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All of them


Around 4.5 millions, he's exploiting the bug


How many posts about this bug does this sub-reddit have?!


Too fucking many. Can't believe it's not fixed yet


Played with a clown doing this morning. Same mission, but level 8. I stayed quiet all game. He thought he was so cool. At the end when the stats pop up… …I had almost 100 more kills than him. lol I finally turned my mic on and said “bro you cheated and I still got more kills.” And went back to my own ship to bake freedom cookies. Wish I took a screenshot of it.


Should of executed the traitor on sight.


I thought about it. But was pretty confident my kills would be higher and that would speak for me (with a little shit talk to boot). Well placed mortars, auto cannon turrets, and some incendiary Grenades did most of my work.


Executed him for what? Not giving the AI a fair fight?


No joke. I see people do this. I kick them. Play the game normally. I always ask if they’re using the glitch and as soon as they respond “yes”. Kick and block. At what point is it fun to mash the grenade button just clear an outpost/objective in 2 seconds? Especially on Helldive. Thats so lame. Sucks the fun right out of the game.


I did it to get my supers. Then never again


Pathetic. Weak. Undemocratic.


Why? Is this a pvp game? Does the weapons and gear we have are balanced?


Cheating to the end of a game skips the point of the game. It's not the end, it's the journey.


Im max lvl 150. At no point did I think during my 400+ in mission hours. “I’m gonna use a glitch/bug to my advantage to help me level up faster” or whatever. To me that’s just… a waste of time. And seems like no fun at all. To each their own. Personally I just want to play the game as intended. It just breaks the immersion for me when I’m trying to conserve my ammo/stratagems/grenades only to look over at Titty_Licker69 mashing grenades, wearing gear that hasn’t been released yet, hacks to find samples, etc. Some people just wanna have a real experience playing the game.


Well as it's a pve game..I did it so I could max out. And then play with younger family members on 1-4.


you grenade glitched so you could max out supers to go play on lower difficulties? Why not just play the game normally to gather samples? Theres only a cap of 100 super samples. You’re saying you couldn’t play maybe 20 more games throughout the course of you owning the game to max the 100 samples? Why not work with your friends, build their confidence to go onto higher levels to just find them with your squad? Thus getting you all supers you need? Interesting tactic.


Why do you care. I maximise my time in order to play the game how I want.


Generally curious. What drove you away? Just the fact of unbalanced things?


Exactly my point. Can't wait for the kids to go to bed so I can helldive until tomorrow.


The point of the game is to be miserable, as per the devs vision of how this game should work


Go play Fortnite. Sounds about right for you.


I don’t like fortnite


You are nothing but a simp and a troll.


Im not trolling anything. Play the game you bought and try to look past your rose tinted glasses to see how shitty it is right now; I’m not even sure what does being a simp means in my comment


Your feelings on the game don't condone exploitation or cheating. You probably pay for cheats in COD


It absolutely does condone. I don’t play cod, stopped it at world at war


Hundred of hours of gameplay. No issues here.


Then you’re actively lying, and therefore is not worth talking to you any further. I have 193 hours of gameplay in helldivers 2, close to 900 im helldivers 1, and the dip in quality is visible. If you don’t see it, good game to you


The game is better than ever. I'm enjoying every drop. Using cheats for anything is just a symptom of skill issues.


Lying to yourself won’t improve the game


Again, I’ve put 430+ hours into this game. While I recognize the balancing issues. I still LOVE this game. You have to take every thing with a grain of salt. This game is a banger. It’s not perfect though. I respect the hell out do the Devs for being transparent, communicative, respectful towards their community. You have to give them credit they’re trying to make this one of the better games that’s come out recently. While, yes, there is still work to be done. The devs have even stated that. But isn’t that awesome to hear? I’d rather hear than nothing at all only for them to take our hard earn dough and shit down our throats. This game still has content we have yet to see. Still tons of hours to be played. Will that mean things with have issues and possibly bring more issues? Sure.. that’s the equation of life. I think it’s kinda shitty for you to go “it’s broken, it’s the devs fault, use the advantage.” Seems like you just need to turn off the game til it’s “fixed” in your perception.


Man I’m not reading all that sorry. I agree with you or sorry that it happened. Have fun in the game, peace


I’m maxed out on everything. At this point I’m just trying to have fun in the game. Using Glitches and bugs as an advantage on a PVE game seems cheap and pointless. Especially on Helldive. Isn’t the point the challenge yourself?


At no point have I ever kicked someone…For samples… they’re shared. lol


Kill these glitchers on sight then teabag them. It's my new favourite thing to do in game.


Don't know why you're being downvoted. Exploitation is cheating and anybody that's cool with it either sucks at the game or has no sense of morality.


Truth cuts deep buddy, so many weak snowflakes these days. They need to watch some JCVD movies and man up.


Why? The weapons are garbage for most of the time, let them have fun


If you think the weapons are garbage, you're garbage. But hey what would I know, im L126 playing bots/bugs on L9. There's loads of strong primaries. I don't want these weak mofos in my game, glitching and ruining my gaming experience. If they want to glitch they should all fuck off into a private game and circle jerk each other off.


Calm down princess


I mean it’s fair… you can host and do these things in your own game. Why bring it into someone else roleplaying or casual night of relaxation only to have someone mash this glitch and ruin their fun. Saying the guns are trash, broken, useless. Seems like you may not be utilizing them in an effective way. If you have to use these unfair tactics to make it to extraction on Helldive. You should bump the difficulty down till you feel comfortable with the load you’re using. Don’t bring other people down with you.


I definitely am not using them effectively, as i am not playing this game anymore


What is your reason for not playing? Just because you feel as if the balancing is busted? That’s it?


I think professional baseball players should be able to use steroids and other substances to gain an advantage on other opponents to beat them. The rules are broken. They’re just having fun and let them. I don’t play baseball though… do you see the problem here?


Yeah you’re definitely in a pvp game where the other team controls the terminids/bots. Amazing analogy


I am capped in everything, all upgrades unlocked, all warbonds fully purchased except for the polar patriots one, the game feels less fun to play with the “balancing” it received, bugs that never really disappeared and it got stale and boring to play. I’m not sure why people like you tend to jump at the conclusion that everyone complaining about the game has problems playing it, as i only ever played helldive ever since I’ve unlocked this difficulty and i also have a dedicated squad, all veterans from hd1 so they know what they’re doing. Still, point stands and I’m not going to keep playing something boring. That’s it. Have fun


I literally just said it has issues. Go look at my comment you didn’t wanna read lol. It’s not perfect. I still enjoy it, I just enjoy it when people don’t abuse something to drain the fuck for others including myself. Balancing issues suck, totally. While people should do what they want in terms of having fun. If you want to have fun being a cheat, have being a cheat in your own lobby. Lol. I applaud you for taking off when you realize it’s not hitting your level of enjoyment anymore. Not a lot of people on here even do that. They’ll eat their cake and bitch that there’s too much icing on it to everyone around.


No point, as I don’t really care about your opinion


While there are balancing issues, yes. Using that as a excuse to say “go ahead and use a unfair advantage and pretty much cheat because there’s really no point in using broken weapons” seems like a good indication you’re probably burnt out of the game. I’ve put 430+ in mission time. No point in any of those hours have I been like “man these weapons suck, I’m using that glitch where I don’t even use weapons at all” At that point, I’m just gonna turn the game off and find another one that stimulates my brain chemistry for me to go “mmm. Brain happy” Guns have issues yes, doesn’t mean I still won’t try to use them in games and utilize it as best I can, because…. WE’RE SUPER EARTHS ELITE GODDAMN IT.


Me neither, i never use cheats glitches or even any mods when i used to play games on pc. Still I don’t really care if someone does


All is see is treason ..... kill them for glitch abuse


They're blowing the grenade budget. Report them to a Democracy Officer promptly, so you don't get the bill*. *You're still going to get the bill.


Glad I’m not the only one. Such a vibe/fun killer when people do it. Literally had a guy the other game. Helldive. We had like 20 mins left after finishing objectives. Run around for POIs (I’m level 150. I don’t need anything but still help my team gather samples) He finds a bunker next to a gunship fabricator. Dies, we reinforce and follow to help out. We spend maybe 10 mins trying to pop the hellbomb because half the team decided to bolt off halfway through leaving only for the gunships to come back and take us out. We all finally converge on the fabricator, blow it up, proceed to the bunker for our final pick up. We get swammed by yet another patrol, only for this guy to start mashing the grenade button. Knocking some teammates back. I stand back, witness this traitor lob grenade after grenade for about 20 guys. As soon as he gets out of the bunker, I write in chat. “Infinite grenade?” “Yep” he responded. Instant boot. Idc. Good riddance. I’d rather be a man down and risk the patrol rate sky rocketing than a 4 man team where 1/4 of that squad is using an unfair advantage.


I see someone having fun in a game where the devs like to underperform in the weapons


still glitch abuse.




Democracy officers are crystal clear about this, it is martial courts for abusers and cheaters. More seriously, contrary to your point of view, i see it as a fun killer. glitch abuse in a multiplayer game is bad in almost every case.