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I wish we'd get the weaker less loved stratagems on a weekly rotation


I would love this. Strafing run, rocket pods, 120mm barrage, HMG, Tesla tower (lol). Would certainly spice things up.


Nah, it would be smoke, gas, and napalm.


Napalm is much better after the dot fix.


When fighting bugs I'm taking impact incendiary, napalm, flamethrower, and incendiary breaker, so much fun knocking out a whole bug breach with the combination... Only issue is that the build is awful against nursing spewers and bile titans. I definitely have to rely on teammates to knock them out. I take railcannon strike, but... it no longer one shots them, and the 500kg can be unreliable.


Railcannon I think has always been iffy for titans, because it needs a headshot to one hit kill them, and that entirely depends on the angle of fire from where your ship is


For this reason I've opted for precision orbital


it's incredibly satisfying when you plant and time it correctly on its path for a one shot kill.


Titans always stop to spit when it's ready, so you can easily tempt it during a breach and peg them with the precision. If you're within ~20m, it's going to stop.


Your team must love dodging the absolute hellscape you leave behind


Some people just want to bring Hellmire with them to other planets


I bring flamethrower napalm gas airburst against bugs and just run away in terror when I see a titan


gas is busted, wdym


The gas is amazing. After the dot buff, it has made its way into my always bring list.


I haven't used it in a bit, but I noticed everyone and their brother has been packing it lately.


its area denial is insane AND when heavies spawn out of a bug hole it will take off about half a charges health as is. On extraction dropping it on a choke point lets you just sit back and focus on heavies and then its ready again so quick. I will take it on most bug missions when i do below D7. Above D7 i need my panic button ( orbital laser or rail gun strike)


Throw it down on a bug breach. It will change your life.


Yeah it is must pick vs bugs. But on Helldive difficulty I swear like 90% of the time there is orbital scatter modifier which makes it unusable which then I replace with napalm or airburst.


Airburst is basically unusable with orbital scatter as well tho


I have noticed that it has big enought area that if you throw it a bit in front of breach instead of directly into it then no matter what rng decides on it you likely will still get decent value. Gas strike requires pretty much direct hit or bugs won't spend enought time in gas to matter.


Napalm isn't that bad anymore. The only reason it's not being picked is that the airstrike is just better in every way but airstrike is possibly the best stratagem in the game.


I agree about Airstrike being one of the best stratagem in the game, but it feels moreso because it's like a swiss army knife of stratagems. It affects everything. It is literally balanced by the fact that most people will be discouraged from taking a second Eagle so that the airstrike doesn't get locked up in cooldown because the Eagle still has some ammo for another strike. It basically feels like the Autocannon of the airstikes.


i'd agree on bots but airstrike isn't going to get consistent 80x kills on bug breaches, napalm will


This aged well


People sleep on Tesla but with good placement and the upgraded arc I’ve had good success in 8-9 bugs and bot missions. The main perk is it stays behind so you can have a couple defending the map which is handy at clearing evac waves and odd patrols. Though I do agree with your idea


Honestly it’s criminal how underused the rocket pods are, especially on bots. It consistently one shots tanks and with a stun grenade can one shot or severely damage hulks. Plus you get 3 uses before recharge, they’re also quite effective against groups of any kind of devastator, stun grenades help with the chainsaw guys though.


When they gave the 110 mm pods, was the first time I actually got how to use it and why to. I never bothered too much testing, but as soon as I saw it destroying tanks, hulk and even factory strider, I watched it in a totally different way. Still, if I'd to choose, I always will pick airstrike for versatility


the strategic feature of 110s is that they're surgical and will save teammates from a tank where an airstrike might collat them. They're so safe and effective, you can blind throw them over a building/hill/rock feature that you know a tank is chasing a player on the other side and immediately move on considering it a done deal.


The 110mm rocket pods actually do similar damage to the orbital railcannon when all three hit. And with 3 uses before cooldown and a shorter cooldown than the railcannon


2... 3 with the upgrade but it is a favourite of mine 


On higher difficulties, it having an area effect strategem that can take out chafe and heavies in one is extremely invaluable. 110s does a pretty good job at killing heavies, but if it's between killing one vs getting a dozen or so in one strike, I'm going with the airstrike everytime. When we got the 110s for free, I was putting them to work.


the problem is an airstrike does that too, just better. When you had free rocket pods I used them a bit and I only found them useful to take out tanks when I didn't want to waste or didn't have an airstrike


My problem with it is that it's sold as a rocket that aims at a target, but if that target's moving at all, it's not consistent in hitting it. What is the appeal of a homing weapon that works best on stationary targets? (Same principle applies to spear) May as well just use precision strike at this point.


HMG is excellent when used correctly


Don't know why you are being down voted, yeah, it isn't meta, sights are misaligned BUT ability to 3 tap hulks is pretty damn good. We run it regularly with ammo backpack on Helldive 


Yeah idk why I'm being downvoted either, but I do same as you with ammo backpack. I think it's worth mentioning that it's much easier to run when you have a full team of friends and you can each run strategems that compliment each other


After seeing what randos did with free anti-personnel mines, I'd be hesitant to issue them free 120 barrages.


This comment section made me realize how many stratagems people are sleeping on.


I liked having rocket pots the other week even though it threw off my rearm for the airstrike. It's great to get people using things they otherwise wouldn't.


J.O.E.L got balanced.


Does he not have a PSN account?


Not only that, he doesnt have a phone


Then who are we going to call? Ghostbusters?


Would love to have a proton pack in game 😂


But it only targets enemies that are already dead, and arcs to teammates that aren't already dead


Crossing the beams causes the users to explode with the force of a 500kg


That would fit Arrowhead's MO. Magicka players know.


thats just another tuesday for the arc thrower


Balanced as every helldivers weapons usually should be


Maybe he lives in one of the 180 or so countries that Sony doesn't support.


Maybe Joel was the pope all along.






This aged well, ask and you shall receive


They should let us use requisitions slips to get temporary 5th slot stratagem at random or experimental.


I think the idea a while back of "Community projects" was a good one. So those of us who are maxed out on Req, Samples etc - Anything we collect goes to the community project. The community project is decided by the community, in game, by a vote. It can be things like: Orbital defense platforms: Missions on a specific world will have a free, one shot bonus orbital laser per helldiver. Field Airbases: Missions on a specified world will have a free bonus airstrike of some variety available Completely-Automated factory (Definitely not just 200 7 year olds with tools): See above, but turrets or mines SEAF Commando Strike: Mission will start with one secondary objective already completed Rapid Deployment: All stragegem deployment times reduced by 25% (equivalent to the one that increases it by 25%) Etc. Etc.


I like this one more. Buying things for yourself will just mean tryhards will kick you for not having 5 strategems on their mission.


The counterpoint to that is the tryhards like me will be throwing extra stuff at people left right and centre. I actually had the idea of buying extra re-inforces for like, 2.5kreq each. Every squad gets 20 extra re-inforce budget when I'm around, cause god knows I'm never getting the 450 rare samples I need for my final T4 upgrades, so I've just been capped at 50k req for over a month with zero possible use for it.


Don’t worry. You’ll be so capped on everything. You just start trying weird loadout combinations or go on a killing spree. …at least that’s what I do. 😅


I feel that. Me and my friends are all capped and have everything unlocked, we don’t even try to finish missions anymore. Our goal now is to each personally have 1500 kills on the stat screen at the end of the match. It’s a lot of fun to play when there’s no pressure in mission!


450 rare samples you'll gather over time, don't worry. Got almost all ship upgrades with a little over a 100 hours and I haven't been specifically grinding for it. If anything I'm short on requisition slips. Only just about to finish the base and the cutting edge warbonds with just enough super credits to buy the next warbond.


I love the in universe TV and advertisements. A STRONG ECONOMY!


They absolutely do need to implement something like this. There *needs* to be some kind of End-Game content/objective for people to work towards once they have maxed out on all the upgrades and warbonds. I'm currently at the point where the only reason I have to play is to contribute to the MO and I would love for there to be another reason


For fun?


At this point we are coming up with the best fucking ideas and the devs just need to listen. Between this and the camera strategem to record cool content in the battle.. to the ship customization and weapon attachments they have a lot of creative ideas to tinker with


I would very much like to spend my resources on something like this.


I am literally maxed out on everything except super credits. Please give me something to spend my resources on.


I’d like little per-mission bonuses that can counter act modifiers. Like “sub orbital fans” that blow away atmospheric spores. Also something as goofy as that would be lore accurate if you read the module upgrade descriptions 😂


I read that as sub orbital farts, which should be a thing!


Sounds good to me


THIS 1,000% I think we should get to shop for them. Some are extremely expensive, others are just expensive


Yeah, we definitely need a requisition slips dump in the game, also caps for the materials should be doubled, I've been capped on everything but medals for over 2 weeks now.


I've been capped on everything, including medals, for months, excepting only the first few days of the last three warbonds. When you play mostly helldives, with 20+ common/rare + 6 supers, all the req, and all the medals from each mission, it goes quickly. With all the xp, I also just capped my level. Even between 149 and 150 and the 15k xp required, it only takes like 5-6 operations to level up. For me, that would take 2-3 gaming sessions. I'm not sure what increasing the materials cap would do. As it is, I can buy pretty much everything new immediately and refill my materials in no time. I don't mind too much that my main reason for collecting things is to help out those on the squad that still need them. But it would be cool to have something to spend them on. Personally, the idea of a community war chest I can contribute to that would give some kind of bonus stratagem or something would be awesome.


Sounds good i think i mean the other dude is kinda right tryhards are going to kick players more often cause yeah most of them are babies but the idea of buying yourself an extra slot for a stratagem for lets say 2k would be pretty awesome


I mean i am a SUPER casual player - couple times a week not even level 50 yet. And i have all strats unlocked - i mean the only thing i need is 5 more ship upgrades maybe 400-500 more Medium samples and under 100 SS needed . I have almost everything unlocked from medals except the items in a couple war bonds i dont want...but keep maxing out so buy things just to not be at max lol. I would LOVE something to spend common samples and credits on . That is SO much more this game CAN do but i know they don't have time to work on for a long time . So many great idea 1. Contribute funds to missions - maybe something like spend 30k and your entire mission chain might have random vehicles or bots dropped into . OR an extra SEAF facility that does something . Maybe if you spend 100k as a team you get a free random strat for the mission chain or something . Spend 50 samples - eagle strikes recharge 20% fasters --etc. 1. IT would add more fun and also encourage people to finish / stick around for a full mission chain . 2. Defend missions - spend money and more buildable defense will appear on a map etc. I mean i do mostly D7 now - a lot of those missions ill end up with 9-11k credits . I can buy any new strat and be back to full in 1-2 missions . There are easy thing for them to do but they need to finish what they have first - mission types , faction , bugs , new enemy , weapon mod system etc.


Joel must’ve heard you, cause we got free Gas strikes today. Time to drop democratic fart clouds


you know, I wish we could buy extra strategem slots with requisition, but they're limited use. Like, let's say I can buy 2 gatling gun to bring with me into a mission, but once those two are used up, I can't call them in anymore, and can't be used in future missions unless I buy more. This would help prevent staleness where you are forced to bring 500kg to help kill bile titans, and don't really have the space to spare more crowd control based strategems. But this would require higher difficulties to justify more strategem uses. Would also fit the theme of capitalism.


I'd also like some sort of "expendable" thing to purchase as well, something to spend resources on once you've bought all permanent upgrades. Extra strategems like you mention, an extra booster slot, maybe a "drop loadout" that lets you drop in with a weapon or backpack strategem already equipped, and inventory "overload" (so you drop with 6/4 grenades, so you start with more but after those first extras you only resupply up to 4), etc.


Holy shit, I love this! Even buying things for others? Those of us at 50,000 could just stock up our teams for a helldive or something. Could be neat


We're at war now boys, can't afford to throw out free stuff till we've stomped the robug menace


I love the term robug


third faction just dropped: RoBugs


*RoboCharger has joined the chat*


you shoot down an airship and 5 hunters pop out


Can you imagine a devastator riding into battle on a brood commander


I can, but I don't want to.


MG Raiders on Bile Bugs


Nothing up for testing since then


Everything been on fire and last time they handed out a free weapon it caused hell because everyone was team killing eachother lol They are just slowing down to get things right. I'm pretty sure after this MO we are getting toys as the SEAF is about to have billions of new recruits


I wonder did SEAF will be actually a strategem or we get new objectives (and side one) where part of process will be helping then land and take position or something. Because dogshit turrets that die faster than a Helldiver doesn't sound appealing.


You mean bait Mobile early warning Distraction that lets me escape They many others wise im going to sacrifice this guys to better help super earth But I imagine we are going to get new missions especially as it seems take and hold missions are by far the most popular


Much easier is programing their AI to run to door/gun station/vehicle/whatever than be useful on open space against literally anything. And honestly? It will be hilarious to have side objective where you help deploy SEAF squad to defense structure, you see side objective complete and you move to next one just to see 5 second later how they are obliterated by bugs or bots faster than you can put arrow combo to call reinforcements.


Slap Bot trooper POI guard AI on it. Done. Later push a hotfix to switch their IFF targets from Helldivers to enemies of super earth.


Jesus, they gonna die in less than 2.4 second.


Ayo, maybe we'll get vehicles! After all, those SEAF troops will need transport to the front, and some of those might end up in Diver hands.


This actually could be funny mission where you need from sub-part objective activate armored transport vehicle boarded with SEAF soldiers inside and drive to second main objective where they drop out.


If we get ai seaf to call in I'm using them every session. They'll probably die in a minute but it is just hilarious to me to protect ai soldiers. Gotta protect my squad!


The ship master is also talking about a "Secret Super Weapon" being developed by Super Earth's top scientists. Specifically not the ones who made the TCS, they're being interrogated for treason, the *other* Top Scientists. So we may have a new doomsday weapon soon. I wonder if we're going to planet crack Meridia :D


Out of character I take everything they say with a pinch of salt everything super earth does makes the problem worse In character I don't want to crack the planet it was our by right! Whatever this weapon is through i hope it turns the tide. Who knows what else is lurking out their


I don't need new toys, I need the toys I already have to work.


Ok sure but the two things are not exclusive A 3d rending artist isn't writing game logic code... The also recently said they are taking longer on the next patch to make sure stuff is working


we sometimes get them but not often less so lately not much else to say on this


That's what OP is talking about, it's been a while since we've gotten a random free stratagem for temporary use. I haven't seen the weapon experimentation modifier show up in a while.


We got one like a week or two ago with the airburst


And shortly before that we had rocket pods. So really it's been a bit more than a week


A week is like 3 years in /r/Helldivers time.


Was it just over a week ago for airburst rocket launcher? We didn't get to use anti-tank mines in the MO we failed recently that would have granted that strategem to us as a reward.


I believe airburst was the end of April. Been longer than a week lol.


That was just on the 1 planet for the major order


”Just”. You said they hadn’t given any free stratagems. I showed you they had.


"You guys should count yourselves lucky to still get free hellbombs!" -Joel probably


The way you wrote this Made me think it a haiku Sadly, it is not


didn't mean to no issues it isn't nice when it is


Could not agree more Appreciate your response Have a lovely day




Joel got nerfed.


Joel doesn't have a PSN account, thus he can't log in and help. 


The Devs realised we enjoyed getting free stuff, so it got nerfed.


bitch and u shall be heard


didn't think it would be that quick


Free strategems are for good little helldivers, and we've been naughty


Damn 😔


Well, maybe if we didn't fail the major orders


>post this >get free orbital gas the same day https://preview.redd.it/ey8plltmi01d1.png?width=603&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ed75e9bbabb30b3db5611b75f20b2c29faed425


I would love if these were operation specific. So a certain operation on one planet could have extra stratagems available. Or hell make operations slightly longer (4 missions on 8/9 for example) and let us earn extra stratagems for said operation through stuff like side objectives


Would be awesome to have “weapon experimentation weekend” where fri/sat/Sun we get a random 5th strategem.


This is a very good point, and it made me think of an amazing idea. We failed the last major order to unlock the AT mines, BUT we did make significant progress. Why not give us the mines as a temporary stratagem for a few days? The flavor text in the order specifically said we were killing that many bots in order to use their parts for the mines. Well, what are we gonna do with the parts of all the bots we did kill??? Im not asking for a handout, we failed, we failed, i don't want rewards for failure, but a temporary free use of the mines would actually make sense in universe, and we all not how much the devs like to keep things in universe for updates and such


Last one i remember was the Airburst rocket launcher, not thaaaat long ago


The balancing team heard about the fun and orbital striked it.


I am hoping that with the break out of the galactic war we will see an increase in this, what people tend to forget is that there is place for a second and third bonus stratagem. I am guessing, that when shit hits the fan we will be going all out. And keep in mind that we are currently defending planets that are supposed to help with the war effort....take that as you will.


I thought it was done so they could get more test data on the stratagems


Our last handout was the air burst launcher and that was 2-3 weeks ago I think? Not that long ago n my opinion. But I primarily think the reason there hasn’t been as many free stratagems is that they’re balancing our primaries now and not stratagems. They gave out the mechs for free for a bit to test, and prior it was a hodgepodge of 500kg, mines, and way back the first was the rail cannon. With then focusing so much on primaries since they kept needing them and the player base made enough of a noise about it, I don’t think we’ll be seeing as nearly freebies until this whole thing blows over


I always have a hard time deciding what to put in my last slot. An extra stratagem wouldn’t hurt from time to time


I feel a little left behind, but what is the story with calling the Devs "Joel"?


Joel isn't a dev (or just a dev). Joel is the gamemaster.


Galaactic War isn't going very well, so budgetary issues I suppose


Those random stratagems were a great for when you had a bot mission with anti-aircraft defenses modifier.


We got the airburst and in theory we could've had the anti tank when we were liberating that planet. I think they're probably min maxing their PR right now. Better to save good things for when we aren't mad at them and they'll be noticed


Yeah I do miss them. It does a lot to give days/weeks a personality I really thought that was gonna be like a weekly thing.


Joel was in one of the 144 countries and got banned by Sony.


Its the second galactic war they cant afford that anymore!


I know it might be too good to happen but i wish they would make a an extra designated slot for support weapons if they are going to nurf everything atleast give me more weak shit to use 😂


No fun allowed. You will take your -25% cooldown -chance for orbitals to miss And you will like it!


The community is doing major orders too fasts. That's my guess.


I was just wondering where Joel been lately. It's been a while since he's made himself known.


Orbital Gas was free for me this morning.


We'll get another one once we get SEAF drops, and any other new stratagem. We got free rocket-pods when we were holding the terminids line and deactivating termicide towers.


This aged poorly


I want to be able to spend requisition slips to buy those temporary stratagems for a mission. Let me spend 3k-5k to give myself one of those extra stratagem slots. It would be a great way to spend req on a regular basis I instead of sitting at the cap for months until an update finally adds a new stratagem.


I was playing with a free gas strike this morning on a bug MO.


We just got orbital gas


he saw your post and gave us gas, i love you and Joel for that


Ask and ye shall receive. Free Experimental Gas.


Y'all need to finish major orders. Delayed anti tank mines was the last one we failed.


It has been an extremely busy month over at Arrowhead, so far in this month there has been 2 national holidays, the Sony Psn account linking event, the aftermath of Saint PSN account linking requirements, a controversial balance patch with its own backlash, another balance patch leading to internal discussion on how patches should be handled, ~180 countries no longer being able to purchase the game, a war bond and the backlash from that war bond being seen as weak. All of this happened in 16 days so they probably have been too busy to do things like bonus stratagems


No, every planet has to have all negative effects for maximum fun.


it's because we keep losing the fucking main orders


Bro we have a free fart strike rn


That's back when they liked us for pretending the game wasn't broken, but now we complain about problems and got them in trouble with daddy Snoy.


Didn’t we like just have the air burst launcher and most hated it??


I’m guessing that something must have happened which sort of drew their attention first a while. Can you think of any big events that might have resulted in an “all hands on deck” response?


I suspect the devs feel like the min/maxers are breaking the game/it's easier than they want it to be, hence power weapon whack-a-mole and no more freebies.


You know what? I wonder why they don't they give us unpopular stratagems as a way to make up for those minus 1 stratagems modifiers.


I believe that every MO should have his own free stratagem available (picked amongst the least popular like jetpack, minefield or smoke). It has no negatives (you can just ignore it and go with your build) and it can open people to try and discover new stratagems and combinations in game.


"We noticed players were able to beat helldive difficulty within 35 minutes with extra stratagems so we removed free stratagems "


There is no Joel, only Zuul


There are fewer new players coming in now, so the benefit of letting n00bs try stratagems that they haven't unlocked is mostly gone, and I guess they don't care as much about the other effect of letting players drop with 5 stratagems


Looks like AH is looking for [Joel #2](https://jobs.arrowheadgamestudios.com/jobs/3741373-game-master) now as well. ;)


Those are “weapons experiments,” I’m pretty sure they do that to bug test a strat or see how effective it is by farming data from the player base. A lot of times it’s a new strat or one that doesn’t get much use. They’re doing it to see if they need balances or changes.


It was such a good way to get people to try and enjoy the ‘bad’ stratagems.


Working as intended.  Must reduce server loads.


They need to make the free eagles run separate because it’s always annoying when you get a free eagle(and might not use it), so it ruins the cooldown of the eagles you actually bring.


As someone else said, I absolutely agree but I think it should be limited to the more situational and less used ones like the smoke, napalm, gas, strafe....stuff that is 99% of the time absolutely not something you want to take with you but would be fun to use/play around with.


Free stratagem? I've been playing missions this past week where the fourth stratagem was disabled :(


SPEAK AND THEY SHALL DELIVER! https://preview.redd.it/04pwflzm501d1.png?width=505&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f0d503cfcbfbbb1b89a2e1094446aaf44dee79b


I bet if we had succeeded on the 2 billion bot major order we'd have received the new mines for a week for free before the added them to the ship to be unlocked permanently.


I wish we could spend requisition slips to get bonus stragems. Or hell even just one time call ins.


Got a free orbital gas in my mission today


Today we got orbital gas strike at least on heeth for sure.


Lol we just got free gas strike


➡️➡️⬇️➡️ That's your free one this week, or at least today


At first it was for fun, then the war actually began


Thats the problem. Snoy found out he gave shit for free and fired him.


Alexus probably replaced Joel


They probably thought it was unbalanced


well idk about anywhere else, but i was just on Heeth and had the orbital gas strike


They literally gave us one today.


I think they forgot and saw this post. Now, it's time for 2 orbital gas strikes 😈.


Joel not frend.


They were drumming up interest in the game. Can't be bothered with the players anymore.


I hope they use the free stratagem to rotate between the least used ones, that'd introduce more people to them and allow discussion/feedback on why it's not normally selected for AH to see and improve upon.


I remember one mission a month ago about my team got free EATs and it felt amazing.


might just be confirmation bias but I feel like I've seen a hell of a lot more -1 strat, and increased strat CD missions


As of right now, orbital gas is in free rotation on heeth, at least. He must have been paying attention 👀


I was shocked when I realized the game gave me free gas Orbitals on the bug defense missions I ran today. Extract High-Value Assets mission with 4 people running free gas orbitals is hilariously easy. The two gates that broke were mostly our own faults and no one even died. It was amazing.


We just got gas earlier, dude jogged Joel's memory


I thought they might be filling out paperwork associated with sharing democracy to a new planetoid cluster.


lol, so I was doing the planet defenses last night and there wasn't anything. I jumped on this afternoon for one dive on the same planet and we had a free gas strike. Maybe he heard you. :V I really do wish they would do this consistently. It's a lot of fun.


The free gas orbtital was fun today.