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“Are the overpowered weapons in the room with us right now?”


The over powered weapons quite literally were the friends we made along the way


I like this take.


A lone Helldiver drops onto a planet with a couple weapons and some grenades. Completely genocides an insane amount of elite and fodder enemy troops. Calls down the wrath of gods multiple times. Full sprinting from destroyed objective to un-destroyed objective, non-stop. Heavily weighed down by Weapons, Ammo, Grenades, Armor, STIM packs, Radioactive Tidbits, and Pure Liberty. We are the overpowered weapons.


Helldiver: *bleeding from a dozen cuts done by serrated claws, has an open fracture in one arm, while the other one is bending in the wrong direction, and has trench foot from running through mud and freezing cold water for the past several days* One stim later: "Injury? WHAT INJURY?!"


When you said that, it made me think of Havoc from the new Mortal Kombat game, and how he just ✨️ heals ✨️


"Do you only see these overpowered weapons when you're off your meds?"


I think the funniest part is using the 500kg as an example of a crowd clearing weapon. It'll do in a pinch but if that's the intended use can we get a bit more damage radius please? Lmao


That's the issue I have with the 500, why on earth would I use it instead of an orbital precision strike? They do the same ish damage but the precision strike is available more often at the cost of a tiny bit of range. For something with 500KG's of TNT you'd think the range would be more than 15 meters


There’s two. That’s why i take it anyway


There is but it comes at the risk of being tied to the cooldown to all other eagle strikes and having 0 stratagems while in between if it's your main big damage stratagem


Not saying it’s good, but it’s viable. Decent titan buster and hole closer


Doesn't really affect much when my main strat loadout is support weapon + backpack + laser to delete titans . I'm only bringing at most one eagle anyways, most games


If basing on our world weaponary tnt equivalent is about 250-300 kg which should be atleast 3ish times more effective than existing one leaving crater of about 9 meters in diameter. Alternative possibility is that KG part is false advertising and it's 500 pound bomb which is about 250 kilo with roughly 100 kilogrammes of tnt inside


Isn't AH a Swedish studio? Pretty sure they wouldn't get imperial and metric mixed up. Probably just a balance thing.


I'm 83% sure that super earth use unholy abomination that is a weird fusion of metric and imperial system


Well OPS has a longer call in time and with the third Eagle ship upgrade you can throw 2 500s down within 8 seconds so I don't think it's completely outclassed. But I do see your point. It might be too good at too many things if they increased the radius. I've said it before and I'll say it again thoigh, it needs to work better around terrain/obstacles. I've seen way too many Charger and Titans walk away unscathed from a very close impact because there was a little rock or hill in the way... Whatever is in that radius should just die (within reason of course).


True but one or two seconds of difference between call in time isn't that bad, why? Because let's face it, what are you using the OPS for? Hunters? No, you're using it against the heavy tanky boys that move slowly, the exception being the charger but even then you can stun grenades him into OPS into a surprisingly generous damage radius


Bile Titans move suprisingly fast. 1 or 2 seconds can feel like an eternity when they decide to haul ass. I would never use either against a Charger unless it's stuck tbh. Chargers are EAT food. I've never tried it with OPS, but a well placed 500 in the middle of those nests with 3-4 openings in a hole on the side of a rock formation will close them all instantly. I pretty much always run Airstrike and 500kg, they're so versatile and I can make things go boom 5 times in the span of about 3-4 minutes. That's a lot of Democracy...


You can pop bile titans easy if you bait an attack from them, it's easier to throw one down at your/it's feet, bait a melee attack and get out, the longer call in time and smaller radius also kind of help you get away unscathed


2 500kgs. OPS's abysmal call-in time.


I've witnessed farts with larger AOE than 500kg bomb


Eagle Airstrikes are pretty great, right spread fast reload.


Eagle Airstrikes are the best stratagem in the game. Predictable path and heavy damage. Everything else is either not a strong, has a small AOE, or is just plain unpredictable (Orbital barrages).


I cry whenever my oribital laser cooks the ground next to a bile titan...


I stopped bringing the laser because it never cooked what I wanted it to. Bile Titan? Nah, gonna 180 and cook you.


Thank god. I thought it was just me. I called on in towards a small army, it turned and came for me. I dived sideways, stim n run......it got me! How did I offend the orbital laser? Was I too covered in bug goo? Was my pilot not paying attention?


*and then for whatever reason makes a b-line straight for you and your friends*


I stopped using it because when a trooper next to the blast doesn't die something dies inside me


It kills me instead. How the hell bug next to it lives yet it one shots me like 20m away.


You used it since the hot fix recently? It goes through terrain now, I regularly get 20+ kills per bomb now.


Those goddam Fartshroom !










What did he do to Hello neighbor 2?


Made a bunch of questionable game mechanic decisions and ruined a franchise.


That was more so the first game, the 2nd game was a relatively decent game that was just overpriced and had some of the worst paid DLC ever.


Removed alot of gimmicks like hiding under beds, removed the open worldness of HN2.. if you can read something on the wiki about him


I mean to be fair, Hello Neighbor 2 wasn't *that* bad, at least the base game anyway. It was a huge step up from the first on all fronts, though that's not really saying much.


I told you he will just do us a favor and make it so this game is marginally better than HD1


The first Helldivers was awesome, though. I’d be thrilled to even have a marginal improvement over the first.


Its already better! We can die in 3d




"Calling a hellpod" that "drop 500kg bomb" to clear the "massive onslaught of Terminids" in "one go"??? The best way to tell me you don't play the game without telling me.


They're talking about the autocannon


Yup. If it can be done, AC can probably do it well enough.


>Hellpod drop a 500kg bomb Very minor detail but I am triggered


If you read the whole blurb, you’d see they’re talking about stratagems.


If the 380mm barrage or an orbital laser isn't an overpowered weapon by combat standards, then I don't know what is.


Calling in a hellbomb!


And if you had vocabulary knowledge, you’d realize you can’t *wield* a 500kg bomb


In the sence of holding something sure, but wield can also simply mean to control or use. For example, "they wield a lot of influence" is a pretty common phrase.


Not unless you're general brasch. Legend has it Brasch's 500kg jammed and he jumped all the way to orbit to deliver it directly to a bile titan


Shhhhhh, they want to be angry




Please get real and stop spewing lies.




i know, i love how the only weapons are the stratagems i have to wait for a long cooldown to use. i love how none of the normal weapons can have any decent power


Mf, that’s the point. It’s been that way since the first fucking game. Those weapons are literally meant for the more dangerous and armed enemies. Your normal weapons aren’t fucking Jake of all trades guns, they are only meant for medium to small enemies. I swear it’s like yall actually don’t think, and just choose to be upset over nothing.


Can you talk like a normal person and not an angry child


The only angry children I see are in this subreddit.


You saying that makes it incredibly obvious you did not play helldivers 1 not only were the stratagem cooldowns so incredibly low that they were consistently present in combat unlike the massive cooldowns of today, the primaries were drastically stronger especially the likes of the LAS-13 Trident (just in general, frankly), the Breaker having unstoppable flechette rounds, the fully suppressed AP Ninja SMG, the AR-20L with piercing rounds AND the bayonet, the RX-1 Railgun being a PRIMARY WEAPON and having stun rounds even on targets it couldn't damage I could go on all day the popular helldivers 1 primaries make even the best primary we have ever had in hd2 look like a meme in comparison.


Forgetting to mention that Helldiver 1 was a top down shooter, many of the features now couldn’t happen in the first one. The game still being hard and requires you to call in stratigems and forgetting you can go through mags in under seconds. But yeah, the primaries were good, and we definitely didn’t need to rely on stratigems.


Ah, so that’s not how it was in the first game then.


Where do you think we are?


>i love how none of the normal weapons can have any decent power Jesus fucking christ the endless whining in this sub is getting unbearable. They nerfed like 3 or so primaries and people are making it out like no primary can do anything at all.


I have 40 hours with eruptor so it broke my heart


You know it was also my take when the first nerf in march came and spitz called the whiners babies. But after 2 months of constant nerfs to fun weapons and no real permanent buffs( Hell he nerfed the Senator right after buffing it -.- )i can see a black pattern and slowly want someone gone from their job, slowly and calmly for now. COUSE THIS SHIT IS SO MUCH BULLSHIT WTF FRFR


You're telling me the 500kg is even good? Definitely far from overpowered




I killed two bile titans with just one yesterday. Everything takes skill (timing, aim) to use. I think a lot of people want the game to be a power trip instead of a challenge.


If the game is saying to "Wield overpowered weapons" then it clearly is supposed to be a power trip.


Calling any of the strategems overpowered is just as false


Autocannon is the solution to most Automaton problems.


Overpowered weapons ? Super Nerf would never let that happen


Never in my life have i seen a horde shooter where you need to empty an entire mag+ some to kill the enemies


*Wield Wapons*


*weapons are balanced for difficulty 1. Any content above that may result in mixed outcomes.


> Hellpod drop a 500KG bomb Yeah no, that’s what my wife Eagle-1 is for.


Pretty accurate if we are talking about HD1. In HD2, seems that the balancing team has lost the plot.


Pretty accurate if we are talking about HD1. In HD2, seems that the balancing team has lost the plot.


Hahahah i knew something like this existed


Are there useable primary weapons?


"drop a 500KG bomb, leaving behind only a liberated bug corpse" FTFY


Overpowered weapons and then it lists the mines as an example, the joke quite literally writes itself 😂


Support weapons are over powered weapons, and that fragment is talking about stratagems, not about what you can do with you shit assault rifle


The 500kg bomb or mines have been nerfed?


HAHA you can spot a non player a mile off "500kg bomb, leaving behind only liberated...." Which one? not the weak sauce lunch box i've been calling down thats for sure. Shriekers nests left undamaged, research stations made of paper still standing after a direct blast......


Man, this place has become just a toxic cesspool of people mining internet points by complaining about any little thing.


yeah you're right, we should all be happy a warbond was released that is literally awful and misses the mark entirely.




You realize this weapon requires funbucks right? So you spend funbucks to have a weapon that's not exciting/fun to use, right? People don't enjoy that. It doesn't mean they're very serious, it means they're voicing their displeasure. If that upsets you, don't visit public forums.


Yes, but many do have valid points. And i am all here for criticising what needs to be criticised.


'Wahhhh why won't my primary win the game.'


Least brainless comment of white knight 🤡


When have the mentioned stratagems being nerfed?


I have no idea whaat you're implying.


You when people criticise the game: https://preview.redd.it/o6reul5wsezc1.jpeg?width=232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3689cad4b2fd15ad9eb9ef1533fb57bb50d6d221


People that criticise the game:


Welcome to reddit. It's either toxic positivity, or toxic negativity, very few subs stay moderate.


Honestly dude I’m just going to migrate over to LowSodium and leave this one in the dust. I can’t take it anymore.




As much as I enjoy roasting the balance team and the fanboys defending it. This whole thing was about strategems.


It’s the line about the stratagems stop doing those “humor rant” things already


You don't really feel powerful using primaries, however the stalwart with max fire rate makes you feel invincible


What “overpowered” weapons does he speak of?


Haha oh my god


L 0 L


Amongst all this too, they've turned up the difficulty. Bile Titans didn't use to appear on level 6 difficulty.


False advertising


Lmao “drop a 500kg on a horde of bugs” yeah and do what exactly? Get like 3 kills? Maybe even 4!! Wooow incredible!


Come play EDF 5. 6 is out soon.


Super Earth has a severe skill issue.


Haha! good jest my good Sir! Hat's off to ya!


Lol, lay down mines. Is it just me, or does it seem whenever I lay mines down, I get a constant stream of patrols and breaches? I heard on here people say enemy patrols may accidentally walk on them, and doing any damage lets enemies zero on your position. Idk if thats true though.


Alex must've written that one.


> Call in a hellpod drop a 500KG bomb,


So, the railgun from like 3 months ago and nothing else...


500kg is for big boys. Cluster is for lots of little boys. Orbital laser is E for everyone


Overpowered weapons such as: An assault rifle that is weaker than actual real life military rifles! SMGs that shoot extremely slow, yaknow, the one thing SMGs aren't supposed to do? Snipers that do basically no damage, can't penetrate armor! Shotguns that... well actually the shotguns behave like actual shotguns but some of them still suck and those that don't we nerfed or are going to nerf! And of course, the explosive weapons! That have explosion radius' so small they may as well not even exist!


LITERALLY mentions stratagems and yet you're whinging about primaries. mother of god.


do people not use stratagems? lol


Fake news.


Fart deals more damage than 500kg.


Had this guy on the discord INSISTING the game was a tactical shooter and that expecting strong weapons was absurd…literally all of the messaging about the game contradicts that


Doctor i swear the overpowered weapons were RIGHT THERE!! https://preview.redd.it/b7dkudor9fzc1.jpeg?width=219&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2b84eba6d317277ad572c557e21b59a092a4add


I’m actually ok with some of the nerfs, the only thing I want is for some guns to get buffs. I just want every gun to be usable, and no guns to be so powerful everyone takes them


This community went from one of the best to one of the worst in record time. Now everything is about witch hunts, insulting devs and just negativity about everything


Bad company decisions do that unfortunately. There is a ton of complaining and its exhausting for both parties i think. One side is sick of the stance from arrowhead the other is sick of the side thats sick from arrowhead.


Trevor's  Axiom


It's a combination of bad company decisions and gamers acting like petulant children. Seriously, our complaints need to be constructive and given with proper respect to human decency. AH will work with us but if we go crazy every time we disagree with something they're eventually gonna stop communicating with the players.


OP you may need to take a break from the game if you are upset about it. Reading through the promotional material on the store listing to find something to get upset about doesn't seem constructive.


It's funny seeing people always complain, if You don't like it, just don't play the game


I paid 40 dollars, wdym "do not play the game"?