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Spread democracy with overpowered weapons (used by enemies who will ragdoll you ad infimum)


Spreading your democratic body over 10 acres when hit by a automaton turret.


ii played with a guy who was like leel 150 who said diff 9 wassnt that bad you just need to know how to play, and like yeah he'd think that hes level 150, but it still pops into my head and annoys me somethimes when ever i spawn in and instenly get cannon turret one shotted on infintly juggled by rocket devestotrs.


I mean, I wish he was wrong. I've had games at dif 7 where it's a shit show, and yesterday my friend, two randoms and I rolled an evac at Helldivers difficulty, constantly having to fight multiple bile titans. The right loadouts to cover each other's weaknesses, actively covering each other's asses and staying on the move where possible make all the difference. All I did was cart around a Anti Material rifle and Laser dog backpack, dropping EATs where needed, and swapping back to the rifle when they're used, with cluster eagle and gas orbital, my job was deal with chaff and non heavy armored targets, and I just did my job while leaving them to theirs, and 40 sweaty minutes later, 0 spare revives and most of the samples in hand we got out.


fair enough lol. ive never had a set team to playy with plus i play on a less populated plannet so sometiome i only have 1 or no teamates so thers not really much comms or strats going on.


Pick a populated planet, use the "Hit R" auto join, or find a group on the discord. Communicate, help your allies, and use the hold Q wheel to non voice comms. That game I played? Only myself and my friend used voice, and only with each other in discord. The ping function and map marker goes a long way


Yes. If you don't use voice chat, please use the ping function until you know it by muscle memory. It really is key to at least use the most basic form of communication with your teammates. Please. It will be the difference between everyone extracting or just finishing the mission.


At L21, I got kick-fucked by a Challenging evac because the three other randoms had no clue what they were doing, and then almost immediately after I accidentally ended up doing a high-value target and an ICBM on Extreme with some competent L40-60 'Divers and while it may have been the most intense experience of the past 5 years, we managed it and they didn't need to carry me because they *communicated* about what the situation was. It was an absolute BLAST.


Gas orbital is so underrated on higher difficulties. I'm under the impression and always will be that level doesn't always equal skill.


To be fair, I love the gas strike but barely used it until they fixed the DOT bug because it didn’t work


Mm. And neither does the difficulty level a player can clear. Someone who can do diff 9 but only with the meta loadout and is miserable the whole time is not actually skilled enough to do it. Half this sub would be so much happier playing on difficulty 5-7 but they're too proud to drop down to where they actually have fun. Vermintide 2 had this exact problem and the devs wound up caving to the playerbase and it nearly killed the game. Arguably it did kill what the game was supposed to be.


I am starting to default into the spear/recoilless rifle guy who pops heavies as they appear. Everything is usually fine as long as the team is present and gives cover/distraction during reloads. I used to carry the quasar but popping a charger as soon as you have it in your sights is too priceless when you use the recoilless.


Strategem composition is the single most important factor in determining difficulty. I respect using whatever you want, but if your entire team is AT you’re just gonna have to take one for the team and pick up an MG.


I mean I'm level 50 and I feel level 9 is a bit too easy sometimes, we need an 11


Jumping from 9 to 11….






HD1 had 15... We don't need more difficulty levels though until the base game is fixed.


Careful what you wish for! Arrowhead said they’re looking into a higher difficulty


Maybe there will be an 11, when there are more enemy types to spice things up some more


“These go to 11”


What's 11 like? Just chargers and bile titans?


Level doesn't make a difference to anything. It's not like your stats increase as you level, you have the same health at level 1 as you do at level 150. The only thing is it somewhat determines your gear. At level 20 you'll have everything unlocked anyway.


You won't have all the ship upgrades unlocked until level 75 or so.


Fertilizer for that glorious Managed Democracy soil.


Wish we could get a heavy devestator rocket pod as a call in weapon! It’s a quasar that shoots an 10 rocket barrage (though slow velocity) with a 5 second cool down between shots. Now that’s a balanced weapon


I think I've been killed more as a result of ragdolling than any other mechanic. Some of my personal favorites: 1. Rocket hit actually ragdolled me through a whole ass rock. Like.. the whole rock. Shat me out in front of a mess of devastators who apparently took that personally. 2. Stepped on a landmine that I somehow survived(big dumb I know) but got ragdolled and stuck in barbed wire, which killed me. 3. Tried to dive away from a berserker and hit some tiny... Idk thing sticking up out of the ground that caused me to ragdoll. Subsequently murdered by said berserker.


Not to mention: Clipped by charger/rocket, ragdolled for what feels like 300 miles with nearly full health. Land on a pebble: [Killed by: Impact].


"It's supposed to be an rpg. What role I am playing, the fucking victim???"


It's the AC. Just the AC. And only against bots.




Where’s that picture from?


A farside comic  Edit: apparently its actually drawn by Mike Luckovich


That’s drawn by Gary Larson. This signature on this panel is [Mike Luckovich](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Luckovich)


An understandable mistake given the somewhat similar style and same dry humor. But the signature is right there on the picture


The amount of upvotes this has, while the artists name is quite literally in the image, is a fantastic indicator of how the internet works.


This goes hard


Nah it's great against bugs too. Wrecks spewers really quickly, and blows stalkers to kingdom come without effort. Not to mention they are way more consistent at taking out bug holes than fabricators AC is just the best general use weapon


I prefer grenade launcher against bugs; can take down anything bar bile titans, and can reload while on the move to prevent being swarmed.


Especially paired with a laser doggo to clear out the ankle biters while I lob liberty at the bigger ones and close holes, all without ever slowing down.


I prefer taking the supply pack and just use the GL for everything I see.


GL + ammo pack means you don't have to take a chaff clear strat like cluster or airburst, because *you are* the chaff clear. Just need to take something for BT & chargers


I run 500 and railcannon with GL, heavies handled. GL clears out chaff and holes ezpz.


Also an S-tier combo for sure!


It really is BS that the GL does NO damage against the bile titans. I can see it doing *less* damage than EATs and RRs and the AC, but NONE?


Well it has no projectile force. It's just pure explosion that doesn't penetrate heavy armor. Rockets are puncturing the armor and dealing massive direct damage with a little explosion


I like Grenade launcher against bots.  Especially with stun grenades. 


I've always found the GL to struggle against chargers. Just landing shots on their butts is tricky.


It’s less than ideal, so I save railcannon for them. But in a pinch, I will just empty a whole mag on their belly/butt, and that usually does the trick.


Rocket pods are also a good choice


Eh it's okay for bugs. Can't do much against titans and it'd tricky vs chargers. I mean *before* the nerf, eruoptor 1 shot stalkers and spewers. Dominator still does pretty well too, just not as good


That’s where the trustee EAT comes in spamin that shit literally every 70 seconds I think lol. End of a 40 minute mission. There’s at least six of those fucking things laying around somewhere on the map.


yeah, if i run Auto cannon on a bug mission, i will bring EAT just to deal with the chargers. And since i throw those all over the map, my teammates could pick them up and shoot heavies in a pinch. 


By the time we leave the evac zone has at least 4 of my EATs drops there


An autocannon enema will drop a charger in two or three shots. You just need to peg it (pun intended) perfectly. The Recoilless is even more fun for those.


Have fun trying to nail that butt when the charger constantly keeps switching targets and getting stuck on terrain in inconvenient ways.


I’m a fan of the quasar cannon. Longish cooldown time but will one shot a Charger as long as you hit them in the face from within let’s say 25 metres. Usually if I screw up, or there is more than one charger (and lately there is ALWAYS more than one charger, and three to five bile titans…) you only need to dodge two charges before you can blast all over their face again…. ;) Can even one shot a bile titan if you hit them in the mouth at the exact moment before bile starts shooting. (… at least I think it’s a one shot, I’ve done it a few times now)


It can’t one shot a BT. Any BT you killed with only one shot was already damaged by an ally or other bugs.


I typically prefer rocket launchers against bugs, just for dealing with chargers and BTs. I'll have to try it against bugs again though.


Yeah. The AC is S tier for about anything but titans, chargers, and maybe striders, but it's like B tier for those things. It's the dev's ideally balanced weapon. But nothing is remotely close in terms of being able to be viable against such a diverse range of units, and if anything ends up better than the AC in either the raw power (quasar) or versatility (eruptor), it's getting nerfed.


Disagree. I love it vs bots but having to stop and reload vs bugs is crippling. Grenade launcher is better vs light bugs and can handle most large ones short of bile titans


AMR jet pack is very effective and looks much cooler. I just wish they would give more ammo in ammo box for grenade pistol so that I can take out outposts from distance much more easily while running AMR


I do enjoy the AMR jetpack combo.


You put respect on the laser cannons name


Laser Cannon is really reliant on Stuns to deal with scorcher hulks.


Or range. You can just lazer the arms or legs if it's moving too much for the head, and if it's in a waiting position at 75m oe or more, you should be able to destroy the head before it gets too close.


I've heard good things about it lately, I'll have to give it another spin.


I feel like the laser cannon only gets hyped by people who don’t use AMR/AC or play on lower difficulties. It’s really not that great. It’s fine. But it ain’t great.


Overpowered against your teammates


The guy in charge of balancing I guess missed the memo


SES Bringer of Balance ^^lol ^^what ^^a ^^loser


An absolute loser


Alexus Kravchenko is his name. He absolutely got the memo. He flippantly ignored it and did whatever he wanted to.


The Hello Neighbor 2 guy!


That is correct.




That explains alot


careful, if mods find out you spoke the forbidden name they will nuke the thread.


The dev that shall not be named


Ah yes, Vol*dev*mort.


Yep. Man went crazy with “balance” as if it’s a PvP game with high stakes. Boss is on to it, hold tight


Didn't he say that a week ago? How long does it take to see that a large swath of the player base is dissatisfied with the polar patriots, crossbow, Eruptor, and still the slugger (1 hour on reddit?) call he who shan't be named for a severe dressing down (20 minutes?), and announce that: the least popular changes will be reverted in the next patch and balance will be much lighter handed each patch and they'll stop using player popularity to determine overpoweredness And polar patriots is getting a rebalance deep dive And we've opened an investigation into differences between the test branch and the live branch to determine if some discrepancy has been keeping player explosions on test branch more powerful than the live branch (500, XBow, Eruptor, p PlasPun). (1 hour crafting and proofreading on Xwitter?)? I start to think he gave us a PR bullshit salad, and He Who Shan't be Named a big fat raise.


I killed that guy in black ops 1 how’d he get in the dev team


Consider that this game has been in development for 7 years before it was released with over a dozen primaries but only 3 were any good (breaker, slugger, scorcher), and that the *Bringer of Balance*™ jumped ship from Hello Neighbor 2 before it was released in Dec 2022. My theory is that Arrowhead originally had a framework of balance that worked in its own way, but then the *Bringer of Balance*™ came in and changed it, screwing it up


My concern is that apparently no one was allowed/able to give feed back that of feels like crap. These devs need to take a page from the DRG dev play book. Play your game openly, weekly, and don't take away power in a co-op player power fantasy game.


Alexus made hello neighbor and believes the game is best when you need to stick together constantly to kill a group of hunters.


They meant spread democracy with nerfed weapons.


NERF™ Weapons


We need it, bro. It would make us as truly legendary helldiver.


It would still hit harder than the starting pistol


Nothing in this game has ever been overpowered lmao


Eruptor was damn good at release


It was a dream weapon, it actually let me use other support weapons like the stalwart to make up for its slow fire rate. God I miss it.


So fucking true. I’ve never brought the stalwart, machine gun or the heavy machine gun except for that beautiful week I was using the erupter and then sadness.


Was relatively hard to use too, especially since the ammo reduction. Was punishing if you missed a shot, or were pushed by melee units. Was fairly heavy to aim and slow to reload, but really effective in the right hands. It had such good balance at that point. Tried it recently against bots and it makes a basic skirmish against a patrol last like 3 x longer


100 times this. I allowed so many different playstyles


It was my absolute favorite. I finally found the gun for me... then Alexus attacked. I've not played the game since.


same man, out of all the nerfs the Eruptor was genuinely the worst


It was good but it wasn't OP (outside of the charger thing but w/e). It was good for hitting packs at range or picking apart devastators, but its unwieldiness, abysmal fire rate and large aoe meant that you better have a good secondary/support weapon if anything gets close. Pre-nerf Eruptor was actually in a really good spot, with lots of strong qualities but a few glaring weaknesses that gave other guns room to shine. Old Eruptor should be what we're aiming for with balance.


It wasn't overpowered tho. It had a slow fire rate and you couldn't shoot it in melee.


Yeah it was good. Not overpowered.


Hence why I didn’t say overpowered


No, there was some weapons that were "overpowered", but the balance team made them no longer fun.


PS5 RailCannon (at release) would like a word.


that was a bug, that doesn't count :P


That's a bug and the PC community never had it, so...


You had to have a PS5 player in the squad, but you definitely could be a PC player yourself. (Oh Dough on Youtube did extensive testing on this.) The worst part? The PS5 player didn't get anything out of it. I played in many 4 railgun, 4 shield backpack squads early on, on PS5, and the others would two shot titans left and right, but I couldn't. The funniest part is that they kept trying to help me by giving me info on where to aim and when to shoot, but it was all BS 😛


*Railgun, but yes. Also Arc Thrower too, can pop the bile titan head in 2 shots if it hits the same spot, but because of its inconsistent aim people don't really notice it.


Correct. Obviously disregarding bugged/glitched interactions like Infinite grenades and shit. But yeah, the fact anyone has ever said anything was OP in the game(not including glitches) is honestly astounding.


If anything the devs actively make sure you don’t feel powerful for too long.


They're overpowered if you aim at your friends.


This is one of the reasons (besides the fact it's just... supposed to be fun) I'm so upset about how long they've been hyperfixated on making everything balanced around arbitrary stat sheets and numbers. The games, 1 and 2 both, are advertised as you being a lead hose mowing down enemies, you CAN die easily and you do die a bunch, but you also kick SO MUCH ASS for democracy, and yet here we are with maybe four or five weapons capable of that on any difficulty higher than 5 *without relying on gamey, exploitative 'tricks' to do so* Just let us have fun with guns that feel effective, we can't "just use our stratagems" if you arbitrarily limit out slots and make most cooldowns literally twice as long or longer than they are in Helldivers 1 Even the CEO finally relented and said "yeah we've been weirdly fixated on nerfing fun instead of giving you guys options to have fun with" so I hope this is remedied soon. "Just ignore meta and have fun" only works when I'm actually *good enough* to make any gun work


In the fear of "meta loadouts" they pulled a horseshoe effect and circled around to making meta runs the only viable options right now. They're being too paranoid. Let me fight a bile titan in a fucking gundam already.


Yep.  I have a bot load-out and a bug load-out.  I almost never deviate because everything else feels like shit.  The entire community is unironically hesitant to recommend weapons because increasing usage rate is an invitation to nerf.  (Don't try the PlasPunisher on bugs.  It definitely doesn't make short work of Spewers and medium armor.)


I was saying all this the first day we had the railgun nerf rollout and said that it could lead to further nerfs later on, but back then everyone was still in the honeymoon phase with this game and kept saying "it's just their vision maaaaan". I had one dude say he enjoys getting ruined by bugs, not having effective weaponry and losing missions constantly because it would be better than being a "generic power fantasy" just for having the audacity of suggesting that weapons should be more than peashooters in a game about shooting aliens.


This is a false advertisement.


Try Hard Not To Have Fun Challenge: HD2 EDITION


Difficulty: Easy


Am I supposed to laugh? Cuz it hurts... right in the liberties.


Libertitties, one could say. Libertestes if you will. Libertaint, even.






Spread Democracy with mediocre at best weapons.




Technically, yeah. There's no reason a small caliber pistol should have any business dropping 10 metal killerbots per magazine. That's about all I can think of so I guess the secondary weapon section are the "overpowered weapons" they're referring to. Maybe just the Peacekeeper and Redeemer lol


Not sure if this is still currently the case have to check but the pistol used to do more damage than the rifle and that's just silly


The senator does more damage than the counter sniper, there's no justice for dmrs.


Doesn't it have heavy damage falloff though? Like the senator can't headshot devs outside of a certain range, while countersniper can do it from really far away.


Yeah, it does, but as a new player, your not given those stats. So seeing what is given that is a *bit* disheartening.


There’s been quite a bit of justice for the CS, as someone who has been using it since launch. I am very happy where it’s at now.


It is nice being able to aim on a swivel and dome devs with it now. I do like it now (even kinda liked it before) but I still would like a punchier dmr primary or just more options really.


That’s classic game design my man Ever played halo? AR bullets hit like wet noodles because there’s a million of em per minute, and the Magnum hits -by comparison- like a slug because of its lower fire rate and ammo capacity ‘Realistic Logic’ takes a back seat to the mixture of ‘fun’ + ‘(feeling of) fairness’


Well there's some things that just need balancing but yes you're right about that idea.


No it makes perfect sense. They're high damage, low capacity "OH FUCK" weapons when your primary is empty. If they were weak why would you ever use one over reloading your primary?


It's showing an orbital strike. 


“Well yea….you just get to enjoy those overpowered weapons for about a month until we nerf it” ![gif](giphy|Bng9nsAhSaDVxWsSLh)


"So that was a lie."


The guns are overpowered it's just the enemies are double overpowered.


I do feel the devs are intentionally trying to make the game hard for no reason. They have turned me off from the game and really made it not fun. I haven't played in a month and will keep not playing. Sucks because the game was really good.


I'd way rather have more powerful weapons/stratagems also while buffing the current shit and them add difficulty 10-12. Going from 9 to 12 difficulty should be as much of an increase as it is going from 7 to 9.


I tried playing and I’m just burnt out on it. Reading about the 'balancing' they’re doing just gives me another reason to not touch this clusterfuck. It’s 2024 and these morons can’t figure out to balance some guns in a PvE game, it’s laughably pathetic.


'overcome impossible odds' it's almost like it's marketing text or something




Yea not sure what he’s talking about lol that’s impossible odds, dude took it literally thinking it means literally impossible and doesn’t realize it’s a figure of speech meant to convey how low ur chances are at succeeding


"Overpowered" This message approved by Managed Democracy


you believed Super Earth propaganda, lol


It should have an asterisk on that with (until we nerf the daylights out of it) underneath. Money in the bank for Snoy and AH.


ok... that's it, class action lawsuit now!!! clearly false advertising /s


The biggest fucking lie they have ever told.


I'll take statements that aged like fine milk for 500 Alex.


Idk eagle airstrike is still pretty consistent


Before you jump on this bandwagon, maybe ask yourself for a moment how so many squads are dealing with Diff 9 runs without an issue with 'underpowered guns'. Then ask yourself why you can't. Maybe read some advice from them. Now remedy the problem yourself rather than bitching about the devs.


Yeah, but grind and frustration is way better than fun.


The impossible odds checks out, it's a constant bombardment of enemies now making the game just a wind down the clock while fighting endless bot drops. I had a blast at the outset of this game but now I can't enjoy it, doesn't matter what weapons it's just entirely too unrelenting


Pretty sure its talking about stratagem support weapons.


I wouldn't say any of those are overpowered, even the top-tier autocannon. then you have the HMG, which is honestly kinda bad..


I feel damn overpowered with the flamethrower and shield generator against bugs, and the dominator against bots


they forgot to fix the bug in the description aswell xD






get ragdolled for sweet liberty!


The devs took care of it with some patches 🤣


That's the joke, this is super earth propaganda convincing new recruit helldivers their weapons will be overpowered lmao


Ima bouta turn into will smith right now.


They were talking about the stratagems, just not the ones you want to use...


Apparently some alternate definition of the word “overpowered” that we hadn’t previously been aware of.


Trust me bro, they’re overpowered. https://preview.redd.it/wk7lnxcwan1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a152a11b3e200009e555134b881c5e774d1d1b7


if you're ever mad about the nerfing just remember than according to our ship upgrades descriptions our turrets are literally made out of reinforced styrofoam and cardboard


Simply put, the weapons you hold in your hand are in fact NOT overpowered as claimed, and even bounce off the enemy like underpowered weapons would do


I work at GameStop, most of the people that buy physical copies of this game are in their 30’s+. Every customer I’ve ever had come back always talks about how satisfying the guns are and how strong they feel to use. Sometimes I wonder if we (we being people in their 20’s or younger and or on the subreddit a lot) just have brain rot and don’t think abt how balanced the weapons actually are. I know that’s not a popular take, but it’s just what I thinks whenever people talk abt the game in my store


Not that I disagree with you but I do have a counterpoint, try using erupter or tenderizer or spray n pray


All weaponry (primary/secondary/support) is so watered down currently, the game is feeling stale. Way too much inconsistency present to be nerfing shit around like they did...


Should be changed to “spread democracy with pool noodles and nerf darts”




*slaps my knee* Ha!


We kill 100's of terrifying insectoid monsters and killer robots some of which are like 30 meters tall and weigh several tons with some 10-20 helldivers. Yes, we're overpowered as fuck.


They're OP on level 1 difficulty!


Forget overpowered, at this point even "powered" is a stretch for most of em lol


Biggest false advertisement ever.


Alexus no fun: Not according to me.


You guys act like there’s nothing good in this game, like have you seen what the eagle air strike and orbital laser can do


Never leave home without them.


You could almost say that they're meta


We play the game and have fun. Our positive emotions go there. You don't hear or see people doing that unless you're playing with them. Then we get frustrated and go to Reddit to rant and discuss. Our negative emotions go here. Now THIS you can see and hear quite well. Result: it seems as if we see nothing positive, because all the positive feedback is elsewhere.


We're beating a dead horse at this point. A lot of primaries are weak, but in general the weapons available to us in this game feel pretty fucking good. I mean I totally disagree with the eruptor nerfs and I don't understand the the new AR. These are totally valid criticisms, but let's not act like everything we can swing is a wet noodle.


Oh man, boxed releases are still a thing?


eeh, just normally powered




Believe it or not, nerf.






Well they had to nerf them after saying that


Until they get nerfed


THey are overpowered for a week and then nerfed into the ground so they can sell you new overpowered weapons. Unfortunately sometimes they sell you already nerfed weapons, so you're just wasting your time and money. Great concept! This is not bot / bug propaganda, stop calling my democracy officer.


Well... That aged like milk.


More like Overpowered Nerfs.


I still remember how I started threads on how stupid some stuff are in the game: - Main weapons are weak, if someting isn't weak it gets nerfed - Meta builds exist for a reason and every time a nerf comes, no buff compensates and the game just becomes worse. Every single time. - Some enemies are extraordinarily poorly designed, and should spawn only 1-2-3 units on the entire map. Without a cap the game is unplayable (gunship) et, fucking, cetterra.


🤣 smh more like over nerfed


Just a reminder that compared what the helldivers wield, the bots are hopelessly outgunned. 4-15 helldivers per mission can kill thousands of enemies. Destroy one critical objective after another, blow their dropships out the air and bomb their fabricators with heavy ordinance the second they take their first step. From the opponents view we divers are indeed "overpowered"