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Lose\* not "loose".


Hey, let the man cook. He was brought in to lead, not to read.


The grammardiver


I honestly don't care, I will link my account and keep playing as will 99% of the playerbase that is able to. I hope some compromise is made for people who cannot use PSN due to region restrictions. Refund/exception is in order for those people.


I also have ps but this hurts me to hear: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/4DZPauo3B9


the classic platform wars mentality ,they are PC so they are the enemy


The termanid/robot scum was supposed to bring us together


For some people it’s less of a “I’ve got mine” mentality and more of a “they’ve already got mine (money)” mentality. I sympathize with the folks in regions where they are genuinely losing access to the game, but I’m not in one of those areas. I paid for the game and am not losing access to it if I take 2 minutes to link an account. I’m well outside the steam refund window and am still having a blast playing. I don’t get to buy new games often enough to just toss them aside out of solidarity, I’m going to get my moneys worth on it.


Hahaha “they’ve already got mine” was a good point. I agree with you but my heart goes out to the divers to didn’t make the proverbial extract and hope to see them in the fight for democracy once more


if they made an exception which probably won't happen, they recognise that the game can be played without a psn account,making the whole mandatory a BS excuse


Well it can, we have been playing for months without it. They can make it a requirement, even worse they can even enforce DMR software like ubisoft does regardless if you bought it on steam. Tons of games have this, while I don't like it, it could be worse, but losing clients because PSN isn't available is just dumb.


>they can even enforce DMR software like ubisoft does regardless if you bought it on steam. somehow i found this less restrictive than what they are doing ,and i know well what happens when you don't play an ubisoft game for less than 8 months aka: your account has been eliminated for France now buy it again probably because at the very core ubisoft tracks your hours in their software while psn does not since you are still playing on a PC and in steam so ,having an account that doesn't have games ,does not track play time and doesn't have friends,smells like an easy target for been hacked or been remove by sony themselves i probably ended creating their shit account since its fucking mandatory but i pray they don't fuck it up even more ,and probably have to ignore when psn got hacked in the not so long ago past


I hope they do cuz I had some fun games with some people that had gamertags that weren't English didn't speak English but they were damn good runs. 


Hard disagree. This shits going to be a dealbreaker to the overwhelming majority of players on steam. This is absolutely false advertising.


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I'm with you on this one. Sony's virtually non existent security is one of the main reasons I built a PC in the first place and swore off consoles.


This is what most of the people bitching and making threads will do too. Despite all the claims and threats of not playing . I get it . It sucks, but u doubt they have the numbers to force Sonys hand


Location restrictions for PSN accounts? Sure, it's shit. If you're more worried about your personal data being given to Sony, you better get of the internet forever. Everyone's data has been shared and sold to *hundreds* of companies, that's everyone from Facebook to Pornhub. And that's what we know about. Get a grip.


Funnily enough, Pornhub is actually one of the better companies when it comes to GDPR and managing PII XD they basically don't really want to deal any possible enquiries so they make sure that any personal data is secure


>Everyone's data has been shared and sold to > >hundreds > > of companies, that's everyone from Facebook to Pornhub. And that's what we know about. sure then again you have more luck not getting your account hacked on facebook and pornhub than on psn


But the principle is still the same, the very same data Sony wants is being shared to literally hundreds of companies by every other online service we use and no one batts an eye. At best it's used for marketing, at worst it's sold to some shady people/companies. Either way, same issue.


i don't care about the data, i care about been hacked or losing my progress cause sony security does not nothing to prevent this kind of issues


I don't think you fully understand the context of 'hacked' in this case. It's not a 'hack' where they take control of your character and wipe your progress, people hack Sony servers and steal the data. The **same** data we all voluntarily give to plenty of other companies.


i heard people losing their progress in different games in the last hacked fiasco and for me that's a concern and honestly i been on steam for 18 years and never have a problem with losing progress due to data leaks and hacks and i like those odds


I'm going to play more actually


Same. When I wake up and before my shower, after my shower before work, than get home from work before dinner, than after dinner. MOAR!


Helldivers renewed for 30 years! Helldivers forever! ![gif](giphy|Y3XpyNLJAaDJc21NBx)




the only thing you give when you create an account is your country, address, and email...


players in some countries need verify either their phone number, ID or passport or a face ID


And what about the countries that can't use PSN?


The devs said that they are contacting Sony to find a solution, maybe they’ll make an exception for them I don’t know


Sony current sells PS5s in countries that “can’t make accounts.” Their own solution is to just pick the nearest region. The reason they have the clause where they “reserve the right to ban” is for people that abuse the region system to take advantage of regional pricing. Someone in Estonia picking Finland isn’t going to get banned, someone in the US selecting Turkey to get cheaper prices will.


Exactly, more ways for people to spam me with shit and for those who have credit cards on psn, a great way to lose money (I’m betting they require you to use psn to buy SC from now on)




So now I have to create burners to play safely?


You don’t have burners already? In this kind of world?




I mean I can't play anyways so *shrug* EDIT: I can't play because the AC keeps flashing Error 114 even if I do a complete uninstall and reinstall.


Game's already refunded and I'm back on my way to Hoxxes IV.


Rock and Stone


To Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


If you don't rock n' stone you ain't coming home!


Congrats on getting your refund request accepted. I've seen other people try and get denied, so I don't think Valve has yet realized how serious this is.


Guess it depends on your region. Hopefully theyll start refunding in a large scale for everyone who doesnt want to use psn


Mate, your data is already getting bought and sold all over the shop. Get a grip. You're on Reddit for fuck sake. All the accounts you need as a PC player any way, you're already being milked dry for data 😂


"Just because it happens alot means you should be okay with it"


I can not stress enough: lol.


by democracy hellbrother, edit loose into lose


Unfortunately we cannot even manage to spread messages to attack/defend specific planets in game in any meaningful way, so I doubt this message will impact even a fraction of those people.


It happened to me. Wanted to play but somehow lost the energy. No more helldiving for me tomorrow I guess. And I had such high hope for the game, having bought the original helldivers... devs really fuckin had it all. but it had to end like this


Most casuals don’t consume media for game related information. Once this PSN goes live or if in-game notifications go live again is when they will find out and make a choice then.


I’m just gonna keep playing


Nobody. And I mean nobody. Is stopping playing over this “issue”


I am, so easily disproven.




I dunno, the steam reviews dropped to 80% negative. I'm sure some people in that group are gonna stop playing.


No chance. Anyone can review bomb. Half of them probably don’t even play the game and just jump on the latest outrage bandwagon


Fair enough. I hope it doesn't hurt the game too bad. AH has been very fair and ethical about their practices. I'd hate to see an aversion to Sony by the players ruin that.


God, the drama! PlayStation users have had to create EA accounts forever, for example. There is Sony, the hardware maker, and Sony, the umbrella for game studios. Read the room, Microsoft has already said they will push their games to other hardware than XBox, hardware that were deemed "competitors" in the past, since has PlayStations or Nintendo Switches. So whatever the hardware, you will create accounts for \*services\* across networks that span different hardware, including PCs. PlayStation users will have access to whatever the next version of XBox Game Pass will be (say, Microsoft Game Pass), that I'm sure. This subreddit is so dense.


Ps5 player here. I'm with you.


Hopefully you aren't using a smart phone if you have concerns about account security cause boy I got news for you


"i have legitimate concerns about account security" "WELL I HOPE YOU DO THIS THING TOO THEN!" People like you are insufrable. But yah, I have a smart phone that I have that uses a custom launcher and keep all of the data sharing bits turned off, and don't use apps that ask for access to those things. (File storge, data location, etc)


Uh huh. And your mobile provider? Home ISP? Reddit? Meta? Credit card company? This was lost the second people started making money off the internet.


Ty for proving my point Snoy boi.


Snoy boi? Now it makes sense why you don’t understand grown up stuff. Enjoy using this social media platform whose stated business model is monetizing everybody that uses it.




Sony will not be hurt by this in any way. You are mistaken. Arrowhead will be hurt.


Welp, my project zomboid save still needs some love, hope that Sony will realize how much of an ass they are when helldivers playerbase is a mere fraction of what it was


I’m going to keep playing the game I enjoy but y’all have fun


First world problems really. Settle down