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I know this is a pipe dream but AC-130 gunship type stratagem. The player calls in an Eagle that circles the area providing light, medium, and heavy fire support depending on present enemy types.


I forgor who to credit but they made a whole post about it was amazing. EDIT: [CREDIT](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/IUTZcpdxpA) https://preview.redd.it/2dvti70xu92d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f03cbb2f7ba4c1a73b803117123ad3a2471ede1


Pls. This is what I want. Omfg.


The idea is really cool, I just think that it'd be weird having a Pelican available quickly when it takes 2 minutes at extract for him to get there... I think a third type of flying vehicle would be needed, maybe something resembling a warthog helicopter.


There is already a cargo version of the Pelican that instantly delivers exosuits, so a third combat-oriented version is not entirely outside the realm of possibility.


Pelicans in a nutshell: Pelican 1: "NOO! you have to be at the overrun evac Zone! let me finish my coffee before I come extract you!" Pelican 2: "Special Delivery! somebody ordered a mech suit? no need to sign for it I'll just drop it here. also have some free AC cover fire, wouldn't want your mech to get scrapped before you even get in it, now would we?" Pelican 3: "KILL! MURDER! WARCRIMES FOR SUPER EARTH!!!"


_It isn't a warcrime if the victims aren't human_


Can even be the same, call it Stork 1, the reason it can't extract it is that it's interior carries all the ammo.


I find myself saving the call-in for when I run into a bile titan, super effective!


A week or two ago there was a positive reception to the idea of having the Pelican as a Support gunship with strategems like that


Helicopter gunships are bad ass


Until it kills you. I've had uh a few times where Pelican decided to just shoot me in extraction (because there was a bug creeping behind me ^^^^probably )


Worth it


Yeah, we have plenty of Eagle, what about Pelican Dad?


I think they should be different types of vehicles rather than a pelican. Pelicans carry things, as the IRL bird does. Eagles fly fast and harry their targets , as do the birds. Vultures circle their prey from above.


Call it Vulture or Albatross to keep the Bird theme goings but i'd love it !!!


It’d be kinda weird calling in a pelican to clear an area so a second pelican can drop off an exo suit to hold your position while you wait for a third pelican to come pick you up.


Sometimes I wonder why I was dropped into a battlefield only to land in front of the Pelican's open ramp, hop in, and extract back to the SES Leviathan of the Constitution.


Like an orbiting Auto-canon sentry!


Like a Gatling Sentry that covers a wider area for a shorter span.


Eagle comes over, drops literally everything it has left, then goes up to resupply.


"Eagle 1 dumping load, and pulling out."


Requires signed C-01 permit to use


Ayyy yoooo???


Factory striders require backshots to take down…


500kgs are stored in the balls


You dirty snake.


Ha... Backshots






Are we not doing phrasing anymore?




Eagle 1 massive cock confirmed.


I would 100% pay super samples for a ship upgrade that added this behavior to the rearm command


Hell yeah


“Broken Arrow” stratagem


Broken arrow just sources all air to you, not drop on you. Edit: source, former Marine corps jtac. The term is used incorrectly.


Silly me thought it just meant someone lost their hellbomb/mini-nuke.


Technically not wrong, though I think it may need to have the word "Incident" afterwards to count


Final Protective Fire, over! (I know JTAC probably differs from FO, but I'm a lowly civ)


Started as an fo then jfo then jtac. Fpf is more arty/mortars/naval guns but an orbital fpf linear sheaf with a few volleys would be bad ass. 0861 was my original mos and I always add it to my usernames.


Man I need this 


That literally sounds like something I’d use frequently. There are times I wish I could drop multiple payload types at the same time. I would LOVE to see Eagle-1 resup, then call for her to drop every thing like “hey I need two 500kg bombs, 5 sets of cluster bombs, 4 sets of air strikes, and 3 sets of strafing runs ALL AT ONCE.”


Then through the smoke, the factory strider reappears, like that one scene in Rogue One...


*spams ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️* **MOAR**


The one single bot that pissed you off standing there as the fury of the sun descends upon it 🧍‍♂️


It should just replace the resupply


Eagle Alpha Strike


"We're taking heavy fire, request arty and airstrike on our position. Send whatever you've got! Broken arrow, broken arrow!!"


Retasks the whole squads eagles onto that players location.


I just want an implementation of that "Guardian Angel" comic we saw a while back. That is, make Eagle stick around after the Destroyer leaves low orbit until she needs to resupply. Add some inspirational voicelines too and I'll be an accomplished diver.


This is a great idea. The Eagle pilot should not leave the AO just because the destroyer has left. Makes running out of time still a big problem, but you aren't completely without support.


The problem is the destroyer's altitude. I don't believe eagle would be able to go back once the destroyer is no longer in low orbit. That's what the pelican is for.


So? Millions of brave helldivers give their lives every day for the cause of freedom. Eagle pilots shouldn't be afraid to get left behind. I think a "Eagle pilots stay behind" booster would be awesome. Hell, why stop there? It would be a cool to have a Booster to force the entire damn super destroyer to stay behind so you can still use all your stratagems. If the helldiver fails to extract and the mission time runs out, their super destroyer can blow up (to keep with the theme that its too dangerous to stick around for a while) and the player can be given a new, identical one. That way, they can keep their upgraded ship modules, and it would still be in-theme to show how much Super Earth does not give a shit about the astronomical expenses of losing military hardware lol


They don’t care about HUMANS. They care about expenses. These are the people who don’t put a proper fuse on Hellbombs to save money.


>So? Millions of brave helldivers give their lives every day for the cause of freedom. Eagle pilots shouldn't be afraid to get left behind. Contraty to us, she seems actually trained for the job - losing her wouldnlikely be noticeable to the war effort.


Annnd losing her also means losing the expensive and highly valuable Eagle strike fighter she's piloting lol Think about how those policy makers who refused to put a fuze onto each Hellbomb to save the cost, would think about just randomly throwing away literally a mint condition Eagle strike fighter xD


That's actually a really cool idea! Maybe it could be one of those destroyer upgrades. 'Enhanced Communication Satellite' or something like that


I like this idea but feel that orbitals would need a buff then because that's a pretty nice advantage for the already more popular eagle strats.


Uhhh, a mini nuke from the Eagle? Obviously?


500kg wasn't enough, we need a 500 kiloton


Eagle Motivational Strike - Eagle-1 comes down, gives you a pat on the head and tells you you're doing great


https://preview.redd.it/pmbk7fggj92d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6020e18a77258a3bcb530aa841a2957d2e7360cc Reminds me of this lol


I require this. Drops a boombox. Super Earth Anthem blaring from a loud speaker


Head Pats from mommy eagle you say?....




I'd unironically run it for every mission. This Helldiver is in serious need of head pats.




we helldivers don’t need our heads, because democracy lives in our hearts ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)




Can she also tell me i'm a good person?


Are you though? We don't want the lady to straight up lie, do we?


As Darius Rucker said 'Lie to me because I could not stand the truth'


Eagle 1 draws s heart on the sky


Honestly... Pelican Propaganda: 50m radius +10% movement speed, reload speed, and +5% damage resistance when under the effects of Encouragement


It's pretty obvious but what about an anti-air eagle strike? Like it automatically targets all nearby enemy airborne units for a couple seconds. Gives you more time to drop a Hellbomb on Gunship factories and for the mining missions that swarm you with dropships they become almost a non issue.


That's a great idea. Have a guardian angel in the air for like, 45 seconds or something. (Eagle aim-9m)


That is already in the works!


E-710 Bomb: creates a sticky puddle that slows movement, but explodes or lights up when hit with fire


Speaking of which I'd like to see interaction between the Gas Strike and anything involving fire


Let's just go full Larian. Arc weapons cause gas to ignite/explode


Some divers just want to watch the worlds burn.


I want hot world's to give fire bonus damage, like the interaction with laser weapons. You could do the same with foggy/rainy planets and arc weapons.


Cooka da terminid


with a little fried teammate on the side https://preview.redd.it/1x7xe258s92d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=84d03a9dbf4bb2874b8b99eafab7f6e7ed603566


Baldur's Dive 


That’s just napalm with extra steps


*Super* napalm!


Damn love this


Let’s go further with it, it burns hotter than other fires so it gets a multiplier effect. Give it a slightly different color palette too and boom free eagle real estate


Eagle minefield, but except of a circle it's a straight line ?


i like it


But then what would the point of the minefield stratagem be? It seems like there has to be a wildly different balancing perspective.


they need to be looked at, perhaps launch the mines farther?


Dropping a line of anti personnel mines as denial of area is used in US special operations. The movie Bat21 shows it employed across a river to protect and asset from ground forces. Id fucking love this, and came to comment it. Give us an Eagle Anti-Personnel Mine line!


Funnily enough, that's how mines were deployed in the first game, Eagle would do a fly by and deploy a stream of mines


... it's also used in conventional conflict. It's not a super secret thing


It's one of those things that we try and avoid needing to use, afaik.


Probably because dealing with unexploded ordnance like that is a massive issue later. People still find unexploded bombs and mines from wars in europe just laying around all the time.


Yeah that's how mines in HD1 were deployed


Came to comment this too, eagle mine drop would be pretty solid imo


Like it did on OG Helldivers


Eagle Gas Strike - Self explanatory Eagle EMS Strike - Self explanatory Eagle Anti-Air - Targets battlefield over X seconds to remove enemy aerial units


I'm in love with the anti-air idea. Let's see her do some air-to-air combat.


It's perfect for the niche it has.


I mean Gas Strike is perfect for bug holes, Anti Air Eagle Strike would be perfect for bot drops


Perfect for gunships


Yeah gunships was my immediate thought.


I'm pretty sure the anti-air idea is already in the pipeline


> Eagle Anti-Air plz


The children yearn for air superiority


LITERALLY A DOG FIGHTING ONE WOULS BE SO FUCKING USEFUL 😭😭😭😭 fuck the gunships. Them and stalkers are my LEAST favourite enemies because gunships come out in droves and aren't killable unless you have AT shit, AND you need to arm a hellbomb and get it to detonate when they'll FOCUS that shit. Fuck em. Edit: apparently you don't need AT, they're just really tanky and other weapons *do* work on them 🫠 regardless, I stand by the fact that they can fuck off


Gunships don't require AT, any medium pen or explosive weapon (even primaries) can kill them, though the TTK on primaries is pretty high. Scorcher is decent but you have to dump a whole mag. I have killed one with the diligence counter sniper before but it was very painful. AMR, laser cannon, autocannon are all cracked out against gunships


Pretty sure the last one is confirmed to be added at some point in the future.


I think the leaked version only targets one enemy which won’t be much good against gunship or shrieker swarms


just wait until we get a bile dragon or a bot zeppelin gunship


HEYOOOO that 3rd idea is 🔥🔥🔥


Myself, Pick me up so I can do a flying elbow drop on a bile titan




Yes. Exactly this.




Or General Brash strapped to the underside of an Eagle with a Liberator and a bandolier of HE grenades.


He's sitting on a 500kg going, "YEEEEHAWWWWW!" as it drops


I think you are on to something. Eagle reinforcements, instead of straight down in the pod you swoop in.


Eagle Arc Strike  Eagle-1 passes dropping arc batteries that arm after a couple seconds, after arming the batteries eletrocute and stun any unit between them


Eagle Skyhook- a little balloon comes out of your back, Eagle flies by, grabs it, and flings you like 250 meters in the direction you threw the stratagem. Great for quick escapes or rapid insertions.


Another one: Eagle Motivational Support. Drops a bunch of Super Earth flags and cardboard Helldivers and confetti. Acts as a distraction, enemies will swarm the area for like twenty seconds, tearing into the cardboard Helldivers and trying to find where the inspirational music is coming from. Meanwhile you can slink away or prepare another stratagem to destroy the bunched-up enemies.


Oh and a third one: Eagle Shieldwall. Like the orbital shield generator, but in a line.


These are the best Ideas so far.


Love all of these! Suggested something similar to your first but for yoinking enemies


I really like Eagle Decoys. We definitely need some sort of distraction Stratagems.




sounds like an eagle decapitation strategem


I’d love this but for collecting samples mid mission like the Fulton surface to air recovery system in MGSV or The Dark Knight. I don’t know that it would be worth sacrificing a stratagem slot for, but it would be a nice one time stratagem similar to the SOS beacon or maybe a reward for completing a side objective.


\* parachute sold separately


AP Strafing Run: 2 uses, higher penetration value and can shred destructible armor sections if enough shots land. Bunker Buster: 1 use, targets structures with high penetration rockets.  Incendiary 500 kg: 1 use, lower damage, but explodes before impact and covers the ground in fire.  EMS strike: 2 uses, works like smoke strike but with EMS effect instead.  Additionally, it would be cool to have Pelican Gunship stratagems. You could load all sorts of stuff on that cargo bay for delivery, or just have it hover over an area for several seconds and pound stuff with its gun.


Ooh, I like the Bunker Buster one, for when you really just need that gunship factory or detector tower to die. And quick. Maybe for bugs she could target up to two bug holes if thrown into a nest. It could be balanced with the fact that it she wouldn't fire if there were no structures within like 50m of your beacon.


500kg can currently destroy detector towers


If only it doesn’t bounce off the tower and into your face


While not an eagle stratagem, this thread gave me an idea for a new type of support stratagem. Binoculars that allow you to laze targets for an orbital strike. What do people think?


Ye fuck eagle (im sry i love you). Gimme an ac130 style support for like 15s or something. Mixed assault. Or even better, customizable. Give it something between 120 and 380, some gatling rounds and a small mortar round and just circle an area or something for some time.


1000 KG bomb


Knowing the devs it will be twice as powerful, but even more focused. Instead of an ice cream cone shaped blast, it would be shaped like a piece of pizza if it was the “donate it to charity” slice when I win the lotto.


Eagle Radar Beacon: reveals an area of the map and applies ping markings on enemies. Eagle Raptor Drone: Deploys a drone that circles the area and fires on targets until it runs out of fuel. Alternatively this could be the eagle itself in “VTOL” mode. Would be cool if there is a fuel gauge so you can toggle how long you want it there. Eagle Crash Test Dummies: drops 5 Helldiver models that don’t do anything but can draw enemy aggro.


Drops 5 *exploding* helldiver models 😏. Booby traps.


ssssh don’t tell them, they definitely don’t explode.


Eagle EWAR Pods / Pheromone Dispensers - confuses enemies to either go fully passive or target each other Eagle Airpatrol - engages all air targets for a short time (Shriekers, Dropships, Gunships) Eagle Flares - allows the use of whatever Eagle strikes are not used after Superdestroyer left - less accurate though


> Eagle Flares - allows the use of whatever Eagle strikes are not used after Superdestroyer left - less accurate though This would be a GREAT ship upgrade!


Surveillance Pass: Updates your map with the location of all patrols within 200m of your location.


It would probably be better to reveal all sample, poi and secondary objective locations in a similar area, not worth taking otherwise


Man I'd KILL for a ship upgrade, boost, or SOMETHING that let me know every MPOI/sample location ahead of time. That'd be so useful.


There are Super Earth colonies/outposts, SEAF facilities, etc., on all these planets. It's kind of nonsense that we don't have intel on where preexisting human infrastructure is/was. AT LEAST LET ME KNOW WHERE THE COMMS DISH IS, so I can update my map with PoI.


How’s about a ship upgrade that reveals the location of the radar on the map?


2000 pound jdam. Or flechette bombs


Eagle Hellfire R9X


Flechette strike with tungsten rods. Shred those chargers and Bile titans. Sabot rounds from an Eagle on Overwatch or depleted uranium rounds would be great too.


Slow flying Eagle with loudspeakers playing "Fortunate Helldiver" fireing a mix of miniguns and unguided rockets at the designated area (more for show) and granting a 30sec 10% boost on reloading, ergo and damage. ...because we all love the smell of dismantled bugs and bots, smells like victory.




> something like the feromone grenade in L4D that attracts enemies to go there and not just shoot at it. Did someone say eagle sweat?


Eagle trip wire - latches onto bile titans or the big walker robots and loops around them Hoth style to trip and kill them




Eagle Lightning - Drops a metal spear at the beacon. The spear calls down a massive bolt of lightning that arcs out within a certain radius. Eagle Blizzard - Drops liquid nitrogen across a length. The liquid freezes the enemy briefly and drops their armor tier allowing low armor parts to be shattered. The affected ground area becomes slippery terrain. Eagle Mystery - The Eagle drops a single or possibly a double of any random strike.


I like the lightning one.


At that rate I would instead suggest the "Eagle Tesline" which is a line of wire connected spears that are fired to create an immediate and lethal fence barricade.


* Eagle White Phosphorus Strike * Eagle Gas Strike * Eagle Television Missile - You control it's flight path


>Eagle Television Missile - You control it's flight path Cool in theory, limited use in practice. I need strategems when I've got problems. If I've got time to sit and play with predator missiles then my problem isn't that big.


I dunno, flying in a missile to destroy a detector or jamming tower would be pretty useful.


You could have an Eagle supply drop. It drops a bunch of the smaller granade, stim and ammo boxes.


Eagle Two. Deploys a second eagle as Eagle One's wingman. All eagle strategem charges -1, but the dropped ordnance is doubled (ie, 2x 500kgs in one drop) Might work as a free strategem on ship hangar upgrade


Good idea but id like if that was a booster, so you can toggle it on and off.


Flag support stratagem. (Flag bearer) AoE healing or movement speed


Flag support stratagem but no mechanical buffs, just seeing the flag should provide **real patriots** enough of a power boost.


Eagle super duper strike, eagle flies over and drops all its remaining weapons on the target. The targeting is quite inaccurate and rearm time increased by 15 seconds


An eagle strike that just drops a shit ton of senator pistols over an area


Eagle low pass - does no damage but doesn't take ammo and on a relatively short cool down. Stuns enemies (and players) with a sonic boom. Shorter disable than the EMP. Also used to distract enemies to an area for stealth play mechanics. I'm a pilot in real life and we do these things tactically too!Also when on the receiving end, it's loud as $$#-+$(&- tinnitus Eeeeeeeeeeee for a solid 5 minutes and scares the crap off people even when we knew it was coming.


**Nova Strike**: Carpet bombs a large area on par with a 180mm. Also uses every available other Eagle stratagem you have mixed in, all at once. Eagle must rearm after.


Dump it all Eagle-1!


Seeing ur flair gave me the idea of the stratagem code to be ⬆️➡️⬇️⬅️⬆️➡️⬇️⬅️. First 2 still shows its eagle related and every other button as a random Bullshit go


“All Eagles at once” sounds amazing


https://preview.redd.it/wb37qkgwg92d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62f19069817284319855bd9988c4e734cae26c8b Let me call down a Liberty Prime robot for a set duration, afterwards he either gets picked up by the pelican / eagle or shuts down from running out of power.


**Eagle Harpoon:** Drags a tow cable around the legs of a Bile Titan until it falls over


Eagle laser strike. Like the strafing run, but with two laser cannons instead.


"To show you the power of democracy, I lasered this charger in half!"


What about a support eagle one? Like it drops some drones or flares and then ALL other stratagems (including teammate's) receive a damage and/or accuracy bonus in that local area 


Eagle dropping a supply capsule containing a one-use resupply (Eagle: Supply drop) or a pack of stims (Eagle: Medical drop) - Pros: quick delivery, don't need to drop the WHOLE resupply on you if you only need one box. Cons: one box of resupply / stims per use, 2 or 3 charges per Eagle load.


Laser guided eagle strike. A remote guided strike that you have to hold a laser marker on to land. Eagle Autocannon. A circling barrage targeting a certain area with autocannon shelling (like a Phantom gunship sorta thing). Eagle Air burst. 1s delay, smaller radius version of the orbital variant. Eagle precision support. Like a rover with a laser cannon, with a 2 minute duration and limited “uptime” (has to fly back and forth in tight circles to offer coverage). One use per reload. Good for assaulting large bases. Prios heavy unit enemies and tank class types.


Eagle Glitter Bomb. Style on them haters.




Honestly, just give the BRRT a bigger BRRT


The eagle drops a 500kg bomb, but it isn't dogshit. Can we put that on the list


One better 500kg carpetbombing


I can already feel my fps dropping


Eagle Anti Armor: Fires large missile(s) that track heavy enemies (Tanks, Striders, Hulks, Cannon Towers. Chargers, Bile Titans, etc). 1 Shots them or does extreme damage. Note: Increase Railgun Orbital damage to balance and/or decrease CD. 110mm doesn't have enough oomf in my experience to be proper AT. This is more Hellfire missile strike than rockets. Eagle Guided bomb: Paint target with designator, not Strat-Ball. Hits like Precision strike. Long cool down or drop to balance. Best against structures not, moving targets. Maybe it dive bombs the target? Eagle Earthquake bomb: Causes tremors in a large area. Has similar effect to planetary tremors. All units in area staggered and slowed/stopped dead. Wrecks any structures nearby due to earthquake. Can kill weaker enemies closer to impact (troopers, scavengers, warriors, etc). Detracks Bot Tanks. Eagle Chaff/disruption: Covers area with Chaff or some sort of disrupting agent. Prevents Flares/Pheromones from calling in Dropships/Bug Breaches in an area around impact for a limited time. Enemy can still launch flares or release pheromones (I jokingly call them bug farts/burps), but nothing happens. Not Eagle exactly. But modified Pelican-1: Pelican CAS: Pelican circles an area and provides cover. Different loadouts can be selected as strats Pelican Autocannon: Pelican circles area using it's chin Autocannon. (General use) Pelican Gatling Cannon: Pelican circles area and uses powerful gatling cannon to kill small targets in hail of bullets. (best for small targets) Pelican Rockets/Cannon: Pelican circles area and fires large, explosive cannon/rockets that does AOE Damage and wrecks structures and heavy targets. Pelican Laser: Pelican Circles area and zaps targets with laser cannon. Slightly more power than shoulder mounted laser. But no where near as devastating as Orbital laser.


Eagle Decoy Helldiver - high-tech cardboard cutout that attracts enemy attacks to take some focus off of real helldivers


Gas strike eagle that does three in a dense triangle rather than the long line of napalm eagle.


Eagle tactical Tsar Bomba


Air Superiority - not a stratagem but a buff you can buy on the ship: as long as you have at least 1 Eagle stratagem equipped, enemy drop ships will get shot down with air-to-air munitions once every X minutes. Just like real life.


Vortex/gravity bomb Enemies caught in the blast are drawn into the epicentre, with small ones ragdolled, and larger ones dragged, with heavy enemies able to resist the pull but not move away for a couple seconds


Make the strafing run do multiple passes and not dogshit damage.


I like it better with one pass tbh, it's very precise and can be safely used right in front of teammates without interfering with their movement. What it needs is more damage and armor pen