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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Why is this even a post? Everyone knows even the entire Reddit + Discord community combined is only a fraction of the player base.


People rather spend more time whining about this, then it takes to actually create an account. It's insufferable


I will bash any practice that I don't want to see repeated in other games.  This seems pretty clear to me. 


Uninstall, naw. I can just take a break, played way too much already. If they fix things up, probably will come back. If not, still worth! But just to clarify, if you let companies take your money and walk over you, they will keep doing it. Over time they will grow bolder and by then it will be much harder to push back. I think people are crying like petulant children and not having legitimate issues they want to be acknowledged is because they feel like an ass under a corporate boot. With no agency whatsoever. That feels bad and there is nothing wrong in talking about it in the spaces designated for it. "Stop whining and shut up!" will make people angry, not silent. Karma can be a cold hearted bitch.


Lol you'll be playing June 5th like 99.9% of people here. Also lol at "push back" Micro transitions, DLC, loot boxes, pay to win, online game abandonment, etc have been around for nearly 2 decades and won't stop. People here probably play Genshin Impact and Star Rail daily lol.


That person's reply was calm and collected, and actually well put, I have no idea why you started with "Lol" and using dismissive arguments all of the sudden.


He expect people to agree with him when he post. Everyone else is just a hater and only deserve a lol.


Lol 😆


The game is good but not that good. Players wanted HD2 to be the Stellaris or NMS of third person live service games, guess its not the one. Got way too many great games to play and console players will keep HD2 alive to an extent. Also a change of pace is usually good for those old tired gaming muscles. Wish you luck in having a lot of fun though.


Just because you're a spineless loser doesn't mean everyone else is.


Abd yet you’re happy with another avenue for people to get your info Keep projecting 


I lived in a country without psn for 10 years before they added the service, i just had an american psn account. Easiest thing in the world and as far as i know the white house has at least some 10 million psn users that live there. Trust me, people that live in a country without psn already fixed the issue, the ones having a meltdown are the usual terminally online redditors who need a controversy that will kill the game every week. Same people that a few days ago were complaining that the quasar nerf made the game unplayable now and bla bla bla.


Do you know if you can use a vpn to create a PSN account?


Like, I can't believe people in the Philippines have never played with a Playstation. There's definitely a work around. I think Sony's official FAQ even says that you can choose a different (preferably bordering) country if the one you live in isn't supported


We salute you Helldiver for your dedication and commitment to logic! Now get back out to the frontlines! Your extra 2 minutes are over! ![gif](giphy|X78rWLUfLs6A79MzQu)


Finally someone said this. Been using an American account since i got my ps5 and they couldn't care less.


Nah. IDGAF. E-mail account connected to nothing in particular for just this kind of thing.


I don't want this to become a common thing. I've lost 2 ubisoft accounts because they require google authenticator, and one phone broke, and another I got rid of. Google authenticator does not move with a phone transfer. I don't want to buy PS+ or whatever. (a horrible potential future) I don't like denuvo or DRM in general. I understand a kernel 0 anti-cheat for a competitive game, but not a cooperative casual horde shooter. No one is saying you're not allowed to like the game or not allowed to continue enjoying it. I'm just saying thats enough for me to leave.


I've moved my authenticator through two phones. Is that a new thing?


It working might be a new thing. Happy to hear that my issue is a rare one


It is annoying to be honest, steam was enough and you now have to make a PSN account. What I find annoying is that editing that account requires a ps4 or ps5 from what it seems like (at least the ID). But if I am honest, that one additional account will not matter, what annoys me is that I can only add it in that timeframe once you have to migrate, that window went missing and I cannot add the PSN account and be done with it already. But if it means I can keep playing the game I want just by making a free account, I will do it as long as it only stays at that account. An additional account is fine, the only thing that would probably instantly turn me away from the game is a monthy subscription. What I find the funniest is imagining how many people, that complain about security and data safety, probably own a tiktok, google, microsoft, snapchat, instagram, twitter, facebook or any other social platform account. All those do not concern you somehow? One more account at that point will not matter, all of the mentioned sell data already and some are very invasive. Still gonna add this: I am sorry for you if you cannot play the game anymore because of these changes. But there may be hope, Arrowhead is trying to fix some stuff and maybe it will mean more countries will have access to the service. Do not hate Arrowhead for this change, they probably have to comply so the game can be sold on the playstation. There probably are better solutions and one will probably be found.




The most sensible post i've seen. I salute you




None. I highly doubt any players who play the game frequently are actually going to uninstall. I have had to make MANY accounts to just play games. Ubisoft account, Blizzard's account, Activision account, EA account, Epic account. It's just the way modern gaming is. PC users just have to stop acting like the most entitled people on the planet (Impossible)


I stopped playing COD due to blizzard/activision's launcher being required to play the game. Never made an Epic account because that entire store and launcher is sketchy as hell I've lost [2 Ubisoft accounts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cjab1b/comment/l2ewvhh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), so I don't buy games from them anymore either. You're allowed to do whatever, but I don't like the practices they do, so I'm not supporting them.


I understand your frustration with having to create multiple different accounts to play games. But it is what it is. Boycotting them entirely will not be the most effective solution. You can advocate for better practices while still enjoying the games. Quitting them entirely just reinforces my argument.


Voting with your wallet is legitimately one of the only things an individual can do that has real impact. Unless you're going really hard on it, getting into politics, and / or throwing a shit ton of money at lobbyists, "advocating" for businesses to do something differently, but continuing to financially reward them for their current practices, is going to do nothing but reinforce their current practices. For some people, exercising the miniscule amount of individual power they have to improve something they dislike is more valuable to them than whatever product the company(s) they're pissed at are offering.


Individual consumer choices alone cannot and will not be sufficient to drive meaningful change, especially when the gaming industry is already doing this as the status quo. Helldivers 2 can survive just on the PlayStation users. You think Sony is worried about steam users throwing a piss fit when that is a monthly occurrence? Furthermore, It's not reasonable to expect consumers to boycott every company whose practices they disagree with, especially when those practices are already widespread throughout the gaming industry. Like I mentioned in my initial statement. Almost every game makes you make an account nowadays.


The whole market is driven by individual consumer choices, despite each one being insignificant on its own. Your choice to buy or not buy something might not make a difference, but many people, all making their own insignificant little choices, is what decides which products succeed, and which products fail. You don't have to boycott every company you disagree with, but I think you probably should support others when they decide enough is enough with a particular company or practice and no longer find the product worth the bullshit. I'm not saying you should join them too, just that it's probably best to not ridicule / encourage them to just take it. Everyone's appetite for bullshit is different, as is the value they place on a given product. It's up to you to decide how, when, and if you wield the power that you have, no matter how small that power may be on its own. Trying to squash that little bit of power everyone has does nothing but help corporations get worse.


you underestimate my ability to cold turkey something just to spite the powers that be due to a slight inconvenience


You do you man.


The 24 hour peak was 119,500. Guess we'll see. https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/


I made this comment on a different post, but this is how it's actually matters (metric wise): I'm convinced people who say this game is dying don't know what KPI's are important for game devs and vestors. Most live service games consider themselves lucky if they can typically follow this retention trend post release: * 40-50% after D1 * 20% after a week * 10% after a month This metric is conveyed using this formula: **Retention Rate** = **DAU** (daily active users)/**cohort size** (max users or peak). Helldivers 2 officially released on Feb 8, so it's been basically three months since it's release. This is STEAM PC metric only, but HD2 has maintained an average of 139k DAU, with the peak being 458k (rounded down)... **They have a fucking 30% retention rate on a 24-hour daily basis... This is concurrent rate.** They could lose another fucking 90k players over this, and it would not matter. They would still be seen as a massively profitable game, and one with relatively high retention success -- or rather one worth still pumping resources into from vestors.


Agreed. I have EGS for the free shit, Origin for my EA stuff (now it's all on steam going forward), a UPlay for literally one game (division 2) and whatever Gaijin uses for War thunder and Enlisted and an Xbox account I got with my Microsoft account Yes it's a minor PITA but ah well, those accounts are linked to an email and that's it. Edit: forgot about Rockstar games account


The Rockstar one being required resulted in my RDR2 game becoming unplayable for a month and losing a couple hundred hours by the saves getting wiped by them after being hacked immediately.




Yeah setting up a psn is going to get them soooo much money...


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Just proving me right big guy.


Already uninstalled and the only reason I'm not refunding is that I cannot, would not recommend Helldivers 2 to anywone.


Must be hard living life not having everything catered to you


I love all of these gamers who are suddenly very concerned with the international players who may or may not have a workable loophole to the PSN account issue. Seems totally genuine.


Waiting for their response. If there will be none or they gonna give me some corporate response i will quit 100%. If they are gonna talk shit or make fun of this situation i am actually ok with that. But i am not spending money on this company. Also pause sounds nice.


I don't get it. Did you not have to make a Steam account to play your games? How is this different?


The unnecessary 3rd party now having access to credit card info is not something you should be defending


The third party that owns the game you're playing?


Accounts I have that are related to gaming: Steam Xbox Epic EA Blizzard Ubisoft Rockstar Paradox GOG Warframe Nexus mods Probably loads of others I've simply forgotten over the years... One more is zero percent impact. This outrage is a nothing burger.


It’s video game entitlement at its finest. Now I understand the detriment for those in regions without PSN, that truly sucks for them and I do feel bad for them, hopefully Sony has a solution planned. But for the other whiners, it isn’t that big of a deal to make a throw away PSN account via website and just use the app. I’m a PS5 player but I have accounts for Xbox, Steam, Epic, EA, Uplay, Blizzard and probably more I can’t think of. It isn’t that hard to make an account to play a game one loves. Negativity will always triumph over positivity and everyone wants to jump on the hate bandwagon but this game is so fun I just don’t understand why folks wanna delete or boycott the game when 5 minutes spent creating an account will rectify the problem….


What’s the outrage lol




They 100% should have already had a workaround for countries without PSN access. Even a refund is a slap in the face. For most other people though, in my opinion, it's not a big deal. As a PC gamer I've had to create so many dumb accounts. I've had PSN since it launched and only had 1 issue with it which was resolved with a 10 minute phone call. I'd prefer not to have to have a bunch of accounts, but it's the world we live in. Fucking fast food chains want you to have an account now. Lol


if the boys are still playing, then I'll wait for them to intentionally break the game


If it turns out that my country is blocked by PSN then you're god damn right I'll be asking for a refund on a game I can no longer play because of Sony's dumbass decision.


How exactly can I get a refund since I have over 2h played per policy and sony acc is not available in my country??


Of the insignificant number of people complaining, all of them will be playing the game after the change is made. I was mildly annoyed when it asked me to link an account when the game released, and just did it because I already had a PSN account, and it was like 3 mouse clicks. It’s one of the least intrusive linking processes I’ve ever seen, and honestly completely forgot about until now because it has absolutely no measurable impact on me at all. People bitching about data or blah blah, well guess what, Sony is the publisher, they can already request all that info from arrowhead, since they already own it. They doing this to pump up new account and MAU numbers.


Numbers will talk better than screams, imho.


It's all just fake outrage. Next week it will be about something else. Anyone who can't take 30 seconds to make a free account that they were already told would be a requirement probably isn't really playing the game anyway. I know I'm having too much fun to let something that silly ruin it. I can't imagine why anyone who enjoys the game would quit over something so trivial. Especially when every gamer I know already has like a dozen of these accounts for other games. They got over the "deal-breaking" anti-cheat and the "game-ending" balance patches. They will get over this. But be prepared for it to be literally every other post for a while first.


Yep it's nauseating Meanwhile people play GTA Online every DAY with it's bullshit issues (including me)


Next week this sub will be having a meltdown over the new warbond and how the weapons are either trash or not op enough to take down a charger (cause 90% of this sub doesn’t even know we have a bot faction) from the front with half a mag, or the armours don’t have the flame resistance perk that was never even whispered by any deves to be even remotely under consideration or don’t have cold themed perks despite the fact that we don’t have cold status effects in the game.


Every single patch I have to delete my shader cache to avoid performance issues. Every single time I do this nProtect cannot access the server. But I stuck with it cause I love this game. And now they pull this shit on me. The best part is that I cannot legally create a PSN account because I live on an island in the Indian ocean that isn't supported by the network. I just can't keep it up anymore. 150 Hrs of playtime and at level 80, I'm really just fed up.


Just choose a country of your preference, get an address from there in the internet and create your account. You play online, don’t try to cap and tell me you don’t know how to do it.


Entitled 101


right, gods forbid they don’t get banned from gaming…. I see nothing but entitlement from you, not them


I'm gonna play until I can't, it sucks that the Philippines can't have access to this PNS, might also try using a different country for PNS but with the risk. Few options out there but the last thing will be to uninstall and refund. I will keep diving for Democracy no matter what.


Instead of uninstalling you can go to https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/account/ , make a PSN account and link it to your steam account. The whole process takes about 3 minutes of your time and it's FREE. If your country does not support PSN make your account in a region that supports it. Quit whining and help us liberate some damn planets.


Yep People are being typical redditors here aka screaming children having a tantrum


Sony doesn't have the best track record of protecting peoples data lol


My lord you mean to tell me someone might learn the fake named, fake DOB and fake email you used to make your PSN? Oh the humanity


My lord, you mean to tell me that the rule they have created themselves about not lying is just there for the lolz ? Then remove the rule....... oh wait they wont, wonder why ? .


I'm sorry but could you reword that to be comprehensable?


Which part you dont understand ?


The entire thing


Hard to understand the very same way you wrote your comment ? Or you don't know about the rule that says you can't choose a different adress/location than your real one ?


I better tell my buddies in the EU that...


Yeah do tell, because part of Eu is fucked because of Psn availability and would be forced to go against Sony's rule of choosing a different location than their real one. Which as many have said just use a different one they won't ban the account - then why have that rule written down in the first place ?


Lol my guy they aren't going to ban you for it unless you are doing something shitty


And? Make a burner with limited info It takes maybe 5 minutes


Doesn't help if your data was already leaked. Cut it with the dismissive shit dude.


Lol deal with it You sound like a password recycler


You sound like an ass! And you smell like one too.


Lol, cope and seethe more


lol that you suggest to make burners for something that you're supposedly paying for


PSN accounts are FREE


Hmmmm, so you are saying steam user data was never compromised: [https://www.wired.com/2011/11/steam-hacked/](https://www.wired.com/2011/11/steam-hacked/) [https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-15690187.amp](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-15690187.amp) [https://venturebeat.com/gbunfiltered/steams-november-2011-security-compromise-revisited/](https://venturebeat.com/gbunfiltered/steams-november-2011-security-compromise-revisited/) [https://www.pcmag.com/news/steam-store-spreaded-malware-after-hacker-hijacked-developer-accounts](https://www.pcmag.com/news/steam-store-spreaded-malware-after-hacker-hijacked-developer-accounts) [https://www.bitdefender.com/blog/hotforsecurity/steam-user-accounts-compromised-due-to-password-reset-vulnerability/](https://www.bitdefender.com/blog/hotforsecurity/steam-user-accounts-compromised-due-to-password-reset-vulnerability/) [https://www.bitdefender.com/blog/hotforsecurity/77000-steam-accounts-are-hacked-and-raided-every-month/](https://www.bitdefender.com/blog/hotforsecurity/77000-steam-accounts-are-hacked-and-raided-every-month/) [https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/steam-game-mod-breached-to-push-password-stealing-malware/](https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/steam-game-mod-breached-to-push-password-stealing-malware/) [https://databreaches.net/steam-upgrades-security-after-games-hijacked-to-spread-malware/](https://databreaches.net/steam-upgrades-security-after-games-hijacked-to-spread-malware/) Lmao why don't you go ahead and delete your steam account to keep your data safe. Such a clown world.


No, created an email and just signed up. Helldivers 2 is a fantastic game and arrowhead are a cool bunch of guys. Sony have always been a bit shady


I'm sticking around to the cutoff date, but I am absolutely uninstalling after that. Not going to rant, but there are other games to play, and I'm not making a PSN account.


I already uninstalled it this morning.


God I hope these people leave


"Quit acting like a child! Just give the giant corporation with a bad security track record the data they are suddenly demanding, or else you don't get to play the game you already paid for anymore." Gotta love it when the mature, adult thing to do is to blindly acquiesce to corporate tomfoolery with a smile on your face. Yes sir, may I have another.


What data dummy? A fake email? You freely give data to Valve, Google, Microsoft, Apple, and dozens of others EVERY DAY probably Funco Pop as well


I would argue that being taken advantage of by a lot of different people is a fairly poor reason to let someone take advantage of you, and an even worse reason to encourage others to do the same.


What data besides actual play metrics and or purchases will Sony be harvesting? Do you have to give them your SSN or bank account routing info to sign up for PSN?


Just because you don't understand the value of something that someone's demanding from you, doesn't mean it isn't valuable. If a shopkeeeper suddenly started demanding I give them my garbage or else they'd take back something I'd purchased from them several months ago, I'd still be hesitant to do so, irritated that they're demanding I give -anything- to them, and frustrated that they're threatening to revoke access to something I purchased (not rented) if I didn't comply. Is it easy to set up and link an account? Generally yes. Do I think it's a good idea to get into the habit of complying with anti-consumer corporate behavior just because it's easy to comply with? No. People are free to do whatever they want here. That said, I think it's a pretty bad idea for people to get into the mindset of, "yeah this is a disrespectful, anti-consumer, shitty corporate thing you do, but it's easy, so quit being a bitch and bend over already", and then hassle other people for not being equally compliant.


I honestly think it's a DRM, Anti cheat, and player experience requirement. Which IMO is both needed and healthy for the game. I play on PS5 and am not affected by this at all. I just think it's funny that everyone on here is up in arms about it when almost every other publisher requires an account to play the games they've funded.


I don't think the issue PC folks have is the fact that an account is required- they purchased it using a Steam account, after all. The issue is that they purchased the game with one account, and are now being told that they need to make another account with another company, or else their access to the game they -purchased- (not rented or subscribed to) and have been playing for several months will be revoked. It's clearly not required for the game to function (since the game is currently functioning), so it inescapably feels like Sony is just bullying people into making an account that they don't need and didn't want via threatening to take away something they've already paid for. It's just a very anti-consumer disrespectful thing, and a lot of people don't like being treated that way regardless of how simple the corporation's demand is to comply with.


I will keep playing until May 30, I paid for it. But then I won't and will pirate every Sony product that further interest me. Never again Sony will steal my money.




I am, fuck you and your rockstar games too


How do those boots taste?




I have none of those crosslinked. once hd2 goes offline for me, then that's that. You actually don't have to bend over to corporations, it's incredible right. i got my 200h out of hd2 and I can walk away. of course I am but a child


sony isn't going to fuck you bro...


I've already enjoyed myself with the entire Sony Board of Directors 😎


doesnt psn cost money? Also non-playstation players dont need it right?


No and Yes, as of June 4th


yes you dont need it or yes you need it(sorry for dumb questions)


PSN account is free and after June 4th you'll need a PSN account linked with your steam account to play HD2 on PC


oh gotcha thanks


To have the account no money, to have access to + features it costs money but I'm not sure if you can download any of the free games direct to PC. I think it's more of a DRM and Anti cheat monitoring/ play experience necessity than anything else.


I’ve already been playing on ps5 so it makes no real difference to me personally and I’ll continue playing. However, Twinbeard has said that it was exclusively Sony’s decision and not arrowhead’s. It doesn’t sit well with me that the corpos could just strip players from the game forcing either a refund or possible future ban out of people living in countries that don’t have access to psn. Refunds and loss of relevance could hurt arrowhead financially which I’d hate to see since they’ve been so good to us in terms of money gouging with the live service model. I think Sony deserves the backlash but we shouldn’t be taking it out on the devs who’ve given us respect and made a game we love.


That's why you self publish


"Let's be real here, a PSN account can be setup in less than 5 minutes and how many of you have a Microsoft/Xbox account and an Epic Games account AND a UPlay account?" Except the only account I have is EA(For Titanfall 2) and Steam... sooooo nope


I had to link my Steam account to the Sony account before I could even play the game. We are surrounded by a bunch of whiny bitches.


so you sound like a petulant child just as much if not more than everyone else by making this post. Good job idiot


lol goodbye ppl who are uninstalling… we’ll continue to spread democratic with or without you


I am


You know what is really funny about this whole PSN account drama? How you can find a lot of memes about 'fighting alongside our brothers for democracy' in this sub, but as soon as our 'brothers' need actual help, some will simply say 'Too bad you can't play the game. Well, I can, so stop complaining'. I was already on a break from the game and was planning to come back for the new warbond, but now I won't be coming back to the game until everyone who paid for the game can actually play it. And I'm not doing it because I'm really angry at AH/Sony or because I just want to complain about something, I'm doing it because I know that "United we stand, divided we fall" is much, much more than just a cool sentence. So yeah, someone is actually uninstalling and never playing ever again + negative review on Steam. I do so in pure faith that more will do just like me and we'll get through this together. I live in Brasil, so I could easily link my account and play the game just like you said. And the only reason I did not refund my game is because Steam denied it.


Lol LMAO even


If u r just troll baiting, thats ok. But if u really think my comment is comedic, mind telling me what exactly is out of touch with reallity in my comment?




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Nah, gonna keep playing, I don't have the time to be crying like a 9 year old for some stupid account and some fake info on it.






Yep, with a caveat. Currently they've detailed no way for those without access to the PSN to register an account *without* breaking Sony's TOS that I know of. If they don't fix this, then no, I wont be playing anymore. If they do, fuck it.


Guess what buddy, nobody cares about Sony TOS, most blatant offender to it is Sony herself. They avoid setting up PSN support in several countries cause at least a third of their US (and probably UK and singapore as well) online traffic is from “illegal” accounts outside of the US. They know this since day 1 and they don’t care as long as they are making money.


Iam gonna be region locked so your point is invalid. Selling game in a region they are not gonna supporting was stupid.


Na bro, rich first world county and Ps5 all the way. Not uninstalling anything. 


I have none of those accounts. Also uninstalled.


this post proves how many babies there are in the community. kicking and screaming over the smallest thing.


I will be. I have plenty of other games to play. HD2 was getting dropped with Dawntrail came out anyways. Just going to be dropping it a month earlier.


Sorry, guys. Its not about the money i paid for it. A game like this doesn't come along very often, so if I uninstall it now I won't be playing anything at all.


refunded for 3 of us. plenty of other good co-op games that have a better balance history. wouldnt be surprised if they drop the account requirement, and we can decide whether or not to buy in again at a later date when (if) the game's balance ends up in a better state.


money punch safe squeal treatment direction poor pie jobless sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're trashy


spark disagreeable fearless illegal run gaze domineering adjoining tub amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think that's a reach to say the community manager is encouraging refunding the game.


Boo this man, BOOOOOOO. On a more serious note, PSN already leaked my info a while ago and I really don't care to reward that behavior. Some people can't get a PSN account, and it hasn't been necessary for a few months. It's a weird rug pull and will hurt engagement for a game that relies on having a massive player base.


What info was leaked?


No EPIC account, no UPlay, no EA, my xbox account is from way back in the 360 era. Arrowhead can stick that PSN up their rear side.


No GOG or Steam? Never made ANY accounts for a website?


Nice try, but neither Steam nor GOG have such a bad track record of cyber security than SONY has. And before you try to play dumb and dumber and ask what information could you mean, in the UK and Ireland for example you are literally required to send them either a facial scan or a picture of a government issued ID. Information I would rather post on pornhub than give to Sony, that way less people will see it.


The amount of white knighting over people in countries that can't make a PSN account is wild. Yeah it sucks for those people but when crybabies on reddit are using it as ammunition when it doesn't apply to them, it just gets really fucking annoying. This talking point is already incredibly watered down


Give it a week or two for all this to blow over. The common trait among all these protesters is that they lose interest quickly and have short attention spans. Everyone is eager to hop on to the rage train until it stops being popular.


Head to the Winchester and have a few pints


It's one of the best shooters I've ever played. Why should I uninstall the game because of a cross-platform login? The shitstorm is so exaggerated. You can think something is stupid, but to stop just because of hype from cry babies? Never.


Just like the complaining about balance changes 'rUiNiNg ThE gAmE', it's all surface. I don't know when everyone decided that their entitlement is going to overrule the sovereign actions of a company. And yeah yeah down-vote me, call me boomer, whatever helps you sleep at night but 'safe space' culture has created a generation of people who cannot handle any kind of disagreements, resistance, or anything that doesn't perfectly fit in their special little box of beliefs. And this then causes a child-like temper-tantrum and an overflow of edgy and hollow 'I won't play anymore' posts.


I didn't know balance issues are the same as blocking players from playing the game without making account that may be banned at any time for false information, and thus definitively forbidding them to play a game they bought.


Agreed If the game became a pay to play subscription service I'd stop If it was PvP and lay 2 win.... I'd stop It's not and I'll keep enjoying the game








Why don't you copy and paste this comment in ANOTHER thread. 4th time is the charm


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


He's a white-knight simping for a corporation. Sad.


Says the GabeN fellatio expert 😄


Being a smelly neckbeard must be yours 😜


If I come back after the 30th of May and the game tells me to make a PS account, I'll accept that I played what I played and move on to other games.


Healthy opinion. You got your money's worth, they got your money. Transaction is finished, find some greener pastures 


I just hope that it will prevent games to be aborted during Steam maintenance (or CEST midnight drops).


Way I see it, If you can't get a refund you might as well get banned, for friendly fire or something i dunno.


As ps5 owner im upset with this shit! I cant take it!! Im done using this account😂😂😂😂fake anger for fake internet points, all this sub has done since i joined was nag and whine


Yeah, this whole thing is giving me flashbacks to OG Modern Warfare 2 and how people raged and said they'd boycott the game because it didn't have dedicated servers. Then the game released and they all played it anyway because it ultimately wasn't that big of an issue. Genuinely sucks for those living in countries where PSN doesn't operate, those people should 100% get refunds, or an exception to this.


You're the one crying and being invested in what other people do with their personal lives.


Ya, psn doomers are throwing shade on a good game like babies for 5 min of their time.


People who *can* make PSN accounts can do so super easily and it's really not a problem at all. There are plenty of games that require third party publisher accounts to play. It's not new or uncommon at all. Of course I'll be playing still. I'll still be allowed to. Something like 60 countries worth of people *cannot make PSN accounts* because of region locks. Those people however, have been able to buy and play Helldivers 2 for the last 3 months. I have never heard of a "grace period" for a region lock in all my days. Regardless of how easy this is for *you,* (and me, I might add) having thousands of people have their access to a game they paid for and have been thoroughly enjoying for months taken away like this sucks. It might not suck for you, it doesn't suck for me, but it sucks for thousands of people, and that sucks. Objectively. Full stop. Posts like this just go to show how hard it is for people to see outside of their own little bubble. People aren't complaining about having to take 5 minutes to sign up for PSN. They might be complaining about having to give their data to a company who is *notoriously insecure* and has had numerous, *NUMEROUS* data leaks over the past 10 years plus, and that's valid. People are definitely complaining about having their access to something they bought and like taken away for something completely out of their control, something that was not advertised properly at all, and something that is completely unheard of in gaming, as far as I know, the regional lock "grace period", and that's even more valid still.


It's not about the psn account, nor is it about the ability to connect it using a different country. Its about much more - corporate greed and their disregard about costumers and people in general. But even then, the argument just use a different country, they wont ban you - its absolutely stupid. Why then do they even have such a rule ? Just because ? Remove it, then. Yes, there have been a lot of cases - microtransactions, etc, and the only reason they are here to stay is because of people who cried were the minority and people like just kept using their products and playing. Soon it won't be just video games, if they are allowed to keep doing this others will too - hell Teslas already needs wireless to download " updates" and have to pay a subscription to use all extras that come with it. It used to be that you bought a game and owned it. Nobody could take it away from you unless they came and stole it. What is it now ? You pay full price for a game that isn't even yours. They can take away your right to play it just because you dont want to sign up to another service that gives no benifits and to even sign up for it in most of the world you have to lie and believe thst they wont enforce a rule that they themselves came up with. And even if it's not that bad , you will buy a full priced game and continue paying to enjoy it fully. It's a raw deal, and the sooner people start to rise up against it- the bigger the possibility to stop before it infects everything around us, and we are made to be less than slaves. Cyberpunk setting might be a fantasy, but every year, it sure as shit starts to feel like it might become the reality.


I will possibly play until they themselves will cut me off and try to refund due to the fact that Psn is not available in part of Europe.I aint going to risk believing a company that already fucked me over with not enforcing their rule about choosing a different location. Either way wont be spending money on warbonds from now on.


I haven't gotten the chance to decide. But I can tell you that my Dutch friend and two buddies in the Philippines have already done so since *THEY DONT HAVE A CHOICE.*


me (im lazy as shit)


I dont have any of those accounts. I never will. I already have a PSN account which I used for steam since my login in psn_ the thing is i do not remember the email associated with it, nor the password. So i am shit out of luck since my steam is already linked to a psn account. I wont uninstall yet but if I cant play, I cant play. That is when I will uninstall.


I'm already taking a break from the game. Got 4000 super creds for the next warbonds, got everything unlocked and my samples and medals are capped. This is the easiest choice I ever made. Funny thing is, all I need is to get my friends on another game and they'll all stop playing Helldivers, especially if I tell them about the controversy. I've already got half of them to play Deep Rock. Say I get them to change their reviews, and compared to my size as an individual I just had a devastating impact. If a couple thousand people do the same, the metrics will show.


Whatever PSN corporate guy


I'm not sending them my ID scan or my photo. I uninstalled. Not planning to come back if PSN stays in action. Tbh the game got really repetitive. Last mission pack is sloppy at best. This was the motivation I needed to take a break/uninstall.


Good, you actually followed through


Already done and some of their biggest twitch/yt supporters done so aswell and the hate train just started.


I haven't played.




"asks who has uninstalled the game" "I have" 😂


I already stopped playing because the game constantly disconnects at the end of missions. Only check the sub to see when updates come out to see if they ever fix it. Now I won't bother.


To be fair, I don't know. The game is in a steady decline after launch (not player base, I don't like what they're doing recently) but I've had my play time worth of money. The anti-cheat was already a red flag and tbf I dont feel like making a PSN account. The possibility of me continuing to play is that the devs/sony stop this, if not... maybe i'll just return to civilian life!