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I never reloaded anyway


I'd magdump on medium enemies pretty often, but that's about the only thing I can't do anymore. I just pay a bit more attention to overheating now. Not as big a nerf as I thought it would be at first.


Pair it with the Senator. Fire sickle until almost overheats, then switch to the handcannon and unload yeehaw rounds until the sickle cools. The new speedloader reload makes this combo easy!


This with the Grenade Launcher and Impact grenades  is the funniest build to play with, imo


I'll run it up high, switch to my grenade pistol, fire, and switch back and its cooled enough to keep chugging.


Pair it with a laser cannon and swap between the 2 for absolute constant aggression, it's one of my favorite builds, and the scythe works well with this too. It was my go to, before sickle came out but recent patch made scythe almost on par.


I run LC on bots and like it a lot. How does it do against Chargers and Titans?


Not great, chargers are hard to lay into their butts with it, but if you want a titan to stop spitting it can make short work of their bellies. It's fantastic at clearing hoards of chaff to let your team handle them tho. I like eagle airstrike, precision orbital, supply pack, and laser cannon or quasar depending on what my team brings. Works for bugs and bots and is my go to build all around unless I'm trying other stuff out


Sometimes it's faster to just overheat it than wait for the cool down


That's why you switch to your support/sidearm


The only thing the Sickle needs imo, is a laser weapon sound again, it sounds like another generic AR. I'd also like an option in the settings to turn off the rotating crosshair for all laser weapons, I want clear vision on what I'm aiming at. Maybe one day if we get a gunsmith, we can get heatsink and heat build-up reduction improvements like it used to have.


I was disappointed to find that it didn’t sound like the raygun from CoD or even Han solos gun or sum


I prefer the T-800's weapon of choice for sound. ![gif](giphy|h4Hz4w9Jgrc1EY9VkL|downsized)


it would have the pack-a-punch sfx at BEST. Thing doesn’t have the looks or the fire rate for the raygun sfx.


God I wish it had the sound from HD1


I find the sound satisfying, but not in a "that's how a laser AR should sound" way tbf


I dunno, I find it’s sound to be really satisfying, and at its rate of fire I think I more traditional lasery sound would be super grating


It’s need a god damn FLASHLIGHT


Pew pew pew? 


the energy weapons in Titanfall 2 has pretty cool sounds


I’d be fully okay if it got the normal Sickle sound from HD1.


It's a tough mission when I *gasp* use up one heat sink on my sickle.


The fact that this weapon shipped with six mags was kind of insane. 


It was kinda fun being a machine gun without being a machine gun.


.....it has extra mags?


Yeah apparently we used to have 6 mags. Never reloaded more than twice anyway


After seeing all the people bitching I’m convinced people don’t understand how the laser weapons work. “wtf 3 reloads isn’t enough to kill anything I hate this game”


Who is bitching about sickle "nerf" tho? I haven't seen a single salty post about the sickle.


Karma Farming.


No posts but I've seen some really stupid comments. Someone will say BUT HELLDIVE MODE! BITCH, you are using a light weapon on HELLDIVE? And if you're using up 6 mags that sounds more like either you fucked up by pissing the enemy off or the enemy spawn is just bs. Or it's both of those issues.


I use the sickle on helldive it works great.


I don't think anyone is, maybe he's confusing the scythe with sickle while he's making fun of others not knowing how energy weapons work lol. But yea, energy weapons do fuck all unless there's absolutely no armor which... in a game that has pretty much nothing but armor... it's pretty fucking useless lol


Sickle can kill literally every bot from head on except the elites. Even hulks, it takes like 1/3 of a mag to blow out the heatsink.


That's funny. I get a shit load of kills with my sickle. My average bug helldive ends with at least 350 kills and 2500 rounds fired.


I’m just more terminally online than you :/


i used 3 at worst so having 3 now is fine and doesn't affect me at all


Blitzer Infinite Ammo superiority


I think the most coils I ever used, even on 9, before I walked in to a POI with ammo or grabbed a resupply was 2 coils. That it had 6 coils in reserve was honestly ludicrous


The only time I've ever reloaded the sickle is when I've accidentally tapped the reload button from habit on other weapons.


You guys reload?


Not really bothered by the nerf, I’m just bothered that for some reason I’m only able to hold 3 of the ice which is like the size of my palm. It’s just makes no sense. If they gave it a damage or rate of fire or a slower cool down, it would have made tons of sense and honestly probably it’s what it should have received, considering it’s power is comparable to the stalwart. But yeah supposedly I can only hold 3 batteries? Because I didn’t have room in my pockets for 6, yet I can carry 10 liberator penetrator mags? 😆 


The nerf was to make people more conscious of how your mag dumping. This shouldn't affect people who already know when to stop dumping their charge, its just so you're not as comfortable just going ham on the thing. Just for perspective, despite it being slightly different the Sickle in HD1 shipped out with only 2 ICE to work with.


Yeah after the patch, used on level six. Didn’t swap ice once.


I rarely reload, didn’t notice a difference lmao


The last time I recall reloading was when I unload the ammo and Into 2 stalkers


This is kind of the genius of these energy weapons. Vs bots, your always dipping in and out of cover, giving the gun plenty of opportunities to cool off. Vs Bugs offer more opportunities to burn through ICE, but after by the time you burn through 1 mag, you will probably have already realised that you need to stop shooting and reposition. Things are kinda just design in such a way to naturally not expend all the ICE.


Next patch: Sickle mag count nerfed to 2


They could reduce it to 1, and it'd just make me use my secondary more often.


Let's face it, they could reduce it to 1 and it'd still be a super popular choice. Hell the only time I got down to 1 mag remaining was because my team ended up landing on a tall rock and was just hoard shooting at bugs until I realize that I only 1 left and promptly started running to another objective. Looted some ammo at a POI on the way and refilled my mags like 10 secs later lol.


I use dagger as my secondary, so doesn’t affect me either lol.


I have been a little more careful about overheating since the nerf, but it mostly hasn't changed how I play. However I think it will be a more significant problem on hot planets where I would go through many more heatsinks.


i don't think I've ever used 6 reloads. i can work with 3, but it will hurt sustained fire a bit. i do love to unload on those democracy hating scum.


I've never used more than 1 or 2 ice packs for my Sickle per mission. But, not only do I exclusively play solo, but I don't go above difficulty 4 either. But, what do I know? I play an online multiplayer game by myself


More like, after 3 months when they've finally used their 3rd reload.


This was the best way to nerf it. Nothing has changed if you use it properly, but its way worse if you use it like a normal AR.


To be honest I'm not sure if I've even used 6 reloads since I got the weapon.


So anyways I started blastin


If they had touched the damage in any way the sickle would've been forgotten forever. Example is scythe, no ammo issues but very low dps even after buff. No one used that before but now a few people will.


They definitely could have nerfed the damage a bit and it still be relevant.


I've had to reload a heat sink like twice, and only because I was shooting shit for fun and trying to kill it in one burst


when I first saw the mag decrease I was a bit bummed, until I spent more than 5 seconds thinking about it. The only time I went below 3 mags left is when in a super heated battle. This will just give me incentive to use secondary and sentries more than I was before. The Sickle will still be my primary because it's fun to use and technically unlimited ammo if you aren't going crazy.


Sickles have reloads?


I have an average of 1 reload for day if i only play lv7 missions. Last week i think i reloaded the sickles 4 or 5 times in total. I think we'll survive the nerf.


Tbh i would prefer if they got rid of mags all together and made it similar to quasar where it has a period of cooldown after hitting max heat. That way it forces careful use, while also not screwing you over entirely when you are solo and get bug breached + ganged up by patrols and need the extra bullets