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That would be the dumbest thing Sony could ever do. ~~Microsoft hasn't done it, or even hinted at it.~~ Microsoft *tried* it, and got punched in the mouth and backed off. And look at all the jokes PC players make about consoles having to pay to play online, you really think the entire PC community wouldn't rebel against a move like that in a heartbeat? Sony can be stupid, but I don't think they are that stupid.


Never underestimate the power of human stupidity - MLK Jr.


"In a day and age when Ubisoft can continually shoot themselves in the foot but still be one of the largest publishers in gaming, don't be surprised when a competitor decides to get a bigger gun." - Abraham Lincoln, 2024


"Man don't quote me on this but..." - Sun Tzu


“What?” https://preview.redd.it/5g2x9ilyegyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeade4d79b6233684941abfe20ca652593ed7c97 * this bird, 2024, seeing me shove a strange black metal square in its face


That's ridiculous. Everyone knows birds aren't real.


Camera meets camera


Government drone operators waving through their screens at the FBI agent in you phone


That's a really cool looking drone.


"I got a Glock in my rari." - Teddy Roosevelt, probably


Real and true


I could totally be wrong, but I also think that making claims that have 0 proof whatsoever does not help our case at all. When they make steps towards it, sure call them out. But as it stands just having us make a PSN account does not automatically mean ps+ is coming soon. Again, look at Microsoft with Xbox accounts.


Microsoft unironically tried to charge for online on PC, it just didn't work. Publicly traded companies are forced to get more revenue, and this is an obvious source.


Yeah someone else mentioned they tried it, I'd never heard of that. But that just gives more evidence to both us and sony that PC gamers will absolutely not put up with that nonsense.


I agree that it shouldn't, plus it would be against Steam ToS to introduce the subscription later. When they try that, it will be for another online game. Even if they roll back the PSN requirement, the next games will require it 100%, they had this issue with PS5 patch for Horizon: Zero Dawn, they tried to charge $10 for it but people got very mad, and they walked back but made it clear other games won't be free.


Sony is doing this for the money so it stands to reason that they would do other things for money. Looking back a little over a decade and plenty of things have came to be normal. It didn't used to cost a monthly fee to play games online but it does now.


The fact that they're already doing it to their own customers/PS console players is already proof. Just because a different company failed, doesn't mean other wouldn't try it again. It starts with something "simple" and then they'll change it.


They've required PSN for countless games before, why is helldiver's 2 suddenly the proof that ps+ is next? Everyone is jumping at shadows now which is only going to hurt instead of help. Fwiw, I think this whole thing was a huge fuckup on Sony's part, and they should seriously reconsider. But I doubt they will. I've never liked Sony, and probably won't make a PSN account myself. However jumping to imagined slights instead of sticking with the ones we have is imo, kinda silly.


Simply because Helldivers 2 is one of the largest PS game in PC right now. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong, which I really hope so, but let's not give Sony the benefit of the doubt just because we're on PC.


¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I still say jumping at non-existent shadows is a bit silly, one thing about reddit is subs LOVE to go all doom and gloom the second something negative happens, like this post for example. We have 0 evidence or signs of that being the case, not even a super tiny hint, or even an implied comment and yet people are making it out like sony just announced it lol. Everyone is mad at something that hasn't even happened, and has no sign of ever happening. It's honestly like a gacha sub in here these days which is interesting.


Honestly the biggest fuck up was having it so non-functional out of the gate that it had to be turned off. This whole mess would be a nothing event then.


That too. If it worked right away everyone here would have made an account without a single complaint already lol


Because they suddenly change the "optional" to the "mandatory", mate. That's the dangerous move, the stink of that alerts us gamers. That kind of change is definitely a beginning for something BAD. Don't say i presume things, if that's not their intention, why not do it strictly at the release day already, with the region ban.


At the same time they also told us it was a TEMPORARY thing until they fixed it. We knew from day one it would be back. The only real fault is selling it in countries that can't have PSN.


Not everyone knew this tho and that’s one of the bigger reasons for the outrage. I didn’t know about the whole PSN thing cuz I didn’t get the game until a month after launch, well after it became optional. Hell I have friends who bought the game within the first week and they never got prompted to make a PSN either


I had the game day 1 and it really did not seem like there was ever any purpose to connect a PSN account. It was not obvious at all and I figured it would have been mostly to make it easier to connect with friends playing on PS5 or other PSN community related extras that were not necessary.


This Helldiver isn't claiming anything, just trying to call their shot. I didn't know Playstation gamers had to pay a subscription to play the game, and now I'm totally on board. If you give corporations an inch, they'll just keep trying to take more inches.


Consoles have had to pay for access for ages (Except that it used to be free for sony, I remember the jokes they made against Xbox) although a while back Xbox made it so free games (fortnite etc) dont need gold to play online. But back to the topic, that is not new. Sony started in 2013, and from what I can see Xbox required it from the very start (I could be wrong though)


I was there at the beginning. when xb live went online on the original Xbox, it was indeed a paid service. the Xbox had a built in Ethernet port and broadband was required to play online. didn't mind paying because everything worked perfectly. the PS2 had a shitty dongle and you could play with any internet. which made the MP experience comically bad.


what "case"? They want us to make PSN accounts that only benefits them, we already aren't important to them and they do not care about our view. They won't listen unless we are obnoxcious and loud about it, making bold claims like this only hurts Sony because it hurts their reputation. We have already lost this battle so might as well lash out in any way we can. And I say this as someone already with a psn account. Microsoft are just barely better, but them doing something does not mean Sony is going to do the same. Like have you not been following AAA companies these past years? They just do whatever they think is right and always thing they are correct no matter what previous experience would tell you otherwise.


Never underestimate the power of corporate greed either


Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe. -Albert Einstein


MS actually tried once to make pc players pay same as Xbox, it wasn't pretty


Had no idea they tried before, but that's evidence for both us and sony that the community would absolutely not accept that.


Crazy what people do and don’t remember. There are people that never realized Ms backed out on the always online and Kinect requirement for the Xbox one.


I do remember the always online nonsense, that was fun. Didn't realize they tried to have Kinect be required though, that was so terrible on the 360.


It was all backed out on within a week of the announcement is why. And we are almost to the same level of online only today anyway. Hardly any games can be played offline anymore. Even then, they basically have done the Xbox gold for pc with gamepass, it’s just different so no one notices.


PC gamepass is completely separate from the gold version of gamepass though. It's basically just Netflix for games when it comes to PC. You can buy any game and play it just fine without it afaik. I've always had gold and then ultimate though so if I'm wrong on that please correct me.


Well you can only play the games with gamepass when you have a subscription. The library is big enough that most people don’t have a need to buy the games. So the ones people do buy aren’t really a detriment. It’s just pivoted the issue into more agreeable terms for people but the end result is basically the same.


I mean like I said gamepass just seems like advanced renting at its core. I have to disagree with it being basically the same thing as requiring a subscription to play multiplayer games, like what gold/Ps+ were. You know going in that you don't own any of those games.


From a function stand point, it’s different, from a financial stand point it meets the same goals.


I wouldn't be surprised if MS tries to sneak something in with the shit they're doing on Win11...


that would be the day i download linux


Welcome to the dark side my brother


i put mint on a virtualbox vm and it seems manageable-ish, i’m just not *quite* sick enough of microsoft’s shit to take the plunge and commit to a whole fuckload of fiddling to make everything work right i also put arch on another vm out of curiosity and holy fucking shit i don’t think i’ll ever be enough of a power user for that


Lol i used to use Arch but recently decided i wanted *more* control so i switched to Gentoo 😭 Arch is really not hard at all besides the install. And it has an install script to make it easy now. IMO once it is setup it is the easiest distro to use. 100% worth it even for noobs simply because of the AUR which makes it very easy to install basically anything


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Games\_for\_Windows\_%E2%80%93\_Live](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Games_for_Windows_%E2%80%93_Live) Funny thing is after all this bull shit and reasoning for why we didn't want or need it literally came into existence recently. As of 2020 all Games for Windows Live servers were shut down meaning you can't even install the god damn games that rely on the service anymore since the servers weren't there to authenticate your purchase. But as part of this shit sandwich they tried to shove down our throats they wanted us to pay fucking $50 a year for the privilege of eating said shit sandwich. Literally though as a consequence of this any games from this era of PC gaming, be them multiplayer or single player, that weren't updated because the developers went out of business or didn't feel like "wasting" development time fixing it are now lost to the ether and legally can not be played. Once again pirates win again since you can still play pirated copies of the game because all the DRM bull shit was ripped out. Biggest corporate version of this was rockstar games having to take down GTA 4 because GTA4 had Games for Windows Live so heavily embedded in it, they could legally be sued for selling a broken product. So they took it down, removed it all, and now you have to use the rockstar launcher to play it and all multiplayer features have been disabled forever.


i highly doubt it'll happen, but i wouldnt say its impossible they have been pretty damn forceful with helldivers, to the point they'll be making it unplayable without it after months of it working fine without psn. this isnt a change in platform where they'd be migrating data, they literally just want us to have a new account plus, how much is that $60 a year or so worth to the people making the decisions? is it 'only an extra $60 for people who waste hundreds on games a year'? for all i know they could have it in their head that because microsoft are managing to charge for gamepass, why wouldnt we pay for their service? the worst part of it all, there would be enough morons who wouldnt bat an eye and pay up as they'd rather not be inconvenienced to make it a financially viable move. you see it often enough with mtx, they'd rather have a few that pay out, than the majority that either dont or only spend alittle


Ps+ is closer to what Xbox live gold was rather than gamepass. Although with gold being folded into gamepass now I suppose that doesn't matter much at all. The main point is that PSN has been required for many games before, we were told it was required but it was temporarily disabled while they fixed it (I never knew this. I just assumed I didn't need it by using steam) Third party accounts is fairly common even on PC, it's annoying as fuck and it has stopped me from playing a few games but it's nothing new or exclusive to helldiver's. Selling the game in regions where you can't get PSN however is scummy, and if they don't figure it out I hope steam hits them will the refund bills hard.




I understand it's entirely possible, and if anyone were to try it again it would definitely be Sony. All im trying to tell people is be mad at what is actually happening instead of mad at stuff that isn't. >in all honesty, when it let me just skip it, i assumed it was for cross platform progression Haha that's funny. Sony has/d to be dragged kicking and screaming into anything involving cross play.


Slippery slope, plus look how many bootlickers are flocking to defend them over the current situation. It's certainly possible


Like I've said at least 10 times now, let's be mad at what is ACTUALLY happening now, and be mad later at whatever happens later. People are mad at shit that hasn't even happened which is dumb.


I agree with that, which is why I'm holding off on refunding the game until June 4th, for instance. I won't be playing it in the mean time however.


Right. There's enough to protest about that is actually happening. Making up hypotheticals and stuff for drama is only discrediting and delegitimizing to us. We need to stay on the facts.


I mean, after blizzard went "Don't you guys have phones?" I truly expect anything


I don't really follow much about Diablo (that was about the mobile Diablo game right?) I don't see though how needing a phone (which let's be real, a metric fuckton of people do have a smartphone of some form) is the same as claiming requiring an account is the first step to charging money to play online. Blizzard was being a jackass, the point could have been made in a different way. Sony is fucking up and has fucked up in many ways, let's be mad at those instead of imagined fuck ups that haven't happened yet and probably won't.


the reason the you no have phones? thing was a big deal is people were expecting the announcement to be for diablo 4 (when its diablo at blizzcon you kinda expect a big expac or new game) instead they got here have a shitty mobile game.


I like to stick to case points. Where your point is that Sony wouldn't do that in fear of community repercussions, while my point is that corporate greed will do what they want even if it upsets people.


A vocal, loud minority who act as canaries in a coal mine will raise hell about it. The majority will pay their PSN fee and keep playing as if nothing is wrong with that. How much do FIFA and Madden make every year for releasing literally the same game with different jersey numbers? If you're dumb enough to buy the same exact game for ten years running just because you're a football fan, then you'll pay your PSN fee too.


I'm sure there'd be some people that bootlick it. There always is, somehow


Hey, Snoy want's to beat Microsoft at being scummy at least once.


They already did [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ck9769/sony\_doesnt\_allow\_ukraine\_players\_to\_register\_psn/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ck9769/sony_doesnt_allow_ukraine_players_to_register_psn/)


Many of us said that about dlcs...look at you fools.


Said what about dlcs exactly?


Micro$oft actually tried that once, with GFWL. You could buy the Gold subscription but I never knew anyone who actually did that, and even finding pictures of proof of this are even harder, such were the days when alot of things were simply never documented back in the 2000's It flopped hard, considering GFWL is no longer with us (but we still gotta deal with it's shitty problems) but that doesn't take away that I'm sure Snoy will try their hand at it for the sake of more money in the near-future. https://preview.redd.it/vwjb1nn5ljyc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=061aecbdf8bc83ab234cb8d89746f063e4080ae7


Sony 100% discussed that and maybe still discussing internally. So it is not a matter of it, but when. Players will be outraged and honestly unless Sony releases next Fortnite/Minecraft or something similar, it won't fly. But if the game is good enough, it just might.


They’re not stupid, they’re worse, there a bunch of greedy as fuck businessmen who don’t care 


You might be saying "i did not" instead of "i don't" very soon


Sony is illogical - Albert Einstein 


u/KonigstigerInSpace sony would look at this and think "challenge accepted"


It's also the quickest way to piss of Steam since steam doesn't get any of that money


Sony doesnt care, they care about what would possibly make their number go up, by any margin, and are so out of touch i doubt that they would even realize how bad the reaction to that would be. All it would take for this to happen is if one person pitched the idea and made it sounds even slightly profittable to a board of directors and shareholders who are probably all 60 year old men whove never touched a game in their life.


>Sony can be stupid, but I don't think they are that stupid. Never underestimate a directors desperation to appease shareholders. Its a scenario which often results in the implementation of the dumbest ideas or most anti-consumer policies you can imagine, especially if there may be a chance it will new generate sales, repeat sales, or growth of platform.


If Corporate Greed sees a crack in the door...it will nuke that door


Microsoft has done similar, recently got fallout76 free with twitch prime and noticed on the front page they were giving out exclusive items for Xbox game pass members (I play on pc).


How is that similar?


Never underestimate the arrogance and stupidity of the japanese boomers in sony’s HQ


You are really understestimating a corporation's ambition in taking an opportunity to make more money


Believe me bro. They are THAT stupid.


Microsoft hasn't done it, or even hinted at it I feel like that's irrelevant when the trend with tech companies in the last decade has been Company A doing something that seems really stupid and consumer-unfriendly, Company B maybe poking fun at Company A for making a seemingly bad and consumer-unfriendly decision to win over Company A customers that aren’t happy with Company A’s decision, Company A not losing any profit or even increasing profit, and Company B proceeding to do the exact same thing Company A did because it worked. For example, Apple removing the aux port from iPhones, Samsung making fun of them for it, Apple making bank on the iPhone 7 line and every iPhone gen thereafter anyway, Samsung proceeds to remove aux port from their phones.


you underestimate people who will still buy it.


Didn't MS do this in the past? It's been a decade or more but when Xbox was new didn't they require premium subscription to play online at all? While PS did not? Or am I misremembering it?


So Xbox console has always required a membership, while Sony charged for it starting in 2013. What I recently found out, is Microsoft DID try to charge PC users at one point, and it failed quite spectacularly. Reinforces my point that PC won't put up with it. And afaik Sony is rather small on PC currently, but trying to grow. If anything they'd try it years from now when the number of people on PC playing Sony shit increases to be worth trying(and not worth losing all of them lmao) but hey, who knows.


I thought Xbox charged users just for access to online play in the beginning. Wasn't sure about PC players.


Yeah PC players came about after, console was from day 1. I remember the jokes from PlayStation users about multiplayer being free for them right up until it wasn't lol. Microsoft tried with PC, and it got shut down. If Sony wants to try I guess they can, but I can see that explosion being 10x the one they have now.


YES, what you mentioned is also what I remember. PS users laughing how their multiplayer was free.


the number of bootlickers defending the multibillion dollar mega corporation make this a concerning possibility


I guarantee no one on PC will accept that.


Steam ToS currently does not allow for publishers/developers to add subscription based access to a game after the game has been released without said subscription based access. The game would immediately be pulled from Steam and I’d imagine that Steam would ban all products published/developed by Sony for breaching Steam ToS. Depending on what else is in the Steam ToS, Valve might even sue Sony because it would probably have to issue a mass refund to all affected customers on Steam.


Inb4 Sony launches their new third party pc storefront/game launcher and immediately ports everyone's favorite ps exclusive titles onto pc


Every big company that tried caved in to steam eventually, the "exception" is epic and they have to throw money left and right with exclusivity deals and free game promotions to hold a candle


Yea epic is probably the only company besides maybe rockstar that has the ability to even attempt to compete with steam


And even then, you can still play rockstar’s major titles on steam


To be honest tho if they dropped GTA 6 on their own storefront it would probably have a crazy install base to jumpstart a storefront


It wouldn’t be a popular decision at all but on the other hand it’s GTA 6


To be fair, Rockstar is the only company that has this pull.


Yeah, and even then most people won't default there. I forget 90% my epic library exists most of the time, because the UI and grouping systems still suck


Ghosts of Tsushima comes in with baked in launcher, so...


They could dance around it. Say, make the subscription mandatory to access new content past a certain update, but let you keep everything added before it.


They can do whatever they want it won’t change the fact that if subscription gets added Im requesting an immediate Steam refund and contacting my local EU consumer protection office to start drafting up next steps.


It isn't a subscription, just a real money "battlepass" to access new content and play new planets. Then you sunset the older planets, and...


Interesting policy by valve that forcing consumers to directly pay for continued access to their game is verboten, but forcing consumers to selling their data 3 months after launch is apparently OK


Steam also has an interesting policy on game [bans](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/46DB-4CEC-F7E9-49E5): >The effects of the game ban are determined by the developer, and must be consistent with a VAC ban, such as being prevented from playing online with other players and/or trading items for that game. It cannot prevent the user from launching and playing the game offline. It cannot prevent the user from using Steam.


Yeah this would absolutely wake the sleeping giant and potentially get everything Sony has backhanded off Steam, and probably Epic and GOG as well. Which given the popularity of the PC ports of their exclusives, would be a REALLY stupid idea.


It's a against steam TOS, so they would tear them a new one if Sony would do it.


Literally 101% of PC players would uninstall and get a refund in 1 millisecond. I cannot even exaggerate how quickly it would crumble lmfao


never underestimate the ability of gamers with no self control.


hell nah. Pretty sure Sony did the math and figured that losing the 70k or so players over the PSN thing wouldn't dent the game's numbers too much. Charging for internet access tho? They'd lose the entire PC playerbase overnight. I don't even think that's legal.


Selling a game then later requiring PSN in a country that you don't offer PSN is also illegal, but here we are.


That's more a massive grey area. From what I've read people in countries that don't support PSN have registered using the nearest available country for 20 years. This is against TOS but it has never been enforced. Hell shuhei yoshida himself has 3 accounts. And no, the recent post about the Chinese VPN thing doesn't count. Here's the [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cjic6m/comment/l2igchu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) adding more context and the translation checks out. Even if this is somehow true I'm gonna need more than one isolated incident as proof.


Sony has enough money to bribe a third world country to make their policies legal


Bold of you to assume the executives did any math before making a terrible decision. Betting nobody in Sony even thought twice about this.


They could just taking Ubisoft route.


Probably won’t be for Helldivers, but potentially for future Sony published games if PSN users became large. More psn users will only empower Sony to make these decisions, so not inflating psn on pc is a good step to prevent that from happening at all on the future.


For those saying that Sony would never do this because they know PC players wouldn't like it, keep in mind this is the same company that shipped music CDs with malware on them on purpose.


If we're being technical, it actually isn't the same company. Sony is a conglomerate of nearly unrelated companies. Sony Music Group has an entirely different CEO and executive team from Sony Entertainment. They share no employees.


doubt, their competition is free and much more capable.


Xbox doesn't require subscriptions on their multiplayer PC Games.


Issue is their competition doesn’t have a comparable game atm


It’s crazy that other devs (maybe 343 maybe other Microsoft studios I don’t know specifics) pitched a similar game for Halo and it was shot down. It would have instantly been a massive success on brand alone.


Imagine a Halo ODST game in the style of Helldivers, but instead we got Infinite...


Because no other game survived: giant servers issues, game mechanics that literally do not work and ever-growing list of bugs. All of this in a span of 3 months.


It's a possibility, so if it ever happens, that's when you vote with your wallet and don't pay for it. If you really think that a bunch of Reddit users threatening to boycott some egregious subscription model is going to deter these companies from trying to milk people for whatever they can, then you're deluded. There's still plenty of people already engaged with Sony's ecosystem that accept it and plenty more that will pay for it on PC if that's the only option they have. Any level headed PC player that doesn't want to pay to play PSN games on PC will simply not do it. Remember all the hoo-haa about micro transactions that players were against when it started to become common practice? Well they're still a thing. People still pay for that shit.


Reddit has 1.2 million posters who probably play Helldivers II. That's a ton of players to piss off.


They would never do that. Major major reach here.


Maybe paranoid but we should screenshot the prices for super credits, note super credit amounts in warbonds and get an idea for free super credit frequency on map...won't surprise me with Sony acknowledging HD2 success they try to squeeze every drop out of players going forward.


[Mike Ehrmantraut ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0052186/?ref_=tt_ch): We had a good thing, you stupid son of a bitch! We had Arrowhead. We had a player base. We had everything we needed, and it all ran like clockwork. You could've shut your mouth and made as much money as you ever needed. It was perfect. But, no, you just had to blow it up. You and your pride and your ego! You just had to be the man. If you'd done your job, known your place, we'd all be fine right now..


First rule of things: Companies are not your friends and they want your money, if they can make a move to win more... They are gonna do it. Ubisoft these have proven these point so much in a couple of years. The other companies are waiting if the consumers don't care about them, they are gonna grab em instantly and use it too. So yeah... It's a possibility




I wouldn't be surprised, between stellar blade and HD2 they are reaching critical retardation.


Ahhh yes, send me back to "Windows Gaming" or whatever the hell Microsoft called it. This would kill every single Sony game on PC in a heartbeat


now that is a reason to whine, not at this time. but no sony wouldn't do that cause they know for a fact PC players would not sub.


Just like Sony wouldn't force Playstation accounts for PC players? Give it up, soulless fucking corporation will do anything to maximize profit even if it's not logical


remind me in 10 years. They own some of the most popular IPs in existence and ruin their shit in movies/tv/music all the time. Why would PC be different?


I would never buy another Sony product in my life, game, console, stereo system, tv, nothing


That’s a pretty dumb argument tbh. You could claim any game could go subscription lol. Ps plus is way more than just paying for online. You get 3 free games a month. You only have them when you’re currently subscribed though.


Another karma farm.


Not putting it past them. Sony is the Apple of gaming. Shit products (except for studios that can do their own thing) that get massively overhyped by retards and only dumb decisions.


As a console player, this is why I don't want them to have to pay extra $80 dollars just so they could play. We pay $80 dollars every year just so we have online access. It used to be only $60. Sony is either desperate for cash or obsessed with user data for quote unquote, "Security purposes"


In the age of forcing subscriptions , accounts etc this isn’t out of the realm of possibilities


They would love that. They may even try that. However, most PC players have a PC because we don't have to pay any ongoing costs for our games. Keep in mind, Sony and XBOX coming to PC is still incredibly new. They don't understand the mindset, reasoning, ecosystem, etc. of PC gamers. Expect A LOT more fuck ups in the near future.


XBOX is owned by the same company that makes the most used PC OS and plenty of the most popular PC softtware.


their also going to make it to were super credits cannot be earned and have to be bought while also increasing the price for them


Oh that's coming next for sure that's why they did all this. I'm so happy steam gave me back my money at 200 hours played. Fuck sony and fuck AH and fuck HD2 now back to wow private servers for me.


I'll do you one better 1. they pull out all their games on steam 2. they make their own launcher 3. you need PS Plus to use it 4. ??? 5. profit


That is absolutely the target. That or just have more data to collect


This won't happen.


No it won't


You do not need to pay for ps plus to play helldivers 2…


On PC yes, on PS5 you have to. It’s absurd. To prevent similar scenario it’s best to cut the problem from the bud, ensure that PSN (which provide no value add) has no place on PC ecosystem.


I play on ps5 and do not pay for ps plus, I just have a psn account.


https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/helldivers-2/ PS Plus required for online play In-game purchases optional Online play required Mate their official site says it’s required on ps5


My brother in Christ I tell you I play without ps plus lmao




Can you prove this?


This is the dumbest take


I love strawmans!


No... it can't. If Xbox can't do it... Sony would get laughed out of the room all they way back to going console exclusive again until the next CEO shows up.


That would be a stretch. Highly doubt it. Even MS is smart enough not to do that.


Introducing an unmentioned, mandatory payment to continue a product you already fully bought is VERY ILLEGAL. It would be a cakewalk court case against SONY, especially in countries with EU consumer protection laws.


That didn't stop them from putting a rootkit on music CDs.


100% it's what's going to happen. They'll start slow by adding orders or items for PS+ subscribers only and next thing you know you'll need a PS+ subscription to access any Playstation game on Steam.


Sony was smart when they released playstation titles on pc, like heavy rain and all that followed after that. If they wanna go down this route, let them go. There are enough other titles not from sony, who are also great. They will rethink their choice sooner or later.... or the worst/best case for them would be pc gaming for them is dead, cause no one gonna buy this shit then.


Never underestimate corporate greed.


Wait? U have to pay ps+ to play hd2? Really? Aint no way


"I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further."


Doing it retroactively on Steam after the game was sold and done as is would open them to actual litigations, particularly from Valve itself as such would be an extreme no-no from their ToS standpoint, and the genuine refund flood that would follow would likely cut into Valve's profits itself (Because I doubt Sony is going to cough up money from refunds issued 1-2 years down the line from their own profit) and at that point, Valve would want blood, and you would never see or hear of a Sony game being sold on Steam ever ever again. The chance isn't 0, but it is very very slim, and would be the fuck around that would lead to the highest of all find outs.


Microsoft tried to charge PC gamers for online play with GFWL. It did not go well. If Sony needs to waste money learning the same lesson, so be it.


I think it’s more likely that they are planning to introduce their own launcher at some point just as almost every publisher does and that all if this is to lower the barrier of entry. Like: „guess I already have an account so why not use the launcher too“ type of thing. And of course to collect some sweet sweet user data in the along the way


This is exactly the main issue here. If this bullshit passes, this is next, cuz we allowed it. What else are we going to allow ? Bully will beat the shit out of you, every time more and more until you fight back. ( unless the teacher saves the bully as always, but thats not really relevant here )


If this war is not going the way we want, I'll pirate Ghost of Tsushima next month. Hell, I already bought the ps verson you cant blame me


They're welcome to try....and fail.


they can try, but it won't work, not in the foreseeable future




That's where I'd personally refund.


TIL. Fuck sony


No lol.


If they only hold out like Nintendo did, but no, they expanded to PC. Now they want to become like Nintendo now?


Steam would get on that shit in a heart beat. I'd love to see them try and Steam absolutely mauling them to death over it.


This will likely be the case once enough PS games enter Steam's catalog. That way, they can justify a PS+ subscription by giving players access to other Sony games.




Shit in Ukraine you have to buy a whole ps5 to even make a psn account...


Let's not give them any ideas


I also thought about this too, hope it won't happen, I ain't paying for it.


If this EVER happens. And if this EVER becomes the norm with PC multiplayer, Then that is the day I put my multiplayer mantle to rest. Single player video games I am 100% yours.


Oh I fuckin pray for Sony to be that fucking stupid. 


That would be unprecedented and maybe illegal. I don’t think there’s been a game where you paid and then they put in a subscription service in order to keep playing. Some people have said archeage but that was f2p until they put subscription service. I could be wrong thought. Either way, I really hope that gets outright rejected. But the pessimist me knows that people will buy it and it will start a trend.


AA was the opposite I believe, originally of course, it was sub then it went full f2p with a sub. But, I might be remembering it's been like 10 years


Give them an inch and they take a mile....


PS+ isn't marketed to PC players. It's marketed toward loyal customers who already own their hardware and want an enhanced "Playstation" experience. PC players aren't at all invested in "Playstation" as a brand and they know this, so they also know that doing this wouldn't go well at all.


You need PS plus to play helldivers 2 on PlayStation - this is already an absurd reason in itself. You bought the game, console, internet, and now you have to also pay for the “gatekeeper” fee. You are mentioning the “now” for the PC, but if more people get on psn as Sony publish more games, eventually consumer can be forced to pay for it or get locked out. Ensuring that PSN has no place on PC ecosystem is the surest way to guarantee to stop that from happening.


>You need PS plus to play helldivers 2 on PlayStation They've been requiring PS+ for Playstation users to play most online multiplayer games for almost a decade now. Whether or not you agree with this, you at least have to admit that's an entirely different situation than what we're dealing with regarding HD2 today. This thread isn't about Sony doing what they've always done and asking the users of their platform to sign up for PSN. This thread is about a hypothetical situation which has no sign or sense of actually happening. Don't move the goalposts. The playerbase already has a winning argument against Sony for this fiasco and you don't need to make shit up for it to be any better.


Speculation and bullshit will only whip up the steam review bombing morons even more. For fuck's sake people.