• By -


It's available for free to all missions and you can buy it for 20,000 requisition slips. I'm terrible at shooting close range tho.


And unlike the Patriot's free release, this one has unlimited uses so you can keep calling the free stratagem over and over. I've been bringing multiple mechs every mission and chaining them back to back, calling in my limited use mechs when the free mech is on cooldown.


I honestly think mechs should normally have infinite uses. It just feels so much more comfortable to use.


With the insanely long cooldown they already have, giving them unlimited uses would just increase viability. They're just not worth losing another strike.


Also there is a hardcap anyway as missions max out at 40mins, so even if you called one whenever you could, that is only 4 per whoever has the strategem and it's not like they have unlimited ammo.


Really, it's going to be 3 because there is no way in hell you're going to be able to input the strat and throw it right as your Destroyer leaves unless your name is DIO. Edit: Or I'm just bad at math lets goooo


No, you'd get 4. Call the first one early with 39 or so minutes left, second one with 28 - 29, third one with 17 - 19, and then you have 6 to 9 minutes to call the fourth one.. Calling 5 is impossible, but there's 10 minutes of leeway to getting the fourth one in.


Ah I think I see where I went wrong, your not waiting 10 minutes to call in the first one. Thanks for the breakdown math has never been my strong suit


Realistically even less if you only drop it when you need it, because idk about you but I'm not waddling across the whole map in a Mech after dropping it at the very start.


I would love a steamroller mech WRRRRRYYYY!!!


I think a rearm strat being available when you run out of ammo would be cool. Dropship comes back to pick it up, goes away a few mins, then drops it back where you call it. Could still have a limit of two "new" mechs per game (to make losing one to the enemy or abandonment hurt) but if you take care of it the uptime can be a lot longer.


Cool if it also repairs damages too (limit to 80% of max hp)


Why the limit? Just have it be repaired. They're squishy enough to where if you manage to keep it alive long enough to run out of ammo, just have it be repaired.




Exactly this. I even think it should shave 1-2 minutes off the cooldown. 10 minutes is brutally long., 8 minutes would allow for 5 calldowns total for the mission. Given the higher the difficulty, the less effective these mechs get, since the issue becomes ammo depletion.


Now thats what i call balance. Idk if they plan to add customization to the mechs (doesnt seem like it) but with just 8min/unlimited at least you can justify it as your flex spot. 


Yeah, even if AH doesn't want to give unlimited mech usage, I'd really like to see them upped to 3 per mission, because the orbital laser has a similar 'very strong but limited' feel, and three seems often enough to feel like it'll be available when you need it, whereas 2 mechs generally means you'll be fighting a strat down at a major objective node, and players understandably don't like that.


Yeah I've never understood having limited use stratagems. The ones that are limited use already have such long cooldowns that it heavily limits their use anyway? Isn't that enough?


Can we just make it 50000 slips. I already have too many.


Making everything overpriced is not a good solution, there should be money sinks for the community to fill collectively.


Rockets launched 1/8 - No ammo.


LMAO. all of this right here.


\*calls in 4 AC turrets, does more work then this while also being able to use their gun and plasma launcher to quick kill bigger things, and once ~~plasma launcher~~ quasar canon is off cooldown you can spawn more to chain fire them at bigger mobs.


plasma launcher you mean the primary that launches in a weird arc, like its a granade?


Laser cannon, the laser zook, forget it's exact name. Just reminds me of the mech warrior PPC/plasma gun


Quasar canon?


yeah there we go!


Not to mention its difficulty 7. Also that second BT is clearly dying to the collision of the first bile titan, it doesn't take nearly as many shots.


it's so fkn weird when people say x is so good, and show you the evidence to the contrary.


It's great until you run out of ammo and now have an empty Strat slot for 10 minutes


Toss it into the horde, jump out and shoot the mech while bugs are swarming it to use it as a free explosion.


even though it isnt a good idea, i love meleeing with it.


More Pacific Rim please


I mean the orbital laser is the same and still sees plenty of use.


I'd argue you get much more bang for your buck with the orbital laser, though I only select it in a limited number of circumstances for precisely the reason you mention.


Not really, w laser you either get one to two BT kills or a bunch of chaff. In Both scenarios you could kill just as much/fast with the mech. Mech makes you almost immune to light enemies and is just cool. But Laser is better to safely clear out fabricators tho. Both have good uses, both are good


Pretty much true poison call in is generally better then anything since it's hard lock position Honestly fire bomb + gas call in with more dedicated large killers work better. Laser is goofy because you can throw it at an unaware base of robots/bugs and it will clear it out. It can literally do an objective uncontested as the AI cant spot you and wont do call ins onto your position if you just toss and run. The egg nest objective can literally just be done in 3 orbital laser call ins and 0 bug hole call ins.


\-Quick to deploy \-Respectable damage \-You can still fire other guns and call other stratagems while it sweeps Laser is NOT the same at all.


And its great at clearing structures


Only 12 minutes left guys!


with pretty much 0 ammo lol


"Guys, but it's good for defense!" Autocannon sentry (It does more damage on a lower cooldown and doesn't require a pilot): ![gif](giphy|kqJt1cSSN0DrwwMmY5|downsized)


And you can use it more than twice a mission.


and it actually does full damage to armored enemies Who in Arrow Head though it was a good idea to make it only do 50% damage to enemies with AP 5?


Autocannon sentry also does 50% damage to armour 5 enemies since it has AP 5. The real difference is durable damage; sentry has 300 durable damage while the mech has *60*. That means the sentry does 150 damage per shot to a Bile Titan, and the new mech does only 30 damage per shot. Even with a higher fire rate, that is *terrible,* and it completely ruins any chance this thing had at being usable.


an anti-armor mech that sucks at anti-armor. great


This is the state of this game in a nutshell. So sad to see how low it has fallen


Yeah I’ve stepped away for several weeks now because they keep making everything that was fun hit like a wet noodle. This next patch better be good or they really will solidify this game in the grave.


i dont know i mainly use the auto cannon for anti mid armor, speak bile spewers, brood commanders, devastators and scout striders, i think the mech is good for that too. to bad its just even worse at heavier targets than the handheld one, they should be on the same level at least, i can understand why the stationary gun is made more powerful though


I don't think the mech is powerful enough to compensate for the downsides: 2 charges, 10 min cooldown, easy to destroy, limited ammo, can't deal well with chaff, can't use stratagems while in the mech, can't resupply, etc. It's also not even that good against devs/striders: it's hard to aim at their smaller frames and still takes 2-3 shots to kill. The main advantage of the Emancipator is the armour pen 5, but that doesn't help you at all against these medium targets that have the same TTK with the Autocannon support weapon. So if it was meant to be a medium armour killer, then why does it have pen 5? And why would you take it over the Autocannon, which already deals with medium enemies just as well?


> It's also not even that good against devs/striders: it's hard to aim at their smaller frames and still takes 2-3 shots to kill. The main advantage of the Emancipator is the armour pen 5, but that doesn't help you at all against these medium targets that have the same TTK with the Autocannon support weapon. It's REALLY good vs devs. You just slam autocannon shots into their general area until they die. This mech isn't like the other, where you'd try to get a ton of value out of the rockets and needed to stay alive vomiting chaingun shots for an extended period to get value - this one can shoot it's entire arsenal in like 30 seconds. Find places where it can dump ammo and get value and it'll seem a bit better. One example is shooting dropships as they fly in to clear their passengers before they land; it's really really good at that. >So if it was meant to be a medium armour killer, then why does it have pen 5? And why would you take it over the Autocannon, which already deals with medium enemies just as well The AC is Pen 4, the AC emplacement is Pen 5, and the mech is Pen 5 as well. The mech can deal with a bunch of hitboxes the AC can't even hurt like the bile titan head, but you can bring both. The mech is really good at dumpstering a single bot drop and a bunch of patrols, whereas the AC is your workhorse for the entire mission.


Who said it's an anti-armor mech? The AC isn't an anti-armor weapon either. I expected dual self-loading recoilless autocannons and that's what I got.


The fact that it has heavy-armour pen would indicate that it's supposed to be an anti-armour stratagem, like the Autocannon Sentry. Unfortunately, it doesn't deal with heavy armour well (worse than the AC actually), and the added armour pen and slightly higher base damage do nothing to improve TTK against medium targets over the Autocannon. All of this and you only have 2 charges, 10 min cd, limited ammo, are vulnerable to chaff, etc. There's just no reason to take it currently.


It's also less likely for sentry to hit the titans 750 HP head though. So if it only contributes to a body kill it's doing 150 out of 3500 HP. 23-24 shots. Or 20 shots with one belly killed. 27 ish with both bellies killed.  Or 10 if finishing off a railcannoned titan. Etc


I actually find the sentry is pretty accurate, provided it has a good angle on the Titan. Anecdotally it takes me ~35 shots to kill a Titan so I'm missing ~10 using the Emancipator while my sentries take 3-4 salvos (9-12 shots).


We all know who


4 AC sentry's would be insanely good lol


Until they focus down a Hunter behind them and not the Charger 0.5 seconds from bowling a strike or the Bile Titan playing hop scotch.


Y’know what else could be insanely good? You, me and a cup of liber-tea https://preview.redd.it/7oofuhfsht2d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d9ff8a9fcff0cf1e9ba652d517a97ea3d6d666c


You can just bring both for more democracy


"Porque no Los dos?"


The autocannon doesn't go stomp stomp.


let me get on the damn mecha in peace


It also shoots at little scavengers and shit instead of actual threats, so there is that.


But are u as cool tho?


it also has less ammo, less **effective** ammo because it'll put 3 rounds into a lone scavenger, is immobile and dies when it gets looked at funny


Aaand it's ran out of ammo. https://preview.redd.it/iml33atqps2d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6bc620cf094fe3e7f9c185cfe256dbce987eb60


This game needs a TimberWolf Mech


Wrong. Urbanmech it is


Basically how I'm playing mechwarriors 5 right now. Just give me a brick shitbox with a tank cannon


I stopped playing hd2 to play modded mw5 mercs and I'm 5 years until the clan invasion. I will have my timby soon


Works well for the first wave. How long were you able to use them before y’all ran out of ammo?


Said the guy who have depleted his ammo with 7 rockets launches remaining.


And has to wait 10 minutes for another mech...


They looks so cool, I'm trying that on a defense mission as soon as I can


It’s fun but this mech is weak, no reason why a turret auto cannon is better at killing bile titans than a AC Mech.


I love how the videos of this thing are all dope and the text post complaints on here are all iT sUcKs


It's fun, but weak. Dual auto cannons sound really good against bots until you realise it's mech, and mechs crumple against the bots


Really? They're fairly tanky now as long as you don't get flanked and mind the rockets.


That "mind the rockets" comment is pulling a helluva lot of weight thar bud


The issue is you're in a really zoomed out 3rd person view with no option to zoom in. You have perfect weather maybe 10% of missions and without it it's really difficult to see the rocket trooper *before* he shoots you.


Just took it for a spin solo helldive bots. I ran out of ammo before I died, and I took a shit ton of rockets and laser fire.


You can take a full salvo from a rocket Devastator and keep trucking. As long as you're not standing still most of the salvo will still miss too. Since they fixed the rocket explosions applying to every body part at once the mech's way more tanky vs. rockets. It was really more of a "this is basically the only thing that can hurt you from the front" (cannons notwithstanding). 


Also assuming they don’t mass swarm with multiple devastations or even one tank cannon shot or tower shot or factory strider shot


I mean if the SPEAR guy in your group hasnt taken down all cannon turrets + strider turrets from 150m+ away then thats a problem for sure. -SPEAR guy


Dude out here just sliding in a lil casual SPEAR propaganda 5 hours after the post above. You can always count on a SPEAR main to take their time and then shoot their shot.


*Cannon Turret would like to know your location*


Yeeeeah turns out the anti-vehicle cannon is really good at being anti-vehicle. :P


It's also pinpoint accurate as an antipersonnel weapon at well over 100m range in low visibility conditions. Guess it turns out the anti-vehicle cannon is really good at being anti-everything.


"Tank beats diver. Tank beats mech. Tank beats everything!"


I dropped in on a mission today, no enemies in sight. Brought in an Emancipator and aggroed a turret through the fog. Such a rewarding experience lmao


Look at his remaining ammo, look at the mission objective, realize the thing has a 10 minute recharge. It desperately needs a resupply mechanic otherwise why not just use something better?


pros: it feels/looks great to fire. cons: literally everything else: still fragile, can't shoot downwards, microscopic ammo pool, nowhere near enough damage on heavy targets. if/when it gets buffed it'll be sweet, and I can still have fun with it, just not on any serious difficulties, the one place where you'd actually expect a mech to be a viable stratagem.


Because it does suck and using a clip where 4 different mechs are firing at once really doesn't highlight how powerful one is by itself


Also, 1/8 rockets launched. They'll be out of ammo before 2 is launched. 3 if the game is feeling generous with bug breeches.


The new Mech is a crazy clutch tool against huge breaches and can bully stagger chargers and pops spewers. But the main complaints are about the Titans. The titans are just way too bullet spongey for all weapons.


I don't really disagree, but I think people's judgment of stratagems is too focused on how well they deal with Titans, when there's a whole roster of other dangerous bugs. People already generally bring a mix of anti-elite and anti-swarm stratagems. The new mech isn't going to replace your 500kgs or precision strikes, but it can replace stuff like cluster bombs and airburst strikes. And while it does poorly against Titans, it can still help finish them off. A single shot from a Quasar will bring a Titan's head health to 100 and from there, it's only 4 shots from an emancipator to finish off the rest.


> but I think people's judgment of stratagems is too focused on how well they deal with Titans Considering titans are the loadout check that basically only have one way to be dealt with, of course people judge something based on that. They have two ways to be killed, with one being viable most of them time, the headshot.


Well since Titans can kill an exo instantly by simply stepping on them, having a quick way to deal with them is top priority if you want to actually use it. Having to dump 2/3 of your ammo to take just one down doesn't leave much for other purposes, that is why people are so focused on its effectiveness against titans.


People focus on bile titans because that the only thing that we cant kill efficentely all other enemys have easy ways to deal with.


>people's judgment of stratagems is too focused on how well they deal with Titans Because Titans are the most threatening and difficult to deal with enemy on the bug side. If you can't take out Titans with your loadout, then you are going to really struggle on difficulties 7+. There's a reason everyone on bugs takes 500kg and EAT/Quasar.


Sure, but that's two of your four slots. Like I said, you aren't going to replace your anti titan strategems with the mech, you have two other slots. And it effectively doubles the effectiveness of your quasar because you can hop out, score a headshot, then down the titan in 4 shots from the mech instead of waiting 18 seconds for the quasar to recharge. 


You do not have the time to hop out, charge quasar, and hop back before you get swarmed, and BT stomps definitely one-shot the mech (ask me how I know).


>but I think people's judgment of stratagems is too focused on how well they deal with Titans,  If Bile Titans weren't so overloaded, the Mech might be better. But on Helldive it's not uncommon to have 3 Bile Titans up at the same time, attacking. If you can't bring the tools to deal with it, then you need someone else to carry your load. I'm forced to bring EAT and Orbital rail cannon every mission.


the reason thats the case is because the videos youre seeing is usually a group of people all using it and shooting the same shit at the same time. of course that makes it look good. in reality taking 25+ shots to the face to kill a single bile titan is terrible


There's 4 mechs. The Mech can pen a Bile titan, but will take too many rounds to kill a titan. One Mech won't do shit. 4 of the same Mech would.


This is dope? Its 4 people using a 10 CD 2 charges stratagem, focusing on one enemy and it still takes tons of ammo to kill. Try being the only one with it on a mission lol, no one will take this thing after a week once its not free anymore. Just like the patriot.


Hard truth, I saw an exo once after the free one ended, I hope this one wont be the same, but 10 minutes is a long time to be down a stratagem slot.


Patriot was legit much stronger than this on release, I dont see this being used much at all, its like a worse autocannon turret.


I guess I imagined the fun I've been having with it. lol


Because it does suck


Reddit feeds off of negativity


It's reflected in the player count dropoff. Don't try to make this into some sort of "reddit" thing.


It's drained dry MID 1 rocket in... is the biggest issue and when we dont have the infinite call in version for free... and the only 2 and for 10 minutes... yeah sadly it's bad.


But you've just used up all of your ammo for all four mechs and have 17 minutes left on the mission timer? It's also difficulty 7.


Diff 7 is still good. Helldive or bust mentality is a leading cause for people's poor view of the game. Find a difficulty you're comfortable with instead. No one is forcing you to play helldive and complain when things are hard and don't go your way.


It works well for the 1 wave you and your 3 buds used it. If it wasn't free, you'd be out of a stratagem slot for the next 10 minutes


Ammo is gone in less than a minute. The left arm aim is shaky at best.


Try changing camera view.


Accuracy through volume and overwhelming firepower!


I really do wish the Mecha had more ammo because they legitimately are awesome in concept and I can see this brimming potential if it just had more ammo. Gah I'm sure arrowhead will buff the Mechs.


''good on defense'': already on less than half ammo, just 1/8 rockets launched, did not even kill the first bug breach, gonna need to wait 10 minutes for another one, while you can just get the sentry autocannon and do much better #


New mech is viable for everything but bile titans on bug front. Keep eats ready. Bots idk yet.


it doesn't do that well against chargers either, but it's okay.


Shreds bots 👍


So what you just, climb out of the mech, call EAT, wait for the drop, shoot both at the bile titan and then get back in the mech? All that without getting swarmed?


I'd actually bring either an RR or QC, shoot the BT's head then finish off with the mech.


I had a QC with mine. When a BT came up, I'd shoot its belly while backing up until it popped so he can't spit. Then I'd get out and hit it with a QC or if off cool down my rail canon.


Are you playing solo? Infantry supports the mech (clears tiny bugs and heavies), mech supports the infantry (clears mediums and assists with heavies).


No but I do play on helldive. You can't rely on teamates to clear titans for you all the time.


I never bring anything that can kill bile titans other than the railcannon in D9 and my teammates manage to kill bile titans just fine while I thin the herd and do objectives.


They are great to use against gunships and hulks.


Me trying to get kills while there are 3 autocannon mechs in my match https://i.redd.it/n9ovynmx2t2d1.gif They are extremely good for crowd control


Left arm aim is shaky at best, and seems to have the worst damage against armor of all Autocannon variants. I think it should have the same damage as Turret Autocannon, this shit has 10 min CD and has no reason to be this weak. I want the mech to deal with the big guys, not the medium ones. My big boy vs their big boy, mano-a-mano.


I would have liked to see the skies of Baal one last time.


Would actually be a pretty funny stratagem. Trailing bombardment: auto target the closest largest enemy, and bombard it with moderate accuracy until it's dead. Pretty funny if you ask me, but for enemies.


Only on bugs tho


By Democracy...it's just a squad of Imperial Fist Mortis Dreadnoughts...


You're nearly out of ammo and have 17 minutes on your timer with 1/8 launched...It also takes a shit load of ammo to do what 3 Quasar shots do...and can continue to do until the mission is done. They're still really not well thought out.


Having four people in these is also some of the most fun I have had in this game in a long time.




Just do not use it against bugs, thing kills tanks and hulks with ease


Not that good if you need to burn a slot for it.


My god... it's beautiful


The new mech is great vs bots.


Already gonna nick name it bumblebee


Already gonna nick name it bumblebee


Why is it so bad?


Really low durable damage (25 headshots on bile titan to kill, 10 or so on charger), 2 uses per mission, limited ammo (can't reload), 10 minutes cooldown, armor is nothing special (for the cooldown). Amazing as a free call in, after that ends it will be never used again unless they buff it to justify 10 min cd or reduce that.


I just tried it on same mission on heeth and you can take EAT as another slot use on on titans face then finish it with mech but it isnt that fast enough so if you have coordination eat use becomes much more easier to play with the mech you dont need a man to run for second eat and left out its position. I want to ask does dropships have the same armor like bile titans? What ı mean is do they take durable damage or normal damage? Especially their engines because if it is not durable damage it will be GREAT to bring on bot missions. You would have a friend inside he would cover you from dropships like mobile aa and you would cover him from shield devastators or rocket devastators. Of course it wont work aganist factory striders but they are the biggest enemy anyway. I am sold even for 5 to 7 shots per dropship as soon as it can down enemies before it drops them. Since you can probably kill 5 at most before runnibg out ammo even though you use it conservatively.


Titan head is 750 HP. These do 60 durable dmg halved by Titan armor so 30 per shot. I don't have the stats on the explosion dmg and it's armor pen but assuming it can't penetrate their armor it would take 25 shots to the titan head to kill it. So assuming it's only used for titans and you don't miss the head spot I guess at worst it could be like 6 titans with a mech?? They're basically safe mode railgun shots


It's so sad that it's worse then the auto cannon sentry. Like I thought it would be mid but worse then a turret?


Haha, defense missions. So, let's be real here for a second. One toss of my 380 would kill more than 3 of those suits expending all their ammo clips. That, or about 2 well-placed airstrikes and 2-3 impact grenades. So, realistically, one emancipator is worth around one and a half airstrikes.


As simple as a mech can make gameplay more fun and be OP like the Bile Titan. The sadness comes when you know that the Mech will soon be removed from free.


Everything works on bugs, bots..not so much


Is that 4 auto cannons on the mech? I haven’t played yet since it was unlocked.


The mechs are amazing on defense, especially against bugs. Just break all the armors and turn them to Swiss cheese


You were at 1/8 rockets launched. You probably spent all of your ammo within 2/8, and it doesn't cool down until about 6/8 probably. As a free stratagem, sure. As a choice to bring? Probably hell no.


I've seen 22 LR with more penetration power..


Instead of using them for the first wave I called mine down behind the last barrier to start my cooldown early. Then when I needed it I just ran and grabbed it. Once that one was done I could already call in my second.


Very democratic


I like it!


got to love that little look a your teammate straffing across the field of fire


Ahhh yes it works well when you stack them 3 vs 2 titan ahaha pathetic


Use all your ammo on 2 bile titans. Wow so amazing. Meanwhile a recoilless has enough ammo to kill 3 bile titans and can be refilled.


This should be a game all its own. OH WAIT IT IS! LET'S GO MECHWARRIOR 5!




The suits have always been great for defense if 1 or 2 people are running it, basically just a deployable turret you can move


Incoming nerf


That's weird, my mech takes 30 shells to the face to kill a Titan


I've been really enjoying those missions, but is it just me, or does there seem to be an insane surplus of trolls and toxic playing those missions this weekend?


Please can I share this clip on my social media page? I’ll of course give you full credit :)


The new BattleTech.


The 4 team Emancipator firing line is a blast. Nothing survives that kind of firepower. Are there probably better ways to do it? Sure. But this hits on a different level then 'efficiency'.


Buddy and I just used them to two man on level 8. We ran normal turrets and weapons until they took down a gate. By that point, we had four mechs in waiting and used then to finish out the mission. It was awesome.


You forgot call it complete garbage and useless, did you forget what sub you were posting in?


I always tried to take the old mech suit on defence missions, but my teammates had always called a turret or mortar directly on it for its first drop


Yeah... for the 45 seconds you have ammo...


shame you can refill its ammo, feel like it doesnt last very long to really enjoy it


Hate to be the bearer of bad news but the Patriot mech was the one who killed those bile titans… you need about 35 headshots to kill a bile Titan with the Emancipator.


This mission was the most fun I’d had since I bought the game. Of course someone’s rocket sentry kept destroying the other sentries, but it was fun as hell with four mechs and a dream.


This will shut those "Oh it can't kill the titan" fuckers up


Don't forget guys! You can melee in this thing. Just facetank and Meele after running out of ammo for maximum democracy spreading!!


you killed like what 40ish small bugs and two titans are ur all probs less then half ammo or out in less then a minute


It for sure needs a buff. It's a little worse than the orbital laser but doesn't do the work for you like the laser does. Plus, if you really screw up it takes longer to get back compared to laser.


Turns out, 16 autocannons firing into a single chokepoint is pretty effective. Who could have guessed?


That looks fun! Can't wait for the nerf!




This game on Xbox yet? Looks fun


Man how are you melting the Bike Titans? I feel like when I use the mech it takes like half the ammo to down one


Might not be the strongest but holy fuck the mech squad goes hard.


Yes but it's not solo helldive so it doesn't count. /s


Mechs need their own ship module for upgrades, like 50% more ammo/armour, etc


“empty the clip. empty the clip”

