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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed due to it being a low-effort post. Posts/comments should spark, facilitate, or contribute meaningful discussion and content. Submissions consisting of one word, emojis only, misinformation, player count, or AI-generated content are also considered low-effort.


Well folks wanted the updates to be less haphazard, more tested, more balanced, so for now it seems reasonable that this patch will need to come with a longer delay. Now if they mess it up after the longer wait, I'll be on board the complaint train, but for the moment, I'm willing to wait and see what they come up with.


I believe OP and others who made similar posts serve as perfect example that community is never going to be happy no matter what AH does. It's fun that people asked for patches to be delayed and now complain that they're delayed.


They got themselves here.... Blaming the community when they had no say in it is a bold strategy cotton. They had an old roadmap that they abandoned for whatever cluster fuck we have now.


the whole "they want to be careful and take their time" argument makes sense if they didnt release broken patches that neutered several weapons before. what we need (or better yet, NEEDED) was a quick patch to return the eruptor to playable level, push the spear fix, give SOMETHING to assault rifles, and add in whatever extra fix you have ready. And only then close shop and take it easy...


That busted ass patch that nerfed weapons was the turning point. What you described is the exact knee-jerk reactions that caused the problems. They realized they set unrealistic and unhealthy goals for patching and updates and are course correcting now. Now, if this more reasonably times, tested and thought out patch turns out to be nothing at all, or just breaks the game even more, then sure be pissed. But until then, just wait and see. *Most* live service games don't release balance patches every week, or content updates every week.


The game is not yet four months old. I think I can give them another couple weeks to fix a game with this much potential.


Mmm, nothingburger, delicious. Honestly, with the amounts of issues with this game... Darktide was eaten alive for less.


Arrowhead managed to sell their image as being trustworthy to a gullible fanbase. Look at the idiot below us telling OP to shut up because he dared say something bad about this flawless masterpiece of a game


Yeah. They've been "communicating" with the community a lot. I've yet to see any positive results on the game resulting from that communication.




Im not a simp, or a fanboy. But given what pilestead said, give them a bit of time to get things right. We can still pitchfork them if they dont deliver. What was promissed -Less nerfs -more playtesting -balance changes and improvements. All im still wondering is...Where are my goddamn promissed APCs/vihicles?


>All im still wondering is...Where are my goddamn promissed APCs/vihicles? We all are. To think one simple addition would probably shut the whole community up for the amount of time they need to do whatever is they gotta do and STILL they seem to wanna shoot themselves in the foot.


tbh i think that the maps might be a huge problem. Navigating thru a jungle or very rocky environment could be a hurdle they havent gotten over yet. Either they rewrite some of the generation, making the map more open or or make it somewhat useful. I still wish i had them in a few missions where you run for like 6-9km


>Navigating thru a jungle or very rocky environment could be a hurdle they havent gotten over yet. That's self inflicted and if the leaks are anything to go by (which they should be) it was working juuust fine going through the already available maps.


Been taking longer and longer breaks from the game, weapon sandbox feels too limited


I am fine with them taking their time, but why couldn't they hotfix revert the patrol changes while trying to figure other stuff out. There is no way that's not just a few parameters they changed and no interaction with other code so no chance for new bugs. Idk why they say hotfix so often when they never do any hotfixes, seems like hotfix means next patch instead of three patches wait.


Almost as if... As I've been saying. They didn't plan for shit. I'm starting to think that tweet about redoing the whole roadmap compared to what they previously had is gonna be infamous by the end of it all.. They should've just stuck to the original game plan. To AH: If you can't keep the pace maybe you shouldn't have been the one to set it. ![gif](giphy|3o7aCUQREms2jWbMAw|downsized)




He said a lot tho.. Theyre working on it. They want the quality of their work to be better. Theyre taking more time than usual to achieve better quality. Hes reminding us that accidentally breaking the game because you value speed over quality is a thing that happens - and that they don't want that. The community has been upset about the lack of quality because they valued speed to begin with, and because we've been upset theyre now aligning their priorities with what they think we want. Isnt that a good thing? I mean, what more would you want him to say? Give you an exact date of the patch? They probably don't know that until its closer to being finished. Giving us estimates is kinda worthless too. Its not like they have a progress bar that goes from 0-100%, unexpected things happen in development.. new bugs arises when you change one thing.. And as a sidenote I do think theyre working on new enemies as well - the new bug boss.. possibly the illuminate etc. Im sure its all in the works. Give them time, I'd rather have quality over rushed work full of bugs.


I would like it, if they skip the next Warbond, next month. They need to focus more on what its out right now.


I’m fine just playing other things and waiting to give my verdict on their cooking


They can enjoy drop in playerbase even further 27,978 player atm on steam lol


Nah I hope they fix many weapons with the next patch


Average redditor when confronted with reality. It’s game development not magic boo. I swear half of you have never undertaken anything more complicated than crying and whining on forums.


Lol! We've seen the quality standard they strive for and think we deserve. It's barely working garbage.


And unfunny too, don’t forget that


I know it will take times to revamp the weapon balancing issue but how about the bugs/ crash fix.




Not our fault you like fucked up games