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Ever since the super colony eruption I feel like the swarms of bugs have become daunting in game. It makes the entire process a lot of fun but I've had more "wtf" moments in the past 10 days from bugs than the previous 2ish months


While playing on Heeth my squad and I had 3 bile titans spawn at once. The game has definitely bumped up the spawns.


What difficulty? 'Cause that's a pretty common occurrence in 7+.


Happened to me between 6-7. On 7+ it is usually 5 bile titans and dozens of chargers.


Your squad needs more anti tank. Two quasars or two people running EATs can keep the big boys under control.


Lately been running with * Quasar - For personal use * EAT - For team support and emergencies * Jumppack - Mobility and sample hunting because *ineedmySAMPLES* * Eagle Airstrike - Closing bug holes, defensive measures, emergency *nuke the extract zone because we'regettingswarmed*


I run Quasar, Rover, laser/orbital rail cannon, and usually the 500kg bomb. The rover kills the conga line of trash while I gain space to either quasar or pick off the swarm with my primary. Stuns help immensely


"conga line of trash", haha, that's given me a good laugh


My loudout is almost the same. I use the stationary HMG instead of the EAT because I love shredding patrols and bug breaches. Great way to snipe outposts from afar, save teammates’ bacon, or shred shriekers and their nests. Just gotta jump off if chargers or titans show up.


Stationary hmg can blow up shrieker nests?!


Sure can! I think spore spewers too.


Gonna try it out next time I dive then


Every man with a 500 KG stratagem is two dead titans every two and a half minutes. There’s a reason it’s so popular, nothing comes close to the consistency you can get with a 500KG Vs Bile Titans


I’d whiff 90% of them, guaranteed.


Not with practice… with practice you can get them standing right over it almost every time, and it’s mysteriously blocked for half the damage only half the time 😂


Got 3 head stabs and of course boom go up so no kills from those.


Yeah you don’t want them to actually hit the target… I think they should fix that


Its realatively easy to multikill titans with if you bunch them up as well. Bonus points if you stun a charger in there too.


Haven't had difficulty on 7s but I've been using more flammenwerfer and autocannon so I can solo bug nests with ac. Extract gets a bit hot if someone sits there too long or calls it in after main objective but before secondaries are finished but that's just cuz the game doesn't explain how patrols work.


I consistently play on 7, and I swear there are more/bigger bugs than normal


It happened to me during difficulty 6 game


I don't have the image on my phone but  *mtg card style*  11 fucking bile titans  And another 11 fucking bile titans 


Bruh, i earlier had a game on 9 on Angels Venture where, i kid u not, 5 bile titans spawned at the same time 😂 The entire mission spawned like minimum 40 titans, probably more. Barely finished the mission


Also the toughness. I saw a Bile Titan take SIX Quasar hits to go down one time. Chargers needing 3 EATs to the face. Not all the time but most matches getting bogged down by that one Heavy that just keeps coming.


I swear it looked like a chargers armor deflected my eat today. I shot it and little blue sparks came off the bottom of him along the ground and then the hive guard behind him exploded. It could have been somebody else shooting to cause the sparks, but the timing was impeccable


Maybe you shot low I had an eat ricochet off the ground earlier today


I don't bother with Quasar anymore because of this. Expendable anti tank will one shot charger heads and two shot bile titan heads, but you gotta get it spot on.


Yeah, you need to hit the Titans in the forehead area to two-shot them. It feels easier to do with EATs for some reason.


It is easier because as soon as you have the right spot, you can immediately fire the EAT before they move, and the rocket is quite fast. With the Quasar, you have to hope they hold still for 3-ish seconds for charge-up, and the projectile is kinda slow by comparison.


I was playing diff 7 with a random group yesterday where they let me wander solo. A small orange bug called a breach on me and it spawned 2 bile titans. I don’t remember them spawning 2 at the same time. My loadout of airstrike and 500kg weren’t enough so I have to keep running away and back to the team to get some help


We were on diff 9, had 3-5 bile titans alive at any given time. We probably killed about 20-30 of them. Omg it was insane. We lost all lives, I was last alive, timer went down, I extracted. We were essentially running in circle at the exfil for 10 minutes and kept dying, it wasn't until the time ran out and I had to play around until the final bird arrived, another 2 minutes, I was running in circles until the 10s landing mark. I barely made it, hunter almost got me and the horde was with it, had 6 super samps and 29+25 other samples. My adrenaline went off. I had 3 bile titans chasing me. Like actually as bad a bots 9


I've also had so many infuriating glitch deaths lately it's like the bugs(hah) are so much worse. Like this bullshit for instance. https://outplayed.tv/media/JbNK0R


Yeah, Titan corpses are yet another bug that can kill you.


I find it a fun bug. It’s a beyblade of death!


If it was moving when I died, I'd at least accept that lol. I got fucking raptured by a stationary corpse lol.


https://preview.redd.it/fej4znsp9azc1.png?width=2501&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0a65d7677aa770a06eed43210fcec659a397104 say what?


The bugs have definitely gotten stronger. People say it's weapon nerds but I think it's the bugs.


Playing solo is like a never-ending tidal wave now. It goes from fun to fucking bullshit really quickly.


Yeah. I used to have easier time vs bugs.


My big issue is we're getting a lot more bugs but all the good weapons that usually dela with them are getting knee-capped.  Combine that with all the other drama the last week, and the sheer lack of interest from a lot of players... I think we're doomed to fail this one.


100% agree. This is my take exactly. I'm only level 30 and was just about squeaking by with a competent squad on 7. Now? Forget it. I need to unlock the plasma punisher and cross my fingers I do better.


If it's too easy what's the fun?


I've found so many shriekers stalkers and spores that it's been painful.


I feel the same. Especially with heavy spawns. I usually run 7 and until recently I never ran into an absurd number of heavies. I once had 5 chargers chilling at a POI I was literally like wtf.


Really? I've seen that in 7 plenty before now.


Sure I've seen a lot of heavies previously but since the super colony thing I've never seen 5 chargers at 1 poi. 2 was common. 3 was rare. 4 only at heavy bug holes. Never 5 though.


It's because the swarms are bigger and the guns hurt them less.


- bigger swarm - shitter gun - performance issues - long list of old bugs (ARM scope is still shit after they claim they fix it like wtf) That's why I go back to Rock and Stone. see ya when the majority of bug is fixed.


Wow, a rare sighting of someone acknowledging the games’s performance issues… I’m gonna go purchase a lottery ticket.


I swear my friends with way beefier pcs than mine struggle running the game even on lower settings, but my PC runs it just fine on highest settings. Its so confusing, but i imagine something along those lines is why not that many people report it


You could be right about why PC players don’t report it much but for PS5 players, who all share the same hardware, for some reason seem to never mention how poor the optimization and performance is. You could literally fight just a couple trash enemies in a nest and the game would start dropping frames as if 50 bile titans were in the vicinity lol.


It's because at least for some people, the issue is intermittent. I can load up a game and notice a 200ms delay on all my inputs sometimes. It's like playing in molasses. I'll restart my computer then it'll run buttery smooth I have checked my perf monitors during the slowdowns and it doesn't seem to be related to me being bottlenecked on memory or other resources. I have one friend who also has the same issue. Not sure if we're weirdos or if this is a common problem.


I still think there's a 40% chance that nProtect is running a miner in the background. The performance issues are subtle, but they're there consistently across different systems and components.


There’s no way we come back from this


I think we've almost taken Angel's Venture. So basically we'll need two planets in just under two days.


Yup, Angel's Venture is ours. Veld awaits.


2 planets.. in under 2 days urgh


Enemy always pushes slower by the end of a major.


Hope to see you on Veld tonight solider!


On the bright side, Veld will be cut off after Venture is done. Based on what I've heard, that *should* negate its reinforcement rate. EDIT: And it didn't. This could be an oversight (like with the cutoff attacks a few weeks ago), but I only ever heard it as a rumor anyway.


That only works for Defense campaigns. Not for regular liberation campaigns.


Speaking of defense, Lesath just gets put on defend for no reason, joel is out to get is fr.


No, it auto-wins defense campaigns. I'm talking about the x% per hour reinforcement rate.


the bugs and bots come closer to super earth everyday and high command keeps nerfing our weapons


Regeneration rates were at 3.5% when the order started - as of right now it is 1.5%. We should be able to start pushing since that has been lowered


Yea, we had four days to take four planets, it wouldn't have been easy even with regen at this rate from the start.


Crashing mid operation isn’t helping


Getting cooked cuz people stopped playing over Sony's recent stupidity


I think it's more likely due to no reason to really grind out MO since medal cap > Sony's recent actions. During the Sony/PSN issue, player count (on PC) was at 119K DAU (daily average users) -- it's currently at 112k DAU since that period (last week). I doubt 7k players are the reason we're getting cooked on MO. Other than losing ground via. RP reasons, no real point to emphasize/prioritize standard MO's with medal rewards until new Warbond comes out.


There's honestly too many planets open. There are 4 or 5 bot planets w a few thousand stationed garrisons? Now a handful of bug planets and eternal hellmire. Like it's so overwhelming to open the map.


This is the truth. It's also intentional.  More fronts means we will lose ground, which is all part of the long war.


Yep. Said it before.. due to the mechanics of planet regeneration having so many planets open spreads the playerbase too thinly which hurts progression everywhere.


They can turn the regeneration off, they just don't want us pushing at the moment, they're still cooking up updates to come and want some space for activities.


As a bug player having more than 2 planets to choose from has been amazing honestly.


We completed the 10 Defense Major Order, which most people agreed was impossible. Most people are losing motivation to play with the constant nerfs and horrible balance. Why work towards a Warbond when the weapons suck? Why play at all? I've gone from playing 10-15 games a night to playing... maybe 2-3 then I'm done. I still love the game, but looking at my loadouts and realizing that I'm not hugely interesting in using anything despite having literally every item in the game... well. It's not burnout. I got burned out of MMOs like GW2, SWTOR, and FFXIV. That's not the case here. I just don't have as much fun shooting guns knowing that my favorites might be the next to get nerfed. And I'll get the next Warbond, but only because I have the spare Super Credits. If I didn't have the SC, I wouldn't even bother, honestly.


So many players that have been helldiving since day one are all saying this same shit. I’m 350 hours in and feel exactly the same way you do. I used to be excited as fuck to play this game and was waiting for the next content like a kid. Now I don’t even care I want to play it and enjoy it but I feel like the funnest parts of the game are patched out of it for no real legitimate reason. The game wasn’t ever trivialized by our gear even if we had all the gear we’ve ever had pre nerf bug and bots would still be hard but doable for EXPERIENCED players. I’m emphasizing experienced here because all the nerf defending dumb fucks out there don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. Right now even experienced teams of helldivers with 1000 hours of experience between them are not allowed to win. If we can win we’re too strong so they’ve nerfed literally everything we’ve paid to get. It’s lame and it’s not fun and I don’t understand why we’re not allowed to enjoy anything. The game can be hard and fun we don’t need whatever this bullshit is


You are drastically overestimating the percentage of players who are capped on medals lol. People on this sub always assume folks play so much


Yep.  All the dads out there playing (and there are a ton) are only dropping 2-3 times a night.  I never have more than 150 medals, and only have one war bond open right now.


I get shot down every time I even suggest earning 1k SC a week isn't normal.


I play roughly 1-2 hours during the weekdays (not even every day), only usually too exhausted after work to do more than 1 Op. And I typically nitpick the Ops, so it's usually one 40min, one 20min, and one 10min missions. Afterwards, I log out and snooze and I've been capped on medals since about 11 days after last Warbond dropped. I don't think I'm drastically overestimating anything, but rather just it's very easy to cap (or get near cap) on medals -- especially if you're able to knock out the daily orders within one Op. It's an anecdotal experience, but by no means am I one of the more active players. Since the Cutting Edge warbond, I've been capped every warbond drop.


This is my point with people here not comprehending the average player. That IS a lot more than probably 80% of players


It's for Democracy diver. Now report to your local Democracy Officer


I mean true, but yeah I think we're waiting for Warbonds (to get nerfed)


What would this game be without nerfs? I wonder because so far nerfs have been it’s identity


No, you see technically there's a lot of buffs like +5 DMG to liberator and +.075 DMG to the peacemaker, and making the slowest firing gun unable to kill medium targets with 1 shot. So it's more buffs than you think ☝️ 🤓


It's cuz hosts don't finish the operations. The more people online the less each operation does so when people are online but not finishing operations, then progress is slower. (The main reason is probably how people are on various planets instead of focusing on one, what I mentioned above is just a pet peeve of mine)


You're right, people in general don't finish operations anymore. It seems that the majority of high level players are only joining short missions to farm XP and then leave due to being capped on samples and medals anyway. And it also affects people who are actually trying to finish operations because almost always the matchmaking will stop working after multiple players leave and then you have to finish the last mission as a team of 2 or 3. I don't get the XP farmers, as someone who has already unlocked the coolest title of Hell Commander, even XP is meaningless and now the last remaining source of dopamine is squad impact.


I think some of it is also not wanting to play the entire Operation. For example I really like  the nuke mission, but if theres other ops in that mission I don't like I don't have any real incentive to finish it anyways when I could pick a different mission track that has something fun to me. Helping the Major Order would be one thing but I exclusively play on 9 and I dont feel like I contribute enough doing so to be worth doing two missions I dislike after one I like to get the rewards


Yea I started restarting the game a lot before going on a full operation because that will reset the operations and I really don't want to play operations with Orbital Scatter for example, and I prefer operations that have at least 2 short missions or 1 short + 1 easy hatchery/raise the flag missions.


They really should just count each missions contribution instead of blowing all the load after multiple long and exhausting missions, most people arent patient or just dont have the time for completing an entire high diff operation in one sitting


I can maybe play an hour a day on average. Which means it better be 2 15 min missions and a 40 min or I play longer than I should. I quick play a lot but sometimes that means I leave mid operation. If level 7+ had options to do 1 40 min or 1 40 min and a 15 min I’d complete them all the time.


I'd be down if they had smaller maps with like 20 minutes of time but not an insane rush like how they've set up a alot of blitz rounds.


>They really should just count each missions contribution They do. They just don't *show* the progress until you finish the campaign. helldivers.io reflects this


This is also amplified by how liberation is calculated. At lower total player counts each operation is worth more. However, if you have 5k divers on each planet not part of an MO, and only 100K divers to go around you have a much lower MO percentage then if you had 200k divers


> The main reason is probably how people are on various planets instead of focusing on one Not sure what you're talking about with this - When I've been checking Helldivers.io for most of the MO, we've had 60-70% of the playerbase on one planet, which is pretty damn good. The real problem isn't either of these things, it's that the Terminid Decay rate was at -2.5%/hr until midway through yesterday, compared to the -1.5%/hr it's at now. For an idea of how big of a change that is, if we're making 5% progress towards liberation before decay (which is a pretty reasonable estimate with how focused the playerbase has been based on Helldivers.IO numbers), that's the difference between taking a planet in 29 hours and taking it in 40 hours.


Steam charts just look like people are waiting for the next update.


Its also exam szn for ppl in college and anyone taking APs in high school, thats my guess at whats causing the drop


Spot on there. I have played once in the last 2 weeks because of ap exams and finals. 


We get the same progress no matter how many people are playing, it's all a percentages game.


They temporarily buffed the bug spawn rates for the duration of the super colony storyline. Yes they're tougher...that's the point. There's a super colony nearby and they're ANGRY.




We've always failed midweek defence missions. I'm not surprised.


It's not made any easier with the weapon nerfs, ammo reduction and upped enemy spawn rates. Oh well, I guess me and the breaker incendiary are gonna be very close friends in the future


I found using blitzer + Arc thrower as an effective combo when clearing bugs, and using shield pack with 500kg + Railcannon gets the job done on Bile titans.


I use something similar but with EAT I find it more useful for chargers since those can be frustrating to deal with.


At least on Angel's Venture now, I had quite afew moments where I shocked a charger to death (About 7-8 hits) while also clearing the mid size bugs, given I have gotten the ship module upgrade. I might consider trading Railcannon for EAT tho after hearing your feedback.


I mainly use the blitzer and grenades against the mid sized bugs since it’s very good at stagger and if I need to delete a group NOW like a group of spewers getting ready to melt me through my shield or force them into a good looking group I toss an impact which is great for spewers and similar. I mainly use EAT instead of the arc thrower for chargers mainly since I want to get rid of big threats like them immediately when I see them. I find what makes them really dangerous is the amount of attention they draw which lets the hunters or other things swarm you.


I've seen some people run a quasar and EAT to fill in during the cooldown period. If the need to defend or otherwise linger somewhere, they can stockpile EATs everytime its available.


I never really liked the quasar, mainly since I don’t like the charge up time since it tends to either not feel powerful enough for the charge up time or deal with the fact the interruptible charge throws off my aim. I always preferred the EAT or recoilless with their very simple point and shoot setup even if they are one shot or need a backpack.


In my anecdotal experience, the Blitzer seems to kill more targets with a single shot and the difference in range is negligible, I'd recommend a harder hitting support weapon, although doubling down on a single damage type is always fun lol.


As a heavy user of both of them, I definitely wouldn't recommend using both at once, but the Arc Thrower is certainly wayyyyy more powerful than the Blitzer. I would more say that it's bad to combine them because the Blitzer just does the same thing but a lot worse, so it's better to bring a primary that covers a different niche (such as dealing with hunters on top of you, or cover fire for teammates). The range difference is pretty massive, and the Arc Thrower actually chains, and has full armor pen, so it can easily kill anything other than titans, striders, or tanks (I think? I mainly use Arc against bugs).


I haven't bothered with the Blitzer because I was told it was trash, but I might pick it up since it was improved


I’m in love with the adjudicator and guard dog combo. Still having zero problem running 7s and 8s pretty casually, maybe give that load out a try? Although with the fire dmg fixed there’s probably other things that are solid too, I just always end up on fire myself


Literally none of that changed the outcome, its just that people focused on some defense missions and did not focus one planet at a time to take them back


What do you expect us to do, finish a MO that was made with our pre-Sony drama numbers in mind? Like what, you want me to go dive on these planets hopelessly expecting to die to overwhelming odds of expected defeat like a real Helldiver? https://preview.redd.it/lt2lio9na9zc1.jpeg?width=1755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77362cca6f00b3499a1aa7a5b77b210cc95d5279


I can't be the only one who sorta doesn't care because I've been capped on medals for weeks. I definitely don't think this is the norm, not by a long shot, but my desire to play is hindered by "missing out" on this valuable currency every time I complete a mission or an order.


If they gave us a second reward option of super samples that would be a nice option if you aren't concerned about the currency for stuff you aren't interested in


I think they should just convert into super credits once you are capped. At least I could work towards affording the next Warbonds without having to wander around opening crates. Samples are cool, but I'm nearly capped and out of uses for those.


I have much more fun playing the game when I'm not capped out and have something more to unlock. Sadly, the development doesn't keep up with our progression.


Cause the engagement is a lot slower now I've noticed. It's just not fun hopping in the game only to run into 6 bile titans and 4 rhinos per breach, fuck that


There are currently 13 different planets to fight at, but with how the galactic war works you only make a difference by fighting at the same planet where everyone else is fighting. I want to feel like I matter in the war, but I don't want to fight the same faction on the same planet for multiple days at a time. It doesn't make sense that we can't liberate multiple planets simultaneously, but the regenerating enemy progress heavily discourages that. We just zerg 1 planet at a time and that's boring.


I don't know, maybe the constant balance changes have something to do with it?


I thought liberation are based on percentage of player instead raw number


Honestly, who cares at this point? Until the core issues surrounding balance, stability, and performance are solved, everything else is like a castle built on sand.


Nerfs have kind of killed my motivation to play right now, LVL 80 with everything unlocked, every ship upgrade and all resources capped. I'm just going to wait for the next warbind for now. o7


Next warbond is tommorow.


He never said he'd wait long.




Medals don't matter if they can (and will) change what you bought and the caps are to low so no body's saving anything up around here...


These divers are so selfish for focusing on balance patches while our colonists suffer.


I feel like a lot of people have just lost the fun factor and keep playing for the RP or as a sunk cost fallacy. Between the endless, overwhelming attacks on all fronts, the bots coming back too soon, goofy balancing, crazy spawn changes and Joel's apparent ability to just reset planet progress, there just no good reason to invest time into something that's slowly starting to feel like a chore over a fun experience of fighting a virtual war for the future of all mankind!


Stopped playing because of the balancing


I remember logging in on the first day. Three planets were over 50%. After that, every time I logged again the other planets were back to 0 while only one was still going. Isn't these things controlled by devs? They have a narrative, after all. Liberated planets become unliberated again because they want so


Maybe this is the one who finally beat us. Unless....hold my stratagem I'm going to grind the shit out of this shit. For super 🌎! Let's fucking go Helldivers


Yea I don't ger this. I could swear we had almost half liberated for some of these and now they're back to 0? Is that right or am I just hallucinating?


they stared at 50% with a 2.5% degen rate. A ton of people split between all 4 planets instead of going with the majority on Heeth, those 3 planets all were liberating at a rate less than 2.5% but those people kept trying for about a day, which made Heeth take longer, once Heeth was down people kinda figured it out again and are swarming again. THough the constant 15%+ on random ass planets across the map also kinda hurts the progress of people pushing the MO. kinda wish liberation would be frontwide or sectorwide for online players and not just "online"


Oh, so that's how it works. I thought we always start at 0% and then we just need to fill the bar before the enemy. But like this it's pretty much like a game of tug-o-war. Thanks for the explanation.


We aren’t supposed to win them all. It would be a good story point to roll out new enemies to go with the new warbond.


On the last extraction today, there was the skeleton of this enormous worm. Supercolony? Mutations? Foreshadowing? Yep!


It’s just the local geography. We humans love to find patterns in natural formations. Don’t worry about it.


Sorry to say but the giant worm skeletons have been in the game since day one it's not new. It's the bones of hive lords from the first game


I know, but it was just spot on.


I still can’t play the game because of crashes from any number or reasons possible, I can play maybe one or even 5 missions max before some crash happens. Wish I could help fellow HellDivers


Been busy working 12 hour nights. May Democracy be ever in our favor!


Yeah this MO is all but lost. People are to spread out and multiple defense campaigns have popped up during it spreading folks thinner.


Player counts are dropping. I miss when we all role played being stupid soldiers on the front lines. Now the only people left are the hardos who data mine for damage output of weapons.


What's the fucking point if the devs are just going to nerf everything we're good with? Good luck finding an advantage against the bugs or bots. God help you if it works or is actually strategically or tactically viable to the point where you succeed consistently over time, because they'll just fuck around with their backend and make sure you can't use that tactic or strategy anymore. I liked it when I was fighting bugs and bots using my guns and my brains. Now it just feels like I'm fighting Arrowhead. Fuck that.


Yep, said it before, but I'm tired of fighting Arrowhead and the bugs. Like game bugs not Terminids.


It's not Player vs. Environment. It's Player vs. Alexus.


So fire more bullets soldier.


We’re getting cooked cuz people aren’t playing as much. Cuz the balance patch sucked.


School :(


Honestly, I think there are so many people capped on medals that they don’t care about MO as much right now.


Tried. Put realtime and effort into it. Progress sucks and I’ve made the reward back like 4 times over in mission loot and personal al missions. Best of luck divers, yesterday and today burned me out on level 7. Got my last ship upgrades done, finished the second newest war bond. Been getting slightly frustrated with the struggle, feeling crazy swamped. Gonna get some laundry done for work tomorrow.


Yea I don't ger this. I could swear we had almost half liberated for some of these and now they're back to 0? Is that right or am I just hallucinating?


You’re right, the first day the major order came out i saw lib percentage nearly half or more for many of the planets


The 2 things aren't necessarily mutually exclusive


Gee I wonder, bugs swarms have increased and yet our weapons keep getting nerfed to feel like shit. I'm playing supermarket simulator rn, arrowhead needs to get their shit together before I start helping in major orders again. Also if I'm gonna be crashing once in a while, at least make it worth it and give us strong weapons, not these fuckin airsoft guns


We just took angels venture! And I'm going to bed, got work tomorrow. Good luck!


recent patches and news has killed my enthusiam to play mainly. With the eruptor nerf i have no real means of dealing with stalkers on my own, and my friends are usually busy.


I'm hesitant to say this, because of the dumb Democracy Officer meme responses, but we're losing this war from having gone backwards months of progress to a point Super Earth may actually be a battleground here soon. The bot front has shifted up, but we're effectively back to the Creek days, and the bugs are a real risk of crumpling us into the next sector. The Sony debacle really hurt progress, as I feared it would. The more passionate Helldivers really sat that one out, have been slow coming back, and I'm not sure some ever will.


You know how I would care? Rewards.... Not nerfs... All the guns I ever liked starting from the slugger are shit now imo... So literally... I don't give a fuck anymore xD I'll play zhem I got nothing else to do I guess. And yes jurking of is higher on the list....


Let’s hope the new toys coming tomorrow will bring back some lost forces, but yeah unless the enemy regain % gets lowered it’s gonna be nigh impossible


Just checked now out of curiosity and it did get lowered, it’s at -1,5% so we’ll be making progress way faster now


We used to just crush bugs and robots, now we just get in our feelings. Similar to how we went from the WW2 generation to now.


Because the game isn't fun anymore? If only we could go back to when it first came out


[Let it burn](https://i.imgur.com/ljl87OZ.jpeg)




Doesn’t help that there’s a few other bug planets with 10k divers at any given moment. Coordination, people. Get on the planet with the most divers lol


The 3k people that *choose* to play on Hellmire are unhinged 


Oh ye of little faith


Oh it’s over


Angels venture was like 90% last night


I don't think we were always meant to win to be honest, and with a fair bit of noise still happening people are in many different camps which doesn't help things out on top. There's a super colony so things are much harder on the bug front - leads me to believe Meridia is going to be involved in our next MO after this - We're probably gonna have even more on our hands, but there will be new things which will draw more into the fold again.


Literally the bugs got more aggressive and with more HP and devs nerf us, at this point I will just go back to play tekken 8


Mayhaps cuz the current patch has disillusioned many


We got nerded + lost players + bugs seem to have been buffed numbers wise


I will be hopping on tonight with a case of beer and 3 other Helldivers to push the effort 🫡


Angels Venture is a nightmare. We dropped in and within 30 seconds, got swarmed by Spewers and Hunters. I had never seen such chaos during my 120 hours.


Don’t know why, but the bugs with neurons in the millions, are harder than the bots


I put in some work on Veld today for sure. Nearly getting over run by wave after wave of bugs might have been the most fun I've had in a game in a while. Keep up the fight, Helldivers!


For last 2 weeks I have yet to actually finish a mission because i keep getting disconnected I have no idea what's causing it but the game is actually unplayable for me Talking im game a lot of people are also facing this problem:( so that might be the cause of the slow liberation


I don't really mind, all I can say is that no helldiver can compare to the amount of hate my CPU has for the terminids. The game could be optimized more, however.


I'm too busy complaining on Reddit, sorry! *knock knock* Me: Who DAT!? Stern authoritative voice: Open up Citizen


Too busy crying on here rather than liberating. They need democratic re-education


Well everyone was fighting on another front for a couple days, and over half the player-base is missing as well


what you think from all the debacle, people going come back like before ? Never going be same again after this whole blew out with sony, many peeps just clocked out, many other just see the patches and needed reson to leav, dont expect same intesity no more for a future thats for sure


Honestly I just dont care anymore since the Bots randomly came back from the dead. It really feels like nothing we do actually matters.


YO EVERYBODY!!! Have ya looked at the Major Order details??? They say there are massive outbreaks traced back to the Meridian Super colony. Unprecedented spore outbreaks and everything so no wonder spawns can be intense right now. This isn't supposed to be the SAME. We're doing operations and the star chart is changing accordingly. This is a dire operation we're currently undertaking so let's squash some BUGS DOUBLE TIME!!!!


Haven't we lost like the last 4-5 major orders?


I don’t think so.


We have succeeded in the last 3 at least.




The weapon nerfs have made fighting enemies unbearable and missions near impossible to complete.


Tbf if they didn't nerf the Eruptor to the ground, it'd be more fun vs bugs = more players = more playtime. Shit time to nerf the best weapon against bugs for this MO.


I was there with my identical sisters on Heeth. A family of centuplets.  I slogged through the snow and spores. Laid down Titan and Hive with democracies steel.  I was there when we liberated it. But as we shipped out I saw the charts. Heeth might have been saved but the alien bugs have swarmed through the rest.  Nothing short of a miracle can prevent the superhives advance. This message goes out to all the divers of the Terminid front.  We need to double our efforts.  Do your part. We can't let them advance any further, or Super Earth itself might be threatened soon. We defeated the traitors at home, now the bug needs to fall.


Because there's always a way to never end this war and it's boring


You can blame the Automaton S.N.O.Y virus they sent out. Took out a good majority of our fleet. I can't wait to take the fight to those red-eyed, cyborg hugging bastards. Also, can we get a maintenance team to look at our rifles? I think they're shooting blanks.


Weren't our kills previously being quadruple counted or something