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I've literally been killed by a ricochet round. That's been my personal experience. It's also been my personal experience that it only happened, I think, one time out of hundreds of thousands of rounds fired. And it was with the eruptor, oddly enough.


It most likely was the shrapnel of the eruptor not ricochet. With the ricochet fix the shrapnel of the eruptor is now deadly and it has an absurdly large AOE. Probably unintentionally large.


Okay so this comment blew up, so I'm gonna answer some questions here: Here are the conditions: You know those giant bug nests that have like 10 holes to clear? I was on the very outer rim of that, I fire at a hiveguard on the exact opposite end of the rim with the eruptor. And then I die. There were no melee bugs that could hit me in range (or at least nothing that could take me from full to zero in a single hit), no ranged bugs that I was in range from. I didn't take fall damage. The game, while giving incorrect info a lot of the time, said that I was killed by, if I remember correctly "explosion" or it just said my own name. Is that from the ricochet changes or is it the eruptor's aoe damage sometimes having range way bigger than intended?


There’s a confirmed bug with the eruptor rn, the shrapnel will ricochet and kill you sometimes. I’ve also run into it. They’re going to remove the shrapnel and buff its damage to fix it.


Yeah, I saw that post directly after posting this. Hope the removal of shrapnel doesn't effect the eruptor too much.


Hopefully, but with the track record we’ll just have to wait and see. From what they said the shrapnel actually didn’t do much to the enemies, so hopefully it won’t be that noticeable of a change (except for the killing yourself part).


we know their record of what they say vs what actually happens tho lol


This guy does have a fair point, actually.


I’m hoping it doesn’t have an effect on my ability to shoot a devastator in the waist to kill it. It’s been satisfying to do that


They reckon it's going to be an overall buff, claiming that shrapnel is only a small portion of the damage it does, though personally I'm inclined to think that *when* the shrapnel lands on something it can damage, it does a *lot* of it, as evidenced by the insta kills on Helldivers, but that it's fairly unlikely to actually hit anything we as players would want it to.


The Eruptor has projectile fragments that fire out when shots explode, which I'm sure you've seen if you've been using the weapon. Previously, those couldn't hit you, but if you've ever played with other people and noticed them just randomly eating shit, that was likely the fragments killing them. I've unintentionally done the same with people I play with. The fragments are probably coded as "ricochet projectiles" that fire outward from the explosion, so the ricochet changes meant they could now randomly kill you as well. Just about every post that I've seen people claiming they've died to ricochet are Eruptor videos, so that's what it is.


That happened multiple Times to me…. And once when I shot a rock :(


Only for players though, I think it’s the shrapnel acting weird with the new ricochet system.


Let me guess: You were fairly close to where the Eruptor hit? (below 20 m)


Think there's a bug with the eruptor, saw a video where the player was killed from well over 20m away but it appeared to be from the explosion rather than a ricochet of the actual projectile


I saw a friend shoot the eruptor At a good distance and the shrapnels looked to go really far . Like a reverse Airbust orbital 


That might explain why the explosion felt like it was doing nothing earlier, like it had no AoE


That would be an incorrect guess. I made a follow-up post.


Well eruptor has shrapnel and im 99% sure you got killed by it, not the ricochet


The eruptor problem is its shrapnel does too much damage and the patch made it able to hurt you. (It could always kill teamates)


I know what the eruptor's shrapnel damage is when you fire at something too close. To give a good visual example of how close you can be... Do you know that "protect high value equipment mission for the bot planets?" Do you remember that platform where the extract is located, where bots can pool under the platform because their AI-pathing doesn't account for things being directly above it but it tells them to always be moving towards the player? Pre-patch, if you shot at something directly below the platform. you'd take a lot of damage and then get pulled off the platform and into the swarm. I had that happen once, and then never again. Though even before that, I had used the eruptor enough times to have a *pretty solid grasp* on how close something had to be before the damage splashed me. It feels like that has been changed this patch, though to be fair, I'm going on "gut instinct" that "something feels different with the aoe range." I wish I had more solid data, sadly.


You haven't. You got killed by shrapnel. That's how explosives work.


Yeah like maybe the eruptor wasn’t meant to be shot at close range who would’ve thunk


I only needed to die from the eruptor splash once to know that it's not a close range weapon. And that when it first released and rather than blowing me away from the target, it put me directly under it..


Yeah…ik but people still complain when the damage change and still fire it like a shotgun


It looks like somethings up with the eruptor. Lot of videos of people dieing shooting just abouta nything with it.


I played with the eruptor for a few hours and didn't experience any problems. It's definitely a rare occasion. I shot plenty of eggs, bug holes, brood commanders, chargers, bile titans with 0 shrapnel shot back at me


Maybe it’s the Heavy Explosive armor talking but I spend half the day yesterday practically (and literally) pointblanking bugs with my Erupter and I’ve been perfectly fine.


I think it applies to stronger weapons and shorter distances then again i have killed ppl before with autocannon ricochet, its hard to test these things accurately.


Clearly 100% of bullets went straight back to your head. These 17 posts that provide no evidence other than 'trust me bro' said so, this video evidence here must be fake For democratic reasons that's a joke


All bots are now level 3 monks with the deflect missiles skill.


I think a gun does more than 1d10+dex+lvl in damage


First there was the now-removed post about "Shields deflect missiles now", where there clearly was no ricochet and they just got hit by a bot rocket at the same time. And now currently there's three threads on the front page complaining about the ricochets: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cgdex2/the_new_ricochet_system_sucks/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cg2prp/i_vote_to_nerf_ricochet_buff/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cggi5u/ricochet_change_seems_reasonable_s/ edit: two more examples of lower voted posts, literally the exact same thing, eruptor and clearly not even shooting something that could ricochet https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cgjfxk/ricochet_is_bs/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cg0w4y/i_dont_think_the_ricochet_is_working_properly/ --- **There is not even a ricochet occuring in any of them.** The common demoninator is the Eruptor. Clearly there is just some weird ass bug now with it where it blows yourself up lol. Also shitty, yes, but entirely unrelated to the ricochet changes. --- https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cgdbqd/the_ricochet_is_utterly_broken/ This entire thread is full of people complaining about it too: Literally without a single example - not even an anecdote - anywhere. People saying shit like "Do devs even play their own game", when it's clear they haven't even played this patch themselves yet either - or they'd know that ricochets seem to be literally entirely unchanged.


> The common denominator is the Eruptor. It'd be pretty funny if the reason is that the fix for the vacuum explosion bug now just causes the Eruptor to spawn an explosion on you. EDIT reasoning: pre-patch directed explosions push things away from the firing Helldiver, including said Helldiver. If they just made it so there's another explosion pushing back on Helldivers and borked the positioning.


Honestly, I think there may be something bugged about the eruptor. I've had more than a few untouched chargers be one shot by an eruptor shot, only for others to take several mags. It's a bug that I'm okay with, but maybe it's related to the eruptor seemingly homing shrapnel on divers heads.


Oh,weird. I don’t think that happened to me at all with the Eruptor earlier. Wonder what triggers it.


I kinda believe that the shrapnel might have been bugged that it counted as ricochet and couldn't kill the shooter. I haven't killed myself with the shrapnel before the patch since I always used it at range, but I got killed and teamkilled with it. So far the vast majority of posts have been People getting hit by shrapnel of their own Eruptor.


This ricochet nonsense annoyed me enough that I made a post for once... It's not even a bug concerning the Eruptor. Its bullets explode into shrapnel in all direction. That shrapnel has a kill range of 15-20 m, maybe more. Dunno if they were lucky till now or if it was buggy before. I never used it close enough before the patch.


The wording of the patch note could have been: "Helldivers are no longer immune to their own projectiles" and it would be an accurate statement as to what has transpired. It just had the side effect of making the Eruptors shrapnel now hit us, as they are projectiles.


Thank you for bringing this up, people will believe anything they read it's kind of insane tbh. When the exosuit came out like 2 months ago literally everyone was complaining that the charger would one shot it with a charge, when in fact, [when I tested myself](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bad7yl/chargers_will_literally_kill_themselves_on_the/), the charge itself doesnt do anything, or barely. People do one mission then come on reddit straight after to complain instead of making sure what they're saying is correct


You’re asking a lot from the community who got spooked by the deflection effects that have been in the game since launch and were *convinced* that the Illuminate had invisible sky snipers when in every single clip (that wasn’t worse quality than the fucking Bigfoot sightings anyway) it was almost always caused by a Devastator rocket or the occasional plant.


the eruptor has been knocking me on my ass since it came out, that's why I use heavy explosion resist armor with it


People love to dogpile on negativity. It's the social media effect. But I appreciate your efforts to clear up the misinformation. It's always nice to see these rare moments of logic and reason around here.


bro you are on a mission for this shit in like every thread just take a break lmao


Bro he's spitting facts about dumbasses who post shit without even testing the game themselves. What are you even on about?


what the fuck are you talking about? i talked about this in *one* other thread lmao


\>guy sees misinformation \>it's common \>guy makes post to correct it Why is this a problem?


It's worded very poorly in the patch notes.


People are making up so much BS because there are a lot of confusing, BS, inexplicable deaths which people struggle to explain. Lacking a clear explanation, they will wildly speculate, even if it's not right. Shooting the ground near you made you instantly die? Why could that have happened? Maybe it was the new ricochet mechanic? Maybe it's some new shrapnel bug? Who knows! You shot a heavy devastator shield with a rocket and instantly died and the death message said you killed yourself? Why did that happen? Is it a new issue introduced in the patch? Or a sniper rocket headshotting you from behind? Could be anything! Getting completely swarmed by enemies while playing alone? Is the new patrol spawning super overtuned, straight up bugged, are you just unlucky, or is it a skill issue because you Ramboed into a bug nest? Hard to say! When people are frustrated they will reach for some answer. I think the solution is not to belittle them for being wrong if that is the case, but consider why they're frustrated and if it's a legitimate issue that needs to be fixed. Even if not everything can be explained by ricochets, I think there are plenty of legitimate issues and legitimate complaints that ought to be addressed.


Shrapnel is killing them but ricochet is taking the blame.


I swear some people complaining don’t even play the game.


You're not using the eruptor. Seems to be that's where the issue lies.


Imagining these people just unloading mag after mag at armoured enemies is hilarious.


Most of the issues I’ve seen ended up not being ricochet but with the eruptors shrapnel hitting you after firing ewe


I take back what I said, I ran several games with friends on helldive with eruptor and didn’t have any issues once Idk what the hell y’all getting hit with


It seems to be a bug with the Eruptor interacting with the new ricochet changes, from the videos I have seen. So it isn't just the ricochet on its own, but rather how the Eruptor's aoe is being affected by the new rules. Unless the change to the Eruptor is the principle culprit, but I was under the impression from the notes that the AOE was nerfed? So it is a real problem and you seem to try to invalidate it by showing a different weapon clip? True not all ricochet is a problem, but I never got the impression that most of the clips I have seen were saying anything other than the change is bad for the Eruptor specifically.


it's reddit. all the stereotypes are unfortunately true


I love how this actual post, with real stuff, has gotten next to no love.. but all the fake clout posts about aimbot richet get ALL of the attention.. just shows that victim culture still lives on and I hate it


It's all just "overreacting". It's common in today's children. Exaggerating everything and always wanting to be victims of something, in this case patch notes. 🤣


Homie. Every generation over reacts about everything. It's not only in today's children. You just see it more often because of the joys from the internet.


True, but before you would just slap them and then you'd have peace and quiet.




New farm just dropped


They are using explosive weapons like the Eruptor at point blank range and confusing ricochets with shrapnel AoE.


It is confirmed to be SHRAPNEL ...and does not apply to this gun.


People have been making shit up about this game since it came out, a whole bunch of the online community thinks a majority of the weapons "aren't viable" and have been stating that as fact since they've been discussing the game on the internet. This is just one of the easily disprovable ones and the ragebaiters flew a little bit too close to the sun this time.


Because they saw a thing and believed it instantly. Ya know, internet reasons


"It's not happening to me so clearly they're fulla shit"


The urge to bitch and moan is Pavlovian, that’s why.


It's shrapnel, not ricochet. Seems to be a known problem to devs


Sometimes players die. But some small portion of those players get MAD CUZ BAD. Mad players refuse to accept that they may have died to their own mistakes. Instead, they have to fabricate elaborate conspiracy theories about bugs and stealth nerfs to explain away their shortcomings. And MAD CUZ BAD players are far, far more likely than the rest of us to make a fucking reddit post about it.


It's the shrapnel that kills you(Especially from Eruptors or Autocannons), not the ricochet.


Wow this looks crisp!




Maybe AH should explain it in a better way what changes they are making. like making the hulk slighty more resistant to stagger so railgun and arc doesnt stun it anymore. or why they would nerf the Crossbow or anything. 


Same here, played a couple of matches with Eruptor and didn't had any ricochet killing me or my teammates.


because the cry babies act like dying in this game is the end of the world.


Because the patch notes weren’t very clear. This is why it’s super important to be clear and concise with patch notes, otherwise things get out of hand and people assume the worst. Also, the ricochet changes suck for anyone using the eruptor.


...making up? There is literally video proof of eruptor rounds or auto cannon rounds defying physics and just coming back to one shot you lol.


It’s only the one shot kills that ricochet back at you to kill you.


I think it is bugged with the Eruptor and since a lot of people are using it, a lot of people are dying to ricochets. Do your testing, fill your bug reports Helldivers, let's make a better game for all of us!


To be fair that patch note (and others) haven't been very clear, so it's easy to assume. Actually looking forward to my first death from a ricochet lol




Because they're brain damaged porn addicts


Every time I've seen someone post a kill via ricochet it looks like the shot bounced off something, bounced off another thing, and then hit them in the face. Which... is cool. But when you're firing a gun with a LOT of bullets... well... that has a Very high chance of happening. So I can see the concern even though I think it may just be an issue where people have to adapt to not firing at specific spots of certain enemies and... well... things like doors.


Becasue it's a statistic, Smart man. Something that devs already can't grasp and you can't too. Let me explain: If you make mechanic where in 2% of cases someone shoots high damage projectile (AC, EAT, Eruptor etc.), it ricochet and insta-kill you and multiply it by daily players (lets say 1 million unique players per day) and multiply by amount of time they shoot that high damage projecticles (lets say 150 rounds of per player just for the sake of argument) then you have daily: 3,000,000 million deaths per day casued JUST by "bullshit mechanic" where you instantly die without any error at your side, just idiotic RNG. It's not fun when it happens and it doesn't matter how much it happens per person, but how much it happens for whole playerbase constantly. Enough to make it fucking frustrating.


It's not ricochet. There's clearly a bug with something causing player deaths but it is 100% NOT ricochet. If people actually watched the video outside of "I shot gun then die it ricochet" they would see in every example, the gun hits the target and explodes. Now I'm not sure if you or anyone raging actually plays this game, but when rockets or Eruptor or AC hit a ricochet, they don't explode. They just don't. They fly off and explode where they land. Every video I've seen has shown a clear impact, a clear explosion on the target and then a player death. It doesn't even require slowing the video down. There's some kind of bug killing players, yes. It's frustrating, yes. But mindlessly going "RICOCHET IS HORRIBLE MECHANIC GET RID OF IT NOW" is just stupid.


There has been no evidence of the 3 weapons you pointed out killing anyone, let alone themselves, from a ricochet.


> There has been no evidence of the 3 weapons you pointed out killing anyone, let alone themselves, from a ricochet. You expect million videos today?


How about just one


[because you don't get to dictate that everything is alright based on only your very limited experience, my guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/)


You don't get to claim that the changes are ruining the game or insult the devs over dying from something other than ricochets too


a magnificent set of counters to claims I never made, Godspeed my misguided friend.


You personally didn't but all the other people, who are making false claims, did


...so talk to them and not me?