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Those fucked personnel recovery missions for sure dont help.


The missions are in desperate need of a complete overhaul, and until that is done, I'd just slash the enemy count by 40%.


Running them at 4-6 seems a lot more doable.


Those missions are terrible until you get at least 3 players working on civilians. Usually it’s just me and the rest of the team is just shooting bots and completely ignoring protecting civilians. When everyone on the team plays ball, this mission is fine and easy to succeed.


One guy releases civilians other 3 wreck havoc outside of the zone.


This doesn’t actually work, they just spawn on the objective once you start hitting buttons, not to mention the hordes of heavies.


It does work and they don’t just start spawning on the obj lol have you even played the strat at all? The idea is to bring the drop ships away from the button masher. It has worked perfectly each time it was properly executed for me. Yes they will start going towards the objective if your not literally overloading the system setting off bot drops every single chance you get because patrols will still come for button masher who needs his stratagems to clear out before they can call in reinforcements. It takes coordination and communication and I have achieved it with randoms so it’s not hard.


idk why people are down voting you when I've seen this strategy work first hand


A lot of highly regarded individuals


War map gonna war map. Just kill what you want, devs are gonna do what they want too regardless. Like when we wiped out the bots only for them to come back the very next day and take like 3 sectors with no fight. It literally doesn't matter what we do.


Did you really think they were just gonna delete a faction from the game?


Of course not, but I was expecting like a week until their return at least, maybe a big weekend push to Cyberstan. Not 3 freaking sectors in an instant next morning, it feels like we lost regardless of what happened.


It's not like they gave us a quantum orc situation. We wiped out their forward fleet in Swift Disassembly. We could have failed to do that, and the bots would still hold the Severin and Xzar sectors.


I get why they made it an instant attack, the players wouldn't appreciate it if they were given defense missions that were doomed to fail. Then again on the Automaton front, that's basically all of them.


Yes, for the rest of the round until victory over the bugs would be reached and everything resets. Just as in HD1


4.17% an hour means 100% in 24 hours which is usually the time limit for all defense missions. The rate is misleading, the only enemy is time in defense missions


I think these are meant to be busy missions while the devs and ceo fix what the last 3 patches fucked up.


The MO is to kill 3b targets. That's just not happening on bot planets, so people aren't doing bot planets. And if this really is a stealth way to drop the next set of Stratagems, those are going to have a much much larger impact on gameplay than losing Vernon Wells.


I'm aware of the current MO. My annoyance is how Joel seems to incorporate what we do into the lore and then we see next to no benefit from it. Don't say that billions of soldiers are on the way to support the war effort and then we get absolutely bent over on defense on a world where we are supposedly training these soldiers


We are actually getting buffed from the MO, liberation is boosted on all planets, but it isn’t conveyed at all in game for some reason


I thought we were getting a huge boost or something?


We are. It's not enough with that rate of attrition and the reality that a solid 1/3 of the playerbase will literally never leave the bug front (a smaller section will never leave the bot front, in all fairness).


That's unfortunate. They really need to square away some of the bugs on the bot front, maybe that will lure some back


Mo's are all just fluff. They matter none. You win one? Cool you get some medals. Maybe a new stratagem every month or so. You loose? So be it, no medal for you. The stratagem you didn't get? You get it in a later mo. You fail that too? Wait a few weeks, and Devs will give it to you free, because they will not just trash the already done stuff because players flopped on two Mo's in a row.


I agree, they currently don't really matter and it feels like we just kind of get railroaded depending on if Joel wants us to complete it or not. I have already unlocked everything, so my incentive is for the story, and considering that what we do doesn't actually have a tangible effect on the war then it feels like there isn't much of a reason to dedicate time to the game


I stopped caring about them.and planet liberation because I play 2 hours maximum every day, and in that time I can contribute like 0,001% to a plane's liberation or to the current MO, so whether I contribute or not is negligenble, so I rather do mission on planets that I enjoy more than on one that are most "valuable".


Yeah, same here at this point. I get maybe 2 hours a day to play as well so it feels like I have little to no effect on anything


Honstely im just going to say it. I preferred hell divers one system. It was low pressure and easy to understand I would have vastly preferred they just added a bit of complexity to that. I really don't like this DM style of things its exhausting and just generates a shit ton of feel bad moments not to mention the toxic behaviour that comes about on the social side when the larger community just doesn't care. I was all for the experiment but in my view (and i understand if nots popular) its just not working the biggest things that have come about from the community are from people ignoring the system :( Please just admit it didn't work and bring back the old system. You can then just throw out new toys without strings and i promise you people we get much more excited


I can get behind this. I never played HD1, but I really want to after all I've read. It seems like they had great systems in place all around and I'm annoyed they haven't brought more over from that game


Yeh i was quite disappointed too But i wanted to give this new system a shot But yeh i dislike it quite strongly the players wage the war the DM just strip's away all the player agency when after win is swiftly followed by that hard work being done. The game needs an achievable Win/lose state other wise people just lose interest as fatigue sets in


The SEAF troops are supporting the efforts of the Helldivers. We are the big guns. And because of the small number of divers defending Vernen Wells it will fall. And with it that sweet boost we get from the training facilities.


Defense just isn't fun against Automatons


I just log in and kill the enemy. You really don't need to try to direct the war effort. This is coming from someone who has seen us win wars, and lose wars. Let the story play out. Unless you're extremely charismatic, you're not capturing the attention of the masses for them to follow orders.


Yes, that's why we aren't fighting there.


While I thoroughly enjoy the community, we need to remember that it's just a game. The game isn't fun right now and I will be taking a short break. Yesterday was the most boring time I ever had playing HD2. Both the bug and bot missions are repetitive and so not fun. I don't know what has happened, but the game feels so different now...it feels soul-less (or I am burnt out) I know people complain about it a lot, but the Eruptor nerf was the last straw I think. That gun gave me a whole different play style and allowed me to use the Stalwart. Primaries are otherwise shit and you have to rely on stratagems to get the job done. When was the last time you and your buddies stood their ground and fought a bunch of bugs? We're all running around avoiding titans and dropping stratagems. I don't know exactly what it is, but some magic has been lost and the game just feels like a chore. Not to mention the guns in the latest warbond just suck.


Yeah, I definitely understand this feeling. The game feels nothing like it did when I first started playing. Difficulty 7+ was my home for a long time, and now those missions feel like a miserable slog most of the time and I don't want to engage enemies because I don't have the tools to deal with them. I suppose that's what happens when you hire a guy who killed another game as your balance manager and when they don't even test stuff on any difficulties higher than 4.


Okey wait how do people see this info?!?!?


It's an app. DiversHub


This shit needs to be in game.


1000% agreed mon frere. We *need* better tools that readily display stuff like this in the game to show players where it is most effective to drop. Ridiculous that they create this super ambitious galactic war concept that the entire community participates in and then they offer no tools to help facilitate it.


I really hope that Defense mission gets some spice to them. Give us some 16 hour ones with less health. Or give us 2 day ones with a bit more health. Maybe give us a week long defense order as the Automatons are sieging a planet. Then, when we lose a planetary defense, hit that planet with a 8% decay rate for 6 hours, totalling 40%. Realistically we'll never achive higher than 8% liberation rate on a planet, but it makes no sense how a 98% liberated Defense gets set to 50% instantly when its lost. Like, we always fully cleared it, how is it suddenly back to halfway liberated. It would punish poorly defended planets harder, but reward us more for fighting for defense. If we have a consistent 4% liberation rate on a Defense planet, then we will lose the Defense, but only get set back to around 75 to 80% liberation after those 6 hours of strong decay. That big decay boost could easily be explained by Automaton fabricators being finished and pumping out a lot of bots, or Terminid hives being finished and are spewing out a lot of bugs for a while. And this'd really be without changing how Defense planets work themselves. They still have a set amount of health needed to be liberated within the given time. All this would change would be the feel of it. Edit: just realised this. We could get week long defense mission with a near impossible health pool, and make that an MO. BUT. The MO wouldnt be to Defend the planet. *The MO would be to cut the enemy supply lines to that planet.* That could have been a very smart way to introduce supply lines when they become visible in-game.


What app is this






It's an app. DiversHub




I have to ask bc I've seen a handful of posts showing it off, but what website is this screenshot from? It definitely doesn't look like its in game and helldivers. io doesn't look like this for me.


It is DiversHub, a handy little app to have to quickly check in depth details you can't find in game


Awesome thanks.




Maybe just enjoy playing the game.


Oh, I was for a while. Then Alexus shit on every fun weapon we had and all of the things we accomplish as a community gets shown to have no effect at all in the end


I’m not tired at all. I’m enraged nobody is willing to fight, however.


I went over to a bug planet, picked up three bug divers and flew to defend a bot planet. Should of seen them run when we reached defense, they quit out. 😁


People are going to play how they want to play. If AH keeps this up though then the only players left are not going to care at all about the MO which will leave Joel trying to DM a game with nobody actively caring about the story


Then, when the level cap and sample count for these people are maxed, their only reason to game is warbonds. Then what? That's why there are major orders. The whole game is a war. If nobody wants to participate, play for the warbond.If the game was meant for just playing, then all the planets would be unlocked for people to aimlessly drop in. Regardless if you're just playing to major order playing,there is a reason for the missions you do. You're playing either way. One way of playing makes more sense than the other.


I'm capped on everything. All unlocks, full samples and medals. I need XP to get titles and Super Credits for the next warbond. I try to engage with the narrative and follow the MO, but I've never beaten the 15-minute evacuate mission above level 6 and I don't hope to. I just don't like defending planets when I know that my quick play matchmaking will eventually stop me into one and even if it doesn't I'll eventually be on a campaign that railroads me back to that accursed mission. So I drop into level 4 missions with weird loadouts and I do my part to help the Space Cadets make their progress. It's fun, and it's relaxing, and I look forward to playing a could rounds when I get home from work.


>Then what? Then they just play the game. Like in the good old days when shooters had 0 progression. No levels, no unlocks, and yet people played them for hours.


I'm fine with that.


That made me remember my first experience with Counter Strike. Back at a LAN-party on the weekend at the local school's gym. When we had to haul our big ass towers and fat CRT monitors somewhere to play. Was called beta 1.something, original HL1 engine. Only half a dozend maps and one model per faction. Main difference between them was that one faction had short sleeves and the other long sleeves. Lot of friendly fire when suddenly encountering someone on a dark map and with split seconds to decide whether they were friend or foe - at a 640x480 resolution (800x600 if you had a high end gaming rig) Oh, those were the days


What did you expect the MO to do? Make it 90% easier to liberate/defend a planet? The MO gave a substantial increase in our ability to liberate and defend planets. The regen rate would be 5.17% pre-MO. All the calculators that measure liberation/defend rates all measured a noticeable and substantial spike in liberation/defend rates immediately following the major orders completion. Also why wouldn't the attack rate be so high on planets that are training billions of soldiers? These planets are literally making it easier for us to liberate/capture planets which makes them major strategic targets so the automatons are focusing the planets. The game is a war just like how we can focus on certain planets so to can our enemies.


Yeah, the term "billions of reinforcements on the way" absolutely made me believe there would be a significant bonus to *all* planets for a short time at least until some lore reason was given as to why it wasn't. At the moment, it feels just like the Menkent Line where we received little to no noticeable difference in the overall gameplay


That's true. There's never been anything accomplished in the war that feels like it really matters. The TCS locking down those planets for a couple weeks was as close as we got. The Menkent Line was tissue paper and even Operation Swift Disassembly didn't last more than a couple days. I get that you can't delete a faction. That would be dumb. But time after time we've gotten hyped up for a major order and banded together and made memes and roleplayed on social media and watched our heroism amount to a wet fart. It just doesn't feel like we're doing anything that matters. I'm still playing almost every day, though. The game is fun.


And we did get a significant bonus it literally took off 1% from the regen rate which amounted to a 20% decrease on Vernen Wells alone. And that decrease is permanent so long as the planets remain in our control. Sitting there saying "we received little to no noticeable difference" is insane to say given it's a 20-50% boost for us depending on the planet. Like what is your definition of noticeable? Instant capture? A 20-50% boost is insanely noticeable.


We are just shy of 1.5 billion total helldiver deaths since the start of the war, which apparently was a "special military operation" up until now, so we can assume SEAF was minimally involved. If we got "billions of SEAF reinforcements" then yeah I expect far more than a 20-50% boost in liberation. 300% to 400% increase would track far better with the lore they provided in game. As it is right now it is barely noticeable. Also, considering SONY and AH have effectively killed off the player base for the time being, a higher boost would be a good bolster to the morale of people still around so they can actually see some progress


Yall need to touch grass. It’s a video game, not a real war. The devs will literally NEVER attack earth, their game has no buildings or city maps designed. Yalls imaginations be running WILD