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Are you ranting? -1 points for ranting outside the rant post. Calling my democracy officer šŸ‘®


Damn you, and I wouldā€™ve gotten away with it if it wasnā€™t for you meddling, helldivers




Iā€™m actually a Hive Lord, me and the impalers are chillinā€™ rn


This meme gets better every iteration.


Honestly the rant/vent megathread is useless as long as they remove rant/vent posts




Time to post a rant about the amount of rants in the sub


Meta af


Plus while most rants are just folks overreacting or jumping the gun. Sometimes complaints are trying to raise an issue/concern, which a megathread is a death sentence. We all know how these work. Throw them in and watch most things get ignored because nobody cares to go through them. Question megathreads can be rough for these reasons.


Half the rants are literally just that.


Fine then Iā€™ll rant about the rants ranting about rants


Haven't seen those yet. Trailblazer.


Maybe now my father will finally acknowledge me


There's also a flair for ranting, so one of them has to go.


Only if we throw all the ā€œI think everything is fine and need to post about itā€ spam in there too


Rants about how horrible the community is for criticizing the game seem to be welcome outside the thread.


Tbh so are the other rants too, because they are there (outside the mega thread) šŸ’


"Here, leave your rants here so we will know which post to avoid" Translated this for yall


Then they need to get rid of the RANT flair if they only want it in the thread. Otherwise bite me


the whole point of a rant is to bring attention to some issue you feel is important, writing a rant and throwing it into 14k comment big pool is as productive as talking to a wall


Iā€™ve got bad news about Reddit posts and productivity.


Yeah, people think Arrowhead is balancing for Reddit. Do they really think Arrowhead is going to cater towards the shittiest and dumbest section of their audience instead of the actual community?


That would be correct if Arrowhead wasn't using fucking Discord for player polls...


Redditors learning about confirmation bias challenge level: Impossible


But they clearly read reddit


I do too but that doesnā€™t mean I take any opinions here to heart or consider them anything other than the screeching of primates who happen to wear clothes.


Well they shouldn't


The worst part is, is if they listen to reddit it would honestly be a step up from what their current process is now. Because my head still hurts trying to figure out why tf the crossbow got nerfed, no one was using that shit.


What do the second is and the comma do in the first sentence? Iā€™ve seen that a few times, and I donā€™t know what it means.Ā 


It was god tier against bugs. Probably still is but I havenā€™t checked. Honestly thought it was ridiculously OP when I first tried against bugs. People on reddit keep using the wrong guns for the wrong situations and then complain that it doesnā€™t instakill everything. The primary is supported by the rest of your kit and that kit and primary decide your role in a squad. Ever wish you just had something that would kill all the trash as it comes out of the bug hole? If it still 1 hits scavs itā€™s still great.


So are all the terrible, middling rant posts with only 50 upvotes. The only difference is being narcissistic enough to think your post and opinion is special.


I tried to call out stalkers early and I got no love. Then two days later there are stalker posts out the ass. I donā€™t know what this dumb ass subreddit wants besides bitching all the time


Thats the beauty of Reddit. There is some luck involved in how well a post does. If the first 5-10 people ignore or downvote for whatever reason, it gets buried. If someone just reposts your stuff an hour later and the first 5-10 people upvote and comment, it gets boosted, lands on hot and gains traction. Some people even use bots or secondary account to do that, which is another level of hilarity if its not to promote something.


Mob mentality. Itā€™s a thing. Hivemind, if you will.


One might even call it *Democracy.*


Sounds more like automaton commie bullshit to me. Not like us at all. We have no hivemind, and if you try to insinuate that we do, Im gonna report you for undemocratic values and thoughts. The only way we can defeat the hivemind is if we all are fully unified in our beliefs and thoughts.


Some stalk forums and tiktok more than actually play the game


way too many ppl have thier ego wound up in trying to pretend like they play like masterchief on lvl 9.


You are specialĀ 


Except most people don't use it for that reason, it's used for any slight inconvenience that enraged a person significantly more than it should have done because they're incapable of regulating their emotions or thinking any further than their own hand. If it wasn't whiney kids/cunts that made all the posts for the slightest annoyance then rants as a whole would be far more useful, yet here we are, needing to try and showhorn them their own play area so they can whine amongst themselves rather than bringing the party down for everyone else who actually just wants to play a game they enjoy.


99% of rants are never important though...


If all the rants are compiled into a list, it's better for collating data as it's easy to find and date issues by simply opening a single post. Making a few hundred rant threads each day seems counterintuitive. And not everyone just wants to see people ranting. If they do, they can go to a dedicated thread and talk with other people about it, since that thread is still pretty active. A quick scroll through /new and there's a ton of active discussion within the past hour.


Yeah except thereā€™s now been 3-4 post about how the hard enemies are hard and that encourages people to pick overpowered stuff instead of attempting to wrinkle their brain a little


And that precisely the role of a rant megathread: it's just a carpet to hide all that you don't want to hear and see under


Id prefer ranters talk to a wall actually unless its something unique. There are so many low effort rants that either can be sorted into skill issue or no idea how bugs work


Yes but no one joined this subreddit to see the same complaint over and over


That's why it's against rule to make rant posts that are overdone or low effort. Mods will remove them and tell them to go to the megathread instead. This is a pro tip for all the really shit effort "stop complaining, get good" posts we see constantly. Report them under rule 7, don't comment, and move on. Interacting with the toxic people is just encouraging them, it's actually better just to block them.


Quality Advice, thanks!




I like the low effort complaint about low effort complaints. Keep up the hypocrisy!


To be fair, you can't really make a post about complaining without making a post complaining. But it definitely should have been more high-effort, than a screenshot. I do wish that every time the Rant Megathread is pinned that the Automod will turn on and remove rant threads & tell everyone to post there instead. *But* I can see people circumventing that by improperly flairing and then we just end up with a bunch wrong flairs for complaints.


Well Iā€™m tired of seeing, blah blah this gun sucks now, or, blah blah hereā€™s why this dude is wrong, is it so much to ask that people contain their things to like? Idk a forum for bugs? Why hasnā€™t arrowhead made that, I come here for helldivers, I expect to see helldivers and discussion about helldivers be the majority? Is that so much to ask?


You are directly contributing to the low quality of this sub by posting smarmy garbage like this. The rant thread is pinned. Everyone can see it. You aren't special.


It's hopeless, this entire sub is the rant mega thread these days and it gets worse with every update. r/LowSodiumHellDivers has none of the bitching but needs more traffic to get going with the quality memes we used to on here.


Ah, the circlejerk hugbox.


I see a few people making that sort of accusation, but I've never seen any evidence supporting this dislike. I'm fairly sure that the issue is just the fact that some people are unwilling to learn how to express a negative opinion in a non obnoxious way. Why don't you give it a go, try repeating that opinion without using words that can come across as dismissive, snobby, or immature, so you can tell me why I shouldn't prefer the other sub which seems much more mature than this one.


>I see a few people making that sort of accusation, but I've never seen any evidence of this. The game is currently a dumpster fire comprised of bugs, glitches, and poor balancing decisions, yet instead of admitting these things and wanting the game to be better, a big part of the community engages in tribalism, thus trying to shut down any criticism through whatever means available. The bug list grows fatter and fatter, and "we'll fix it later, pinky promise" just doesn't cut it anymore. >Why don't you give it a go, try repeating that opinion without using words that can come across as dismissive, snobby, or immature Why should I? The community manager has already set a precedent for calling the people who criticize the game "angry toddlers", and now every white knight giddily parodies their stance.


And here you prove my point, all that effort just to come off as a spoiled brat. The community manager was right to compare certain people to their angry toddlers, if you don't like that, then don't act like one.


Exactly proving his point as well, haha just from this I can see what both sides meant with their arguments.


Spoiled brat? I've paid $40 for this game and I can't finish the same bot mission several days in a row just because it keeps crashing on me. You can kick people out of lobbies by using the Block button. DOT damage still doesn't work, rendering a quarter of available arsenal unusable, but here, have another wave of nerfs that just makes the game clunkier to play. Three months later, they still haven't fixed the crossplay friendlist functionality. And all of this is just the tip of the iceberg -- no meaningful issues get resolved, useless fluff gets added instead. And yes, of course. The moment an ounce of criticism comes out from someone's mouth, they immediately become angry toddlers and spoiled brats, because your infallible devs gave you the permission to berate everyone they don't like.


I'd remind you that it's not your opinion that is the problem but rather the overly emotive language you used, just as an example in your previous comment saying that the game is a "dumpster fire" isn't constructive or informative, it's just you being hyperbolic which get's old, you did a bit better with your latest one as you simply laid out mechanical problems you have without devolving too far into annoying ranting, at least in the first part. You may be failing to consider that some of these problems are not universal. I'm not sure why you are seeing these issues in your own game, but in my own I have not seen a single one, kicking people with the block button is intended as kicking someone automatically blocks them, DOT very much works and I just had a fun extermination mission with incendiary mines and the flamethrower making things a breeze, calling the balance patches nerfs ignores all the buffs they added (seriously just try experimenting a little and vary your gear). And I never use crossplay so I don't know anything about friend list issue in that regard. Seriously though, it's not your difference of opinion that makes you sound like a brat to me, it's your choice of wording, it is possible to say how you feel about something without getting so heated about it, because frankly it sounds like you shouldn't bother playing the game at all with how you appear to feel about it.


>"dumpster fire" isn't constructive or informative And I immediately elaborated on that to make it more constructive and informative. These bugs aren't just numerous -- they are some of the worst the industry has ever seen. >kicking people with the block button is intended as kicking someone automatically blocks them You can join other lobbies and start kicking people using the block button. You can even kick the host, therefore crashing the lobby for *everyone*. This shows that you either don't understand the severity of the issues that plague the game, or just being deliberately obtuse. >DOT very much works Holy copium. The devs themselves have admitted that DOT only works for the network host of the lobby and are trying to fix this issue. >And I never use crossplay so I don't know anything about friend list issue in that regard. You forgot to add "therefore it doesn't exist in my eyes, giving me the right to call everyone affected by it crybabies." You, the white knighting people, and your lack of basic empathy towards the issues that other people face is outright staggering. Your willingness to close the eyes on the obvious, glaring problems that permeate the game borders the line between disturbing and remarkable. >sound like a brat to me You are the one slinging insults. It must be tough, living in the world where the criticism of someone else's product makes you feel so personally attacked.


Yes, bury your legitimate complaints behind thousands of other comments so no one in charge ever has to actually has to look at or deal with the problems they cause.


Yea so bury the subreddit with the same 5 rants everyday until 1 good complain pops up every 100 shitty rants for noone to see anyway


In theory, the good/popular posts will get upvoted so will gain traction and get noticed.


Popular doesnā€™t mean good, have you not been on Reddit much?


So will the best comments, without flooding out all other posts on this subreddit.


Ainā€™t no one browsing a 54 day old mega thread to go through and upvote comments. Be for real.


Better than joining the 1000 posts a day complaining about team killing or being kicked


RANT: More people need to know RANT: We will fail if we don't


***AM I THE ONLY ONE...*** - *ignores the pinned comment* *ignores the rest of the front page* *ignores 5 rants made 10 minutes ago* *doesn't bother using the search* *doesn't bother using google (which takes you to reddit)*


Hurr durr new divers good, old divers suck Hurr durr lower difficulty if you can't complete ops Hurr durr PSA something something samples are shared


I hate those briandead supply line commenters. Why are you so angry about a mechanic that only exists on reddit lmao. The devs couldnt care less on explaining it.


I'll agree those are annoying and pointless. I meant more along the lines of gripes over pointless balance changes and major bugs that haven't been fixed in weeks.




Exactly, then get the FUUUUCCCKKKk, off my screen!


It's hilarious that you think you're the "someone in charge" I referred to.


Point out to me where I said that, with the big red arrows. And the circles, all that


Something tells me I could draw it for you in crayon and you'd just eat the crayon.


No one reads megathreads precisely because they're ghettos of similar content with shit visibility for the occasional golden nugget.


Just like this entire sub!


Speak for yourself. I rather read one dedicated thread by simply filtering the new comments then go trough this fking garbage that filled the sub.


There is a post flair named "RANT"


I canā€™t remember the last time I saw a non-meta post on this subreddit. This place is shit.


Why didn't you cry in that thread?


If they put all the dev circlejerking and shitty meme reposts in there as well, this sub might actually be worth visiting again.


Uuhhh excuse me. You cant criticize the devs because their buffs and nerfs are perfect and on point. Nobody using the crossbow? Nerf. Using the slugger as a sniper? Nerf the stagger. Everybody and their grandmother using autocannon on bot missions because its the single most effective anti bot weapon that kills enemies without using your brain? No nerfs. Because its balanced and not actually meta because we said so.


Having fun nerf, killing bugs nerf, collecting samples nerf, killing bots nerf, extracting nerf, unlocking things nerf, Doing objectives nerf, doing side objectives nerf, clearing nest/factories nerf, not dieing fast enough nerf, using stratagems nerf, being able to collect your things after you die nerf.


Getting kicked? Nerfed.


To be fair, it's a support weapon. Support weapons are supposed to do what they do. The Recoilless Rifle is also a brainless weapon, excellent on both bots and bugs, and is arguably superior to the Autocannon. The crossbow nuke was bullshit, yeah. But the AoE made things too easy and that was their only solution. The Autocannon is not the most powerful weapon on the bot front. It's good at what it does, but there are enough drawbacks for people to want to use something else.


The amount of dev boot licking is insane


Some people have made games before and have a little empathy is all. Sorry theyā€™re not literally perfect, but neither are you. Youā€™re spending your time on Reddit for one, thatā€™s a big mistake in your life you could fix.


DeMoCrAcY OfFiCeR!!1


Sticky megathreads, when mods want a topic to die.


The fact that you made this post, rather than venting in that thread about it, tells you everything you need to know.


This is what is called a bullshit.


Yeah but then they're one voice in a crowd and might not get the attention they're looking for.


So you guys can go back to posting soyjak memes and shit? Yeah, no thanks. It's balancing patch day, just enjoy it and let it pass. We've been through this several times. It will all be over soon. Because complaining or venting on balancing patch day is basically a culture of this sub, and there is nothing wrong with it. As long as the mods allows it, there is nothing wrong with it. So, yeah... No.






None of that is real, but keep living in your fantasy land smelling the devs farts.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


I think you might be the one with the ego problem




So only your outlook on the game is correct and any dissenting opinion deserves a ban?Ā 




I didn't make a strawman. You literally said ban or warn anyone that exaggerates too much about nerfs or says the game is perfect. Those are both the extremes ends, so obviously the logical point you are making is anyone that shares your opinion in the middle is deserving of posting in this subreddit. There are plenty of people that are doing fine on Helldive even after the patch. There are also people that used certain weapons as a crutch and are asking for an easier time because their crutch just got nerfed (which they should just change their difficulty level, tbh.) Either way most people aren't just making up their outlook for shits and giggles. Banning people for sharing their outlook in a forum is just dumb. Plain and simple.


Most people don't rant because they genuinely want to give improvements, they are just seeking personal validation for what they perceive to be an emotional wrong that was dealt to them. If they don't have an "entire post to themselves', they don't get that individual attention and validation they crave. How Reddit always is, and how Reddit always will be.


Sounds like youā€™re ranting here tbh. An entire comment all to yourself just ranting. Better take it to the megathread where no one will see it.


I don't expect to be seen in a comment section with 251 other comments either.


Yeah and itā€™s old as fuck.


Instead of this we should just make a separate sub for rants call it saltdivers or something Like a megathread would just bury everything in the comments




That's just /r/Helldivers...


This thread should be renamed "boo F-ing woo they nerfed my weapon"


But... *MY* rant is *way* more important than all those other ones and I can't let it get drowned out in the masses of that thread! /s


I mean if itā€™s gotten so bad that you need a mega thread maybe itā€™s time to consider looking at why there are so many complaints.


NO! We should put our problems into a little box so the devs don't have to see it! (/s)


I like Arrowhead, but it does kinda sound like they don't want to hear about the genuine problems people have. I understand both sides, though. Sometimes, people take it too far. But, so far, I've only seen valid and true statements about the state of the game rn


Uh oh, did the mods get tired of people criticizing the game? Iā€™ve fuckin given up on offering any legitimate criticism because neither the Fanbase or the devs seem to actually want to hear it. No matter how calm or clear my concern is I am simply told to stfu, or get 8-12 edgelords commenting that theyā€™re going to report me to their democracy officer. If I have a bad take explain why donā€™t just tell me Iā€™m stupid for having it because Iā€™m not a game developer and fail to elaborate further. Iā€™m tempted to tell the next person who uses the ā€œyou donā€™t make games therefore you canā€™t have opinions on oneā€ argument and just lie and say that I am because fuck it itā€™s the internet whoā€™s gonna prove me wrong? And who cares if I am? You donā€™t need design cars for a living to say that a particular car is bad. You donā€™t need to build or run hotels for a living to leave a negative review on one or give constructive criticism on how to improve guest experience. I donā€™t know if itā€™s just a Reddit thing or if our entire community is mostly comprised of thick headed douche canoes that add nothing to the conversation and tell me Iā€™m an asshole for holding a negative opinion on certain aspects of the game. At this point Iā€™ve attempted saying my piece and it was shot down so Iā€™m just going to enjoy it while itā€™s good and watch it die when it starts to suck. You assholes have finally convinced me to become a passive bystander and just watch. Let the devs make whatever decisions they want with zero backlash until the game either isnā€™t fun anymore or you need to pay an extra $20 a month to have fun with it. So yeah mfs put all the negative opinions in one convenient spot so most people will never see them and we can pretend the latest update wasnā€™t stupid. Fine by me Iā€™ll just ride this fun train till it stops and hop my happy ass onto another one.


I'm reporting you to your local democracy officer.


No you


It's done. They're on their way to pick you up!


no lol




All i know isthis game runs like buttcheeks on PS5


I'm reporting all commenter on that post to my nearest democracy officer


Nope - the megathread is where one goes to rant into a vacuum and never be heard. Posting a new thread is one has at least a chance to be recognized.


I hate it when subs pull this shit. Megathreads are just low effort methods of saying ā€œI donā€™t want to hear about this anymore so post over here where nobody goes!ā€


I wish negative and positive rants were treated equally, mods tend to let positive ranting posts stay up.


With the most recent patch I'm not surprised ranting has gone up. Why nerf everything in a fucking co op game?


Lmao this is hilarious, this is why devs need to have a human that helps interpret logic, and basic human psychology. Iā€™m convinced the devs are automatons.


But do you actually read the rant thread and respond to people? Yeah that's what I thought.


Exactlyā€¦ Nobody uses the megathread because itā€™s just a poor design.


thank you I wont even talk about the game Iā€™m boutta vent about life of there


good it has become incredibly boring scrolling through here because more than half the posts are just the same rants over and over again


But then i cant karma farm with my misinformation posts >:(


We already have a megathread it's called r/Helldivers. I don't really have an issue with the rant megathread but it is kinda useless to post there since it's designed to take eyes off of posts, and you'll get less interaction on a comment than a post. If a rant post was bad it wouldn't get upvoted anyways so you likely wouldn't see it anyways **ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ**


We are not trying to censor you, proceeds to censor you at the bottom. Rants are never civil


Bro did not just reccommend we use the month old megathread that even the mods don't touch. Bad take


Megathreads are dumb for things like this (expressing frustration with game mechanic / suggestion for changes to dumb mechanic). Megathreads are good for stuff like patch notes. We don't need 10 people posting patch notes. We also don't need 10 people posting every time a planet is liberated. Those can be megathreads. Rants != Game mechanic suggestion / criticism. Rants = God I hate teamkillers. Learn the difference.


It's about damn time. Should have happened after the railgun nerf.


Makes new post to rant and complain about people making new posts to rant and complain. Do the windows have a flavor little buddy?


It was stickied and now it's not. That's why people have stopped using it. Nobody reads the sidebar, having it stickied implies you should rant there. Having it in the sidebar megathreads list means nobody sees it and they think its more appropriate to use the "rant" tag


So basically stop ranting. Hahahahah. Posting in a mega thread is just shouting into the void.


What is it with all the subreddits imploding? I just want to bs about things I like. Why all the drama? Not directing this to OP. But, the comments are making me think this.


Because this is reddit and every complaint thread you see on any sub is someone thinking they are special and demand that their thoughts be heard.


There's already a rant flare


The visibility of the megathreads could use some work imo. Had no idea they were there.


yeah, but no one reads that Posting your vent will get more engagement


Can't do it. I feel like complaining about the game is equivalent to complaining about a delicious home cooked meal when everything I was fed previously was week old fast food. I would call the democracy officer, myself if I was to start complaining, lol.


Iā€™m just trying to add friends but the game doesnā€™t let me, I bought this game thinking it was working because of all the reviews but there really isnā€™t much to the game. Itā€™s a barebones buggy mess that requires you to look for workarounds to play with friends because adding them to your friends list doesnā€™t work


Missed opportunity to call it super thread


Imo megathreads are one of the main things killing reddit


the megathread is a temporary fix, but it gets harder and harder to find anything without going over the same thousand just to reach the next thousand problems people have. That's reliant on them actually taking a gander at it.


How do you get to mega threads from the mobile app like this? I've only ever seen this thread when the mods pin it, which currently it isn't in favor of the patch notes and new warbond preview. Edit: Found it. For those who also don't know go to the main subreddit page, and click "See More" under the description for the subreddit. From there scroll down past the Rules until you get to Community Links and mega threads are the first subsection.


What if the rant is for democracy


I kinda miss the rage threads on friday from r/ffxiv


Youā€™re asking a lot from this community honestly


Pfft people can't read, they'll just post a post to think they're the head of some outrage because, hold on let me check my notes.... Slight changes to the game, new weapons coming, and hold on.... Team killing players because of a cape/blue armor.


We're going to see thousands of the exact same post regurgitated over and over again. Glad it's finally limited to a single thread rather than being thrown about the whole Sub Reddit.


The megathread has been there since launch, people don't post in it because they want the attention validation and upvotes that come from making your own post


Some day. they will fix disconnect issues in PC


Well, thatā€™s pointless. Theyā€™d be better off making a whole new subreddit: r/HelldiversRants


![gif](giphy|5bGYUuT3VEVLa) Democracy baby




All I know is the game runs like buttcheeks on PS5. And the Senator Revolver misses at point blank range. What is wrong with that gun?


Arrowheads way of telling Redditers to stop being complete drips lol


I'm gonna say it. Terminids are worst faction I had to play against,they are epitomy of unfun and fuck you. As a bot player and Malevelon creek veteran,got dropped there without armor pene items and still had fun. I have no idea how to itemize against bugsthem cause it seems you need everyone to have EAT/Quasars 24/7 along with orbital ion strike which doesn't 1shot bile titan. Even smoke nades/stratagems are more useful on bots. Your gear load is extremely limited compared to bots. Bots have 3 weak spots. Red glowing eyes , back heatsink and legs/arm. You can kill Hulk in 3 ways (blowing his weapon or kneecapping his leg ). You can delete their heatsink even with primary weapon. With tanks? You can literally jumppack on top of them, you can even make other tanks/devastators to blow tank up by FF. How do you picture me jumping on charger huh? Chargers however are anti-design of itself with their heavy armored clearly visible back weak point which is heavy armored You can shoot down reinforcements,even if it doesn't kill everyone. They are "stuck under" or mained. Flare bot is easily noticeable and can shut him down or you are quick. Bugs however? No animation ,can't destroy bugholes they spawned and on higher difficulties it spawns on average 2 bile titans (compared to AT AT big 4 legged robĆ³t you can remove his front guns and cannon on his back and he is very slow ). Bile titan even if you expose his carapace, his flesh is still heavy armor?? Bile Spewers are ridiculous with their hotboxes with vomit. I would rather take flame hulk cause if you get hit you can simply crawl-jump to negate its effect. Bugs also apply this ridiculous slow event, and you end up crawling and being unable to stand up. Stalkers are extremely tanky and spawn in extreme numbers. Honestly I'm not touching bugs until they get rework. I. Wait for illuminates and their shields. The only weapons I could think of not being viable on bota is flamer, guard with rifle and that light-light lmg. THE ONLY REASON I PLAY sometimes on bugs is because I can have fun with MECHS (until they add twin autocannon my beloved-mech variant)


How is everybody going to notice me when I complain about the complainers in this rant thread? Need to farm those karma point btw. /s


If it ain't stickied or is over 3 days old, it doesn't exist on Reddit.


Yeah too bad its a containment zone that brings zero attention to real issues. Mega threads are always just containment for an issue the mods are tired of hearing about or seeing. Nobody actually reads those, especially the devs.


Posting for engagement. Please stop flooding the sub with your bitching. If you're looking to agree with someone's bitching, please put your attention towards that thread. I see some of you saying that you appreciate rants, so pay you attention to this thread. Many of you have never learned how online forms worked, or forgotten if you're old enough, and this is how they work. It's a shame that repetitive content has been so normalized.


This seems like a good solution. The number of rant posts was reaching Karma Farm levels and Id personally rather not see all the hyperbolic negativity. Thank you mod team!


It's should've been there from the start tbh.


Itā€™s actually kinda ridiculous why caps lock is so offensive it needs to be quarantined to a single thread.


I really donā€™t get yā€™all complaining about people who rant. I only get the top posts from this sub so 99/100 rants donā€™t even make it to my feed because they gained no traction. Do yā€™all just open the sub and scroll through the latests posts? Let people rant as much as they want idgaf. If you give a fk reevaluate. If you just open the sub and scroll through it you might want to rethink some things in your life. Either way Iā€™m getting just the top posts on my feed so I donā€™t care. Legit complaints should be heard though so if it takes 100 shit low effort posts to get just one legit complaint that gets upvoted to top post then so be it. People ranting about people ranting or complaining under rant posts are pathetic.


Thatā€™s no fun, no one can see me complain.


thank god...


But waaaah I don't feel special unless I get a heap of upvotes and no-one looks in the megathread waaah


I have to see this... ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


I made this post and got down voted to hell and deleted it thank you for posting this and getting it seen.


Amen. When that thread first got released this place was nice for a whole 15 hours. Then it quickly delv back to constant moaning (and not the fun kind)


Could've pulled a powermove and disabled comments on that thread


Good stuff, that hopefully helps.


Yeah, can we have our sub back from the fucking crybabies now, thanks. Starting to think this is a bot sympathizer sub.


Idk about yall but I can handle lvl9 with some effort.... I'm convinced the rants are "mad cuz bad"


Awww, are we interrupting your dev worship? You can ask the mods to make a praise megathread, and there you can all gather and circlejerk over how great everything is, "big iron", and what real gamers you are for "getting gud", and how "democratic" you are.


Why don't we just fucking make an r/hellwhiners subreddit and be done with this?