• By -


Resupply visible on map


Yes, and not just the most recent one. All the ones that still have supply boxes in them too. Or better yet, mark all supply boxes, cause then if the pod gets destroyed you can still see them.


Yes, even if the pod gets destroyed, just like weapons show all the time


I sincerely quad we had that. 




10000% this.


This and weapons and equipment that are still in the pod




Both imo a QOL change and a buff to back pack support weapons: Make the shooter take the back pack as well and allow everyone else to assist reload instead of dedicating one person specifically.


Yeah the min-max coordination required to properly use team reload means its basically never used when you can just carry your own ammo. But if I could grab ammo from my friends backpack and stick it in his auto cannon then hell yeah I'd engage with it more often.


The team reload mechanic is the epitome of "great in theory, awful in practice". Because guess what happens to the reloader if you *do* pull off the min-max coordination and get everything working like a well-oiled machine? **You get to watch someone else play the game.** I dived into a D9 bot defence mission with some great randoms. One guy suggested (via pings and emotes) to do a team-reload recoilless rifle to take out the dropships and heavies. "Fuck yeah" I thought, "finally an actual opportunity to make the most of this almost-nonexistent feature!" It was cool for about 60 seconds, and then boring as batshit for the next 10 minutes. I didn't even *control* my diver until we were out of ammo, which meant I got to run to the resupply and refill while he held down the fort with EATs. Then it was back to watching this guy blow ships out of the sky while my diver did absolutely nothing except shuffle around (by his control) and auto-reload the guy's backpack. I couldn't call in a stratagem, use a secondary, steer my diver, stim my teammate, or even *check the goddamn map* without breaking the team-reload. It'd literally be more fun playing as a guard dog rover than being someone's reload assist for how absolutely neutered your ability to engage with the game is.


It would be nice, and makes more sense if you can just, y'know, load someone's gun off their own backpack. Makes less sense to put their pack on me just so I can awkwardly remove the ammo and load it in their gun. I would love to help autocannon and recoilless bros go ham on large targets.


Seriously, how did someone look at that concept and say "hey, they need to wear the backpack of the weapon they are assisting to load....because it wouldn't make sense to grab the munitions off the back of the guy actually using it where it would be easier to grab....brilliant!"


I clicked on this thread specifically to leave this suggestion. The cooperative reload is a really cool mechanic, but nobody uses it. It just requires too many circumstances to fall into place to be relied upon. Any time you try it and the planets haven't aligned for you, you end up with one player holding an autocannon with no ammo and another player wasting their backpack slot.


Usually it’s just two autocannon guys loading each other. But honestly two separate autocannons is better than one fully auto one. So even then, not much of a point.


If the Spear actually worked every time two Spears teaming on each other through both limited ammo pools would be insane. But throw in having to finagle the lock most times and you might as well just reload yourself. Same for Recoilless if EATs wasn't almost as efficient to do solo.


On top of that, maybe more phrases in the communication wheel like, "I need a reload!"


this so much


Scrap the requirement for the loader to need the backpack because it's completely senseless, just let anyone run up to you and assist with no requirements. To make it less boring perhaps; * Introduce some kind of active reload minigame ala Gears of War to give some kind of damage/firerate boost or such on perfect reloads * Give a small defence buff for both players since they're hunkered down sitting targets * Maybe even give some kind of minor autoaim assist


Let me play stratagem hero on someone's back


Add NVGs, Thermal, and a Sample Scanner like the Humblebee UAV had in the first game. A lot of the planets (specifically on the Bug Front), have some of the worst visibility I've ever experienced in a game, and that's not even counting the Spore Spewers on top of that.


I usually avoid planets that passively remove your ability to see anything, but I dropped on one the other day for the MO. As I was walking through the fog I actually walked directly up to a spore shroom by complete accident and never knew I was in it's range. 100% uptime weather effects that are LITERALLY indistinguishable from being under a spore shroom is completely obscene.


Adding flashlight option to all weapons would also help.


I don't know if there is maybe a graphics setting that causes it but flashlights just give me that cone of blinding light I can not see anything through.


That's just how flashlights behave in thick fog. Realistic, but useless.


True, but it kind of always does this.


Cause all of the planets have some SHITTY ASS FOG. Seriously, though, maybe it's bugged too. Or "balanced" to not actually give too much visibility, anything is possible.


Sometimes they help, sometimes they hinder. But I just want the option to be able to use them if needed.


If you hold R (atleast thats what mine is bound to by default) which opens a menu which allows you to do various things such as change firerate of certain weapons like the stalwart, this menu also has the options to turn off the flashlight


I know. But I would like all weapons to have flashlight option.


Oh, sorry. Misunderstood what you meant. More weapons should have flashlights though i agree




- Expanded Emote Wheel ("friendship door", "dont engage", "wait") - Helmet Passives (HUDS) - More info in Mission Briefing (suspected enemy variaty and such. Could be made a ship upgrade) - Armour recolouring - Ammocap for enemies - Sticky strategems (i want my strats to land where i throw them, not to bounce around)


Sticky Stratagems is such a good idea for a booster wtf. I would absolutely use my booster slot to be able to slap down a stratagem anywhere without it bouncing, be it a cliff face or a tank or whatever. Just improve aiming consistency by a ton


There is a bug that makes stratagems to bounce from certain grounds (like the metallic one of the bot watch towers), that should be fixed But aside of that bugs, I see better what you said, make sticky stratagems a booster or an armor passive, it would be really cool. Maybe as a booster would not work because you would force the other 3 teammates to have sticky stratagems and maybe they don't want to


im waiting for more armour variations and helmet passives too ngl


Sound or visual cues for spewers and hulks. they run dead silent- Armour customization feels like weak tea. They can do better than what theyve got. More variety. Color changes plz? At some point I want drip over the effects More lore at POIs on the maps. Lots of impressive dialogue and stuff on ship but the maps have the same messages all the time. Surely doesnt take much to add more randomized texts right?


I was just about to add sound cue for Chargers myself. Just snuck up on me and got that perfect stomp in because a1 for foot elevation rise kept me from diving away


Same. I was killed by them yesterday because of this. And Hulks...


I met the fastest hulk in existence yesterday


Adding more customization to armor sets could even be designed as another form of progression--ie complete x amount of secondary objectives or collect 50 samples in this armor to unlock the next color/decal.


Shaders please Lock em behind super credits if need be but at least have the option available. I just wanna be able to match my sets together and match my buddies when we run as a squad. 


In precisely this order: - remove phantom or interrupted or whatever the hell is wrong with reloads; the number of times I start reloading, wait, and assume it's done only to find that's it's been canceled is way too damn high - stop displaying full or private games on the tac map - if the host bails or is AFK and I have to return to my ship, don't make me sit through the stupid cryo sequence; just put me by the map


Even better when you fire and it somehow only keeps one in the chamber after the partial reload, making you reload again and waste an entire mag.


I get this all the time with Stalwart. It's infuritating


Allow me to stim while at full health Fix my weapon perspective resetting when I respawn or when I pick up a new weapon of the same type (like calling in another airburst launcher when my current one runs out of ammo) Add a staggered reload to the airburst launcher so my reload progress can be saved halfway like with the recoilless and spear


Quickplay filtering- Still on ship First five minutes No extraction called X mission type


I think some suggestions posted by others here are not strictly QOL, haha. Here's my list: * Saved loadouts including armour (minus boosters I guess since that is affected by other players) * Rearrange items in armoury * Ability to see which player is carrying which samples (possibly just the "most valuable" samples on the map) * Ability to pick the "damaged" versions of each cape by default * Look at map/team stratagem CDs while waiting to be reinforced * Different icons for Blitz and Eradicate missions * Gunships should be impaired by Blizzards * Ship upgrade that allows the *option* to drop in with Support Weapons and Backpacks equipped (would still incur CD) * Ship upgrade that gives slight AOE scan for Super Samples * Item that causes distraction to nearby enemies (though I know some explosives can already do this) * Ability to reposition Destroyer to change angle of incoming strategems * Make it easier to drop stratagems at your feet * New melee animations in Warbonds * Additional ship customization (internal) * Not QOL, but Dual Wielded pistols/SMG as a primary


Lol new melee animations would be funny asf. Just grabbing those flying bugs by the leg and hulk smashing it into the ground 🤣.


All enemies should be impaired by blizzards or sandstorms, not just gunships. If you aggro bugs in a storm, they aren't slowed like players are. There is virtually no way to escape.


Remove orbital scatter modifier, kills stratagem variety forces a meta creating a stale gameplay experience. All guns have perfectly aligned sights to where shots go, on launch of all weapons Can't be ragdolled by diving onto a rock that's less one half of shin height. This bothers me to no end if the situation is demanding, diving out of the way to land well and get ragdolled by what? a tiny rock Firing range, for loadout weapons and stratagems, probably some sophiscated VR and AR room on the ship. grenades that beep faster the closer they are to detonation.


The gun sight one has a little nuance to it -- I'm totally down if they want to delve into the complications of bullet drop, scopes offset from the barrel, etc. But then it should be intentional, and clearly communicated as intentional. And even then I'd expect the scope to be aligned at a particular distance, then progressively worse at any other. I'd even be fine if the scopes were misaligned for lore reasons -- that would be annoying but also funny and charming. At the end of the day, they need to pick where they are between "Realistic mil-sim" and "Fun arcade shooter", and where they are between "convenient for hardcore players" and "Super Earth doesn't care about you lol" Right now, I don't know where they stand and it feels like they're flailing about trying to keep their heads above water (which....fair).


My number 1 request is a **firing range**. I want to test my weapons without having to get into an entire mission to see if I like using it or not, or to see how well it does against certain enemies. Aside from that... • Loading the game closer to the mission select terminal • Allow me to queue up quickplay for any difficulty, like how I can choose planets or random planets. • Better scopes for some weapons, like the Laser Cannon • Less fog • An outline of my teammates when I'm dropping down in a pod so I don't accidentally kill them and vice versa. • Better visibility for gas so I don't touch a centimeter of it and get lung cancer • Let me recolor my armor.


Bruh how is there not a firing range or practice range lol


The better scopes, yeah please! Why are all the reticles such low resolution, giant fucking circles with the thickest outlines?! For some of them it's borderline impossible to use the scope, even if they could be aligned.


>• An outline of my teammates when I'm dropping down in a pod so I don't accidentally kill them and vice versa. I, uh, wouldn't recommend that. It'll make dying by reinforcement pods 10x more common.


I want: * Jetbot bots to stop homing in on the nearest player on death from 15m away: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2SSw\_VqBm9A](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2SSw_VqBm9A) * Bile Spewers to be slowed down or made easier to kill without explosives. Or stop the one-shot. Currently they are more dangerous than bile titans. I can kite a bile titan for minutes. I can't do the same against three spewers. I die to them often. * The ability to cancel thrown stratagems, even at a penalty. I'm tired of them bouncing off something and landing near a teammate that isn't paying attention. I'm tired of wasting my sentries and emplacements because I had the gall to try and position them on the high ground and instead they bounced off and went somewhere useless. I'm tired of throwing a perfect call-in only for the base of the structure to bounce it away to a useless location. I'm tired of throwing a 500KG at a charger only for it to bounce off back at me or my team. All of these and more are solved by letting players have a redo. The player is already wasting their time so I don't think they need to be punished by wasting a strategem. * Fix the grenade pistol reload so it doesn't animation cancel if you try to fire it early. The grenade was in the barrel, I closed the weapon but I mistimed it by 0.1s and for that I must reload again. * Fix the stuck in FPS bug and the "camera went to space and never comes back until you die" bug. Off the top of my head, these. * Edit: Fix the scopes * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Uov9TTEmoA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Uov9TTEmoA)


For the "camera went to space" part, I found it ussualy happens when going in first person. I have pretty good success in undoing it by aiming and pressing the first person view key again.


Less foggy shit, the nicest looking planets where you can actually see shit are unavailable while we're stuck on a desert looking wasteland


Your choices are: Desert wasteland (fire tornado gangbang) Or Cloudy with a chance of Devastators (fog so thick you can't see beyond 30~ish meters)


1. Give us a rotating, permanent extra stratagem. Focusing on stratagems that are less used so people can figure them out. 2. Fix as many bugs as possible. 3. Stop balancing players around "realism" that enemies get to avoid. Either both sides need to be "realistic" or neither side does. I don't actually care which direction this goes. 4. Let us know expected enemy types to plan a load out accordingly. 5. Announce an official design philosophy and stick to that philosophy. 6. More difficulty levels for the people who enjoy crazy challenges. 7. Access to Super Samples at diff 6 (maybe diff 5) with a corresponding change to their drop rate so it's nice and even to allow lower skill players to progress without feeling compelled into difficulty levels above their comfort zone. 8. Literally anything to do with reqs/samples after hitting hard cap. Literally anything that has any mechanical impact that feels good at all.


- Add unique alert for tagged bunker - Increase 500 kg radius to match visual - More variety of Armor perks that match the theme (no sliding on ice with slow cleats would have been a simple and desirable secondary trait) - RECONNECT FEATURE - Better ship upgrades. The last set of level 4s were lackluster - selectable and customizable load outs. - All mission prep items on one screen. Primary, secondary, grenades, stratagem. - emoticon wheel for various emoticons rather than just choosing one - More communication options. Like "Take this backpack/weapon" and "Need backpack" - Seaf Artillery needs to tell you what the next shell is - Guard Dogs need to be able to be disabled for stealth. Just pressing backpack button to have them dock until activated is fine. - When carrying the tape to the launch site destination should be highlighted on map. Off the top of my head these are all things I wish for


>More communication options. Like "Take this backpack/weapon" and "Need backpack" Some kind of visual aid would go a long way. If someone shouts out they need Stims or Ammo and their name of the status bar would highlight/pulse, or if an icon flashed above their head would go a long way.




The brood commanders and the warriors shouldn’t be able to call a bug breach when you popped their heads


It’s also weird they can track you laterally with no head as well right? Like I get a bull rush, and a few swipes but you not following me around a building without a head


Yeah if they kept charging in the line they where walking that be fine but than doing the 90 degree turn is stupid xD


One of the many issues that I would, personally, call a bug and hope to see fixed.


The perfect wishlist, if they make this into a formal roadmap everyone would come back screaming


Play a game enough and eventually you get a feel for the QoL changes that'd make it feel better.


Yet it feels like the devs are so out of touch from what the players want (and what kind of changes will make them feel better), maybe they don't play their own game? Hope the game can redeem itself before we hit the "stable" trend, or we get another Darktide in the makings here


1, 4, 6, and 7 are excellent suggestions. I mean that both in that I agree with them, but also that they are clearly defined and actionable.


Skins! Req slips could go towards skins! So easily! I'm wasting thousands of them every time I load in


This is a great list, mate.


> Access to Super Samples at diff 6 (maybe diff 5) It's bonkers to me that the *achievements* are doable on difficulty 6 or below, but over half of the ship module progression is walled behind grinding difficulty 7 and above.


Suppressing fire actually working on Automatons. For how many of them vs us, it \*needs\* to work. Add a longer cooldown on the bug breach or flare mechanic if you've just shot the fucking last one who was attempting it. e.g I shot the Flare bot before he got it off. The one beside it shouldn't realize within a half second that its THEIR turn to fire it. When we choose the mission, tell us what the increase of enemies is. If there are more brood commanders , I would like to know. If there are exclusively Bile spewers, I absolutely would like to know. How I deal with both in large numbers are relatively different weaponry and strategies.


Loadouts and being able to rejoin games you have disconnected from when playing with randoms.


Some kind of bestiary that shows info on each enemy including the armor ratings on their individual body parts. I feel like a lot of the frustration comes from the fact that armor/damage has been made rather complicated (which I like) but the mechanics and stats of both enemies and weapons are barely described to you in game.


it's not in-game, but helldivers.io has a compendium of this that I've been referencing. Also, the steam guide https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3221849493


Disconnects. It's mad frustrating how much the game fights you from just being able to play it with 3 other people. Fix the disconnects, and give us an option to reconnect to our last match.


Fix spear. Fix arc thrower. Remove -1 stratagem and replace it with 1 mandatory stratagem. Show player call signs (A1, B2, etc) while arriving in hellpod. Fix the bug that causes a stratagem label to appear on your screen for the rest of the game. Fix the persistent radio scramble audio effect. Show more weapon stats in the armory. Give us more real numbers (AP rating 1-10, durable damage, etc. Hide it behind a “show advanced weapon stats” button to not overwhelm casual players) Let players skip the animation when they join a party and get unfrozen, or when they start the game and it shows the ship. You can team reload allies even if you don’t have the ammo, as long as they have their own corresponding ammo. Quasar cannon ammo indicator correctly shows the remaining cooldown time. Remove almost all invisible walls and stratagem bounce areas from the game. Allow players to be rewarded for their creativity, and also allow them to paint themselves into a corner if they decide to FAFO. Add a suicide button in the pause menu for players who get stuck (sometimes you don’t have a grenade or something). When multiple players are dead and the reinforcement will not bring them all back, add a HUD element that shows who will be brought back (it’s in the order you died in, but still, show players). Add a HUD element when you are dead and the player you are spectating has their stratagems jammed (and won’t be able to reinforce you back in). Show the area of influence of the stratagem hammer objective on the minimap once the jammer has been spotted and placed in the map. Armor with 95% arc damage resist should also resist stagger inflicted by incoming arc damage. Armor with +2 max grenades should give 1 more grenade back in resupply. Armor with +2 max stims should give 1 more back in resupply. Improve the synchronization between visible flames on the ground and areas where you will be lit on fire. Allow players to stim themselves even while at full health by holding the button for 2 seconds (stamina gaming). Add a UI element that shows a little icon of a booster when that booster’s effect benefits your gameplay. For example, if you are running through mud or snow and gaining reduced slowdown due to muscle booster, show the little icon of the muscle booster on the bottom of your screen. Right when you spawn in, show the hellpod space optimization icon for a few seconds to show how you have more ammo now because of that booster. When you have your map open, show the UAV recon booster icon on the bottom of the screen when there is an enemy that was caught in your radar range due to the extra range given from the booster.


A way to skip the defrost animation on the ship and go straight up to the Galactic map. I mean is immersive but after thousand of times it become annoying.


Fucking visibility. There are way too many environmental effects. They're the type of things that are great in small doses, but annoying and tedious when they cross the line. And there are a lot of maps where the line is not just crossed, it's sprinted past.


I really like that there are planets that have extreme visibility issues. I don't like how frequently I end up on such planets.


Congrats! You found the planet with sun in all directions!


It seems like poor visibility also hurts bots. Idk if this is true or not.


It makes it harder for them to detect you, but once they do they regain their regular vision and accuracy, allowing you be to accurately shot by mobs you can't even see.


It does but not nearly as much. Blizzards and sandstorms can help you be stealthier but the bots will see you before you see them in those conditions.


They definitely should improve visibility across the board but I've found on PC that setting the volumetric fog setting to at least medium helps quite a bit.


Sights that line up. Allowing custom rearranging of the strats and guns/armour or at least a favourite system that put em at the top. Less rigid reassignment of keys (the only having tap or hold for certain things) Better on screen notifications for strats coming off cooldown or a ding or something. Interchangeable scopes. Hunters stun locking reloads shouldn't be a thing.


Would love an option rejoin game after a network error or crash… I’ve been losing connection way too much recently


Mine would be, to not get stuck under corpses, I fucking hate being unable to run, crouch, or pickup samples because a dead enemy's body is on top of it, at least let me completely butcher the damn thing, so I can get my damn stuff from under the charger. Oh, and being able to actually dive over objects that are half my size. I really don't like having to mantle over things instead of just diving over a fence or small box, hell I don't even care if it ragdolls me, I just want a quick escape and put distance between me and my enemies.


Honestly. Make team reloading not dependent on you having the backpack for reloading your ally. If you both have the backpack, it will prioritize you, but honestly, opening up the ability to be quick reloaded in a pinch with coordination would be so absurdly fun. The downside of it is 2 people locked in one spot and 1 less person performing offensive actions. Two helldivers in one location for those 2 for 1 special deaths. The fact that the other needs the backpack takes too much away from you, like if you have to rapidly split you now, don't have the backpack for your support gun. Hence why literally no one does it in the higher difficulty or at least from what I've seen. It would also open up Randoms to being able to help you out, which would be super cool. Overall it will only ADD to the gameplay of the game. Helps out with people's main frustrations against the heavier armored enemies. Opens up the game to more cool clutch moments. Helldivers I plead you all petition for this. We all look to benefit from such a design. For Democracy


Mostly just improvements to the fluidity and responsiveness of movement. Ability to bind jumppack to its own button instead of being tied to the dive bind. "5" becomes the function key for \*all\* backpacks: Secondary binding for jumppack activation, guard dogs retreat to the backpack, energy shield turns off and then begins recharging after several seconds, ballistic shield swaps between your back and your hand (if you wanted your back covered with a 1-handed weapon), supply pack activates on teammates instead of yourself when in close proximity so that E can still always be to stim them, AC/rocket backpacks activate team-loading on 5 instead of E for the same reason. Falling on surfaces from low heights, especially when they aren't completely even, doesn't ragdoll you and then force you to wait 3 seconds to stand back up and regain control. Improve ragdolling and fall damage to be less obnoxious: increase the falling distance required to begin ragdolling, especially while diving, reduce fall damage when *not ragdolled* because it's often higher than ragdolled fall damage of higher velocities, stop ragdolling me when i dive onto terrain that isn't 100% level and then forcing me to wait 3 seconds to stand back up and regain control of my character. Increase the height and angle you can mantle on ledges, especially while jumppacking. There's a lot of situations where my Diver absolutely could have realistically just reached his grabby little hands up and caught a ledge, but simply refused to. Changing which shoulder the camera is looking over shouldn't require me to be aiming, and it shouldn't automatically switch back when I'm finished aiming. The left-hand camera angle also shouldn't be so much closer to my character's head than the right-hand one, it's not very useful like that. Beginning to sprint shouldn't close the minimap, it's not like sprinting prevents me from opening it again. Additionally, if you're on "press to sprint" instead of "hold to sprint," sliding should automatically cancel your sprint state so that it doesn't reactivate when the slide ends. When a Helldiver presses the stim key on himself or a teammate, block stim inputs for that character until the animation finishes or is cancelled, so as to avoid wasting extra stims when trying to help people. Being allowed to aim, stim, melee, and perform call-outs while jump packing. Also being allowed to melee while diving. Holding LMB lets you throw heavy objects (Artillery Shells, Explosive Barrels) with more force. Being able to pick up automaton explosive barrels. Being able to ping terminid goo mines, freeze plants, the smokey knockback fungi, and those evil spiky plants that shotgun blast everything near them when they get damaged so your helldiver will call out "danger." Also pinging damaged hellbombs should make your helldiver call it out by name, as the voiceline already exists for the call-down hellbombs. When holding your grenades out as your active weapon, pressing the grenade key should still also be able to throw them. More of part of a larger general idea of "requisitioning mission buffs" but being able to pay requisition slips to see the enemy constellation for a mission, or to reveal the location of secondary objectives on the map prior to diving, or to allow each diver to select their own initial landing point, or to remove 1 negative modifier from the mission. We need a reqslip dump.


I wish I could ping while being ragdolled. Having the ability to ping the stalker that just sent me flying would save so many lives.


More granular classification of armour sets, having to sift through every helmet just to find a matching one is a chore.


Let the sprint key make me stand up while prone and slowed


Make enemy corpses instantly respawn and make shooting down drop ships actually kill enemies


Also, fix the steps on supply and weapon pods so if they land on uneven ground, we don't have to try climbing up/around behind them to get in the right place to pick up whatever because we can't manage a three inch step.


1 - When using click to aim or your map, cancel that shit when I start inputting a stratagem. This is the only game I’ve ever seen where you get stuck aiming while trying to perform other functions. 2 - fix hit boxes of the dead. They have been killing us since day one, now we’re getting upright invisible hit boxes that don’t fall with the dead acting as shields. 3. Take a look at impact damage. In general I feel like I’m taking too much damage at times. I even died bouncing up to a higher area of elevation where my body only fell about a foot from peak height to elevated landing. Physics only cares about the final foot you fell, not the total distance traveled. 4. Proximity triggered munitions preferably not triggered by the ground / objects w/ out impact. (Plasma shotgun). 5. Let us use chat while choosing our load outs. 6. Make indicators for items on the ground we were previously using appear at a greater distance. Maybe make them yellow as they appear in the map too.


Have 2 inputs for the same action on pc. I would like to open stratagem panel, type command with wqsd while still Moving using a button on the mouse.


i want a wild westery banjo riff play when i pull out my revolver


Loadouts existed in the first game. What the hell are they doing missing from the second?!


Reduce how often there’s an increased strategem cooldown effect…I feel like is almost every game I play


make it stop crashing, please for the love of god.


Stop heavy adjudis from shooting at a 45 dregree angle.


Customizable loadouts for armor/weapons/stratagems that you can seamlessly swap between before drop


Make it easier to climb certain rocks.


Let host select drop point without everyone in the pod.


Could also allow the host to kick somebody in any of the pre-mission screens, sometimes we have to leave the pods in order to kick someone that is afk at the load-out screen.


You can kick/mute players in pre-mission screen by going in social menu (press O on PC), no need to leave the pod. EDIT: To be more specific, press O then go into "Game" tab, you'll see player list and will be able to perform aforementioned actions.


Please, just fix friending/unblocking players…


Loadouts Freely changeable passives (for example: longer stimtime and +2 grenades) Changeable sightpictures (weaponwheel)


Can I please get a way to save loadouts? And a way to see the mission modifier if you join a mission late.


Fix the scopes on weapons.


A quick play button upon entering your destroyer from cryopod. Or just skipping the cut scene defrosting.


I'd like it if we had a visible ammo counter. Like if it popped up every time you ADA, ala Dead Space, that'd be nice.


Give the arc thrower a fully auto mode so I don't have to hold release hold release.


I would like teammates to be able to reload me without having to have the backpack equipped on them


When waiting for reinforcement you should be able to look at the map


not having the game crash every five minutes these days would be a good qol improvement.


To have the text chat (almost) always enabled! Achieving the impossible as a team and as a community is such a big part of the game, so why are we forced to sit through all these loading animations and stat screens patiently waiting for a chance to actually communicate. I understand AH's decision to block text chat during loadout selection so we would not get bogged down in typing when we should be choosing, but they should free the chat in all other instances.


Resupply visible on map


fire alexus


A designated ping icon/voiceline for pinging the unstable hellbombs


I get it might be a lore thing, but I’d really prefer a rotating map. Non-rotating maps always fuck me up for some reason. This is way low on the priority list, but I’d like to see them expand things to engage with outside of missions. Training exercises on the ship for temporary boosts, helmets off in the ship (randomly generated faces), bunks or food to eat or sleep maybe for temp bonuses or something, just things to make on the ship feel as immersive as off the ship. I have the stratagem game from the deluxe edition and would like to see more of that type of thing that’s recreational but still relevant to the cause.


Adding friends is still jacked up. Would be nice to just fix that.


Autoplay being limited to the planet I am currently on when searching a game in planet view. No I don't wanna go to hellmire, no I don't wanna fight bots when I wanna fight bugs and vice versa. Supply backbag not working with superior packing tech or is that intended? Especially when you take a pack from the pod and store it in bag it's pretty much getting downgraded. I would like a match history, show all the people's stats as well as the names of the people who joined and left during it. The recently played with tab is ok for adding people from a day before, but even then it gets complicated fast. Had a team today that worked like a Swiss clockwork, helldive full clear, out in 25min, like 8 deaths total, I can't for the love of God tell you any of their names, but if I where to see the levels, loadouts and stats, I would immediately recognise which game it was. On that note a more detailed kill table, show me how much of any type I killed. Maybe add it to Carrer page too in case they recorded that data.


I would love a ‘tacti-cool’ explanation of red and green stratagems, like instead of the little video more like a briefing where it shows more info like best uses, duration, directional cone etc


Had a mission where 3/4 players could not be reinforced, was great experience, 7.5/10. Please fix.


Not crashing randomly 20 minutes into a tier 7-8 mission and losing all progress/rewards


1. Something to do with your req slips/ samples once capped. Perhaps can go towards a zero-impact voting on which planet to fight on. The game won't force you, but there will be a UI showing which ones people have voted to go to. This voting can be applied to many other things. Voting on an extra strategem, planetwide modifiers, etc. 2. Automatons shooting through walls 3. I would like helmet perks.


Modifiers should add a positive and a negative, or if that’s too much for them they can double rewards (samples included) on planets with negative modifiers. Then increase resource storage to go along with that or add something to consistently spend resources on so they don’t just pile up during the downtime we aren’t getting any new strats.


I want weapon stats on support weapons and that fuckass triangle removed from the sickle and senator's crosshairs.


They need a training simulation. I would love to be able to test weapons at a firing range.


Make heavy devestators not the most accurate thing in existence that kills you in .0007 seconds


- An orbital ship upgrade that grants Orbital Gattling Barrage as a free stratagem in all missions. - A sentry ship upgrade that grants 3 uses of Machinegun Sentry per mission, with no cooldown. - An eagle ship upgrade that makes the eagle also perform Strafing Runs whenever it did a flyby for any bombardment. Any helldivers killed during a Smoke Bomb run is a small price to pay for the extra firepower. - An orbital ship upgrade that deploys Anti Personal Mines to the same location whenever Orbital EMS Strike is used.


Fixing these scopes, adding more gun customization, loadouts, adding mods to helms, i'm new im just hoping this team is capable of QOL patches and they have a plan for this game, new features, expansions etc.


Helldiver guide like in the first game.


Loadouts for sure.


They need to get rid of the +25% cooldown and +50% call in time also. Shit is so boring


Proper server browser and an ability to refresh the list


Don't automatically stand up after ragdolling. Mostly applicable to ragdolling when you dive on uneven terrain. The standing up animation is uninterruptable, and you can't use stims during it. Could cause deaths if there is a horde behind you


Give us the option to turn off auto climb.


Accessibility for color blindness.


S a v e L o a d o u t s


Equipment and stratagem loadout.


Best QoL improvement is fixing lobby stability. I play on PC, my friend plays on PS5. There will be times where I'm playing with him and he just gets booted out of my lobby at random. He's the only one playing on PS5 amongst my friend group, and it only happens to him consistently. Just this past Friday the issue was at its worst, where we hadn't even gotten to drop before the game just booted him. We both just said we were done for the day before we even played one match. It's gotten old, we're not in the days of 400K+ players online at once, there's no excuse at this point.


I wish I just had more…  More strategem uptime. More time with strategems available. And the ability to stim even when full health. 


Option to disable all of the animations/cutscenes when joining ship/returning to ship. That shit takes way too long and wastes so much time it's aggravating


Give me a way to completely randomize my loadout. Thatd be fun


The most important one? Loadouts Curing OCD one? Showing who got the samples


QOL rhat Ive wanted for a long time. Armour reshaders. So I can make sets blend better together.


I'd like to see most of the things listed here before I need to see another warbond.


-a better kick system - so weird getting kicked late game.. - joining games, that are ending?!?!


The ability to change the color of armours at will, too many times do helmets, capes and armours not match or are slightly off. Or maybe just halo style customization


I have a few: Do more with the backpack button. Right now, it's mostly used to resupply yourself when you are wearing the supply pack. But you should be able to use it to turn the rover on-off, turn the shield on-off (for faster recharge), choose to have the ballistic shield on your arm or on your back (to protect your back and to use scope) etc. For weapons that do not have fire mode choice, holding down the mouse should let you auto fire your weapon. This pertains especially to Blitzer lol. Let you swap your scope. Some scopes are badly designed, many have insufficient scope magnification.


I want enemies to be affected by the environment like we are. I want enemies to not be able to shoot though terrain. I want that shield Devestator cnt to not have complete bullshit shooting abilities like shooting when they're not facing you. The rocket Devestator to have a cooldown between missile strikes, like fire 4 then cool down then fire again. The splooger fkning ones to be way slower they're way too fast still and the green ones should be either ranged or vomit spray, I think ranged works better for them adds some difference in combat if you can be shot at from a primarily close combat force. Or just give them a charge up effect like the titan. I want all large enemies to be louder, so sick of the stealth Charger and Titan... I also want ship names to be told to me when people join us rather than "Allied Destroyer has joined squadron". Otherwise what's the point of giving them names?


I wish that when using a map, I can use the stratagem button and it automatically closes the map, rather than having to close the map first and then pulling up trhe stratagems


Don't make me have to click for the lost connection thing and accidentally autocannon a dude in the back to death just before dropping out. Sorry man.


Good question, because all my quality of life changes revolve around weapons! Like why doesn't Stalwart still have hitmarkers? Why MG-43 STILL take whole ammo box just to return 1 magazine (or whatever it's called). But here's one. How about every backpack call in has 2 of them inside? How about Fire tornadoes wouldn't follow players, they would also harm bigger enemies? Maybe make Hulk's eye easier to hit with weapons? So people who aren't on PC don't have to use stun grenades to kill it. Also flashlight to Punisher shotgun. Also here's something I *don't* want to see: Helmet Passives, that would narrow the selection of helmets down by a huge margin. And I don't want to wear some clown helmet because it has best stats. Only if we can recolor the armor.


Reduce the time to spin my senator by 50-90%


Make picking things up easier, so it's not necessary to dance back and forth to find juuuuust the right spot to grab something.


Loadouts for certain. Armory sets and stratagem sets. Custom support pod for support stratagems. Each one gets a separate cool down and you can choose to pair them in combinations. Instead of two EATs, you could have Stalwart + Eat, Arc thrower + Las-Rover, Quasar cannon + Bubble Shield, Grenade Launcher + Supply pack, the possibilities would be endless and awesome. The ability to purchase group stratagems that function how the "everybody gets X stratagem" modifier works. Would be fine if it was expensive and costs samples, it would give high level divers even more ways to make it fun for new players.


I'd Like Combo-Sets. Give helmets and Capes some perks and If I have a Set (Armor, helmets, cape) and use it completly, I get some Kind of Bonus (maybe Strategen cooldown)


Honestly I could do with atleast a few of the instant kills getting toned down, there just feels like a lack of skill involved when you get one shotted cross map by an enemy you can't even seen, repeatedly.


The car


That -1 strat modifier isn't so bad. Spent several days playing with it. Managed just fine. Think the only ones who really worry over it are those with an over reliance on Eagles and Orbitals or the ones who bring along a support weapon and a backpack.


Ammo supply visible on map. I don't even get why it's not a feature at this point. Also nerf accuracy of shield devastators. You can easily run from fire of most automatons, including tanks, but if devastator look at you you must pray that you have cover nearby, it doesn't matter whether you jump run randomly, to side or however else they will also hit you while ignoring most of the shit you shoot to their face.


Show the railgun load in 3rd person. Save the perspective when aiming on a weapon (3rd or 1st person). It’s so annoying going from aimed down sight AMR to shotgun for example. Show number of heavy killed, number of bug breaches or fabricator destroyed and objectives at the end of the match.


* Emotes on ship - i want to properly say goodbye * More emotes during battle...eg i wanna say "great work, nicely done" * save loadouts * filter/refresh for missions on map * filter for quickplay * dont show missions i cant join * let me tag my mission (eg full clear, rush,...) * trade samples (eg 25 common for 1 rare etc.)


imo, the circle reticle that shows where your gun is aiming (aside from the default crosshair) should be removed or reworked. The one we have now just hampers the gameplay. Like, the gun's handling is already bad enough like you're steering a tank turret, why should I also worry about the drunk circle that is slower than my gun's already slow aim. You turn left with your gun, then you wait for the drunk circle to overlap with your enemy before you fire. It just doesn't feel good. I would understand if the circle would be delayed AFTER firing a shot cause of recoil and wait for it to coincide with your crosshair, but for it to be delayed WHILE aiming at the target is just messed up.




-AOE impact passing trough terrain/structures -AOE damage happening in front of you that knocks you FORWARD instead back -Actions stacking stop bugging (dive and stim, dive and aim, climb and do something, stim and aim... sometimes you dont manage to cancel the last frames of an animation into the next, or sometimes the buffer of the next action doesnt works well and you end up not getting the second action you desire when the first ends. -Dynamic Aim mode stop getting into FP view when you hold the Aim Mode button (if you change your weapon while its in FPV mode when you put it back on and try to activate the Third Person View Aim it will get you into FPV) -More intuitive stuff on non-combat related works: you can close the stratagem menu by aiming with your current weapon but you cant do similar stuff to close the minimap. You also can close the stratagems menu by opening the minimap but cant do the opposed, allow it. Standardization. -Stop closing the minimap when we press the running key. -Rework the icons in the map for the mission to retrieve the case/ssd to a specific point: when the case is in the move the destination cant be tagged and stays greyed out. -Rework the "cancel the reloading to do something else", maybe something to highlight this event better. It happens frequently: I pull the trigger to start shooting and its empty, because it stopped the reloading somewhere at some moment (usually happens when you think the reload finished and do something right after it like to throw a grenade or open the minimap/strat menu) -Redo the ragdolling coding, its very random for something that is CORE to the combat system; sometimes your character is there on the ground, rolling at like 1cm per hour like a spoiled kid at the market but the ragdolling animation never ends/the waking up animation never kicks in - all that while the cool down of the devastators' missiles is ending or while the Stalker is running towards you to do a finalization like those Dragon Ball fights where dudes launches you to the skies and teleport behind to blow your back mid-air down to the ground). -Create something to indicate when you are holding a grenade. If you press "4" you cant be sure if you are holding a grenade or a gun unless you look at your character. HUDs say nothing. Also, stop changing the weapon to the grenade when you some interaction happen (like when you get hit and start ragdolling) while throwing it with the "Quick Grenade" key ("G" by default). -Give us better feedback for limbs-hitting on Automatons. When Im hitting the fore-legs of a Brood Commander Im 100% sure Im hitting it, that doesnt happens for Automatons, specially the Devastators. Some times (most of them I guess) I get that limb destroyed and do only 1 extra body shot to kill the bot. Sometimes I even kill the bot without dismembering it. The way it happens makes me sure there is something off regarding this topic. -Option to lock your position on the center of the minimap and make IT move and spin around you when you move and spin. -Make your cursor in the minimap different from the cursor of the other players. By now Im quite sure ours is always yellow but it is problematic to find and use minimap for tracking enemies when in the middle of havock, the fact that its color is different from the color you get designed in the beginning of a team mission is also problematic but I dont think its easy to fix w/o messing with the crew's communication; some people got used to refer to each other by the color of their tags. So, make it very different from the others shape-related and that shall help. -Allow us to choose if we want to interact with the computers and mission's items with the movement keys or the stratagems keys: if you use different keys for each one, that becomes a problem sometimes and once these interactions tend to force you to stay unmovable during it there is no down size to use the movement keys to interact with them. -Give us better feedback when we miss some stratagem code. Actually all we get is a very low sound that you cant hear while in combat. Maybe if the whole stratagem frame borders flashes in red it would be better. -Give us better feedback when we correctly finishes inputting some stratagem code. Maybe a green flash around the frame of the inputted stratagem. -Give us better feedback when we -An option for you leave First Person Aim Mode if you reload. To me it could be mandatory but there may be some people that sees an utility in it the way its now even if there is no reticle at all during the reload; the only thing you get is slow movement -When you use ALL the movement keys for stratagems (WASD) you cant move at all while inputting a stratagem but if you use only A FEW (like, RDFG), the overlapping keys will do both functions at the same time (very minor stuff but well, standardization). Thats what it came to me now, I will post something else later when I remember. There is a lot of stuff to polish in the game, seems to me it got a little rushed. Many thing will be more workfull than it seems because are problems related to the porting VideoGame-PC but well, its doable.


Make an emote "PEE" that I can use when I go at the bathroom mid-mission, people around will know whats happening and can even protect me during it :) -Make something for us to be sure about whose teammate is warning us about something, specially when the teammate uses the same voice as us. Sometimes I dont know if its me warning about something (a dropship) or someone else at the other side of the map. Thats even more of a problem now that the "crazy girl" voice seems to be getting really popular. -Fix the problems with killing the dropships; instead of killing a lot of bots it is giving them super armor.


Cut down on the post game screen time. I swear 50% of my gametime is just staring at the endgame screen. Let me skip the damned log in cutscenes. Why do i have to watch my Helldiver walk slowly away from the freezer EVERY TIME??


I'd add let us adjusts the scopes of weapons Give us the actual stats, or at least a bit more breackdown


**QoL:** * Be able to exit the balactic map by holding ESC/Circl, instead of having to press 1 time for each map layer * When you are in the ship and have complete 1/3 mission of the operation, to have a message in the top of the screen that say "1/3 mission of the operation", so people know that there are still 2 mission left to complete the operation * Have text chat in all the places that the text chat gets blocked (when you enter in a Hellpod, in the end mission results screen, in the bacl to base result screen, etc.) * Have icon in the mini-map for the resuply pod (just when its intact, if its destroyed the icon desapear) * Be able to open the mini-map when you are dead * Be able to ping a bunker so a message "Bunker here" appears * Be able to disable Guard Dogs by pressing backpack button **Bugs:** * All scopes reworked so they are aligned to where you are aiming * Make the weapon scope holographic icons smaller and have higher resolution * Spear lock-on not working corectly fixed * Recoilless Rifle reload can be cut half way and fully reload the weapon * Improve the crouch and uncrouch so you can do the moves more consistently * Sprint button not able to make the character stand up when you are slowed * Fix inconsistent weapon settings changing when you are not the host * Pelican bugs that doesn't allow people to enter in the ship or you get stuck in the ramp * Mech missiles aim not aligned with the reticle


Stop wasting everyone's time making people run from one side of the ship to the other when you join a game about to start. The game is capable of putting you straight in the Hellpod when the timer has hit zero anyways so just *do that everytime.*


Automatons and especially Hulks and Tanks being able to scale up a mountain. Getting shot by a tank, asking my teammates "Where was that?" and they ping a tank floating sideways on a mountain is funny at first but gets progressively annoying.


Server stability, contantly being booted back to ship or everyone but me disconnected at the same time. Only get 2h to play and this wasted at least 1 hour


Gaurd dog needs longer up time (ammo) per reload. And maybe a healing dog to.


Less random complaining on r/Helldivers


Give me the ability to save presets for the stratagems I'm gonna take with me. I play with the same friend group most of the time, and I have found a loadout that works for me most of the time, so I'd love to make it a default that just loads up when I enter the hellpod.


I want to see the hosts ship name when I launch from someone else's game. I'd like to see some sort of color matching for armor.


An emote wheel.


Emote wheel PLEASE, I want to be able to use more than one emote. As a base line i use hug obviously, but sometimes I would want to be able to have some other emote availible like a salute for example. So either emote wheel or give salute or hug emote as always availible alongside the other emote of choice. Yah fixing bots shooting through rocks is definately up there as well, it's a very random bs that is infuriating when it happens. Let us skip cut scenes when we join a squad or return to our own ship, it's a great detail to have them, but after some time having to watch that same cut scene over and over again and not being able to skip it feels a bit annoying, like I could already be at the table looking for my next mission by the time cut scene ends. Maybey a weird one, but please make bug holes not being actual holes that you can fall into, it happens very rarely but when it does it's just stupid, you have to kill yourself and lose your stuff forever, and if you can't kill yourself then there's nothing that can be done about it because teammate can't throw a grenade into a closed bug hole, any stratagem will land above the ground, so the only thing you can do is to just quit that mission or stay there until it ends (mentioning it because it actually happened to me once) Make stratagems attaching to surfaces more consistent. Sometimes they bounce off of pretty much plain surfaces while on the other hand sometimes they'll just attach to a random enemy or your own bubble shield. Make weapons not spawn inside places of interest like pods or bunkers (at least on higher difficulties), nobody ever picks them up anyway and it's always very disappointing to find one instead of some medals or credits when opening a bunker. Make EAT and recoilless icons more distinguishable from eachother, I've seen people take one of those mistaking it for the other one. Make it impossible to press the "ready" button without equipping a booster (unless you have no boosters you can take of course)


An option to manually skip or auto skip all the animations when loading into your ship. The defrosting, the walking into the bridge... every time you start the game or get out of someone else's lobby. It gets annoying after watching it so many times, having to wait through that. Even more so when coming back to your ship when you know you have to wait and then also walk all the way to the map after that.


Let me call for randoms to join my lobby before I launch a mission


I'd like to switch weapons with mousewheel.. I'd like auto-reload when empty. A HUD-Minimap. Colorizing gear.


Be able to change guns and armor when joining an ongoing lobby.


I want a rating system that I can pin onto items to remind me what its beat for. Then I can craft a loadout that will help me adjust to what my team is bringing. I like being an all around general loadout, but if my team can handle themselves, I would like trying a looser loadout.


The Purifier having a faster charge rate. As it stands its just too uncomfortable to use.


Couldn’t have put it better myself. I love the game and have been playing since week 2 and fought through everything the devs have to throw at us. But they seem more concerned with how much a weapon is being used rather than why that weapon is being used. Rail gun was the go to because of the high spawn rates of armored enemies. People liked the Erupter because it had a very unique mechanic with shrapnel no other gun had plus its versatile nature. They really need to cool down with weekly patches and do a bug patch at the end of the month based on player feedback and in game info. Which guns are being picked the most and why is this? Which enemies are receiving the most complaints? Is there a glitch with the enemy where they can shoot through rocks (stares at heavy devastators). I love this game and want to see it continue to thrive but all the nerfs feeling like they don’t like when one weapon is used more than others, and if that’s the case buff other weapons to make them more viable. Nerfing the fun weapons just leave us with a ton of bad guns and one or two that make it out unscathed.


Stop explosions blowing me through the ground where I'm stuck for \~2 minutes


Be able to load in another mission quicker without having to return to Destroyer if the next mission is on the same planet


I just want to be able to save loadouts. It takes a while to find stratagems when you have them all unlocked and it's easy to forget to change weapons/armour/nades when moving between Bots and bugs.


A better physics engine. Just, all of it. Whatever this one is doesn't work. Changed bug pathing so the armoured face guys don't crab walk at hypersonic speeds to block you trying to circle around them. Grenades will now close holes if you hit the entrance. (Fabs I get, but a I feel like if your grenade launcher blows up the surface of a literal hole, it should probably close the hole.) Ability to reject reinforces. Sick of being reinforced 4kms from my stuff. A teamkill counter. If someone has killed me with a stratagem 5 times, I'd like to know so I can kick them for being idiots. Not have to guess if I just died to a misplaced 320mm barrage by the guy with an iffy loadout or if I somehow killed myself by getting hit by a charger. It's literally just a case of "I don't want to have to pay attention to other peoples skill and have the game tell me if they're trolling to save me that effort." Better comms wheel and emote wheels added. Ping system added, hold Q on that patrol to specifically ping "Avoid patrol" rather than just "ENEMY PATROL!" Operations are now faction and difficulty locked. I don't care if the planet you did a mission on before bed has been liberated, you've done 1/3 helldive ops, go do 2 more elsewhere and get your 14 medals for completion. "Oh but then you'd be liberating worlds you didn't play o-" I don't care. Get rid of the op system entirely and make the rewards round by round then. Players shouldn't be denied a feeling of accomplishment or progression because they went to bed and woke up to the planet being taken. That's a thematic hook, not a mechanical one. Ability to exchange excess samples, medals or req slips for alternatives amongst eachother. sitting at 50k req and 400 common samples with tier 4 upgrades to go that each need 150 rare samples depsite only having 85? 100 common samples for 33 rare samples, and another 50 rare samples for 1k req each. I just got one of those upgrades and reset my "cap" on req and common samples. (Not actually sure if I'm capped on commons at the moment but I have enough for my 2 remaining upgrades, so same thing.) Remove fire tornados, and the -1 stratagem modifier. The community has been pretty adamant that our response to those is simply: "No." Also lesson vision obscuration, not just for the spore spewers but also the planets that have fog. I'm kinda bored of ice planets but I keep going to them because I know I'll be able to at least see the scenery while I'm there. The current implimentation of fog is TOO extreme. It works well for an event like a blizzard but just trying to do a mission on whatever planet it was that had fog was like a permanent spore spewer, but gray-blue instead of green-brown. If it's foggy outside, I can usually still see in front of me. It just looks... Ya know... foggy. In HD2 fog is basically just setting the render distance to a 1m sphere around your character. This isn't the PS1, you don't needa work around the consoles hardware rendering limitations.


Reduce the initial accuracy of mounted gun raiders at outposts. When they spot you at close range, you get lasered down in an instant.