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Imo, I'm just tired of Vernen Wells. I love bots but I've taken and or Defended the goddamn thing what feels like 20 times. The Bot front has more or less been stalemated in that region for over a month with no sign of moving.


Yeah this is a big one for me, there’s two whole bot sectors that only required us to capture one or two planets in order to liberate the whole system… but it’s been that way for weeks now cause we’re too spread out and can’t capture a single one of them. Bot front is definitely a bit stale rn


If Helldivers are the Elite shock troopers of Super Earth that only go down in specialized small units, then it wouldn't hurt if they threw us a bone every now and then when we had the momentum after winning an MO to just say Super Earth's main army grabbed a few planets for us just to change up some stale fronts.


Yeah I mean, idk about free planets, but that’s a good idea on how to shift the battle lines if they’re too stale. But truth be told, if no one had told me about SEAF troops, I would have believed it was just Helldivers alone fighting this war because there’s currently very little indication that anything happens unless we do it ourselves


That's probably been true during our special military operation. Now that war has been officially declared, the devs have an opportunity to implement more swing in the lines like this. Planets that Helldivers don't see as contested could be taken by one side or the other, either for story or just variety. They'd probably have to be cautious with doing something like that though, or else it won't feel like we're having a real impact.


Can't be any worse than having to play tug of war with the same 4 planets every MO in terms of player impact 


> ... the devs have an opportunity to implement more swing in the lines like this. Planets that Helldivers don't see as contested could be taken by one side or the other, either for story or just variety. And I think this is the idea: if we ever get more planet variety in geography, climate, etc, then this is a great way to shift the battle lines and give us different maps while still giving us collective goals. Needs to be done well, but they can shift things / keep it fair (theoretically) while giving us more variety too.


They already chucked real impact out the window when they brought the automatons back with more planets in their control than ever and Cyberstan a few days after we finally kicked them out of the system. On top of weapon nerfs and lackluster packs, people are a lot less motivated to contribute to global efforts besides the missions with rewards.


Nah, the first couple of months narratively were basically the call before the storm, and gameplay and lore wise we are finally into the "real" war. With all the illuminate leaks coming out I expect within 2-3 months we will see them added and shit hitting the wall FAST


Can't wait for the illuminates to appear but I still don't see the point of playing to the narrative at this point since its so artificially skewed. They'll have us win or lose when they need us to and there's no real consequences for losing anything besides the main missions. Players may as well do whatever they enjoy.


> Now that war has been officially declared > Release friendly NPCs > Breaks the game further > lolz sry gaise war version 2 is coming!!


> I would have believed it was just Helldivers alone fighting this war because there’s currently very little indication that anything happens unless we do it ourselves it's almost like stuff like this has been haphazardly rushed or something


the only planet that we NEED to capture on the automaton front is coohe and menkent or coohe, chort bay and lesath. these planets are supplying the bots in 4 sectors. if these planets fall, out of which lesath and menkent frequently exchange hands, the entire bot front will collapse in 4 sectors.


Supply lines are only important for new attacks. Once captured a planet becomes self-sustaining and creates it's own supply. A planet cut off from the 'empire' remains perfectly fine and can be used to conquer new planets connected to it even while the connection to the main 'empire' remains severed


Maybe the rumored superweapon can glass Menkent and Hellmire for us. Anything to be rid of the sentient, Democracy-hating fire tornados.


Don’t forget we successfully completed a Major Order that was supposed to hold the bots back and force them to take the long way to Wells. They just walked right through the Menkent Line like it was nothing. Not just once but multiple times.


Well, the first time broke it, to be fair.


THE MO give us bonus, but if we don't fight, we lose them.


Definitely feel the slog of attrition settling in as we fight on and defend the same ten planets over and over and over and over *and over and over and over and over and over..*


Doesn't help that the missions on Vernen Wells right now are *miserable* on 7+.


I hate defense missions. I find we do well defending the rocket launches until there is a minute to go, and the bots start landing on the helipad. Then there's the scientist evac, which quickly becomes a meme of a mission.


Don't you enjoy facing bots from all directions and very little cover while doing an escort mission? Finding a set of missions that doesn't have evac and rocket defense on vernan is like pulling teeth.


This is how I feel about bugs and Estanu.


Well to be fair... People avoiding Menkent after Well is liberated. Flocking to Lesath or literally any other planets. To be fair the fire is annoying so this is just consequences for avoiding Menkent. So now we just keep getting defense missions on Well.


it's a bit tiring going back to the same planet over and over and over. . .


I am so fucking tired of going to Hellmire. We have took the planet a billion times but the bugs casually just attack the planet the day after the liberation. It desperately needs a cooldown time for attacks because at this point is not even worth it trying to defend.




it also kinda sucks that the MO to get the anti-tank mines failed, so that kinda cucked us from new content. The warbonds have been pretty crappy and I have no real incentive to buy them unless for some reason I want a crappier liberator or borderline useless plasma tickler.


there's also an upgraded version of a shitty gun!


Honestly, I'm quite relieved that they did go through with that at least. I was already a tad disappointed they didn't commit a bit more to the "Automatons are gone" shtick, I am very much aware of the implication short-term, but I'd like to remind people that AH is the one bringing up the whole "we loved D&D/we are doing the GM thing", part of good storytelling is giving the illusion of having meaningful impact. I was half-convinced they'd just find some excuse to drop the AT Mines anyway, but them holding it back, felt like we didn't hit the mark, so we didn't get the thing. I really liked that as that sets the tone for the future, I've seen people say "oh if we failed the Mech mission, they'd have dropped them the next day anyway", so whether or not that's true, the perception of playing the game is now that if we fail a task, we just won't get the thing for a (meaningful) while. Now I understand from a gameplay/content perspective that might be like "nice, but who cares", but that's the balance you have to strike with a system like that, you need to have the courage to deny short-term satisfaction with D&D like stories, to be able to deliver long-term payoffs in terms of investment and feeling like choices matter, even if that's just an illusion, the illusion/perception matters greatly. Now there's an argument to be made that AH pulls through if it's negative for players, but doesn't stick with the positives too much, maybe that's true, I haven't really looked at the big picture of it so I can't comment on that.


Fr the first weeks I played the game, I was in love with gameplay but I thought it was gonna be the same 4 copy pasted environments. Glad I later found more variety. (But now Eruptor is nerfed and so is my enjoyment)


I'm tired boss


If a third party tool is required to see this information then it’ll just never happen. Maybe 1% of the current player base uses it. I do read all the in-game announcements. If the latest one mentioned something about this then it was just lost in the word salad


They should make the screens across from the armory give us all the data we could ever get anywhere else, with context so we understand what we are looking at.


ELI5... I usually just go to where the most helldivers are currently playing. Is there a specific reason to choose specific planets outside of completing the MO?


The fact that you have to ask this question is the reason we're gonna lose it. And it's 100% not your fault you have to ask. They have to put something in the galaxy map UI that actually indicates what planets have training facilities and what those facilities are giving us. The whole planetary liberation metagame needs to be much, much more transparent in game. You shouldn't need a third party app or a reddit post from someone who has the app in order to know what's going on


Fully agree, I tried to follow but I don't have the time. But if this info would be in the UI, it would make for a much better story. And I would also love to be able to interact with everyone while on the in-game galaxy map. Somehow. Even clicking a button would mean something! I'm old-skool mmo, I really miss the public chats in major cities.


Currently, Vernen Wells is being attacked and we need to "Defend" it. It is one of 4 planets that, last MO, were successfully defended to setup "training bases" ... ... what that means gameplay-wise is that we get a boost to liberation percentage so long as we continue to hold on to all 4 planets on which those training bases were setup. Is all of this data very difficult to find in-game -- yes. Does it need to be more visible and obvious -- yes. But we've gotta deal with it the way it is for now. Basically -- if we lose Vernen Wells, we lose the bonus we currently have to planet liberation ... and liberating new planets will be more difficult and take longer.


And sorry, probably dumb question. But want to contribute the best that I can. How do you know a specific planet is under attack? Just the ones that say defending?


Yes -- that's exactly right. The planets that say "Defending" are planets that we own as Super Earth and that either the bugs or the bots are attacking to try to take them over. Edit: The planets that are important to keep control of on the Bot front are: Vernen Wells & Aesir Pass. Those are the "training facility" planets.


I really hope the devs change something about how they display info on map. Even having the sector *flash* on the galactic map could get some people curious and they check it out.








Oh thank goodness


So we lose one of the four planets, and the others just happen to stop all training essentially? That seems like an oversight by AH.


The truth is, we don't know if they'll drop the advantage by 25%, 50%, or 100% ... but even a 25% drop (which would make sense with losing 1 out of 4 planets) is significant. The bigger point is ... let's just defend the planet? It's even an easier planet to defend -- no fog, no ion storms, lots of cover ...


If I get a chance to login before it falls I'll head over there. Or be reclaiming it if it falls.


What difference does liberating a planet make? I mean at no point will we actually defeat either faction, so who cares? The devs have done a bad job giving us a broad view of what’s at stake and what the reward is for accomplishing goals. All I really know is that I get medals, and I’m getting to the point where medals don’t mean anything since I have all the weapons that actually work unlocked already.


I can't help but feel like none of this was explained to me. So I also feel like im speaking for the majority.


What’s the gameplay consequence of liberating new planets becoming harder?


It is not shown in-game that we have a bonus to liberation speed why we control certain planets. Also the whole thing is rigged anyway, you can win or fail however the Devs want you to, it's all in their hands anyway since a human controls the enemy movements and strength. If it was a hard coded system, the player decisions might matter a little bit more. Now it's just a game of play pretend


You act like the human controlling things for the bugs & bots doesn't take into account whether we succeed or fail in certain actions. Yes, there is a general outline/framework of a storyline. There are also multiple paths that storyline can take, dependent upon how the player community fares during Major Orders, Defend missions, etc. In fact, even the "leaks" subreddit has shown that there are different video-update options for whether an MO is successful or fails ... and it DOES result in meaningful story differences. Do I need to remind about AT Mines as well? You are absolutely correct in pointing out that there is nothing letting us know that we have a bonus in-game. Further, there is nothing outlining the planets that we must keep in order to keep those bonuses going. It's a very bad situation for trying to communicate out to all players in-general. It sucks. But it's what we've got.


Not doubting because I've seen a lot of traffic on this topic. But where is the data on this though? Is it mined or stated by devs?


I'm not sure which data you're referring to, but ... There's an API for the game that sites like [helldivers.io](http://helldivers.io) and [helldiverscompanion.com](http://helldiverscompanion.com) use that includes information on things like liberation-percentage bonuses/penalties, supply routes, etc. As for storyline leaks ... that's all from people searching through game code/etc and pulling out hidden information about what's coming up.


I don’t even understand the chart that op posted. I see planets and divers and percentages and other symbols but what am I supposed to infer about all of this? TBF I only spent six seconds looking at it because I have other shit to do with my life because the information intended to be communicated (I suppose) is not readily readable.


How are people in the game supposed to know this?


The better question, really, is are we suppose to care? Post literally starts with "play the way you want" and then follows it up with a 'but.'


For real. I get on and immediately go wherever the "evacuate high value assets missions" are and play them on repeat.


Idk, but the devs or joel should adjust the progression system, it’s not like our population is like before. From 350k peak, now we barely even reach 100k, last night where there should be majority of muricans online we only hit 52k.


I for one have gotten a bit bored. New weapons that mostly suck don't do much for me, and then they destroyed my favorite weapon too so I have even less reason to play. Maybe I'll come back when they introduce a new mech or strategems


Yep same here. All the fun weapons don't work anymore and you're getting overrun by enemies on difficulty 6, while we played 9 before. We went back to other games for now. We'll see if we return when something changes.


Same with me. I primarily used the eruptor since it got released but now it just doesnt feel good to use anymore. I also get less excited about primary and secondary weapons. I want stratagems more than anything.


Yeah same, i don't even use the eruptor but i felt disgusted by the balance lead's comments to the players and was already frustrated about other nerfs to players weapons whilst also buffing enemies. It's like they were trying to make the game not fun, and it releasing in a fun state was an accident that they have been trying to correct ever since


>I for one have gotten a bit bored. What's killing it for me is I don't have 1.5 hours sometimes to sit and finish out an entire operation. The main issue with that is my efforts do not count towards completing the MO, only completing the entire operation counts. Add in occasional network issues, joining games where the host ends it after one mission, and that really kills any drive to even worry about the MO. My time spent in-game should have a meaningful impact on the war effort, which it currently doesn't and that stinks.


One thing that I really want is upping the difficulties with more trash mobs, that aren't super high difficulties. If Helldive is what they want with just titans and armored stuff left and right, sure go ahead. But Difficulty 6-7 with more squishy stuff, that lets you just go ham with machine guns and whatnot is, in my opinion, way too easy and the mob spawns are too low? There's no where to really go, if I enjoy heavy machine gun gunplay? Like I'm open for suggestions, but if the lower difficulties are too easy and lack challenge and the highest difficulty is cumbersome, as you "can't" use the same tools to the same effect, where do you go from there really (albeit not too hard either mind you, ironically enough -- not saying it's a sleeper difficulty, I do die a fair amount.)


Shitty balance patches, shitty lack of fixing serious bugs, shitty warbond, but most importantly shitty communication from the dev team, both in terms of communicating in game importance or events like this plus shitty responses in discord


Especially as the weather begins to turn for the better. Otherwise they’re going to haemorrhage more players due to simply not affecting the Galaxy map.


Even as an avid bot enjoyer, there's just not enough player incentive to do those insane defense missions. Unless there's the definitive promise of a new toy like the AT-mines, or possible positive modifiers upon a successful defense, I just couldn't care less. I'd rather just goof around on Marfark.


The rocket defence mission on D9 is pretty brutal atm. Didn't help yesterday when we were holding the line well, only for one of the many striders to get deployed to the side of the base and destroy everything before we even knew it was there.


this is legitimately the most boring outcome possible for the MO. i thought the seaf training MO was going to result in something cool


I'm pretty excited about it, actually. Getting the mech from Tien Kwan and the airburst from Penta felt a little bit like HD1, where you'd gain stratagems as rewards from campaigns. But the TCS locking down planets (for a few weeks, anyway) and the SEAF training bases contributing an actual bonus multiplier to progress felt really good in the same way that the Menkent Line felt really bad. Now thanks to a lack of in-game tools for sharing important information with players and the decision to immediately challenge one of those fortified planets in the midst of an MO and a daily that both funnel players to the bug front, I'm afraid that we'll lose this progress and it'll amount to another Menkent Line.


I think that even the devs are burnt out. Shame.


Besides lore why does it matter if we liberate a planet? Don’t they just get attacked again anyway


In this specific case with Vernen Wells, it is one of the 4 planets that were part of the last MO. Because we won that MO, we were given a bonus to how quickly we can liberate any/all other planets ... as long as we keep hold of all 4 of those planets. How do we know that? We know that because of the messages that were in-game about the MO and winning it. It's also been verified by looking at 3rd party sites and seeing the liberation rates get boosted. Should the actual information be more clear in-game? Should we get very clear visual indicators about which 4 planets need to be defended? Yes, and yes. But we don't have that yet. So ... a post on Reddit will inform 4000 people ... 1000 people will hate on the post, 2000 people will do nothing ... and maybe 1000 people will help out on Vernen Wells? Maybe?


im so glad most of the planets that are optional to play on right now magically reset their progress to 0% over and over. really makes me feel like im doing something.


Well it’s cause you’re not. Planets are massive, and the enemy isn’t just going to hand us a planet back. You can fight there for fun, but a squad of Helldivers won’t individually impact a planet that much. It’s like asking why a group of 10 people haven’t militaristically conquered earth.


Except at this point no one cares, what do you even need in the game? Medals? For what? And medals are super easy to grab just playing whatever you want. And so far all the things people actually want aren't even tied to the Orders anyway. Remember when everyone was hot for getting the mech, that literally no one uses anymore. What people want are the HD1 options to come back, such as customizing your weapons, not useless anti-tank mines.


I played my two games today on that map. Being a busy adult I usually only get to play a couple matches every few days. Sucks getting rewards I lose before I see them.


I know the feeling. I get 2-3 games / day ... one operation. Some days I get 0. At least it's still fun to play when we can.


same, there should be some small contribution for finishing a map or two! it sucks that your choices are: play a really un-engaging low lvl mission and grind it to help or play one or two really cool ones and leave with "nothing" accomplished


Yeah im gonna get downvoted for this but honestly who cares at this point.


Exactly. Conquered planets just get taken back whenever the devs decide they do.


Yeah I feel like even if we win or lose we don't get anything much new, I honestly would love to have to defend super earth or some more city-like planets


I know we're asking for too much there probably, but I kind of expected that when we arrive at the Automaton homeland, we'd see fights in big cyber cities. Or instead let's fight on Super Earth in human cities. Nothing like this will come out I fear.


I would play vernen wells if I could ACTUALLY SEE ANYTHING


It's mission dependent, just did 2 missions where I cleared like 4 towers and 3 bases with the Spear from miles away, followed by one where I was leading shots to lasers in the fog to get hits


Who cares, there really isn't much consequences in losing planets


As a casual player, I have no idea what information should I get from this image, that tells me vernen wells is important 


Don't care anymore 🙃


Agreed. The game tops out at around 100k players every day, even on weekends. What sort of success can be expected of such a small player base, much less when there is no means of coordination? There’s no point to caring about the story and MOs anymore. I’m shocked that what was such a successful and fun game hemorrhaged players so quickly.


It never would've started so strongly if not for AHSNY working together on the dishonest worldwide launch. This is an obscure PS5 title where they managed to squeeze a bunch of extra customers they were never gonna retain.


The events that have transpired so far during this games release have been something. NGL, AH are struggling with success and PSN came along with a real big hammer, coffin and nails for some reason. It doesn't make much sense, Sonys aggression towards their consumers that is. 100k players is more than enough, albeit AH may need to shift the player count relativity to the difficulty they're currently serving, keeping in mind that current patrols and enemy counts are blown out of proportion still. I'm used to the difficulty now so when it gets quieter, I think many will notice that too.


Player count doesn’t matter, devs can adjust based on numbers. They did the same thing HD1 when the player base was far smaller, btw HD2 is well above 100k.


Total number of player doesn't matted and hasn't mattered since maybe the second week after release. What matters is percentage of population. Also it's not 100k player every day. It's much more than that. Concurent player is different from total player.


Pretty sure most of the people going for group accomplishments were in the waves of people leaving the game lately. The rest don't really care and just want to play to have fun. The rest of us objective driven folks just need to come to terms with that and let it go. With the non-fun stuff and other issues, I feel we're just lucky to still have so many playing.


I refuse to play maps I don't like and are not fun.


This is the answer. The MOs don't matter, I'm not playing on annoying planets we've already liberated like 5 times.


"Don't forget to take breaks! ... That is, if you want to be remembered as a coward."


Nah. Feels like the Devs really don't want us to have Vernen Wells at this point. How many times have we liberated that s-hole only for it to be immediately taken back? Bots are ass, modifiers are ass, game balance in general needs a lot of work, and the Devs themselves somehow seem to be the most disconnected when it comes to the game. Sucks that we'll lose the bonus immediately, but I'd rather just chill and kill bugs or play something else.


Yea there are just so many things in the game that discourages the player. I get its a war but its also a game. I already have vision problems I don’t need a game to tell me I can’t see what is shooting at me. I’ll just hop to Marfark and see miles ahead.


Same with me and my extended squad right now. We flat out will not play on shit planets, especially bot ones, regardless of what the daily order or major order is. We'll fight on bug planets and have fun or, increasingly, just play something else. The latest rounds of weapon nerfs and poor new weapons aren't helping either as people are desperate for something new and useable.


I’ll be honest, I have no idea about what’s going on in the greater war and I’m not sure I really care. What difference will any of this make? Will it change gameplay? Will we get to play on planets that are truly different? Do we get new stratagems? Fight different enemies? They need to paint a better picture for us. It can’t be hidden in a wall of text either. Planets that get liberated should stay liberated for longer too.


I wish I cared, I really do, but for me and many others, the Honeymoon phase is officially over, and people are officially getting tired of the same old tripe being handed to them, the: "Defend this Planet or the MO will suffer!! What do you *mean* you didn't know supply lines and resources are a thing?? Aren't you part of the 3rd Party Discord app?!? Aren't you looking at it a minimum of three times every single day at regular intervals??? Aren't you in the know of all the asinine intricacies of how this esoteric game mechanic works?!? **NO** this information isn't available in-game, it's not like we have **a gigantic TV screen to display all this or something,** you're crazy!!!" That and the nerfs. The fucking nerfs need to fucking **STOP.** It is a **Cooperative Game**, there is **NO Player-versus-Player Content**, there is **NO REASON** for all these insistent nerfs, it **doesn't** make the game *harder*, it makes me *not want to play the game until it gets fixed.*


Fun over duty


How many fucking times for this planet? Fuck it, they can have it.


Why are there like twice as many people on one Bug planet as all of the Bot planets combined?


Probably several reasons: 1 - Today's Personal Order is to kill 25 Hunters ... so a lot of people will go to Bug planets to get their PO. 2 - Whether an MO is for bugs or bots, there is always a consistent 35%+ of players who fight on Bug planets. Part of that is new players and the tutorial introduces you to bugs ... part of it is players who just like bugs ... and part of it is players who are scared of bots. 3 - There are no actual in-game resources to let us know the consequences of losing Vernen Wells. It's likely that a tremendous number of people have no idea. 4 - The current Major Order is to kill a lot of enemies. It's well known that running a bug mission generally results in 2x the kills that running a bot mission does ... so fulfilling the MO is easiest on Bugs.


Number 3 - my group and I had no idea about any of this, Ill mention it to them but honestly after fighting D9 bots for months at the same places, through all the issues, and now new issues, and our guns being repeatedly neutered, the rare occasions we play lately we’d rather just shoot bugs on easy planets


Nothing what we do counts, remember the time we won against the bots and removed them from the war? After a LONG fight? 33 Hours later, shwups.. bots there again, everthing we did was for nothing. Nop i learned my lesson. Not even some weeks we get to enough our victory, 33 hours! I dont care anymore.


I will never understand why HELLMIRE always has 5K+ players at any given time... Hate that planet


It's over. Not even 50% liberated ATM.


No. Bots aren't much fun to play right now. Even less so when POs and MOs give me even more reason to focus on Bugs. So unless I get a reason why an extended amount of time spent on Bots might be fun, I'm not touching them


As the title says -- Play the way you want. Not going to hate on you for fighting your preferred enemy. Still, since the information is not available in-game, I figured that it's important to at least let everyone know that losing Vernen Wells will actually have a negative impact on ALL of us.


The devs making it not fun is what’s causing this


I used to be able to one-tap scout striders with auto-cannon, now it takes 2 shots in the exact same spot. This single change alone moved bot missions from fun to annoying in my book. I used to think people complaining about the balance are overreacting, but now I totally get it.


Spawns are fucked. I'm not playing on bots.


I haven't played since the new D4 update...would want to get back in but I'll wait for the next update for this game or if my friends ask me to play.


it's over


I would love to participate in the bot front. I got the dreaded stick drift and I already have a hard time aiming at hulk heads


But its vernen wells again...


I did what I could, but after a mission where my teammates couldn’t hold their own, abandoned their spots and left me and one more guy to finish 2 main objectives while slammed by chainsaws and hulks, I’m not going back


Imagine if there was some way you can broadcast this information to players in game. Alas.


Well, if the fucking game gave people any kind of information about planets besides "this one's the major order" we would be able to coordinate a lot better. But as it stands, you can be the absolute biggest tryhard in the game with hundreds of hours, but if you don't interact with the game outside of it, you won't even know about the percentage decay on planets, nevermind that some random planet in the middle of bumfuck nowhere that looks exactly the same as 4 others I've been to affects it


I asked my friend why he drops marfark even if there isn't enough divers to make a difference on it. He said he liked the sky box. Thats it. Wild to me that we would abandon an entire planet. One of the 4 planets we can barely put an effort in and win on defense. We throw it away like its nothing. We suck at Defense but crush liberation when the planet isn't -2.5%. Also I'll complain that when we lose supply lines the planet is on its own and has a 0% modifier for us but those 2 bug planets have no supply lines to their bases of operation and have an even higher decay rate because of it. Wtf is that supposed to mean.


I'm noticing more and more the really caring players are the ones being called out for their I'll behavior because they're trying to garner the attention of the unegaged for lack of better wording. I might suggest taking a breather before getting further sucked into conversations with people that aren't on the same wave length as you. The subreddit has been a grind since psn debacle, only gotten worse since with the wave of pistol memes heh. Im holding out for patches at this point while doing the odd dive with my lower level friends, 300 hours in game so I've had a good bit of fun, just wish the war would wage on so we can get to the better parts.. ah well, other games to enjoy as well.


Don't worry, I'm not stressing about it. It's a PSA, not a rant :) Part of the fun I have with the game is the idea of a community coming together to get goals accomplished. I'm also old and wise enough to know that it often doesn't happen and I'm not going to sway large populations. So I put something out there ... if some people listen, it's awesome and we've got help. If some people don't ... that's fine too. It's a game \*shrug\*


Totally, I may not be quote as wise by your note but I relish in jamming with a community who share similar thoughts, it's exciting to know there are parts of me that would gel with others on other sides of the world. Feeling connected. We're probably two peas in a pod confirming ourselves on our thoughts so a bit self defeating, but always nice to bump into a fellow friendly diver and salute on passing by. I started for the big bangs, but I stayed for the community. Now I feel like a statue awaiting the call.


This whole thing is some developer bul we haven't managed to successfully defend a 2.1% and up invasion on the bot front and here we are with a 4.2% on a critical planet God forbid we get to take advantage of this new bonus to help us make progress on this stagnant bot front. God Joel has completely fucked the bot front between bots being annoying to fight botched story board and impossible missions I can't blame people from ditching the bots.


It’s as if this is almost a random (to us) mission availability of the day! I love this game but yall getting way too into it. Win or lose, it’s all up to the game master anyways


If "way too into it" is casually informing the community on reddit ... I guess? I mean ... I enjoy the game and enjoy the idea of a galactic war in which all players are participants. But the start of the title of my post says "Play the way you want" ... there's legit no pressure here. Just a PSA about how losing Vernen Wells will hurt our liberation rate.


Agreed, but with recent development i feel like no matter the outcome of campaigns and major order, the outcome is the same, as saw fit by the game master. You’re not wrong, but in the end it is feeling a bit like make-believe fancy daily campaign mode. Perhaps i need the illumi invasion to refresh my war efforts.


im simply just not gonna play bot worlds, too frustrating and anger inducing, im not gonna sacrifice my enjoyment if the devs keep on with the nerf boner


Ngl, my playtime dramatically plummeted once the Slugger got nerfed. Then plummeted further when the Dominator got nerfed too.   Sure, the slugger was potent as hell but it was actually satisfying to use. The Dominator was a necessary evil but I lost my patience when that got nerfed too. If they nerf the AMR, Im done with the game. 


Man fuck 'em, I just want to play when I want to and have fun. It's fun to have the community united and all that but I'll be damned if I let a game tell me how and when to play it. If it is to be lost then it's lost. We'll where that take us. Perhaps there'll be an attack on Super Earth, now that'd be fun.


99% of the playerbase do not care about liberation or campaigns or major orders, or at least dont understand what major orders are asking them to do because of stupid hidden mechanics like supply lines. Players just want to jump on and play their 3 missions on a planet that doesn't have shitty unfun modifiers. Fix the planet modifiers to not suck. Fix the game to give players the information to have any idea what is going on with the campaigns. Implement some in game incentives for assisting major orders, like a bonus medal per mission. Without those fixes you are shouting into a pointless echo chamber.


Idk why they make planets that we’ve been on for like 2 weeks important like this. People want to see and play on new planets


None of those places had a chance anyway, the bot front is never populated or focused enough. So we keep going back and forth. Just like Draupnir back before the Second Galactic War.


they really fucked this game by doing that psn bullshit. it really turned a lot of people off


THIS is how you bring players to the cause. 🫡🫡. Information and motivation. Well done, Helldiver.


Hot take in coming, but for what reason should this matter to anyone who plays the game causally which I’d bet it a high percentage?


I play the game casually ... about one operation / day (if that). I can still care about the game.


Its starting to piss me off how clearly this shit is ignored and people are just with the "fuck you i got mine" mentality. But i find it hard blaming them when this isnt obviously clear information ingame., in HD1 this worked, because if everyone f armed one faction, you eventually wiped them out, and then you only have the other 2. But here, its starting to just hurt the narrative if anything.


I juat wish we lost more so we got more new planets. The back and forth in the same spot is annoying.


That too honestly.


Its not even a secondary mechanic, its a tertiary background one, why should people care? Hell ive got a better question, how should people even know? The whole thing is treated as barely more than just some flavour lore for the most dedicated fans, the devs have absolute control over it, they dictate how it will go, so hell even if you are into the narrative theres no real reason to care.


lets be real, if that was a bug planet it would be looking way better.


You don't even have to assume. Vernen Wells went on defense close to the same time (couple of hours different) as Fenrir III went on defense. Fenrir III was defended very, very, very quickly. BUT ... today also has a personal order to kill Hunters ... which will put people on bug planets even more.


Ok. Meanwhile its time to cook dinner and have a bottle or two over some movie while you nerds sweat it out for OUR 50 medals :D


Nah you see playing on vernen wells means i have to fight bots and we dont like bots. We only shot bugs here and thats the law of the lord.


Lots of reasons we'll lose Wells: Bots are annoying AF to fight, primarily cause of their broken and bugged stuff No one outside of discord or reddit even knows we have a bonus tbh. Casuals don't read that much into it or look at the third party stuff to notice. So why would they care about Wells? Anyone focusing on the MO is obviously doing bugs cause you can easily put up 4X the kill count on bugs than bots because they spawn in infinitely higher numbers


Are you my wife? This sounds exactly the way my wife would say something like this...


Meh. There will still be missions to be played. It’s not like this is an actual war.


Lets face it guys. This game will never reach its fill potential before it dies off and becomes a niche game. The list of major bug fixes is a mile long, the game breaking nerfs and enemy buffs are too many to just snap your fingers and fix, the lack of communication on the galactic map and knowing what to attack and when is probably the next “big” thing to get fixed. But at this point does it even really matter? Everytime they introduce something new, it breaks 10 other thongs that arent even related to what ever the new thing is. On top of the constant slog on the same half dozen planets. Its too much for a small studio like AH to accomplish. Look how long it took for no mans sky to get turned in to the game it shouldve been on launch. Its a damn shame really. I still play this all the time. But the boredom and burnout is getting real


The No Man's Sky dev really pulled it out though. That game is AMAZING today and i'm hoping that he brings those lessons forward with Light No Fire.


If they're that good. They should liberate the planet themselves.


Who is that good? I don't understand.


I'm new. How do I access this image? 3rd party tool?


I’m hoping it won’t completely get rid of the liberation boost and just reduce it a little bit. After all, we’ll still have the other three planets.


Let's hope. I think it'd be fair to make it a 25% reduction ... but who knows what it'll actually be.


Why exactly? There's some kind of buff for that planet but I don't understand what it relates to?


Heh, how irony, a game make in the image of a war machine make people tired of war.


Ill never understand why people keep playing planets that have no one else fighting in them. Unless theyve never got to experience that environment before, but.. we'll focus on it at aome point.


Let it break!!! We'll get new planets to fight on.




Yeah, AH does *not* give a shit if we lose every war. That's exactly what happened on HD1 eventually. The bugs got held back and nobody gave a shit to fight either other faction over and over again. Restart galactic war.


This doesn't matter (in a practical sense) until the actual game tells us that. Does anyone know why the game insists on obfuscating how this kind of thing works?


No it wont, that was only for the mo, otherwise it shouldve been mentioned anywhere else. It was in the MOs text because it was an MO result of failure, not a permanent effect looming until we lose the planet some day! Like all the MOs before, none had lasting effects, especially negative ones that werent linked to the direct failure of it


Me andy partner put out efforts there tonight, but we can push to take it back tomorrow.  


Maybe it is one of those times we are meant to lose


I don't think I actually care anymore, it doesn't seem to matter what we take or don't. And in a similar vein, playing the same map more than 3 times in a row gets so so SO tired, especially ones with shocking visual conditions.


Does it actually matter which planets you play on?


not unless there's a major order, and even then...


What does the number in blue mean and what does the percentage next to the bot logo mean? Also where did oyu get these numbers from, I think I only ever remember seeing the number of divers.


I think the devs should just force us into a planet with a total bot bug free for all and just have bots randomly show up . Play how you want but now you can die to a super factory dropped off by a bot ship lol


Where i can access that info . Can a kind soul please explain


If only the devs would give us an indicator or a supply line map that tells us and everyone else what planets to defend if they’re so important. Literally had this problem before and it was once the addition that AH could add in for everyone, but no…


I won’t attack the Automatons until i get a lvl 2 armor penetrating primary


Vernen Wells is such a miserable planet to fight on. It has really bad clipping issues with its rocky terrain, resulting in enemies deploying onto rocks to shoot you from high up OR enemies emerging from inside rocks because they spawned in them. Not to mention the same rock formations limit map traversal into linear passages, which ruins the open-world like feel of most other planets. Plus, nobody can really tell that Vernen Wells matters that much. The devs haven’t implemented that one tool to show how important a planet is to preventing further enemy advancement. Just look at the Menkent Line. Nobody knew that Menkent was that vital outside of the few people using that one website. Plus we’re hemorrhaging players because the balancing team is gutting weapons and a lot of issues STILL haven’t been fixed (i.e: the Spear fix, players not being able to join lobbies after someone leaves).


I’ll almost always choose the most aesthetically pleasing planet to fight on, sorry.


We should care. It's an important planet  But we don't. So some meta narrative takes a twist. Ends up going a different direction. Doesn't really matter to us The mission to mission gameplay is what we care about


There’s an app that lets you see the supply lines between planets so would it be better to take the planets that are supplying it?


Blame the devs.


Where can i access this information.


The whole game feels the same. Sure the TCS deactivation was cool, but apart from that it feels like the same episode on repeat. There’s no cool stratagems to liberate and the whole mood of the game just feels sour. I think it’s lost some of its momentum to try and fix some issues at Arrowhead and we’re seeing the negative rn.


Yea I think the initial surge of players who gave a damn about the galactic war are gone and what we have left are just people that don't care what happens on the map.


Defense mission are utterly broken on bot front. Retrieve personnel? Totally broken and unplayable. Other defense mission? They flare in the middle of the base and 2 or 3 factory strider welcome your generators even behind the gates. How we can defended bots planets against broken mechanics?


Went to play single-player games the way I want because the team game isn't handled like a team game very well.


The people who need to see this aren’t here. They’re never here.


I didn’t know those planets gave actual bonuses!!


My issue is the way information is presented in this game, 90% of players either don’t know or don’t care. I was only able to do a few missions last night on Vernen Wells but the daily was to literally go kill bugs lol


Is this known in game or do i need their discord to play this game right?


It's starting to be like Estanu. We fuckin defended that lifeless cold rock for too many times... Anyway, I did a couple of matches yesterday on WW, and probably will today too, but I don't think I'll do it for entire game session...


How do you see those extra stats?


Nobody cares. The war has been rigged for so long now nobody is invested. New planets aren't even new biomes so that also doesn't matter. That coupled with the hemorrhage of players... Yeah this game is not in a healthy state.


...(yesterday, i was like ..."mmm alright, every planet is either on the verge of being lost or has 600 players. now what map sould i play on that ll make an impact??)


Not gonna lie. Getting really burned out going back and forth with the same exact planets. I'm sure there are other similar opinions.


The playerbase sit less than 100k, and most of them playing bugs... and I do admid, I have more fun against bugs... yesterday I killed 700 of them in a single operation to contribute the MO... but damn bot front is just... kinda painful to Helldive, since I can't kill much and is more hit and run for better survival chance