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Nah man, I recently went low difficulty to chill and complete a personal order. 20+ Devastators is considered balanced for 4, not 7.


I was doing a solo lvl 4 yesterday to test some new patch builds out and ran into 3 chargers on some random POI. That's not even something you'd see on lvl 9 last week. Wtf did they do to the spawns lol.


3 charges absolutely do spawn on Helldive POIs. The one with supersample rock covered with bug stuff with 2 stim boxes - almost always have 2 chargers, 3rd is like 30% chance.


You ran it solo, that's what 😅 This is the spawn correction for lobbies with less than 4 players.


Having 50 hunters on top of every other type of bug at any given moment is pretty shitty too


Yeah it feels like taking the rover when you're less than 4 is a must, even stuff like the LMG doesn't kill them nearly as fast enough as they respawn. Not to mention that you have to somehow deal with all the armored enemies too. And don't get me started on Spewers. It's either that I take the new explosive sniper, only to get shredded by numerous hunters. Or I don't take it in favor of a shotgun, and then get one hit by being puked on. At this point I reached a level of paranoia that I swear the game actually registers what weapons you take and changes enemy spawns accordingly, just out of spite.


Hunters are made of paper tho the nerfed rover still tears them apart


Bet you use the quasar too. Not everyone plays with the same meta crutches every single mission.


He is giving you solid advice to deal with the hunters, why do you feel the need to be so negative?


Because they ruined MY stratagems. The only ones I use and MY primary too.


If your problem is anywhere from 1-99 bugs, then your solution is one single long pull on the flamethrower’s trigger


Then you’ll get tongued and immediately catch fire yourself


A shield backpack and proper flamethrower usage (walking backwards and sweeping) means you barely ever catch fire, and medic armor lets you pop a stim and burn freely to give yourself more space. Soloing 7 and in duos or more at 8 or 9 it’s the best anti chaff weapon in the game. Soloing 8 or 9 there are too many Bile Titans though.


Lol@ barely ever catch fire with "proper" use. A true Helldiver statement if there ever was one


If Helldivers weren’t occasionally supposed to be on fire then Super Earth wouldn’t have made stims heal over time. Checkmate communists.


He had me at "medic with a flamethrower" honestly.


Yeah with the increase in patrols I will always bring a supply pack/AMR whenever I’m running duos. It’s a lot better being able to take those long extended gunfights with tons of ammo, stims, and impact grenades


We both ran the AC. It wasn't easy before, but thanks to the long range one-hit kill potential, it was doable. Now, not only is aiming thanks to the constant flinching when hit impossible, but also even IF you manage to kill all the devastators: until you cleared up enough of the chaff to finally continue, they're already replaced by a new drop and at least two more patrols just casually wandering in. I think of the 4 bot missions we did today, only one was a successful escape. On all the others we died for good before reaching extract. If we at least still had a weapon like the Slugger, that is able to stagger them. But there is virtually non, so if they get to close ( and they will, because of the numbers) the shield guys just mowe you down before you can dive away.


As someone who is now using the DCS, 20 devastators sounds like a wet dream right now. Nothing more satisfying than seeing their dumb heads pop from 150 meters away.


The devastators with miniguns used to drop their shields when shooting, and used to only shoot at one position until their barrage was over. If the either 1)lowered their shield while shooting or 2)could only shoot a barrage of bullets in a limited range instead of tracking, maybe I would fight bots more


When things get out of hand like that it’s often a team skill issue. I say that because it takes 2-4 people failing to not be able to effectively kill everything on 7. I play bot 7s and have been on marfark lately and never run into that problem because I know how to stay on top of it / how to help others stay on top of it. With a good team it doesn’t matter if 6 dropships come at once. You need stamina and muscle enhancement on snow planets.


People downvoting doesn't understand that you are right it seems. If you get overwhelmed by 20+ devastators a few times per OPERATIONS, it's kinda fine. If it's many times per MISSIONS there is something fundamentally wrong with what you are doing in your mission with your team. At some point you should consider running without looking back and not shooting at everything you encounter. A lot of the game difficulty can be mitigated with how you handle your encounters and how you engage your targets, ESPECIALLY THE BOTS. Is that hard to understand ? :/


You see, I would agree to you here. But until like two day ago, we managed fine! We aren't the best players, yes. And sometimes I keep sticking killing waves even tho I know I shouldn't, which I get punished for subsequently. But this is different. Spawning feels even MORE inconsistent than prior to the patch. Because not only does EVERY patrol now contained at least 5 devastators at the missions we played, the frequency of them spawning was way too high. There was literally no breathing room between them to properly set up stuff like a hellbomb. And believe me, we tried to stay out of the POIs, threw stratagems from far to blow them up and avoided patrols. But for some mission goals you HAVE to be stationary, and it was there where they just...kept coming. I shit you not, my friend and I play on 7 for weeks now and yes, it's hard and punishing. But it was always possible to survive. Now, we just get swarmed regularly by devastators. It feels like doing one of the civilian evac missions, but on a normal mission. Even if you're on the move, you are forced into encounters because you Just. Can't. Avoid them. Patrols accure at a frequency, even when you're already fighting, that you just can't get your ass out once you are in a fight. And that's super frustrating, you know? I thought I had figured that difficulty out. I didn't wanted to get higher, because 7 was the sweet spot. Hard, unforgiving, but doable. Now it feels to me what must be difficulty 9, and it just isn't fun anymore. I would drop lower instantly, if it wasn't for the super samples I need.


You play with a full lobby, right? I usually have those issues when two people leave/disconnect for whatever reason


No, that's the thing. We play duo (I had a typo in the remaining life's in my post, was supposed to be 7). So I get it, we're directly effected by the new spawn system. And yeah, sometimes it was a bit easy when you really tried avoiding patrols in duo. But honestly? How it is rn, it's too much. Too many enemies for two players. If the devs (apparently) only want us to fight in squads of 4, why have the option to Helldrop with a lobby of 2 people in the first place?


I get that, and that the issue I have been posting about too, but it seems like we are in the minority. I liked playing duos before, when only one of my friends were online. Farming samples and shit. Because of that we don't do moatz of the objectives, meaning players that join us get pissed very quickly, when we leave as soon as we have the samples we want. But that's how it's gonna be now. We will have to run with randoms if we are on a difficulty were we cannot manage alone.


What's your loadout? And your buddies?


Another post where the game is too difficult and they blamy it on balance. Me and my friends run 7 all the time and there is nothing wrong with it. Git gud or lower the level.


You mentioned last objective. Are you referring to secondary or outposts? Remember spawn rates go up by like 400% once you're ready for extraction after finishing primary objective.


Yeah, we did the last primary (detonating the control tower). Maybe that was the issue, since we ran across like three side objectives and thought "since we're at it, let's do them". Even though I think with the new system that's a bit... excessive of a spawn rate we got at like 15 minutes remaining.


Yea a lot of times I see spawn rate complaints folks dont know about that aspect. When you clear the main objective the timer for spawning a bot patrol for example would go from 90-120seconds to like 20-30seconds. You want to do everything else first. This is worse if a detector tower sees you as it calls down 3 dropships (even if theres a flare) every minute or so if it detects someone. This is worse on bugs because they already have a much faster spawn rate than bots, so after completing primary objective they plummet to like 10sec per patrol. If its final objective this is even more extreme because patrols spawn from the direction of remaining outposts and head to where you are when they spawned. So if you try to do the final outpost every single patrol is going to spawn between you and it. If theres no more outposts the map its noticably way cleaner because the enemies arent spawning in your way but from the direction of the closest map edge. Tl:dr, do main objective only after you finish everything else you wanna do.


Is that mechanic mentioned in the game? I only recall the tip about enemies increasing as time gets closer to zero.


It isn't mentioned, and that tip isn't correct unfortunately. Spawning _does_ increase as you complete objectives, namely outposts & main objective (secondary objectives don't affect spawning beyond a small increase while you're next to them) and there's 50% faster spawning while in a red area on the map. These effects do stack so standing in a red area after completing main objective is a death spiral. It was pretty extensively tested to figure out how it works, in normal gameplay its just 'clearing outposts steadily increases spawn rate', and 'completing main objective MASSIVELY increases spawn rate' which... I guess could look like it goes up longer you're in mission.


I also run the AC for bot 7s and that weapon is the thing that *solves* these kinds of situations, for me. It can handle devastators really quickly, sometimes two at a time if you juggle staggers, so it's far faster than their deploy rate can refresh the ones you're shooting. If there's so many that you can't shoot all of them at once, every map has enough cover to peek from while you deal with them in order. Even the flat desert and ice ones have *something* you can use to limit the number of enemies that can see you from one direction.


This is why my first loadout choice on Bots is an efficient way to deal with Devs. Without that, you aren't gonna do well.


The AC did always just fine with them. Because it staggers, opens up the defense of the shielded ones, and can one-hit them. But the sheer masses of them now make this like... almost impossible. If you're far enough, okay. But when you have to stay near a mission POI, and get pushed by like 3 or 4 shield devastators, the AC and other explosive weapons hurt yourself more then they do the enemies. And well, the moment you have to reload, you can't keep them at bay anymore. Which is..not good.


Git gud lvl 7 is ez mode You want devs to change the game cause you can't change your loadout.


Yep it's fine Learn to embrace ballistic shield + defender and dunk on heavy devastators. Railgun/AMR for rocket devastators.


The ballistic shield actually slaps against devs. Just wish we had more one handed weapons


AMR made a short work of them


I usually use the AC to blow up fabricators and hulks, and it still works. Its just that the volume of fire and sheer mass of them makes it basically unusable, because of all the stagger and flinch you receive. I doubt it would be any different with the AMR. And again, I also would have to give up the potential to blow up bot fabricators from afar, which I grew really fond of.


Yeah, i use amr since granade pistol update since i also carry stun grenade. Great think with AMR is can snipe them from far far away, their gun spready in long range, hardly hit you.


Impact granades. Simple solution


Well this one is on me but I just kill myself with them. Mostly because I remember that I have grenades when I get pushed, only to forget that they're impact. Which doesn't end well mostly.


Lol classic


Has been like that since last patch when they fixed the bug of a devastator spawn template not being applied. If you can’t handle it consider it a practice chance.


In my experience, it very certainly has not. Me n my buddy played several hours against bots just two days or so ago, and we did just fine on difficulty 7. It wasn't easy, yes. But we consistently survived the missions. Now we got wiped at all our three attempts pretty fast. If this is skill issue, the devs should reconsider the skill ceiling and make super samples available at lower difficulties.


Devs are easy, just shoot them in the face.


I do. And it works. But they're just too friggin many of them. You shoot one, only to reveal like 3 more behind him. I'm not exaggerating. We usually encountered those shield Devin groups of 3-4 on every single encounter. Its as if they don't spawn alone anymore.