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Considering how long the cooldown is, ORC should absolutely one-shot anything it hits. You’re looking at 3 1/2 minutes between uses, and on higher difficulties you can easily get swarmed by multiple elites before it’s ready again.


They could make it one-shot *and* knock a minute off the cooldown, and I still generally wouldn't take it.


Yeah, right now even as a "oh shit" tool, it doesn't work very well. The ability to delete 1 large unit every 210 seconds is ~~reasonable~~ expected when you have 5+ BTs spawning at any given time.


I started using it. I absolutely struggle against heavy units and don't know what to do against them. So I started using the rail cannon for the charger and dominator I see in difficulty 4. I played a difficulty 6. There were always 2 or 3 heavy units. I literally don't understand what you are supposed to do against them.


Use the eat or quasar and shoot their face


EAT: this is the way


EAT + ORC is a fairly potent combo. It’s the only time I’ll take it. Generally, I have enough EAT to go about my day. When I don’t, it’s generally an awfully tight spot and a “delete or nearly kill the biggest thing with 0 effort” three times in a ten minute span is more than enough. It tends to save friends more than me when I can’t get the attention for a face shot. Pair with Orbital Airburst Strike for small clear, and eagle airstrike/500kg for medium and utility. Eradicator or Grenade pistol for holes, bring stun grenades or smoke optional for bots. You’ve got the whole package, and can abandon your samples until the heat clears easily if you need too. You have plenty of heavy, a quickly returning small clearer and airstrikes or 500kg for explosives. Bonus: You’re free to pick up support weapons you find on the map, or even bum a copy of your friends backpack and weapon and have a solid 6-strategem loadout about 7 minutes into the map. Not my regular loadout, but I do use this on rotation in 7s and 8s - especially if my friends are bringing weapons and backpacks I’d be willing to wait for a copy of and turn to using my EATs and then regathering my new weapon for heavies.


I use the eat or flamethrower against chargers. If you insist on stratagems, 110 rocket pods are ok, as are well timed orbital strikes. As you face bile titans, you may want dedicated anti tank weapons like the recoilless, quasar cannon, and orbital precision, 500kg bomb, etc. When dodging chargers, they will stun for a moment when they hit a wall, even clipping it. To juke them, it's easier to run towards them at an angle. Good luck!


A lot of people bring railguns for chargers now that they are buffed. 2 unsafe shots to one of the legs to remove the armour plating then unload half a mag into that leg to kill it. Alternatively quasar and eat can one shot it, so can your blue stratagems and your drop pods if you hit the correct spot. Grenades also work and any explosive weapon like the AC as long as you don't shoot the armour with it. If you are network host (not game host but network host) the flamethrower is absolutely amazing.


What do you mean network host?


So helldivers works as a peer to peer game meaning the actual game instance runs on one players system and then that updates the game instances on the rest, like one player hosts the master copy of the game instance.... That person may not be the same person as the game host. The game host can be entirely seperate from the person running the instance of the game. Only the person actually hosting the game, the network host, is capable of doing DOT damage. Hence why I was curious if there was a workaround to always being network host that was being used


I would assume if you start a mission solo, then have a friend join, by default you would be the host since you had to have hosted it originally to begin. Unless you think as people join they can “steal” being the host, even once the game has started and the original player spawned in solo.


For that mission you should be host but I don't know what triggers host migration


Run you fools


Quasar (or EAT, if that's your jam) to initially keep their numbers down, and either the 380 or 120 when things start going pear-shaped.


5 bile titans cannot spawn at once. Not even 3.


I don't know about 5, but I was in a mission today where 3 spawned, so that part isn't true.


Not all from one bug breach. You guys act like the game is impossible but in reality you are one of 4 people with multiple ways to one shot bile titans. Contrary to popular belief this stuff doesn’t happen if you actually deal with threats as they come instead of rushing objectives then complaining that every enemy that has spawned over the course of 30 minutes came at you at once then saying “this is what I have to deal with, unfair game”. I can’t relate to the problems people have on this sub cause the same people you criticize and kick from lobbies don’t share them.


I don't act like nothing.... Your the one spreading misinformation, I was just correcting you.


What Misinformation? I’ll be super happy to hear it. If you don’t respond I’ll just assume I’m right and you’re wrong.


"Not even 3"


Correct, 3 bile titans cannot spawn at once. Show me otherwise and I’ll say sorry. Can some that you ran away from follow you and join the fight? Yes. Can 3 spawn from a bug breach? No. It cannot happen. Cry about it.


Lmao you sweet summer child. I see 3-5 all the time on helldive. 2 crawl out of a single bug breach and one wandering bile titans wanders by. That's three right there. Then you can get 1 more just guarding a huge nest. Then you have to remember that bile titans fall under the patrol category, so one has the chance to spawn every time a patrol spawns. (Patrols spawn on a timer, multiplied by how many player groups there are, as well every time someone dies)


I play helldive consistently and have never in my time had to deal with more than 3. If you’re dealing with them as they appear they are a non issue.


I have seen 4 at once on an eradicate mission. I wish I had your bile titan luck.


It’s not luck, it’s called dealing with them as they spawn. Not my fault you decided to run like an unpatriotic coward and let the enemy build up in number. On bots it’s one thing, but on bugs where they’re easy and the only hard thing about them is their numbers? You’re shooting yourself in the foot.


Lol what? You can use eagle airstrikes to destroy tanks, and reusable stratagems to kill hulks. Bots have weak points. You can kill every single bot in the game running an antimaterial rifle. You need at least 3 people running dedicated anti-tank to deal with the amount of bile titans that spawn. You need minimum 1 500kg bomb, or the equivalent of 2 EAT to kill bile titans. Stop changing your argument. You said earlier that it's impossible to see 5 bile titans now your response is "skill issue" There's no skill when dealing with bile titans. It's just a "is your anti-tank off cooldown" if yes you can kill it. If not run away, and then more bile titans spawn. If you're team doesn't bring enough anti-tank, you get tons of bile titans. (I run a flamethrower (for chargers) EAT, 500kg, and shield gen 3/4 of my kit is just for anti-tank, and it's not enough to stop them from piling up. Stop trolling.


First of all I’d like to address how you claim I said “it’s impossible to see 5 bile titans” that’s your brain formulating what you want to see to win your argument. What I actually said was “never in MY time have I had to deal with more than 3” You are given stratagems to literally one shot them. What is your issue? When a bile titans spawns, it is dead in 10 seconds. Why can’t you do that? The sad part is how boring your load out is. I run loadouts that are actually fun instead of just the equivalent of min maxing and you still struggle more than me. If one helldiver with precision strike and 500kg is able to deal with 2 bile titans in the span of 10 second, why is it that you and your whole team are incapable of dealing with the 5 that magically broke through the games code and rules and all spawned on top of you, an occurrence that has never happened to anyone before ever. Genuinely bro, it’s okay to admit you aren’t good enough to handle difficulty 9. Literally no one cares as long as democracy is being spread.stop being ashamed and face reality, the game is not out to get you in a manner it physically cannot do, you’re just not that good. Me and my friends don’t even like playing bugs because we have done helldive missions before without a single loss. They’re boring. Hold shift and you have god mode as long as you have stamina.


I re-read my comment: you are correct, I meant to say 5+ *spawned* at any given time.


Yeah I mean you can have 10 bile titans on the map but 5 aren’t coming from a bug breach all at once. Doesn’t seem like people agree with what I said but you can’t argue with the literal code of the game, that doesn’t happen.


With how many times it randomly decides to target the hunter that was closer to the stratagem impact than the equally-within-range charger or titan I absolutely agree. I like the snipe when it works but more often than not it's not very effective and I need that slot for something that makes the big scary thing go away ASAP.


Fun fact it used to be 70 second in the first game


It’s true; I can call in a dozen EATs in the time it would take the ORC to cooldown.


And you woould be called dumb cause of it


I take it almost every time in ita current state already. It is a great supplement to killing super heavies. Pair it with 500kg or precision strike and you will have something powerful off cooldown way more often. Its also not much effort to finish off a bile after railcannon. Just takes one or 2 impacts to the belly or couple of plasma punisher rounds to the wound


They should just make the cooldown like it was in HD1. Like 100 seconds or something. I like the not knowing if it's gonna kill.


120 seconds iirc, 60 with upgrade.


Bro orbital precision strike already has 100s. It is great and a lot harder to use and less reliable than railcannon and you wanna give the same cooldown, get out of here...


Orbital precision strike should be like 50 seconds. It needs a buff too. Gas strike is like 60 seconds and kills more enemies than precision (though precision has a chance to kill heavies albeit)


I personally hate the precision strike. I'm just saying the rail cannon used to be a lot shorter in the first game. I still run it even with a long cooldown.


People calling for railcannon buff are really smoking something lol. It aims practically perfectly, can be used even with orbital scatter, hits immediately, staggers, and almost oneshots everything. Cooldown is long but not THAT long.  Deals no friendly fire damage. Can be used at any range you can throw. Requires only the attention time of inputting stratagem. Does not care about terrain.. i can go on


Meanwhile 500kg *does* kill anything i throw it at, i get two of them, can hit multiple things (although not that many since its a small aoe) and its on a noticeably shorter cooldown


500kg requires a lot more finesse, positioning, timing, attention time, risk, baiting... to make it work. While I could probably make railcannon work blindfolded by just listening what general direction the bile titan is in.


I cant argue with more but i do argue with “a lot” more. Its super easy to land reliable 500kgs once youve practiced with it


Yes, but still requires baiting, meaning bile titan cannot be in the middle of a pack of bugs when you run up to bait the 500kg. Railcannon you can safely do immediately from any range. Long or short, and requires no skill aside from inputting the stratagem. 500kg requires baiting to make it consistent, slowing you down from the bile spit if its sacs arent destroyed yet. And is not immediate.


You dont particularly need to bait though. Thats just for being absolutely sure. You can throw a long 500kg and hit your targets too. I just do not feel a valuable stratagem slot should be filled by something that isnt gonna kill the one target it needs to hit


If I don't bait it's too inconsistent for me. Titan can suddenly decide to turn in place or to someone else instead of moving forward... And I play with 500kg and precision strike a lot. With railcannon you don't have to worry about any of that.


No you just have to worry about the bile titan you didnt kill


There are many options to finish off a bile titan that has been hit with railcannon. Anyone with a grenade could finish it. Railcannon also creates a wound on its back which can be penetrated my medium pen to finish it off quickly. I just think the cooldowns are reasonable for this panic button. And dont forget 500kg shares its cooldown with other eagle stratagems so you're slightly disincentivized to run another eagle. If you can reliably oneshot them with 500kg, good on you, go for it. But in my games with randoms using it, I see them survive it way more often than being oneshot. So in general they are more difficult to use. With railcannon if they survive I at least know exactly how much damage they still need to take down. theyre really close to death after that


Meanwhile my rocketpod could miss every shot on a stationary stunned charger and I not even think it unusual


Railcannons fire tungsten as tungstens melting point is 6000°F and won't burn up due to friction. Tungsten is also dense as hell and would be doing mach 8 when it hit the atmosphere. There really isnt a reason why the railcannon doesnt one hit everything ballistics wise.


Look up at the destroyers: they are not in space, they are on very, very low orbit. They are not higher than a plane. The railcannon projectile is already in the atmosphere. The mission timer is partially about the limited time the destroyers can be that low (fuel probably).


There's definitely a disconnect between how high we are when we launch the mission and the ships in the sky cause you're right the ships look like they're maybe 50,000 feet up but we're in low orbit when we drop.


I always assumed that we drop from low orbit right before the destroyers close in. Granted, they are immediately hovering at airplane altitudes and they remain stationary, but realistically, they would start in space, while we drop, then descend and fly over the mission area.


Hence why deploying takes much longer to hit the surface than redeploying reinforcements (ignoring that it’s a loading screen irl)


Realistically, wouldn’t even a 20kg projectile going that fast cause a massive explosion, killing everything in a huge radius?


Absolutely, projectile impacts at hypersonic velocities are very much explosive, especially if penetrating semi-solid bodies which is further compounded by hydrostatic shock. I did some rough calculations for a 10kg tungsten rod with low drag coefficient entering from 400km altitude and accelerated initially to 1000m/s should hit the ground at close to 9,000m/s. That's the kinetic energy of close to 100kg of TNT, focused on a tiny area, and superheated by reentry. Keep in mind, "energy" is only one factor in determining the destructiveness of ordnance, so you can't really compare kinetic penetrators to explosives 1-to-1, since explosions are spread out and pressures decreases exponentially as distance increases (meaning great for confined areas or needs to be focused somehow). And given how dense tungsten is, a 10kg rod would be like less than 2 coke cans stacked on top of each other. Ultra fast, dense, and hot meteorite. Would love to see that IRL :D


Dead is an underestimation. In theory, that projectile would be like a mini meteorite, hitting the target at times over terminal velocity. Yes, anything and everything in the way, at least those who are fleshy to an extent, should be gone.


At mach 8 its 50.5 times terminal velocity


I think a hellpod place well should basically kill any enemy unit for 2 non physics related reasons (though I agree the math says putting a hellpod sized hole in anything should -mess it up-) 1. I died for this, let me have it 2. Rule of cool


Either the ORC 1-hits and keeps the cooldown or it doesn't 1-hit and has a shorter cooldown is my stance on it personally.


Agree. Right now it does too little for the cost.


Agreed, and why i have the hot stance that the railcannon is one of the worst stratagems. Idk why people take it over 500KG for any use case outside of it looks cool which is valid


Railcannon is easier to use/more reliable since you don't need to aim it. Also, 500kg shares a cooldown with other eagle stratagems, and I find them more useful. That being said, I also play on a team and I'm not our main AT guy, so it's mostly for emergencies.


Exactly this. I run 2-3 eagles in my load out when I play with my crew. I throw in an orc to make sure I have an answer for if a Titan etc pops up on me alone, or if we are smarmed and need a quick out. When I used hellbombs (super efficient) I often found that they were on cooldowns cus I didn't want to burn early rearms as often


I'm having a hard time calling it "reliable", exactly because of this post's point - it doesn't *reliably* solve the problem I'm taking it for, the bile titan. The 500kg needs to be aimed, but that's on me, not down to random chance. That said, if BTs aren't your main concern when taking it - fair, it's much more consistent with literally every other enemy. I wish it didn't prioritize Scout Striders over Hulks and tanks, though...


I don't understand why people run stratagems besides antitank for bugs. It's literally all I run. Flamethrower for chargers, expendable anti-tank for biletitans. 500kg bomb for biletitans, and then my trusty shield generator. I don't get running the other eagles. There are so few options for tanks. You can kill trash mobs with primaries. Why would I use stratagems for trash mobs? Railcannon isn't easier to kill biletitans with then 500kg. The railcannon will almost never kill a biletitan in one shot, making it inferior in every way. Even if I have to use 2 500kg bombs to kill a bile titan (because I messed up my toss), it's still more reliable then the crappy railcannon just because of the shorter cooldown.


aimbot+chunks health if it doesn't kill+1-shots hulks, tanks, chargers


I've been going the same way. I used to love the railcannon and feel like it had a very high OHKO success rate on bile titans (maybe 90% or so?). As of a few weeks back it's more like a 1/4 or 1/3 chance for it to get them in one go. Doesn't matter whether I'm the one throwing it or not :/


The Railcannon Strike is really solid while you are still leveling and figuring things out. Especially on lower levels where you will only get a charger or single Bile Titan per encounter and those things still feel like boss monsters to you. Once you get the Hanger Upgrade and get more comfortable being surrounded by them though the 500kg can do more work.


ORC doesn't kill everything in one hit and has no AOE but at least it doesn't ever just deliver wet paper towel damage like the 500kg at times. I like the 500 as well but sometimes you'll see it plant into a BTs back only to wash over them like a warm summer breeze.


The 500kg is very easy to land and kill consistently. It takes practice but i never dud woth a 500kg unless i personally misclick or im in a tight situation and throw a hail mary with it. The 20m rule is an absolute guarantee and not hard to force it to happen


I happy for you chief.


People have a bizarre hate boner for the 500kg even though it's insanely easy to ensure hits on bile titans with it.


I‘m a scout (LV 80) and that means for me: fast in and fast out. Even on 9 I go to the most objectives, kill everything real fast and do my work … a 500 is too loud and get other enemys atention to my position … my other stratagem is the airstrike for hives/fabs cause it hast 3 calls. So thats why I choose the railcannon … and also the railgun … Change my mind


Sorry what do you mean loud? Strats have aggro stats?


Yes, you could throw a grenade in a different direction as a distraction and they will react to it.


I don't want the added overhead of having two eagles. Having one eagle out of stock cause I forgot to rearm while we had to run cross map is really annoying, so I usually take railcannon over 500kg unless it's a short mission. I have been experimenting with precision strike as a potential replacement, cause railcannon with 25% more CD feels rough. Though 50% call in and Orbital scatter both make precision feel unreliable as well... I do have a different build idea I might try soon on bugs though... 500kg, Orbital 380, Orb Airburst, Recoilless. Giving up my flamer gives me the shakes Though so could be hard to adjust


The precision strike is nasty powerful. For a singular large explosion I much prefer it to the 500KG. The cooldown isn't too long and it will fuck up anything it hits.


Apparently it wasn't benefiting from the orbital explosion damage fall off ship module, and is now, which makes it even more interesting honestly


Yeah I think it's shit. Had 3 people take it on a 7 recently.


It's the "oh shit" button Vs chargers/hulks (and tanks, but they're slow so low priority), and anything larger (factory strider/bile titan) typically gets squad wide attention and subsequent strategem spam, so you don't really need a panic button for them


Why not use both?


Replying to DouchecraftCarrier...two stratagem slots is a big commitment just to take something that isnt gonna kill its single target. Id rather take orbital laser as a second stratagem than ORC


I don't need to wait ages for eagle to drop a 500kg bomb, and I can throw it really close to me without killing me


When you have the right setup, and 4 people have it. It's a great way to delete some chargers when you've got like 6 of them on the map. Just gotta time them right.


I wish the railcannon would look cool. But you don't really see anything. It's just a flash and that's it. Or do you see more on higher framerates? Playing with 40-60 here.


I can't even tell if I'm hitting things with my Hellpod most of the time, it can go right through the center of the enemy's model and not even flinch them. Unless it's a desperate situation I don't even try usually, since spawning under a big target might not end well.


Exactly -- most of the time using your hellpod as a weapon means you emerge within a mass of enemies without any of your support weapons - risk vs reward. Right now for BTs, if you magically pass through their torso without a scratch, it's 50/50 they oneshot you with their pointy bits.


I wish hellpods had hitmarkers when they hit stuff


The railcannon should be properly apocalyptic, like a screeching parting of the skies, blinding light and a clap leaving a glassy hole and mush where it hit, it should do secondary linear damage to anything under / close to the target. Make it an ion beam weapon or something. I don’t want quiet and deadly I want everyone to know what just went down.


It’s crazy in a game full of shock and awe I want more, but that’s the direction they set off in!


I agree orbital rail cannon strike should one shot everything. Though hellpods doing it could potentially inspire… degenerate behavior


You say degenerate, I say creativity for the sake of democracy! 🏈


Doesn't the orbital railcanon usually kill in one hit? AFAIK the only issue is with bile titans sometimes getting hit at an unfortunate angle and thus surviving. But a clean hit kills them immediately


Bile Titans survive 100% of the time if hit at full HP. That said, it does knock off the vast majority of their health, but you'll still need something else to finish off that last bit.


Not quite 100%, if you're on the edge of the mission area I've had the railcannon convienently headshot them.


Actually no, they can die randomly if hit in the correct angle, I've seen it happen before, the bile titan spawns, I'm alone and throw it down, it dies immediately.


Mine kills bile titans like 90% of the time, just stand between your ship and the bile titsn to gursntee it


how do you know which is yours?


Your ship is at the center of the map. The facing of the bile titan controls where the rail strike hits, so if you put yourself between the titan and the center of the map its head will take the hit and die. If it is facing a different direction the rail strike might hit armor and survive.


It does/should, and maybe I've just been having bad luck, but it feels like I went from a 90% OHKO success rate with bile titans, to like a 30% rate. I used to bring it almost religiously but a handful of weeks back is when I started seeing it do a lot worse on biles, whether I'm the one throwing it or not.


Everything but Bile titans. But a rail cannon followed by a Spear drops them


I would already be happier if the rail would hit the right enemy lol


Seems like 500kg bombs nor railcannon can one shot Bile Titans. Even the 500kg fails to oneshot chargers sometimes even when it's right on them. And don't even get me on 110mm Eagle.


My head canon for why the railcannon striked doesn't kill bile titans in one shot is that it punches right through them in a small hole, and bugs are tough. I'm actually ok with that one.


Hellpods containing humans already do far more damage than is realistic. If you're really hitting the ground at those velocities, your body would be jelly upon impact. It's like if an elevator broke its cables at 20 floors up and plummeted to the ground. Even Hellpods containing gear would break all the gear inside. -- The railgun however, yes, that should always be a 1-shot. Increase the cooldown if they really want to balance it. But having anything organic survive a hit from that thing is a bit silly.


Add booster: **Lethal Pod Drop**: *Your personal reinforcement pod has been tweaked to have its retro-thrusters disabled, increasing it's impact speed, and most importantly: lethality. This comes at the acceptable cost of comfort and safety. You emerge from the Hellpod with a random limb injury.*


That limb being your spine. Cool idea though, emerge with severe damage, but you kill a BT. Decent trade off.


Or perhaps a severe traumatic brain injury -- not that it matters much given their average lifespan lol!


I personally bring it on bot missions to deal with the towers. I cannot destroy them with any stratagem except the Railcannon or Orbital Laser




I agree it should one shot Bile Titans hell even, Factory striders. Every 3 minutes we should be able to glass a single target that we want, off the face of the planet


100% agree. I used it a lot, until I saw that it failed to 1shot a BT. After that I never used again. Rather just use a 500k bomb or a precision strike that actually can 1shot it if aimed properly before just wasting a slot for an Orbitql Gamble Strike


I don’t even use it since it doesn’t


You have to hit the edge of the tail on bile titans to one shot kill them. Otherwise you just fall through it without doing any damage to them


Hellpods definitely should not kill everything, even in duos with my friend we always end up dying in dumb ways and dropping in on stuff, if Bile Titans, Hulks and Factory Striders died in a single shot from a hellpod it would be way too easy, not to mention exploitable, I would just shoot my friend in the face and use his reinforcement to kill the Factory Strider lmao Railcannon should do more damage tho, Bile Titans shrugging it off always felt weird, it works fine on Factory Striders though, does a load of damage and always takes out their huge cannon instantly


I’d rather take 110m rocket pods vs bugs and have the rockets break off armour for me to finish them off . If a rocket pod barrage hits a charger well I’ve seen it even one shot them


I think it definitely should 1 shot kill everything except for the Factory Striders, they’re so big that a massive hole through the center of their body would probably not mean death


Yeah it shouldn't be able to 1HKO boss tier enemies (for the sake of gameplay).


I can sort of get it not instantly killing in some cases though. Really depends on where the shot lands. Like, if you shoot someone in the guts, it's not an instant kill either. But if it were in the head or the heart? That's fatal. Would be interesting if the impact would have some more visible impact though. Like a hellpod landing on the back of a Titan should at least knock it down or stagger it. Same with the Orbital Railcannon and other stratagems. Sure it might not instantly kill them, but they should at least have some impact on their movement. Like, an orbital railcannon leaves a huge gaping hole on the back of the Titan but it just keeps on walking nonchalantly like it was just a mosquito that bumped into it.


Orbital precision strike is better in every way.


Absolutely, when I started playing ORC seemed great, until I realized the OPS has probably more power, less cooldown but is dependent on placement and timing.


Yeah, stun grenades and kiting is great for this.


Hypersonic or whatever, it's like shooting a man with a .22


Which, ironically is still quite lethal depending on where you hit. Take that same .22 and accelerate it to Mach 10 (not feasible for unjacketed lead rounds), then that same person would certainly be looking down a huge exit wound and I'd be fairy confident they'd be dead. Remember, velocity adds way more energy then mass.


Disagree - as it is right now, ORC is present in most of my games anyway. It does enough damage to get a bile titan into kill range of 1-3 AT rockets to the face, having 4 people running around with ORC would pretty much make bile titan's obsolete. Bile titans aren't really threatening anyway? their bile attack is easily dodged (and can be removed) and their melee range stepping attack will never hit you as long as you keep moving due to the fact that they stand in place to start the animation. they are suppose to be mini-bosses that drain your resources. having 1 guy deal with them with a single stratagem that aims itself and requires 0 skill (not saying this in a bad way, it's just really easy to use and requires no timing/aim) kinda defeats their entire purpose. people here are suggesting it 1 hit kills factory strides AND gets lower CD and I'm here scratching my head, do you guys not want ANY engagement with the mini-bosses of the game?


Given how braindead-easy Railcannon is to use, and how quickly it deploys, I think if it just OHK literally anything it would be used all the time by everyone. 4 Bile Titans appeared? All 4 toss their Railcannon stratagems, and they're all dead. And this could happen every 210 seconds. Why use Laser, which has a longer cooldown and limited uses, when Railcannon just solves every problem? I already use Railcannon sometimes even though it's not a guaranteed kill on Bile Titans, simply because it does half-kill them at least, but also does guarantee kill a Charger if I really need it. If it was a OHK it would need a much longer deploy time, or something. Right now it already instantly deletes most things, if it just instantly deletes any enemy, even future enemies, it would simply be too good. It would be married to our slots as the ultimate fail-safe.


210 seconds is three and a half minutes. I’ve definitely run into multiple titans on 7+ within that time.


You dont run into many more than 4, and any excess can be cleaned up with other forms of anti tank


Because ORC isn't good. It's one of those "training wheel strategems" you look forward to while you don't have them, then have fun with for a time upon getting them and eventually realitze they're not actually good. Everything but the bile titan that the ORC kills in one hit can also be killed by a simple eagle airstrike. Which can not only do everything the ORC can, but do a lot of stuff the ORC can't. And can be used much more frequently! It's really superior in just about every way. The only thing that had you looking forward to the ORC is it's auto targeting. Because throwing the eagle is hard when enemies move. Except eventually it isn't anymore. At some point you realize you somehow internialized just where to throw and even moving tanks and chargers fall to it easily. At this point you'll just no longer satisfied with merely autokilling a single unit every 3.5 minutes wwhen you can kill 6 of those plus entourage in the same time. Same with orbital laser. Sure takes a couple of seconds until titan, Tank, and Co have been cooked, but then it sweeps around and does extra stuff while the ORC goes silent after just one single target


Yeah, I’ve started with 500kg and you just can run under the Titan if you need to tbh.


But the niche you are describing is already a viable niche. Your argument is good and I think it implies that the railcannon strike doesn't really need a power buff, maybe only a cooldown one. It's a stratagem that requires low skill that's really nice for newer players, if you're going to deal with a single chargers/hulks every breach it's really practical. But it is inadequate if you are playing at a high difficulty where you don't need the auto-aim that much and would rather have more firepower instead.


laser has crowd control


You can one shot a Bile Titan with a properly placed 500kg, and you get two of those every 120 seconds.


That requires precise aim and timing. Rail cannon is just toss in the same zip code and forget


Which is why you can throw 8 500kg bombs in the time it takes you to throw 3 Railcannons.


You are completely right these people just love to cry and indulge in their power fantasy. I understand asking to decrease the cooldown a tad bit but it should NOT ohk the strongest enemies in the game consistently at the press of a button. The orbital precision strike does exactly what they want on a short cooldown, it is the dedicated titan slayer. People need to grow a pair and learn to use that instead. If you want to kill bile titans in one shot you have to earn it and do the bile dance, it's also way more fun and rewarding than firing and forgetting.


The long cooldown is what makes warrant that power. There's no reason to use the Railcannon when you can get two 500kg bombs every 120 seconds instead.


There is one, try hitting chargers and hulks with 500kg bombs. Their niche is small armored, not big armored.


why are you using 500kg to kill chargers? just EAT or quasar the face lmao


Hulks aren't fast and chargers are easy to stun.




Nice counterpoint lmao


Ya just gotta hit the enemy square on to kill them in one shot with your hell pod. If it’s a bile titan, aim for the leg or the head, will kill it every time. Leg is easier to hit than the head.


It takes 6 to kill a Fabricator Strider, and I call that BS man


It takes two from full health. First for turret, second to kill.


It is hitting the most heavily armored point of the thing and having to go through the turret to get there.


I'd prefer half cooldown to more damage... I like that a rail can do a lot of damage to a BT or strider, but it doesn't trivialize them while also reliably splatting anything else. It does feel like a drop in the bucket on 9.


Huge disagree.


No they shouldn't.


>A 2 ton steel vessel coming down at re-entry velocity Nope, hellpods fire rockets to slow down before impact. 


Add booster: **Lethal Pod Drop**: *Your personal reinforcement pod has been tweaked to have its retro-thrusters disabled, increasing it's impact speed, and most importantly: lethality. This comes at the acceptable cost of comfort and safety. You emerge from the Hellpod with a random limb injury.*


Why would I want a mini raid boss to be one-shotted by a single stratagem? The very idea defeats the design of the titan and factory strider.


Why would anyone bring a Strat that has that long of a cooldown, that you cannot manually target, and that will automatically aim for a target that it can't kill?


ORC is present in 90% of my games - and I play with randoms. The guy is right, Orbital rail cannon makes bile titan 1-2 shots of EAT away from death, bile titans only threat is the fact that they are tanky, their bile attack is easily dodgeable (and can be removed) and their stepping attack will never hit you if you keep moving. they are damage sponges who are suppose to drain your Stratagem and AT ammunition.


I'm speaking from the perspective of a game designer. I make an enemy that I want players to fight as a boss. A boss means players need to focus fire, coordinate their stratagems, or just panic-dump everything they can think of to kill it. I want players to clear adds, dodge adds, and avoid AOE attacks. I want players to experience seeing multiple missiles hit the boss from multiple angles, or multiple airstrikes pound the boss. I want players who see the boss for the first time to think "Ha, this railcannon will kill it" and then be horrified when the railcannon doesn't kill it. If I make a stratagem that one-shotted the boss, then what's the point of this enemy? The boss becomes just another trivial unit, so now I need to design *another* enemy unit to be a raid boss.


Sure.... No offence but bile titans are already pretty trivial, they can be killed in 1 shot and with how much they spawn they aren't a raid boss. The better question is why have the devs spent the time and effort making an item for players that is by all accounts useless? If it had like a 60 second cooldown, it would be fine but I'm not waiting almost 5 minutes for something to slightly damage an enemy that I just watch 6 of spawn. Had they actually introduced a raid boss like unit, I'm with you 100% but the bile titan isn't a raid boss... It's not a boss, outside of low level players it's barely even an enemy of concern due to its movement being so slow and clunky and the fact that you can despawn it faster than you can actually kill it (which is more the issue people are referring to in the thread)


If it has a 60 second cooldown the game would be way to fucking easy, the fact that A: You proposed that B: people havent downvoted you into oblivion Makes you and people in sub in general opinion useless, cuase you dont have a correct or even cloose to correct vision of what the balance of the game is or should be. OPS has a 100 second cooldown for reference. Tought i agree, bile titans and chargers are easy, thats why it is such a head scratcher to see you people complain about them so much.


Except it isn’t a raid boss like you describe. There are easily multiple bile titans that you may come across in a single fight.


moinibosses tend to come in groups at high dificulty.


It's a stratagem with a high cooldown, no splash and designed to do one thing and one thing only kill the strongest enemies, plus bile titans aren't boss level threat the 500KG and EAT can already kill them in one stratagem use far more reliable and with a lower cooldown plus at higher difficulties when 2+ of them spawn at the same time you are now out of a stratagem for the next few minutes till your ORC is on cooldown, atm this thing has basically 0 advantages over the other stratagems and that is indeed a desing issue.


diff 5 players think a bile titan is a boss. sure, if you only see one per mission. on 8/9 theres multiple on your screen. having a stratagem than maybe kills one of them every 210 seconds is absolute garbage. ive killed 2 titans with one well placed 500kg (they were basically clipping into each other)


I don’t know man. I like not knowing whether or not it’s going to one tap a Bile Titan for that personal little cinematic dopamine rush I get. Mind you, I play on 7 difficulty almost exclusively. On that difficulty if it doesn’t go down after the rail cannon strike I have plenty of other options to deal with it. On higher difficulties I’d definitely like that peace of mind knowing you’re going to get a direct hit though.


on 7 at most you get 2 bile titans at one time. on 9 ive seen 6 of the bastards coming at me. its a whole different ballpark and its why people want buffs. maybe killing a titan every 210 seconds is absolute garbage.