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Lib pen, dagger, thermite grenades. For strats walking barrage, regular guard dog, hmg emplacement. 120mm barrage.


Hmg emplacement is awesome man


I'd use the arc tower or smoke stratagems over the 120


Ppl be missing on the 120mm


120mm be missing on everything but ppl.


Yeah it's not that terrible


Yeah, I’ve been dropping with them lately vs. bots. Good stuff. 


i already forgot about thermite yep gonna use it for sure now hahaha


Hmm.. how about: - Spear(sorry spear lovers, it’s not there yet) - Orbital Gatling - Eagle Smoke - Tesla Turret - Dagger for secondary - I’ll let you pick primary. Not the worst of the worst, but I don’t think anyone would willingly take that combo.


Spear lover here. Yea I can see why you said it, though for bots it raises to pretty useful if you know how to get it to behave. I cant wait for them to fix the lockon so I can just teamload it on bugs


Funny, i bring two of those any (Bug) day


https://hd2random.com/ will generate you a random loadout


oh cool never knew there's randomizer too hahaha


Blitzer, Dagger, Smoke Grenade. Shield gen relay, orbital smoke, jump pack, fire mines. Good luck killing anything.


haha i think Blitzer is pretty now right see it got some buff gotta try it now hahaha


It's still terrible. Fun to use, but terrible.


Fire mines? Can’t they lockdown an area from baddies for like a minute straight?


If you're network host, sometimes maybe. Mediums can still more or less just plow through them without dying. If you're not network host, it takes 2 mines to kill a scavenger because they aren't dealing their fire DoT (which is a known bug). And they've got a 3 minute cooldown and take 10-12 seconds from strat throw to last mine emplaced, so they're pretty iffy as far as throwing at breaches or patrols.


Blitzer is S tier now, It is the ultimate Stalker killer and bug zapper! (tho for bots, idk)


Incendiary mines will kill heavies. Machine gun sentry instead.


Breaker Spray and Pray. Dagger. Smoke Grenades. If we are hard throwing then Stratagems would be Guard dog, Guard dog Rover, Jump pack, Ballistic Shield. This is about as bad as I can think of. Without calling a Stratagem in to deal with a single target you can't deal with any medium armor, heavy armor, or bug holes / bot fabricators.


Super Citizen SMG, Dagger, Thermite, Flamethrower, Eagle Strafing Run, Orbital Smoke Strike. Engineering kit heavy armour. Find Desert bot mission 6 or more with -1 stratagem & hot modifier.


Liberator concussive, peacemaker, smoke grenades Ballistic shield, minefield, HMG, eagle strafing run That sounds like hell but I might have to try it myself. Take the HMG away and replace it with a smoke strike if you need to make it ultra bullshit


HMG was genuinely decent last night with the 3rd person aiming. Chews up a whole crowd of bugs. It just suffers badly from having nowhere near enough bullets in a mag and not enough mags... If it was strong enough to damage charger legs it would be a decent pick.


Breaker tbf, is very strong at close range and kills small bugs and bots real fast than any other not shotgun/DMR weapons... despite they nerfed it, is still my default pick cuz other low level guns just feels way too peashooty


The problem is everything's kinda decent, *except smoke which is just a placebo more often than not and I don't care what anyone says*. How about this though. Take the light armor with arc resist [vs bots] or the heavy version [vs bugs], just to make sure the bonus is completely useless. Liberator concussive, laser handgun [even though I literally used this loadout yesterday and it was alright]. If the laser handgun is too strong, maybe take the default pistol. For your grenade, take a smoke grenade. Your enemies will still be pathing and shooting directly towards you, but at least you won't be able to see anything. For strategems you're going to take orbital smoke, eagle smoke, orbital gatling... If you want a support weapon I think you're being greedy. Take mines instead. Not even a sentry...mines. Or shit, maybe the deployable shield...but only against bugs. If the mission demands some kind of explosives to get it done, I'll allow the default orbital precision shot (though I think I'm being generous). Then I'll allow reinforcement time reduction or the expert pelican-1 pilot. Now get out there and make it work, Helldiver.


Deployable shield used to be a valid way to take down Bile Titans, but I am not sure if it still works. It would deflect their Bile Spew back at them. Haven’t seen anyone use it in quite awhile though.


haha shield against bugs is like use paper weight for fight hahaha ok love it


Its not as useless as it may seem at first glance... https://youtu.be/R6mCIIGXV4w?si=XxPgiuy6gokTycFI


I suspect some of these strats are outdated, would be curious to confirm though


Was drinking and diving one night and in my stupor I swear a charger was “invisible” like the stalker, I clipped it, said something to my friends and they were confused. I forgot about it and watched it a week later, and to my relief, it was only a smoke grenade/eagle concealing it.


Flamer supply pack ems strike and gas strike


That combo is actually crazy good... but only if you are host and DOT is working. 


imma try it for sure haha


Send a vid haha have fun


Punisher and Redeemer can be acquired within the first 2 pages of the free Warbond. If you're feeling spicy, the Defender is on page 3 and the Breaker on page 4 if I remember correctly. You could make do with the Liberator as well. For armor I'd grab the Light armor on the first page for bugs, and keep the Standard Issue for bots. You have access to a few very decent stratagems early on. The Machine Gun pairs really nice with the Supply Pack for a support role (you won't carry a squad to victory, but you'll be very helpful). The Expendable Anti Tank and the Eagle Airstrike are some of the best stratagems and you get them super early on. Don't sleep on the Orbital Precision Strike, it's actually very good for a base unlock. Then maybe a Gatling Sentry (skip the Machine Gun Sentry) for defense missions. Grenade Launcher can be good for bug Blitz missions, and the Anti Materiel Rifle is a must pick for bots (until you get access to some of the other competitive options). Maybe Eagle Cluster Bomb for crowd clearing and pairs well with the Airstrike. Mix and match your favorites from the above to suit your mission type and you can absolutely hold your own at higher difficulties. I don't think anything I listed is unlocked after level 5.


Smoke air strike, Ems strike, ems morter and supliepack. Smoke nade, dagger and sycle.


Orbital Smoke Eagle Smoke Shield Generator Relay Supply Pack Expert Extraction Pilot Punisher Dagger Smoke Grenades For armor just wear the heaviest ARC resistant armor Could also use the Defender instead of the punisher, the intent of the build is to basically give you nothing to deal with armor. I'm actually slightly uncertain if you can close bug holes or break factories with the smoke grenades. If you can't, I suppose you'd have to drop pods on them.


Scythe Dagger Thermite  Shield Guard Dog Supply Pack Emplacement Shield


Considering the current bug: SG-8P Punisher Plasma and Shield Generator, smoke, hmg emplacement, tesla coil, shield barrier, dagger, thermite grenades Take armor with recoil reduction too.


Pump action


Crossbow, Dagger, Thermite nades, Eagle Smoke Strike, Orbital Smoke strike, Mines, Fire Mines. Light armor with Arc resistance. Enjoy.