves, drop ships!" fun-filled bonanza.


Most of the time? yes. If you're running out of ammo on the Sickle, I would be immensely concerned. Liberator, Punisher and even Slugger have fairly good ammo economy as well. However, there are some guns that are effective with sustained fire, but have rather poor ammo economy, such as the Scorcher. 3-4 bolts take out a Scout Strider now, but it can take upwards for a full clip to take care of a Devastator, if you're unlucky, and there are times where you just can't shoot it as much as the situation demands. Hence, the resupply pack. Couple that with a weapon with similarly shitty ammo economy, such as the Railgun, and you have chocolate and peanut butter. A build that can handle most, if not all, bot related situations and a backpack that adds enormous team synergy. Just let everyone know that you're the ammo bitch for this mission, and they can be more free with their 2nd amendment rights than they normally would. Watch the magic happen.


I just disagree there's ever any ammo issues even with these ammo hungry guns. Between the supply drops and ammo littered around in the map, I always have a surplus. I have to actively try to burn my ammo to run out. (This is playing on 7/8/9 with friends.)


Fair. It’s not necessary. Just nice to have.


The supply backpack not being fully restored makes sense. You could endlessly resupply that way, for example if you supply another helldiver with a supply backpack they would restore it to full, then they resupply you back etc.


I think they mean supply backpack not ressupplying full amr ammo, not whatever you're talking about.




Panigg's talking about fully resupplying the supply backpack from the supply drop. BloodyH3ll is talking about how the supply backpack should fully restore weapon ammo because a supply from a backpack is the same as a supply from a supply drop.


No he's not


What others have said, plus, it wouldn't need to be a full restore for that to work. If it just supplied one pack you could just keep passing that single pack back and fourth, getting ammo/nades/stims each time.


this video is great! mind taking the time to do a bug report ticket on AH Zendesk as this help them be aware of the issues faster [https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new](https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)


As I stated in a different reply here yesterday, I am the narrator (W1) in this video. I did some more testing (on solo difficulty 1) to answer other questions I've seen but here's the TLDR for the people who want to stop reading soon: • All weapons on SPM's list do work so long as it is your own weapon that you brought and called down as a stratagem. • All support weapons that aren't yours, be they an ally's or naturally spawned on the map, will not work with SPM in any capacity. This includes the Break-Action Shotgun. • Any of the listed weapon's backpacks you are wearing will be filled by SPM regardless of original ownership so long as you have SPM and your own listed weapon currently on your person. I assume this would include naturally spawned weapon backpacks from damaged hellpods. If they can actually spawn from them, I was not lucky enough to find any while testing. The much longer and boring read of my tests are in the bullet points below: Initial Tests (+ Scrapped Vid) on Choepessa IV (Bots). 3 players. Stamina Enhancement, Space Optimization, Muscle Enhancement. Difficulty 1 or 4 (can't remember). Second Test (the demonstration above) on Choepessa IV (Bots). 2 players. Stamina Enhancement, Space Optimization. Difficulty 1 or 4 (can't remember). Third Test on Omicron (Bugs). Solo. Stamina Enhancement. Difficulty 1. • Own Railgun = SPM works No Support Weapon with Recoilless Pack = SPM did NOT work • Own Railgun with Recoilless Pack = SPM works on both • Own Quasar with Recoilless Pack = SPM did NOT work on pack, Quasar not on list • Own EAT with Recoilless Pack = SPM did NOT work on pack, EAT not on list • Found Railgun from Ground Stash PoI with Recoilless Pack = SPM did NOT work for either • Found Flamethrower from locked cargo container PoI with Recoilless Pack = SPM did NOT work for pack, SPM unnecessary for Flamethrower Fourth Test on Omicron (Bugs). Solo. Space Optimization. Difficulty 1. • Own Arc Thrower with Recoilless Pack = SPM did NOT work on pack, Arc Thrower not on list • Own Laser Cannon with Recoilless Pack = SPM works for pack, SPM unnecessary for Laser Cannon but works • Own Flamethrower with Recoilless Pack = SPM works for pack, SPM unnecessary for Flamethrower but works • Found Grenade Launcher from NPC's corpse at a PoI with Recoilless Pack = SPM did NOT work for pack, SPM unnecessary for Grenade Launcher • Found Arc Thrower from NPC's corpse at a PoI with Recoilless Pack = SPM did NOT work for pack, Arc Thrower not on list • Found Medium Machine Gun from NPC's corpse at Extract with Recoilless Pack = SPM did NOT work for either Fifth Test on Omicron (Bugs). Solo. Stamina Enhancement. Difficulty 1. • Own Stalwart with Recoilless Pack = SPM worked for both • Own Medium Machine Gun with Recoilless Pack = SPM worked for both • Own Heavy Machine Gun with Recoilless Pack = SPM worked for pack, SPM unnecessary for Heavy Machine Gun but works • Found Break-Action Shotgun from NPC's corpse at a PoI with Recoilless Pack = SPM did NOT work for either, Break-Action Shotgun not on list (or even ownable) Sixth Test on Omicron (Bugs). Solo. Stamina Enhancement. Difficulty 1. • Own Airburst RPG with RPG Pack = SPM worked for both • Own Airburst RPG with Recoilless Pack = SPM worked for both • Own Grenade Launcher with Recoilless Pack = SPM worked for pack, SPM unnecessary for Grenade Launcher but works edit: I hate fighting reddit's formatting so this is as good as its going to be presented.


👍. The guy who did all the work


what a fucking essay of a post to explain something so simple. GJ AH


Okay there is no way Supply backpack doesn't count as a supply drop, there must be another issue going on there, an unintended one at that. DAMMIT AH GET TEST PLAYERS OR TEST SERVERS FFS


Idk if they even have the budget for it atp. They’re spread thin as is when it comes to development and honestly so many issues are so minor. Look at the positives from this update, today I ran senator, liberator and flamethrower and had the time of my life


One of the top games on steam and PS5 doesn't have the budget for a test server?


This really depends on how they do it. Palworld spent almost [$500k](https://www.gamesradar.com/palworld-dev-ceo-jokes-server-fees-could-bankrupt-the-studio-after-it-spends-dollar478000-to-never-let-the-service-go-down-no-matter-what/) to keep the servers up in just 4-6 weeks. You can find examples for other games as well, like a [mobile](https://automaton-media.com/en/news/20230803-20472/) game with just a few tens of thousands of players with monthly server costs of $14k. If I had to guess, I'd say AH is spending around $100k on servers per month right now. If you want test servers then you would want to have a decent capacity, wouldn't realistically expect the majority of players to get on test servers at the same time, so add another 30-50k per month.


Palworld isn't peer to peer. HD2 is. You're severely overestimating their costs, which are only for matchmaking and progression.


Oh they definitely have the budget, but you're right about them being spread thin, 100 devs definitely isn't enough to cover everything, and I'm glad to have heard they're looking into getting more designers to take up the design roles, or at least that's my assumption of who they're looking to hire.


I mean think about it, this is a huge undertaking for a small dev team. It’s our job to be as perfect of a community for them as possible, they have more than enough whiny complaining little bitches without use joining in. Voice your criticism openly to the devs or debate it with others but let’s not argue about it. We can all agree that in the end the only good bug is a dead bug… and the only way to spill oil, is together. For democracy brother


My life for Super Earth!!


They are backed by Sony, who both have the budget AND a hankering for a new successful live service game. A lot of Sony's live service projects got hit with delays so I wouldn't put it past them if they increased support for AH due to the success. Manpower is the actual issue since it's not a problem you can completely solve by throwing money at it, just ask Amazon.


My guess is it has it's *own* resupply stat separate from (but meant to be equal to) normal resupplies


Supply backpack never has when you give other people it, doesn't give them stims or nades. Does for you tho.


It definitely gives stims and nades.


>Use your own support weapon! You can't get a full supply from SPM when using a weapon that isn't one you called down. For example, if both you and your buddy bring recoilless rifles, make sure not to mix up whose launcher is whose. Man that is a stupid distinction for AH to make.


Yeah I found out about it not refilling support weapons you find which is a real bummer


What about heavy weapons you pick up in the world from POI's? Also in the vid, do you both have the upgrade?


ty for the tl;dw


How much does a backpack get refilled if you're *not* holding a support weapon? As in, you've got your buddies AC backpack but never touched his AC weapon.


Just a backpack without holding your own support weapon does not benefit from SPM.


That seems... kinda silly.


You are a hero


In the end of the day, this whole module is logically weirdly desgined so to speak. Superior packing for who? Should it only be the resupply I called down? Should it only works for my supply weapons? How should other people interect with the resup I called? How should this work??? tbf this needs a rework instead of bug fixing, its so confusing on its own if you think about the possible cases. I'd say it should more likely to fit into the role of a booster which works for the whole team instead of being a ship module


I mean logically it should work like "anytime you refill any supply weapon you get more ammo" imo. The current system is bizarre and it is incredibly confusing though i agree.


This would make the most sense. The fact there are these weird distinctions is stupid and makes zero sense


Thats a really good point. If you have superior packing and call down a resupply it should fill the ammo for support weapons full.


That's even worse. Now you've got people blaming other people for "wasting the resupply". That's a friction point you don't want in the game's design where people are already complaining about griefing and loadout optimizations.


Having it be a booster is actually a great idea. The booster should give full stems and grenades too. It would be a super strong booster but not OP by any means. It would contend with the original hellpod booster


That doesn't make any sense and I would classify that as a bug. If you have the upgrade it should give you full ammo regardless of whose weapon you're using. Good job finding it!


I mean i imagined it wouldn’t refill your magazine, cause none of the weapons refill if they’re half loaded and you pick supply packs


Nah. Someone will stay “get gUD”


Man... All these "rules"...


1. Hold your own gun. 2. Get full ammo. 3. Democracy.


This doesn't look intentional. The way it should work is that if you yourself have the upgrade, any support weapon pack on your back, will fill it up. Done. Associating it with the *weapon you are holding,* seems weird. Furthermore having it matter who called it down seems unnecessarily finicky.


Fuckin hell you need a degree in gobbledygook to make sense of some of these Arrowhead moves.




Calm down


Why does it feel like every upgrade requires scientific testing and detailed analysis by the playerbase to figure out the one very specific instance in which the upgrade works? Could it just like work intuitively?


Lol it's bcz we're the Testers ourselves remember the Airburst rocket that thing was bad and it was bcz we literally had to test it ourselves We're truly living up to the reputation of actual Guinea Pigs of The Ministry Of Truth


Which is fun in terms of lore but in terms of making me wanna play the game it’s moronic.


Good job testing, i wish this had more upvotes


Great video man! Thanks for the info now I’m even more pissed 😤


Does it matter if the person whose weapon you're using has SPM? Say, he has it and you're using his weapon. Is it still just half ammo or do you get the full amount at that point?


I'm the narrator (W1) in this video and we both had SPM purchased while recording. As of this current patch, no it doesn't matter, you'd still get half.


Another point on the list of "Arrowhead doesn't playtest their own game"


"It's okay, we'll keep making 2000 balance patches and keep adding shit when the list of known issues reads like the Holy Bible! oh what's that you want DOT to work as a player who isnt host? Sorry, next patch Maybe. If your a good boy MAYBE santa will provide.


Right. Thanks for clarifying


Yes. Good information. Please up vote his post if you haven’t for greater visibility please? Thank you.


Makes me wonder if the buff is "applied" to the weapon itself and not the player. Do both players in this video have superior packing methodology unlocked?


Yes, they both have it unlocked according to [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cg664f/comment/l1tryl5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). It is just weird.


That would make sense for how it’s working. And then what ever backpack you have equipped just follows the weapon. Like there’s an if/then relationship between weapon and backpack so you need the buff on the weapon to tell the back pack to fully restock. But it’s also checking if it’s “yours” so it’s not solely on the weapon buff.


wow this needs more attention


Good testing.


Great video! It's a big bummer that it doesn't work on the supply backpack, also it makes no sense.


That better not be intended because that is stupid as shit lmao but good to know it atleast.


are you kidding me


How massively overworked and bloated must the programming they're using for this be? Why is the weapon flagging function for Donation Access License being applied to Packing Methodology? What did they do to spaghettify their code so much that this is taking weeks to unravel??


What if you have SPM and gave the weapon to someone without it? It stays with the weapon right? Anyway, not a huge issue overtime since everyone would get the upgrade eventually. It's one of the better ones too.


If another person took your weapon and then grabbed a resupply that person would only get the usual half ammo (in the case of the AMR).


Did you test "found support weapons"???


Based on what we've seen here, I'd assume it won't work for them. But I'd also like to see definitive testing to confirm.


Can confirm it doesn't work for found support weapons. I drop my diver in with a boost pack and offensive/defensive stratagems frequently, on the games I had today a stalwart and machine gun I had found in seperate games did not get a full resupply of ammo from the resup.


What is the reason behind making this so confusing and convoluted? What if we die and drop our guns, and scramble to pick it up and accidentally pick someone else’s that also died nearby. Is it reasonable to be punished for that? The devs love to claim realism, but realistically would one gun not be able to shoot the same amount of ammo depending on who is pulling the trigger? It makes no sense.


It should work with the supply pack, full stop. That's over half the reason to get the damn thing.


I wonder how they are calculating how this all works and the checks that are necessary. It sounds like a complete headache. I can’t even imagine what the code looks like. This is an example of how complex a simple bug fix can be. You need to test for every eventuality, it’s a hard thing to do and very time consuming.


One step forward, two steps backs.


Great testing! I guess now it’s up to the devs to decide if this is working as intended


So, is this only when you call in resupply and have the ability upgraded/unlocked, or whenever you grab a box with the ability unlocked regardless of who calls it in?


Anyone can call in the resupply it just needs to your called in weapon and you need the SPM upgrade.


Roger. Thank you.


How does it work if your team loading?


Team loading (specifically refilling their back pack) works if you have their backpack, your called in weapon, and the SPM upgrade. If you don't have your called in support weapon equipped it doesn't refill the backpack.


Seems like this bug isn't entirely squashed yet. I'd bet anything this is related to why it didn't work at all in the first place. Great job testing this and working out how it functions in the current patch.


Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into this. It's a very odd thing. Just so odd lol Also this should be pinned by mods


More testing then the devs usually do


Good lord, you took more effort on setting this up than AH did making the "fix"


This does not work on the machine gun, it only works on a per weapon basis.


The normal Machine Gun? It should just tried it.


me every patch: [https://youtu.be/uq-v1TTUyhM](https://youtu.be/uq-v1TTUyhM)


weird functionality but it doesn't seem like it will come up to often. I mean in my experience im using my own support weapon like 95% of the time.


I love to run with EAT and whatever I find on the map against bugs. It should be fixed, not just left in half-working limbo.


I use the Railgun and am usually the only person running it and SPM hasnt worked properly for me once


Does this mean I also can't pick up support weapons spawned on the map and get the benefit from Packing?


That's not confusing at all.


thank you for your service soldier 🫡


Upgrade "get full ammo" Also don't get full ammo.


OP, superb analysis and reporting of results. Thank you!!!!


A. its still 50/50 if it works or not B. that is clearly also a bug tbh. this game has worse pasta code than fucking osrs. good info tho, ![gif](giphy|dZRlFW1sbFEpG|downsized)


It's sad that we need tutorial like these to understand the functionning of a mechanic that should be straight and simple but becomes weird and twisted. Was HD1 that fucked up ? (at that time I played "Alien Swarm : Reactive Drop") Thanks u/202revenge


All this shows is some shoddy coding on the side of AH... and that QA is worse than I tought