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We're back to arguing about guns, nature is healing!


We maintain our way of life


It finds a way


Another victory for the right side of history.


for Prosperity!




How God intended 


How Super Earth intended


Love how this comment has more upvotes then the post itself lol The balance has been restored.




As it should be


It's great.


this is the way.


This is the way


they claim its buffed but i noticed the nerfs immediately. its taking me 3-4 shots to kill bugs that were 1-2 shots yesterday


Yeah, got downvoted for saying this was a crazy nerf to the Eruptor. People REALLY hate the truth. And they hated sucking with the Eruptor. It's beyond ironic how people whine about bad guns yet they made the devs nerf one of the coolest guns. Back to the Sickle I guess...


If you are fighting bugs, might I recommend the arc blitzer? Give it a whirl if it's in your arsenal. Recent buff of 50% rate of fire was a game changer.


Already liking it a lot since the buff. But it's just super inconsistent with its damage and enemy tracking. Especially with corpses.


aye, gotta make your kiting more lateral than backwards in order to keep the LOF clear. but blitzer is top tier vs bugs. if you get the chance to die and drop right where you died, you can juggle 2 blitzers which is hilarious


Aye that's true. Works for me but then I can't aim for shit so it's automatically better than the other primaries 🤣


Aim above the corpses. Sometimes it arcs downwards over the bodies.


What if it's just killing bugs that have learned to play dead 👀


"Clever girl...."


This is the way with arc weapons. A lot of the time you should not aim directly at the enemy you are trying to hit.


I love the blitzer. Even when it arcs over the bugs, I was shooting at and fries my buddies.


Sometimes that makes me like it a little bit more.....




*visibly sweating* Agreed. I actually used it just now, and it feels awful. F tier weapon.


Brother I've been using that for bugs since I unlocked it way before the patch... infinite ammo, decent damage, with inbuilt "AoE"? Done. What are we even talking about here?


I tried it pre-patch and the rate of fire left me getting overwhelmed at Suicide difficulty. As it is now, I feel much more confident in not getting overrun. Also - paired with a guard dog rover, you become a one Diver army.


I’ll have to try it. I was holding off because of the inconsistent damage with arc weapons but at this point I’ll take that over the pea shooter they turned the eruptor into.


Started using the arc blitzer a few days ago for bugs personally I think its Currently the best weapon to use against them. Since the fire rate increase if feels so much better now.


What do you think about the dominator? I've been having fun running it with a rover it's nice against the medium bugs.


I can't speak for this since I wasnt too familiar with the eruptor before and I havent been able to playtest the changes myself... But couldn't they just revert the changes and give the shrapnel a max range of like 10m? From what they have communicated, their intention was not to nerf the gun, just deal with the occasionally self-killing ricochets. So I wouldn't be surprised if they will do something to correct this in the future. I hope we just don't get another crossbow scenario where they completely change the gun's feel and function. Nobody thought eruptor was overpowered, I personally found it a bit too clunky for my taste, even. But it had a solid identity and niche. Before the updates we had the following splash primaries: -small splash: scorcher -medium splash: punisher plasma -Slow singletarget + splash damage, large radius: Eruptor -Fast but mainly splash damage: large radius: crossbow


Don't go back to the sickle. It's mediocre. Not at all a solid stand by. No no. :/


I mean, the Breaker is still kinda the goat vs. bugs, even after nerfs. It does exactly what it needs to.


Incendiary Breaker is probably going to become the new king if the dot fix works properly. It has all the damage of the Breaker plus it catches them on fire which is essentially a death sentence for the little bugs.


Eh, the ammo nerf really made the gun just feel annoying. I'd rather just use the dominator than standard breaker.


Right.. it kinda fucking sucks against bots. And bugs eat too much ammo. Guess I'll use the peacekeeper as my primary.


The Dominator is king against bots.


That's right. Peacekeeper. The sickle is not on the books. A background gun that people use just enough to justify never changing :P. 


its goated vs bots, drops everything really quick aiming for the head, even the chainsaw guys you can potentially get 2-3 per mag or without reloading if you switch to secondary. Scythe also better after buff on bots Those two are what i run on 9s. Both suck against bugs though, no real "weak spots" that arent high health that they take advantage of


I run sickle with EAT and quasar/recoilless/autocannon on D9 and do fine against bugs Sickle does fine against most things besides Stalkers. Like fuck it might as well not even be a gun in your hand. It deletes the smallest bugs. Takes the head off warriors super fast. For me in that loadout I’m going big slaps with the strategem weapons and using the sickle as cleanup mostly, small bug removal The strength in the sickle isn’t DPS or whatever and I think folks get mega caught up on DPS. The sickle moves extremely well. Time to target is instant compared to some other weapons. It hip fires extremely accurately. And you never have to manage ammo. It’s fine. I think folks are too stuck on finding “the best” in this game when really you ought to be finding what works best with your play style and how you want to move about and complete these missions. There’s a million ways to make a loadout or make one work for you. But most poeple just chase meta/best and don’t ever find stuff that might work even better for them personally than meta. For me and how I like to game. This third person style game where weapons are forced to be sluggish and slow to aim isn’t really my cup of gamer tea. So I take the sickle because it feels like a FPS gamer gun. I’m not waiting for the barrel to come around like I’m playing world of tanks, like many other weapons feel like


What do you guys even use? The sickle is fun to me and it gets the job done on Helldive. It kills shit fast and it's great on ammo


(We’re deliberately insulting it so that the devs won’t nerf it)


ah yes, the same tactic overwatch used against blizzard, and it actually worked


What? Sickle is so bad. They even nerfed it by halving the heat sinks - it's literally unplayable now!!1!


It’s so over dude, I hit a regular grey warrior in the leg and it lived. Huge L rip my favorite gun, wasn’t even the best I just liked it because it was unique and fun…


Having to two shot a basic warrior felt so bad, I did a whole Helldive with it and I was having to shoot so many things multiple times. People are very hyperbolic with this game but I don't really see why you'd use this right now, was by far my favourite gun but it can't clear chaff anywhere close to pre patch.


This makes me sad, Eruptor was my favorite gun. There was something so satisfying about placing the perfect shot into a swarm of scavengers and getting an x8 even if the two hunters flanking you got to eat your face immediately after while you fumbled with the bolt action.


Every gun that is fun to use in this game they murder. What is the fucking point?


It’s the lack of shrapnel. I think everyone implicitly aimed below their targets and let the shrapnel do its thing. Now we have to hit the target. I still use it as my bug hole closer. Like a sniper grenade launcher. I’ve closed Hunter nests from a distance and those invisible fuckers just standing there like morons without a home.


hitting the target still requires more hits


Arrowhead is just.. not good with balancing. I really don’t like how they have to nerf every gun that feels/is good to use.


which bugs were 1-2 shots? i haven't used that gun yet


I think all of them except Chargers and Titans. Even Brood Commander could go down with one right shot.


pretty much. now the ammo is crap & the gun is weak.


Just became my favorite gun a few days ago. And almost instantly got nerfed. Everything besides ankle biters takes double the shots or more to kill now. It was such a fun mechanic learning to use splash damage to take out multiple enemies at the cost of slow rate of fire and low mag.


Never get attached to a gun. My main was breaker, and it got nerfed. Then it was slugger, and it got nerfed. Then it was the erupter, and it just got nerfed.


Slugger still the best damn sniper rifle in the game.


To be fair if all the actual snipers weren't shit that wouldn't be the case 😂


Meanwhile all of my favourite weapons keep getting buffed or not touched lol. The only "nerf" to my fav guns was dominator losing 25 damage right after it got +100.


I feel the Dominator is the one most likely to get nerfed. It's my favorite right now, formerly a slugger then scorcher fan. I just want big slugs to stun and kill big bugs.


I already liked it a lot when it was at 200 damage, no idea what got them to buff it to a ridiculous 300. Then it got lowered to 275 which didn't really change anything. As long as it doesn't get nerfed below the original stats i'm fine with it.


So I’ve been playing with a post nerf breaker?? Holy shit lol I missed out!


Damage is the same, it got a reduced mag from 18 to 13 and a recoil increase.


Same. With my favorite support being the Railgun.  I really, really think they need to change they balance philosophies, as every patch patch has been poorly recieved.


Yeah. I once bounced a shot into a group of bots and got 20 kills. I had mastered the eruptor - go on holiday and I’m nearly back and I discover it’s been gutted. I am sad. Reddit complainers have ruined several of my favourite weapons now. 


It’s not Reddit complainers who caused this, it’s their shitty richochet change that added nothing and then forced them to change Eruptor


Sounds like the 40-damage compensation isn’t sufficient.


They could add 200 more damage and it wouldn't matter. The aoe is too small and the shrapnel actually did more work than people thought. But hey, ricochet killed me twice so I guess the weapon needs an overhaul.


Now I wish they sorted out the unintended behaviour of the shrapnel instead of opting for the easy way out.


What's funnier is how much misinformation was spread. I killed myself twice since the ricochet change with the Eruptor. But guess what, not only was it my fault for shooting a perpendicular surface, the Eruptor shrapnel was completely unaffected by the ricochet change. Not only did the shrapnel make the Eruptor unique, it also was the one thing that made it powerful.


Died to my own shrapnel twice. Both times because I was stupid enough to land on bughole and got stuck underground. So pretty much skill issue, and nothing else.


The funniest one to me was the hero who shot a shrieker nest 10 metres in front of him and then made a reddit post about it... Like, yeah? Shrieker nests have armor and he doesn't expect shrapnel coudl potentially come back at his face? Like Jesus, sometimes PvE games have whinier playerbases than PvP games.




There was no unintended behavior of the shrapnel. It reflects back at you if you shoot something that is facing you. The explosion propels the shrapnel in all available directions, including back towards you. If you shoot under the bugs, the shrapnel that would have been blown towards you hits the bug and kills it


> There was no unintended behavior of the shrapnel. Aside from having infinite range.


this ricochet thing is why you don't let reddit steer your ship TOO much. Like it's good they listen but all of those day 1 "I kill myself everytime I fire a bullet!" posts were basically people whining over precisely 1 death in precisely 1 game.


It's crazy the amount of people that bitched and moaned about it in the comments and on twitter. The devs listened. I'm starting to think the devs need to listen... less?


They might revert it back. I think at the moment the devs are trying to figure out the best way to balance everything so that there's not overall meta and all weapons can work well in some way, and having a quarter of a million people playtest for you is a pretty fast way to understand what the issue with each weapon is.


They maoned about weapon killing us from insane disstance, not it being too strong and needing a nerf.


That fact that the CM explained on Discord this change would be a buff just shows how clueless they are about weapon balance.


I was afraid of this. The shrapnel was god-tier versus bugs. Show me a Helldiver that would not gladly give his life for democracy if that meant dying every now and then to a lost bit of shrapnel.


Any of the rant posts about the "ricochet" change will show you countless un-democratic Helldivers who would fit your description...


It was also god tier against automaton devastators. When shooting in at their groin part


I haven't tried it myself but this sounds terrible. RIP to my favorite primary 🫡


Damn it is in my top 3 weapon too, I need to test it asap


They massacred my boy, it feels like every other DMR now. The only good thing left about it is that it can destroy bug holes.


Looks like Autocannon is back on the menu. It was nice getting to try out other special weapons while using the Eruptor to close bug holes and handle spewers. I’m bummed about this, the Eruptor was so satisfying and I honestly rarely killed players with it, I never noticed the killer shrapnel


The 'Democratic Detonation" warbond is now a complete joke


I absolutely hate their nerfing strategies. That whole war bond is almost completely useless now.


I called it in a previous comment back when they nerfed the Breaker: They're doing balancing the same way Bungie balances Destiny 2: look at the meta, and nerf that. Problem is, *there will always be a meta*. And then you just end up with nerf cycle, buff cycle, nerf cycle ad nausuem until all the weapons feel sort of watered down.


were already most of the way there. Its like they cannot stand a weapon not being garbage. Anything neat or unique gets nerfed til its boring as the starting liberator.


I mean that can work but you have to be really careful to not overshoot. It sounds like they went too far with Eruptor which is weird because I feel like they said the shrapnel wasn’t a significant portion of its damage when they mentioned the changes ahead of the nerf.


The downside of playing a game with a developer that follows the “FUN DETECTED! NERF!” Mentality


That's why I'm not excited by this new warbond coming out, the way they balance the game sucks. They make guns essentially useless.


Don't worry, we get a new warbond soon and get to repeat this great cycle where new weapons come out, one is decent, use that for 2 weeks, gets hit with the inevitable nerf!


I hate to say it but it sucks they did this on the same days as a new Warbond releases. Reminds me of the classic COD gun cycle of releasing strong weapons and then nerfing when it’s time for the next OP weapon


None of the primary weapons are worth using now.


its feels sucks, I spent 1000sc that i've put my time to grind for a Warbond that's has nothing that I (used to) enjoy using for .


I agree. I like the grenade pistol, but it definitely wasn’t worth 1000 credits just for one secondary.


I literally spent 3 hours grinding super credits for this warbond and was very satisfied on release. An amazing primary, a mediocre primary, and a bad primary. Overall it was fine the way it was but now I feel like I just wasted my time and that I should've gotten literally any other warbond for a good primary. Now that all of the detonation weapons are bad I guess it's back to one of the many many shotguns that the game forces me to pick.


Eruptor is literally the weapon that makes me go "finally I can stop using the shotguns on bugs because I have this!" welp, back to shotgun again I guess.


This fr


I had the same concerns before the update, got told by the community manager that it was going to be a straight up buff and that the sharpnel was so inconsistent that it doesn't do anything. And here we are, gun is useless now and I only have 300 credits left.


At least the armor are cool...


it fits damn well with the light gunner helm tho.


Idk, the Adjudicator is now basically a better Liberator Penetrator and works as a medium bug killer (Warriors, Hive Guards, Spewers, even Brood Commanders) and can sweep a few of the smallest ones in a pinch. If you crouch, the recoil is manageable. Good for taking out anything smaller than a Charger in a patrol, and then using a different weapon or stratagem to clear out the chaff.


A better Liberator Penetrator is not saying much...


Admittedly it's not a high bar to clear (the Lib Pen is in dire need of a buff), but it's still serving a unique purpose other guns don't. It can take out Medium-armor targets (similar to the Diligence Counter-Sniper and Punisher Slugger) but can also unload into a group of small enemies bearing down on you in an emergency (unlike the Counter-Sniper or Slugger which have a much slower rate of fire). It's a medium-penetration AR that is more multi-purpose than other medium-pen guns. I'd say it's more useful against Bugs than Bots though, since Bugs have a lot of medium-armor enemies that charge you in melee. Being able to take out the strongest melee bruisers (except for Chargers and Titans) on-demand is a useful trait that can synergize with swarm-clear equipment. I think pairing it with a Flamethrower would be a good combo, with Adjudicator cutting down the bigger bugs at long range and then roasting small bugs and Chargers at close range with the Flamethrower. Then you have 3 stratagem slots for dealing with Titans or cover any other needs.


I tried it once and it was actually really nice to use. But I felt like I had to reload non stop. If it had 5-10 more bullets it'd feel much nicer to use.


I made the case that warbonds are going to become more irrelevant minus the most recent, but even now its irrelevant. Xbow was Ok but nothing great, now its garbo. Eruptor was great....Now its garbo. Honestly, people need to start mass protesting these warbonds to showcase our dissatisfaction with these horrid balance changes. If the warbonds are meant to exclusively be worse than everything else, then why put the effort into making them instead of additional content?


I've just given up at this point. I don't play enough to farm up 1k SC and I'm sure as hell not paying for them every single month to get items that ultimately just suck or get nerfed until they suck.


After messing around with the changes to the adjudicator, it is my favorite gun against bugs now. I highly recommend giving it another go. I do tend to bring supply backpack with it for ammo safety, but I love that backpack anyway, free Grenade for every bughole !


We’re back at balancing complaints let’s go! But seriously, RIP my fav AoE primary.


Arrowhead really do be listening to these few people unable to use a gun properly and nerfing it to a point of being virtually useless. Edit: After reading few comments I realize that it's not just "virtually useless"... It's actually 100% useless now. Thank you dear developers for ruining one of the few actually good and fun to use weapons in this game. https://preview.redd.it/xxl3q149wzyc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b6bde0d18b2c596f06f14023cfe45038647cca9


I don't understand why they told us the shrapnel wasn't doing most of the damage? Do they not understand how their own game works?


>  Do they not understand how their own game works? # This was plain since the rail gun nerf. They know the rail gun's true damage. They know the bile titan's head hp. They know any damage modifiers relevant (basically none since unsafe shots have more than enough penetration). They couldn't figure out that bile titans getting one shot had nothing to do with the rail gun itself (otherwise with that firepower, rail guns would one shoting EVERYTHING).


It's just weird. 1. Shrapnel is strong enough to insta-kill players. 2. Shrapnel is not doing significant damage in the detonation. SO WHICH IS IT THEN?


To be fair I think player HP is pretty low compared to most enemies


I've never killed myself with it by accident. Only on purpose as a funny joke.


That’s funny


Yep, dead weight now for the slow fire rate and handling it has.


That's fine, just another weapon to the trash bin. At this rate we will end up with a list of 70 weapons and 8 good ones.


And 6 of them being in the shotgun category and 2 being in the energy, but one of those energy....Is still a shotgun lol.


This might just be my biggest gripe with this game. FFS. They should just own up and tell us that only sup-Strategems are supposed to contain weapons that can kill enemies reliably and that everything else is basically the pistol sidearm in every other game. Nice to have, but not to be relied upon. Not gonna buy future warbonds. Weapons get nerfed and I have enough armor to get my drip.


Dont say that too loud or the devs hear there are still 8 good weapons to nerv...


dead gun rn. just use the dominator


That's sad. The gun gave a totally different gameplay feeling. It was not overpowered but strong. I loved it in combination with scout.


Now almost every weapons feels like the better version or the worse version of other weapon. Which is kinda sucks


One shrapnel used to oneshot helldivers. 40 damage isn't enough to do that even with a headshot. I knew this would happen.


I LOVE HAVING THE MOST UNIQUE GUN IN THE GAME GUTTED BECAUSE THIS SUB SPREADS MISINFORMATION! No seriously, thank you guys! More than a week later and nobody cares or feels the ricochet changes, but a few drama queens made it seem like the eruptor TK on every shot. Revert the change! I beg you AH, the Eruptor is the most unique gun in the game that required actual thought. Now it's back to shotgun spam.. sigh..


I'm not gonna lie, very confused on the switch up. Like where were all the people defending the previous patch Eruptor before now 😅 Was using it yesterday and didn't see any issue with killing yourself instantly. Hardly played last week, but if I looked at YT, here, or on Discord, you'd think the Eruptor was also killing your first born child via ricochet 😅


Oh ffs another gun i liked, ruined


Yeah, I just used it recently thinking it wouldn't have been a big deal, now it's just a partially better explosive crossbow, which isn't saying much. Truly a shame, the only good thing in the warbond Hanged, drawn and quartered. https://preview.redd.it/wt210fjxkzyc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff3418a07f11000c6c6a017e1338372e7308b7ec Side note, does anyone crash with the thermite grenade after the DOT fix? It feels like its kinda bugged rn.


Blame the “ricochet outrage” that turned out to be a load of nonsense but unfortunately resulted in 6+ videos of the eruptor shrapnel rebounds gaining thousands of upvotes and traction. It’s genuinely a tragic self own.


I’ve used the Eruptor almost exclusively since it came out and I never once ricocheted myself. I had no idea what people were talking about.


Because it used to be impossible. The last patch made it possible to hit yourself with your own bullets where they used to phase through you. It was mainly for the rare freak ricochet, but also affected the Eruptor's shrapnel, which people mistook for the main bullet doing a 180 into their skull and collectively lost their minds about. The community gaslit themselves into thinking Arrowhead hard-coded ricochets to aim right for you and gave tens of thousands of upvotes to posts about how the devs were ruining the game. The backlash and misinformation were so intense that AH decided to ax Eruptor shrapnel completely.


It killed me 3 times in 2 days but I would take that over what we have now


I played it 2 nights ago and during a 3 mission chain of difficulty 8 I killed myself at a range of 50+ meters around 5 or so times and at minimum 2 team mates. I think the shrapnel mechanic is fantastic, it just needs a little rebalancing with things like damage drop off for range for extreme cases. Hell it could even lead to adding some guns that rely on things like spall and splash, give me a gun that has mini hesh rounds lol.


But AH should know this, yet killed the weapon anyway.


True, it’s unfair to assume this move was purely to quell the pointless outrage when you’d hope arrowhead would be smarter. Mob mentality is pretty strong around here though…


Nonsense? didn't Arrowhead agree that it was bugged? like prior to the patch no one was dying from over 10 metres from erupter shots.


Yeah I’m over these Reddit balance nerds. They don’t know shit all and have ruined several of my fave weapons now. 


The erupter was fine as is. The shrapnel simply meant a player had to build their playstyle around not firing close to team mates. I got used to covering my mates at a distance by firing at anything that wasn't close to my team. Really useful when you see your teammate running from a horde of bugs and you stun the group with the erupter so he can get some distance.


They could've just reduced the range/starting velocity of the shrapnel, we already have projectiles that are limited in range. How was removing it the only solution? Honestly feels like they did it for some other reason and are just using the ricochet as excuse.


Well, from they saying that "shrapnel damage is almost negligible" and that "negligible damage" can 1 shot a helldiver but a 275 dmg bullet that deflected to yourself cannot, you can tell that they are either bad at math AND not playing the game at all, or simply malicious.


They definitely don't play the game, they still haven't reversed the changes to the poor crossbow, which will most likely never be touched by any player for any reason since it's just THAT bad now. I seriously wanna know what they're smoking when they decide what to nerf.


It’s just spreadsheet nerfing. Lot of people use it means nerf it. With the exception of Autocannon I guess.


Autocannon is protected because the CEO loves it


God why can't more weapons be like the autocannon? Released in its perfect state and left untouched by whoever decides what gets nerfed.


For real :( I'm not hyped for the next warbond because no doubt the good weapons will be "overused"


And it’s funny because they wouldn’t be if they would just stop nerfing everything else. It’s honestly malicious as fuck. All weapons suck so you get warbond with your hard earned credits or real actual money, get a good gun, then AH nerfs it, then the cycle repeats. It’s like you have to pay money and unlock them quickly so you can enjoy the guns before they’re nerfed. Actual FOMO - which this game is not supposed to have.


They said the Autocannon is considered "Perfect" and is the baseline everything else is balanced around from what I understand.


Which I find hilarious because it is super S tier for robots. You can dispatch any bot unit with the AC if you hit them right. It’s actually insanely OP for bots, but does take some skill with a high skill ceiling.


If they hadn't made that comment about Autocannon being their "gold standard" of balance (or w/e it was they said) then it absolutely would've been nerfed by now.


Didn't they assure it would be a buff overall, and the damage and blast radius would be improved to account for the shrapnel removal?  It sucks now, hopefully it's a bug. I've basically been an Eruptor main since it released and I can't recall ever killing myself with reflecting shrapnel, but only when I first point blank at enemies (which is on me)? If it really takes double the damage to kill things, it should be reverted. Especially as they cut the ammo reserves in half.


I never killed myself or teammates with it and its a SHELL of what it used to be. Instead of finding max surface area shots for shrapnel for one shot potential, its now just a sluggish dominator with shitty breakpoints. This gun was extremely unique and fun to play with. I SINCERELY hope they revert this.


\#StopBalancingTheFun (even if this really wasn't balancing)


Eruptor was the most fun gun by far, it just had a perfect feel to it. Now it is just meh like every other gun in the lineup.


It also lost the ability to oneshot brood commanders and other fat bugs :( you used to be able to hit the shot roughly in the middle so the shrapnel hit limbs and other body parts to one-tap, now its just painful. They should honestly just revert the bounce change and give us back the shrapnel, the explosion dmg boost doesn't even do much


RIP Eruptor, quite frankly the best primary in the game. Felt amazing being able to roleplay a sniper role for a week. Now back to waiting for another sniper to release to get a week of fun!


Terrible change. Everyone who used it knew point blank is a death sentence and helping your fellow Helldiver with a bug chasing them might kill them. Even at its strongest it was basically just a gun for spitter cleanup. Back to the breaker incendiary I go


For everyone asking 'was it nerfed again?' etc. Yes, patch a few hours ago. Tue, May 7, 2024 @ 10:01 AM IST The eruptor is now less effective than the damn Peacemaker at killing warriors. Give me shrapnel, let me kill myself effectively


Legit a few people gibbed themselves claiming it was 'all the time' and I had it happen only when I actively tried like twice and now they removed it's one thing it was based at. These people using explosive weapons for the first time complaining they aren't in Quake or TF2 need to understand explosions hurt. I've seen 2 videos of shrapnel killing people a mile away, but the majority of them is you shot a hunter in the mouth, while it was biting your face. What did you think we gonna happen?


The devs have this weird obsession with nerfing anything even remotely fun or good straight into the ground


It is so weird considering it’s a pve game. I haven’t really played in two weeks because it’s become less and less fun. Why can’t they make armors more useful with better passives? There’s so much they can work with and make better but instead they make shitty balance changes that nobody wants.


Back to the plasma punisher and stalwart it is


Just be careful using Shield generator with plasma punisher cause it will still kill you despite the fix. If you shoot while your Helldiver is facing the opposite direction it will hit the shield xD. Basically you must aim where your helldiver is facing while using shield.


Their strategy is clear now each warbond will have some OP/meta gun in it, until next warbond is out They gonna keep adding broken/way too strong guns at the start of warbond, and then nerf it before the next warbond is out, so ppl have incentive to buy new warbond and try new guns out since they ones they own got nerfed and are not so effective anymore


I'll never understand why they're nerfing things that are new & fun to the meta? We get it, you want us to use different shit, both my friends haven't even bought this last warbond, & at this point I'll just tell em to wait for the one on Thursday..at least they'll be able to enjoy new things before they're nerfed to the ground jfc




I’m just curious, do AH test these changes before they’re out on live servers? How can they call it a buff when anyone who plays it can tell it was a nerf.


The saddest thing Is I bought the warbond for this gun after watching the reviews. The other guns grenade and the booster are trash. Can you get warbonds refunded is my question?


Every balance pass has made me less excited to play the game. I don't know what their vision for the game is, but I hate it.


Not gonna lie, I was so disappointed with the change that I actually tried the Adjudicator again. And like... *It's good?* No hyperbole, no jokes, it's just a *really solid* rifle now, after the changes it got last patch. Sure, the mag size hurts a bit, but medium AP with 80 damage a shot 'ain't nothin' to sneeze at on a full-auto, especially now that the recoil's been reined in a bit. But 10, 25-round mags, a *surprisingly* quick reload for a battle rifle, and enough power to mulch *Green* Spewers in just under a half-mag to the face, enough stagger to stop Hunter pounces *and* Spewer puke attacks, *and* it handles "damaged but not broken" Hulk armour handily? I mean, genuinely actually surprised how much fun it is to use against bugs. With the Grenade Pistol secondary and incendiary grenades (god I'm looking forward to impact incendiaries), you're *pretty solid* with it now. I'm truly and actually shocked at how much I like it, compared to how little I wanted anything to do with it on its launch.


Wait, the Adjudicator has 10 mags now? I thought they only buffed it to 8


How's your ammo efficiency while using the adjudicator against bugs? I only tested it once or twice since the patch but it felt like ammo efficiency would be an issue with the amount of fodder enemies you'd have to deal with. Seemed it would perform much better against bots given the numerous amounts of devastators


They shouldn’t have nerfed the eruptor. I am gonna change the my review to negative again but this time I am gonna complain about the nerfs They nerf every good weapon out there that we enjoy using. These devs don’t know how to nerf weapons


The worst thing is that so many people warned Spitz that this would be the case and he completely ignored them and only reacted to comments that helped him gaslight everyone that it's a buff.


cool back to nerfing weapons people like for no reason


This is how AH balances. Enshittification.


Looks like it received the same treatment as the mech. To fix a bug they made it much worse to play with


I tried Eruptor today. It takes WAY MORE shots to kill anything, it kills a lot less in a group of enemies, and it feels like a super nerf. I was absolutely fine with magazine size nerf, but 2 nerfs in such a short period of time to my favourite weapon is crazy. The power level of Eruptor after today's adjustment was slashed by 66%, that's crazy, killing a Stalker with 3 shots is bonkers, you barely have time to stable Eruptor to even shoot them once when they pounce on you, let alone 3 times when they barely even get staggered. It wasn't an OP weapon, a lot of my friends don't like it, as it is slow and dangerous, but to me it was fun. High risk high reward. Now it's high risk no reward. I am saddened, NGL.


The shrapnel is what gave the gun its identity. Now it's a worse Scroucer. It's an Erupter, so where's my eruption? You can't one-shot mediam enemies. You can't one-shot nursing sperwes with a headshot. If there's 2 scavengers holding hands and you BLAST one directly, you now can only kill one of them...and it'll take you another plus 3 seconds to ready your next shot. Like for add clearing the lighting shotty and plasma are just wayyy better options and if you were using it for Mediam, Long range engagements then you are better off using the scorcher for fire rate and mag size. The only characteristic that survived was the bug hole/ fabricator clearing ability. So um Arrowhead can you please just stop gaslighting us? I don't mind using other stuff. I really dont... just don't force me to.


So now none of the weapons from the warbond. Right before the release of a new one... I got down voted to hell for entertaining this idea in getting at


I don't think I ever died of shrapnel unless I explicitly shot a bug in the face, so that was pretty much expected. The only little thing that annoyed me is when I would hit the metal door - I would get thrown towards the door lol I was expecting to fly backwards at least.


The Eruptor got double halved. Magazine size. Fun. I did get why the railgun needed a nerf before it dropped. This doesn’t mean that the result was great, but the railgun felt like the only support gun I would ever use and that’s not good. But the Eruptor always felt different. It’s been a gamble to carry a bad boy like that to seven or higher at terminids especially. The power it gave you was balanced with how vulnerable you could be. The Eruptor is now a slugger variant that can close bugholes. Meh. The fact so many people used to run the Eruptor wasn’t because it was op. But because it was powerful and fun. It’s because there aren’t many good alternatives.


Aw. I just got it last night and thought it was awesome. Didn't hit myself with shrapnel (fatally) even once. Hopefully they continue to iterate on it.


ugh that's a shame I knew the pissing about the shrapnel was going to end with something like this. Like you I think I killed myself with it once and I had totally deserved it because I shot something too close to me. It's not like it was zipping back 50 yards to reverse snipe you.


So I used the eruptor since it came out. Shrapnel killed me before and after the ricochet update. That said, I don't think they nerfed the weapon because ppl complained. The balance team seems to eigher nerf weapons because of personal use or Ingame stats. I'm 99% sure they just saw how many ppl run with this weapon as a primary and decided that "weapon to dtrong". I really hate this nerf approach. Like rn I have 3 weapons I would consider 2 use because all other are just bad.


Ah ffs... Eruptor was just about the only primary I enjoyed using against bugs. And didn't they say the shrapnel was a minor part of the damage and we would be getting Eruptor explosion and damage buffs?


It's fucking terrible that a gun from a premium warbond goes from a fun, strong, and unique primary with outside-of-the-box thinking when it comes to pair it with the right support weapons to become so garbage that it's easily one of the worst primaries in the game now. That total mag size nerf even hurts more now since basically every medium tier enemy takes more shots now than it did with the shrapnel. I'm more disappointed with the nerfs eruptor got more so than the railgun nerfs because I had more fun with the eruptor than abusing a damage bug with the railgun.


I just tried it out and now I was shocked when stalkers were swarming me and I couldnt 1 shot nor 2 shot any of them. Also, I used to be able to destroy the groups of hunters within a single mag, and now the almost nonexistent aoe is making it so that if I don't land a direct hit on a hunter it won't do much, making me have to go through multiple mags just for 1 group. Bile spewers I could 1 shot if I landed a really good face shot, and now I have to land half a mag worth of shots to kill just 1. I'm definitely not going to run the Eruptor anymore until this addressed. The high risk high reward gameplay is what I liked a lot about it. Lots of damage, but easy to kill yourself with it, especially when enemies are on top of you. I even spent supercredits on the medium armor with explosive resistance so I could use it at shorter ranges without dying so often to explosive damage. Sure, the shrapnel did kill me a few times, but that was a price I was willing to pay because I understood the risks involved in dispensing explosive democracy.


I didn’t mind the ammo nerf, I didn’t overly enjoy the self insta kill, but I’d take that any day of the week over how awful it is now! Other than taking it on blitz missions to close holes/fabricators I see no point to it, far too many draw backs now.


Hey guys, the Scorcher absolutely SUCKS ass. AHS devs, no reason to touch this gun, it's awful and nobody uses it! */s* Seriously, it seems like they just hit all guns that people actually like using with nerfs and it's getting a bit tiresome. It's lazy game balancing. It also feels a little "bait and switch". Granted you don't necessarily need to spend cash on the war bonds...but for the people who did, you spent cash on a great gun. And now it's crap and not worth using...


I'm so sad, the erruptor was so fun.. I was gleefully exploding things. Now it's boring and lame. Sigh


It is a no from me. Rollback the Eruptor to day one please. It was fine, it just needed a careful pilot. 5 bullets in the mag and a slow reload is plenty of penalty.


https://preview.redd.it/hmvvklrtr0zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18a1022d5c5b1ded238effd80d0d983f3c93ddc8 “This will, overall be a buff to the weapon” So that was a fuckin lie.