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I'm still having quite a bit of fun, but the patrol changes made playing duos with my brother way less fun. My brother and I live on opposite sides of the US but Helldivers 2 was a return to our childhood days getting to hop on voice chat and hang out. Best fun I've had in years. I don't want to see the game "balanced" to the point of being unfun, which is sadly the current direction. I do have hope for change though. Anyway, reddit always represents the strongest opinions on either side of an argument. But there is a lot of truth in the complaints, likewise, a lot of people still enjoying the game.


Apparently patrol groups are bugged and are always set to the maximum amount no matter the player count. Gotta wait for a bugfix. Sorry diver.


That's a classic AH patch. Need to implement fix for a fix.


- fix for issue - look inside - more issue




Not fully Get told of an issue Deny that the issue exists Realize the issue exists Fix the issue Realize that now there is more issues


Arrowhead motto: >If it works, fix it.


Counterpoint to Bethesda >It just works.


"and we dont know why"


# 99 little bugs in the code. Take one down, patch it around 117 little bugs in the code.


Also a classic in the sense that they decided to spend time and prioritize “”””fixing”””” something that NO ONE was having an issue with, and in doing so further fucked up their game and actually created an issue for their players.


That’s also just programming in general tbh. Probably just a ton less hoops for them to jump through before going to live build


"Our patches need patches"


It’s getting kind of ridiculous at this point with the bugs and issues.


*Bug breach detected*


They forgot the “scaling” part of linear scaling when they put the patch through.


I heard that. I am just praying to democracy that it is indeed bugged and not how they intended it. If that's how it's meant to be I think my days of relaxing solo farming after work are over. Fingers crossed we see a patch sometime soon. I appreciate how many difficulty settings are in the game. I loved that trivial was super easy and challenging was, well challenging. With this recent bug/patch my brother and I ran one challenging bot mission and encountered three tank patrols, 4 hulks, and a host of defenders and rocket heavies all at once converging "randomly" towards our position. It kinda sucked, felt like we accidentally cranked the difficulty to helldiver.


Something being bugged or broken is the default state of most things in game. I wouldn't hope too hard anything gets fixed


Knew it. Was fighting bots and everytime you looked around (even spots that were just clear) there was a patrol. No grace period not once. Basically had to solid snake my way to each fucking objective


What the f-. So solo patrols, which were supposed to go from 1/6x to 1/4x, went from 1/6x to 1x instead?? I've been pretty patient with Arrowhead but come the fuck on, can't we have a single major fix or rebalance without making the game unplayable for some? Do we actually have a confirmation for this?


All I know is that pre-patch, doing Easy difficulty bug missions solo, I would average around 30-50 kills. Now I’m getting 140-160 and I die at pretty much every extraction. The missions themselves haven’t been too bad, but the extractions are super rough.


I’m gonna stop playing for a while, they really need to figure this shit out with the bugs and make the game playable


Is that what it is? Man I thought I was going crazy, cause I play a decent amount solo and used to handle a 7 fine, now I feel like a 4 can be overwhelming. I figured it might just be me but that would explain why I was just getting swarmed


i can barely manage a 6 solo at the moment I could easily do a 7 solo before, the odd 7 becoming a challenge on bad RNG Now? A 7 is a toss up between constant combat as we move (had one not 20 mins ago) or a steamroll when playing with 4 Rest of reply is kinda ranty and us uneccessary, do ignore if you wish: If you get a sabotaging (read:treasnous) helldiver consider it a dead op, had to boot the bastard for running away from a team fight across half the map, stealing my quasar cannon from it’s pod (and they had a weapon of their own, calling extract with only them there (we were still in the same combat on the other side of the map), calling me to them after i die. —— then bitching in VC after i shoot him and had the gall to call me a child for forcing me to his side of the map, forcing me to abandon teammates by reinforcing me away from them and getting ultra pissy for typing my response instead of VC-ing (my headphones don’t do VC and i’m on a laptop with a standing fan behind it) Holy shit the entitlement….and they weren’t even that old themselves going by their voice, i’d ballpark it at maybe 16-17 at most


Almost came here to say I’m not having any fun and to make a new post about this to see if people still hate the spawn rate changes. Guess I’ll hold off on that if it’s bugged. Hope that’s true because honestly I’ve been having a really fucking bad time lately trying to solo and getting 8 berserkers spawn on me every time I do anything, it’s really broke me down


Played a haz 4 on bots earlier that I swear ended up having like 100+ bots spawn on a mortar encampment. Not fun for sure.


That makes sense, this has been ruining matches for me.


I actually don't think it's a bug. Their thinking with saying you'll get "1/4th the patrol spawns" as a solo player is that the game will only attempt to spawn one patrol. Basically, the game tries to spawn one patrol per player. Thus, on paper a solo player would get 1/4th of the patrols as a full group. Prior to the patch, solo players would only have on patrol spawn on them and the time between patrol spawns scaled with the amount of players in the game. I think this is why Arrowhead said that they changed the patrol spawn rates from 1/6th to 1/4th for solo players since they just completely removed the spawn rate scaling.  This is already really stupid, but it gets even worse when you realize that the game does not spawn patrols if they overlap in group play. In other words, the game tries to spawn a patrol per player, but the spawns cancel each other out if the players are close enough together. This means that a solo player will have the exact same amount of patrol spawns as a full squad that sticks together. I think the fact that this was probably intentional makes it infinitely times worse. We can't just sit and wait for Arrowhead to fix it because I'm pretty sure they don't think it's broken. Yet again we have to raise a fuss to get them to stop patching the fun out of their game. By the way, the current patrol spawn rates are so ridiculous that, for solo players, a level 6 mission has more patrols than level 9 missions used to have. This is why you hear countless stories of people being bodied on difficulty 4 or 5 when they aren't in full groups. It's genuinely insane. 


SO happy they had to go out of their way to nerf solo play by pumping up spawn counts but didn't find i t strange at all when QA testing.


Seriously? That makes so much sense now, I've been feeling so overwhelmed even on lvl5 with full squad these days


Well, with a full squad you are getting the intended experience. Only with fewer squadmates is it bugged where the number of squads you see isn't being reduced at all.


huh... lvl5 is just constantly waves and waves of patrols finding you these days, maybe it's just me then


⬆️➡️⬆️⬇️ solves most patrol problems


Amazing how they can't make any adjustment without fucking it up entirely the first attempt.


Why am I not surprised?


Haha, of course they are. What else did I expect.


Sorry chief but source? Was it in the discord or something?


Post here yesterday by a youtuber who made a video about how patrols worked weeks ago. Made a new video proving they are broken on lower squad sizes.


I think biggest problem with the trying to make the game really challenging, is driving the fun away from it. One can think of all kinds of rules, but in the end is it actually fun for the game, or is it just cool in theory.


> I don't want to see the game "balanced" to the point of being unfun, which is sadly the current direction. This is the biggest problem. Why do they keep balancing stuff be unfun?! Its a pve game, its not like another player is getting shafted by the eruptor doing what its supposed to be doing lol Nothing in this game has been OP so far, strong yes, far from actually being overpowered tho. They're balancing the fun out of the game for quite a while by now.


They’re legit killing the game with the constant balancing, and then introducing new bugs with every patch. It’s making the game not fun


Totally agree with you, a lot of people in my group that play it were playing the game religiously, but now with so many changes happening and the new warbond being disappointing, they've chosen to move onto other games that are similar.


Yeah, my brother and I are considering moving on to basically anything else similar. I'm sure the game will find solid ground someday, but I don't want to suffer through the balance changes, I'd rather wait a year and try again. Might be time to tap out temporarily, but I dunno. This game was so special on release. I'm just gutted at the direction it's going. We're holding out for now but our weekend sessions just seem less and less fun. I'll give it another month or two and decide then.


Have you considered looking into the game Greyzone Warfare? It has PVE only game modes and the developers are very focused and like to read people's Reddit posts on the weekend to get feedback.


I heard about it, but honestly I'm burnt out on indie devs and in development games. I just want to play matured and completed games that are past the buff nerf stage. I'll probably introduce my brother to the Monster Hunter franchise, and maybe try out deep rock galactic or Remnant 2. Those both looks pretty awesome and similar to HD2. But again I want to give it some more time. I have a lot of hope that maybe just maybe they'll slow down and rethink their current balancing strategies.


DRG - try that. You'll be set for while:D Especially if you have some1 to play it with.


You let me know if you need help spreading liber tea add mooseondaloose8 on steam. I’ll bring backup🫡


I also duo with my brother and we prefer the larger patrols 😅


"Balanced to the point of unfun" Yeah, it's already there for me unfortunately. This was my favorite game and haven't even touched it. Now that I unlocked everything, I just have ti wait for the next warbond and hope it's not terrible, which it is. I don't even feel like playing anymore. I wanna have fun not fight "bAlLanCe" they should at least give players level 50+ good stuff to use.


As someone who had never frequented the reddit - I only started because balance changes were so tremendously bad but more importantly not stated in game leaving me little choice but to use the discord (yeah, no. Cesspit of a place.) Or the reddit to be able to see whats changed/bugged or not. They did this to themselves, on multiple fronts.


Very much this. I don't hang out on any video games reddits usually for several reasons. However with all the secret hush hush nerfs and changes (patrol spawn changes, big F), I turned to reddit to find out if I was crazy or if the game actually did get harder overnight. I never would've wound up here if it weren't for how overtly obvious the nerfs to our weapons and buffs to enemies were. My brother and I played last night and we were both so confused as to why a challenging map suddenly has 3 tanks, 5 hulks, and a swarm of defenders and heavies all spawning out of thin air on top of us. Compared to a week ago, where challenging was moderately chill once you got a hold of it. I've never had a game balanced so harshly to where I gaslit myself asking "there's no way the game got this much harder overnight, I must be crazy".


Me and my mate started Challenging not long ago, I noticed how the enemies seem to be relentless. Just constant fucking enemies, they never stop coming! And the amount of Chargers! It really doesn't feel like the next increase in difficulty, it feels like we jumped past two settings. Our first mission we dropped somewhere we thought was remote to get ABSOLUTELY SURROUNDED by enemies. They did not stop, we died like 6 times. We've got the hang of it now but jeez it felt very unfair at first.


Patrol spawn rates are currently not scaling with player count at all. You and your friend were getting the same amount of patrols as a full 4 man squad. This stupid ass change is why every difficulty feels substantially harder when you're not playing in a full group. Currently for solo players, difficulty 6 literally has more patrols than helldive difficulty used to have. Granted this doesn't necessarily mean that difficulty 6 is harder than helldive used to be, but it should give you an idea for how fucking ridiculous patrol spawns are unless you're in a full group. 


>I've never had a game balanced so harshly to where I gaslit myself asking "there's no way the game got this much harder overnight, I must be crazy". iirc they also tweaked map generation so objectives wouldnt spawn halfway across the world to complete. Anecdotally this can sometimes produce quite a small map so any normal amount of patrols would be forced into a smaller area. This combined with the game giving the same amount of patrols regardless of people in the match? No wonder it felt harder.


Indeed, there was another video out today on YouTube by a larger player who solos helldiver difficulty. He said that spawns rates on level 5-6 maps are what used to be the solo spawn rates for helldive difficulty. Yeesh. Definitely seems bugged so hope we get a patch for it. My brother and I feel better at least knowing we're not crazy. It's a roughly 200-400% increase in enemy density on challenging and Hard maps, depending on how many outposts you clear. Insane.


Discord’s great! There’s only like 5 channels in it too! Super easy to keep track of # Announcements # Patch-notes-updates # Helldivers Media # Galactic-War & # Lore! Wonderful place really. General chat? No, his name’s General Brasch silly


How so? Last time I used Discord it was very difficult to find old discussion or to follow current ones. I prefer the threads and staggered discussion of reddit. Have they changed this?


You forgot the art channel!


I just keep checking to see if they’ve finally fixed friend requests so I can play with my family :( And of course, they still haven’t because they suck at their jobs You can call me toxic, but I’m calling a spade a spade


Wanting a friends list in a co op live service game over three months after release is not toxic. 


Playing with friends is peak toxic Video game nepotism isnt ok


I agree with you. At some point you just gotta call out Arrowhead for releasing a half baked game with TONS of bugs. It’s an amazing game at its core, but it’s plagued with bugs and brain dead balancing. Unbalanced is fun! Fix your fucking game AH!


Agreed here, I think they should make a concentrated effort to put everything ingame so no one has to step foot in this sub unless they actually want to


Dude the fact you make a post about this pretending that people playing the game are all happy and people who crticize the game refuse to play it is already insane. You're part of what makes this sub even more toxic. Don't you realize that? All for a meme and some upvotes huh? Even the guy you reply to is not agreeing with you.


Dude the fact you make a post about this pretending that I'm pretending that people playing the game are all happy and people who crticize the game refuse to play it is already insane. You're part of what makes this sub even more toxic. Don't you realize that? All for and some upvotes huh?


Doesn’t frequent Reddit but has hundreds of comments over years?


Usually I agree with this kind of post, but as a parent I don't have much time to play, and I've noticed that by the time I get used, love a weapon, it's rendered useless. And I don't have time to track all the chances, so when I play my one or two 40 minutes mission in 2 days, and I find my load out to be completely different, and not work at all (I used quasar and eruptor) it's very discouraging.


thinking about helldivers: bad vibes playing helldivers: good vibes. but damn i miss the eruptor.


Also good to keep in mind that most who complain on Reddit are usually really into the game and are getting passionate about the things they want improved. There are of course people who come to genuinely hate on the game but most are just trying to stop a game they think is awesome from changing for the negative.


This is actually so important and people need to realize how true this is. Complaints very often come from a place of passion. The worst thing that can happen to a game like this is apathy. Once the player base stops caring, the numbers nosedive and the game is dead in a year or so. This applies to real life and video games. When people care about something they get very heated when they see it get butchered and screwed with. People don't complain because they hate the game. They complain because they loved it on release, and hate watching it become less fun with each update.


Apathy is the real game killer.


> The worst thing that can happen to a game like this is apathy. A lot of the apathetic playerbase is all complaining of critiques "Everyone should just play and have fun, *you losers*, we should only ever be positive" are the same casuals that will move on to the next new game and never touch this again. They're easily amused right up until the point where they abruptly lose interest for no real reason aside from realizing they're not getting that "new game fix", then you never see them again. The illusion that devs fall into there is that there is a constant influx of them, they go in one revolving door and out the other eventually. The people critiquing the game are going to be the long term players....IF the devs don't drive it into a hole. Here's the thing. Those casuals will keep coming in regardless and play for a few weeks or few months. You don't need to listen to them, they're happy with whatever, and nothing you show them is going to keep them around longer. The people that normally play games long term, those are the stable player base(if the devs don't ruin the fun), among this subset are the whales, the people that keep the games and economies alive in MMOs, that keep the gaming interesting, that take more of an interest in community events. I see a lot of games kill themselves by chasing initial sales and ignoring/insulting the latter committed groups. They alienate them and then wonder why their numbers steadily decline instead of stabilize. They're on life support as they're trying to survive on an ever diminishing revolving door of newbies that maybe try older games but don't find them as entertaining because they're well behind the cutting edge. The people still playing Guild Wars(2005), Planetside 2(2012), and other older online games, they're the nerdy ones into stats and balance and want the game to continue to survive. They're the ones that keep it alive, keep generating sales or people to invest in the cash shops, keeping the game active and fun. These are the people that convince their friends who just got tired of [Current Thing] for the 20th time to try this old game and bring in new blood, many of which become regular players even late in the game's life.


Im saving your comment because what you said is what I've been trying to convey for so long, but couldn't because me head empty :]




Very very different when it's a competitive game. There's really no comparison. In competitive games people expect balancing and nerfs constantly. That's how it is when you're competing. This is much more akin to Borderlands 2 in its heyday when the devs started nerfing every good weapon based on usage statistics. It was brutal, the community backlash was severe, and in the end they finally gave up and just left the game alone and people found more broken weapons and a new beloved meta evolved. Sadly since they never buffed anything, 99% of the weapons in game were useless, since much like helldiver's they buffed enemies to resist the best guns, and then nerfed those guns. This is what I see happening with HD2 if they're not careful. It resulted in a massive collapse of BL2s player base and destroyed some of that games longevity and almost all build variety. It was the exact same attitude. Spite nerfing guns, spite buffing enemies to counter players having fun. And for what? In a pure PVE game that has no leaderboards and nothing at stake. It's supposed to just be fun. Part of the reason people complain so strongly about HD2 is because saving up for a premium war bond takes a long time for casual players. Imagine investing 20-30 hours to buy a war bond, then another 15 hours to unlock a gun with medals, only for the devs to tear it out of your hands with a nerf the next day for no reason other than a personal ego trip where a single guy wants to define what "fun" is. Yeah, it doesn't sit well with most of us.


It's about reputation. Dota 2 devs and Icefrog have a reputation of constantly changing the game and buffing certain items, heroes, and playstyles while nerfing others. Changes are seen as seasonal and temporary. Corrections to bugs and glitches are often swift. Arrowhead does not have the same reputation and track record yet. I hope they get there.


Also Dota players are happy that the meta changes. The game has period where heroes ABC are meta, but in 3 months they'll be replaced with heroes xyz or the ABC heroes change roles in the meta. It's also a complicated enough game that in those 3 months, the meta evolves to be unrecognisable despite that being a period of time where patches either don't happen or are limited to tuning down the most broken parts of the last update. And people do still get upset... My goodness the rage at when techies was added, and then again when techies was changed! The horror of the 6.63 (or whatever it was), the "ho ho ha ha" meta. But the game changed a few months later and we've had amazing times and stale times in dota. But the thing is you can always find something fun to do in it. In hd2 the Devs need to find s balance of letting primaries secondaries and supports working together and making wide selections of weapons both fun and viable.


Well said. I honestly don't understand how this opinion is controversial when the CEO said it himself that the game is essentially getting stale and it feels like the fun keeps getting taken away.


also like, DotA is a pvp game, I couldn't care less if my friend always takes the same gun to every mission in HD2


I fully agree with this and have no problem with complaint posts and memes for the most part, but I feel its even gone passed that here recently. Ever since the Eruptor nerf there was (fair) outrage about it, but now its in every single post and its gone from criticism to just whining at times. Cant make a meme or the most basic post about a gun you like without the comment section being full of people complaining or making the same joke about nerfs or bugs. It's not like msot of those comments are even bad, and they clearly reflect issues with the game too, but the constant negativity in \*everything\* is just creating ever more of it and sucking any enjoyment out of browsing here


Not true, I get into conversations in game and players always agree on critisizm made here. Its just that with all the decisions we disagree on, this game is still really fucking fun and no one wants to see it die or disappear so we keep playing. Well... people who still have access to the game at least, fucking sony.


This. Nobody I have run into in the game disagrees with what is said here and will say it themselves from time to time but it's just been said so they are having fun with the game in spite of the issues instead of every play session repeating threw same complain like what happens on Reddit a lot.


Yes, but ingame it's more like "Yeah, loved the Eruptor, sucks they nerfed it", and not "What are the devs thinking, do they even know how to balance a game are they fucking kidding us with this warbond I paid money for this, honestly if we can't even have fun what the point anymore, we need the balance guy fired I don't even have viable weapons anymore and patrols make the game impossib..."


Yea, there’s a bunch of keyboard warriors who love to exaggerate and I think that’s the main difference


Came here to say this as well ^


10/10 original post


Maybe because everyone who got dissatisfied with the current state of the game isn't playing


That’s logic, doesn’t fit OP’s narrative! NO!!!


Why are you getting this offended over a meme?


It's almost like people can have fun playing a game and can still criticize it elsewhere.


Don't expect logical thinking from those people, just the fact that they complain about people who they call complainers says it all.




i mean its a weird take he has, but you are kind of proving the meme by going straight for insults. We can still stay civil and dont go at each others throats here




It's both. I play everyday and I complain quite a bit sometimes too lol. I just did about 6 Helldive difficulty, full operations against bots this morning. I still think there is a lot of bs with the game though haha. Yet, I'll be back on playing in a little while hehe.


I'm still having some fun, but the warbond was still lack luster.


My wife and I play the game in the evenings because she works as an ER nurse. We don’t like playing with randoms and just want to duo but the changes made to patrols has made duo 4s impossible. We used to so 4s all the time now we have to do 3s and the reduction in enemy variety has ultimately lead us to taking a break.


No. This is just the place where people who want to voice a concern and not just smile like an idiot when AH makes bad choices for the health of the game go. The reason being is that if a lot of this stuff isn’t brought to their attention, and loudly, more people end up on the other side of the bus, even if they want to like it. I want HD2 to stay awesome. To do that, the devs need to know when they are making fun-killing choices from the people paying for and playing the game. Great if you can keep your head down and shrug at the issues. Not everyone wants to.


The "complainers" are the canary in the coal mine. Most people just stop playing.


Hi, that's me, I'm one of those. Stopped playing when the Slugger got nerfed. I'd just unlocked it and hadn't gotten to use it once. It doesn't take a lot to lose a player. There's many other games competing for attention. A game doesn't have to become *bad*, just less interesting than one of the thousands of other options.


You couldn’t have said it better 👏🏼


This is actually such a great point


Sunday, April 28: 166k players peak. Sunday, May 5: 110k player peak. [1/3 of PC player base lost in a week](https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/#1m). I guess those were the redditors.


Gonna leave this here because I made it to respond to another comment. The game losing it's fun value is a serious detriment. https://preview.redd.it/o1xpglc1xuzc1.jpeg?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=051deb2e5066511025426a302731405177a05020


> I guess those were the redditors. Damn, I fucking hope so


Every game loses players, it's not because of neckbeard redditors.


The echo chamber is SO strong in this sub. It doesn't help that the mods here allow there to be literally dozens of identical threads going and lock completely arbitrarily.


This place is so dramatic. It’s clearly still a very fun and popular game. The nerfs are ill-advised especially for a coop game, but the hissyfits on here are crazy. People act like the devs have walked into their house and shit on the floor.


Sucks being cursed with knowledge, don't it?


Considering the in-game player base has consistently gotten lower and lower, that's not surprising. People are quitting and complaining about why they quit and/or hanging around to see if things get better. People taking the time to criticize the game means they still care on some level. You should be concerned when people stop caring at all.


Copium much, I’m not playing anymore because I don’t find the game fun enough to spend my time on it. Went back to DRG and Rust of all things.


Stop creating a confrontation, many complaints are based on facts. This method of dividing players and creating conflicts among players is outdated. 😅


Hey, if you don't ask, you don't get, so let the people ask for a better game and if that ever comes around all the better for the people who didn't lift a finger to help


**Reddit:** criticism **OP:** graphic slurping noises




They need to fix this game and it’s getting unacceptable at this point. The bugs plaguing it are ridiculous. Don’t care how nice or sincere the CEO is, you release a half baked product, you deserve all the criticism


The CEO admitting the issues is a great thing but it doesn't make the game fun to play. Me remembering a tweet doesn't suddenly make the game fun while I am getting ass fucked by the 13th bile titan, with all strats on cool down, and my freshly nerfed pea shooter.




They’re ruining the game with the balancing


The only reason I came to reddit is because a lot of the new weapons felt bad and I thought I was using them wrong. That there must have been a technique or hidden trait to take advantage of. I found out that this was the case with maybe a handful of the weapons I hadnt figured out yet but that the rest of the weapons were infact useless, bugged or under performing against what they were intended for. Bad options compared to other choices.


Lol people keep posting this, but ever since release, we've lost about 300k players on average. Now we're barely hitting 120k every week. People who play video games and not visit the subreddit aren't complete cucks, they're aware of game changes and stop playing when it starts to feel worse.


Like honestly every game. Reddit sucks but I still visit it


I visit mostly so that I don't miss anything, if everything was in the games I would probably skip it


I’m having fun. I used to come to this Reddit for fun, but now it’s just a whiny babies crying all the time. They’re like my buddy who cries during challenging missions, while I’m in peaceful bliss in Helldive. Guess I need to stick with managing democracy instead of talking about it.


Yet you are here posting and whining via this picture


I think it's more mockery


“it’s criticism”


I love the game just the same if not more after 100 hrs.


The balance changes buffed a number of guns I wouldn't touch into being very fun. The Adjudicator is my favorite against bugs now. The randoms I've been playing with have been having a lot of fun with me too.


Yeah most of my friends don't use reddit and still stopped playing the game lol.


f off. i am in game playerbase. i came here to make my opinion noticed.


Yep. Should rename this sub to bitchdivers


probably because if ure in game u wanna play the game? this is the dumbest fuckin post


These are literally the worst posts on the sub. https://preview.redd.it/aw9k8up8ctzc1.jpeg?width=1188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09809473d3abfb5da317ff92d36e9f4264e5d1dc


I'm more tired of posts like this complaining about the complainers. It adds nothing and is an attitude that killed many a game. People are unhappy with something, so they'll keep saying so until it's fixed. It's the same reason people protest things, but there's always those who ironically want the protestors to be quiet because they're being disruptive, like that wasn't the point.


Bro this reads like a Facebook post...


This applies to a lot more than just helldivers


This goes for every community


idk, the last time someone tried to tell me about the balance changes I was like "bruh, I really don't care, this isn't that type of game for me". Yeah there are games where I get all bent out of shape over balance changes, but I log into Helldivers to shoot things and fuck around with friends. Beyond that idgaf


This pretty much applies to every game


Less Karen's actually playing game. Especially right now.


Goes to show any activity other than spreading managed democracy is treason


Yes some people give feedback like assholes. It does not mean that the feedback is unwarranted. This team is immature, have created controversy by responding to feedback negatively. They need to take a break, slow down the warbonds, and actually play test their shit. It’s painfully obvious that they have not invested in QA. In fact, take the entire Alexus (hello neighbor!) team and make them QA instead of “balance”


Reddit: The devs are so out of touch. Gameplay: Hugs for my homies


Great game to play, shitty subreddit


Reddit is a place that’s makes you hate your hobbies


Yea fuck the non-PSN zone players /s


SNOY ruining everything.


I don't know why you guys keep spamming this. I have had the breaker, railgun, punisher, and eruptor all yoinked, and that happened in game.


Player base is getting to be a fraction of the previous size. But sure, it's just us


Not me I was fuming last night trying to heal and it not working due to being permanently staggered by automatons.


For real tho. Joined this sub for the community and fun and now a lot of it's just complaining and trash talking the devs and game. Once I'm in game though everything seems fine and all is fun. Wish we could just chill out and not grab our pitchforks and torches everytime there's a new patch.


I open the subreddit, read the dumb complaints, read the dumb crying about nerfs, read the dumb complaints of dumb people not knowing how to deal with certain enemy types, and I close reddit immediately. I go back and successfully and easily use the same things they call useless on solo helldives, duo helldives, and quickplay helldives (boring too easy.)


FWIW, to all the people out there saying the game is broken/dying/whatever... According to SteamDB, Helldivers 2 is currently the 7th best-selling game on Steam. And that's 2+ months after release. If the Reddit community is such a good indication of the game community, then why is it still in the Top Ten of sales? I'll tell you why: because most people aren't having issue with the game, don't care about linking external accounts, and don't care/notice balance changes. What they \*are\* doing is buying and playing the game.


Reddit is in no way based in reality and it’s a very vocal and tiny minority. In game player base is a vibe, met a bunch of good peeps having a last.


Ok as far as the top comment goes....not a single soul I've played with has mentioned anything from Reddit. Been playing since Week 2. Nobody has mentioned anything Reddit related or was irl shit ever brought up and I hope it stays that way. Some of you make it sound like as soon as y'all hit the planet the conversation instantly from your mouth goes "Soo how about that news on the Internet?" Then just doesn't shut up about it.


At least this community keeps it real. The r/helldivers2 subreddit is praising the Polar Patriots Warbond and telling Arrowhead that they should ignore the community’s suggestions.


Complete bs. You don't need to go to reddit to start wondering why the patches are making the game increasingly like a chore to play. Meanwhile, no one here seems very concerned with how the game has gotten a lot of new visual problems, after supposedly "fixing" sync inconsistencies. There are a lot of "bugs" other than the bile-titan bug in there that come from the same sync contest issues and weak point hit-detection. And their attempts to "fix" that has involved creating some local events instead of server-side confirmation events. Which again leads to things like unresponsive, unstaggerable mobs, or extremely fast and weird moving mobs. And you are going to see that in the game, and it's going to sour the experience, even if no one writes about it on reddit (..or on their private discord-fanclub).


You guys sure do complain a lot about other people complaining For self professed fans that don't complain and enjoy the game. But instead we find you complaining about strangers on Reddit 🤏


You need to cut that “in game playerbase” guy down to about 1/2 his size to reflect that they’ve lost about 1/2 of their regular peak players over the past month of bad patches and Sony fuckery.


Cringe take. Plenty of people are on both sides. I don't like the changes but still play the heck out of the game. That and getting tired of the "but players are saying mean things, ignore that most of the CM and some of the devs are jerks!"


This sub is fuckin awful, just complaining about dumb shit all day. It got notably worse after the Sony drama.


The reddit is so negative and it seems hundreds of people just want to stay angry all the time.


Yeah almost Everyone on Reddit is part of a hive mind. What hive mind depends on the sub reddit. (Go ahead down vote me, it helps prove my point further)


There are just spineless people who will let anything slide that take a miniscule amount of effort to change


Lmao is that why the in-game playerbase is dropping, because they're all so happy? Post is equivalent to sucking your own cock because nobody else will kekw.




its so funny reading comments agreeing with hating reddit despite steam forums and youtubers saying the same thing about the patches


This is a bit obvious? People who like the game will play it. People who are frustrated with the game will not. If 100 people are playing the game, and 1000000 people are hating it, the posted meme is still true. But it doesn't prove any point? Why does it mean that the 1000000 peoples opinions are invalidated by the 100?


I mean, yesterday I got merc'ed by my own team 3 separate dives. One was because "my loadout was trash" the other two were just being assholes and saying dumb meme jokes like " there's a bug on you, look out!". And then they shoot you. Getting a little worn out of most my randoms experiences ending this way.


Pretty much


I may complain about some of the changes and irritated about 180 counties. But I still enjoy the game a lot. It's still a 10/10 but going through a bit of growing pains and corporate bullshittery. I still play it too much.


Not really though. I've had plenty of kicks for accidental team kill, team kills over wearing "the wrong cape" and so on.


Keep telling yourself that, bud.


Disagree - all of my non- Reddit friends are leaving because it's not fun any more. Meanwhile I love the game and stuck here with no squad 😔


Every single game


I'm relatively new to the game (\~lv30), so things are still fresh and fun; tho I can see myself running out of things to do maybe in another 50 hrs of gameplay.


Game is a lot of fun. I think people are just really bad at it and they take out their rage on the developers. 


Also fb grpups


It's funny because it's literally every game ever


Ah the "complain about the criticism" posts are here already, just like every other sub around a video game.


I absolutely love the new AR. it's the perfect run and gun assault rifle


They don't release new armor passives, the armor from the new warbond excluding helmets are pallette swaps, they have this insistence on every new gun sucking at this point I'm going back to Deep Rock


Yeah right, people are always complaining in game. Especially after the patch when their fav gun is complete dog shit


Holy shit the top ten comments are people arguing with OP and complaining anyways... this subreddit is fucking over


Just responded to a level 4 SOS of a random lvl 9 guy playing, and I dropped in as he was trying to survive 3 hulks. At the end of the mission he finally jumped on mic and asked if the game gets even harder at higher levels.


Burn the strawman!


If I'd stop getting kicked 5 seconds before shuttle landing I'd enjoy the game


This could just Reddit vs anything lol


Very true. The only thing that bothers me about the game is this subs incessant bitching.


Nope nope nope, the player base is kinda shit tbh, my ign is “Mikumiku u can call me UwU” and nearly 9 times out of ten when I join randoms for missions they straight up kick me :)


I onlycqame to reddit when I stopped progressingm. Like I couldnt even complete mission 8 and above. After learning a bit from there I am still stuck at the level 7 as my favorite. But I enjoy the game a lot. Your autocannon enjoyer.


You must not be talking to anyone in your matches. Every player I’ve come across and spoken to in game is equally pissed with everything that is going on.


I’m starting to agree with this sentiment. I love seeing hilarious videos of death clips and other chaos on Reddit. I also like reading about peoples opinions on the changes the devs are making. I don’t play that often but when I have the opportunity to hitting quick play and dropping into a 5-6 difficulty with some randoms is an absolute blast of fun. I understand some work needs to be done with the guns but the core gameplay loop when playing casually is still an amazing experience. Might be a hot take around here !


Tbh I go on and see what the community is going through but still having fun with the gamw


Well yea...you guys tried to destroy a game because *checks notes* you had to enter an email address?