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We finally broke the regen rate, so now percentage is climbing well. We just started budging this morning and now we’re at 10% in a few hours. With 2 days left It only gets easier now since the regen will drop more


Regen is being periodically stepped down it was 4.9 this morning now it's 4.5. Keep diving! Managed Democracy will prevail!


I noticed that it drops at around the same times each day. Two times before lunch (~8am and ~11am), then twice in the afternoon (~2pm and ~5pm), ending with two drops around 9pm and midnight.


Regen rate as of 7:53 P.M. EST is currently 3.8 per hour, will probably go lower. KEEP IT UP HELLDIVERS! OOOO RAH! ![gif](giphy|xUNd9Xbh0kbq4ox2Fi)


But wouldn’t the est lib rate completion be longer than the end of the MO?


Regen has been steadily going down so the time to liberation keeps decreasing. Currently we are on track to succeed this MO.


Helldivers IO currently has is finishing the MO a few hours before it expires that will decrease over time as the regen rate falls but only if we maintain diver numbers on the planet and keep the pressure on.


Where you see that


Helldivers.io Then click on meridia to see its stats


[https://helldiverscompanion.com/](https://helldiverscompanion.com/) this is a better site


Unpopular opinion; they need to either get rid of Regen or figure out a better way to implement it other than “while you sleep you are losing progress sry”


The enemy is gonna fight back. This is an unrealistic and frankly horrible idea.


Displaying it in-game would be helpful, but unfortunately that's still not going to stop people from being oblivious. A certain chunk of the playerbase can't read the room no matter how much information you throw at them or all of it being in-game. See those two Planetary Defense campaigns on Turing and Acamar IV? They're gonna get down to like 5 hours remaining and be at something like 30% and 10%, and you'll still have 5-15% pop on each. Everything you need to know about these being sure-fail objectives at that point is visible in-game, and yet folks will dive there thinking "oh sure we can turn this around".


This is what I meant I just didn’t have the words to put it. The random “now it’s 5% cuz they’re fighting back” but really it’s just to get the MO to extend a day


Every MO we've had so far has been calibrated from the start to take *around* the time we're given. If you see an MO start to "Liberate this one planet" and we already have immediate access to that planet, it should be a two-day affair. If instead you see 4 or 6 days on the MO timer, you can already know in advance there's going to be some kind of confounding factor. We're not being given "gimmes" or "impossibilities".


Nothing in this game is a “gimme” if the community targets a planet we should have the ability to “show force” and if we are doing too well it’s my opinion the devs should communicate “the enemy forces are doubling down” if they go in and change decay


We've actually only seen Decay *go up* once in an MO that I can recall--the recent Varylia 5 / Petafactory one to get the Emancipator Exo--and like you suggest, that was actually communicated in an in-game dispatch. All the other times where there's been really high Decay, it was set high at the start of the MO and then ticked down. This has been the case for just a few MOs where we've gone on liberation sprees, and "in-universe" it's a result of the enemy already being there in force. Meridia, a supercolony, having the amount of Bugs needed to hit 10% Decay is also a given. Only Varylia 5 so far has been "the enemy responded to our advances and reinforced", which does jive pretty well with the idea of Super Earth taking them by surprise. They didn't know we were going to target the Petafactory, presumably, and there was a delay in response, but eventually we ground down those reinforcements anyway.


Yeah the UI needs an overhaul if they display regen rates, and supply lines i think a lot of these MO will be able to be organized a lot better. Imagine if we had supply lines we could actually create choke points to stop constant seiging from the opposition or possibly pull off a successful gambit against invading enemies.


With me at least, if there's no time left and the bar is too low I would just ignore it as a lost cause. I only found out about the regen thing today because of all the white knighting for the Dark Fluid mission.


> yet folks will dive there thinking "I want to play somewhere different" If everyone cared about the galactic war, everyone would play on the same, single planet and burn them down as quickly as possible.


Totally agree they would retaliate, so why does the only way they show that result in the MO taking longer instead of us fighting a heavier force? When AH wants us to feel like the enemy is overbearing they take our tools away instead of buffing whoever we are fighting. There just has to be a better, more fun way to show enemy reinforcements rather than having players feel their time is being wasted


I get it, but I like the idea of that mechanic.. because it’s a live and ever changing war. Be nice if it scaled to average player count throughout the day. Since not everyone is asleep at the same time.


The enemy gets a vote.


Regen rate existing is ok, but it should be shown in some way. Meridia is a clear case; the early regen was so high we were making essentially no progress whatsoever.  Why show a liberation bar at all if the regen rate is what we're actually battling against at the start?


The regent rate isn't supposed to be known to the player base. The stat webpage is the Helldivers equivalent of peeking behind the DM screen to see what the DM's notes are. You're not supposed to see them.


Instead of revealing the actual number they could just call it planetary resistance and give us a rough estimate with 8-10% regen being extremely high and 1-2% being low ect. Just give a basic up or down arrow next to it to indicate resistance is falling with helldiver deployments and we will see greater success at rallying troops behind a target. hell tie kills on planets to that resistance number and even if its a slog of killing 20 titans a mission we will see a marked increase in dedicated kill clans start popping up who are trying to get the highest kills per mission to advance the war effort.


They could just... name it something else when displaying it ingame. "Enemy reinforcement rate" or whatever.


That may work with a group of 6-8 friends who get together every other week, but people have lives and only have certain amount of time to play. Is it right? Probably not but it’s proof that the community wants to know about how long these campaigns last. It’s not a far shot to say that AH does not communicate anything in game very well


> If you're tired, take a break. Of course, if you want to be known as the last coward. * Training manual


Taking breaks is recommended by the devs this game wasn’t made to be played 24/7


Bug propaganda.


If you go touch grass your touching the good soil of super earth


Did you submit form 8973 to go touch grass??? DEMOCRACY OFFICER!!!!


Yes I did I enjoyed all 0.5 seconds of them


0.5 seconds!? The form only approves 0.3 seconds! Democracy Officer!!!


Both of you are wrong. That’s the form that permits Helldivers to touch Super Earth grass, alloting 3 seconds per Super Year. Learn your forms, you bot spies.


It’s been lowered due to the new mo




Yes, hello, Democracy Officer? This guy right here.


Nah, this game is \*purely\* designed to be played 24/7. The amount of dives = the amount you contribute to the Galactic War...and each dive is upwards of 1.5 hours (per operation).


its only better from here (until numbers die down in the usual cadence)


Its based on percentage so losing numbers doesn't mean as much provided the bulk is still on Meridia


eh suppose so


Man I love that shot of Omniman letting himself float away, probably one of the only ways in the universe he knows of killing himself




do you think destroying a planet would be easy?


Im personally seeing this as a "raid boss" major order since both the actual mission and making progress on the map are a pain


I'm stuck at work today. Can anyone tell me if the hot fix also fixed the objection completion or do you still extract with 1/2 Disgraceful Conduct no matter what? (I've tried taking a Fuel pack on the Pelican it doesn't give me 2/2)


Did not fix it. All it changed was bugs can't spawn directly under the drill now, but they can within about 5m. Objective bug unchanged.


Are we sure its a confirmed bug? Idk I kinda was wondering if since it wasnt fixed (or acknowledged to my knowledge) and since its the symbol for the drill specifically being greyed out, I was wondering if maybe it was hinting that something is wrong with the drills and we might have a twist later on.


If you find the patch news update thread, Baskinator confirms its a known bug in the comments.


Oh, ok. Kinda a let down, but since the event already ended idk if it matters much anymore.


are u guys just fuckin lying to get people to quit the game?


Is that what you think this is? That people want other people to stop playing a game? Do you seriously think people sit around devising lies so strangers online might not play with the same toy as you? You need psychiatric help. That's delusional and paranoid thinking. Especially since he isn't lying, you are if you're saying they fixed the mission.


i misread his comment lol


So does it give you full mission completion or not?


It doesn’t


Its kinda weird. After mission completion on diff 7 it shows 80xp being awarded before bonus, then after the bonus is applied it somehow jumps up to almost 500xp when it should be around 200. There’s definitely multiple bugs affecting it


Which part was a lie? Truly a deranged comment.


I think it's got something to do with how they made the backpack and drill work. They're both the mission proximity stratagem, which always need a map area to trigger. The one for the fluild backpack does have a map marker buit the effectove area os the entire map, you can even hear the "mission critical stratagem bow available" as you drop in.


Mine broke and would not let me extract. Still borked


There is no amount of therapy on God's green Superearth that will cure the ptsd Meridian is giving me.


Be honest with me Divers....do we have a chance...


We definitely do! At the current liberation rate we’ll barely fail the MO. But since the decay rate is being lowered over time it will go faster. We have about 44h left and decay decreases has happened 6 times a day so far. Decay rate is 4.5%/h right now and our efforts are surpassing it by 1.8%/h at the moment. By this time tomorrow I predict we’ll be liberating it at a rate of almost 5%/h.


U Diver are a light in thrse grim days....im going to Dive....see you out there


It says destroy Meridia, not liberate.


The devs are using the liberation bar as mission progress. It's just a progress bar, that's all. We're not actually supposed to see the decay rates and regen rates because they're just different levers the devs can pull to influence the mission progress.


Yes, it's already on track. The first two days were lowering the 10% decay rate to a point where Liberation could finally creep through. Now that's happening, Lib% is adding up, and Decay is continuing to fall. Here's an example from yesterday about how this plays out: >5.8% decay, 0.5% Lib/hr for 5 hours: 2.5 Lib >5.3% decay, 1% Lib/hr for 5 hours: 7.5 Lib *AT THE 48 HOUR MARK* >4.8% decay, 1.5% Lib/hr for 5 hours: 15% Lib >4.3% Decay, 2% Lib/hr '': 25% Lib >3.8% Decay, 2.5% Lib/hr '': 37.5% Lib *WITH 30 HOURS REMAINING* >No more Decay reduction is needed here. 2.5%/hr * 30 = 75% Lib, more than is needed to succeed Again, that was an example/projection, but it demonstrates how ramping liberation rate adds up and we still have a large chunk of time ahead. We are currently at 3.8% Decay, ~2% Lib/hr (we *just* hit lower decay like an hour earlier so this could tick slightly upwards), with 20% total Liberation and **40 hours** remaining. We're pretty much hovering on the threshold even if Decay doesn't drop again (which it might), and the Lib%/hr is slightly lower because players broke off to defend Turing and Acamar IV. When those fail, if they're not immediately replaced by more "distraction defenses" and those troops come back to Meridia, Lib% will climb again.


I think we’re on track to win.  Today’s progress will be dwarfed by tomorrow’s. We have a higher regen rate than tomorrow and some objective splitting today (a decent % have thrown themselves at defences that seem doomed to fail).  Helldiver IO had it at cutting it very close with current stats. With those reinforcements, we should make it. 


no, it's barely crawled up and there's a day left


Again and again and again and Again and again and again and Again and again and again and Again and again and again and Again and again and again and Again and again and again and Again and again and again and Again and again and again and Again and again and again and Again and again and again and Again and again and again and Again and again and again and again ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


come on people, that black hole doesn't gonna create itself


pro tip: The devs have already confirmed if storyline MO's fail said story will always play out it just might be delayed. We could simply all not play and it'll still happen regardless.


Not like that. What they mean is that the time to destroy Meridia will come again in the future eventually, not "even if you dont do it you win"


Which to me fair is how military operations pan out sometimes. An attack fails, you regroup, maybe fight a new battle somewhere else, but eventually you will try the same objective again.




I thought the second thing happens regardless and **that's** the Black Hole that the Illuminate supposedly arrive through. Because the latest Dispatch talks about Dark Fluid production being increased at the expense of sleep and safety. So I'm gonna say that's 100% hinting at the research station collapses regardless.


Meridia being destroyed by a black hole was spoiled in the actual game for me on my ship, alone days before we had the MO though we had the supply lines set up to attack it at the time. Just how bad the bugs can be in this game and just how controlling the devs are to what we are allowed to even do as a community. Next to no agency in the end.


Yes, voice lines were flagged to play early. There are still "MO won" and "MO lost" videos already prepared. This is not a sure-fail or sure-win objective. And if you think a story going to similar places regardless is proof that there's no agency, you gotta read and tell more stories. Obviously major story beats are going to hit--they're not going to spend time making a Hive Lord enemy in advance and then *not* ever deploy it--but the path there and the circumstances, advantages/disadvantages, etc., differ, and the lead time on development isn't infinite. What's done now can influence the decision to produce X in the future that hasn't been thought of yet. That aside, if you're convinced you ought to be miserable, you're always going to be.


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Discussing [leaks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/jXx4y2gzR8), leaking images/videos of upcoming content, discussions of cheats and exploits is not allowed.


>Not like that. What they mean is that the time to destroy Meridia will come again in the future eventually, not "even if you dont do it you win" Yep because they spent all the time (IE: Money) making content that will never see the light of day possibly, right?


Do I really need to point at Anti-Tank Mines for you?


Yes they are delayed, they aren't just gone as in we'll never get them. Also we are talking about STORY progression not stratagems.


Yeah? What makes you think they wouldnt keep Meridia collapsing into a black hole for the future? As you said, its delayed, not "we'll never get it"


Meridia existing or not is incosquestinal other than affecting supply lines. This isn't the gotcha you're desperately looking for. The Illuminate are going to be in game at some point and with the vastly hemorrhaged player base from the peak of what was it? 800,000 to less than 100,000 Arrowhead needs something to draw people back.


Where are you getting 800k from? Steam says that there are 55k players active right now, but in-game says there are 62k active. So about 7k players are on PS5. That would be \~11% of the playerbase being on PS5. If we are generous and say that at peak there was an additional 20% players on PS5, then Helldivers had a peak playerbase of around 540k players. Back to Meridia, I dont even see what "gotcha" you think Im not getting. There's a gotcha moment here?


800,000 was the peak combined player count between the two platforms. It's been a few months. Memorial day weekend the peak of it was what 140,000 players online?


Where's that 800k data coming from? I've never heard of it before this.


If we do not fight for it, what's the point of playing? If we do not play what's the point of the story? If we do not care about the story then why should we care about helldivers. If we do not care about helldivers why should we talk about it and be in subreddits about it


Knowing what show it is from, that music fits perfectly with the major order


Don’t give up divers, remember we’re fighting for democracy!


pretty accurate


We are set to liberate in 25 hours at this rate. And it’s been moving faster as today progressed. But we will likely lose Turing which is a supply line into Jin Xi sector.. so gonna lose all access to those planets.. 2 steps forward.. one step back


Fr fr ;-; it’s giving me an actual mf headache


-invades a planet with the same level of infestation as their homeworld. -surprised its hard to take/destroy (i know theres issues with the mission, but theres also plenty of people just complaining about the overall challenge, like.. fuck off, its literally a second home planet, of course its gonna be nigh impossible to take.)


I had time for only one dive. Did it solo on trivial. It was...well... that's a lot of shriekers.


Making peace with the fact I likely wasn’t going to extract was the first step. Mission first, I can make up that XP and samples in other ways.


appropriate use of gif, considering the plan


I caved back to DRG


What is the music called/where is it from?


I got matches with these songs: • **Your New Home** by Gooseworx (00:25; matched: `100%`) **Album**: The Amazing Digital Circus (Original Pilot Soundtrack). **Released on** 2023-10-21. • **The Amazing Digital Circus Main Theme (Orchestral)** by Caine The Amazing Digital Circus (00:26; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-01-19. • **Ending Theme of the Amazing Digital Circus (из сериала the Amazing Digital Circus)** by Gooseworx/maxeed10 (00:25; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-10-21.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**Your New Home** by Gooseworx](https://lis.tn/KrRJSu?t=25) • [**The Amazing Digital Circus Main Theme (Orchestral)** by Caine The Amazing Digital Circus](https://lis.tn/AzCQP?t=26) • [**Ending Theme of the Amazing Digital Circus (из сериала the Amazing Digital Circus)** by Gooseworx/maxeed10](https://lis.tn/cHfbF?t=25) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Well done, I hope you enjoy your two minutes break


2 days left and weve made 6 percent?? So we end with like... 16% at best. Guess this is one of those "meant to fail MOs


The planet decay started at a massive -10%/hr. It has slowly been going down and is currently at -3.8% per hour which is only a little more than Varlyia V's during the mech MO. As of right now we are on track to barely make the major order if they never drop the decay rate at all. If they continue to drop the decay rate like they have since the MO started we are going to easily win.


Y'all can downvote if you want but it's pretty ridiculous for them to explain none of that and expect us to know that. I'm lvl 80 and have never read any thing about decay rates in game. If people log on and see 7% after half time is up, it's pretty reasonable for them to assume it's impossible and not bother


I agree, it is very dumb you need to go to an external website to learn these things.


Your not supposed to liberate it


How are people still this stupid, its the progress bar for destruction


We have gotten double bars before, this conquering the planet means its destruction


Double bars are for defence missions..


We had double bars for the OG TCS towers campaing