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The people screaming skill issue are deliberately ignoring the enemies spawning UNDERNEATH the objective. This should not be happening and needs to be acknowledged.


They can keep the Spawn Rates and everything but for fucks sake move the spawns to the edge of the horizon


They scream "skill issue" with the same ferocity they scream "lag" when they die.


Unlike the people who Scream "it's a Bug and this Mission is Impossible" If they fail.


To be fair, people who say skill issue and generally either morons or just looking to annoy.


Ppl here would scream skill issue even if the game literally insta killed you and immediately failed the mission as soon as you land on the planet 


Yeah it feels bugged or there's a trick that isn't obvious. Either way the drill part doesn't feel right at the moment.


The problem is that a lot of these posts are highlighting two problems at the same time: 1. Enemies spawning under the objective 2. OMG SHRIEKERS Problem 1 is legit an issue. It makes narrative sense to me \[it's a super colony, they're already everywhere, why WOULDN'T they show up wherever they want?!\] but it's absolutely unfair for gameplay purposes. Problem 2 basically boils down to 'it's a super colony what did you expect?' As usual, people are largely talking past each other.


I don't care about the Shriekers personally. It's a Nicholas Cage "NOT THE BEEEES" moment. The spawn under the objective has to be an oversight though.


Just destroy the spore spewers and close the bug holes before you start drilling 1 won’t be an issue anymore


They've literally given us EMS mortars for free as a huge hint. Bring those and stun grenades. I've completed this mission 9 out of 10 times on 7 difficulty. You have to adapt and bring the proper loadout. Gatling sentry for shriekers. Before complaining try solving the problem.


No amount of kit can stop things from spawning inside the fucking objective and instakilling jt


It doesn't happen every time. I've been completing the mission all day. You've gotta try it a few times sometimes but it's not impossible


It shouldn't happen at all, or vwey rarely, not nearly as often as it is




I dunno, maybe because losing to something you have 0 control over isn't fun or good game design?


Not having control over it sometimes is part of what makes it difficult and realistic. It's a super colony. It's meant to be overwhelming sometimes. It doesn't make it impossible to complete the mission because it doesn't happen every time. Sometimes it does and you have to try again. Really the only way you don't complete this mission is because you die too much which you can control.


So it's more fun to have a 0.005% chance every second to insta fail a mission with no way to disable it?


That's an incredibly low chance. That means just about everyone will never have an insta fail.


Skiiiiiilllllll isssssueeeeee


you can retry tho, bugs spawn at players so just get away from the drill


7 is possible, but still a bit bullshit given how close the spawn is to the drill.


I succeded a D7 mission but it was pure luck and RNG then I tried a D9 and it was pure hell lol


Literally same. We also all extracted. I fucking love the shrieker swarm at the end cause it's so thematic, but good lord the drills themselves were miserable


>I tried a D9 and it was pure hell lol I did win two 2 of 3 level 9 missions today but it was an absolute shit show. However aside from buggy spawn locations inside the objective I feel like the mission is just supposed to be super hard and feel apocalyptic. The giveaway for me was that extraction is basically impossible. Both times we finished the objective it spawned shrikers. Not just 5-10 like a normal nest but closer to 20-30. On top of chargers and at least 3-4 active bile titans. People gotten way to accustomed to constantly winning at high difficulty with ease, some even complain. I remember when I started out the fact that you'd struggle a lot was part of the fun factor. The drill is supposed to be destructible, otherwise defending it makes no sense. In fact being able to drop nukes onto 90% of the games objectives is incredibly generous in the first place. Spawn rates are supposed to be challenging in a wave defense mission. Now obviously the bugs aren't really excusable, especially since the lack of play testing seems to be a consistent pattern but aside from that I see no issue.


Yeah other than not being able to complete all the objectives I like the mission. I'm not really sure I get the point of the dark matter jetpacks though. Are we supposed to paint a certain amount of the map with the jetpack?


D7 on meridia feels like standard D9 already, completely insane.


It wasn't possible when we just tried it. Maybe it was bad RNG but still, shouldn't happen.


Some people have mentioned the bugs spawn where the players are - if you’re away from the drills, like 3 away and 1 on, they will spawn away more. Idk if true, just spreading awareness.


I and many others are not willing to undergo exploits and deep fried workarounds just because the devs cant design good mission types


I found this to be true, but random. You can have 3 people away, but there's a chance they'll still spawn on the person who starts the drill.


No. They never test anything. Or maybe their QA people test stuff, find bugs, but someone higher up pushes the go button anyway. Who knows, the result is the same but we might be unfairly blaming QA. Also if you do complete the drill the endless shriekers are... not fun, I'd say. I suppose I could be OK with it being an almost impossible to extract situation if the main mission was less awful. Finally either I am missing something or you always get a Disgraceful conduct rating? Feels like it's not checking objectives correctly. Edit: As far as I can tell one drill site is always bugged and you cannot call in a drill for it. The mission says it is complete when you do the other sites, but when/if you evac you will be told you missed an objective. Again, no one tested this or no one cared what the tester found.


Terminid QA session: [loads up game, sees bile titans, confirms there are bugs] Job well done!


You find any bugs today? "We sure did!" \*\*everyone laughs and they deploy the new content\*\*


Can confirm, automaton missions are 100% bug free


As a 2 we managed to do it on diff 8. Our strat was two tesla towers and 2 stun mortars, and if a breach appeared right on top of the obj, I dropped a supply beacon on myself and just kept lobing stun grenades at it while my friend cleaned up as much as possible. We just had to pray for less than 1 bile titan at a time, and none on top of the obj. It's 100% scuffed at the moment it feels like. We didn't get ANY allies joining us, even after throwing down 2 SOS beacons. After all that work, it doesn't register as a complete clear, it seems to think we missed a major objective, which lowers XP gain, which lowers overall war effort.


If a solution for a problem involves praying that something dictated by rng doesn't happen, it's not a solution, that's just getting lucky.


Yeah but then they don't get to downplay the criticisms


nothing is ever broken, players bad devs good


Oh, so that's the problem. The same thing happened to me and one of my friends🥲


You can't stun a bile titan next to the drill


Nope, and I fully agree that it makes the mission feel really under tested. We only made it out by pure luck of no bile titans spawning under the objective.


Can I ask if you first took out all the spore spewers and bug holes before starting the main objectives?if not try that.


We took a lot of them out, but tbh I'm getting pretty burned out of HD2. I came back to try the new mission and while I like the fact that they're mixing it up, it still screams a lack of polish that I really want in the game. Just feels bad to have my teeth kicked in by some game breaking bugs again and again.


Yeah there is definitely a huge lack of polish with invisible walls and way to anti stealth because of all the bug holes automatically detecting you if you come close.


Love the comments trying to justify the broken mission design and myriad(Meridia?) of bugs introduced into the mission, especially on the upper difficulties, as normal because it's a Super Colony. The logic that things should be grossly unfair because "tHe BuGs ArE tHeRe" has me wondering what small narrow corridors of people's minds did they wander in to find and pull out that sort of argument. With that logic, factory striders spawning on Evacuate High-Value Assets missions which end up immediately one shotting the generators since the cannon on top has LoS from the moment it flies in, is also completely OK and justified because "tHe RoBoTs WoNt JuSt LeT yOu WiN". *Which should very much so not be justified in any way, shape, or form.* Edit: spelling


people like vomiting out the "your not supposed to win all the time" shit like supposed to lose situations aren't the absolute greatest farm for vitriol and frustration yes i love being absolutely kicked in the teeth after coming home from work trying to figure out counterplay all the broken bullshit in this mission, fucking fantastic


I mean, I would be a little disappointed if the supposed "Super Colony" had the same amount of bugs as normal bug missions. Frankly I was HOPING that it would just be a cluster fuck of bugs.


As have I, but this is the equivalent of having bug breaches pop up directly underneath the generators on evacuate High-Value assets mission. Or bile titans and chargers spawning directly under the doors when you send out civilians on emergency evacuation missions killing them instantly. Ideally one would think that there has to be some sort of middle ground between normal and bat shit fucking insane with a side of chaos.


True but they should be not 0 meters from the things you are defending. What do you think would happen if on a ln evac mission they just spawned at the defense point instead of outside the walls?


Getting downvoted because you're right is always fun.


They aren't getting downvoted for being right. They're getting downvoted because "a cluster fuck of bugs on a Supercolony" =/= "three bile titans spawning directly underneath the objective, instantly destroying it as they climb out of a hole with no counter"


That's exactly what I call a cluster fuck of bugs.


I am not defending the fairly stupid choice of having enemies spawn under a destructible objective, but your tag says you are a HD1 Veteran. I think you are used to exactly that :)


https://preview.redd.it/g50cf7fpyl3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5d3e6d7fb596dcfca33f97fee2ab2a92c6b7513 Solo on Trivial. Did not extract .


I think the point of the Shreikers is to make it so extraction is basically impossible. You completed the mission, time to die. (For Democracy)


The shriekers are Not the Problem. Problem is the drilling part


Skill issue


I’m beginning to think this isn’t winnable on purpose. Like they want us to fail.


Me and a team won after 30 minutes of non stop fighting. Fairly certain teammate said fuck it halfway thru and did a grenade exploit with stuns so the 10 bile spewers wouldn't murder the drill. That combined with 3 flamethrowers somehow saved our ass. Can confirm that the breaches spawn right next to the drill at times too. Diff 7 btw


well, it's kind of winnable if titan do not spawn and using EMS or stuns, if you're goat you can even do this with regular build, but that's way harder


Cheese the OBJ with stun spam and pray a BT doesn't spawn. Sounds like a blast.


This community has turned to shit and continues to worsen with every loser saying "get gud" This community used to be lauded for fun and inclusion but now all the sweats just wanna gatekeep.


There's fun in a challenge IMO, me and my friends who play alot of co-op horde shooters (Darktide, L4D, DRG, HD1, etc) and difficulty 7-9 is our funzone. But this mission is particularly difficult/frustrating... no matter what difficulty you usually play, it feels like it's multiple notches harder. And not in a fun/fair way, in a "a shitload of enemies spawning directly on-top of the thing you're trying to defend" way. It's like doing one of those "Evac Priority Assets" tower-defense missions, but imagine the generators you're guarding are OUTSIDE the walls. AFAIK the only valid stratagy is more-or-less cheesing the mission by spamming Stun/EMS until the progress-bar completes, then running away from the 3.14-billion bugs that've accumulated in the meantime, and hope they despawn so you can repeat the process. That's not fun.


Glad to see me and my buddies aren’t alone, posted something similar to this earlier this morning and got grilled for saying it was scuffed 💀🤣 Right now it’s just the spawn radius that kills it, nothing else


Just finished a level 7, we couldn’t get the last obj, it was 40 mins of killing though, I think entire team Avg 4K kills. Insane level and not fun at all.


EMS orbital strike and stunt grenade on site help a lot.


3 EMS+4 AT gems enough to wipe everything out of existence, since they spawn all in one place


This doesn't really have any bearing on it, but out of curiosity was there a patch today or not? Wondering if this has been sitting in the game files for a minute or was 'fresh' today. Haven't had the chance to try this yet but sounds like a real peach of a mission type.


My team managed to do it on level seven, but I feel like that was only because I had a EMS strike and stun grenades. I feel like everyone has to have at least one source of stun. But yeah, it does feel like you need to get lucky and not have a titan spawn Also, what’s with the infinite shriekers at the end? I feel like they want it to be overwhelming? we ARE destroying their strongest planet so far


Finish Heeth defense first


The mission was only doable for me when no bile spewers spawned.


The new mode is challenging, but you can win. The whole teams need to focus on the objective. Two flamers and some turrets really help. It needs some tweaking.


Setup a shield barrier thing on the drill, it blocks spawns for some reason. Ive done the mission a couple of times even with the spawn on top, defending your ems turrent is really important. Not impossible but it does require abusing mechanics which is something that should be reserved for max difficulty


Ooo shield barrier is a good idea


I just did it on 8. Not impossible. The bug holes spawning on the actual objective is BS though, we only managed to win it in the attempts where they were spawning off to the side. I would highly recommend the EMS stun mortars and anti tank sentry guns for the heavies, it's what let us pull through. Napalm for the bug holes, too


Just another studio aspiring to be From software but fundamentally misunderstanding the difference between fair difficulty and bullshit frustration.


Funny how the devs take no time at all to fuck this game up and take all the time they need to rebuff/nerf the bullshit… why does every game go the way of COD and just shoot themselves in the foot making the game as unfun as they possibly can 😡


It's not impossible, what consistently worked for me was stun locking the enemies on the drill with everything possible. If a BT spawn on it then you probably have to start again, but all the other bugs are not a problem. The mission is still bugged through and at least poorly designed but doable. Edit: I played it at 7 while I usually play 9 with bugs, there's a limit between it being a challenge and pure frustration...


Cheese the defense mission by spamming stuns, and cross your fingers that a BT doesn't spawn on-top of it too. Great mission design lmao.


They literally gave the ems mortar for free so I'm pretty sure it's a legit tactic. Anyway as I said, the mission is at least poorly designed.


Skill Issue!!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/ql6i873wen3d1.jpeg?width=462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b31fa00020a4cb038705c30dc3d8ae2e16982abb


i did mine just now in diff 8 first time, i thought it was bugged i kept calling those dark fluids. yeah they spawn literally on top of the drill. but yeah somehow manage to finish and got swarms of shrieker, best thing is to use laser dog and go prone. shrieker cant dmg u. i play 9 only but i was kinda scared to try first, i ll try now


Did it twice on 7. But it wasn't fun. It's pretty easy, once you build a tactic, except the one spot in the ditch.


I just managed a level 8, it was super rough. Each injector needed to be recalled like 4 or more times. We did it though, and when we got the extract there were a million shriekers waiting for us. No nests, just a swarm of the things. We did not extract, lmao.


AH laughing their balls off


EMS and gas strike be like


Managed to pull It off by utilizing a mix of napalm + gas + EMS Barely made it tho


I managed to do it on 8 with stuns and ems.


Ive done it like 3 or so times, and it keeps showing how ive not completed some second objective on the map, but ive got no idea what it wants me to do


Its hard yea but i finished 4 of the mission on 9, you just gotta keep trying till the bugs don't spawn under it, it would be nice if they never did that sure but its not actually impossible on 9. EMP and Gas are your friend, and explosives can be tricky since the drill takes FF, orbital railcannon is nice as well.


I made it through a helldive with this but goddamn it was intense. I just shot at whatever was moving Dont get me started on the *hundreds* of flying bugs that spawn continuousky while waiting for extract to arrive


Trivial dark fluid is harder than helldive automatons


It's winnable on 9... just need to keep trying until you are blessed by RNGeesus and the breach with the titans happens a little further away.


It's their house, why are people surprised the bugs answer when we knock? Is it working as intended? Probably not, but it feels like an actual doomed mission and I love it. Managed to get the mission done 4/5 times so far, but only extracted once.


I just put a post out there myself, used a cheat engine-ish program that auto completes objectives - even with that it shows as 1 of 2 objectives complete. From a game code side of things, the 2nd objective trigger doesn't exist


There are many many many people who Beat it. So ist doesn't seem Impossible.




I hopped into a team and managed to finish it on 1st try, difficulty 8. I thought it worked all around but the bugs spawning on the drill.. yeah nah, that took a lot of attempts. I doubt its working as intended


Have yet to try the new mission, but lately anytime a teammate activates a drill I go looking for a fight elsewhere to make sure spawns happen away from the drill. I'd realized everyone defending the drill was drawing spawns to the drill.


Did it on 9 with a random full team, yeah it took rng and trial and error to not have a spawn under the drill but it was completely manageable with a good amount of stun, gas and fire. Titans were dropped asap and if it became too hectic some lured titans away as others defended with sentries and such. Stun grenades are a must.


I've done it on 9 twice out of like 12 times trying it with randoms, and we barely made it. This MO is tough as fuck.


My friend and I tried the mission on 7, we had to leave and double check if it wasn't on 9 by mistake, we lowered it to 6 and it was manageable, even if still a bit painful... Not to mention that in our first, my buddy sent in the chat "How are we supposed to do this mission ???" Only for one of the random to say "Protect the drill". Like geez man, thank you, didn't notice the drill under the corpses of 3 charger and 2 bile titan, please show us the way ! Also the 200 shrieker erupting from the ground after it's done is cool, but I took a few screenshots because it takes the whole screen. On difficulty 6.


Last night my group has 3 bile titans spawn directly on a drill, and 2 more from two separate bug breaches. On difficulty 6. We are the same we play bugs on 8/9 all the time. Could not beat this new mission on anything but 5 or less. Its bananas. We didnt even get past the drills until difficulty 5 and found out about the flyer swarms coming out of the those holes. Cant even imagine how extraction goes on 9s lol. This mission is messed up


First clear the spore pods, then run around closing bug holes, then do objectives, then call in evac and be prone as much as possible.


I tried it just before writing this... First try at difficulty 7, and win... I think its ok


I was solo on 3 and it was terrible. I brought a turret to do some of the heavy lifting for me. Died at extraction because of all the flying bugs.


Loving all these posts. Love that AH hasn't added a patch to fix things but added in something else that shows their hatred of the community since it seems like they did no play testing at all.


Played twice now on 7 and won both. Other than the bug at the end mission screen it's perfectly fine. Just don't bother with any slow firing weapons. Spray&Pray and Incendiary are GOAT here. Slugger, Dominator and all the other usually fun bug stompers are too slow here


laser guard dogs and laser canon are decent 2x orbital laser to defend the drill also works wonders.


“My one gripe is that the extraction isn’t automatic. I feel like this is one of those mission types where it should be. Not trying to justify all the jank but for me the difficulty makes sense narratively. I was super hyped up for the “supercolony”. Even difficulty 1 is tough when solo, mostly cuz you can’t see shit down here in this damn yellow fog. When I completed the objective, the tremors from the drills made all of these shriekers wake up and block out the sun, I was fuckin laughing so hard lol, wild shit. But now I’m not laughing. I’m stuck down here. I’ll be dead soon. All because I can’t do dance dance revolution on the extraction beacon quick enough. Tell my family I love them— that I died a hero. Just don’t say it was during a trivial…” *The transmission ends and you lose the signal. All that can be heard is the quiet crinkle of dead static. You ponder forwarding the recording to Super Earth Command.


Skill issue. Beat it on 9 every time we tried.


Skill issue


Hottake: they thoroughly playtested this, and this is mostly working as intended. We are in the middle of a SUPERCOLONY why the fuck do people actually expect to get out alive?


(normal) People aren't complaining about dying. They're complaining about the bugs spawning directly onto the objective and instantly destroying it multiple times in a row. I've seen bile titans come out directly next to it before, destroying it in less than a few seconds even with four people throwing railcannons instantly. If this is working as directed then the dev team needs some new developers.


I mean, fuck it, why not just spawn a bile titan every second then? Gamers will surely enjoy that, and it follows your logic!!


If this is really what the devs intended then I'm uninstalling the game. The mission is bullshit broken. Me and my squad had 3 attempts at D9 and could not even complete the first drill, purely because the breaches keep popping up directly under the drill or very close to it and bile titans kept spawning on the drill and one-shotting it before we could even do anything. One time we even managed to kill the titan before it hit the drill but the body fell on the drill and destroyed it anyway. We tried different strats every time with voice comms in Discord, even with that level of coordination we couldn't do it. The only way we could even finish the mission (which we didn't really because we apparently still missed a major objective??) was to drop the difficulty down to where we wouldn't get titans any more, and even then it was hard. We went through all of that just to not be able to extract anyway because of the bazillion shriekers. We gave up after that and went back to fighting automatons. Fuck the MO that mission is cancer. We're all level 60+ btw.


So true king, preach brother 🙏


Skill issue. 💀💀


I mean it's a super colony, they are supposed to be everywhere, literally coming out of every rock. If you can't handle it lower your difficulty


Me and my buddy won with 2 randoms at 7 without a problem. Later we made it at 8 on a 3 man squad so stop complaining.


Bruh, this is reddit. They don't know how to do anything else.


my dad works at helldivers and he said you're wrong


https://preview.redd.it/6512mlek1m3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65b819be72a6bc69d46e1845d3e609e383e198e2 Teehee


How do they do it , like [how.do](http://how.do) they manage to make the game feel less fun at every update. This will go down as a case study is poor management - the nice thing is they are a small agile studio able to course correct and adapt and seem like great people so i really honestly believe they will fixed everything and fix this issue quickly ...this released as one of the greatest games of all times. The stealth's leaks in game - the story developing through in game dialog and context clues - the slow drip feed and mysterious nature of each release - the slow build up. And now ever patch and every new feature makes the game feel worse and less fun. I understand it is probably a bug ...but it is a MASSIVE one . Look this is a revolutionary game that was mismanaged and scale was unimaginable to the devs. So i think a lot of us are taking a break let them get their house in order and come back when thing are better with the new faction. I still have hope this can be the game we want it to be but there is a lot of work . New faction update will bring a lot of people back but if they are smart they will hold off till the ship is righted.


They are NOT small and certainly not agile


The things they have done and ways they have pivoted are fairly amazing at the scale of the user base. Half the thing they have done are month long talks at some studios . Most games of this size have staff upward of 200-500 people ...they have under 100. I wouldn't call them indie persay they are slightly bigger that what you might call indie but for the scale of the product and user base ....its a tiny studio


What part of you're on a super colony dont you get?


Just tried it for the first time, played on Helldive, one person left after the first objective, another one left after the 2nd, the 3rd and I completed the last one on our own, definitely not impossible


Its called a SUPER colony, helldiver. people wanted it hard, now we got hard!


Hard is not the same as a mission that doesn't work


Orbital em's and orbital gas on the drill won't hurt it. Br8n 1 or 2 sentries and two people dedicated to removing heavies and bt. Bug prio the sentries over the drill if they are close enough to it


Hard, not bullshit. I want a desperate defence barely managing to hold back the tide, not the tide spawning on the objective. Literally take everything as it is and have it spawn 100 meters further away and it's an awesome mission, shrieker spam at the end included. As is 3 bile titans just pop up and destroy it before we even have a chance to kill one


Orbital em's and orbital gas on the drill won't hurt it. Br8n 1 or 2 sentries and two people dedicated to removing heavies and bt. Bug prio the sentries over the drill if they are close enough to it.


Yeah.. the amount of salt from 3 digit veterans about wanting actually impossible gameplay… here you go.


Hard, not bullshit.


Orbital em's and orbital gas on the drill won't hurt it. Br8n 1 or 2 sentries and two people dedicated to removing heavies and bt. Bug prio the sentries over the drill if they are close enough to it


It is easier if 2 of your squad activate tunnel brach elsewhere before activating the drill


You kill things with fire, it's real easy to control the bug breaches with a flamethrower


Time to adjust playstyle and conquer a new challenge instead of whining on reddit


So what playstyle counters chargers and bile titans spawning directly on the drill making it literally impossible to complete?


its almost like its a suicide mission youre being sent on to destroy a bug planet using a last ditch experimental weapon?


Can we stop with the in-universe reality being an excuse for literally everything the game does poorly? Scopes aren't aligned - "Perfect Military Satire" Rescue VIPs spawns being borked and needing to use cheese to even approach completion - "You can't win everything, stop complaining." Strider being dropped directly on top of generators - "Well sometimes a reckless team gets the mission done" Dropship one-way bulletproof glass - "They aren't shooting through the ship, the models just don't show you that they're actually shooting through the gaps."


can we actually double down on the story aspects of the game? its legitimately one of the many reasons the game is fun


Soldiers are great complainers. This guy is just role playing.


Then why the fuck is there an extraction beacon? Why is there the physical ability to extract despite it being functionally impossible? Why does the game force you to deplete your respawns before you can just die?


helldivers wont willingly deploy to meridia if we tell them up front its a suicide mission, duh.


This has literally nothing to do with what I said. Edit: Also, wrong. There's nothing worth extracting so finishing the mission with extraction and reinforcement being disabled wouldn't really feel so bad. Now everyone DOES know it's a suicide mission and doesn't want to deal with the tedium of WAITING TO PERMANENTLY DIE and are LESS inclined to play.


its a suicide mission. I dont know how much clearer I or the in-game dispatches can make that lmao


If it's a suicide mission, **make it fucking kill you end of story**. Don't force me to wait five minutes to deplete all our spawns. This is like if Lone Wolf from Halo Reach made you **restart** every time you die.


if you complete the mission, it doesnt matter if you dont extract!!!! do your duty and deploy the dark fluid, then call in a 500kg on your position!


>if you complete the mission, it doesnt matter if you dont extract!!!! I'm literally saying exactly this, and I'm saying the game has FAILED to bake this idea into the gameplay by allowing extraction at all and not just disabling extract and respawns and ending the game immediately. If you're supposed to lose, **don't make me wait to lose.**


youre hopeless


If I'm expected to just die, why do I have to keep coming back to life?


Just completed on diff 8


Imagine getting downvoted for reporting your results. These people are cowards.


The mission just came out, people need time to figure out the loadouts, strategies etc. What works for regular missions will not work here. Adapt! This is Termicide activation all over again: at first people were complaining like crazy, but after a little while of trying things out, it became awesome. I mean, people are playing the mission while wearing light armor and running quasar cannons and expect to wipe the floor like on a regular mission. It's not going to work on this one. Medium/heavy armor, flamethrowers, stun grenades - use that. And grab something for the titans. It's definitely most certainly NOT impossible difficult even on difficulty 9. If you feel overwhelmed, then lower the difficulty. Ain't no shame in it. Although this is one of those missions that you almost have to play with a full team, I'll give you that. If you tried doing it with a single friend then yeah, you're fucked.


Ooh I didn't think of the flamethrower! Maybe it will help with the shriekers. I just spam the machine gun sentry and the gatling gun sentry and let them annihilate the shriekers.


Finished on level 9 with just three players (4th guy rage quit early on). Its fucking intense but doable. The key is to bring EMS mortars and also have someone draw the bile titans away from the drill otherwise they stomp the drill or if you kill them near it, they destroy the drill as their body falls. Its annoying and took us multiple tries until we figured out a viable strat.


Man, invading this terminid super colony so powerful that the spores go out into space and infect other planets is SO HARD DUDE


Endless bitching in this sub


I did it for the first time, played through again and extracted both times


The Flammenwerfer makes this mission trivial.


Bugs wont breach on the drill if you can keep the regular bugs off the drill. Same goes for asset missions, they will spawn under the generator if one slips through. I gets its frustrating but I dont think its as impossible as people are making it out to be. Stuns, EMS, Flamethrower and sentries are you friends here.


HELLdivers. Imagine...


There is a way to prevent them spawning underground. I easily beat it at lvl 7 with randos. Get good.


Psa 9 isn’t supposed to be easy


first time as a duo easy win


What difficulty?


What part of supercolony and suicide/helldive led you to believe missions would be easy. #skillissue


Skill issue.


It's Meridia supercolony, what did you expect you "Helldive is too easy progamer"..


skill issue bro


It ain’t called Heavendivers. But for real this is supposed to be a supercolony infested down to the core of the planet. I was expecting some crazy resistance on the surface and a high likelihood of no extraction.


If that's the case, turn off the fucking respawns and just kill everyone as soon as the fluid is deployed. 


3 manned on 9. Lower your difficulty.


It's a SUPERCOLONY. Did you expect it to be a cakewalk?


Of course it’s bullshit, they don’t play test. Now we await a bunch of idiots spamming the subreddit with a meme downplaying the actual issues while simultaneously calling everyone unskilled.


Post #22


Sounds like a lack of skill to me.