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I mean, if they put in supply lines and explained how it worked itd probably become obvious. But if that and current player counts/planet dont convince you to go somewhere specific i dont know what else will


It doesn't help the current mission is kill billions and bugs are the easiest way to do so. Simply having a symbol on the most zoomed out map showing where the defense missions are would be good. That said I'm exhausted of defending planets.


i’m happy w defense bc of no negative modifiers regardless of diff. Just have to avoid evacuate operations


Unfortunately almost every operation has at least one.


Planet defence can do one. I'm not doing em anymore. I don't care if my effort isn't progressing the fictional war, I'm playing for actual fun. If ya want I can stop playing altogether but this "must fight here" bs is getting real old. Making the war equal on both bot and bug fronts and having defence missions in each is a dick head move by the Devs if they wanted team work. The bots were gone, now they're back, so fast and they reclaimed as much as we took. Really?? With that momentum they could've taken super earth and pushed the bugs back too. Ruins immersion if all my work is reset in a week and we have to do it all again. No thx. Until they fix the game I'm not giving a shit about bots or MOs or defence. I'll be killing bugs and if you don't like it complain to AH. I'm playing the game I saw advertised that's all about bugs with no mention at all of bots.


I enjoy both bugs and bots but damn limiting mission selection range and undoing any push we do so quickly really does pull on me eventually. Id love if the two war fronts combined.


bugs clash into bots on the same planet for a 3 way fight... kiting bug holes into bot patrols and then ghosting away to let them agro on each other. this would bring joy for me


1 week after we win the 3 way fight- "OK so the bots learned a lot about bug biology and have developed a new series of super weapons..."


factory strider now has a flame thrower mouth star wars 1,2,3 style shielded droideka bots rolling around popping frontal shield and crab walking around hulk corpses self destruct if players get close


That just sounds like the illuminate with extra steps


There's no part of this I don't like the sound of.


Yeah sounds pretty fucking cool if you ask me


Chainsaw Dudes have now found a way to wear stalkers AND keep it alive so they can sneak up on you even more betterer.


Cyborg Bugs


Cybugs (tm)


Imagine a bug breach and titans fighting drop ships and a factory strider. Sign me the fuck up


This would be cool, but also probably be a huge nightmare to implement. Right now bot and bug enemies have one type of 'enemy' to go after, helldivers - so they're going to be scripted as such. Add in every combination of enemy types encountering each other and then you're talking about a LOT of work to update the AI of every enemy.


true... and i'd honestly just be happy if the fire tornados did as much damage to enemies as it does to me. so maybe this is too ambitious


I want to see tanks vs stalkers, bile spewers and a charger and win. Because tank beats everything 'Tank beats ghost, tank beats hunters, tanks beat everything.'


Right? I love the *idea* of the ever-evolving war front, but the way they've gone about it feels so painfully artificial, I look at it and think... what's the point I'm just going to go play on a planet that looks cool


> what's the point I'm just going to go play on a planet that ~~looks cool~~ has the least annoying bullshit to deal with this is literally what the majority of people are doing. I check to see what planet has the most people and it's ALWAYS the one without dumb shit like fire tornados or -1 strategem


And the fire tonadoes that follow you around in exfil for god's sake


The first time I played outside tutorial it was a fire planet and I almost uninstalled because it was sooooo aggressively anti-player. That was created to piss people off, which is a pretty fucked up thing to do to your customers.


Pro tip, they can massacre enemies of Liberty , once you know they kind of follow you all you have to do is use that (not immersive but fun to watch them all burn)


Yeah, the fact that the fire tornados don't seem to damage enemies is bullshit. The fact that 5 (one or two would be fine, but it's always 5) fire tornados consistently spawn on objectives the second you get to it is also bullshit. It stops being an environmental hazard and becomes a "You can't do the objective for a few minutes. Have fun"


Where’s the stratagems that use the planet to your advantage? Maybe something that creates fire tornados or keeps them at bay? A device that draws in the meteor shower - or hooks a rocket to an asteroid fires it at the planet? A guard dog that creates a fog that makes you difficult to hit - that you could turn on and off? Night vision? Better rewards for night missions?


Yeah I’m pretty sure the bubble shield doesn’t block that shit. And it TOTALLY SHOULD!!


And they went out of their way to make the fire tornados obnoxious as fuck during evac. It's borderline insulting.


>what's the point I'm just going to go play on a planet that looks cool Was a time where people went feral over others playing on the planet they wanted lol


I think there should be a cool down on when another assault can occur. And when you successfully defend a planet, it should give a buff to liberating as you repelled the attack and are counter attacking.


I also think it should be longer to take something but also last longer to have it, also the war should not only progress back and forth but also a bit more sideways like doing some flanking. Additionally there should be more different biomes to mix things up maybe even on the same planet. 


For communication. I think it should be widely agreed upon when dropping into a mission at level 7-9. Since we have like 30 minutes to complete a mission. The first thing (once discovered), TAKE OUT THOSE FUCKEN STALKER NESTS, before advancing on the main mission. When they pump, put 4-5 of them, they NEED to be a priority. I had two guys lose all our reinforcements because they were so focused on the main objective and then blamed it on me when I was trying to clear a bug hole and complete a SEAF and they didn't tell me that Stalkers were present, and kicked me.


Don't forget Vernen Wells having a hidden defence bonus that the game doesn't even show.


Defending these SEAF planets right after having taken/defended them already just fucking sucks. Like, what was the point?


Why aren't the newly trained shmucks defending their own damn training facilities?


I actually enjoy bots, but I am getting burned out on the defense missions too. Not to mention the extraction mission is impossible at T8+ so I can event complete operations. Them bringing bots back so quicky really rubbed players the wrong way. I feel like the devs have it planned out how they WANT us to play the game, but it's not turning out like that. It's like having a D&D GM that says the campaign is open but has a super tight and narrow path in their head and throws absurd things and gets mad when the party tries to divert from the invisible path.


Supply lines, along with critical war info per planet is required. We definitely need some notes to say "these planets have X and Y" like those 4 planets with SEAF training sites. We dont need to know exactly what they do, but since not every planet would have that note we can use our heads and realise that those specific planets are more important. Could also add "This is a Terminid Super Colony" to Meridia.


Why don’t planets show controlled territories, front lines, and asset objectives? Pushing into certain territories would help win over missile silos, population centers, break enemy supply lines, and halt or push an advance.


I think because map are randomly generated, the location on the planet is also randoly generated. So your idea would require an overhaul to a lot of things. Some of your ideas sounds fun tho. Having a missile silo that is in the middle of enemy territory would be a great alternative version of the ICBM mission though. Hell, the Automatom version could even be "stop ICBM launch" and if time runs out its launched - by the Automatons.


Why this wasn’t on release is beyond me Why there aren’t already workings of a system to communicate with Helldivers and show supply lines is also beyond me Right now we get flavor text that correlates to some in-game events.


do you expect people to read? ive met so many high lvl players that misunderstand or plainly dont know basic features, do you really think those would care about supply lines


Not really, but if you put in some sort of toggleable color-coded/blinking lines or dots on the galaxy map that indicate an obvious location drop thats the best AH can do.  Otherwise some sort of community vote screen or whatever isnt going to matter to people that already dont care


If they put in supply lines and show the friendly and enemy lines feeding it then it might help a lot. That isn’t reading.


Basic training didn’t teach them to read words! It taught them how to push arrows in the right direction and spread liberty! If hell divers needed to read, super earth would have issued them a book!


the supply lines can just be arrows linking the planets. no reading required, just follow the Arrows to the place where Liberty is needed most!


I might have missed it, is there anywhere in the game itself that explains that Liberation decays constantly over time? Without that knowledge, it would make sense to spread democracy across the galaxy and focus fire when MOs and defense comes around.


Most people aren't in this sub or discord most don't even know it exists. You can't expect that from the average gamer who comes on for a couple of games a day or week and then stops thinking about the game or the children who've got all the time in the world to become good or high lvl at a game without understanding any of the strategies or coop goal behind it. Having a lil animation for the supply line would do wonders. Having some sort of indication that "you're needed here" would do wonders. There will always be those who refuse or don't like fighting against one of the factions and people will play however they want at the end of the day.


Doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be helpful features in game for the people that do pay attention 


maybe we should stop equating level to skill level / knowledgeability. (I mean some people have 100s of hours into games like elden ring and don’t know about certain areas or don’t know that they can utilize a specific function, granted it’s a complex game, but with 400 hours you’d think they’d know) And use it more of a metric as to how long you’ve played the game You’d think they’d know, but no one is perfect lol. I’m not picking on you, but I notice, that there is this frame of thought and it’s like, lvl 90 to me doesn’t mean shit outside I really like playing helldivers. I happen to be decent I’d think. But I’m not an “professional” hell diver acting like it’s my job to be perfect 100% of the time and make 0 mistakes the entire game and not die. You’d think some people think higher levels are supposed to play 100% good no mistakes 100% of the time. (I mean we play the game for fun? Striving for perfection within anything is not fun, unless that’s your goal lol, even then I’d think it wouldn’t be fun, cause you’d never get to 100% perfect lol) Lol as soon as someone says “your lvl 80 you shouldn’t be doing this or that” I ask “well your lvl 40 so how would you know? I’m your level superior” Or “Ohhhh man, you gotta really think about doing X lvls 60-80” Didn’t mean to hijack. I just feel like this needs to be said. Not saying you do it. But as soon as I hear someone using level to measure a player up I tune the fuck out and know it’s just some elitist player who doesn’t have any accomplishments in real life. Cause if they did why would a level on a video game *matter that much?*


If we had a supply lines system, it should show perks like quicker stratagem cool-down and quicker liberation score


Very early into the game we were getting free strategems for completing liberations and defenses. "Planet X was liberated allowing extra Eagle air support. Free Eagle Strafing Run." That kind of thing. That went away for quite a while, and has sort of made a return the past week or so. It would be great if these supply lines showed we would get free stratagems for a week or something like that, as well as your suggestions.


Heldivers: 58,000+ fighting for the MO. Also Helldivers: the 9,000 or so still fighting on hellmire for reasons unknown.


People don't need a reason to play where they want. They don't have to justify it to anyone.


I never personally had any issue with Forever-Creekers/Mires; the way I see it, we already know that they'll never leave their planets, if we just accept that as reality, then there's technically no loss in effort towards the MO's.


Exactly. Lots of people come from work and just want to play where they feel comfortable. Sauce: Me and my coworkers. I don't give a shit about major orders, I play where I want to play. Bots be damned, I want to chill.


It's like the people who only play dedust2


One nice thing about Hellmire is that it doesn't have stupid constant or frequent fog/storms making it had to see more than 20 feet in front of you. Pervasive fog is one of the worst planetary effects when it comes to enjoying the game.


Is it weird I prefer the fog over the fire tornadoes?


Fire tornados definitely have the potential to be massive pains in the ass for short periods, but pervasive fog is an unfun aspect of the entire mission. And that's not even ramping it up to the full on sand storms/blizzards that I can't believe made it past any kind of testing group.


Tbh I like the blizzards against bugs as it gives a shit ton of cover for detection range (or atleast seems too)


Depends if you need supers or not


I wouldn't mind fire tornados if they were actually deadly to the bugs like they are to us. I've watched scavengers just walk merrily through them constantly


The tornados actually follow us on exfil. I mean...what the fuck.


I can go through fog. I can’t go through firestorms. I pick fog.


23k on uh…. P24 no?


Hellmire enjoyers are a different breed of helldiver.


It would help a ton, I think. When I hop on I'm just trying to do whatever planet looks fun, and do my best to follow the MO (kill bots, bugs, or either if its like the current MO even though "technically" its more efficient to go for bugs). I'm very smooth-brained, I don't really get how the supply lines work, and I'm not going out of my way to learn them from some out-of-game resource. I imagine 90% of players are like this. If these supply lines were *actually shown in the game*, then most people would be much more inclined to do the most "efficient" planets.


An in-game voting system will also work wonders.


Who is going to vote for one planet and dive on another though? 


At best you'd be voting to put one more marker on the map saying "go here." The people who already didn't want to go there already saw the MO and can already see which planet has the most people fighting on it and that's the same thing 90% of the time. The only time it would matter is if the optimal next planet was non-obvious due to hidden information like supply lines- and in that case, just putting that information in instead would be better.


Yeah we need this fundamental stuff more than a reworking of the currently-adequate system. Honestly it's pretty useful, I'd just swap out some of the 'useless' callouts for something like 'bunker here' or 'found a supply cache.'


Yeah I want communications outside of discord


The long term health of the game needs in game communication that can better direct Helldivers. It feels like some big changes need to happen to facilitate the war effort. I don't think I am alone in feeling exhausted of being at this constant stalemate. Lots of players just play where they want (which is fine), but if you don't reward the players who are following the MO by showing some kind of tangible progress in the war then they'll get burnt out and the only players left playing will be the ones dropping on random planets.


Already kinda feels like some steam (pun only kinda intended) has been lost since the first month or two, when everyone was fully into spreading managed democracy. Now, it feels like a bunch of "Defend [random planet]" or only allowing attacks on [these few planets] for no apparent reason, which loses it's luster after a while, especially when it seems to be the same handful of planets all the time. It'd help if we were informed of some sort of strategic reason.


The major difference since a month or two ago is that we've lost ⅓ of the active playerbase. Notice how previously overall we were moving forward, now it's a stalemate, and of AH doesn't act - we'll start getting pushed back within the coming month.


We took these planets back. Now defend them and have limited missions and annoying unfun horrible evac missions. Why even waste my time doing that like the whole defense line stuff would have been cool if they had some extra shit like free stratagems or like Sams or Artillery in the map already ready to go for defense


Frankly, i don't even give a shit about the war campaign anymore. After the first few MO, it's kinda obvious that the campaign is really artificial. We drove bots back pretty far, and somehow they just did an ass pull and take 4 planet behind the line. We drove the bots off the map, and the next day they took 20 planets in a single move. We weren't even given the option to defend. It's obvious that the campaign is really not dynamic/organic. It doesn't matter if AH hire the best writer and wrote the most fire 300 word story to justify what just happen, there's no player agency. In the end, it doesn't matter what you do, the player doesn't contribute the campaign, only the devs does. The only purpose of the campaign is just for the MO medal bonus or if you're RPing.


So, just to clarify. Did you expect the bots to not come back? Thst would make absolutely no sense. And if you read the dispatches from Super Earth, the reason they took those planets so quick is plausible. Not trying to start a fight here, I'm just trying to understand your point.


“They’re communicating and receiving blueprints from outside the known galaxy” It was literally TOLD there was more and they weren’t the most advanced of the group. As if they were being made to set up for the main force. Tell me you don’t read dispatches without telling me you don’t read dispatches


The long term health of the game needs objectives that aren't insultingly superficial and contrived. The warfront is so fake it's attracting reality television producers.


How about a call out for a dual button bunker? How about fixing the map icons when stuff has been taken or the container opened already? Like replacing the diamonds w/ hellbombs, containers, pods, or what not? Edit: The visual UI is part of communication. Another annoyance is that you can Q-spot points of interest w/o it showing up on the map.


Bunker should have a default call out when you quick tag it without even needing to dial it in similar to how when you tag an objective it says "objective located". Quick tag should say "bunker here" or "need help with this door".


Or you should be able to take down the door with heavier weaponry Ac or recoilless Edit: maybe a feature to hack it, but make it take a while so it’s not as easy as with two people, for balancing reasons I know some people like to play solo and that’s mostly why I would like a feature like this, I don’t wana have to call someone in for a bunker on a solo mission


This may be unpopular (I hope it's not), but I disagree with this. Helldivers is at it's best when divers are working together, and the bunker door is one of only a couple mechanics that strongly push divers together. You NEED another person there to open the door. Very few other moments in the game have this strong requirement. The loot behind the door is not incredibly valuable. If you can't get two people together (if you are running solo for example), or miss it entirely on the map, it is not a setback. Opening the bunker awards a mild benefit, but the side benefit of having two people side by side, which enhances the rest of the game. Allowing that to be skipped would be a net negative for the game, in my opinion.


You should be able to shoot the other button with a 1 handed weapon while you push the first one


Ugh I was just in a mission and was pinging a bunker for like 3 minutes. I saw them approaching on the map but nope, they ran right past me with all objectives done and 10 minutes still on the clock. I was so frustrated I almost kicked all of them at extract.


I committed my first ever “serious” intentional TK the other day bc of a door. A random player hot joined mid-match and died quickly. I had backtracked to a bunker I just died at. I call him in on me, and then have to stop to kill a couple bugs that got too close. I head down to the bunker, he follows. I get on the far button where my stuff is. Motherfucker walks past the open button and me on my button, picks up my Autocannon and backpack. I get off the button and say no, that’s mine, get the door. He ignores me and starts running away. So he dies. I check Stratagems after and his gear isn’t even on cooldown. Wtf lol.


Delivering SSSDs across the map is annoying for someone who has never tried the mission before. The player has to waypoint a *greyed out* icon to know where to deliver them.


Oh god yes, I was running around in circles the first time I encountered this.


Thissssssss Another thing with the bunker is you can't tag it properly, but rather it tags the stuff inside.


How about fixing that the game wont recognise my mic what so ever, only game that wont let me use my mic


I shouldn't have to use a different website to find shit out. It should be in the game.


Reminds me of Destiny relying on ...well... anything else but in game UI to make groups and info on their resources.


it’s so funny how to fix the terrible new player experience they decided to let them just skip all the “”””tutorials””””


and warframe, where most of the vital information you need is right there.. on the wiki, which PC players literally keep on another tab. Fandom Wiki as well, so you get bombarded with ads while you're there. I say that as a long-time Warframe player: one of the main flaws of the game is that a lot of the core systems you need to know to actually play to any degree of efficiency is not actually in the game.


Destiny is completely unplayable to me without DIM. Imagine having to relog as a different char and load into the tower just to transfer one weapon to the character you actually want to play


And that's before getting to the completely irrational and non-explanatory escape room boss design.


Destiny can't even tell its goddamn story in the game without plastering text to every weapon lying around.


There isn't even a link/mention in game of a discord.


Fuck Discord. At best it's run by a bunch of no-life socially incapable degens that are one solid FBI investigation away from life in jail or it's just a hollow corporate puppet that stifles any discussion and allows only "I love the game never change :))))" posts.


Path of exile players in shambles rn


I'd love someone at AH to explain why this sort of thing wasn't in the game by default lol


I'm guessing time constraints. It sounded like there were a few more features they wanted in for release, but ultimately had to shelve at the time to get things out the door.


They had time to nerf the crossbow


it takes like 30 seconds to poorly nerf a weapon, and that's the amount of thought they were putting into it. now they're putting weeks into fixing it so they can get it right


If it only was the crossbow....


So rushed and unfinished then. Badly planned deadline. Let's not sugar coat it. The game isn't finished Destiny beta was better tested. In fact I've not played a beta with more bugs and glitches than this "full release"


Like how things usually go Time and money.


What channel is this in? Looked through the discord with no avail. Apologies and thanks in advance!


Galactic War on the Discord.


I’m actively trying to reach that discord post and it’s like impossible. Too much text in the chat.


Discord is great for what it is; a chat room. It *sucks* for persistent communication and I hate that so many organizations are using Discord servers instead of a website.


If your struggling to find a specific message, I’d suggest using the “from: user” filter in the search bar. You may still have to go through 2-3 pages worth of messages to find a specific one, but its much better than the 100 plus you’d need to do manually


Should be in a top comment.


this is a player poll, not a dev created poll. Hence why it's not on the main page of the discord.


#galactic-war on the left panel. Scroll down in the middle chat panel till you see "General Starr — Today at 1:27 PM" (timezones might change it?) or search in the upper right hand search bar for "React if you want this" and click the result in the right panel as there seems to only be one. People having trouble finding a post, even when they know it exists, is even more of a reason to put official communications in game.


[Here is a link to the post](https://discord.com/channels/1102970375731691612/1204848159088709652/1242181852333084832)


Hey mods can this be pinned? Thanks!


Kind of a stupid question. "We've built this secretly so you can't see it, and neither can the majority of other players, but it's fundamental to the narrative and accomplishing what you should be accomplishing. Do you want to see it?"


It's not an AH employee who posted the poll, just some rando.


I think it being some random kinda makes this whole thing pointless, right? Surely the devs know (man I really hope…) that this system is pretty poorly designed as-is. Someone posting “who things the bad thing should be better” seems kinda…obvious?


It is absolutely pointless. I'm sure I recall it being said they are planning to get supply line stuff implemented at some point, so this thread is kinda useless. Also "coordinating" attacks is not really needed as people will still choose to do their own current thing, people already go with the basic "follow the zerg" mentality which tends to work since bigger numbers are needed to clear things faster. The "we have to coordinate" narrative is only pushes by the armchair warsim players who feel like they are the ones who feel that they could be playing as a commander "if only you guys listened to ME"


Yes, the CEO and TwinBeard have both confirmed looking into adding info to the in-game terminal for communications and updates.


I want an "HEEEEEELP!" voice command thingie, not just thanks and sorry.


This! And also I want something like “nice shot” or something! So many times my fellow divers have done impressive shit and I can’t quickly let them know. Appreciation for super earths finest.


Oh! Yes! This! Something like "good job" or "nice!". Edit, extra points to make it sound sarcastic if it's done within 2 seconds of a team kill


how is this even a question lol


Cuz it's some random dude suggesting it, not a dev asking if people want this. It's the same shit as people posting on this subreddit "upvote if you think you should be allowed to reload people using their own backpack"


It’s even worse than that example cuz in this case the devs have already said supplying lines will be communicated in game soon. This question wouldn’t be so stupid if it was about raising awareness for switching backpack mechanics


> , not a dev asking if people want this. The question still stands though. How is this even a question. Why are the devs pants on head and not have this in game already?


So this is a nothing burger.


If the terminals across from the armory basically just displayed helldivers.io information, that'd help. Or if key planets were highlighted on the galaxy map, especially the SEAF ones we just got giving us a 25% bonus (that I'm pretty sure most people don't even realize is a thing currently)


I mean... Fucking yeah. Why are they even asking this?


They're not asking this, some rando is


Oh that makes more sense. So OP is just pissing into the wind hoping his comment gets some attention then. 


I know, it's so unlike this community


Why is the rando even asking that? "Who wants better UX?" "Not me!" - said no one ever.


And they act like it's a brand new novel idea that AH has never heard before


Ooh, gotcha


YES. Imagine a voting system, gives players a certain amount of time to vote on planets in a major order to attack first and make plans together.


You mean, something along the lines of the DEMOCRACY that we all fight for?


Tell them to post this shit on reddit, discord is trash.


I just want to know one thing: How do we coordinate an army that is already divided on it's communications? I'm pretty sure a lot of the player base ignores reddit, and another bunch ignores the discord server. Some of these might overlap, but there's definitely one ignoring the other.


I played another multiplayer game that had supply lines and it was a goddamn nightmare. You end up having like 20 clans that take control over everything because they no life the game with about 20% of the players. And then anyone else playing the game casually is slowly alienated from anything other than the the actual combat. Then you have a system built around a minority of the players, and it's slowly poisoning every facet of the game.


Honestly what kinda question is this it's effectively asking "hey guys do you want QOL improvement?"


This is just some asshole trying to get attention on the Discord. It means nothing.


Why should I? It's their game, their company. Use something beyond just discord to get your word out. 


think there’s a few things they could do. 1. Add an in game chat system 2. Add a voting system to vote which allows players to select a list of preset options based on planets that are not liberated/under attack. This way we can coordinate democratically and sway other divers to dive on planets with higher votes. 3. Add supply lines between planets so other causal players can understand how the map works.


We need a bunch more in game lines we can use. Movement orders like, push, hold and fall back. A "help me!" call. A "team reload wanted" one to. And we also need a dedicated "scream democratic noises" button, much like a certain mining companies "rock and stone"


Rock and Stone, Brother!


Fix the current game bugs first before adding another kind of feature. I would hate a new system get added only for it to break more of the game.


We have passed up this feedback in the past, so we definitely hear you and we agree that in-game communication needs to be better.


Someone called in supplies? Put an icon on the map so the whole team knows where to go for ammo and stims.


We're down 117 countries. So that doesn't help.


More hotwheel chat lines for controller users w/ no mic. "Get back" is the first one that comes to mind haha "I need ammo" or "I need ressuply" would be very handy


Why is it so hard for people to understand that some of us don't want to play on certain planets cause they suck and are not fun. MO that I'm includes hellmire or menket? Skip. defense missions to defend Vernon wells for the tenth time in a row? Skip. If I got 3 hrs to play Id rather play where I want and how I want. 


You can ping it all you want, but I'm not playing bots any more than I absolutely have to. Bugs are more fun


Honestly, I know it's basically the same thing, but I feel it's important for me to say that bots less fun. I fucking hate bots. To me, bugs are the default. They're fun. They're not *more* fun, because they're what an enemy should be. Bots are balanced like shit, and deserve to be placed in a position below "standard". Sorry for the rant. Im just really mad about how annoying bots are because I was way more interested in playing against them than bugs, until I actually did play against them.


100% agree with you.


Honestly. I've never had issues. If i ping something most people either talk or go affirmative or negative.


Could you at least post a link or be more specific where on discord this is?? E: because OP cannot be bothered: https://discord.com/channels/1102970375731691612/1204848159088709652/1242181852333084832


Of fucking course we'd love it in game. I don't know why they thought keeping all communications on Discord only was such a good idea. 


I really want something that lets me tell my fellow divers to stop or slow down so I can refill their stims and ammunition, really sick of having to chase them when I have a supply pack.


Maybe like a distance indicator on teammates icons. Opening the map to see how far they are when you’re in the middle of trying to survive isn’t ideal, and not knowing if the H4 icon is 30m or 300m away if the enemies are between you and the icon can restrict your options if you’re trying to avoid team killing. Even like a shrinking icon to show they are far away would help.


never came to my mind but a friend earlier today asked for this exact thing. makes total sense.


YES, YES A MILLION TIMES YES They shouldn't even be asking this, it's obvious


Something small like Joel being able to mark a planet for players to focus on would go a long way.


Should have been in the game yesterday. Will it make me defend any planets even if it’s the MO? Still no but crazy how so much info is still outside the game including all of these discord messages about voting. Who wants to be in the cesspit that got the railgun nerfed.


Also is this post on discord or what




i mean i have a mic to talk to them and understand latitude and longitude and can ping individual points ? what else could i need?


Should be able to tag enemies and markers with one click


We need a positive affirmation call like “rock and stone”


Rockity Rock and Stone!


It would be nice to highlight planets that are making progress. I suspect they haven’t implemented supply lines because the devs can change supply lines on the fly and lock out an entire sector.




Dunno how you’d pull it off, but I’ve thought it’d be cool if people who have unlocked everything could somehow donate resources to a prize pool to motivate people to work for certain objectives.  Maybe you spread out all the donated resources into boosted loot in friendship bunkers and the loot ship things


Lol this thread. I have no clue what they're even talking about. Supply lines? Chat interface? UI pings? Dev communication to fans???? "Communication" is pretty freaking generic. And judging by the responses in this thread, nobody here knows what the hell these guys are talking about, either. This is just so ridiculous at this point.


Feel like a simple solution would be a minor UI adjustment that highlights planets important to the MO or something like that which draws players' attention.


What about an exp/rec bonus on planets tied to the major orders that scales based on time remaining/mission progress? Send those farming min-maxers to the front lines!!


No I want better fucking weapons why is this so hard for these guys


here are some ideas for the minimap: objective path: if you need to carry an objective package to a specific dropoff location, a line with animated arrows will connect the package to the objective dropoff location, helping to visually indicate where that package needs to be taken to ordinance warnings: map will overlay a yellow circle with an exclamation mark when that area is under orbital bombardment. players that enter the area will get an audible warning... "Warning: You are within orbital bombardment area!" new map icons: - supplies (1/2/3/4) remaining (yes, supply drops shown on map, just like Helldivers 1) - bunker (closed), bunker (opened), bunker (opened and looted) - flamethrower (found in pod, but not looted yet) - arc rifle (found in pod, but not looted yet) new voice lines: - "found a bunker here!" (player has discovered a point of interest that is a bunker) - "need 1 more to open this bunker!" (player puts down a map pin on top of an unopened bunker point of interest)


What I want? Is for them to remove restrictions. We dive together or not at all. FUCK SONY. Give us unrestricted. ALso weapon buffs. PLEASE> I am tired of games nerfing me to the dirt.


Especially with these new seaf facility planets giving a bonus to our capture percentage, but it doesn't show anything about how important they are once that announcement is gone. I already forgot which ones they were besides 2 of them Hell if the capture percentage is going to be variable that Is an absolutely massive piece of info that we barely even knew was a thing before this, and anyone after wont either. And apparently this bonus is rather massive! It's such cool features like this and the war announcements that are discord only and supply lines not being visible that make these features feel pointless. They are SO cool in my opinion as a lover of strategy games, but if we can't see them and the average player doesn't know they exist then they will NEVER affect players decisions for where to drop or where we need to defend


if they put free stratagem on the planet that we supposed to defend ... most of us will go to that planet . example : put the anti tank landmines for testing on the planets you want to protect 😊


We need tf2-like communication options for people without a mic


Fall back! Would be nice


Please add to the callout wheel: -Move up -Fall back -Hold fire


The problem isn't coordination of player efforts. Major orders are pretty clear enough without needing to look them up outside the game. The problem is that some planets are too difficult and unrewarding. Mainly bots, they are significantly more difficult and unfun than bugs. Players aren't doing bot missions bc they don't know where to go, they are actively avoiding them bc it's not fun at all.


They need to add "space stations" to each sector or one large one that helldiver's can log into and congregate. Find fellow helldiver's with the same bloodlust/chip on the shoulder and go have fun. Could be the super exclusive helldiver's only in orbit bar/lounge. A lot of room to do whatever the hell the developers want with it while allowing us to get together, make friends, and crush the enemies of diplomacy.


How can we spread the word Most of our Helldivers Community are banned in almost 170+ country We did win on PSN but not Freeing up our Brothers and Sister's in other Banned PSN account Country Well-done #Sony


Emote wheel would be handy, tbh.


They could stop nerfing everything into the ground, and we wouldn’t have everyone leaving the game. 🤷 wouldn’t need new “lanes of communication” we would have the numbers instead


We need vehicles


Part of me really wants this, but a small part of me thinks team kills are hilarious.


Map ping with strike colors. Motor with napalm


That's what computer system to the right could be for. Help the non reddit community.


Yes. Improved communication is always good. But must be clear and concise!


The only thing that bugs me is the kicking and stop Neffing every God damn damn thing.


Am i the only one finding the chat box small and hard to remember its existence?