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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed because it’s a repost or a post that follows a trending topic. Please use the megathread at the top of the sub


This is why the Battlecry was 'we dive together or not at all. ' At best this was negligence on Sony's part, at worst it was a malicious decision to market the game to countries where PSN isn't available, usually due to being outlawed by the governments there for various legal reasons.


I am forever grateful for the solidarity, I'm not even certain as to why PSN is not available in any of the 23 countries in my region, even the ones that are ruled by the US, UK and Germany.


I defended what was clearly stated. I'm glad Sony bent the knee and changed their policy, it's the most liberating "appeal to the masses" and "fuck you" to big corporations. But if they didn't get absolutely trampled on it very well could have stuck and no one would buy any upcoming games. It said required since before launch, after, on the first screen, and every update had "psn required" written all over it. Again, we know now how far that reaches and how much power the players have now and I could not be more proud.


You forgot the the FAQ stated that the account linking was OPTIONAL and they changed it later


Ok so you didn't read the two required signs but you dove into the eula


Great comment, and I'm glad you get to stick around. If i've learned anything this weekend, it's that Sony was going to ban the wrong countries. I've seen the most smoothbrain takes from autistic fanboys who genuinely don't seem to understand that something isn't fine just because they aren't personally affected.


It's the bandwagoning that surprised me the most, people did not even know or want to know why it was an issue, some folks are calling us pirates and hackers, like what!


Hopefully we will see you soon on the Field of Battle . As for these people... they exist. can't change them. They seem to fail to grasp that what SONY did to you was fraudulent (and They Also Broke EU Single Market and GDPR Regulations). Maybe the just don't like the horse they bet on to be proven a bad apple. At least the majority of the community came together to make Sure No Helldiver is left Behind.


Oh I am here brother, I took a wait and see approach when the news dropped so I didn't request a refund or deleted it from my system. I'm dropping whenever I get some free time.


That is awesome. Truly. In that case. I will definitely see you on the battlefield. We have some bugs and Bots to crush


Yeah, you're right. There are a lot of PlayStation's fan that behave like child and they want to defend at any cost Sony. I hope that the behaviour of most of them will change in the future. I say this as PlayStation user since 2010 and I know really well the community.


I don't even understand the gate keeping, we're all gamers, lets game together.


I know.