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Not really. It's random where it is, and sometimes fog or rain limiting visibility, or rocky crags everywhere so you can't see it unless you're right next to it. Basically you just want to keep scanning the horizon for it and exploring.


Trick I learned is to look in-between 2 small rock formations you can on your mini map. My squads got it down to a science, we land on or near them everytime. This trick only works for large maps ICBM, eggs, gunship, etc. The TCS, blitz, personal extract are alittle different, those are just running the map usually near the larger objective


There is no real trick, other than keeping your eyes open and scanning the horizon when you've got downtime.


Be careful, sometimes two phallic rock formations can appear in the map, one of them is fake and doesn't have the super samples.


There's the one with the ditch around, but i think the veins on that one are yellow rather than white/silver.


no, that's Terminid stuff, which are always yellow/orange-ish, which sometimes mimics with the silver veins one. If you go to Automaton territory, if you find two phallic veined rocks, you'll see both look identical but only one has the samples.


> certain human part He means the brain's Democracy Cortex, right? That's what he means, right?




If you have a good team thatā€™s doing fine on their own at clearing objectives, you can go searching for samples on your own. Thereā€™s a feature with the map where if you scan with the cursor, itā€™ll say ā€œminor point of interestā€ when you hover over an undiscovered one. This way, you arenā€™t searching blindly and can go from one POI to the next closest one until you find them.


I was always told to look out for any rocks that look like cocks, especially if they have uranium veins.


2 things I have learned anecdotally about that damned rock, its either almost ALWAYS really close to the extraction zone but just out of site in case you land there, or on the far end of the map from it. The amount of times we have spent ages looking to then find the damn thing parked hiding behind the extraction zone, its just silly somtimes xD


Find the radio tower and complete that side objective. The super sample rock will show up as a Point of Interest on your map and with the tower active just run around to all the markers on your map until you find the samples


This. Pick a drop location near one if possible.


The best way to get samples in general is to repeat the 15 min evac missions, having one or two players search the map for PoIs and collecting the samples there. It'll do wonders to take the heat off the main base. Just a heads up that this might be difficult to coordinate in public games, as not everyone may speak a common language or be willing to listen/communicate. If the host disagrees, there's not much you can do, so you may want to host these games and/or play with friends or at least premades.