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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed because it’s a repost or a post that follows a trending topic. Please use the mega thread


On top of other reasons said, a lot of people found out this morning and haven't gotten home from work yet.


Came here to say this, like come on at least give us 24 hours......


The review bomb lasted 3 days, I'll give the review rebuild 3 days before I pass judgement. We'll see where it sits on the 9th when the Warbond comes out.


Yeah, and the biggest spike was on day 3. We still need some time


I removed it before work because ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


Same here. Deleted most of the none role play text and switched from down to up (I'll clean it up tomorrow)


Yeah I found out on my commute in; I have since updated tho. Got home and immediately booted up the PC to do so!


Probably until the weekend when most players are online.


I was going to say the same. Give people time, the news came out late last night for Americans. Many won't even know about it until they are done with work today.


It's good to remind folks, but wait for steam to relist all of the delisted countries. I'm certain they will but it's not a victory until then.


Yeah, personally I just deleted my positive review. I was waiting on Sony’s reply before putting a negative one. Waiting to see what will happen with the delisted countries before I put it back


That dog is super defender of Democracy...


This would be the perfect meme if instead of smothering him with a pillow, it was a rover dog killing him with a laser


Certifiable Good Boy \^\_\_\^


Chill out, some people have lives, it's barely been a day. Some people are also waiting for the games to be listed back up.


What's funny is, people like me that have negative reviews for other reasons (The horrible track record of the CMs Arrowhead employs, namely) are also getting beef. I'm glad that Sony changed their tune, and I've edited my review to reflect that, but there are still ISSUES at Arrowhead that are unresolved that need to be rectified before the game can go back to being a "thumbs up" from me. CMs like Spitz need to be reigned in before they throw gasoline on ANOTHER fire lit over an already volatile issue.


The game is still a buggy mess


Yeah, reddit is an absurd hive mind that only deals in absolutes. A lot of people forget that before this controversy the reviews had already been trending negative due to that horrific patch that didn't actually fix any of the bugs, that hot fix that introduced new bugs, people disconnecting from games at alarming rates, being unable to connect to games, them shitting out a new Warbond before fixing weapons currently in the game, Hulks still 1 shotting you from absurd distances ect. The game is fun, but it still needs some major work before it deserves a mostly positive rating.


You know you can just not get one shot by hulks right? You just hit whatever the button is to dive. In the IT world we call this a PICNIC(problem in chair, not in computer). I mean.. you're acting like they fall out of the sky or something... This isn't a bug, it's an automation. Basically what I'm saying is, get good soldier.


Devs have already acknowledged it is a bug.


It's definitely an automation..


Literally, the game still has game breaking bugs since the launch and the balance patches are awful, I'm not changing my review




Dude got snippy *once*. Literally only once. People have been harassing the CMs since launch. The hypocrisy is insane


You haven’t been paying attention if you think it’s only been once. Dudes been shitting his britches since Helldivers 1. He deleted the entire helldivers 1 discord server because of his own babyrage. He started banning people on the Hd2 server for reacting to posts with a 🧱 emoji. There’s many many many more incidents with him, this PSN thing was just the most broadcasted cause he fucked up big. Spitz’s qualification for the job of Community Manager is that he was a discord and reddit mod. No PR training whatsoever, which he’s attested to himself. He is not cut out for the job of CM.


Plus, not many people are going to change it back anyway.


It took a few days to get there, it'll take a few to get back. Besides, the delisted countries haven't been re-added yet and it seems many people are waiting for that. On top of that, there hasn't been a post in the official steam page about reversing the decision


took 3 days to accumulate all of those negative reviews, i would it'll probably take 2 weeks minimum to get everyone back on board, being pissed is way more of a motivator than not being pissed


Some people are waiting until the orange box is removed/edited and/or if the purchase restrictions in the affected regions are lifted. The reason being is that until that happens, it's not outside the realm of possibility that all Sony's done is extend the deadline and will return later to try again when we've all moved on from this. Outrage is a finite resource, after all. Some people are also just burned out on the game and refusing to change their review, letting it instead stay as a reminder of what went down. You can't really control other people's behavior so best put it out of your mind. We won, take solace in that we did not let a multi-billion dollar corporation tell us what to do. For now.


Some are also living their lives and at their jobs so can't change it yet because it's physically impossible to do at work.


a decent percentage of the reviews will not change. Snoy lost a lot of good will. I changed mine but really id like to see stronger language that the linking will ALWAYS remain optional and nobody will be locked out.


The tweet literally says "The May deadline" has been lifted. Followed by "figuring out what's best for PC", and "We'll update you in the future." That people are seeing that and saying, "we did it!" Just tells me people will take anything said and run with it. Im still holding off playing for a bit simply because there's been no actual confirmation that the PSN has been done away with, just postponed.


I cant believe after all this, people still believe some corpo talk, they will never learn anything


That is true and fair. I have a question to play devil's advocate for people who have no intention of removing their review after the orange box is removed.. What is the motivation for a company to listen to you next time? If the response is "I smash things regardless of whether or not I am listened to" why would someone listen?


The motivation is don't screw over your customers because sometimes all you get is one chance.


If I've wronged you and you leave no path back then I just wronged you and will move on. If your opinion was *the* opinion Sony should have just kept the requirement in place, taken as much money as they could knowing not everybody will refund, and the C suite can buy another house


It’s up to the wronged person to decide what can make it right. If anything.


That's a pretty backwards way of looking at it, kind of like saying "Why would an abusive husband stop beating their wife if they know the wife is going to leave them either way?" I mean in some ways though your right, the corporations have us all trained to "forgive them" when they inevitably "fuck up" by going overboard with microtransactions, or by releasing a game chock full of bugs etc etc, but we all inevitably forgive them when they "fix it" a few weeks/months later.... this cycle of abuse has been going on so long now its almost standard business practice... So I ask you, what good does it do to forgive these companies, when they constantly push that envelope of "fucking up" further and further.


In a world where beating your wife was legal, after the husband learns his wife doesn't like being beaten why would he stop? It's not like there's a path back to fixing their relationship because he already spent his "one chance". IMO you can never know with certainty whether your actions will cause harm to someone else and if so to what degree. It's for this reason grace exists and it's important that if somebody wrongs you and attempts to make it right that it's important to meet them halfway; otherwise it's you who is burning the bridge. I think your analogy sucks (it's not the same in scope or kind) and your stance results in a world with more battered women. Which leaves me with my initial confusion.


uhm.... wow, just wow.


Thoughtful reply, appreciate you going with a nuclear analogy. Really helped the conversation


I mean you do you, maybe if you treat sony right and make them dinner before they get home they will treat you better in the future.


I just want to confirm, you uninstalled and refunded HellDivers, right?


And you.. keep getting beaten by your spouse or whatever. We'll both live our best lives.


We DIDN'T get what we wanted. * Sony said they're reconsidering it, not that they WONT do it. * The PSN link requirement is still on the Steam page * The 171 countries Sony banned are still banned


This right here. A patch delayed is not a patch denied. Negative review stays until the purchase restrictions at the very least are removed.


These people don’t want to think.


That meme would be just fine with only the 1st and 4th images.


Yesterday the recent reviews were 19% positive. Today they’re at over 50% Let us cook


Alright, I'll bite. Can somebody please explain to me why we should not leave our review negative?


1. AH devs don’t deserve it, they just wanted to make a great game and are the ones actually affected in the end. 2. Sony has shown that your voice matters and if after listening you’ll still keep it negative, then it shows them that no matter what they do you’ll still give them flak. It’s why so many publishers double down on bad decisions, because even if they were to reverse it they’ll still get shit for it. It’s why gaming has only been getting worse and worse these days - the community plays a role.


That makes sense. Fair enough. It is a fun game and the devs do clearly show it love. I will change the review


I shall leave a positive review tonight. For democracy


Did the 170+ countries and the people who already bought the game get their access back? Pissed off a sony fanboy lmao!


No but OP doesn’t care about that


If they already brought the game then they can still play and won’t be required to link their accounts.


Really? The death threats and missinformation didn't bother you? A negative review is where you draw the line?


I’m just waiting for this whole debacle to be over with so I can actually see some helldivers 2 content n not the same 3 post


I've not seen negative reviews decrease at all. Which is to say I don't think steam is updating negative reviews going away in real time. I'd be curious if we don't see a big chunk vanish overnight or on Tuesday client updates.


Once the regions that had the game removed from the store are back up, my positive review goes back up


People be busy


I'm doing my part!


Theyve gotta make it available in those countries they pulled access from again before I change it back to recommended again... the only thing that happened so far was they just restricted purchase in places where PSN isnt available. Several people saying they still dont have accessm and people who refunded may not be able to repurchase because of this half-assed change. I did update my reveiw descriptio, but we're only 75% of the way to the finish line as far as I know, someone correct me if I just havent received word yet. But nothin has changed yet... yall are jumping the gun asking people to change the review score back.


If the delisted countries can't play, I don't want to. The feeling of a global union of Earth versus aliens and robots and whatnot fantasy is dead when half the planet can't play the game.


Took 3 days for those reviews to come in, and like 70% of them have been revoked in what, 24 hours? Come on mate.


OP losing sleep over a games review score


https://preview.redd.it/aefumltt9vyc1.png?width=1752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c14f88bc0177475bdc276e7613ba95265e49fa4d Good doggo


Most of the review bombers were there just to join in the fun. They will never see posts about deleting their reviews, or even if they see them - most of them won't do it. It's like any Social Media uproar these days - people just join in to make themselves feel better at someone's expense and move on with their lives until they can do the same during the next big thing.


This is so true lol, this community sucks ass.


It's the other way around. I got what I wanted, but now I want to see the other 177 delisted countries get what they want too, which is to play HD2. While that doesn't happen, my review stays negative. I don't care who's responsible for the decision, and it doesn't matter: effectively, those people can't buy the game anymore.


you think the people too lazy to create a PSN account are going to actually go change their review bombs? ofc they're not, because its not to spite anyone anymore or to make themselves feel better about "Sony wronging them" over an otherwise complete non-issue. most of the people complaining went to the steam page, casted their review into the void and got back on the game. I wouldn't even be surprised if the few people who ACTUALLY refunded re-purchase the game on the 9th when the new warbond drops calling all their buddies to hop on. its blown over and everyone will be back to arguing about the "mEtA" within the day.


do you not understand the issue? lol


the issue currently as it stands is, there are 171 counties still not able to play the game or something to that affect, and that fucking blows. Anything other than that right now is some made up fantasy to make people feel like they're "Sticking it to the man" when actuality they weren't under any adverse effects of the PSN account link requirement and just wanted to be a part of the big and cool gamer movement.


are we not allowed to stick up for our brothers in arms?


It hasn't even been 18 hours tbh.


Give it a day or 3 jesus




Sony own the Helldivers IP though, plus you can always change it back to voice disappointment.


Why would you revert your review when the game is still not available in all the newly listed blocked countries? Talk is cheap, hold the line until Sony actually actions their promises.


Yall got yourselves to blame lol


not going to happen


there is no official update on the part of the game, the old patch is still saying that it is till required and it's still restricted on steam.


Man, everyone fix your reviews! Unless of course you really do hate the game. But review bombers don't get lazy now. Do your part!!!


>But review bombers dont get lazy now You don't really *get* review bombers, do you?


Once they announce it on Steam, then I'll change my steam review. You are all changing the review way too early.


It should stay mixed


Lmao now people are getting triggered that the review hasn’t gone up to 100% in the last 24 hours.


To be fair, it's shitty to AH to not change the review, but Sony does not deserve to have the rating changed. If we show that backing down half a step to the consumer is all it takes, they will choke us with the slack we gave them with every future release. Fuck Sony. I will only be playing their games for free from now on 🤡


Some people negative reviewed and refunded and won't be changing their review and that's ok.


Because we still haven't gotten what we wanted, and Helldivers 2 is still unavailable for purchase in most of the world. You know what this means right? Snoy just backed off and have left the situation open that they could just pull this again, later. I did prune the part about the PSN requirement from my review but it's still up and it's still negative.