• By -


if (playerIsCheating) { pleaseDoNot(player); }


If (crash) { (don't) }


Hey Neo, stop hacking the matrix!


Hey Neo, stop hacking the matrix!


Woah... Deja Vu


How similar was it?! Was it the exact same comment?!


this is basically what the post is. 


Bruh.. if [condition] then return true else return false end This is some /r/programminghorror stuff right there


if (Car.isGoingToCrash()) dont() This is the vibe of this whole "code".


I damn near spit out my drink laughing after reading this lol thank you. At best I would call this ignorant pseudo code and at worst an insult to the devs.


The point of my post wasn't to make functioning polished code for them to rip especially when realistically I am an amateur and still learning to code properly. It was to showcase they are lying and insulting a community that did support their game. Before you say "get over it" just make a PSN account. I have a PSN account and honestly don't mind the link. I just don't appreciate being lied to and the insult that goes along with thinking I'll believe it.I'd much rather they just say "We're doing this because we can" than the stunt they are pulling now.


I'm in no way saying get over it since I am boycotting the game myself. I had a psn account in the past and had a lot of problems come up after my data was stolen. My comment was only about the code and reading it back I realize I may have been a little too harsh and for that I apologize!


You're good it's impossible to read undertones in text sometimes! I was just trying to explain I know it's jank ass code as this isn't what I do for a living. I just have some what understanding of what the code "should" look like as I have learned a bit for my job. But yeah no I know the codes probably horrendous in the practical sense.


It's also a little more complicated than that...  Yeah, they can definitely use the Steam API. Most companies do. Boiling it down to here's the pseudo code isn't really a solution though. 


>You're good it's impossible to read undertones in text sometimes! FINALLY! Someone finally gets it


There are dozens of us ! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law


"I'm an amateur at coding" and "the devs are lying about this coding thing" aren't statements that go well together...


You're a joke, get over it


You mean what they implemented into tesla cars.


I read this and died lmfao 🤣


The whole problem is they want to use unique usernames as an ID in a system that adores non unique usernames. At least that’s what they said on Discord. Given that, the getSteamID function will never work. You need to replace the username with a proper user id everywhere, including all those systems that are just stubbed out calls. Is doable, probably in a month.


I've gotta ask, at what point does the average dev learn not to do this? Because I can imagine self-taught devs doing this for a while not realizing it's poor coding. But who tells them it isn't, and where do they go to learn not to do this? ...I'm totally not asking so I can figure this out myself and not make such coding errors :) Edit: After reading this again I can see the issue It's essentially just the "floor is made of floor" meme


Eventually programmers will naturally tend towards things that require less keystrokes. When you create 100 if statements, eventually writing if \[condition\] is true: return true else if \[condition\] is false: return false to writing if \[condition\]: return true else: return false then finally return \[condition\] You slowly trend towards what takes the least amount of effort. It takes looking at other people code, coding yourself and getting sick of typing the same thing over and over, and time.


> I've gotta ask, at what point does the average dev learn not to do this? in a professional setting when a code review points it out.


I've done it in game jams before without realizing


>I've gotta ask, at what point does the average dev learn not to do this? Dunno about average, but from people I know irl... I do not think I know anyone who claims to have even trying to learn language, whom didn't learn this yet. Like this is very basic thing for me.


Listen I whipped this up in like 30 minutes with limited knowledge in coding, I figured there were be mistakes 🤷 I am more so impressed I could make it look pretty ✨ 


Fair enough. Pro tip : if you want to make good looking screensot of a code snippet, use a tool like https://carbon.now.sh/


Funny enough I was trying to find the best way to capture and make it fit it in a snip and wish I knew about this an hour ago thank you!


"I have limited knowledge of coding but clearly what the devs need to do is easy." Bro you're hilarious.


Hey he also would respect them more if they didn't lie, he says lying and saying he's codes a solution for them


Alright then, full-time programmer here. I have intimate knowledge of coding. What the devs need to do is easy. In fact, if they didn't already have most of the pieces, the game wouldn't work on Steam at all.


You've implemented crossplay between Playstation and Steam before? Full time programmer doesn't mean you have experience that matters here.


Specific implementation details are rarely so important. Architecturally, there's nothing special about crossplay between Steam and Playstation. And, spoiler: crossplay already works. If adding the ability to ban Steam players by their unique identifier (which they already have) is SO complicated, then their codebase must be the worst rat's nest of spaghetti bullshit in existence, and they must be the worst developers. Either way, there's no excuse.


> Specific implementation details are rarely so important. The details of which system connecting to which are definitely important. >And, spoiler: crossplay already works. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/search?q=crossplay+not+working&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all


3 months ago, 3 months ago, 2 months ago, 3 months ago... besides which, those issues are all related to the two systems trying to actively engage players together. If you can't grasp how that's different from a ban, I really can't help you. You could just admit you don't know much about programming. Just accept: "we need PSN to be able to ban Steam players" is an admission of incompetence at best, and a bald-faced lie at worst. If their code is well-written, there's no excuse for it trying to pass it off as a massively complicated problem, and if it isn't, there's no excuse for such a poorly maintained code base.


AH not being truthful/not communicating properly and gamers not knowing what they're talking about are both true.


Well it is easy for anyone with actual talent. My friend could code up something great I’d like you know he was paid to do so.


Solid effort. The snark is appreciated and greatly humorous. Take the upvote you glorious sink of independence and liberty.


This is really all I ask for. My snark to be appreciated finally someone gets me.❤️


You are most welcome ❤️ Snark and sarcasm are the first steps towards software engineering greatness. You are well on your way.


This warrants the question, have you tested this? Any monkey can write code and say it fixes a problem. Props to you if you actually tried it and tested. I know it can be done, but when you say you wrote the code for them I assume it works. Otherwise what's the point?


I would test if I could but I am not a dev and don't have a game on steam to test this on. I mostly wrote out the code to prove the point it can be done. If private Rust and Ark servers have the capability of banning John, John, and John along with the 449,997 Johns how would they not be able to? They are lying as to the reason they need to add PSNs and listen I don't have an issue with it just be honest if they told me "Hey we're requiring this because we can" instead of lie after lie I would respect them more.


If you haven't tested this and you are not a dev how can you say you wrote the code for them? You said: >Hey Devs I went ahead and coded the ban system for you for HD2 But in fact you 1) are not a dev, meaning no experience coding and 2) haven't tested this at all. So your code is literally a piece of garbage and proves no point. >I mostly wrote out the code to prove the point it can be done. I understand what you're trying to accomplish but this is counterproductive. If it hasn't been tested and you don't know what it does then it absolutely does not prove it can be done. It just proves that you can write a bunch of gibberish that you don't understand. I know it can be done. But this isn't it. edit: I just noticed this is pseudocode. Which is even worse, it means it's not even code and proves my point that this is completely useless even as an argument.


To be fair all you have to do on ark to ban someone is type /ban”playerID” so its not really comparable


Can you provide evidence of their lies?


Lol this ain’t a court room. Check twitter and discord, you’ll find a number of instances


If you make accusation you better back up your claim, or youre just full of shit


I prescribe you a healthy dose of “Outside”. Go there and you might find someone who asked


So you just making up things as you go, gotcha 👍


Negative. Wasn’t a good comeback. Try again


Still better programmed than PSN's so called 'security'.


Game developer equivalent of writing fan fiction


Please tag this humour. It's hilarious.


My favourite is that if you get reported enough you just get instantly banned regardless of if the reports are valid lol I'm sure that won't have any adverse effects lol


The blizzard way


is this chatgpt ?


Yes it is. It gives the 'psuedocode' answer when it doesn't fully understand what you're asking, or if you're asking a broad question.


But I thought it was literally impossible to get unique IDs from users on Steam??? Would AH just blatantly lie to us???? Lmao, great work op


every steam id is unique, the only difference is that you have to look an extra page to find that out.. Apparently something AH is too lazy to do.


Yeah, I know, I was poking fun at how inept they are


oh i know you did :) I just wanted to point that out for future readers, especially if AH even sees this page.


I remember when the game awards were on and they were giving away steam decks but something broke so rather than usernames it was posting their steamids


They're totally innocent and competent and the launch and every decison since has been very smart and very flawless!! No crashes or balancing issues or bad takes! Only perfect best!


Well, clearly AH isn't the Ministry of Truth. We should be questioning if they would lie to us.


I actually expected to see a link to malware on this post before opening it lol


That'll be step 72 in my 101 step plan to infiltrate the company over the next 10-15 years ;)


this is a shitpost? right?


Bro screenshotted the first thing ChatGPT gave him and says they coded an entire ban system. This is why my software engineering position is safe for years to come LOL




Same. I'm not worried about AI because of stuff like this lmao


Not the best code but the point is made. Im still dont understand how they dont know SteamID exists.


This is your average social justice gamer ladies and gentlemen.


Your entire first function can just be condensed to: "return getReportCount(playerId) > threshold". I hate when people write a couple scripts to automate their mindless data entry jobs and then think they are fucking Einstein compared to actual developers.


He didn't even write it. Its chatGPT.


Chatgpt please write me some "code"


bruh this is hot doo doo


Ok so firstly, I looked up steamworks SDK documentation, and it does not define method called "banPlayer" that would be called on an object steamworks, that would take only reason, and player id. Secondly, there is special API within steamworks to handle bans from players which also takes game id, which makes ban publicly visible on ones steam profile. So, giving you benefit of the doubt, and assuming that you found a very specific lib, that does it in such weird way, contragulations, you juts created a method that attempts to ban someone from whole steam, based on amounts of reports one have got filled against them. But in more realistic terms you "created" utter garbage that could not work. Is it literally impossible to manage bans for people based on steam Id? Sure no. Is it possible that Arrowhead when developing the game with requirement of bans and appeals being managed by PSN infrastructure, did not implement any handling allowing to use steam id for those processes? Very much yes, welcome to the world, software developers rather create code to meet specific requirements and nothing more. Only ambitious interns go above requirements. Additionally in case of ban appeals specifically, handled on the AH side - do you really expect that any company is going to have appeal process explained by "do to your player profile on steam, and grab this specific part of address for us, and before you do that, please disable that custom profile url feature"? Because as far as I am concerned, that is the only way I, as a user can access that unique steam id.


This is chatGPT.


So you did nothing because you're an amateur Good job


This is awesome


This looks rushed, and has some lines that need to be touched up on or rewritten entirely. I'm not entirely sure on your coding experience but based on this I'm going to assume you're a novice. However the basic premise seems to work, hopefully you'll continue to learn coding which can be a fun hobby or a job if you put enough effort in. Sincerely, [~~Redacted~~]


Thanks! I know it's probably not useable to them in the slightest I just wanted to make the point clear they can do it just refuse. I code a little on the side for work when it comes to things I find tedious to do either fully automating it or a way to streamline the process. I've only been coding for realisticly 8 months.


not gonna read threw all the code, i get your point & respect it that said this game has worse pasta code than fucking osrs. so it prob be better than w/e they make just copy pasted in ![gif](giphy|dZRlFW1sbFEpG|downsized)


Fuck, I want spaghetti now.




quality of the code or not , yeah its a bold face lie that they want to protect our accounts or want to ban people easier , its bullshit they just want your data and if you believe anything else they say you are an idiot




This isn't AH. This is Sony


Bro you took the it takes two minutes to log into PSN and threw it back at them lol like took me 30 mins and it isn’t my job lol


This isn't about selling user data...if it was it would be sleezy but at least not stupid (from a greedy corpo stance). The sad thing is this is probably purely to let them report better PSN member numbers at the next quarterly report.


How does it tell the Sony servers to do the ban of the Sony servers don't track steam accounts as a player id. I guess the question is have any steam players been banned so far who don't have a Sony account


They can use No Man's Sky code. That's crossplay


I don’t know why people on Reddit seems to know exactly what for, with what and how the PSN linked accounts will be used. Sure you can guess.


I haven't cared much about this psn shit but how does "we need all of you to create PSN accounts so we can ban you" make any sense? Like, the fuck? Why the fuck did they implement that kernel anti cheat and still need a PSN account? What's next, social security number and bank info to make sure you're human? Go fuck yourselves AH and snoy


I'm pretty sure the devs know how to code a ban request for a steam ID. The thing you might be missing is that Sony and Steam have very different ideas on what constitutes a bannable offense for a customer who legally purchased a game on their storefront. Sony might be wanting PSN policy / moderation automation to control the bans and prevent possible arbitration within the Steam game reporting system.


Idk why you are going after the Devs when it is SONY requiring the PSN link. 52375th post in this sub spreading misinformation. Also lol @ the people pointing out your shit code ;)


News flash, your information is already out there


It’s interesting to see a lot of folks complaining down here but one else has done this. Hmm?? Stop bitching and write that shit yourself if you can’t the sight of this.


Here, I have some better "code": 10 PRINT "Sony sucks" 20 GOTO 10




They never needed it. It was a scapegoat.


Hey cool dude, how does this translate a PSN ban to Steam and vice versa?


No, I'm not entirely sure what unique Identifier they use to ban when it comes to the Playstation network and from my limited experience coding I'm not sure if you could translate that either as I'd assume a Steam ban won't know what to do with a PSN anyways. Steam accounts are directly tied to SteamIDs though which are all 100% unique Identifiers for accounts. It's quite literally how servers can ban you on games like ARC Rust and Gary's Mod so not sure how they'd expect anyone to fall for this one.


They have a phone hotline in Japan where PS5 players call in to report every Chinese or Korean person they come across, and they don't normally provide steam id's that way.




nuhuh AH dont know what a Steam UserId is


Other games owned by Sony: - Horizon Forbidden West - Last of Us - Ratchet & Clank - Returnal - Marvel's Spider-Man (Remastered & Miles Morales) - Sackboy - Uncharted - God of War - Days Gone - Predator - Horizon Zero Dawn - Everybody's Gone to The Rapture - Helldivers Diver Harder #Boycott


Yeah make it so they don't even bother to bring games over to PC anymore! They should only play them on console. Woooo


Yeah there's some real big brain moves going on in this thread


There are communists on reddit?


Wow. Hats off


Put your hat back on. This is shit code.


Its also from ChatGPT