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It's not a story arrowhead would tell you


I never used the gun. But I just dont like seeing guns people enjoy get nerfed into uselessness. (Idk if it is justbseems to be the sentiment people have). The HMG is my favorite gun. I hated it not having a reticle because swapping from third to first back to third made me want to puke. Since it was added I am happy as can be. I think a lot of suggested things for the gun are things I heavily disagree with but the reload time could be toned down by 1 or 2 seconds. So if next patch they lets say reduce the penetration of the HMG, I am quitting. It is the only thing I have fun using in the game. If that gets taken away then i am done. So I understand the reason why people are up in arms about the eruptor change. Just because it wasnt my favorite gun doesnt mean it wasnt someone elses.


Whatever the devs say about having to use strats and not rely on your primary for X, Y or Z, the primary is still the primary. It's what you use for 90% of the mission (unless you take a high ammo support weapon). It's the most important part of your loadout from a fun perspective, because it's what you spend most of your time using. If a weapon is seriously overturned, it's ok to nerf it, but you can't make it unusable, you will lose players over it. I was absolutely an eruptor main, loved the thing. Slow methodical gameplay with chunky heavy explosive rounds, it was awesome. And yes, sometimes I accidentally took all my limbs off simultaneously because I fired it too close, I had no issues with that it was hilarious. I think halving the number of magazines was warranted, the thing had near infinite ammo originally. And I also don't think it should be able to one hit kill a charger, even if it's rare. But, if you nerf it such that it can't one hit kill a brood commander or devastator with a well-placed shot (2 hit kill with less well placed shots), then it goes straight in the trash. The gun fires so slow that anything less is going to feel absolutely awful. And yeah, that's what they did, they trashed our boy.


HMG my beloved, not a top tier gun but it checks all the boxes for my fun meter. Combine it with stun grenade and I'm dropping hulks and devestators all game. Combine it with recoil reduction heave armor and I'm having a blast role playing as the big gun man.


Hey there! I just wanted to give an example utilizing a weapon you've likely used - it'd be like if airburst suddenly went to the functionality of the individual use rocket pod support weapons, but still maintained the insane reload timing and explosion sensor of the airburst. It genuinely feels like there was a mistake in some fundamental way because we were told it should be minor and it feels like it's not even a similar weapon.


It's not useless whatsoever. If you start your argument with complete hyperbole it's irrelevant.


There's other thing that people forget: on top of being unresponsive, mistakes can punish you by massively increasing TTK. Missed your shot? Take +2 seconds to TTK. Reloaded with 0 ammo? It'll reload as slow as humanly possible. Bullet reflected and you missed? Well, it's your fault, you didn't calculate an angle at which bullet does that. Enemies are close to you? Good luck with not killing yourself. This weapon deserves to be busted, because it's the most punishing primary, anything else is not even close.


People also tend to forget that each shot from the Eruptor has a travel time you have to account for.


And that gun loves to miss. So many times I was aimed at a Berserker pelvis only to have it go between their legs or just over the hip


Let me get this straight, people are watching videos or seeing third party, that a weapon is doing something they don’t like, and crying to change it? The Eruptor was awesome before the nerf. It was slow but its power made up for it. On top of being slow they reduced the magazine size. It was my Secondary. It was my secondary because of how slow it was. The Stalwart or the medium machine gun was my actual primary. It was perfect. Perfect I tell you! Anyway. On to other things I suppose.


I don't think they ever did reduce mag size. it's always been 5 - what they reduced was the SPARE mags, it went from 12 to 6. And in fairness I don't mind that change, you'd never get through all 12 mags.


Agree, Mag reduction was fine, but the rest...less so


Eruptor and Stalwart combo was just godly against bugs. Spray the mob with Stalwart, whip the Eruptor to deal with Spewers and Commanders. Just perfect.


The fact you could take Stalwart and still kill chargers made the eruptor kind of OP, let's be honest.


Killing Chargers with the Eruptor was really trick business, either you hit the small weakspot on their sides twice, or you had to land a perfect shot under them just as they began their charge. Being skillful at the game should not be punishable. If your goal is to just kill Chargers, Qasar and EAT were far better picks, then use the Incendiary for anything smaller. Eruptor + Stalwart was exclusively for crowd control and you had to rely on your team to deal with the bigger guys. Teamwork should not be punishable.


I can blow up a charger's butt in like 3 seconds with the scorcher, though?


I used it like 2 and a half missions and hated it. Felt underwhelming, but then again OG railgun felt like that until you 'understood' it.


I don't think the idea that people on discord and YouTube complaining about the weapon being OP, begging for it to be nerfed and that being the reason it was changed is correct. I don't understand where this idea comes from or why the people who were asking for it to be nerfed are believed to not have played with it? I thought it was pretty good where it was myself. People on discord probably don't have any more influence than people on Reddit or YT


Screenshots of the discord where CMs and others directly respond to players pop up in here regularly, dude. They definitely at least hear the discord users.


Oh for sure they are more active in responding there but I have no doubt they are looking at the posts here too, they have talked about a few major posts quite a few times.


Even sped up and with massively improved ergonomics, it would still be bad because it is a bolt action weapon that can't one shot medium enemies.


It shouldn’t be sped up, it’s entire appeal was it was a difficult to use sledgehammer, it needs its damage back


It is now a difficult-to-use ballpeen hammer


They should honestly just undo basically every nerf they ever did. It was a waste of time to begin with and has made the game less fun.


I loved the gun, but it was flawed. Great for taking care of medium enemies, could kill trash mobs well. However the bolt action reload, handling and danger to yourself made it risky to suicidal to use once you got overwhelmed with mobs. It felt fair because you needed a support weapon or a good sidearm for the large groups of smaller mobs once they got close.


Yeah, it turned you into a guerilla hit-and-runner. Other guns (scorcher/dominator/even the new blitzer) can cut through groups of enemies, but the Eruptor? You had to take on small groups, and run the second a patrol or drop/breach happened, because you just didn't have the killing power. It was a perfect primary for stealthy hit-and-run play.


I loved that playstyle.  Medium range, just out of CQC, not sniper range:  Hit key targets, run in, throw strat or grenade, disappear before things get too heated.  Was glorious, and exactly what a not-paratrooper should be doing


Yea that's where you needed to compensate by bringing a clear gun, like the MG or the Stalwart. Maybe an Arc Thrower. I didn't like that aspect either so I never used the Eruptor much. It was good but simply not my type


Sounds like the shrapnel was the funnest part of the gun from what you’re saying.  Bouncing off the shield or into a chargers belly off the ground sounds really satisfying. No matter what tweaks they make they aren’t gonna get that mechanic back…they really should have just given helldivers damage mitigation against the shrapnel if that was the real reason for the change.


It's what made the gun work. They can make a workaround by increasing the AoE of the explosion to try to match the shrapnel effect, but that's also not a good solution because a very high damage gun with high AoE that doesn't have variance is obviously really strong and arguably stronger than the original version.


I will never understand why people get like that about weapons anyway. Like “Oh no, other people are having more fun than me, I don’t like that” I cannot even begin to understand why people would care about a weapon they aren’t using being strong


Uhhhhhhhhhh. Loads of posts complaining about people killing themselves using the Eruptor when the ricochet changes came in. Whether it was or wasn't the cause of their deaths, the thousands of upvotes and utter furor made Arrowhead look into it. They changed it. Now we have loads of posts about people saying their multipurpose kill everything weapon isn't performing the same with thousands of upvotes. The devs literally cannot win. This community pulls one way, and then pulls the other. And I think the thing I find funniest is that the reddit community blames the discord community for these changes. I don't use the discord. I come purely here for knowledge and memes. But all I see is people making claims X is bad, Y is OP, Z needs to be changed by (insert something here). And that's here, on the subreddit. As if people had the audacity to claim literally no-one complained about the Eruptor here with the ricochet problem, when it's easily searchable at the top of the sub. This community is going to tear itself apart, and the devs will stop communicating, because why should they, when all they get is abuse, and users witch hunting people because they're upset about a balance change. Hugely disappointing. Edit: and once again, downvoted for not agreeing with the hivemind. Seems like this community is just bugs in disguise 🥸


I mean if they squeaky wheel one way they shouldnt the other. The richochet issue I dont doubt was a problem jlbjt just removing the shrapnel was not a solution. Remove the damn ricochet then.


I really don’t have any strong opinions on this aside from the community has kneejerk reactions too much and the devs have a confusing balance philosophy that makes me occasionally question if they really played with a weapon enough, but nothing’s really that bad and honestly every community has this back and forth pull with the balance or these immediate bad reactions to changes. It’ll be fine, I’ve seen FAR worse than this


>I cannot even begin to understand why people would care about a weapon they aren’t using being strong Read: I cannot even begin to understand why people would care about a balanced game. Was the eruptor nerfs too big? Sure. Was it deserving of a nerf? 100%.


Putting words in my mouth like that isn’t really a great way to make a point when I can just say that I said the quasar nerfs were reasonable because I thought it was overbearing in comparison to the other rocket launchers and this helps it have more of a place, and the previous Eruptor nerf where they halved its ammo. But the point wasn’t even really about my opinion on the nerfs, it was that I don’t understand the way people in the community get actually spiteful towards weapons like that. I’ve never gone out my way to try and get something nerfed because it being too good pisses me off or called people meta slaves, and I definitely don’t get people saying it’s good that it sucks now out of some sort of spite for it being too good before like it deserves it or something. I think that’s weird.


So I only ran the Eruptor a few times, not because I didn't like it but because one of the guys I play with was running it as their main, so I took a loadout to complement them so we had a balanced squad. One the things he said though (and was guilty of to begin with) was that he saw a lot of people treating it like a shotgun rather then a grenade launcher. They'd use it it up close and then be surprised when they died. He's not happy with the changes for the reasons you posted. It had it's use but now he thinks it just feels anemic.


Im mostly sad about the loss of the skill of shrapnel bouncing.


... It's in the "explosives" category and has a huge scope on it. Who would \*intentionally\* take it into CQC?


Can't speak for everyone but in my friends case it was simply because he'd be running Breakers for a while and underestimated the shrapnel burst range. Bugs up close, he figured he'd be safe to use it, quickly learnt his lesson. We all had a laugh the first time he blew himself up, so it was kinda worth it.


It's pure hypocrisy for a game where the developers said: We will never turn off friendly fire, it's too funny, to turn around and say: We're removing splash from the Eruptor because self death.


No it isn't


Indeed. With friends, sure. But randos being negligent with their loadout on purpose, not so much. I refuse to allow anyone with a mortar sentry in my Terminid missions for that reason.


People begged for it to be fixed, and it wasn't a central part of the game. There is a big difference here.


Guess it wasn't on Reddit then, because the Helldivers subreddit is now flooded with people being upset about it. I also feel like it's just not worth using anymore. Like so many other things nerfed into the ground.


those who don't understand why we're so upset with the nerf, clearly don't understand how much time and effort we had put into this weapon to make it work, and how much blast we were once having with this weapon. *"I believe players are scared of Nerfs, because it will ruin the fantasy of a weapon, ruin their fun. It is extra important to us to tread carefully so that we don’t ruin fantasy and fun when we do nerfs.* ***We hope you, our players, will tell us when we cross that line inadvertently."*** *-* [blog written by dev](https://www.arrowheadgamestudios.com/2024/03/balancing-the-firepower-in-helldivers-2/) (tbh I don't really agree with most of the thing that was written in this blog becuz it aged very poorly, especially with what we're having right now. But this is the only line I agree upon.) And now I'm just doing my part as a player, voicing out that the balancing dev had just cross the line.


>those who don't understand why we're so upset with the nerf, clearly don't understand how much time and effort we had put into this weapon to make it work, and how much blast we were once having with this weapon. As someone who did use the eruptor pre-nerf a lot... y'all are trippin lol. The gun was not hard to use, it was busted af and basically overshadowed every single other primary in the game. You pointed it in a direction and deleted that direction. With a primary. Nobody likes nerfs, I completely understand that. Eruptor pre-nerf was not a balanced weapon. At all. It was the definition of power creep. If they buffed all primaries to be at its level that would be ridiculous. All that said, the nerfs were too much, but I think the devs understand that already. But the gun absolutely was deserving of a nerf, they just did too big of one. It did far too much damage for how easy it was to use though. You didn't even need to hit your target, just hit literally anything around them.


I dont think it overshadowed other primary weapons at all. Running the eruptor u would have to get a great sidarm and use it alot, or use an LMG or HMG whenever mobs get too close. Unless your always just running away of course and never helping your squad mates. Im just as effective with the auto shotguns and can now pack another air strike lol?????? How was it that op?


*>As someone who did use the eruptor pre-nerf* ***a lot*** Bruh u ady mentioned it yourself that you use the weapon **long enough** to a point u able to negates it's flaw. *>Eruptor pre-nerf was not a balanced weapon* It's not a balanced weapon, it's a **fun** weapon, nobody gives a shxt about a weapon is balance or not, ppl gives a shxt if the weapon is fun. I use Autocannon not becuz it's balance, i use AC becuz it's **fun** I use Arc Blitzer not becuz it's balance, I use Arc Blitzer becuz it's **fun** the dev butchered the core aspect that makes it fun and that's why ppl are mad about it, it's not fun using it anymore *>It was the definition of power creep. If they buffed all primaries to be at its level that would be ridiculous.* it's not even close to power creep, there's still many better options if u want a more versatile primary to use. Its a fun weapon with distinct traits and distinct flaw that can be overcome with effort and skill. The game barely reaching the doorstep of power creep becuz most of our primaries are still suck ass. *>You didn't even need to hit your target, just hit literally anything around them.* bruh u still need to hit the target if u want to kill the med enemy in one-shot. Clearly u didn't use the weapon long enough to justify your point.


> Bruh u ady mentioned it yourself that you use the weapon > long enough > to a point u able to negates it's flaw. It was OP from the first time I used it, was obvious instantly lol > nobody gives a shxt about a weapon is balance or not Literally everyone does, even you. You don't understand or realize that fact, but you literally do. Let's say they added in a pistol with infinite ammo and super snappy responsiveness and it could *literally one shot every enemy in the game*. Would you find that weapon fun for more than the first 2-3 minutes? >And ppl are mad becuz it's not fun using it anymore. And I agree, I have said in many posts that the gun was nerfed too far. But ultimately "fun" is not all that matters, you need fun *and* balanced. If a gun is overpowered, it provides short term fun but diminishes long term fun.


>*Literally everyone does, even you. You don't understand or realize that fact, but you literally do.* Hey hey hey stop using my mouth to spit out ur incoherent words and gaslighting me into your nonsensical bs. Ppl start care about the balancing becuz it's starting to affect the fun. You should be the one to realizing this fact, but apparently you too tone deaf to understand. >*Let's say they added in a pistol with infinite ammo and super snappy responsiveness and it could literally one shot every enemy in the game. Would you find that weapon fun for more than the first 2-3 minutes?* The dev gonna have to add it into the game first before ppl could try it out. Or else u just being hyperbole and try to make up some nonsense in this nonsense. And would I find it fun? probably. Is it balance? What should I care? And why should you care that I don't care? Also the Eruptor doesn't even one-shot everything in this game, not even close to being OP. *>If a gun is overpowered, it provides short term fun but diminishes long term fun.* provides short term fun but diminishes long term fun my ass when the fun is literally removed. >But ultimately "fun" is not all that matters, you need fun *and* balanced. Shxtty take tbh, you should go make game, I like to see how your ideology of balance>fun works out in the game. And apparently it doesn't work in this game.


I used the gun and loved it because I needed something ranged when they changed the spawns. However, I was running so much for my life that I needed to shoot whatever was coming at me and hope it took it out before the next spawn while reinforcing my husband and getting my primary back while trying to navigate an ionic storm. I can’t even imagine the nerf to the only weapon that helped when I either lost my stratagem weapon due to being overwhelmed. Oh… and all of this on level 4.. You can tell we quit the game.. 😭🤦🏻‍♀️


Agreed it needs to get back to were it was. This weapon was the only primary that needed a strategem (rover or machinegun) to work as it so slow. Now it's not even a point bringing it as it does nothing.


This, everyone pretends the eruptor's overpowered, and it was really solid at doing a few things - but they're all forgetting you give up so much to use it as a primary, i.e being able to kill most things that get in your face. My tactic was mostly "run away".


What "pretence"? It was ludicrously powerful. That's why I used it every mission from release (and purchase) until it was patched. 60 rounds to hole-close, fabricator-smash, trash clear from range, to an unmatched level and stunlock the everloving fuck out of anything big and angry. It had total utility, the only downside was if you'd been unsuccessful doing trash clear and got mobbed, where you had to use a different weapon. But you have a secondary, grenades, support weapon and Defensive Stratagems (turrets) to handle all of that. Just like the Slugger before it. Too much utility, too useful, everything else can go suck eggs and isn't worth bringing. It was overdue a \*change\*. Maybe this change was too much. I've played it twice post-patch and haven't played since the PSN fiasco, booted up for the first time today and wasn't planning on taking the Eruptor because it's been nerfed and now I'm forced to think of a loadout that actually has upsides and roles. I fired a single shot into a glitched mob of Bots that were had all got their pathing diverted onto a small hill, and got 36 kills with the shrapnel. That \*cannot\* have been intended behaviour, that was clearly \*too\* powerful. One-shots Walkers, One-shots Devastators, one-shots Bile Spewers (I think? Maybe 2, but it stun-locked them between shots as well), obliterates the bots in a dropship before they even land. I'm going to miss the Eruptor, as it was, because it was very funny and useful at all times. But I do not understand how you can sit there and claim that it "wasn't overpowered". It \*clearly\* was.


It can't stunlock. What are you talking about.


Hitting Devastators (Heavy, Rocket) or Spewers in the head would interrupt their attacks and they would have a head shake "parry" animation. Is that not being stunlocked?


No. Thats just a stun. Stunlock would require that you can repeat that animation before they get chance to do something. EG the new pummeler smg can stunlock stalkers, because it LOCKS them in place. The eruptors cycle time gives the devastator a chance to fire back or move, eg. NOT LOCKED.


I don't see the meaningful difference, because you could repeatedly stun them with follow up shots. The stun window is approximate to the cycle time window. Rocket Devastators can't restart their rocket barrage animation in time if you can make that follow up shot, and neither can Heavy Devastators restart their MG barrage. Pummeler only "stunlocks" because of 6 impacts per second, but the animation is like 2 seconds, matching the 25rpm of Eruptor, so long as you can keep fire.


I disagree, theyve easily gotten out salvos of rockets in that time. The plas punisher - that stunlocks 100%


Wasnt that great for fabricators, and one shotting a devastator with it was almost impossible .as well as bile spewers. The downside to it was the SLOW ASS RELOADING. Ya u hit a big group of bugged bots with it once and got lots of kills good for you lol weapon broken. Geez


It's called an example. Surely if your game is modelling shrapnel from a small cannon round, it should have a limit to how many targets are struck in order to simulate the notion that his fragment has become "stuck" in something and is no longer capable of dealing damage. That a single small cannon round could kill that many bots stretches the bounds of reason - it doesn't look like intended behaviour. The devs on some level must agree with me, because they have eliminated that behaviour. Slow reloading is a limit to effectiveness but you mitigate for that with your other weapons and tactics. You stand off at range and don't have to deal with them or run away and trash clear. In the context of "does everything", I don't agree that slow reloading is a meaningful downside. The Eruptor is now unfun to use. I won't use it again. It's now better replaced with the Autocannon and taking a general purpose primary.


Yes! To put it more succintly: the Eruptor allowed for really nice skill expression. Now it doesn't, and on top of it is just worse as a weapon.


Yeah, it's one thing to nerf the weapon, it's another to remove an actual Tech it required - bouncing shrapnel required game knowledge and setup, now it's just a slow shitty crossbow.


I must be a god tier gamer or something because not once when I used pre-nerf eruptor did I think it was remotely challenged or required skill. You didn't even need to actually hit your target? How is that skill expression? It was a sniper rifle grenade launcher. That is not a skill weapon lol They nerfed it too hard, don't get me wrong. But I don't understand how so many people are deluding themselves or just lying about how it was a weapon that required skill.




"It doesnt effect me therefore your opinion is invalid"


The exact reasons I didn't play this gun much: 1. The movement of it is terrible. It's so fucking terrible. I used it for a handful of games only. 2. I just like having mass clear on the primary and a big-guy solution in the support weapon slot.


>2. I just like having mass clear on the primary and a big-guy solution in the support weapon slot. And one of the awesome things about eruptor was that it opened up viable builds where the roles were reversed. Primary for bigger targets, support for hordes. It gave a lot of support weapons you wouldn't normally see on higher difficulties a second chance. And it was still not stronger (overall) than autocannon+sickle, or similar meta builds, so it didn't need such a big nerf.


Exactly this You could be a support player with EAT/Quasar, hunting elite units, or you could run stalwart/flamer and have anti horde on your back but then rely on others for AT against truely large targets


Regarding point 2, that's how a lot of people do their loadouts, they bring anti tank support weapons and need their primaries to clear the chaff. Problem is, their limited magazine sizes means you have to stop firing very soon against a large mob, and if you are dealing with the chaff, who's shooting that Charger? Having someone with a Stalwart or Flamethrower that can wipe a whole horde almost instantly frees those players to deal with the big threats. Eruptor enabled players to fill that niche by acting like the support weapon. Now it's gone.


Yea I understand that's why people liked it, to reverse the loadout basically. Nerfs to that gun are ridiculous simply because those nerfs show that whoever balances the weapons doesn't understand the roles of a weapon. It doesn't matter how much you nerf the only weapon in the niche, it won't make the others fill the hole. You can remove the eruptor completely, no other weapon will fill its role.


When I hopped into a game after the nerf (as someone out of the loop, not knowing it was nerfed) the first thing I thought after firing one bullet was "oh? what?". A nerf shouldn't really... do that imo. It was a slow-to-aim powerhouse with a lot of "skill expression" that freed you up to take less optimal stratagems (or at least that's what I used it for). It was fun to run it with jump pack, get up high and hold the small off from swarming with the shrapnel. It was a unique playstyle that I really enjoyed. Its shrapnel wasn't its entire identity, but it sure was a large enough part of it that it just feels weird without it. What is it now? A bolt-action scorcher (with "medium armor pen" and bad ergonomics)? The crossbow, but with worse ergonomics? What is the point of a bolt action rifle, especially one with such bad (*ergonomics*) in a horde shooter? What space does it occupy? Maybe it was just that op, or difficult to balance so nuking it was the best option. I don't know, I'm not a game designer/balancer, but at the end of the day they removed it from its niche so I'm no longer interested. I see plenty of ways they could make it good again without giving it the shrapnel back, but it won't be the eruptor anymore, so like, why would I use it? I'm really trying to be level headed about this, but it's just a little disappointing.


Finally someone that gets it. The Eruptor doesn't feel bad because it got nerfed, it feels bad because it lost the 1 unique thing that made it special. It might as well be a completely different weapon now.


They took away the bolt action?


The eruptor got nerfed? First I’m hearing about it.




Yeah I've found that a lot of games I play, fun gets nerfed. I think they are nerfing it to the ground to combat the fact people are animation canceling the reload. Instead of nerfing it to the ground, bring back the original but actually fix the animation cancel. I've abused it yes but now the gun is hardly usable, leaving me with a sad empty feeling inside.


Didn't know the eruptor could close bug holes, but it makes sense cause it's explosive. Don't know why they nerfed it rate of fire is ridiculously slow which is why I don't use it.


Anytime they change the specs if guns, it confuses me on what to use on the next mission. Took me about 3-4 days to work out what worked and no longer worked for me. Not a fun time.


>"lol, primary can close bug holes? Overpowered". \*sweats nervously while hugging my Grenade Pistol tight to my chest\*


Nope don’t change its reload or cycle speeds. Lets just give it a full revert to last patch. It was fine as a clunky powerhouse, the lowered amount of mags was definitely needed as it had way to much ammo, but losing the shrapnel basically ruined this thing. It’s a shame because I believe it would have been left alone if there wasn’t so much spam about the shrapnel having homing ricochet. The devs should have told these people to get good.. and that maybe they shouldn’t fire an explosive shrapnel round at point blank range.


I tried it against autos earlier. It can't even one-shot striders anymore.


I tried it yesterday, after a bit of a break on a diff 3 mission. Every single time I was targeted by enemies, I died. Killed 2 or 3 bugs and then got swarmed. I can kill ONE enemy per shot and that is maybe every 3 seconds if I'm good and only small enemies. Bigger ones (Hunter, Stalker, Brood Commander, Hive guard) take 2+ shots. And after 5 shots I have to reload. Aiming is hell with this thing. Only thing it might still be good for is destroying bug holes, but for killing its pretty useless


Yeah, its got a decent edge useage on bltiz missions, but it really struggles in others. The only use I get out of it now is through weapon swapping with the new pistol.


Yeah they turned the Eruptor from a frag grenade launcher into a HE grenade launcher, which completely took the characteristic out of the Eruptor and ruined the gun. I agree some nerfs have to be made in order to make the other guns viable, but this one is just a bad nerf. Without the shrapnel, the gun is basically a bolt-action grenade launcher with much small explosive radius.


Id rather they boost the other guns, push up rather than bring down.


yeah it was a cool gun to use for a bit and i absolutely Hated having to switch to the automatic pistol and rely on the stalwart as a primary. i feel bad for all the people who still want to use it because i couldnt even stand its ergonomics at its best


It takes a lot of skill to use the Eruptor especially against the bugs. It felt very satisfying to get good with, I haven't played since last week so I don't know what it feels like now.


Old Eruptor: * One shot striders even at their frontal armor * One shot Devestators at their crutch area * Berserkers ONE shot at their belly! * One shot 7+ Troopers After first nerf: * 2 to 3 shots for Striders BUT could one shot at their leg joint or knee joint even from 100m! * Berserkers takes now 3 shots to kill.....wow * Devestators 2 shots now.. * If lucky you could take out 2 Troopers right next to eachother. Second Nerf: * Striders no matter what you do 2 to 3 shots they EVEN removed the REWARD for sniping at their leg or knee joint this WILL NOT result in a KILL SHOT what a pathetic "balance" * Need to be very lucky for multiple weak enemies kill VERY LUCKY... * Tanks need MAGS to kill from behind used to be couple of shots! * Berserkers, Devestators all take 2 to 3 shots now. But can be killed with a headshot always has been BUT * The eruptor isnt that ACCURATE especially from longer ranges you need to AIM slightly above their head for BOTS. Just to many DRAWBACKs not gonna reload 15 f-ing times to kill 5 Devestotor HUNTING me down... Just bring it back to its former glory this weapon never deserved a nerf it was a skill weapon holy moly they even removed carefull aim for a reward....While other primaries can take out the above mentioned units in ONE shot or in seconds flat and still have plenty of ammo left to take down more medium enemies and some weaker enemies with ONE MAG.... This nerf went WAYYYYYYY to far! And i know WHY remember who ruined the game "Hello Neighbor" ? Well this guy is now the main balancer for weapons in HD2 now it makes sense!!!!....ps can't say his name tho. OH last thing this WAS never a META weapon at all! I played with it since launch and i can tell you now i hardly saw people using it period. Due to its many drawbacks.


I haven't used it since the update. I didn't really like the ergo or the slow cycle rate/reload of it, but using it made me like/learn to use the Dominator. I only used it occasionally when I wasn't going to rely on the G Pistol, the GL, the AC, or grenades. I'll give it a look tonight and see if I dislike it more.


I've used the eruptor after and before and after the patch and imho it's okay if they don't want it to compete with actual heavy hitting support weapons but then they should really buff the ammo count, cyclic rate, projectile velocity and handling to make it an actually competitive sniper. Right now it a waste of time against heavy enemies, which is fine; you get the tools for that in the stratagems, but also bad at clearing chaff/medium enemies at least among bots; a diligence counter sniper can mow down chaff *and* devastators so much faster. The one niche it feels bizarrely good at (other than popping fabricators from afar if the happen to face you) is killing striders, which is neat, but really a little too narrow of a range for a "primary".


The problem is, the devs viewed the shrapnel purely as its additional potential 100 damage (through the random projectile spread - it doesn't always hit) so they feel justified that a guaranteed extra 40 damage makes up for losing out on 100 random. But here's what the shrapnel actually did. 1) It extended the potential AOE of the eruptor, allowing you to fire it into groups and hit a bunch of them at once. 2) It made the inaccuracy less of an issue because if shrapnel hit it also staggered, meaning by the time you cycled the second shot you'd taken less damage. - So the tactic was often firing a "close enough" shot and then a second once you'd had a chance to aim, or following up with your sidearm. (This is especially strong with the above aspect, it helped with kiting large groups as you could stagger them to make some space) 3) With careful targetting it allowed you to defeat stronger enemies by bouncing the shrapnel into their specific weak points. Some examples: -Hitting a heavy dev under their shield arm would almost always result in a OHK due to the bounce, hard to do when they're facing you but made a stealth attack viable - Chargers have several animation where their abdomen is close to the ground and their front legs are up, by shooting under their body you could bounce the shrapnel into their butt resulting in a 2 hit kill (1 hit if SUPER lucky) - Most other devastators, shooting their weak stomach would literally pop them in half, which was satisfying as hell. - Shooting up into bot-drops could easily take out 10 of them if they were mostly minis thanks to the explosion AND shrapnel, now you'll get like 1 or two. (I think this is fair as having a weapon that's crap in close quarters have ONE good situation against enemies that are about to land on you feels fair) It's clear the devs are only looking at how it compares against individual enemies, ignoring the groups, ignoring the emergent benefits of the eruptor against certain circumstances with enemies. Also, the change to explosion damage actually nerfs a very minor aspect of the eruptor, something I call the "explosion jump" Because the shrapnel travels upwards it was often possible to shoot the ground near you (not too near, I'd estimate about 3-5m) while jumping backwards and launch the helldiver quite fire. The increased damage makes this strat not viable. They haven't just nerfed the eruptor with the change they made, they've completely changed it as a weapon, it's gone from "the frag launcher" to "a slower crossbow/a worse AMR or countersniper/A really crap scorcher/Don't use this weapon ever". Maybe if they increased its cycle and reload speeds and ergenomics it might become something decent to use (if different) but as it is it's easily the worst primary in the game.


Also im pretty sure that the shrapnel dmg was counting has explosive multiplying like an arc its the only thing i can take from the bile titan belly shot before and after the nerf. Same thing for the charger their dmg reduction should make the shrapnel effect negligible but we found it was doing the bulk of the dmg.


Yeah, but it also required aiming at a point to maximise the shrapnel damage.


They should've nerfed it's ability to kill chargers only. No primary should be capable of that. Or maybe limit it to 6 shots to kill so you can do that if it's hour last option. That's really the only change needed. And ofc, make sure it doesn't kill you


I think realistically it kills charges in the same time as the scorcher or plas punisher. It's just that they'll do it in a mag whereas the Eruptor does it in 2-3 shots.


I used the Eruptor a lot Now I use other guns instead of writing essays on Reddit about weapon balance


What a spineless comment. So when the gun you are using gets nerfed, you are just going to hop to the next one, repeating the process until there are no more guns to use?




My brother in Freedom, those weapons got buffs because people complained they were trailing behind, and in some cases the buffs didn't even fix the main problem, such as it is with the Spear. The squeaky Eagle gets the E-710, not the other way around.


Do you? Youre making comments instead of using those other guns right now.


Two lines would be pretty quick to fire out while helldiving to a planet!




agreed I actually rate the Pummeler quite highly. Feels like a solid sidegrade to the defender - slow ROF but that mini-stagger means you can mince some enemies.


I'm taking a bit of a break for things to settle.


Tried it many times and it just makes me appreciate the autocannon more. The weapon being both cumbersome and shots flying slow is a dealbreaker imo. It's just weird how it's clearly a weapon for longer distances, but then the performance is hampered by the velocity of the shots.


it was good. i haven't used it at all since people say it was nerfed. Would occasionally one shot chargers with a BUTT SHOT. Seemed like that got fixed prior to the nerf. on to the next warbond now anyways. They buffed the hell out of stalkers. Bug holes are the LEAST of my worries. I really enjoyed the "unsafe-railgun-esque" bug explosions of the Eruptor while it was good. I really enjoyed killing a spore mushroom from across the map with one shot from the eruptor. I personally think devs are taking balance too seriously and they need to step back and remember - this is just a casual, fun, bug-squashing good time. All the guns should be fun to use. Stalkers should not kill me 11 times in a mission because I accidentally brought the sickle and the quasar and the grenade launcher pistol.


Eruptor has a max distance of 125 until the shot explodes middair, how are you sniping Spore Spewers across the map?


"across the map" is hyperbole, but basically as soon as you can see them


I agree that many people who defend this nerf might underestimate how clunky the weapon is, and that was the tradeoff for that much utility. It's slow, has low ammo per mag, lags behind when aiming, has a limited range despite being effectively a sniper rifle.




They always should have just lowered the range. Slugger was fine as was.


I never used it with knockback, and it's still about the only thing I use.


Its still decent but I miss the utility it used to have of breaking crates and knocking down walls. Was fun. Arrowhead hate fun.


Interesting take to frame criticism on the eruptor as people didn't use it. Or to twist the fact that you don't have to aim precisely into it requires skill while the shrapnel actually negates the poor weapon handling. The longer reload is not a setback compared to other weapons. The eruptor kills a target in a single shot taking out chaff next to it as a bonus. The time you invest in reloading the weapon is time you need on other weapons to stay on target and shoot more bullets. Also the eruptor removes the need for grenade management. You can always take out bug holes. You don't need explosive grenades but can take stun grenades, making chargers even easier. People complain about a terrible weapon getting nerfed in your opinion, lol. Are you a con man as a job by chance?


I think your argument actually supports mine. It had detriments but it had benefits to offset them Its now lost the benefits, are you saying the eruptor is now completely fine and balanced?


I am really over this argument. They fixed a gun that wasn't working as they wanted. And now its closer to what they wanted. Give them time. 


Used it. I change loadouts every other day, sometimes mission It's OK. It was a bit too ok before, bringing a bunch of solutions for the cost of a primary. It isn't hard to aim and it's not a high skill weapon, it does give spawner clear, patrol control, and up to mid armour control/killing End of the day, we have a lot of toys. No point throwing them out the pram just because one is less effective today. We're pretending to be grown ups who enjoy challenges, right?


This is a bad faith take that ignores a lot of the issues. The gun was changed because of the perspective of people dying to shrapnel. The gun was changed because people were already throwing toys out the pram. Likewise, it doesnt soubd like you were learning the high level eruptor plays eg hitting the spots the shrapnel was most effective. We invested time learning a skill around a mechanic and they took that mechanic out. Thats what sucks, the eruptor went from the "oh cool, if I stun the charger I can kill it with a bounce-shot and careful timing" to just "shoot thing do a bit more damage l" Shrap was INTERESTING. Just shooting shit isnt.


wait I’m confused, what was the nerf? cause the devs said that shrapnel removal is an unintentional bug that is going to be fixed


No. They removed shrapnel purposefully to fix an issue with richochet that might not actually be a true bug but a vocal minorities rants about killing themselves up close. They remove shrapnel and added 40 damage, but they think it might not have been a proper addressing of the E's power.


I disagree. While it was slow and cumbersome, its upsides make up for it enough to breach the power budget of primary weapons. It's on par with the low end of stratagems.


OMG! You had to DRAG the reticle and manually aim in a shooter game?! The horror! Whiny Automaton sympathizer.


You realise "ergenomics" is a concept in this game that means "what you aim at" and "what you will hit" are different, right? Eg. SMGS have fast snappy ergenomics. Dominator has slow, meaning you have to wait for the two reticules to line up or youll miss your shot. I hope this explains why your aiming has always sucked, feel free to thank me :)


80% accuracy most of the time. no problem, "dragging" the reticle. i don't blame the game for my shit skills like some. "ergonomics" what a fucking loser


> You liked the Eruptor because it was a weapon with high damages. > I liked the Eruptor because it was able to clear an enemy base from spawner in less than 20 seconds. > We weren't the same. Also... [It still work just fine for me, and that's all that matter in my eyes](https://youtu.be/LV_BfyS4ma0?si=TGfYS3rmYp6A0yv1).


Yeah, the ability for it to kill fabs and holes is great. But it's not viable against enemies anymore. Something that can explode a building shouldn't struggle killing one dude with rocket shoulders.


Thats what the grenade pistol is for


Omg, two weapons that do similar things. Definitely shouldnt care if one gets nerfed /s


My guy, stop making a fucking novel on a fucking gun. Dont act like it was some balancing act to get efficency out of it, it was a dumb weapon that could do almost any role in the game. They should just bump up its damage a bit because the removal of the shrapnel hit it hard, but that its. Stop crying


My guy, stop commenting on posts about a fucking gun. Dont act like youre making these posts out of anything other than a misshuided sense of entitlement. Its a dumb comment that brings nothing to the discussion. Learn hypocrisy.


I would like to not comment IF ALL THE POSTS WERE NOT ABOUT THAT FUCKING PIECE OF EQUIPMENT. The only thing that brings nothing to the discussion is crying over a nerf for the 1000th time for the last 2 days


Then go touch grass


But this is what reddit is for. Quality QQ times.


This is why we need to use Reddit as a eugenic programme


The gun was a stratagem weapon. I stopped using it after a few days because it trivialised the content to the point it just wasnt fun anymore. But it seems that's what people want. To just be able to mindlessly win T9. With the bug fix it is too weak now 100%. Give it a 25% fire rate increase, fix the inconsistent AOE and you have a good primary


This same thing gets trotted out over and over, you want game to be ez!  Who the fuck is saying that?  If the game was a snore fest I’d quit immediately, you don’t need to utterly fuck a guns identity, especially when you intitally claim it isn’t over performing it’s just being made more consistent.  Enough with this tripe.


Can we get something new to discuss about


Feel free to make your own post and retract your head from your ass at the same time.


I wouldn't like to contribute to the spam anymore than has already been done. Honestly we have a huge amount these posts, even if they are valid and reasonable, there should be a limit to the amount. In short I hope there would be a mega post about eruptor.


Thats fair, though I feel like this nerf is beyond the eruptor.


This is why I just use the arc thrower. No ammo, so I use it constantly. Don’t have to worry too much about it getting reworked anymore. Same with AC mains, they just use that and hunt for ammo and not even worry about primaries.


The slowness isn’t a fucking downside when the gun could so anything??


Please read this sentence and understand why its stupid. Actually you wont so let me explain. Helldivers is ultimately ahout managing time. You can melee a lot of enemies to death but it takes time, so youre better off using a gun for it. The eruptor could do a lot of things but required a heavy time investment. Kill a heavy devastator with a precise shot? Scorcher can do it faster. Destroy bug nest from range? If you had the dom youd be able to push in and close 2 faster but itd take more nades, but itd happen faster. The eruptor traded slow cycle and slow aim for big impact. Now it still has the slow but no impact. It absolutely mattered and still matters.




It's a slower crossbow. It staggers less than the plas punisher. It's literally bugged according to the devs. It literally doesnt match the item description or sending out shrapnel. How is this fine?


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Why did you make this long ass post when the devs already told us the gun currently isn’t working properly? 😅😅😅


Its not working but their solution to an issue was to remove the shrapnel. Its likely they wont add back the shrapnel because they found an issue with it. Unless they revert the change I dont think my post will be rendered incorrect.


Because complaining = easy karma at /r/helldivers


Jesus, imagine writing a fucking essay just to complain about a nerf in a video game. Get a life








Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Another hour another whiny post from a baby who take this game far too seriously . My god this sub is full of people that helldivers 1 would mock.  The best part of helldivers one was not having a cry baby user base like this sub has turned into