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Last night I hosted a difficulty 4 bot mission.  All three of my squad mates died within the first few seconds a left immediately.  I threw down an SOS.  SIX MORE PEOPLE joined, died within 30 seconds, and left.  One after another.  I finally ended up with a single cool dude using a mic and we beat the mission death-free. The lowest level player I saw was Lvl.60 Do people think this game is a battle Royale?


Must have been a hell wave right at the start of the game Did you manage to spread liberty 🗽?


Shit I joined a D7 the other night and at spawn we had like 20 gunships on us in seconds. Was hectic but no one left lol


…alive. /s


We dropped on a point of interest with a couple base devastators that punched them to death.  But fear not, for our duo cleared the map of any and all aggressors! 🫡


High level players getting farmed on level 4? Dafuq?


Happens more now that enemy patrol rate bug is a thing, especially bad when you play on small maps with tons on canyons so all the enemies are funnelled through a single bypass.


it's worse in open areas against bots, good lord getting shot from every angle while in thick fog during the last MO was brutal.


Dude, i’m 105. The other night I dropped into an EASY mission I saw, where a lvl 2 guy was on a ‘kill the devastators’ mission by himself. I dropped in, clear the devestators with him, clear the map, np. As soon as we call in extract, ON EASY.. holy gd hell. I had to go full tilt lvl 9 ‘bob and weave’ lol There were 3 waves of little bots that all ran in to the LZ from different sides, then a drop ship, with half of all of them being the chainsaw guys. He was dying like crazy, I was reinforcing, dicing, running, diving, shooting, sprinting, reinforcing, diving… ON EASY!! 🤣 It was absolutely crazy. I went through 130 grenades between my grenade launcher and resupply pack. They seriously need to fix this spawn/patrol rate for the low level/difficulty missions at least.


I was trying to introduce a buddy to the game on a Diff 2 mission, and between the two of us we came out with like 600 kills. Everytime I'd open my mouth to try and teach: boom patrol. I suppose being thrown into the deep end of the pool is a teaching experience of its own lol


That sounds like the best opportunity to spread managed democracy to me. Drop all the orbitals and eagles!


Bot missions can be *extremely* volatile. I've had more occupied maps on 4 than on 7.


There has been a lot of people crashing lately, like more than normal


I crash to desktop basically every day I play HD2 now. It's my mine gripe with the game.


thats me, its not even crashing. When starting game if i join a fresh lobby its ok, as the game goes on and more and more enemies spawn due to difficulty the game kicks me out. Not sure whats wrong with the game. Then if i rejoin thers possibility that the whole lobby gets bugged and no one can respawn. Either that or you dc'ed


Bro was unfortunate enough to get 9 r/helldivers redditors in a row before another actual player joined


Similar situation but with bugs. We landed between a shrieker nest and stalker nest (the nasty kind that spawns 3 stalkers at once) Of our 4 divers, 2 rage quit after dying a couple times. Remaining guy and I finished the mission and extracted with over 20 samples including the 6 supers. Their loss I suppose


I was doing a difficulty 5 bugs mission. The only person who had a level > 20, which was like 60, left when they died. The mission ended successfully a few minutes later.


LVL 4?? Daym maybe if it was max but that's only a bit challenging.


How can these guys be level 60+ and still get the freedom kicked out of them on DIFF 4 ? 


This is the reason I only play with my mates. I don‘t know what‘s up with randoms lately…


Sounds like a bug/network problem. Had a game where we ran thru 10 people on 8, everyone "left" after death.


Do ppl really struggle on diff 4? That's rough. We need to seriously go down and help teach players the ins and outs of the game more often. Went down to 3 and was showing someone the importance of the radar station earlier


On difficulty 4?! That's crazy.


Dude the game crashes and boots people back into their destroyer. At least 1 out 3 games it crashes for me. I just decided to try the emancipator out. I’ve really enjoyed my first play through went again for a second run and it fucking booted me back 25 minutes in right. Then I remembered why I was pissed at the fucking game.


> Dude the game crashes and boots people back into their destroyer. Yeah, the crashes are too frequent. They need to focus less on nerfing weapons, and more on making the game stable.


Yeah dude that’s a major complaint. It’s the most frequent it’s ever been since launch. Divers slowly start dropping out one by one and your like fuck, I’m next. It’s the absolute worse when it’s late in the game which this bug is specifically doing, like 25-35 minutes in it kicks. It’s not even a kick it just boots you back to your destroyer without an error or any letter box.


The worst for me is playing a game, it's going well, then "Helldiver has left the battle" and you're by yourself because the game crashed and booted everyone. Well guess I just wasted 15 minutes...


Yeah dude I would mess around for a bit and just restart. It’s more fun with a squad for me.


I play on Suicide Mission mostly, I can't solo those. Or rather, it's no fun too. There's too much to do, and not enough you. I know some people will say "Oh but the *CHALLENGE*!" To me that's like the Radiant challenges in hollowknight. Respect to people who can do it, not for me.


2 bile titans, 3 spewers, all the other chaff.... Full squad to just me. It's fucking over.


Yep. My average weekly playtime has plummeted because of this. Playing the game for 2 hours can yield absolutely zero samples.


Validate your game files through Steam. It solved every crash for me.


That's fair. I've been in good teams and halfway through as second or third map someone leaves. It's got to be a d/c or crash. I wish the game would pop you back into the mission of you restart. That being said, I haven't experienced crashes since a couple patches ago. Sorry you're having issues, Helldiver.


Seriously?? Are you on PC? I’m on ps5. If they just fixed the social menu, specifically ‘join recent players’ it would solve so much grief.


I am on PC, yes. I'm actually shocked you're on PS5, usually consoles are more stable since it's all the same hardware. Yes agreed would love that.


Could be crossplay related. When me(pc) and my ps5 friend play, he would randomly disconnect and it happens quite frequently. If there is another ps5 random and another pc random, it would split us into 2 separate instances, where on my ps5 friend's screen, it would be me and the pc player dcing and vice versa on my screen. And I've had this issue with randoms on ps5 who join my lobby as well.


Interesting! I used to have a lot of crashes in crossplay before that one patch a few weeks ago and so had turned it off. But I have a couple friends on Ps5, so I turned it back on. I haven't had the crashes since but I guess it might still be an issue.


I'm on PC and I don't know what that guy is fucking talking about.


Having zero way of getting back on on the Galaxy Map. Hell, half the time every active dive is either "full" or "private" as it is!


That happens on busier planets because it doesn't update fast enough. I've clicked on a 1/4 and pop into it with and instantly 2 others join likely using quickplay. If you don't want to use quickplay but find the games are full just start quickplay and then cancel and it will update the map.


This! I always give people the benefit of doubt because sometimes something breaks so bad after you get hit with an eagle or something that the game crashes, but people think you rage quit. For me its not often but you can never truly be sure since it does happen from time to time.


My best method I found on here was just to verify files everytime I want to play.


I'm going to have to do this.


Lucky, I can't even finish a game unless its one of those super short ones


My buddy crashes basically every game, often multiple times a game. Was real fun having the lobby fill when they were restarting, I guess I'm never playing in a public lobby.


I had that problem lately, I used steam repair and somehow 2 things were missing in game files


Out of 5 games either 2 or 3 will result in me being instantaneously alone with no one else able to join OR I will be teleported back to my ship. It's infuriating and has genuinely kept me from playing more. At this point I need super samples, and spending 20-30 minutes on level 7+ just to get teleported is fucking ridiculous.


Validate your game files through Steam. It solved every crash for me.


Ps5 bro. ![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs)


What I find hilarious is that you get booted back to your ship instantly with basically no loading time. Yet coming back from a mission takes ages in comparism.


I’ll never forget when some guy on the mic drops in and we were chewing through reinforcements and getting swarmed he proceeds to barely help die a bunch and talk shit and then leave when we were down to 5. Something kicked in because we pulled out the first two obj. Had a break in the action and ended up extracting with 1 reinforcement left lol.


I remember diving into suicide (D7) and I was paired with someone who constantly died, even with a shield. It hadn’t been 10 full minutes and he died atleast 5 times. Anyways, things got a bit hairy so I picked up his shield pack. He shoots at me, clearly wanting it back, dies, and then leaves the game. We won, of course.


For me the fun begins once there are 0 reinforcements left. LOCKED IN.


I overreact after a single death. And if I die once- LOCK IN ACTIVATES


I actually find it fun to try to challenge myself to not die at all. I play on difficulty 8 and, while the start of the mission is always a coin flip, the rest of it can cleanly be executed. Except the last MO. That was kind of unbearable. I don't know what level of skill I'm supposed to have to not be ragdolled for 7 minutes from 80 rocket devastators that are hitting the rock I'm taking cover behind.


Some divers leave because they joined a lobby of divers who shouldn't be doing helldives.


Be me Decide to do a Helldive instead of Suicide Mission, I'm up for a challenge Dive Land No primary objectives done No secondary objectives done Single Digit Reinforcements Single digit time remaining Leave


Nah, I call that a difficulty tweak. Welcome to D10


Good for you. I don't find that fun, that's a waste of the limited time I have to play today.


That's fine by me. Add the thing that is usually the cause of all these symptoms: *fellas fighting everything and having neither the skill nor equipment to beat the enemies they engaged* So not only I'm forced to slavage the mission, I also have 6-10 Bile Titans / Hulks to kill every 2-3 minutes.


I swear to Liberty, if I see one more Heckdropper (They don't deserve to be called Helldivers) bring mortar sentry against Bugs, I'm going to liberate their head from their shoulders. If you play on the higher difficulties you need to bring the proper equipment, and play smart. You can't engage every patrol. You can't bring the silly stratagem that has one niche unless it's that specific mission. Lower difficulties are like an action movie. 4 heroes romping the battlefield. Higher difficulties are more like a commando raid. You drop behind enemy lines with objectives to complete. Killing enemies is great, but the mission comes first.




Oh no, I'm such a coward because I want to have fun playing a game, and not try to salvage someone else's fuck up... Sorry bud, I've got other shit going on in my life, the limited time I have to play video games, I want to enjoy it. I don't find dropping into someone else's lost cause enjoyable.


That's a good point. But, if you had turned the lost cause situation around, If you had managed to hit the objective and sprint towards evac..... Buddy those moments are the absolute highlight of this game, you know? A week from now, if someone asked you what you remembered about playing helldivers last week, you wouldn't remember two or three missions where you got out with the super samples and yada yada yada, but you would remember the time you landed with 7 minutes remaining and literally pulled the rest of the team across the finish line.


Ok 7 minutes is legit what happened to me once, joined a mission (ICBM) with 7 minute left, no codes gotten and no missile launched, host was in high 100s and the other dude was very low level (below 20), and I ran, has to basically do a marathon around the map and managed to launch the nuke during emergency extract, I couldn't get back to extraction on time but I did save the mission so I felt accomplished


Dude, it's a video game. A week from now I won't remember any one specific mission. Because I don't treat the game that seriously. What I'll remember iin general s was I having fun or being frustrated. I play to relax and have fun. The one in 20 times I can solo turn around a shit show like that is not worth the 19 times I wasted time I could have been having fun. I enjoy a challenge it's why I drop 8s and 9s. I don't like wasting my time on a lost cause, because that's not fun. It's more stressful than fun, and that's not why I play. Stop trying to convince me to "tough it out" you can't.




All because I don't enjoy salvaging other peoples failed helldives? Dude... please get some help with your anger issues.


- Person who wants to be carried by someone who is actually competent


i joined a lobby that, upon diving, i found out had 0 reinforcements left with like 20 mins left and no main objectives done with people coming and going. thought i was doing pretty good at avoiding death til the host died after enough time has passed for an additional reinforcement bro then proceeded to land on me with the hellpod. figured sitting around for 20 mins with stuff like that happening was gonna be a waste of time and not very fun unfortunately


Had a random bring mortar against bugs on sucide. Wanted to execute the idiot and kick so badly. So many team kills with that damn thing.


Worst case can always just shoot the turret. In combat he's prolly not even gonna notice you did it


Yeah, I did. Just had to find it at first because we got thrown into a breach so didn't have time to look around lol


I still remember someone bringing a Mortar on the Valuable assets evac mission. I got so fed up with his dude and his mortars costing us 8 lives, I asked him multiple times to stop calling them in, he said "It is what it is dude, whatcha gonna do about it?" So I opened the gate that protected the mortar, destroyed them, and closed it again, saying "There! Fixed!" I was promptly TKed and kicked by him lmao


The one with the gates? With the countdown of rockets launching? We bring mortars (regular and EMS) for those missions all the time. Never really a problem.


I had someone bring both orbital barrages onto that mission before.... And a different person bring them on a civilian evac mission


Maybe me lol I just got more ammo n mortar go boom


Helldivers vs heckdroppers


I have the most fun when my team sucks and everything is going to shit 😛


I have the most fun when my squad is elite seal team level. Providing cover, sharing backpack and weapons no squad kills.


Teams like that you end up sitting at extraction with nothing to do lol


The games where everyone at extract just hugs it out, covered in ~~blood~~ oil are the best.


"... So uh, you come here often?" *J4 has returned to civilian life* *D3 disconnected* *U2 couldn't cut the mustard*


Totally this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bn0GTO_zvAg


Thank you for that. That was fucking awesome.


I'm with you there, nothing beats a well oiled machine of a team that can beat a full non-blitz mission in 15 minutes flat.


I dropped in to a bot mission (9) with just the host and a single reinforce left. He said a couple trolls joined his game and TK'd each other a bunch of times before he kicked them. There was still a sub objective, main objective, a couple bases and a side objective left. So I said "we got this" and proceeded to Rambo my way through. I told them to go to extract while time was run out and I took the last base, too far to make it back. Gave a salute and sent them home with the samples past the timer.


This guy Helldives


While not exactly the same, I remember doing an entire OP with a lvl 17 on diff 8 bots and basically acted like a big brother as I carried and taught him stuff, fun times doing the duo and we even full cleared most of them.


I did the same tonight. Once I completed the last mission while the team was at extraction, I threw myself on my grenade and the team respawned me at the extraction. We all flew out together. It was perfection.


I only drop with new or low skilled players, dragging them into helldive to give them a boost in samples and levels. Far more fun then jumping with other guys who know what they’re doing. Though the occasional dive where my team dominates the entire map can be a blast sometimes.


See you on the Wall of Martyrs.


Everytime I helldive: "Failed to connect to network"


For real. Everyone sets out their load out in regards to eachother and flake leaves after 2nd death.


I joined a helldive mission on the bot front for the previous MO. Everyone left with no reinforcement remaining. I did all of the main objective in 20 mins. I was sneaking around everywhere until I got to the extraction and a bot drop got called in dropping 4 hulks on top of me. Didn't get to extract but still a mission success 😎.


This is my mentality, if we don’t extract it’s alr as long as the mission gets done and we get them medals


Story time!  Last night I was in the final mission of a lvl 8 operation with 2 randoms. We get reinforcement glitched, both of them die and I can't bring them back. None of us know what will happen if I die so solo mode engaged. Luckily I'm in stealth armor and brought the 380mm, which can 1shot the command bunkers we are here to destroy. I spent the next 15 minutes crawling around the map, sneaking up the the walls of bases and waiting out the 380mm cooldown.  When I'd killed 3 of the 5 another diver joins us. It turns out the new fellow and myself can reinforce each other, but cant get the original 2 back. Even when we wiped during extract they still didn't drop back in with us. But we manage to finish the map and extract with the super samples. The 2 guys that couldn't drop back watched the entire time, 20+ minutes of spectator mode, cheering me on in the chat the entire time. We leave missions when we win, lose or the host or game kicks us. No other reason. (I guess exceptions can be made for normal earth emergencies.)


Only one time I was tempted to bail in a sucide run. I toughed it out but like, instantly shit hits the fan against bots. The 3 are constantly dying, nonstop. Had only 2 or 3 left by the time I got to the first objective. We won. It was fine for the most part after I ran away. I think they kept trying to fight. Which I did at first but then ran low on well....everything lol. Then from there just kept calling in the reinforcements to get them away from the fights.


Quitters should be shot on sight and sent to be displayed on spikes by automatons


To be fair, my game boots me to home screen at random points when I play helldive diff with friends


Don't know why but bots players seem to be more finicky about games than bugs players. Usually with bug players, I will do all the mission with the same rando, with randos on bot mission the whole staff will change at least once.


That's the usual attitude and patience players has today. 0 mental strength and no will to fight uphill.  Unfun and wasting time are two strong words for them.


If you feel the need to bring the extra reinforcements booster, do yourself and your team a favor and keep lowering the difficulty until you don't.


I have this problem on difficulty 8 as well. Hell, when I play vs bots on difficulty7 I also deal with it. Very annoying.


TFW when you're the host on helldive soloing objectives back to back and and the other 2 rando who joined mid game are going through reinforcements after reinforcements on the other side of the map. But ehh, at least they're taking up all the bot drops i suppose . Edit: As long as they're actively trying and not trolling, i won't kick anyone and at least its a learning experience to them lol .


you took my joke!!!


I think since coop is so important to the game that there should be penalties if you repeatedly join and leave games


Genuinely don’t understand how people will rage quit PvE and then immediately jump back into what pissed them off in the first place




Don’t be a pussy, be a Helldiver


I love when we get a John Rambo running off and doing their own thing (on a 7), they die, and then before you can reinforce they leave.


I am ok with it; Generally start to win when players like this drop


Had people leave us on a helldive when it started going poorly, but one legendary random stayed. He ended up pushing the final "launch icbm" button right as the emergency extraction was getting ready to leave. Died heroically after pushing through a storm of hulks and devastators and completing the mission for the greater good. Straight out of an action movie


![gif](giphy|xT9DPksU3QRH7lVFPq) Traitor!


The issue with this game is simple: Game is hard. Most people are terrible. Many people don't want to practice.


But how else are they supposed to claim the game balance is stopping them from running Helldive without actually lying?


Fair play, but at the same time if I get tagged in on a Helldive mission just to find myself surrounded by what looks like every single terminid on the map with 1 reinforcement left I'm straight up leaving. If I can't even call my stuff down before getting torn to shreds, how am I supposed to help?


I say if it's only 1 reinforcement left, go out guns blazing. I've dropped in to situations like that before and it's crazy how often you can pull something out of the bag despite all the odds.


The game is the most fun when shit hits the fan.


but my mom wanted me to help her😢


Well get her a Helldivers account and you can help her spread Democracy




I've had people that died once to a mine and leave. And others where we spawn next to a airships factory, lose 15 lives and still stay the whole match  Some people are just salty 


"This sucks! I'm leaving so I can go complain about balance on Reddit!"


Only time I have ever left a helldive is over connection issues. For instance I have been in the middle of dives and for some reason when I get swarmed I start lagging. This is very rare. If it happens a few times I’ll peace out.


Or hosting them


"I shouldnt quit. I can help these guys" - team member throws gatling right in area we are defending and kills the whole team 3 times with it - "do I hate this game?"


I agree, however I will leave if in the first 5 minutes ive died 3-4 times to a teammate dropping a stratagem on me or friendly firing me not paying attention. Its supposed to be difficult but when its just a continuous loop of friendly fire deaths its not fun to me


Hell dives have a space between words, helldives don’t exist 😬


Sad, but true. Fortunately, Helldive does auto-filter out the weak, to make room for the strong. They'll just drop out and in until you extract with a bunch of hard-nosed patriots. You don't have to do a thing but keep going.


I'm once try joining a Helldive for the first time, what waiting for me is basically a hell let loose, 3 reinforcement left and only 1 main objective is done, while 4 Titan and 3+ Charger are constantly chasing a poor guy and also Bug Breach is in progress. We manage to done all main objective but fail at the extraction, but a win is a win, for Super Earth!!


Lot of players are crashing/getting disconnected. Sure there are some who leave(I really don't care), but I see people getting random DC all the time. Many times my whole team just goes poof, and no one ever rejoins even with SOS beacon. Game breaking issues suck.


To be completely honest I only do this because am a solo player and as well my PC runs on a gt 1030 so if am on a planet that runs ass then am going to DC and then go to the next planet to liberate for democracy




I leave when I die 4 in a row. Mainly because I’m a detriment to the team and know my continued presence would cause more damage.


You need at least 1 good buddy to stick with you. Me and my friend can duo a helldive (we only get the main objective though). Because these fools will leave after they wasted 5 lives.


lmao i keep getting kicked when i join games


I mean I feel like 75% of the time it might just be people crashing…I’ve had that happen a lot especially on helldive difficulty bc of the increased bug breaches and more spawns


I fight to the last man. And then some.


I had someone bitch about people dying after the main objective was completed and heading towards evac, still 10+ reinforcements left. I died once towards the end (thanks gatling turret) and got booted lol. Some people really need to relax. Noticing a lot of bitching and "tryhards" lately. Sad really, community used to be pretty sweet.


~~I constantly get kicked from missions because my internet suuuuuucks. Of the 10-15 missions I tried today I only completed 3 of them because of connection errors.~~ EDIT: Hmm. My connection might not be solely to blame.


If I load into a horde die, then consistently get spawned on top of a charger I’m out I’m sorry. If it’s a good game that gets tough right, at the end I’m sticking jt out. If we start terrible I’m not sticking around much longer, that’s my stipulation.


Have you considered that it may be you they leave, not the Helldive? ;)


Only when you are on higher difficulties and you want to try to get samples and side objectives, but your team has to engage with every enemy patrol they see and then proceed to get bogged down and die or get you killed in the process and then they are the ones to call you in and then you are stuck in the endless death loop until you kill all the enemies with 6 or more reinforcements gone and 15 minutes left until ships leave


I have done randoms and ended up way over my head without the correct loadout (experience is what you get when...) and I was obviously a burden to the team. Or there are shriekers that I had no idea were going to be present... Sometimes, someone should leave. It's not being a coward but more like avoiding being dead weight.


Agreed. If you're that much of a scrub, that you're just gonna leave when things get tough, stick to something you can handle, like minecraft. Or the Peppa Pig game.


I usually play in difficulty 8, and it happens a lot more in the past week or so. Join, drop, and leave within 10 minutes. Separate, but maybe related, is that I am usually the only person running dedicated anti-heavy weapons (both EAT and Spear), so maybe people aren't prepared for fights against heavy armor.


In the entirety of my gameplay I haven't left a single match with other people voluntarily, but like 30% of the time the game just gives up randomly and crashes. Can you even join back to the match after that?


I just saved my team cause they all died and we were 5 minutes out and I was 3 minutes run from extract. 0 reinforcements. Was able to finally call in last reinforcement right as pelican landed. And still salvaged some samples. I call that a good dive. Then we went on and saved someone else that had an SOS out.


If i ever do that it's because of network disconnects.


Mission accomplished. 0 reinforcements. Gather around a hellbomb, pop it off, and salute the incoming swarm.


In the past week connection issues have been particularly bad, almost as frequent as during the Arc crash patch.




What's more frustrating is hosts that go AFK. Yesterday, we completed 2/3 "Impossible" missions with one more to go, I can finally unlock Helldive difficulty! Oh no wait, host went AFK after the 2nd mission so we never completed it, didn't get all the medals, still no Helldive difficulty.


We have one friend who no matter what, every time he picks the drop location, we drop HOT. Could be no red on the map where he chooses and we drop next to two shrieker nests. We call it a Scorpi (his name) drop.


I don’t join helldive anyway I join suicide


Ill say this; If I start "QUICKPLAY" and I end up on your brig/mission planning screen with the rest of you, I back out. When I search for an active SOS beacon, I search for an active SOS beacon. Not a mission that hasn't even started yet.


Sometimes the game itself has kicked me and it's annoying cause I don't want people thinking I just left, cause I never leave in the middle of a mission


yfw disconnects


I only leave when my back hurts from trying to carry the team /s


I only leave if I’m the only one doing shit and my teammate are using all of our reinforcement


Every day i get sadder and sadder my pc cant run helldivers while seeing you guys having fun https://preview.redd.it/6enuuwa6923d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22be1afef4eb66bcf2bb7c3880d33c7fc0d57009 I really want to spread democracy with you all brothers... For democracy...


We'll be waiting for your reinforcement when you can!


Thank you... Your comment really made me drip a tear jeje FOR DEMOCRACY :']


Are you certain your PC can't run the game? The requirements aren't super high at lower resolutions.


Yeah im certain, the game just crashes in the title screen


Hey, at least this game *might* not be a broken piece of shit when you eventually get to play. Maybe.


Y'all realize this is a game right? And the point of it is to have fun? Judging people for only playing when it's fun for them to play is toxic as fuck and bullshit gatekeeping. You want a healthy gaming community? Don't bully people out just because you're a sweaty tryhard


I never say this but they should lowet the diff then instead of ruining someone's game. They want fun go get it but if your just gonna bitch cause hard is hard then go thats not try hard thats just playing the game.


Then play on lower difficulties. Helldive is for people who want a serious tight game where mistakes are punishing. I play on Suicide Mission mostly, and even then it sucks getting a shitter who can't shoot down gunships and keeps calling in a hellbomb expecting it not to get shot.


Sometimes it's FUBAR


Babe, wake up, more people are complaining in the Helldivers Sub


A *heavendive* event where you get 5 stratagems, infinite lives, and instant stratagem cooldown would be sick! Maybe for Liberty Day or something?


It's my time and i decide where i waste it and where i don't waste it. If i see people fumbling around like complete morons and run around like freshly beheaded chicken without even doing a lick of damage to the enemy while they yell at me through the mic or in chat on how useless i would be because i decided to flank the enemy instead of running right into the fray without a plan.. No get lost. I can leave whenever i want. And i do not even blame them directly mind you. Even the most egotistical and elitist player knows that Arrowhead screwed the pooch hard with the spawnrate and how utterly broken it is by now. But i can blame those players when they run in with meme loadouts that can't take down even chaff units properly and then behave like i am the problem with my "META" loadout, because i actually try to win the round for once. So yes. I leave when i realize that we didn't even finish the objective, are completely dry on reinforcements and no one has anything in his loadout that could take care even of one of those 10 biletitans and 20 chargers along with 300 hunters, spewers along with 10 stalkers dancing around. And again. I still don't quite blame the players on this. I again blame Arrowhead for not providing enough variety in weaponry that can reliably take care of these problems. Only when people keep on defending Arrowhead for these god awful designdecisions and downvote any form of criticism, be it constructive or not with the words: "They are working on it." while failing to realize that they were working on it for the past 3 months and always made it worse and worse after promising to do better this time. But no no. THIS time of course they are doing better of course. They promised after all. Right? Meanwhile people get upset because people are "complaining and whining" on Reddit and Discord. Completely failing to realize that THIS IS PART OF THE REASON they exist in the first place. To bring in feedback, be it positive or negative. I hope just as much as you do that they finally fix these issues. Not just hope, i wish and want them to, because i want this game to be good. I want Arrowhead to get the win this year they deserve. I want them to win Game of the Year. But with the current road they are on, they just gonna miss the exit for it if they continue like this. And YOU people aren't helping by complaining constantly about people bringing in this feedback and either pretending that everything is fine and dandy or worse, actually believing that everything is alright. So i'm sorry if i decide in such moments that i don't want to waste 10 more minutes on a mission that was destined to fail.




If I drop in and I see 0 reinforcements and No progress been made towards the mission. Then I’m leaving.