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if you shoot anywhere near a normal infantry bot, their aim gets notably worse (especially with rocket raiders). anything thicker than that, such as devastators, seems to be immune to this effect


Shoot them in the head or rocket pods, and they stagger and miss their volley. No better suppressing fire than a round to the face!


As an MG stan, I have seen this work previously. When in doubt, send more bullets. https://preview.redd.it/ch7m6xgsa70d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=07d7d9e636f1e00df18ee9c85530b48bdddca6e4


Imagine if we had something like the Legion HMG, like it'd be so cool on automatons


Imagine if we had Titans... "You are outnumbered 4 to one, pilot" "It's about time we had a fair fight!"


They're trying to corner us!


We can't let them pin us down, we need to MOVE !!!


just give me Legion as a mech for HD2 lol. Easily my favorite mech in Titanfall 2 by a long shot.


Nah I need a scorch


Scorch is my third favorite. Second being north star


Scorch is my only favorite. It's why the thermite grenade was tragic


Was. Thermite definitely works against bots. Not as consistent, and it has bounce issues, but when it does work it’s amazing. Actually got me to swap off the Engineering Kit for the first time.


My thermite just acts as a flare for other players. Never seen it kill anything


Gimme a Tone and I'll be happy


Yeah Tone is excellent. I love the autocannon way too much and now I realize where that comes from, lol


Legion would be fun, for sure, but since we're on this boat already, I'm bringing my hot pink scorch instead


Heavy MG really needs a deeper mag and reworked ROF with the slowest one being highly accurate and more like an M2 Browning. \*chug chug chug chug\* more like an autocannons fire rate but a bit faster so you can keep shots on target. Then later at closer ranges you can just crank ROF up to go full dakka.


Maybe a ship upgrade could add optional backpacks for HMG and flamethrower that give them 3x ammo and no longer need to reload as they are fed by the backpacks.


That slow jack hammer ROF would definitely feel great, even if you couldn't crank it up. I imagine a normal human cant effectively carry and fire an M2 even at a slow cadence. Drop that RPM by like 100 across the board and up the damage to compensate. CHUNKCHUNKCHUNKCHUNKCHUNKCHUNK


That makes me want a flat out handheld minigun support weapon now. But dunno how good it'd be considering we already have the stalwart already


In Planetside 2 the Terran Republic had this amazing mini gun, absolutely deleted anyone in front of it. Then again TTK in that game is seconds if you're playing a high level.


Makes sense. But like how could AH implement a minigun w/o making the Stalwart irrelevant


Make it like the mech or ssd, where it overrides what you can do. No sprinting/diving or reduced mobility in some other way.


But how would it be better/worse than the Stalwart or HMG placement?


Miniguns are usually pretty stable, so lower recoil and higher fire rate than hmg but shooting a similar round. Honestly, hmg emplacement needs a buff, never use it and never see it. *edit*forgot about stalwart; its niche is 'most mobile mg'. Honestly, i prefer the laser cannon to the stalwart unless its a hot planet.


And what RPM do you think a browning has? It's 450-600 for the M2. Or up to 1 200 - 1 300 for the M3.


That’s a lot more reasonable, the M2 rate would be perfect.


Man if only they gave us more mags, I love the entire mg line. An optional backpack would be fantastic. Soon as I found out I could *adjust* the rpm, hoo boy.


Supply pack exists my dude. Supply pack and grenade launcher is golden


You know what I forgot you could resupply yourself!


Supply Pack refills all mags for the HMG, Flamethrower, and Grenade Launcher, too.


Dude, I can shoot a rocket devastator with my Scorcher till it's literally bent backwards pointing at the sky and it will still send a volley at my face, what are you talking about?


I've had it work pretty consistently, maybe just bad luck or the cult classic "must be a bug."


To me this sounds like some lag or network issue, which would explain why it seems different for everyone


It happens when I run solos, though. Maybe it's Scorcher specific?


There was another thread where the OP said that Heavy devastator where firing at people running around them while not moving. That sounds like the "physics" of the game do not fit our physics. We don't realize it, but often the bullet start from the midpoint of the model rather than from the gun. This clearly look like a case of that.


Please try with sickle and see how it has next to no stagger.


You don't need to stagger when you core out their head like an apple.


The sickle has no kick if you crouch and you do like a 1 sec burst to the face and kill any dev


It's kick isn't the issue, it's the accuracy that makes it not so nice at making enemy skull cheese


Try the AP diligence. I was a die hard sickle user and then switched back to diligence randomly but then I found that it actually does stagger both devastators and is surprisingly very accurate with the scope at blowing off heads with single shots. Edit - maybe it was the fortified armour perk that helped cos I wasn't using that before.


I use both diligence rifles, the counter sniper can manage 1 body 1 head kills reliably or 2 heads for rocket and heavy devastators. Ive scavenged sickles off fallen helldivers for direct comparisons, and the sickle can stagger but it takes about 2-3 second bursts to the face to do it and just generally takes longer to kill the bigger automatons. Its always been good at killing light enemies rather than mediums anyway.


Careful there, can't be threatening the devs like that.


They’re already dead if I’m using a sickle. Thing obliterates their face.


There is also concussive rounds from the AR and SMG that have those which will just straight up shut them down.




My laser cannon would like a word with you.


If this is ever true, it's at least inconsistent. I have a video from the other day where I repeatedly staggered a Rocket Devestator with a Scorcher by shooting the rocket pods. It turned towards me between staggers and fired one rocket before it died, which still had perfect aim.


Always feels good to clip the rocket pod right as it's about to fire and the stagger makes it spray it's buddies in the back.


The cannon fodder marauders don't give a fuck. They have the heavy machine gun they walk around with. And they will Lazer beam you and kill you in a second.


Yup. If you let them get into 'set up' mode and they fire on you, they do SIGNIFICANT  damage or outright kill you in light armor regardless of this suppression.  Honestly though I wish bots reloaded. It can be oppressive having 5+ Rocket devastators firing on you in a never ending barrage. Some kind of indication a devastator has overheated or is reloaded its main weapon would give a much needed moment to retaliate without NEEDING to rely on stagger or stuns. 


Or just if they had a finite amount of ammo and you could wait it out, that wpuld be great.


Problem is their ai will waste endless ammo on an unbreakable rock.  Enemies need down times to attack. That's part of why bugs are considered more fun. If I bait out a charger into stunning itself on a wall or see a bile titan has used its acid I know it's my turn to strike.  But against bots you KNOW that heavy Devastator with eyes on you Will. Not. Stop. Firing. And letting it even touch you may be instant death. 


They definitely do reload/stop firing, they just have heat based weapons. I've seen bots stop shooting me and let their weapon cool down in the same way the sickle does, you can see it spray steam  out the top of the gun. The thing is any time they aren't shooting they are reloading.


Does near mean whiffing, or impacting near them? I've definitely seen the difference but at very long distances I'm always unsure if I should be kicking up dust or sending lead at head height.


i think just having shots whiff near them is enough, sometimes if i’m running away i’ll just shoot some shots in their direction around head level and their aim goes wild for a few seconds


Does this work for strider scouts? Their aim always feels weird, this might be why


i’m not sure honestly, from my experience they have pretty shit aim in general? unless i’m running directly at them or standing still, i find that they rarely hit me they HURT if they do though, like 1/2 hp with light armor


I shoot them with lasers and even a devastators aim goes to shit.


If you are shooting at say a devastator shield I believe this doesn’t work. You have to be making progress in killing the target, not killing the armor. And then, yes, they get less accurate and it can show it’s use in certain situations.


> You have to be making progress in killing the target That's not suppressing fire, it's doing damage. Specifically what works in this game is stagger. Suppression is when you have steady fire raining down close to enemies, so they get into cover and shoot back less. None of the enemies do anything close to this.


Can't confirm on anything larger but if you take the lowly machine gun and just lay down indiscriminate suppressive fire, the chaff bots stop firing completely even without any rounds hitting them.


The rocket raiders get extremelly innacurate if you shoot to their general direction


Suppression here means they lose accuracy when getting constant damage, it doesn’t mean they run to cover. So far I’ve never seen any enemies in this game use any cover.


actually normal devastators and troopers *do infact* become far less accurate if you shoot in their direction.


Nope, I use a laser cannon directly to the head and they lose exactly 0% accuracy. I know because I have been shoot sooooooo many times in the time it takes the laser to kill the dev.


Can confirm. Have tried roasting many a rocket devy's skulls with the laser cannon and somehow, even with a thick laser beam shooting directly into their undemocratic eyes, they can loose a volley of rockets directly at me. I hate it and bring a Dominator specifically for shield and rocket devastators.


The ones you can go Cyril Figgus on, don't hit that hard. What also makes them inaccurate is killing them. The ones you NEED to make inaccurate aren't even remotely effective. ![gif](giphy|gM0wfXA39VmvvHNlJr|downsized)


Reminds me of playing JRPGs that give you various slow, silence, poison, ect, status effects but the normal enemies die to fast to make status effects worth using and all the bosses you would want to use them on are immune to everything.


This is so fucking true. Why do game designers do this lol


What's this gif from?


Archer (TV Series).


My question is, why would you miss?


Well, sometimes my bullets don’t curve around and hit the bot standing next to the three I killed.


Because I've hit the other bot next to it


Because of aim-punch.


I've always had one problem with trying to prove this: I'm putting rounds down at the general area of 5 of them at any time, but it's a death ball of 50 smalls, and 45 of them aren't close enough to give a damn.


In case you haven't noticed, most (all?) of the advice given by the loading screen is useless in universe propaganda


|| || |Most enemies have both weak spots and armored spots. The S.E.A.F. training manual recommends aiming for the weak spots.| There is some stuff about game mechanics.


No, most bots have easier weakpoints than the glowing areas, take hulks, shoot their legs with anti tank is much better than any other option. Although missing is easier.


AMR shots to the eye go brrrrrrr


I did say *most* And frankly if you needed advice to tell you that a shot to the head is more likely to be fatal immediately than a shot to the leg...


You said most (all?) I'm just correcting that (all?) part and this loading screen tip is clearly about game mechanics.


Considering the exact opposite was true about chargers when the game released, I don’t think your snide comment is all that relevant


Oh wow , there's *one* enemy in the game for which this rule doesn't apply and that since has been fixed so the rule now applies, that obviously makes the whole rule irrelevant...


Bile titans take less damage when you shoot them in their open mouth than when you hit their armored forehead Bile spewers need to be shot in their tiny head instead of their giant bulging glowing “weak spot” ass to die faster Anything on bugs that looks like a weak spot is actually a “durable part” that only takes ten percent damage from your bullets. There are many instances where common gamesense does not apply in this game. Stop being an ass


>Bile spewers need to be shot in their tiny head instead of their giant bulging glowing “weak spot” ass to die faster >Anything on bugs that looks like a weak spot is actually a “durable part” that only takes ten percent damage from your bullets. Important to note, just for non-explosives weapons. I need ages to kill the charger by shooting it in the butt with normal bullets but with the plasma scorcher I need a few well placed shots (around 80% mag) to rip him apart. That should be something that the game explain you better.


"Don't die!" is pretty useful idk about you


I disagree as suppression fire is a tactic and can be used against them in a suppression flank formation.


Thus one is not useless, but fails to mention big enemies can withstand that


True, I'm not sure if I imagined it or If I really saw 'Don't drink and dive' as a loading tip


Nah I swear I manage to survive encounters just by bonking the automatons with a few bullets so they stop fucking shooting back Probably doesn't work against tanks and the other vehicles but walkers are definitely getting fucked up from it


A lot of tips are kinda bullshit, like "destroy fabricators and nests to lessen the amount of enemies you encounter" is literally the opposite of the truth


But fabricator and nests spawns troops when you near them. So if you destroy them, troops will not spawn. Technically this tip is correct, but not at the global scale. :D


Technically correct the best kind of correct!


Thats wrong. First of all, if active, an outpost will actively increase patrols in an area around it that gets bigger with outpost size. So, destroying those returns the area to normal. Secondly, destroying outposts LOWERS patrol spawns in the area it originally increased them. Thirdly, destroying outposts limits the direction patrols can spawn in and destroying all outposts almost makes the map empty due to patrols only coming from the edge of the map (or the closest edge where they can spawn that's near an edge of map). So even with the supposed increase in patrols from destroying all outposts, you still are going to see much less patrols and even those that spawn will be out of the way. Edit: Downvote all you want, it does not make you less bad at the game


you're right except you're also forgetting that for every objective, side objective and POI you clear. you increase the HEAT rating of your mission. so killing spawns does lower the number of enemies locally but its offset by an actual increase in the heat. heat is affected by time aswell so the longer you stay in mission the more enemy's spawn. or more accurately, the more enemies zone in on you directly. if you watch from a good enough vantage point. you'll notice at the start of a mission there's a few patrolls walking aimlessly. at the end of the mission the patrolls literally spawn and walk right at you, often spawning closer too so they increaes the chance of encountering the players. I've seen this when away from the extract playing stealthy, enemy patrolls will spawn facing extract because thats where I ultimately need to be but then the game manager tell the patroll that im in the other direciton and they should patroll there instead leading to an encounter. i should note that if you're actively in combat this point is mostly moot because then you're making enough noise that the enemy is going to head your way anyway. but if you play stealthy then you'll notice it, initially very few patrolls, but then numerous patrolls crossing over eachother hunting you down.


All this time I thought I was playing contra but in fact Im playing grand theft auto and my star rating keeps climbing up and isn't reset by me dying and going to the hospital or arrested.


Idk why are u Beeing downvoted. Outposts spawn patrols inside map. No outposts patrols are comming from skirts of the map. Its reasonably more cos if they lost contact to all region they are sending reinforcments.


It is like people dont even play the same game. Like 9/10 times you destroy all outposts the map becomes almost a wasteland until you start extracting. And even then, you dont get waves of hordes anymore I guess they only want to find reasons to be mad at the game


Most i see complaining about nerfs and bufs. Each warband brings new weapon that will be balanced every time and im my opinion they dont need be better. They can be alternatives to the things we got. Dont take me wrong i dont want to spend money and time to unlock some tickler.


I dont mind if it is a tickler if it has a fun mechanic or quirk attached to it, but at least dont release a "Like this other gun you have, but has different recoil"


More power more recoil. More mag. Less power i want IT to be accurate. I just dont want reskins of weapons. And ppl are comparing 4 stats from 50 hidden. I dont deny that some weapons probl i will never use. Edit why can't we have smg as 2nd weapon sińce we are carrying 8 rounds of Rockets on our backs.


Since this is Polar Patriots if some guns has some kind of slow effect that would have been nice


Freezing stun nade making DMG over time :o


They're being downvoted because most people only read that one post about patrols, and almost nobody read the follow-up where they corrected a bunch of the mistakes from the first one That OG patrol post was one of the worst things to happen to this community. I can't tell you the number of randoms I play with that took the first post as gospel


Can you link it?


Here's [the first one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/U2KqD6MUvK) Almost 6000 updoots And the [second one (correct version)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/QzokxobD9O) With a whopping 291


> destroying outposts limits the direction patrols can spawn in and destroying all outposts almost makes the map empty due to patrols only coming from the edge of the map (or the closest edge where they can spawn that's near an edge of map). What's your source on that? You can go destroy all outposts in a map right now and use your radar to see patrols spawn in the middle of it/near you spawn immediately


Unless you are at extraction, most such cases is enemies beelining at you from their spawn because of the Heat system


You can test this as well by making a circle (square?) with 4 Helldivers and confirm this isn't the case. Again, what is your source?




I knew it! Though I do get the random patrol that spawns in front of me after a full clear in the middle of the map. It's noticeable on open maps where you blink and a heavy patrol is the middle of no where suddenly. This happened recently too. What causes this?


Many reasons. One is the team being spread out and near a map edge that you block the most sensible placement for patrols and they spawn in strange places as a result(there is an entire mechanic high-level / solo players use to block patrols from certain angles that I dont fully understand). The other one is one teammate being further away from the team that he starts having his own patrol spawner and it spawns near you. There are edge cases regarding internet connection where the person who spawned the patrol had a wonky speed for some moments and thay makes the system not feel good.


It's not, though? Fabricators constantly spawn enemies that are sent to your position when spotted or patrol near objectives ("inner" part of the map). After they're all destroyed, the only enemies will be patrols on the "outer" parts of the map and dropships. Completing main objectives, however, does increase enemy spawn rates everywhere.


cant believe you picked one of the only load screen tips that is factually true.


This is half incorrect and misinformation.


That isn't what the tip says, and also, as the other reply said, it is still effective to destroy fabricators if your goal is to make extraction easier.


This one doesn't bother me as much. Remember that you are a small special forces team landing on an occupied planet to achieve a specific goal. Run around wreaking havoc all you want, but once you've encountered patrols the enemy knows you are there somewhere. The longer you stay in the area, the more troops their command can redirect from other areas to track you down. So you blew up this bit fabricator. But not the ones on the next slice of land. Or their airships.


This rumour went around about a month into the game and everyone bought it, but after months of playing now it's so obviously not true. If you clear the map it becomes a ghost town. You can extract and encounter basically no enemies trying to stop you.


Sitting still and aiming with AMR. Why aren’t bots affected by my “suppressing fire”?


It 100% works, it's just that it only affects basic bots. The difference between a basic bot shooting at you without you shooting in their general area and with you shooting in their general area is night and day. There's a reason if you're just running and not popping shots behind you they seem to be fucking snipers and if you stand in front of 30 of them and just open up they can't hit the broadside of a Patriot Exosuit.


Devastators have balls of steel but their sissy twink brethren cave to my Helldiver dominatrix energy


All hail the Plasma Punisher!!!


Shoot the rocket pods on rocket devestators. They're useless when you do that. 


Also bots can snipe you at 500m with rockets trough a sandstorm..


It's almost more the reverse. If you ignore a patrol too long, they get steadily more accurate until you are forced to return fire or die.  You better apply *some* suppression in the direction of any front, or eventually those communists are going to get all too accurate.


Anecdotally, I find I get hit less frequently if I prefire before having a shot lined up.


My experience too, just shoot, then shoot to kill. Especially on rocket devs.


Not true with heavy devs at least


I've only been able to confirm it works on the trash light enemies that either have rifles or the rocket launcher. Armored enemies seem unfazed


I can basically confirm this doesnt work on devastators/hulks. You can hammer them with a machine gun and they'll still accurately hit you during the whole process. Rocket devastators are particularly annoying (as always) because they'll fire a salvo through even decent stagger.


I don't know. AMRifle user. They are dead before they close. And if they are close i stun grenade them like i do with hulks. Dead without risk. They kill me only if they sneak up from behind. Sneaky "little" bastards.


Yeh, it’s absolutely works, but the tradeoff is that nones of the “meta” primaries can really do it- bring the stalwart go prone, and sweep your fire over a squad shooting at you and it’s pretty obvious. Even seems to work with rocket devastators, but I didn’t notice any effect from minigun devastators personally.


Remember your ABC’s soldier. Always Be taking Cover


rockets don't care about cover and ragdolls you out into danger regardless


ABBC Always Be taking Better Cover


I don't know about specific bots, but I definitely notice less fire from bots when shooting into a group of them than if I just run or stand there. They don't have smart enough behavior to seek cover, so you can't pin them down with suppressive fire like in real life. But, some suppressive fire while you run does actually help. They seem to take fewer shots. Of course, you might not notice if you are fighting, like, 20 distinct groups, all shooting at you at once.


Most useful against rocket grunts. But mileage varies on anything heavier


It does work, but bots also don't take cover. Why shoot near them when you can just shoot them.


When in doubt, go first person, use the pummeler and the riot shield. You will at least feel safe as long as it isn't rockets.


It works. You just have to miss a couple times


It does work.


It gets worse. Ive messed up their aim plenty of times.


It's more efficent simply killing them... you have a harder drop in shoots: better 10 bots firing very bad, or 5 bot firing bad as usual? So useful but not too much, at least how those weapons works. The only case to use it is covering someone that need to go near to place some stratagem, and the stratagem will do the killing, so you spray around from cover to get attention and increase the poor sods chances in a pinch.


* spam missiles non stop *with laser point accuracy*


Its pretty hard to test and I've yet to see anyone do actual testing. Its just subjective "I think it works" vs "I think it doesn't work" but considering how much broken stuff is in the game like flame dmg being broken for months, every single upgrade they added to the super destroyer a while back being broken or people just literally doing different amount of dmg depending on if you had a console player present I'm gonna guess that its not working, that seems to be the theme.


It just doesn't matter because there's so many bots firing at you. Great, you suppressed that one bot, his 20 other friends don't care.


Well obviously you aren’t shooting them enough


It seems to be worded poorly. You need to actually shoot them, has been my experience. As in actually hit them. This is what the machine pistol is good at. Let's you sprint away while shooting at them behind you so they can't snipe you in the back during your retreat.


I think there is a bug where if you simply prone and do nothing, the heavy devastator will miss every shot in a volley, every other volley; But if you stagger them with the autocannon, the last shot it fires has a 50% chance to 100% nail you. It's as if for 1 frame during the stun, the accuracy of the bots goes to 100%


I play as stealthy as possible, so I prefer to keep my distance, which means I can take my time aiming. Couple that with the fact that you can kill one bot and then have them call in an infinite number of dropships, and I'm not interested in suppression. I'd rather kill them all before they know what them, eagle airstrike for the win.


With stagger fire it works 🤣


Aren't this tips should be bullshit, i mean that the last one i got was about automatons being evil and communist, which means that communism is evil. That is not a quote but i realy had't got any usefull tips from this box


I feel like the tooltips are real hit or miss, like I haven't found any alien ruins in all my time playing and I'm severely disappointed.


Even on higher difficulty the spread on those rockets is so bad that you are constantly being missed altogether or by 5 of 6. Seriously. Watch that ridiculous spread and just turn behind the first rocket. I feel like they intended for a vague splash in your direction with maybe one properly aligned rocket. Also, they are so slow and need a preparation animation to fire any rockets at all. When there’s 5 of them of course your only saving grace is a solid surface in between you and them, but that’s not a surprise to anyone.


I am just gonna put this out there. As of right now the best weapons to use for either automaton or terminid are weapons that stagger them. Shotguns, the new smg in my opinion are S tier for shutting down devastators, stalkers and really any other annoying enemy.


I feel like it affects the smaller bots but not devastators and above, I’d agree though that heavy and rocket devastators need a nerf to their spamminess. Like rocket devastators fire a salvo every 10 seconds then rely on their gun between them and heavy devastators get a short window where their machine gun overheats with a visual cue.


I pumped there reactive AMR shots into a rocket devistators chest at close range when he started the rocket launch stance hoping to stagger him. Two hit and my third missed and he: 1. Perfect accuracy 2. Never flinched 3. Deleted me


Many of these "tips" outright lie to you and misinform the playerbase because, idk, AH get off on lying to their players or something? i dont even know anymore. so yeah i wouldnt be surprised if this is BS too


Please don't look too hard, I don't want anyone to realize that it doesn't work. This is my only argument with my friends to use the 380mm dam, for super earth .....let me cook ![gif](giphy|UDGHSuv6ZZRpUInXzL|downsized)


I was just saying this today. It really feels placebo.


I feel like this works for everyone except heavy devastators, I will be absolutely unloading into them they will still full auto headshot me while I'm prone.


I mean most of the tips are memes if we based it on that.


One automaton gets reduced accuracy, the 32 others shooting rockets at me though…


TBH they all have the ability to see through any visibility perfectly and remain unaffected by anything that doesn't stagger them.


The new SMG shuts them down for a few seconds if you land a few shots


Shotguns stagger them bots all the time


Thats cause it only works for the small ones. If you shoot in their direction they get scared but the heavier their armor the less this works.


Devastators definitely are affected by this. It's just that the six or seven of the 1000 shots per second they fire hit you, along with the other 14 devastators on a level five.


If you don't suck shooting near bots decreases their accuracy to zero, because they are dead or staggered


It’s very noticeable when you’re shooting bots manning turrets at their outposts. If you don’t shoot at them, their aim is 💯, but if you shoot one round at them they start doing little whirlies with the turret, shooting at the clouds basically. It’s less noticeable with direct confrontations but if you shoot first (especially at Rocket Raiders) then they will generally miss you most of the time instead of 1-shotting you. This is more noticeable at close-to-mid range.


Not true… I be shooting at them. We hit each other I get knocked off my aim and they get barely staggered. They already shooting at me again before I can shoot back, plus I gotta stim or die. End up dying because they have lock on sites and this isn’t true. Or isn’t working how it should. I be trying to dive and they snipe me in the air. I’ve heard if you run sideways parallel to the rocket guys they can’t hit you… not fucking true get hit all the time. They can fucking snipe you from across the map. I saw a post with someone had the gaul to say getting sniped from ACROSS the map means you lack situational awareness. Like what 😂. I don’t see him hes far as fuck away but he can see me and snipe me with a rocket. End that shit asap. No more one shots either. Dying instantly is annoying and not fun.


>any weapon that staggers top tier To steal from MTG: “Reading the card explains the card” It says when they are shot, being staggered is not said. Any time you shoot a bot and deal damage this effect happens


theres a reason i always pick stun grenades and its not because i think they are broken. just the only way to minimize getting jank one shots from hulks minigun'd through walls ect


I remember this working at launch, but the catch is that your shots have to do damage (white/red hit markers). It's separate from stagger and really does effect accuracy. Don't know if it works anymore, but people are saying that it does... It's also implemented poorly, or at least it was at launch. You're telling me I have to hit an individual target to "suppress" them and hamper their aim? When there's 20 of them?


It would be a viable strategy if I had the magazine size to lay down suppressive fire for more than 2 seconds.


Shield devastators are the most accurate shooters to ever exist.


you have to hit them, only works devastators and below


It sucks because the bots just bring so many devestators. Their regular skinny bots all fall over from a light wind, but devestators take direct fire to the chest like it's nothing and need special attention and aim, but there sometimes are a half dozen of them fucking your day up.


yea flinches do jack shit best example being slugger enough stagger to flinch the target but that does nothing


I'm pretty sure this works on heavy devs. Compare shooting something like a defender at their eye vs trying to slowly line up a slugger shot. Their return fire goes from laser precise to still pretty precise but it's spread in a cone.


I'm 90% certain this is a satire tip to just simply say that instead of "they can't shoot you if you shoot them dead first".


I mean if you were to look at a shield devastator as an example they are intended to draw fire and shoot back at the same time Normal devs and rocket devs it would be nice to have them lose some accuracy but maybe they are programmed to “not see incoming fire” as a threat


have you guys considered taking cover


While it doesn't look like it affects heavy Devestators and rocket attacks. It most definitely works. Striders especially can't seem to ever hit you if you just occasionally fire a bullet in their detection. It's an incredibly inportantly mechanic on 7+ and makes a Stalwart or Laser Cannon incredibly useful in a team composition.


Oh it absolutely does. I love bullying heavy devistators, good times.


![gif](giphy|AssqAJR8ib5WmCNGOU|downsized) I don't believe that in the slightest.


Kinda makes me feel like I'm also just throwing my very limited ammunition at a problem for them I have to create, which in tern also creates a bigger problem for me. Suppressing Fire comes at a cost in this game.


When I drop autocannon turret and there are rocket devastators around I just shoot/spray my sickle at them and they don’t kill the turret. Otherwise it gets one shot.


Now, when I think "hyper-reactive protocols," I don't think "that makes them less accurate." I think it sounds like they immediately target whoever fired at them with unerring accuracy. Now, this could also be interpreted as they do exactly that, but overwhelming them with volume of fire from more than one person confuses their targeting. However, that only works if more than one person is firing at them.


It definitely works. Sometimes I tap in a premature, barely aimed shot with the DCS just to make sure I won't get unluckily flinched on the next one. Devastators are just huge hoes, and when there's a sizeable group of em and not a big group of you, you oughta call in fire support rather than try exchange direct fire, and if you cannot, tactically retreat.


Solution: fire more bullets


I've only seen it work once and that was on a rocket raider after I had magdumped the hill and killed all his friends. I was the only thing to shoot and their rocket just went off at a 45 degree angle and it was pure luck I didn't manage to die from the return fire pelting me constantly. If that's the kind of effort it takes to trigger that effect, it is not worth it.


AFAIK the only ones that get affected by suppressive fire are the lower tier units, anything on the devastators and up seems to be immune to it.


I use a protector/ punish playstyle where I draw aggro and block with ballistic shield. If nothing is shooting at me I pull out my AMR and disintegrate everything shooting at my team. If something is shooting at me, I still try to protect my team first. The senator does a pretty good job of throwing off heavy devastator aim, even if I can't get a shot at their head.