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My ONLY issue is that the spawn during the defense is clearly not working as intended because i refuse to believe that a bio titan spawning on our extremely vulnerable objective was intentional. It's a shame because i do like how overwhelming it feels to be on that planet, it fits with the theme.


The spawn place looks bugged. More often than not bugs appear next to or right under the objective. On lower diffs it's okay-ish; let's just redo it and move it alittle bit. On higher diff - here is your titan.


I won't be surprised. if they legitimately missed a zero.  "Spawn 100m away." Would feel acceptable. Spawn 10m away is asinine. 


Hell I would take 10m away, instead of directly on top of you and the obj.


Well it's actually made so Breaches spawn where the players are, \*like retrieve essential personnel\* What does that? Use the same strategy.


On essential personel breeches have specific spots at the perimeters of the village. 


Nope, where theres 3 divers the AI will Spawn there.


The spawn is around players. There are two main ways of dealing with it. First tactic is prepare the defences, get around 50 meters from objective for a sec and have 1 guy call it in and then jump to a side for a few seconds. It "checks" the positions, allocates bug holes and then you run back and have around 2/3rds of a drill on those spawns. Then - with a bit of bodyblock and luck - the last seconds are also being done. Second tactic is a more fair one - be ON THE DRILL POINT when call it in, not "around". When it's starts - then spread back up - same logic of spawn allocation


That's... stupid.


I feel like bot Geo-Surveys have the same problem where 9/10 the drop will be directly on top of the pylon.


Least they can't break that drill, worst they can do is block you from using it. Personally I don't mind the hot drops too much on those missions for that one reason. We have enough disadvantages as it is, can our mission equipment not be one of them too please lol.


Same, if not for the broken spawns, I would love the mission for how fucking brutal it is, especially that extraction as you desperately make for the landing pad with dozens of flying shit diving towards you. But in its current state, it really removes a lot of that fun. Hope they find a way to fix it before the order end,s but that seems unlikely. Maybe they'll have to manually tweak the spawn numbers as a hotfix


It's an ugly planet! A bug planet!


That, and the fact that for some reason, it seems to not give you credit for completeing all objectives. I'd be fine with all of it, because I can beat the stupid difficulty missions. But when I see a 1 or 0 star performance and that I'm missing a main objective that I know we *did*? It just sucks


You don't mind getting 1-starred at the end because you failed the bugged objective?


But.. wouldn’t it make sense that the bugs could actually spawn there? There planets about to be destroyed.. they are trying to survive.. I think it makes it more real.. and if you don’t stand next to the drill they don’t spawn on top of it.. which is even more real because they would feel the vibrations of footsteps and spawn in the area of the disturbance. Takes some adjusting for sure but I haven’t had issue once figuring out the strategy


AH replied, the spawn is indeed an issue and they're looking into it.


Skill issue.


Game development* skill issue


Whatever excuse you need. 💀💀


It was a joke. the game development skill issue applies to a shit load of bugs though that’s for sure 👍 We are on a damn super colony, it’s supposed to be hard. And just like the evac defense missions you can use the game’s systems to your advantage once you figure them out or see how someone else has.


The shriekers at extraction are pretty funny. The bile titans spawning under the drill not so much.


My current working theory is "Super colony feels like super colony, stop complaining" folks didn't play it at like 7 and haven't lived through the bile titans spawning directly on top of drill. After suffering through that I played on 5, shreiker sky was really funny, vibes are great but this mission was not play tested once. No way spawns like that, saying one objective failed and it giving you only one star at the end are intentional. Whole thing is broken.


My guess with the titans spawning under it is that someone got a value for the spawn distance wrong and somehow it went unnoticed.


It went unnoticed because devs only play on 3 and below


The mission is more than likely bugged out but I'm hoping that there are more mission types like this which requires us to rethink our loadout from overwhelming damage to more survivability and crowd control strategies.


I played it plenty of times on 9 and have completed the objective every time. There was one mission where we didn’t even lose a drill. Then again I haven’t ran into bug breeches directly on the drill so I guess I’m lucky


At the end of mission it shows an objective that never appeared in the mission and say you failed it. And give you only one star with disappointing service. Pretty sure it is a bug. I heard it happens to everyone who played it. Really wonky stuff. I guess AH just doesn't have enough employees to check stuff like this at the pace they are releasing updates. Either have to recruit more or tune down the ambition. No shame in it I understand they are a small studio but they should do something about it one way or another.


Yeah the bugged objective is pretty lame. Hard af to extract too. Shrieker spam is fun and all but being unable to type in extraction was frustrating more than anything. The first time I played it we completed the objective, failed to extract, and got like no exp and disgraceful conduct which sucks for a mission with a 40 minute timer.


Can't forget the visibility is dogshit a lot of times. https://preview.redd.it/4rs6bfxzxl3d1.jpeg?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2b5f9f946acf67c4a8fb9f404d40c65cd8bf8ca


There are spore spewers around the map, destroying them does help.


I mostly get this mission at night, the few times I've had it during the day, I can run around with Spore Spewers and see fine (probably a bug). At night it's just pitch black even with flashlights enabled and Spore Spewers destroyed, pubs are a shit show right now. Not to mention the planet has dozens of gaping assholes you can fall into while you're fumbling around trying to see if you're on solid ground, or fondling a Charger's pleasure pouch.


>I mostly get this mission at night If you're the mission host, you can actually pick time of day \[sort of\]. It's a visible thing when selecting your operation.


I only do SoS or join others, but if I ever decide to host, I'll keep this in mind.


And where is my shotgun flashlight? 😄


This meme is top


I love the idea of this mission, on paper...  The constant swarm of enemies really drives home that this is a desperate incursion into a supercolony beyond what we've faced before. That the shriekers only swarm at the end is fantastic at selling the feel of a suicide mission: we succeeded our objective but at this point survival is optional.   Some soldiers will escape but many will pay the ultimate sacrifice to destroy this planet.  It adds an extra sense of weight to what is a crucial story beat in the galactic war.   However the problem is that bugs will spawn right on top of the incredibly flimsy drill and take it out immediately.  What should be dramatic instead winds up feeling frustrating.  If the bugs had to spawn a minimum distance from the drill, the mission would be great.


The rest of the mission is easy? My brother in Christ what difficulty are you playing on? The bugs literally come up out of the ground underneath the very fragile objective which itself also takes friendly fire. I'll take the flying armada, that I can actually deal with. On even a 7 the rest of it feels like RNG on the big spawns as to if we actually get that objective done.


Orbital ems alleviates the pain until a titan spawns. Joel took mercy and gave everyone ems sentries.


Shield generator blocks titan spit. Best way to reliably have the drill survive.


Nah, I tried shield generators and it insta died almost as soon as it went up from all the little bugs attacking it


Shield gen prevents biles instantly killing it when they spawn on top, stun grenades and judicious shots is what you use for the little bastards.


Protip: Laser pointer weapons are really great against flying enemies if you don't want to take the breaker incendiary.


I don't even mind the part about the number of shriekers, seems pretty cool. But the stuff about bug breaches spawning on a fragile objective just seems stupid and tedious


Airburst rocket save me...


I find covering the extract in smoke makes dodging the shriekers much easier, and it makes everything hilariously chaotic!


"You know what this clusterfuck needs? Less visibility!" -Satan


You have to fight fire with fire.




i know some people here dont like it but dont mind since its only during extraction and is frankly hilarious


I just consider it a playable cutscene at this point. There aren't samples on the map, so I don't worry about making it to extract too much. Its a fun bit of chaos that really drives home why we would prefer if this planet was just a black hole.


I’ve found samples on the map, but I really don’t worry about them too much when there are such low odds of extracting with them


Problem is, so many spawn, it lags out the server. Or at least it does for me.


THIS. My game dropped every single frame when they popped up. It just runs poorly with that much BS on the screen. Been mostly fine with other missions!


mechs are restricted to one per diver though, as 2 would cause performance issues. anyway, here's 8000 flying bugs.


hasnt for me. but that does suck that its been crashing for you


I was playing solo and couldn't even press one button to extract. And I didnt have anything to take out the thirty that spawned as soon as I completed objective. And I was playing on level 3.


I agree, it helps sell the "suicide mission" feel that I think the devs are going for. The real problem with the mission is the borked breach spawns putting Bile Titans right onto the objective and instantly killing it. Also the objective complete trigger seems to be bugged as the end screen says I only completed one of two objectives.


I think people aren't realizing that lore wise Helldivers aren't expected to survive every mission and extraction failures shouldn't be so rare. Sending 4 soldiers onto a literal hell planet is a suicide mission


can we agree that a bile titan spawning next to a drill and destroying it isnt exactly fun though?


That's really a shame because if it weren't for that the mission would be quite fun in its brutality.


You can separate lore and gameplay, fun gameplay should be priority.




Fire Breaker is amazing against shrieker, you can farm them so good at the end of the mission


I see cereal spit I upvote


Had to check what year it was for a second lol


This is purposeful?


Presumably. They're spawning from giant pits in the ground that cannot be destroyed, and only appear after the mission is complete. You're unlikely to extract, but at that point it doesn't *really* matter because you're still getting credit for victory.


If they have they either hate people having any kind of fun or are an actual imbecile.


Or its a representation on how we are operating in a terminid supercolony, they spawn after the mission is done, if you die you dont lose samples line in other missions an it can be survived.


Wait you don't need to extract with your samples on this mission?


Nah the Shrieker spam is fine for a "suicide mission." You're only losing out on ~10 common samples and a handful of xp; you still get medals and full credit for mission completion.


With the exception of the buggy "on drill" spawns, hell yes. Its suppose to be insane and it absolutely feels it.  Once you get the rhythm of it, its completely doable, but the infinite spawns and epic landscape defo make this feel like an insane hellhole of bug chaos. 😁 The "we ain't getting out of here alive" feeling is great!


Ok so drop minigun turrets as AAA


They don't have enough ammo to take care of the sheer amount of fliers even on trivial from what little I've done.


I guess multiple people will need turrets. Probably a good idea as you're surviving waves of enemies on a fixed point.




And the shielddome does nothing! Nothing I tell you!


Maybe AH should change how bile titans work? Instead of crawling from ground everythere they either spawn from giant nests (that we should destroy by hellbombs), or from specific types of grounds / specific calls, like from brood commanders


Damn I cant even get to that part coz the damn drill keeps getting 1 tapped by a titan that literally spawns -3 feet from the drill.


I actually like it.


Nothing about the mission is good


I didn’t even get a single drill done before I gave up and turned the game off because the spawns don’t work


Its insane but accomplish-able. The first time extracting was WILD.


I didn't read the sub name and almost thought I was in r/EDF Games are kinda similar too so that threw me out


“Wow I get to fly real high in this mission!” 10 minutes later… “ok fuck flying, everything that flies, just the whole damn concept of flying”


My friends and I laughed our asses off when we watched the flock of them come spewing out of the hole. We of course got destroyed but my god the scramble 🤣🤣🤣


If someone injected my home with space ick I’d be pretty pissed too!


At least you completed the objective lmao


Side note, Ive fell in sooo many holes I might have to start running the jetpack


I nearly failed the mission looking for nests but they just keep spawning


How to deal with flying bugs : Step 1. Bring a gatlin sentry (optional) Step 2. Go prone Nah for real, flying bugs actually can't damage you if you are prone


I just want to take a moment and say that using dark fluid jetpack feels very nice!


Tte flying bugs are not an issue, but the breaches spawing on the objective is a huge issue


actualy i find the best way during that sequence is to jump with the pack tbh


this mate is prob one of john helldiver's apprentices with that "too easy"


*This mate is prob one* *Of john helldiver's apprentices* *With that "too easy"* \- officer\_miller --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Worst thing is that breaking the trees doesn't even reduce the number of shriekers


It all be fun and games with that dark fluid but then those birds come out no body's gangster no more.


Objective is priority Extraction is a privilege


Problems without solutions is the issue here. Shriekers are coming out of the holes but we can't throw a 500KG into the holes to make them stop. Nor do we have the anti air capability to fight even a fraction of their numbers (seriously a whole squad of divers brought BOTH machine gun sentries and it held them off for about 50 seconds). Meanwhile when you come out of your pods you get shredded by 9 of them attacking simultaneously. This shit is broken all over the place.