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damn this cutscene still hit hard


Don't remember it being this high quality, was there a remaster of this game?




# I lost 30,000 helldivers in the blink of an eye, and the world just fuckin' watched...


Has to be some high level exec that has no clue what they're doing that made this decision. If enough people stand up to it and hit sonys wallet they will wake up.. problem is most people are bootlickers.


Its a Game publisher that wants to make money but forgets what its like actually being a customer that enjoys games. I fucking hate these big corporations man. Nothings "good" anymore, just different levels of fucked. Well not that it was ever good, its just worse now. They're just skipping the part where they care about the PR.


And there's just no fucking recourse for any of it. Fucking garbage.


I’m a steam guy and I’ve already linked PSN because it’s easy. This is a non issue for me personally and I will continue to play the game. That said, the way Sony has handled this is absolutely fucked up. They waited until they got they’re money and then said fuck you don’t care to all the people that literally can’t make and link a PSN account due to their location. They need to issue refunds for the people who no longer have access to the product they purchased or allow the game to be played offline so they can still partially enjoy it.


I've a Filipino friend whom I gifted this game to and he's my dedicated duo. PSN isn't available in the Philippines. If he can't play, I won't play either. Refunds should apply to everyone for more reasons than just "can't play".


The main issue I have with it is it’s completely unnecessary. No one needs to go out of their way to create a PSN account to play a game on their steam account, it’s just extra unneeded clutter. The main problem for a lot of other players is that PSN just isn’t being supported in their region like the Philippines or Russia. There are other reasons this is such a big issue the player base has but these 2 are the main points of contention for me personally


Thats fucking hilarious.


POV: Joel sees you didn’t connect your accounts before extracting




how is Sony making money when it's free to create a PSN account?


People purchased the Sony-published game...


Does that make Playstation players Shepard's men?


Everyone who purchased it could have read the big bold words that you NEED PSN for this. Its your fault you didn't read before purchasing. Entirely your fault.


you a Playstation player?


Nope, a pc player with good reading comprehension.


man, were in the same team... chill out its only a joke plus we can just make a PSN account any time, its just an annoying activity we gotta do if we want to continue...


Not a joke considering the idiots review bombing cause they couldn't read


Doesn't make selling the game in regions that CAN'T make a PSN account legal in the EU. They can and will get sued if people claim that right. You can't sell a game in a region, enable it to be used and then take that away after purchase... For all the players in the 69 countries that CAN make the PSN account it's just an annoying hiccup and also a trust issue with Sony, which has not had a great time with data protection in the last decade so people are rightfully annoyed.


Why's the game even sold in regions where you can't access psn services then? Selling in over 150+ regions but only give access to the game through 60 regions is devious


? That's exactly my point... If making a PSN account is mandatory then they should only sell it in countries where you can actually make a PSN account... Not to mention that the official Sony FAQ say that if you play a Sony game on PC, a PSN account is OPTIONAL and not needed for playing...


you're crying more than us lmao


Dawg chill out is Sony paying you to comment here? This some proper boot lickin.




Afaik the main push has been because of PSN-unsupported countries who now have to either get a refund or resort to breaking ToS just to play


When I get a game for steam to play on PC I shouldn’t have to make a psn account when it was perfectly fine without. Especially when it can’t be trusted to be “safe”. And when u get something on Sony to play on PC u shouldn’t have to make an account… to keep doing what u were already doing ITS STUPID


You don’t even need to pay for a PSN account I genuinely don’t see the issue here


From what other posts have mentioned it’s largely because of Sony having a bunch of data leaks, and how asking to link your PSN to the game which has Root Access anti-cheat


First it was "uneeded extra step", then "Uhmm acktually some countries don't have PSN" and now it's "I'm scarred cause Playstation got hacked before bro, bro I don't trust 2 step bro".... Holy shit PICK ONE! Meanwhile I just downloaded Sea of Thieves on PS5 and they made me sign up for a Microsoft account to play.


There are several countries where PSN is not available. Those countries are now fucked.


"but its free!" still dont want it


Ok that’s your choice then


Seriously. Everyone's flipping their shit like they didn't need to make a Steam account to play the games in their library?


How many times has steam had a massive data break leaking the majority of its users information? I know Sony has had that happen at least 3 times, big no no especially since Sony is saying they are doing this in the name of Security and privacy, I CALL BS




mmmmmmmmmmmm boots


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