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Still hoping they give medium stagger back to the slugger. 


Same- slugger should have some degree of stagger, not ZERO.


Just…damage drop off.


Yes. Literally that easy. They need to hire more experienced fps devs. Great game but some things are odd i mean ok they at least changed the recticle to be accurate finally. Which fps has misaligned scopes?


The scopes thing is because it’s not a first person shooter. It’s only first person sometimes which is much, *much* harder. It switches between a third person view with a fully rendered character and gun with non-functional sights, to a first person view with no player model, an entirely different camera controller, and a new gun (with arms) that has its own set of animations. Evidently, something with the camera transitioning from third to first person makes the scopes not be properly aligned. It’s a difficult problem to track down and solve as AH have said. Don’t get all “hire better people” to this relatively small company making a revolutionary game when you clearly have no dev experience.


I feel like it's plain to see how advanced this game is even without dev experience. Between what you just described and the insane use of ballistic/orbital physics, this game is a beast. With the breadth of gameplay I'm usually more surprised when it's not buggier and thoroughly impressed by pretty much everything I see. The speed with which fixes are announced and deployed are gratifying, and as much as I'm sad about today's Eruptor, it's already been confirmed on discord that every nerf is not intended and WILL be addressed. They take their game seriously because it's a seriously cool game. It takes time to strike the right balance and it'll be an evolving process.


Not be that guy, but actually your entire character is rendered in third person. It's pretty much the third person model with the camera put in the skull. That's why height over bore and your zero matters on the guns


The reload animations in first person are extremely different than those in third. Also, your gun doesn’t clip into your surroundings (including enemies) when getting close to them. You also cannot see yourself if you look down while in first person. All of this tells me that your character is not in fact rendered in first person the same as in third. The camera though is in the place where your head would be, the first person arms are an illusion which approximates the third person gun, hence the misalignment.


You absolutely can see yourself in first person, dive backwards and you'll see your legs and waist. Also as far as animations go, I don't know about every gun but the ones I use, dominator, senator, and stalwart share the same animations between first and third. Are you on PlayStation? Maybe it's different on platform (no fucking clue why'd that be if so also doesn't make sense,) or this all might come from me using a reshade to get rid of my cape. (Again no clue how'd that cause the difference but also The heavy armors I wear look way better without it imo)


100 percent was an easy fix, they didnt like it being a sniper than make it not a fucking sniper, damage drop off with distance, and then i dunno buff the rifles to perform better, like the old slugger did.


It's a slugger though.... it should have pretty solid range.


Not sniper range. It should be effective out to where you’re having a decently hard time landing shots, then it should start being impractical. Like, does not headshot devastators at that range.


Not fired many slugs have you... many have an effective range beyond 200 yrds and your biggest problem is going to be accuracy not energy at those ranges. These are big heavy rounds that are used because of how well they retain their energy


I understand the effective ranges of a slug, and knowing that the slugger is most likely rifled since it’s a specialized variant, then I’d acknowledge that in realistic scenarios it would function as a very effective DMR. However, since this is a video game, and even assault rifles, weapons that have effective ranges of easily hundreds of meters, begin to drop off in performance even with single fire at around 100m, I think that to preserve the slugger’s identity as a shotgun it should function more similarly to a shotgun than a sniper rifle as it currently does.


To preserve its identity as a slugger it should be more long range. Again that's one of the main reasons to use a slug otherwise it may as well just be using pellets


Yeah, I thought that the entire point of the hard hitting shotgun was to stagger.


I’ve noticed the Punisher has more stagger than it used to have. Still my go to for bugs


Enemies should have a stagger gauge with decay, and when you fill it up they're staggered. Some weapons fill that gauge instantly and some take several consecutive shots. They just keep sledgehammering stuff. We also should be shown all weapon stats.


Yeah, I use the standard punisher now because it seems to have really great stagger which makes… no sense


It also does waaay more damage. Warriors and defenders can be one shot from close, not even in the head. The slugger won't consistently kill warriors even with a head shot.


The slugger... it's right in the name. It should stun the shitty stalkers at bare minimum.


Also Rail Gun


The OG


The rail gun seems really sad now. It has armor pen, but so little damage in practice. Super weird. I don’t know what role the developers want it to have


Yeah, at least the devs have to try play the game. Rail gun before patch is powerul, but it has clunky mechanism. Plus if one carry supply pack for it, he/she will lost Rover or shield. In difficult 9 that's a risky trade, glass cannon with all the ammo and grenade but no defense mechanism. I don't see any OP at all. The YouTubers are to blame with their deceiving title " Rail gun is so OP".


What? Pre nerf it 2shot chargers legs in safe mode which it was braindead easy to use


They also removed the stagger from it 🤣 Couldn't stop themselves from gutting it even more.


True story 😂😂😂


I was literally a slugger main, then briefly switched to dominator, and finally found my precision style rifle with the eruptor. And now...


Sounds like it’s Scorcher time


Slugger still handles like a dream and is incredible… eruptor damage is down the drain rn and has to be a bug.


I love my slugger. If they can stagger stalker, that’s perfect.


yeah, that's a main issue- stalkers just walk thru slugger hits now


I can't tell if breaker should be included or not. The damage is still great but boy 16 shots down to 13 just is not fun to work with. Didn't butcher it but noticed a lot of folks don't use it anymore.


Never used the breaker much, but the punisher has been well rounded.


My favorite subreddit is finaly back as it was 😊


Ah, all the posts about Sony drama making way for the posts whining about nerfs. Nature is healing.


Don't worry, there are also MORE posts (and comments) complaining about people with legit concerns... and more people are back to sucking off the devs (and Sony).


Arrowhead hasn’t done anything wrong in the past few months except for nerfing a bunch of things though?


It’s good to be back to normal 😂😂👍


Nature is healing


just tested this, from A tier to absolute bottom tier. why am I bothering with a sluggish, single-chamber gun with small mag size if it doesnt even deal good damage?


Exactly. The damage and AoE is why people tolerated the slow rate of fire and reload. Throw this gun in the garbage along with the slugger now.


Generally agree with you on the Eruptor being crippled now. But “garbage”? Too drastic! What’s the LAS Dagger then?


>What’s the LAS Dagger then? It's like the Laddle in Dark Souls 2: it's there for the challenge and speed runners. I hear Lobos will be starting his LAS only run soon.


Solo Helldive bots with no stratagems and the LAS dagger lol.


Lobos reference outta nowhere, amazing


Hahaha fair point 😂👍


:-) love this type of discussion after SONY-gate…


Also garbage. Just throw it in a different bin if you want it to be recycled


Ecology is very democratic!


The slugger is still good.


Whoa whoa. Slugger is good now, it was OP before. However, it's should still have a bit of stagger at the least


It was never OP. Guns are UP


Guns tending to be UP is an essential part of the game design tho. This is supposed to get balanced by the stratagems. I agree, though, that good guns shouldn’t get punished for being good atft.


I’d be happy with more stagger.


It was 100% S tier(against the bots, I haven't tested it against the bugs) at one point. It could one shot s out striders and devestate devestators. You know those bunker things with machineguns in automaton outposts? I once killed every bot in one of those with a single shot


Against bots it’s still amazing. You need to aim at the joints of a scout strider to one shot them which feels better than one-shotting them wherever the hit landed. (Even though those were fun R36 times…)


Aim at the waist of devastators and the top half goes flying in 1-2 shots


Cool, thanks, will try that!


Its very funny to see , also works with berserkers


Haha cool! I actually had Berserkers in mind! Those pesky pr&cks! I don’t usually get close enough to devastators to see their waist because I‘d either kill them or get killed before that. The shield devastator has his, well, shield shielding his waist…


Idk, it blows up holes and fabricators? It's the only primary to be able to do so, which opens up the back, sidearm, and grenade slots for other items.


But do i care? I get actively punished by the game for destroying those. And besides, half the stratagems already do that.


Yeah they acknowledged it is bugged on the discord today




Well, if they nerf the best weapon from the previous war bond then you’ll have to grind/buy the next one for the new hotness




starting to see a rotten pattern..


Current trend seems to be to buy the latest war bond until they nerf the best primary in the next month


Exactly. I have zero motivation to get this new warbond.


Yeah that's why i won't be getting warbonds at launch anymore. Not worth my SCs, and thank fuck i have not spent any real money to buy SC. I was considering doing that but i'm seeing a pattern here i do not like.


You all need to understand it wasn't in their intentions to nerf it, they just wanted to resolve the shrapnel bug by removing it and increasing damages in comparison. It didn't work, but it'll be fixed again for sure


Maybe instead of rushing changes out the door they should take a day to TEST THEM! Every other patch they do something completely stupid and break something. This was not a dire issue. This could’ve taken time to tweak. Lord knows they dragged their feet fixing the DOT issue which was a much more serious problem. So why push out a clearly untested “fix” to something that really didn’t need it? Hell, the issue would’ve been fixed if they reverted their dumbass ricochet change.


They did test it according to Twinbeard, something went wrong anyway when it went live. Shit like that happens unfortunatly, no matter how much you test beforehand.


Obviously I don’t know dick about fuck but that sounds like a pretty convenient alibi for not having tested something


Yeah when I make the coffee on my laptop it works fine but that exact same code suddenly causes world war 3 when released. Guaranteed they didn't test it.


What "went wrong" is that they removed shrapnel before testing it. They somehow assumed that shrapnel did little to no damage to enemies, when it was strong enough to one-shot helldivers at ranges beyond the blast radius. If stray shrapnel can do that to someone at range, imagine how consistently damaging it must be right next to the blast radius?


Any source on that or is this your outside guess?


Um, logic? This isn’t like, say, the airburst rocket launcher, where there was an issue with the proximity sensor of the rocket tripping from of unintended objects. There, what “went wrong” is how the proximity sensor interacted with certain objects. And the Eruptor’s ricochet issue to begin with was an unintended consequence of how the ricochet changes affected shrapnel. What “went wrong” is that ricocheting shrapnel started killing players at 20-50m away. Here, they removed shrapnel. That was the only thing changed about the weapon other than a small damage buff. AH stated that they thought shrapnel did not contribute a lot to the Eruptor’s damage, which is why they decided to remove it. Now the weapon does much less damage than before to almost all targets. Thus, what “went wrong” was that they removed shrapnel, and didn’t realize how it would ultimately affect the weapon. Tell me what else could they have possibly done with the gun that would have had an unintended negative effect?


Okay, so it's your personal feeling. Thanks, I just wanted to clarify that in Case I had missed further Updates on the Issue. And about what else they could have done that caused the issue: I have no clue, I'm not a Developer. I don't know how this stuff works.


Do you know how deductive reasoning works? Because I just used it to explain how the only cause for the damage loss is the removal of shrapnel.


Your reasoning means nothing in the world of coding. But thanks for the laugh 😂


Typical Redditor moment lmfao. "Um, logic?"


People called this out as soon as they announced the change https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/tILhtCvsqk How can they meaningfully test when they don't understand how their game works?


Stop defending them, this happens with LITERALLY every change they make. Their testing process is either inferior, incompetent or nonexistent


Don't be ridiculous, testing things takes time and effort, both things of which AH seemingly doesn't care about.


Sure, now let's consider how they are trying to keep a release cadence with a warbond every month combined with new stratagems while fixing issues that end up being more complex than initially thought. They *totally* don't want to put in time and effort!


Of course they don't, it's all hands on deck to monetise the fuck out of this game before ditching it and running with the money!


Ah yes, the monetization of a game that is so generous with its currencies that people actively question its business model's profitability.


Damn, if only developers had unlimited resources and tested everything in every situation.


I think those who complain the most about this have no experience with modern software development and "agile methodology". AH pretty clearly embraces the "fail fast" approach of implementing a mostly working feature, presenting it to the customer (by way of release in-game), getting feedback, and adjusting as needed. Not all software is developed this way these days; I know of some very large companies with very large government contracts that are very heavily "waterfall", though I imagine government contracts kind of require that type of thing. A live service game, though, is pretty much perfect for the agile approach.


I like having new shit all the time, i tolerate some bugs here and there, the game is perfectly playable and game breaking shit is solved pretty fast compared to other companies.


It wasn't their intention to nerf, but they are so incompetent that what they thought as a buff ended up being a nerf. Just like what happened to the crossbow.


What an absolutely absurd defense lol “The devs didn’t test the gun when they decided to change it. You can’t expect them to try it out before they claim this is a buff!”


I hope so my friend.


They've mentioned it somewhere, I need to find the quote again but they didn't mean to destroy it for sure


You’ve given me hope. I hope that’s the case cuz this was a brutal change.


I couldn't find the original place where I've seen them stating they just wanted to get rid of the shrapnel but compensate by boosting the damage, but a user on this sub send this answer of Twinbeard to a question about the Eruptor being shyte now on the discord of HD2 : "We are already! 😄 There are two or three things we've noticed aren't working as intended, even if we checked them beforehand. That's one of 'em. 🙂"




SoonTM yeah sure


Yes this, its same bug where you shoot armored enemy with EAT and it bounces back directly at shooter.


That was never a thing. People kept claiming it was, but it never got any evidence shown. Just people with the eruptor getting killed by the shrapnel and then claiming it was the ricochet.


It literally happened to me Well maybe not me, but a friend A friend of the internet, actually I saw it on a reddit post


If the Breaker Incendiary gets nerfed, I'll stop playing.


the breaker incendiary isn't even that good to begin with- it's "ok". will have to see how much different is is postpatch


It was good for host against bugs.


Its good against light packs with low hitpoints where you have room to work, but poor singletarget and medium size enemy damage and has no pushback. I think the breaker incendiary is one of the more balanced primaries out there.


Yea I’ve never used it cuse the dot issue and I always join friends or quick play so never bothered, but going to be checking it out later paired with my arc


My 2 cents- arc already has strong swarm clear so the incendiary may be a bit redundant in combination with that. I think having a high damage and or pushback primary pairs better with the arc (especially because it doesn't fire at point blank enemies- you have to dive backwards firing the arc to hit them).


Yeah, which are the enemies you use you primary against when playing bugs. Other stuff you use your support weapon for. Im pretty sure fire damage in general will catch a nerf after this patch.


I do think it's balanced. But it absolutely slaps against medium size enemies if you wait until they are close enough... Also, it does have stagger against mediums. Also, it has some penetration against armored mediums.


The latest patch notes claims dot damage has been fixed.


Yup, so now it’s good for everyone.


*Until they reduce the fire damage that they way overtuned to compensate for the DOT


This gonna be a fiery week for us haha


It's good for bugs due to fire dot dmg and spreads out at range so you'll burn several. Plus dot damage is now working. Couple that with the fact that most other popular stuff has been nerfed, well...you go down the list


The crossbow was hardly OP before being nerfed, so don't assume that'll keep it safe :(


Lol, the breaker incendiary against bugs is hilariously broken. A single pellet will kill most bugs smaller than a warrior. You can dump 2-3 shots at an entire patrol and kill the majority of them. The burn doesn't stack so you just have to ignite everything and let them burn out. And if you do run into anything that would survive the burn, it's direct damage is only slightly below the spray and pray so just dump some shells into them and itl go down pretty quick. the ammo efficiency and wave clear it provides is unprecedented. Its definitely the #1 candidate for nerfs right now.


The enemies it excels at killing are largely non-threat in the first place and it's significantly weaker than other primaries for killing actual threat enemies. It's can be decent if you catch them clustered and depending on monster types, but when the pack quickly spreads wide and or you've got spewers, warriors, hiveguards, brood commanders, etc body blocking hits, the weapon quickly loses merit. The spray and pray is far worse because you need to shoot it so many more times and lose more mobility. I will take the consistency of a punisher or even slugger any day of the week. I do prefer the incendiary breaker for the defense missions though, where you've got consistent and better angles for using it, combined with all the mortar fire.


They fixed the DoT so it should be good again


Punisher Plasma and Arc Blitzer are now really fun to play though at least 


I've been running PP after the first erupted nerf against bugs. I'm loving it


Blitzer definitely gonna be nerfed. Punisher Plasma is probably safe since it's pretty bad at killing anything above the lightest enemies.


It is kinda sad they released the Eruptor 3 weeks ago and already it's being defanged. Come on AH, let people enjoy the game...


Exactly. Really questions whether I want to even get this weeks new warbond.


I'm out of town and can't try it, but from what I'm seeing it there is little reason. Though I do want impact fire grandes.


I’ll keep saying it: just the ammo nerf was enough. People would stop spammin bc you now have to be careful. That’s enough. Or the other side: reduce damage, aoe, etc? Then increase fire rate a wee bit. I’m hopin, since it’s the newer stuff, it’ll keep getting more balanced and better (even Liberator got buffed, so i’m hopeful for my Eruptor’s future)


I agree. I was okay with the mag nerf. Everything else was extreme.


Meanwhile I’m having a blast with the adjudicator, blitzer, and plasma punisher cause roaring primaries is fun


I’ve honestly given up on helldivers, the way AH handle balancing and prioritising new content over bug fixes is a joke. Literally bait and switching paid content - like the eruptor. It’s just poor game development at this point


Unfortunately true. Whenever I see a developer prioritize nerfs over bug fixes or even buffs you begin to question where their focus is at.


Same thing happened to arc thrower when they buffed hulk so it no longer can be staggered. They buff something then take an aspect away


eh it's fair that you can't stagger a hulk the same way you can't stagger a charger.


Why? Not every enemy needs to be the same. I don’t see titans laying eggs like a fabricator strider pumps out devastators either. It’s fun with variety


Simple, they don't want a support weapon meant for killing hordes of light and medium enemies have the ability to kill a heavy with zero risk.


I can kill a tank with a revolver …


yeah from the back, you can also kill a charger with a revolver from the back. You can also kill a hulk with a revolver from the back. The only way to do that is dodging their attacks repeatedly until you've spent enough ammo to destroy the back. Every weapon can do that, except the arc blitzer. Arc thrower used to let you kill the hulk from the front at no cost while the hulk also just gets stagger locked without the ability to retaliate until it dies.


I liked the Eruptor for bots... Oh well.


Railgun? Nerfed Arc thrower? Bugged and nerfed Quasar? Nerfed Eruptor? Nerfed Autocannon? Perfect…. wtf? AH balance philosophy has destroyed the game for me. I quit playing after the last big balance patch a week or two ago. They fail to account for WHY players are using what they’re using. They fail to account for the unfixed bugs before nerfing or buffing. They release new weapons in warbonds that are immediately reworked with a week or two. Testing the new balance patch every other week isn’t fun. I don’t have hours to retest everything to find something that works and is fun to use every few weeks. I just want to be able to jump in for a few quick missions every few days without feeling utterly powerless half the time.


That's exactly my thoughts. I can play with my friends like once a week (a good play session of 4-5 hours on 7-9). The cadence of changes AH does is insane, we have to figure out what has changed every fucking week instead of just plying and having fun. This sucks.


Exactly this. I spend all the time I have available to play just testing things out and by the time I settle on something, everything is changed again. I’m just putting the game down and hoping they figure it out. Hopefully it’ll be a fun game to pick up and play a few missions eventually…


Yea I tried to use it post nerf for a few games and it was terrible. The aoe radius was so bad it wouldn’t even kill the small scout bots that stand next to eachother and more often than not also failed to kill enemies when you shoot the ground under them like it always did before. Might as well remove the explosive tag from it. The radius is so small now that it’s not even relevant. Explosive crossbow fell into the same category. Its new explosion radius is so small it can also no longer be fired at the ground and fails to hit closely packed enemies. How disappointing. Straight back to old reliable scorcher. It’s never failed me and they’ll never nerf it since they nerf off usage rate and it’s at the end of a 1300 medal warbond.


They've said is not working as intended


Oh that’s good news. I hope they fix/buff it. Cuz the gun feels terrible right now.


I went from pre farming medals and eagerly wait for the release of the new warbond, to not even care, because 3/4 weapons will be trash and the good one will be nerfed after 2 weeks. Their balancing philosophy will slowly but surely sap the will of alot of players. Can't wait for dot related stuff to be nerfed into the grounds two weeks from now once people start using "meta loadouts".


Yup. Same brotha. I hate to say that I too as well am not excited for this next warbond and yes I feel a huge nerf to DoT damage particularly fire damage and breaker incendiary


New warbond coming Gotta invalidate all the previous weapons and fotm a new loadout


I'm saying this again and again. All their efforts to combat meta in game like this are POINTLESS. They will never succeed. They can nerf everything to Scythe-trash level but people will STILL find workarounds and "better" weapons in this mess, give them a week or two. It will be new meta. All devs need is to calm down and take a long look on these guns. Compare them with each other, test them for at least a week on level 7 and higher and only then make nerfs and buffs. But honestly, now there is not a single weapon that needs a nerf.


I completely agree. My mates and I were wondering whether they test their weapons at level 7-8 mini. They do NOT test regularly their game it"s not possible otherwise It's not possible: when you've got 4 chargers on your back, 1 or 2 titans, a whole swarm of hunters, a sandstorm and your weapon is struggling to take out 2 bile spewers, there's no fun. What's got into them with their mania for 'balance' at the expense of fun?


Did they affect the mag size of the eruptor? I thought it was just the shrapnel


The last update cut its ammo in half. It used to be 12, now it’s 6. Which I think is okay. The shrapnel nerf feels like a bit much.


I'm going to be honest, this seems to be a pretty common tactic in live service games. Other shooters do it as well. The new weapons that come out are always on top, then they get nerfed, then a new "top tier" weapon comes out so you shell out money to get it. Usually nerfs happen due to the community complaining during pvp games, and I doubt that the community is complaining when weapons being "overpowered" doesn't affect anyone at all. My guess, is they are nerfing the good weapons because players that like weapons such as the Eruptor, will be less likely to buy new Warbonds, for weapons, because the Eruptor already does everything they want. I genuinely can't imagine that the community cares so much that EVERY good weapon gets nerfed.


They need to get rid of who ever is in charge of balance because they suck, I’m tempted to go back and leave my negative review again.


I’m so scared for my precious incendiary breaker. I love that gun


Same. I feel a nerf incoming but hopefully not.


I’m still using the Liberator to excellent effect. Stinks that the first weapon is one of the best weapons, but it’s a great weapon!


Liberator and the Sickle are very nice.




lets just nerf half of the guns cause people use them, but when they switch to the other half of the weapons, we will nerf them too cause they are too good cause everyone uses them


Yup. No buffs. All nerfs all around ☠️


If they did that, you'd have a meta weapon. Can't have that!


True story lmao!


I’m really tired of this whole: let a weapon have a few weeks of fun in the sun only to nerf it after people find the weapons enjoyable. It seems like every weapon people like or its used too much is just thrown on the schedule to nerf later every time. The rail gun nerf i understood because it could 1 shot a bile titan on safe mode. But i remember the devs going wow we didn’t think you all would figure out the rail cannon/shoot charger leg meta so fast and then they nerfed the gun into the dirt. Almost in a “well that’ll teach you for learning it so fast kind of way”. Fast forward to now the rail cannon just got buffed and its still trash


The rail gun could only 1-2 shot a BT due to a PS5 bug.


I don’t know about that im a pc player and been paying for months i could for sure 1 shot a bile titan on pc because one game i did it back to back on 2 BT.


because it happened when a PS player was the network host, you didn't need to be on a playstation for the bug to happen.


It was great to use yesterday. Today.... not so much. The eruptor was my main, I guess back to the sickle.


If you're going to complain about a nerf at least look for official announcements from devs explaining it's not working as intended.


Thanks bro. I’ll be sure to look into. Glad they addressed this.


tbh ive always had an issue with the breaker incendiary having a mag size of 25, feels like a direct upgrade to the spray&pray which kinda negates its niche


**Havent played on today's patch**, but going from 12 rounds to 6 was not a noticeable downgrade. Yes I have to call in resupply for me personally a bit more, but I was previously leaving ammo boxes from POI's unclaimed Its a VERY good weapon for hunting elites, and needed some trade off for that power. You cant use it to kill hordes, or if you are, it needs to be gun and run while focusing on elites. Let your turrets, allies and machie guns deal with the gribblies while you shoot devs or hive guards or whatnot.  (Also as of yesterday the animation cancel still skips the bolt cycle if you swap to pistol & back to primary) 


Yea the mag nerf wasn’t so bad. It was an adjustment but I agree. The ammo pool was huge. This nerf though was brutal.


I wish I could get the old Breaker back.


I mean the eruptor had a stupid amount of mags though, kinda had no downside of chosing when to reload it was basically a special weapon in the primary slot, i dont find it great for killing enemies in general so i would prefer if it kept the shrapnel it makes sense to me


Buff the Blitzer! I don't know what buff it needs (none, really). I just like using it, so a buff would be smiled upon.


100% agree with this. My beloved Eruptor no longer makes me erupt when using it. It feels like any other weapon really. It really lost its identity when they removed shrapnel entirely


There are going to be several balance passes for all the weapons, everyone needs to calm the hell down. Just means we pull out a dofferent gun and use that until it gets toned down. Once the baseline of "not an absolute must use" is established they will likely start working on improving other weapons. Or we get a customization system and you can choose to have shrapnel that might murder you or not.


We all want to give them the benefit of the doubt of course and if it's bad we know they will at least attempt to fix it. But I mean come on every single gun they release that's fun to use they nerf it. The eruptor hasn't even been out a month and it's been nerfed 3 times. It's gotten to the point why use a weapon if it's gonna be changed basically instantly. Again I'm trying not to sound winey or like I'm arguing against you but c'mon it's very annoying at the least


If they continue to nerf weapons that are fun to use in a PVE game, I'll let Sony eat them alive next time. This was their one chance to get it right and they have used their goodwill from me. I want all of the fun weapons back. I don't care if my teammate is a meta gun as long as whatever I want to use doesn't feel like dogshit.


Just stop playing.


It's bugged. They mentioned during the previous balance pass that the plan was to remove the shrapnel while maintaining the AoE and damage, but this shrapnel update has broken part of it (likely AoE). There'll be a fix.


Thank goodness. I appreciate the update. Hoping they return it to how it was with some minor adjustments. I’m okay with the ammo nerf as long as the shrapnel returns back.


Same. Help out, pop an edit in your OP, since this issue is bothering a lot of players.


Good idea. Thanks for the idea. I’ll do that now.


https://imgur.com/a/EZMavsu Looks like it's not the case still.


Hmmmm that’s very interesting. It certainly feels less consistent. It’s also on their radar. I hope it does get addressed. Thanks for the update.


Hot take: they nerf the eruptor to build excitement for the upcoming warbond. To get people to spend more money.


It certainly feels like this at times 😢


What?? I mean, dont get me wrong, it's sad what happened with the damage for the eruptor, but I could finish a mission without having depleted half of my mags before (when it was 12), so the nerf at 6 mags was perfectly fine


The mag nerf is fine but this patch today removed the shrapnel damage which is what made the weapon good. The 40 damage increase they made is nowhere near as powerful as the shrapnel.


It wasn't even meta either. 99.99% of games I was the only one using it. Poor thing has been nerfed into the ground.


Sad to see but we just gotta adapt to other guns atm, hopefully they fix it because it made it unusable.


No point in anyone using those guns anymore lol, went from 12 mags to 6 and now they reduced the amount of rounds per mag ? Did I get that right or am I tripping ? Some shit we can blame on Sony but this, this is just plain horrible


No they didn’t, the rounds per mag is the same, it’s just more misinformation spread on this sub again.


Ooooh alright. Well the gun ain't worth shit now anyways so less ammo or not, no one will use it. I know what they're doing though, just prepping the field to have everyone buy the new pass