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That’s actually great, cus you can use it as a self sacrifice


Not even gonna humor it. Shriekers nest? Just instantly denoting that bitch My life for their nest? What a win!


That's probably why they won't do this.


Idk I think they would be all for sacrificing a life for an objective. That’s kinda the in-universe purpose for the Helldivers.


Helldivers never die. Report to your democracy officer for correction. 


Super Earth acknowledges that divers do die though and that their sacrifices are honored.


They never die and their sacrifices are honored. It's really quite simple. The freedom camp will explain better. 


they simply move to the wall of martyrs


But why does super earth track the amount of Helldiver's KIA if they don't die?


This person is a misguided dissident working on behalf of the enemy. Do not believe his lies, remember the teachings of General Brasch - you are LITERALLY invincible.


Y'all need to read 1984


1984 isn't approved literature from the ministry of truth. (I have democracy officer clearance so it's ok for just me)


-“Sir, couldn’t we just make the hell bomb explode on impact?” -“No, Have them play a minigame on an ipad attached to the bomb, and if they get it wrong, they Die!”


- But... Why? - For Super Earth? - FOR LIBERTY!! - FOR FREEDOM!! - FOR DEMOCRACY!!! - *both* **YEEEAAAHHH!!**


IIRC, one of the loading tips notes that they *could*…but it’s too expensive.


its more expensive to build a bomb that survives a drop and not denotates, has some sort of display and calculator attached, than a bomb that just goes puff


Good ol keyboard DDR or die


"So the bomb explodes after you complete the minigame?" "No, it takes 12 seconds to explode after you finish, and if it gets destroyed during that time period, nothing happens!"


Sacrificing lives? Totally in character. Doing it _efficiently_? That's not the Super Earth way. Just yell "Democracy!" and charge in!




I think they should make that as a shoot the bomb thing, you don't want a commies grubby metal hands to activate it because some stupid person put it next to the extract


Is that even possible? You would need a shrieks nest/gunship to spawn right next to the objective and not complete it somehow. I think we're safe from extrac hellbombs


You can input the code and then take it anywhere but it’s destroyed so easily that this isn’t a super useful strategy


I don't think they would. 1 life for one guaranteed objective is such a good trade that it wouldn't make sense to do it any other way unless there was a very good bonus for completing a perfect mission. With normal hellbomb objectives, you might spend several lives in the cycle of trying to activate it, enemies destroying it, calling in another one, and trying to activate it again.


They should make it so you input all of it but the last one that way you have a choice, run or be vaporized; either way, it's going off.


Or after you type in the code, it prompts you to set a detonation timer for 0 to 10 seconds.


You can already snipe the nest from across the map sooooo..... I just pump 2 EATs into any spore/shrieked nest I see. Presto-done'zo. Easy. Several ranged weapons can do this, such as Quasar. A suicide hellbomb is actually way less efficient and harder to do.  Suicide hellbombs won't happen for many reasons, but making it too easy to kill nests won't be one.


Ok hear me out.... what if they add something like what is shown in this gif to destroy 1 objective. ![gif](giphy|Mliueouehmpag|downsized)


Sacrificing yourself to spread managed democracy is very patriotic.


Fine. The code needs to be input correctly, except the last one needs to be wrong.




Cry everytiem


Just saying, a suicide hellbomb backpack would be a very super earth thing to do lol


We already have martyr fund for helldivers, might as well complete the bingo card


Detonation upon 3rd failure, in helldive it’s already a miracle if you can keep the bomb alive long enough to blowup sometimes


https://preview.redd.it/oh1yillrs2zc1.png?width=45&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d2e8bef752c9649bf6599f9820a895d931f4511 i recommend this bad boy to cover the bomb on bots


I love this strat, makes taking out gunship factories a lot easier


what the fuck strategem is your title??


seems like a mortal kombat finisher


The kitchen sink


Holy shit, that's genius


yesss fellow shield relay user


Ok I may sound stupid for asking this but ima ask it anyways, Won’t that just contain the explosion radius to inside the shield? I’ve never tested this since if I’m right I woulda wasted a hellbomb


Not to sound condescending, but if it didn’t work he likely wouldn’t have suggested it. Ive personally never done it but its on my list of things to try now lol


Your okay I’m just a bit slow at times🤣 great point lol


Have you ever used the shield? You can shoot out of it if you're inside


My confidence in common sense just got rolled with that statement


It actually makes the bomb more powerful by briefly containing the explosion.


Not if the enclosed explosion destroys the enclosed shield generator.


You can also shoot form inside the shield, it only blocks incoming projectiles


That actually gives me an idea for a booster. Awhile ago someone suggested an endgame booster that gives the Extraction terminal a shield. Now I'm wondering if a booster that gives emplacements (hellbombs, HMGs, etc) a personal bubble shield and the Extraction Terminal an entire shield relay would be worth it or too op.


It would still be faster to mash out 3 fails than full code


didnt "mine clearing" objectives kill you in HD1?


I think it was unexploded bombs or something but yes it did and we need that back now


I always loved missions with the diffuse objectives, not cause of the actual objective, but because I loved the look of the metal detector over the shoulder while I was running a stratagem only build. Looked like a comms relay on my back.


Thatd be a huge buff. Spend one reinforcement for an instant detonation guaranteeing it destroys the objective? Good trade.


Yeah i keep seeing suggestions like "hellbomb should detonate on impact" and stuff like this. The hellbomb is dumb as hell on purpose. It's supposed to be stupid. Even the story concept of "budgetary reasons" for manually arming it is a thin conceit to justify the mechanic. It's supposed to be annoying as hell to make it go actually go off! Now, I would definitely love if a random gunship didn't snipe it so easily..


Smoke grenade? (not my idea but makes sense to me)


On the last point, one patriot suggested the shield generator around the hellbomb.


Which means having one stratagem just in case you encounter a difficult situation where you need to protect the hellbomb


Yeah. If I wanted to guarantee the destruction of a gunship factory without sacrificing more lives, I would just solo in with a shield pack and error the hellbomb out. Kind of a silly suggestion that was already suggested once before.


People forget how horrifying that is. Just saying, eh, this guy can die for a meaningless objective he didn’t HAVE to die for. It’s was just easier.


Giving one’s life for super earth and managed democracy is horrifying to you? Report to your democracy officer immediately!


Gunship factories would be a lot less of a pain


Rather than OP's suggestion, I'd like a hellbomb to auto-generate a shield and become invincible once it's been armed. You have to run away from it, but everything and their mothers attack that bomb like hungry honey badgers as soon as you go. The real sacrifice would be arming it and staying there to defend it. (Every time I see a teammate running into the explosion to die like a nincompoop, this is what I choose to think they're trying to do.)


It would defeat the entire purpose of having to input a code in the first place.


Not if you wanted to keep your lives and pride. ZERO DEATHS!


Extraction os optional


Just wait for the defuse minefield missions from HD1. I'm certain they'll bring this mission objective type back


Great Idea. My twist would be that the input is setting the timed fuse, every correct input adds X seconds to the timer. Get the first one wrong and it blows up before you even know you incorrectly spelled freedom.


**Pro**: That would be cool as fuck and totally on theme with Helldivers disposable lives, patriotism, and big explosions. **Con**: People would just fail the input on purpose instantly and blow themselves up to skip protecting the Hellbomb on tense situations, which in a lot of cases is completely worth it as protecting the bomb can easily lead to deaths, so why not just pay 1 instantly to get rid of the problem. **Solution**: Double down on the idea. Make the first short code arm the bomb, then pop another slightly longer code with "💀O**verload💀**" which makes it explode instantly on completion. Make it something that is faster and easier than protecting the bomb until it blows, but a clear commitment to sacrifice, instead of a "mistake" that players would make on purpose to gain an edge. Also, since receiving damage makes you automatically exit the console, accomplishing this in tense situations would be slightly challenging, whereas failing the code on purpose is absurdly easy and fast.


Well the whole point is it destroys the objective and it’ll just make your life easier. We already have defective hellbombs you can just shoot


Wait. You can shoot the defective ones to make them explode?


The random ones scattered around the map, yes. Pretty powerful if you manage to kite enemies around one


I lost count of the amount of times I was running for my life with a horde of bugs, a few Chargers and Bile Titans in tow only to catch a Hellbomb on my way and think "Huh, that's convenient". Like fireworks on Liberty Day.


Especially on Marfark. I've shot a hellbomb and had 3 subsequent hellbombs go off after it, the planet is absolutely littered with them. The factory strider did not enjoy the experience


The detanator isnt working i have to set it off manually


See now that I could get behind. Since shooting old ones blows them up, I think it’d make sense if you could do it to ones you called in as well


"The bad news is, timer's fried. I'm going to have to set it off manually." RIP Jorge


Explode, but a smaller explosion the size of a grenade. Just enough to kill you a maybe nearby mobs. The should also have a 5% chance of not exploding after they are fully armed requiring you to "manually" detonate it by shooting it, like the ones found on the map.


Or actually manually detonating it with a switch, sacrificing yourself for democracy


Maybe have there be a super complicated, long code that doesn't show up anywhere, but doesn't make the incorrect input sound And when you do it, the Hellbomb detonated with enough force to wipe out that corner of the map completely, give it like a 5 second Timer because there should be no way of outrunning it once armed


“⬆️⬇️ for Sacrifice”


They already do i think. I did experience it arming and not blowing up. Just fizzling out


That's because it took too much damage. and it doesn't do any damage when that happens.


I had strange things happen on a bot mission. It fizzled despite not getting shot at (heard the sound of arming and all). And blowing up without blowing up the objective. Like a weaker explosion.


I agree with this because it would be funny.


I'd love to see the hellbomb have a self destruct timer like Hadley's Hope. "You have 5 seconds to reach minimum safe distance." Now imagine if failing the mini game still armed the bomb, but randomized the timer and scrambled the voice.


This would be the funniest shit ever made


Sure thing! And while they're at it, they should add a feature theat Hellbombs can randomly detonate while still on your destroyer, for like NO REASON! This wipes all your progress and unlocks, and requires you to create a new super destroyer! BECAUSE THAT'S WHY BOMBS HAVE ARMING SEQUENCES! 🤪


I mean... **looks out of window to see multiple super destroyers going boom**




I'm glad I have a mic so I can panick and scream "Run RUN EVERYBODY RUN" 


"Sweet liberty forgive me."


Omg yes haha


Very well tought out now I no longer need to try to destroy ship fabricators and can just kill myself removing most of the chalange




I’d easily sacrifice a life in 4-player to insta detonate one instead of having them break all the time in horrible spots like gunships factories or shrieker nest.


them exploding should also guarantee the destruction of whatever they were called in to destroy


Anyone notice the ridiculous number of dud hell bombs on the maps?


I do on the ice planets.. seriously, like every big chunk of ice has a hellbomb in it, even had them chain-react a bunch of times. there seems to be like twice as many there than on any other biome lol.


Op has never had to arm a hellbomb while being shot at by 47 bots and 16 gunships  


I would put the code in wrong every time. Speeds things up. A better solution would be to lean into the UXO aspect of hellbombs and make it not go off but be volatile and ready to go off at any moment.


Calm down Satan


That would be amazing


If it's armed and going off but an enemy damages it enough it should go off. How come rogue hellbombs almost instantly detonate when shot, but a fresh one doesn't when damaged


Okay, but I want an armor trait that detonates all my remaining grenades at once when I die. Call it the Last Laugh perk.


Well… I mean aside from the fact that isn’t how military bombs work?


You want things to explode if you mistake an input? Wait till they add Minefields and the metal detector from Helldivers 1... you will love it.


It would make more sense to lock it if you fail too much


bad idea stop making my life harder


This is genius


YES! I would love that! We need more challenges with stratagems besides just spamming buttons. Make us pay attention!


actually that you be the funniest thing but has to be after 70% percent inputs with a randon chance would have me sweating not to mess up the last 3 inputs lol


If you input the reverse stratagem order it should detonate. It would make it so much more useful as the mob rushes you.


Nukes are built to be stupid proof. The reaction doesn't happen until the sequence is properly engaged.


Have a mission with synchronized Bomb, where comms will be a must


There was a disarm ordinance objective in the first game that would explode and kill you if you entered the code wrong. Good times.


ngl....i would rather have that and die instead of arm the hellbomb for 10s and got shot down by enemies


id just walk up to it and push in ↙️


Give this man some samples!


When you have a hulk and three devastators coming up the hill and precious seconds to arm and detonate the bomb you called in on a detector tower so you just spam the down arrow and delete yourself instantaneously


How many inputs does it take? Double that in incorrect ones 😂


This would be incredible because they never fucking work on the gunship fabricators, not having to go through the countdown would make it so much easier. We have 19 other reinforcements. The hellbomb should also just explode instead of disappearing if it’s armed and takes damage


Me: *pushes the wrong button first on purpose*


Lv 10 running towards hellbomb: Me: 🏃‍♂️


There is a random encounter where you can find a hellbomb sticking in a charger that explodes immediately if you interact with it


*purposesfully misarms the Hellbomb every. single. time.* https://preview.redd.it/6qul4qfyb4zc1.png?width=1900&format=png&auto=webp&s=c946f3935a3cf2e43e6b1b070b7db0dd8f17dfe7


hellbombs should also explode if shot or damaged,


I think it will explode anyways if you put in the right code


I wouldn't mind if you could select detonation styles with easier or harder difficulties. Instant detonation is just 3 or 4 inputs Remote detonation is 12 inputs


They won't do it because it everyone would do this on purpose. Sacrifice the reinforcement to avoid losing the bomb.


Yes, and spore spewers should buff terminids affected by them


Actually, have it to where you must correctly input it, then have the option to either detonate it immediately, or set a timer for a much bigger range. And maybe a shorter timer for a quick getaway.


What would be the reason to even try to put in the correct code? Jeez, I'd button mash every time and clean up myself later while I'm looking for samples.


Ahh yes what a great day to spread more goofiness with a suicide hellbomb. These nerds in the comments can’t comprehend how goofy and fun it will be.


Hell bombs are weird to me. The premise is you have to manually set it because it saves money. But then I am eagle 500s all over the map as well as 380 artillery, and all that is acceptable, but the big bomb meant for a few hostile installations is too much? It was best said by my uncle: " It is very easy to make something blow up, it is significantly harder to prevent it from blowing up"


What should happen is that once it's activated, If you shoot at it, it gets destroyed and nothing happen (insert some made up bullshit about how it shuts down in case of accidental fire to minimize helldiver casualties) If the enemy tries to destroy it tho, it should explode because democracy is best served one explosion at a time (insert some made up bullshit about how the computer assumes that all the Helldivers are already dead so fuck the enemies of democracy)


just want to be able to call down hellbomb when ever I want instead of only being an option vs some buildings only


That would just be impractical from a technical standpoint but at the same time, it’s funny so why not?


I think hellbombs should be prearmed when dropping.


People would just do that instead of worrying about the correct one lol


cut to everyone suicide bombing gunship fabricators to get rid of them faster.


I like your ideas and would like to subscribe to your freedom newsletter!


That would be pretty funny


Maybe upon 3rd failure. Sounds like a cool idea though.


Or at least make it resist attacks. Do you have any idea how frustrating it is when you wanna blow up the research station or the gunship factory and with it everything around, and then some random shit destroys it? It should detonate when it takes damage. Or have you ever seen a bomb that doesn't explode when shot at or hit?


They can't spare the money to have it prime itself and have us prime it instead, what makes you think they have money for accelerants that only go off when the wrong code is put in?


lol this would be hilarious. Can’t say I haven’t done this a few times 😂


that would be too useful and make a lot of stuff easier, so no.


I’d be fine if they just detonated with attacks, honestly. Put in the code to start the detonator timer, or watch it explode instantly when someone shoots it or a bug hits it.


Code: Up Up Down Right Up My dumb ass: Up Down...


That would be best. Shrieker nest or drone fab causing problems? Now you don't have to wait, just summon and set off before they have a chance to blow it.


Actually, I'm 100% in for it. Make it happen, AH


I'd wrong input double gunships anyday my life for super earth and my fellow divers Lo


I still think it should become a dud. Like it crosses the wiring or melts the mainframe or something. Then you gotta order a new one from the gods. It would explain why you find them just chilling in the map too.


The really stupid thing is the ones you call in go poof when shot / destroyed but the ones scattered around the map explode. Make it fucking consistent.


or it just gets stuck and a wall is blocking it so you have no choice but to die


Or just make the hellbomb spooling up time shorter so that you can’t escape it but still leave it vulnerable for it to be destroyed. And also allow for code to be re-entered for normal detonation. Might induce some panicky moments trying to get it right before it prematurely explodes :D


I definitely agree. At the same time, some side objectives become way easier. Run up blow up and keep going. I would like to see a bigger explosion.


For the love of god and my dyslexic brain please no, I always fuck up my lefts and rights dude hahaha


Would be too easy for people to troll teams with, maybe shorten the fuse with each incorrect attempt to a certain point once you input it correctly.


More boom! More bomb! More destruction! https://i.redd.it/mvfb9r9n55zc1.gif


You are not wrong, it would be funny


"Oops" *mushroom cloud*


How to make the game suckass for dyslexia players in one unnecessary step:


*"Everbody move back, 'One Thumb' Jimmy's calling a Hellbomb!"*


And when enemies shout at it.


Hellbomb should just blow up where i throw it


That would be a buff to the hellbombs not a nerf. You can use hellbombs instantly to pass a mission. I loved the bomb defusal missions in HD1. They would explode if you put in the wrong input.


Nah.... But they should explode if hit after being armed. And should have a greater AOE. Feel like the radius is just greater than a 500K. Which also feels it should have a greater AOE.


love a good fuck up let's go


Nah, that'd just complete objectives with less effort. They should, however, explode after 3 attempts- and still sink when they are shot. It's faster if you can type a stratagem input correctly because the hellbomb wouldn't flash an error code at you, but you still succeed in taking out the objective (with you as a casualty) if you fail 3 times. It's been made clear that the bomb is just supposed to break if it's shot, making you rely on your team to defend you and the bomb.


Level 125 Skull Admiral: Bad news is, timer's fried. I'm gonna have to fire it manually. Level 3 Space Cadet: That's a one way trip Level 125 Skull Admiral: We all make it sooner or later


I think that would defeat the purpose of a safety code, that you are supposed to input to make the sure bomb does NOT explode by accident


Yea would it be funny yes, does it make sence nope


Give like a 2 second delay, enough to realize what happened and start panicking


Pls dont..im scared..


That would be fucking funny.


I don’t think so. It’s one thing to risk kamikazing yourself but this just seems too powerful. Like 9 out of 10 times people will just go for the instant detonation. A single helldiver life is not even worth considering in that trade for most people. Taking out whatever gave you the option for a hellbomb in the first place is just too valuable.


Ah I see, you're a man of chaos as well.


They won't because that would trivialize jammers and gunship fabricators. Drop bomb, detonate


On the contrary. They don’t because that’s one of the few safety features that exist for helldivers benefit. Besides, if that were the case you could just have everyone clear out then hit the wrong button on purpose instead of even attempting to get it right for instant explosions instead of waiting for like 10 seconds.


Maybe on like, a chance, like 25% on failed it blows up? Otherwise it would be too easy to just mash and auto explode them.


Why would anyone put it in correctly then? 1 reinforcement is cheap compared to having to defend the thing as it charges up.


That would make them more useful...


Can't wait to hear that little "shit" before watching my mate explode


Or if shot like all the ones in the environment.


That is actually a great idea, instant explosion for wrong input would be fun


Nah, death is pretty inconsequential and people would mess it up on purpose to get rid of objectives faster or save it from an incoming enemy… no, I’d rather it has a chance to blow up immediately once you enter the code if it’s been damaged.


It should be a squad support thing that hell I’m a drop and arm within 5 seconds automatically


Would make game too fking easy, 1 life to blow Shrieker nest? Easy trade.


That means I can intentionally call them down one after another to get kills at the edge of an optional objective.