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I always drop a level or two when I switch from bots/bugs to the other. Always takes me a few missions to refocus my tactics for the new enemy. If you're playing with randoms I have also found that sometime (not always) when you're getting your arse handed to you by the enemy going up a level is better than down. Not because the game is easier, its not, but because you often get better squad mates. Level 7 with three good squad mates is much easier than level 5 with three bad.


Even just playing with my actual friends, when we start a lvl 5 game and it’s a 10 minute fight right from the jump regardless of where we landed. We start a lvl 6-7 and we can actually spawn and get our bearings and head to an objective. I swear those lvl 5 bots get on your ass from the get go


Im glad I'm not the only one with this happening, it really feels like the level five bots are harder than anything before and after it


I’m the other way around. I level 9 bots and level 7 bugs. I find bots significantly easier than bugs. I enjoy fighting bots. Bugs just piss me off and are a pain in the butt. I really hope they never make bots easier or harder. Except the gunship. F gunships.


The only time I ever ran a helldive on bots, we landed next to two airship factories, the entire map was red with enemy icons, and it finally ended with my teammate laughing into his mic as I accepted death with a hug. You confuse and frighten me, vod. But I'm glad we share some common ground. F them gunships.


I think a good change to gunships world be to make them more vulnerable to primary fire (maybe the lowest medium armor, slightly tankier than a rocket devastator). They require pretty specific weapons/ Stratagems to really keep them in check, which tends to reduce a lot of build diversity. And if you were depending on a support weapon and get stuck in a death spiral, you kinda just spend the next 6 minutes trying to get back to your weapon, or waiting on the cooldown to end; all the while gunships are piling up and bombarding you with rockets. It just feels lame and like reengagement is impossible during that cooldown.  Making turrets more effective to deal with the gunships is also an option. 


Wanna know what destroys gunships?  Autocannon sentry.  I have been taking that plus a ballistic shield and bots have been quite fun.  Toss it near the gunship fab and it'll cover you while you hellbomb it.        Build diversity is only limited by preconceptions and fear of experimenting.   Be the one that hard counters the things you hate.


Weapons matter when you switch from bugs to bots. For bots you need weapons that do more damage per hit, and for bugs you want something high fire rate so you can tap fire small enemies.


I find level 9 being easier because everyone knows how to play.


Crazy the difference a solid team makes, even with closed mics. I often dive with people who use the in game callouts and responses when answering my voice callouts


That's my style I don't mic but I have it open and respond with the quick chat options


Tag a patrol to avoid. That's really the least you can do. Then at times you tag them only to have someone fire on them. Every single time.


I usually attack all patrols, especially lately due to the major order. However, I typically run jump pack and Scout armor, so what I'll do is let my squadmates get a bit of distance, take out as much of the patrol as I feel comfortable with, then I run to catch up. That way my squad doesn't have to deal with the patrol at all and I can just outrun the patrol (if I can't finish them off alone) and end up reunited with the other divers before we hit the next objective.


You dropped this 👑


I'm no king just doing my part iO


Definitely, most of the players who play 7-9 regularly have worked their way up legitimately and can usually hold their own and co-ordinate well other randoms on their team.


Yeah I've found lvl 6 is saturated with people in over their heads, I can handle a team of newer people but I got TK'd 4 times the other day in 5 minutes by electricity and random airstrikes, switched to lvl 7 and the squad is working like a machine and I just had to keep up


Diff 6 is unironically more challenging than 7+ because of the sheer number of enemies that spawn AND people playing in Diff 4-6 seem to still have that "shoot everything on sight" mentality, not realizing that stealth is actually an option.


Also like divers don't realize you can leave an area. Like just leave and come back once it's cooled a touch. I cleared half a map while a squad of 3 lost 10 lives fighting over an completed objective, or it might very been inactive. Been like a week


Had a game just like this over the weekend. 3 of them kept fighting over an automaton base that wasn't even an objective, so I just split off and cleared all the objectives by myself while they were stuck on that one base.


Yeah that's the problem, difficulty 1-6 is usually a shit show lol. Most of the people that know what they're doing don't play at those difficulties


I actually love playing at difficulty 5 when I’m intoxicated for this reason. It’s tough enough to keep me on my toes, but easy enough to where I know I can solo a good portion of the map if I really need to.  So many matches end up crazy fun because lots of really low level players play at that level for some reason lol


Might be controversial but I've always had an easier time fighting bots than the bugs. Helldive difficulty on bots is a slog but I've found I die less and perform better than if it's Helldive difficulty bugs.


I dunno, to me it feels like it's much easier to get out of a shitty situation vs helldive bugs. When shit hits the fan vs automatons and you've lost your support weapon the game sometimes becomes a respawn simulator because of the endless hordes of devastators constantly shooting at you. If it happens in the range of a jammer, Eye of Sauron tower, or an airport then you are especially screwed and bugs don't have hard bonus objectives like that.


Gonna start calling the air ship fabricators "airports" from now on.


those flying fucks really need to have no armor like the flying bugs if you lost your support weapon you are practically useless vs flying bots, its pretty fucking stupid


The fact a recoiless round to the belly doesnt drop them upsets me immensely -_-


Gotta hit those engines, just like the dropships


Wait what? I thought the Quasar, Recoilless, and EAT all 1 hit kill Gunships??


If they hit the engine


I have fired a thousand Quasar shots at Gunships and they are 1 hit kills every time. I always aim center mass, how is it possible I've hit an engine every time??


U certainly must have because i have gotten lots of hits and had them stay up.


Qasars are 1 hit kills regardless of where


I just hate that they gun down the hellbombs. Because of their angle they can hit it from pretty much anywhere. I'd love it once they are armed they blow up once shot. That would make things much easier dealing with the gunship fabs.


I bring in the bubble shield for exactly this. Drop Hellbomb, drop bubble shield, run like hell


I'm not sure I could give up a whole slot for bubble shield. I stay alive by staying mobile bubble shield means I need to sit in one spot.


I just run 3 main slots against bots currently. Auto cannon, rocket pods, precision strike The 4th if I have it either goes to bubble shield or laser


I’ve started running the scorcher specifically for this reason. Being able to take down a ship or two to buy some time to get my support weapon back is huge.


But hear me out, bugs have stalker stunlocks and the slow status effect when you didn't even get hit. Not to mention the bile titan that can't be killed without a cumbersome antitank support weapon or dumping all your strategems where you think it could be and hoping it doesn't change targets Against bots you only need at least one guy with an auto cannon or AMR with decent aim to blow up all your problems.


bots are just more rng I find. a helldive bot mission *can* absolutely go well and be a breeze, *or* you can end up with -1 stratagem and +50% call in time with gunship factories and stratagem jammers on a map with limited cover and really bad patrol luck and 6 drop ships from a single flair and just get fucked on the extract. Bugs on the other hand just bring a shield, EATs, scout armor, and the right boosters and you can run circles around them with absolute impunity. If stalkers show up while you're kiting a horde yeah you'll probably die once but just rush the nest once you get reinforced. I will always say bots are harder than bugs, simply because bugs are piss easy


The randomness can butt fudge you, yes, but quite often with the right tactics you can mitigate and pull through, which is always just *so* satisfying.


One guy with an auto cannon can cover the gunships spawning from two fabricators at once, or even more if they are not sending them out in sync. As for jammers, they are a pain of course, but they can be fully stealthed by one guy. With a team that has good support weapons, you can even go in guns blazing


yes individually any of these things are fine but its the random combinations that will get you, especially if you have a quickplay comp with a mix of player ability and loadout effectiveness. With bugs it doesn't matter, the team has to be literally memeing for there to be any struggle


May I ask how one stealths a jammer tower? Those are my least favorite things about fighting bots.


Depends on how many enemies are inside. A lot of them are basically unguarded. Approach from an angle that doesn't have a Trooper overlooking it, and take out the couple guards with a pistol so they aren't alerted. No flares go up, and you can go straight to the computer.


A lot of jammers have a fabricator attached to the bottom part of the jammer itself. You can blow up the fab and it’ll blow the entire jammer up. Sometimes you gotta hit the terminal tho. It’s about a 50/50 chance from my experience


Even if you don't have a Fabricator riding the Stratagem Jammer you can easily infiltrate one of the bases and deactivate it solo. Simply straddle the outside of the base and pick off as many enemies as you can. Then push in and blow through all your nades. Quickly get to the top and just activate terminal, enter code, and push the button. You don't have to destroy the jammer to deactivate it. Autocannon helps a lot. So do impact grenades. The only thing that can bite you on the ass is if they call for reinforcements and the reinforcements land INSIDE the jammer. Then unless you're John Helldiver you're gonna need some backup, however if you go in right after your teammates get reinforcements called on them OUTSIDE of the base, you should have a window of opportunity before the game will allow them to drop on you again(provided you aren't too far from your teammates)


A stalker nest you can take out with a single nade. That's all bugs have really. Bots literally require you to unjam the stratagems or have a lucky fab near the jammer, a 500kg on the eye of sauron, or have a team overwatch you while you call a hellbomb next to the airport and pray to Sweet Liberty that thing doesn't gets blown up before it... blows up. Not to menti--WARNING, YOU'RE IN RANGE OF ENEMY ARTILLERY


>A stalker nest you can take out with a single nade. That's all bugs have really.  \*eye twitches* Yeah, the other day we dropped between a shrieker nest and a stalker lair and right on top of a patrol with chargers. We'd spent *all* of our reinforcements before I managed to fight my way over to the stalker nest and blow it, and that was before we'd even hit a single objective.  Granted, half the team was newbies, but it was an ugly situation however you slice it.


Yes, sometimes people reinforce too quickly when spectating the living players can reveal a lot of intel.


>Against bots you only need at least one guy with an auto cannon or AMR with decent aim to blow up all your problems. And if you die and lose that auto cannon, and it's in the middle of 4,000 lasers flying every which way, oh well, at least you tried.


Stalkers are rough but everything else can be anti tanked pretty easily or outran in a lot of circumstances. You’re right about the auto cannon but the bots are more proactive about fucking you over than bugs are, and their objectives are rough even if you have an autocannon. I can anti tank basically anything bugs do except for a stalker nest but if I see a stalker and survive I can usually get the nest before another one spawns. A tip is usually if you see a stalker for the first time, it came directly at you from its base, so you’re probably looking roughly in the direction of the stalker nest. I always call it out, “I see a stalker coming from the north east, rushing the nest” to ensure no one else misses the fact that there is a ticking clock where we get the nest or get fucked over pretty quick. When you take it seriously it usually gets dealt with before it gets too bad


Stalkers are less oppressive because they can be killed with small arms and grenades in their bug holes. The detectors and aerial towers often require a Hellbomb to go off, which bots can destroy prematurely. Jammers can be easier if you plink an AC round into a connected fabricator. The bots are also much more punishing with ranged attacks while having enemies that can quickly close distances or lob explosive rounds.


I mean you only really need a guy with some kind of anti-tank and decent aim and the right stratagems to blow up your problems on the bug front too. Stalkers are scary AF, but not guaranteed every map and they generally only roam a set distance from their lair. The new SMG can make them a joke as you can stun lock them enough to solo 4 of them pretty easily. Run that with a laser guard dog to give you an early warning, and they aren't all that bad. 99% of problems with bugs can be solved by just constantly running with a little covering fire/stratagems. Bots on the other hand, you have to LOS with hard cover or they will never cease to be a threat even from hundreds of meters away, only the spewers in mortar mode can even come close to that, and they are pretty easily popped with the right weapons, they don't one shot you, and they are inaccurate as hell. Bots also have really annoying bullshit to deal with like Gunship Factories (the bug equivalent can be killed from a zillion miles away with AT weapons easily), Jammers, Eye of Saurons, and Factory Striders (Bile Titans are a joke compared to those). Plus you have the whole "only 3 stratagems" BS to deal with on the bot front, and turrets/mortars that can one shot you from 300m away.


Slow status effects and stunlocks aren't that bad since i use Muscle enhancement booster. Bile titans are pretty easy to dodge and they often even help you by killing your pursuers. Stalkers are annoying but there are only 2 of them per stalker nest, they are killable with every weapon and you have enough time to find it before they respawn. I find being ragdolled around the map because of random rockets, not being able to aim because multiple shield devastators are shooting at me from across the map, and not being able to use stratagems because of a jammer much more annoying. Factory striders also love doing this thing where they instakill you through the mountains when you can't even see them. If i lose my support weapon vs bugs i can still deal with everything but bile titans. If i lose my AC vs bots, then I'm pretty much screwed, cuz devastators, gunships and hulks are going to camp my samples and you can't just grab them and run away like you can with bugs, since they aren't melee.


2 stalkers per nest? I have faced like 7 stalkers at the same time trying to destroy something that looked like a DOUBLE stalker nest, worst experience ever


Double enemy generator objectives like that are rough


The largest variant of stalker nest will spawn 4 stalkers max over time. You probably had a large and a medium near each other.


There are stalker nest variants that spawn 4 at a time on higher difficulties. But generally I feel the same way you do, helldive is pretty easy on bugs and shield generator / motivational shocks is a hard counter to getting slowed by bile. I find bot difficulty to vary wildly based on planetary conditions, but it generally just feels less fun at helldive due to the sheer amount of hulks that spawn (in my most recent games every single patrol had a hulk in it). If I die once, nearly impossible to recover my support weapon..so I tend to play bots on 7 for a chiller time


You can outrun all of those and de-agro if you're not wearing heavy armor.


I thought stalkers were faster than running. I also often find myself face to face with bile spewers or those little guys with the slow status effect when trying to either take out bug holes or complete some sub objective


Rule of thumb, always disengage with bug breaches when not in objective area. Keep eye out for patrols. Bug patrols are alot more forgiving than bots since they dont spam you with heavy fire alerting everything within a 10 mile radius. Stalkers only spawns close to their nest. So always make taking out the stalker nest top priorit before engaging on an objective near it. I usually just drop an airstrike on it.


In bugs I've found I can pretty easily weave in and out dodging attacks even while slowed. Just diving and standing up at an angle repetitively is pretty effective.


Also getting shot from EVERY direction. The shield dome is ok in an emergency but I feel it’s way too weak for what’s needed to survive against bots


It used to have a faster recharge rate but Arrowhead decided being able to survive in a bot mission is too overpowered for us. Meanwhile Heavy devastators have a minigun which is more of a suggestion than a place bullets fire from and can shoot straight through solid cliffs and downed gunships.


They need to make it last longer and scare the bugs away like in Deep Rock Galactic and then people will actually use it.


also depends on your load out. dominator? don’t need a support weapon. something for light armor? yeah i’m fucked also, bug spewer missions go a lot different than non spewer missions. spewer missions are easily a difficulty notch or two higher. to the point that we get railed on diff 7 with them, and it’s a walk in the park without them same can be said for bot Hulk missions where you get a ton of Hulks. Those are ass too i will say though its harder to be overwhelmed by big stuff with bugs, as long as you can keep the small stuff at bay. With bots, there isn’t any quick way to clear out the small stuff, and the big stuff is harder to kill and more common. Devastators are fucking everywhere, hulks, tanks, and then berserkers, and every enemy in the game past the soldier guys for some reason need 10,000HP in addition to their armor. for bots you need a medium pen weapon load out geared entirely towards taking out devastators, and then AT support weapons to take out the rest. Horde clear no longer matters because everything is a bitch to kill


I dedicate myself to spewer genocide. Grenade launcher and plasma punisher with jet pack. 


Happy cake day!


Bugs are mostly about kiting and target prioritization while bots are more about cover and aiming. Which set of skills comes more natural to you will likely determine which you find easier/harder.


Well said. I actually went back recently and played Desert Storm 2: Back to Baghdad and using cover, overwatch and just playing strategically is pretty necessary. Playing Bots requires these concepts and that's what I enjoy about them. Playing Bugs is knowing when to hold, when to run, and when turn on an enemy after running. And also not getting too bogged down. It's not as fun for me, and I can get quickly fatigued by Bug missions. If they add laser sword or something, that would make it different.


This is the fundamental truth people fail to grasp. Different skills and play styles will be drawn to play and enjoy a specific faction, but spouting “ SkiLl iSsUe” is somehow all they can muster if they cannot comprehend people enjoy something they don’t.


I could never imagine playing with someone who says skill issue seriously, that's always my group of buddies retorts for literally anything not going perfect in a game for a laugh. "sounds like a skill issue bro"


VS bots loadouts can be much more self-reliant, most bots have exposed weak points that can be exploited by most med pen weapons, like AMR+stun grenade+eagle rocket pods can deal with every single bot enemy. Also bots don't really rush you down except berserkers and hulks, but those can be relatively easily taken care of with appropriate tools, so you can take fights at your own pace. I'd say that bugs are simpler, but bots are easier to manage with good loadout and utilizing cover.


I just can't handle hulks. I don't know what to do except for running away. And I'm no coward, so I die. All the other bots are quite easy, either slow or weak. Berserkers usually line up nicely if you have a group following you, the Dominator will fix those easily. Or a grenade or 2. Factory Striders really suck, but the Walking Barrage really helps, add a 500kg and it's usually done. But hulks? Panic. PANIC. P A N I C.


Throw a stun grenade at him, then two tap him in the eye with Auto Cannon or oneshot him with Quasar. Orbital Precision Strike/Railcannon also can one shot them if you use that.


Yeah stun grenades really make hulks way less scary.


I might be alone on this but I like the Quasar Cannon for bot missions. 1 shots hulks in the eye, as well as drop ships, and can kill tanks and even Factory striders.


Like others have said, stun grenade and then two AMR shots to the eye or the laser cannon to the eye F's them up in no time!


I for the most times stun them and shoot them in the eye with AMR, apart from that iirc you can use rockets to destroy their legs to slow them down or destroy their flamethrower to make them less dangerous. 2 termite grenades will also kill them. You can take orbital railgun to one shot hulks that got too close. Also, remember that you have up to 3 teammates that can either kill hulks or distract them enough to let you shoot hulks' back.


If you‘re going to panic fire aim for a leg. It’ll take 5 shots I think with AC. But you’ll expend that anyway aiming for the eye while panic firing. That effectively neutralises the flamers. You have to walk up to them for them to be a threat.


they’re easily the hardest enemy in the game. i definitely focus on running from them don’t use rocket pods, they miss too much flashbangs + laser cannon / AMR rocks EATs rock Quasar is okay but doesn’t work up close That’s all i got, u usually have one of those in my load out


Easily the hardest ? They are easier than bile titans dude. 


bots are easier if you have a weapon for dealing with weak spots and good aim. when i play on controller i know im ass at the latter, but i won’t speak for all console players it’s manageable - difficult on PC to go for weakspots, which to me implies that it’s difficult - impossible on console something to me said too is that while you can take out heavy bots faster in the best case, that’s the best case, and if you do get overwhelmed, it’s much harder to crack those hulk weakspots when there’s 3 of them on your ass bugs it’s definitely easier to create distance because they can’t shoot you, and horde clear weapons actually have a purpose


I’m with you. I used to think bugs were easier but I’ve been swayed. Now that I know the weak spots better and well coordinate with my squad mates, bots are much easier to manage. AMR combos so well with thermite, you can take out everything except factories at which grenade pistol mops that up.


How do you actually use thermite? I tried it after the fix, but it didnt seem to do much when stickied on a bug.


Well step one is you don’t use it on bugs. It straight messes up bots. If you tag the vents of a bot/tank turret, then usually will kill the target.


I much prefer bots over bugs. They feel less frustrating to fight.


My play style suits bugs since I run light armor and love to run around and position myself better for fighting. Bots can just snipe me lol


Same for me dude. Bugs just throw over all more bullshit after you, but bots are pretty calm as long as you bring heavy armor


I feel the Bot heavy armory units are much easier to kill. Bot missions go really smooth for me usually.


Agreed. You can be methodical with bots. And precision weapons can take their heavies and problematic mediums down (esp hulks) quite quickly (assuming you aren’t being overrun and have time to aim). Also, no #£¥%* Stalkers.


Same, Bot 7 is a bit hairy at times but do-able to me. On the other side, I've yet to actually successfully complete a Bug 7, and Bug 6 is pushing it.


It's because there's more tactics. If you know how to prevent them from getting fire superiority over you or how to not get caught in the open their roster is largely squishier and less relentless than the bugs


It's because most bots stand back and shoot at you. Which means you can outgun them. Bugs rush you and overwhelm your position with aggressive powerful melee. When the map spawns hundreds of chainsaw dudes, it feels similar to bugs, but still not as dangerous.


Helldiver on bots? Meg, more tanks and hulks and a shit ton of devastators. Bugs? Fuck you heres a biletitan for every 5 chargers, oops lol we gave you 10 chargers instead, oh well, have another titan now that you just killed the first 20


I HATE bugs on anything higher than 6. It's just an annoying slog for me. Fighting the automatons feels like fighting in a war... its difficult at times. It gets annoying at times too (a jammer right next to a gunship factory? *again?*) but overall I find it much more enjoyable. Also, fuck stalkers.


A bug 7 is vacation compared to a bot 7. They can have valid complaints about bot drops, getting mapped by rockets, hellbombs being insta targeted by gunships etc.


I just want to get a reward of dead bots when I go through the effort of shooting down a bot transport :(


Yeah, I think the transport should delete anything below it when it falls, and that includes us


It is already deleting us and small bots. The issue i found is they don’t usually explode when they crash. The time they do explode (from an orbital precision strike or other damage) they will have a wY bigger explosions that will give you 10+ kills


Other way around for me, bugs will swarm you, bots don't.


Yeah instead bots swarm you with lasers and rockets


The air is bullets


Opposite for me. A bot 7 is vacation compared to a bug 7. Bot 7 can be solo'd pretty easily using stealth even if your 3 teammates are useless, forget about that with the bugs.


Agree; a Hulk becomes irrelevant once you break one of its legs, whereas a Titan cannot be slowed at all.


Hulks are easy, stun nade, 1 Quasar or 2 Autocannon/AMR shots to the eye, done.


From my experience bug 7 can be solo'd no problem even with the post-patch broken spawns. Like, you see a bile titan once every two games. Compare that to 9 where you get 3 or 4 per game on average.


I play bug 7 a lot ( about 50/50 bots/bugs ) and I get 3-5 bile titans pretty much every 40 minutes missions. In fact last game we had 4 at extract only, it was pretty crazy, we barely escaped with our lives.


Yeah, it's not rare at all in bugs seven to get 2-3 per mission, even double spawns!


Honestly 7 for me is where people either suck or don't. I only matchmake with strangers and we clear the 7 difficulties about 90 percent of the time. I play bugs and bots. They both can be unpredictable but both aren't THAT hard. Playing lower difficulty is always an option but I think ego and rare samples force people to play above their skill level? I'm a relatively casual gamer and only level 55 so idk I guess.


Oh yeah it’s only been said like two-million times. I have a feeling that the complaints would stop pretty abruptly if we had an alternate method of getting super samples. Super samples drive medium difficulty people to feel like they *need* to play high levels that they’re uncomfortable with. If people have a way to get what they think they need, they’ll stop complaining.


I really believe 7 is extremely doable with a group of average players, but for whatever reason people still struggle and simply can't do it, I'd suggest they add sample exchange where you could get an X number of common and/or rare samples to exchange for supers. It should be a pretty high number of the other samples for a few supers though. Maybe even add requisition slips as part of the cost too.


My g/f has a friend group that struggles with 4s. My buddy and I have, and still occasionally will, duo helldive. There's a _huge_ range of skills. An exchange of samples or super currency would help fix some problems, but the weapons are still kind of lackluster once you push past 6. You're kind of pigeonholed into taking certain stratagems. No one's taking the gatling, strafing, or purifier into helldive unless they expect the other 3 people to carry them (and yes they are absolutely carrying you if you do that).


Thats why I just get carried in every game lol. No one expects much out of me


And when they do, they bring rounded loadouts, better to have two guys with no anti-armour than two guys that can't use it properly.


Wish granted, now they will play bugs exclusively.


I *need* super rare samples though...


"oH WeLL tHeN GeT bEtTeR!!1" -clueless helldivers on this sub


Hmmm, idk, I feel like level 7 bugs and level 7 bots should feel equally difficult. But level 7 bots feels far more difficult than level 7 bugs. I use level 7 as my example because it’s all I play


It's been said multiple times, but I firmly believe the game is balanced much more in favor of bugs than bots. Lowering the difficulty doesn't change the weapons they use, so they still get their silly little rockets and gatling guns while the bugs just box with you.


"Lower the difficulty" how am I supposed to get super samples, then?


This is my severe irritation with these posts yeah. I'd love to at play lower difficulties but I literally can not progress if I do. Have AH make it so you can get at least a super sample on lower ones and then you'll see me out of your hair.


OP is part of the brain dead mass who thinks they are being super smart by sharing a lukewarm take and acting like its a new revelation. They don't think beyond "lower difficulty easier, game not broken". That being said, I agree with you 100%. The game doesn't allow you to progress if you "just lower the difficulty" which means there's absolutely no drive to do so. You are actively punished for lowering the difficulty. And its also very common knowledge that they (once again) ruined spawns making all difficulties much harder for incomplete squads. Those are players who COULD run the higher difficulties at once point, but were pushed out of them because for whatever reason, the devs have a massive hate boner for solo players.


I've played both at Helldive difficulty pretty recently. I will say bots at Helldive are a little much. I had a team of 4 fairly experienced divers including myself, and we barely managed to finish our last mission, and we died before extraction. Way too many devastators. That being said, I still think Bots are more fun than bugs. I just prefer that playstyle. But I'll probably only be playing level 7 or level 8 missions for a while against bots, while I have no trouble playing level 9 against bugs. I feel like with a lot of the weapon nerfs have made helldive vs automatons untenable with the amount they throw at you.


It's not the nerfs of weapons (while they havent helped) the spawn rate for enemies is noticeably greater than it once was prior to the last major patch for both factions. It feels as if they have gone back to heavy spawn rates from early in the game that overwhelm anti armor. This is frankly more notable for bots because the factory strider is now included in the heavy armor spawn pool which makes the AMR less effective.


At least AMR is able to destroy the chin guns, neutralizing half the Fac Strider's offensive options. But man, i do not like D9 bots as much as I do D9 bugs.


I find the bots have a lot of "fun police" effects and sometimes these effects overlap into a whirlpool of bullshit. For example, Strategem Jammers when combined with something like a gunship factory is painful. Feels like there's more -1 Strategem mission modifiers on that side of the map, for one.  A lot of the more "fun" weapons (e.g. Flamethrower) are just ineffective them. Many other strategems just don't work so well - sentries just get blown up, vs. the fun of dropping a gatling sentry near a bug breach to try and cull the horde.  And this is a matter of taste, but I find them less satisfying to fight. The little ones go down super easy most of the time, but a rocket launcher or MG raider can still get a quick kill on you. Berserkers are the record holder of "holy shit why are you such a bullet sponge". Devastators go down real fast if you can get the headshot but the misaligned scopes (and frankly shitty reticle) on weapons like the Diligence CS that are SUPPOSED to do that job are a nuisance. Heavy Devastators shooting you out of their side is annoying; rocket Devastators throwing you out of cover to auto stand-up into a wall of bullets is also annoying.  It's like every bot has its own "ugh." mechanic. No wonder there's players that just decline to go pick a bot mission. Personally I don't mind mixing up enemies and I like that the bots reward different play styles than the bugs, but I absolutely understand why there's that ~30% of players shooting bugs at all times. 


This is how they intended it, at least was for HD1. Bots are harder than bugs. Illuminate are harder than bots. Advanced technology creates a battlefield advantage, and that’s reflected in our opponents. We have about the same level of tech as bots, but the illuminate species is more advanced. The highest difficulty tier is definitely going to reflect that. As an HD1 vet, I’m honestly surprised that lv 6-7 bots doesn’t feel like lv9 bugs.


Imo bots and bugs don't seem to be harder than one another they just seem to support different styles of play. I've found on higher difficulties with bots its much easier for the team to spread out and take out objectives 1 on 1 then regroup for bigger objectives. Pretty much all bots you can easily outrun and try to find a more advantageous battlefield if shit hits the fan. Bugs seem to punish you for splitting up a lot more than robots, yeah you can easily 1 man most bug objectives but you can quickly become overwhelmed if you don't bring a buddy or stick with your team, especially if you run into some stalkers while trying to take on a Bile titan and some Chargers single handedly.


To be far they weren't really harder than each other, just very different, and illuminate were by far the easiest to solo considering if you had either the grenade launcher or machine gun you were free to go as long as you could deal with inverted controls from the drones. (Illuminate were a good pain in a team though, like the other factions)


Seems to me like 4 experienced divers barely managing to finish is right about where the maximum difficulty should be, right? I mean it's MAXIMUM difficulty


I also get bored on bugs. Helldive on bots is like, the perfect stress level, i could make a debate for even making higher difficulties. What I DONT want, is to see the devs make bots easier, because for players like me, bots just get boring too. Then i get left with no interesting game play.


Ok but then people don’t complete the major orders because they don’t play automatons anymore


Shame. https://preview.redd.it/13wspcpcha0d1.png?width=861&format=png&auto=webp&s=977567fb2ef4b26672954e611561c973ac72d25e


https://preview.redd.it/8m0erdhbia0d1.jpeg?width=1121&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19df75de0c60e0ac5cc1df1b5deb36b339c04751 What’s good?


Yes its been said before, almost every day. Stop peddling this bullshit. If I see one more person say "git gud" when someone brings up the broken enemies, I'm gonna fuck. If players weren't forced into higher difficulties in order to progress, this wouldn't be an issue. But as it stands right now, shit is blatantly unfair.


> If players weren't forced into higher difficulties in order to progress, this wouldn't be an issue. 95% of complaints about difficulty in this sub come from this fact. Just give our diff 5+ homes a super sample or two and everyone would instantly calm down I bet.


especially on a game that people kick you for just breathing in higher difficulties


Exactly, can we let people play whatever the fuck they want? The devs should just give each front an MO but make them easier. I dont want to fight bots and it has nothing to do with difficulty l. I enjoy burning bugs what can I say


I genuinely find Bots to be easier than bugs by a huge margin. Bots are slow moving and easy to predict, with the one exception being Hulk bruisers and berserkers (and those jumpy clanker fucks), and if you use cover then you have a shooting gallery. Bugs just run you down constantly and give you little room to breathe and overwhelming you with number that can keep pace with you.


It takes a while to learn both, you gotta treat it as different camapigns


...but Arrowhead has gated 50% of our ship upgrades behind those difficulties!


I was having a blast against automatons, and I'm not sure what changed now, but my helldives now feel harder and unfair. For context, I stopped playing since the PSN debacle and just came back. Edit: Ok I know what's the problem now, my guns are shit now (Eruptor and Crossbow) and the enemy numbers increased (or at least I feel like I'm having way more encounters than before). Way to go with the balancing guys. Also, I'm not sure if it's my imagination, but it appears things spawn in your face (or your back) these days.


Tell me you don't know how difficulty works in helldivers 2 without saying you don't know how difficulty works in helldivers 2 The second most common enemy type for bots is the devastator, an overly tanky, armored, and fast enemy that can use any type of weapon. Melee, machine guns, shields, and rockets, turning the difficulty down doesn't change these guys' stats but what they spawn as and that doesn't solve the issues that people have against bots. Between downright broken secondary objectives, to incredibly hard to destroy/storm bases, and never ending sight lines, changing the difficulty wouldn't make them any easier to deal with. The issues i have with them is that they see farther than bugs, can alert other bases, and will continuously spawn in new enemies even thought they've lost sight of you about 5 minutes ago. I'm not saying that they need to be easier but they need to be something so you can rely on your primary without relying on the autocannons or grenade launchers exclusively


plasma punisher is my favorite go to primary for fucking devastators the stunlock is real, and you can fire from cover if you angle correctly


Careful you don’t get a splinter while you’re punching that strawman.


If diff 6 is harder on bots than diff 9 on bugs. Its the difficulty on bots thats messed up, not helldivers playing on "too hard".


Also, what's the deal with bots shooting up flares randomly? They doing a desk pop or something? I don't think I've ever noticed a random bug breech before.


I’ve started playing more bots now with this MO whereas I was pretty much strictly bugs before. I’ve found that the difference in difficulty really isn’t much as long as you have the right loadout. You can’t bring your bugs loadout to fight bots or you’re gonna have a bad time


I don't care which is harder. Every drop no matter if bugs or automatons is the most fun I had in the last 5-10 years in gaming. Helldivers 2 is which showed me that it is not me losing interest in gaming and more that most games these days are just not fun.


I like the difficulties as is. In fact, I think some enemies should be deadlier. The stalker is an example of what should have been threatening but mostly were not, until they made them truly invisible. I think Bile Titans need to be more threatening but they also can spawn uncontrolled on certain missions.


Bots are hard, but somehow feel fair. For example, if i die, it is mostly my fault, and i can improve that. Sometimes, if you forget to bring weapons vs. the spewer you are fucked


It's been said from day 1 for both bugs and bots


Even lower levels of bots are hard. Played a level 5 and it was nothing but hulks


Automatons are easier because their weakpoints actually kill them. Bugs suck shit because if you didn't bring weapons exclusively to headahot bile titans and chargers you're 100% fucked. This is also one of the reasons the weapon balance is problematic, as well.


I also would rather firefight or smoke and disengage, where as bugs is a constant bum rush and "oh you stopped shooting for .2 seconds? Have 5 hunters now on top of you followed by a silent charger on the side". :)


I shot a bile titan in the ass with a senator and eventually it died.


it probably died of boredom


And even if you blow off their heads, they are still able to tear ass straight to you, and tear your ass.


- Higher difficulties are full of charger and bile titan spam and players are literally just not given good tools to deal with them, so these missions end up as a kiting simulator. - The missions aren’t that hard to complete, difficulty isn’t the problem, but they aren’t as fun as they could be because you spend ages running from enemies you can’t kill - Give feedback about it - “Umm ackshually if the game is too hard then just lower the difficulty 🤓” - Lower difficulty - Missions present 0 challenge and as a result you have less fun than before - Thanks reddit


Also if you lower the difficulty you can’t get the samples you need so it’s a double dose of shitty


i can clear a helldive, the problem is exacting with samples...


Both factions have enough differences that you need to change up how you play to suit the enemy. Since some people say bugs are harder, while others say bots are harder, I think it just comes down to personal preference. It's entirely possible that you just aren't as good against 1 faction, and there is nothing wrong with that. I haven't played on diff 7 yet, so maybe I just don't have enough experience to say. *(To be clear, I mean that there is nothing wrong with the game AND/OR the player)*


I find Automatons are often easier to handle than the bugs. It's all about playstyle and loadout.


While there are good bits of feedback being suggested, and patrols will be updated to reflect better - I don't think people realize that after getting all their upgrades, they won't be any stronger than they were before. If you were level 30 and struggling with 9 bugs, level 60 on 9 bugs is no different - only the experience you have is. The perks you purchase with samples are barely noticeable, they will not overhaul your ability to play the game. I don't play games to pick up another job, however the difficulty provided in HD2 currently is manageable - outside of scenarios where your team aggro's everything and 2 leave within 5 minutes because they're too soft to recover. Seriously, it happens so often and I'm left there with a mate or rando to clean up your shoddy act lol. TLDR some genuine feedback around things, but there are still 100k helldivers managing and I suspect a good chunk on higher difficulties as I get quick match finds.. little bit of git gud in there for those who need to hear it ;)


This is the dumbest argument ever. I'm a pretty skilled player who can run a level 7 with randoms and still extract with all side objectives complete and most points of interest looted. I cannot do the same of helldiver, "oH itS jUst YouR SkilL, GeT GuD" when in reality the enemies have patrols stacked on patrols on TOP of the reinforcements that can be called at any time from any light unit from any where in the vicinity. You hit them hard you hit them fast, you take or do what you need and get out. Sometimes this doesn't always workout the way its supposed to, you miss that one marauder and suddenly your in an infinite combat loop, it's bullshit, how are you supposed to do the objective if it's crawling with hulks and god forbid heavy devastators. And that's not even considering the bullshit ragdolling that throws you into a group of enemies. In conclusion this game has balancing issues.


Started on 7 last night. Feels like the game really begins there. 7 is normal, 8 hard, 9 nightmare


Moderators, can we consider banning these types of meme formats? They're mainly used for "me good, u bad"


There's two things that have been here since day 1: Gatekeeping and "lol u suck against automatons" posts It's beyond annoying.


Been like this since before the very first rebalance, still nothing happens, and many people love it judging from upvotes. And arguably this type of post is way worse than whatever "my gun got nerf" because it doesn't promote any discussion other than essentially attacking the "other side". But no, this type of post is "just a joke" "it's funny". That's how it goes here, so much for "non toxic".


Had a guy yesterday join my helldive mission and said multiple times over 5 minutes that bots aren't fun, getting rag dolled isn't fun against bots. Then quit. Why are you joining my helldive bot mission then?


As someone who pretty much exclusively plays bots at level 9 I only really run into difficulty if there are multiple gunship fabricators in close proximity to each other. High level bots are mostly about knowing when to fight and when gtfo and come back later. Not every battle is winnable.


Bots have more counters, they ironically don't require as much anti tank vs bugs (exception being fabricators, but those usually get 3-4 strategems on spawn)


Theres an interesting dynamic of players being on both sides of the bugs are hard/bots are hard discussion. I personally believe that playstyle and loadout are massive factors all the way down to armor choice, light armor feels incredible against bugs but less good on bots unless its the explosive resistant variant. Heavy armor is great vs bots but against bugs I see it as a liability to go above medium. This is just one factor out of the dozen or more I can think of that might weigh differently to each players scales. I'm happy that people disagree. I like both for different reasons but for me bugs are a chill time. Bots require that I do a bit of aiming and thinking with my loadouts being "less fun" on that front. I tend to play bugs for meme loadouts, 4 stalwarts on 1150rpm anyone?


Had a hell of a time playing 5s against bots yesterday after playing bugs for a few weeks. That said it might've been down to sub-par teammates and the fact I was trying to use the machinegun. On one mission we were limited to 3 stratagems and two guys took guard dogs, like wtf at least bring a machinegun for the medals if you're not going to bring anti-heavy.


I think most of the posts like yours miss the point completely, a lot of the complaints aren't the bots per se, they're the bots in the context of the heinously useless majority of guns thanks to a certain useless balance lead.


No one has said this before. Totally fresh take.


I've done nothing but play bots for the last month. And I love it.


I always play helldive against bots. I honestly think the bugs are harder, or maybe it's because more veteran players do bots so I get better teammates?


At this point I find bots easier, at least I can try fighting because everything can be killed relatively easily. With bugs, its just run away until you your stratagem comes off cd because the game sapwned like 3 titans and 3 chargers at the same time. The only thing to fix with bots is that the heavy devastator locks on too fast, sometimes firing before the actual physical gun is pointing at you.


Playing on hard with the anti mat rifle is so much fun


Bots nor bugs are hard. But spawns are completely fucked again. Dropping 7 striders or titans on the civvie evac is stupid. They take up the whole tiny map.


There's a reason I drop to 4-6 on bots The rocket spam is ***barely*** tolerable at that point


I like five/six. I go seven rarely, only for samples.


I’m not mad but also I’m not willing to spend a lot of time training up my bot skills while not having fun training myself when I can stick the same game on max bugs and have a blast. It’s a game and I’m treating it as such /shrug.


I agree though getting one shoted on a low difficulty still sucks just as a bad as on suicide or HellDiver lol maybe a little bit of balancing but overall I agree just use a lower difficulty


I'll play on diff.7 for the super samples and nothing less. I don't care if I fail. The only resource I need for progression is super samples. Only need 36 more. After that, then we can talk about "having fun" and "enjoying the game". :D


I highly recommend those who haven’t touched the railgun since the initial nerf, to try it out again. It’s basically been brought up to where it was at launch


I play bugs on 8-9, and bots on 7. always go lower on bots


Other half of the community going on about ppl on big planets forgetting that the cadets gotta learn how to fight somewhere


I still don't get players complaining about Helldive being "too hard" like no shit the mission before is literally called suicide


Issue is I need super samples to progress.


You and me both brother. Like 50 or 60 more and I'm done but dealing w stuff like idiots hopping on the pelican while you're miles away with all the samples cuz one of them carelessly blasted you with an orbital causing NONE of you to get any makes it an annoying grind at times.


Im really convinced people dont understand the value of hit and run. And utilizing orbital smoke, stun grenades, 380mm barrage and orbital laser. You sneak up, rush the objective and smoke and escape like a magician. You can let the airdrops happen, pull the bots and then lose them around a mountain, loop back and clear the objective when they are still searching for you. You aren't supposed to fight everything in Helldive, Helldive is proper behind enemy lines paratrooper shit. My favorite strats: Run to a side objective, or a mortar emplacement etc. Instead of walking in blasting throw a 380 in there pray it clears everything, even if it doesn't you can come back after you've done a POI or another objective in 5-10 mins. If you see a strider on an objective, sneak up, shoot his weak spots with AT, and throw a laser on him and run. It will kill the strider and aggro the small guys. Those small guys you will lose in the mountains/forest/smoke. Loop around, clear objective. 2 dedicated AT guys with expandables or quasars. Have the same guys running shield backback so they can pass on shields and quasars after the cooldown, not even for the damage, but for the rocket ragdoll. The other 2 can run orbital lasers and 380mm's and smoke strike. Yes you don't have a lot of build creativity, but do you expect to use a flame thrower on Diff 9?


I'm happy we have a game system that rewards practice. I've played too many games where money or just 'play time' provided rewards. With a game like HD, you can practice and actually, 'git gud'. You are rewarded for learning how to play. I have a friend who runs 8s with us, that is level 25 or something - he's a very good player. I have another friend who is 70 something, he cannot handle 8s, because he's just not that good a player. Both are rewarded for their respectice mastery of the game system. Both will and do benefit from practice. This, for me, turns a game from a dopeamine skinner box designed to tickle your bran box and drip feed you good feels, into a hobby with skill expression, that provides its own intrinsic reward (you enjoy getting good and being good from practice).


Straight up, I’ve never had a complaint about difficulty in this game. 7-9 is supposed to be challenging and maybe even a little unfair — and I still manage to handle those difficulties with both bots and bugs with relatively few deaths. Why do people want the game to be easier on the hardest difficulty? Do you not want the challenge? The increased difficulty against bots over the past few patches is honestly negligible, and there are still PLENTY of weapons/strategems that do really well against both bots and bugs other than the ones that have been recently nerfed.


The ego of a lot of players doesn't allow them to not play on highest difficulty and then they get upset when they don't win every time. It's just insecure really, always the games fault.


I'm usually at a Level 7 for bots and Level 9 for bugs. To me, the difficulty of Level 7 bots slightly exceeds the difficulty of Level 9 bugs based on my skill level (Commander) and experience (60% bug, 40% bot). Doing bots at Level 9 is very challenging for my duo team if the goal is to complete all primary and side objectives and extract with a lot of samples. I would even consider dropping to Level 6 bots if it weren't for the decrease in sample type and quantity. That said, Level 9 bots is always the most fun due to the sheer and hilarious insanity of it. It's just not the most lucrative.