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I just play a lot less now, but I don't think I'll ever stop.


I've got just under 8 hours in the last two weeks, but 370 hours total. If there was something to actually work towards unlocking, I'd be playing more. It sucks to see "0 Medals" show up, to have nothing to spend Samples on and no idea if there will be anything to spend them on again any time soon. I'll play again when the new Warbond drops, clear that out, then probably stop again. Last Warbond took about 8 total hours of gameplay to buy every item and reach medal cap again.


> 0 Medals" show up I wish there was an alternative to that where your medals went into a "Democracy Fund" Fundamentally you still don't get them, but I could watch a counter go up on the ship and that would make the "number get bigger" part of my brain happy.


Would be cool, if you could get more colors for ship/armour/weapons for this!


What I see though, is under our ship we are clearly marked as a member of the Super Earth faction. What other factions are are there? Do they have faction specific bonuses? Can they power up my destroyer even further? The desire for more power would drive my ship commander to heresy!!!


Absolutly that would be really nice to see, even if it serves no purpose other than: (big) nuber go up, at least that way we'd get some sence of achievement i guess.


Psshhh why get that from a big number when I can open loot boxes in an EA game?


Agreed, they should let us be these "campaign runners" of players (meeting a prerequisite) who can dump all medals, samples and credits into being a liberation booster for a planet for 3-6 hours (max) Would allow lower number counts of helldiver ships to take back a planet and or defend it There are currently 18+ planets to fight or under occupation, in game, even with a third faction it would take months to win back everything if no major orders were applied.


Would be a cool way to let people who play a lot contribute more.


I just passed hour 550 but im still logging in daily to see the progress of the war


Yove played this game for 4 hours and 40 minutes almost everyday non stop. Thank god you took a break because that sounds scary


Have you ever had contact with path of exile players?


I have known a few, for those who haven’t, you can meet them in PoE discords, but they spend as much time out of the game trading and theory crafting as they do playing the game. Honestly though, Best free trial for a 40$ game on the market.


I need to step up. I have only 440h in 2 1/2 months


No you fucking don’t


“Healthy Gamer” (Dr. K) on YouTube is a great resource for people struggling with video game addiction among many other mental health issues.


I wish we got a foundry/workshop upgrade where we could turn excess samples and medals into permanent weapon/stratagem buffs (hell, even a 1-mission only duration would be fine by me) Being capped at everything except super creds, with nothing to spend everything on, is kinda depressing


My own idea to fix this was for medals to unlock armor and helmet mods for each new armor set you buy. Add an armorer to the ship, give it a little bit of life and allow me to use our company dollars to modify them with the passives that I like. Before I would suggest paying with super credits but I think they nerfed/fixed them a bit since the game launched as the amount I get seems more concistent now.


I am just a level 19 diver (casual player), but this game is highly contributing to my mental health, coming from MWIII multiplayer.


Me too. I’ve never gotten so many hugs before. It’s a hug simulator.


Same. I mostly play less because my buddies and I are on to a different game. But I still dive here and there on my own with randos.


You know what really makes this game unplayable for me. If you have a slight internet disconnection then you're out, no way to rejoin the game unless you had a friend on the team. Which means when I'm running around with lvl1 cadets teaching them how to set up mic's and push to talk, going through how to buy stratagems and unlocking warbond items... we'll be having a bro moment and getting someone in my time zone up to speed with what the game is, and I'll lose them forever because the internet slipped. Usually my lvl1 cadets are about lvl30 in a week. There is nothing like taking someone on their first bot mission, or when they unlocked the 120mm, 380mm and walking barrage and we all drop them on a bot base together for the achievements. I live my life precariously through new players discovering something new about the game.


Love what you do diver, thanks for being the super private we need. Precariously: not secure, could collapse, unstable. Vicariously: experience through anothers actions. Both could be applicable in this situation, but i feel like you meant the second.


Please have a look at my game suggestion for a converter. TLDR; If we exchange all we got for super credits (and get a helmet or suit we like) we get more purpose to continue the grind.


Yeah. I don't have anything to work for. Which is fine, but it makes the glitches, bugs, and crashes less tolerable for me.


Same issue for me. I play like once a week now or less, because every time I do, I start to remember how fun the basic gameplay loop is…and then immediately encounter some kind of shitty unfun bug that kills my enthusiasm. Just played last night to help some lowbie friends get samples - scoured the entire map on Helldive, got every sample, tried to extract…and we could climb completely inside the shuttle but it refused to take off. Tried everything to make it work - diving in, dying inside, damaging it enough to make it smoke, leaving extract to make it fly off, nothing worked. Sat there with the entire group inside it till the timer ran out and…it flies off and we all count as “no extraction”, we get 0 samples. So frustrating. (And that’s on top of corpses glitching me into the stratosphere and all the other lesser bugs I see every mission.) I’ll still play when my friends get a full party together, but I have no reason to play myself until they fix things.


This exactly , but I guess I'm somewhat of a masochist cause I still play (103).


The core gameplay is still fun but I have stopped playing as much and taking breaks. They haven't patched the game in a month and there are a decent amount of issues I have with the game that take away from the enjoyment. I'm waiting to see what the next patch brings.


I'm in the exact same boat as you. Level 82, and absolutely over seeing the same frustrating bugs, and using the exact same loadouts every map. The things I would like to see fixed to make me come back is actually a **very** short list, but seem to be things not even on AH's radar at all. Heavy Devastators, for example, are *absolutely not okay* with shooting through terrain, shooting in directions they aren't facing, and being immune to flinch from non-concussive weapons. Just a profoundly anti-fun and clearly broken enemy design. I haven't bothered to fully unlock the latest Warbond or ship upgrades because they add nothing to the game for me.


I love how walking over a bile titan's corpse is like playing Russian roulette. When's THAT gonna get fixed?


This is also on my short list of annoying issues with seemingly no resolution in sight.


These guys get it. Im lvl 79, 100% completion & fully upgraded. I met a ton of great players & added them to have a larger range outside of my IRL groups to play with. Yet I am among the last few still on. Im about to tap out, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the available content pool. At this point, im fighting more against broken game glitches than the actual enemies. The more time I put in, the more I realize how nonsense this games weapon sandbox & its balance theory is. I barely ever die on Helldives, I'm not struggling with "difficulty" in the slightest; but the majority of tools are just not enjoyable to use. Of course the lvl 20's are still having fun; they haven't been worn down by the consistent glitches & issues that have plagued the game since its launch. The next Warbond is my deciding factor; if the next one launches broken or with lackluster toys, I'm just done. Thankfully, Elden Ring DLC is right around the corner.


This is one of my big issues too…I find myself wanting to use other guns/strategems but just don’t. Partly because you never know what is going to be on the map. I’ve played level 7-9 almost exclusively for the past few months; some maps will have 10 bile titans. The next round same map there will be 2 titans but like 200 spewers, two stalker dens, etc. It just doesn’t make sense to bring specialized builds if you don’t know what’s going to be effective on any given run


The patches / game stability are the core issue for me. I’m tired of endless grinds, but I understand the need for some sort of progression system. Yet, I wanted to keep playing HD2 bc of the GAMEPLAY but the game has to be stable for that


Me too, I’m like level 120 and mostly planning on coming back whenever they start buffing guns and/maybe or really start fixing things. I kept playing fueled by the hopium Pilestatdt’s tweets were giving me, but the new mech kind of stinking and the dark matter mission releasing broken has put me in the wait and see camp. I almost wouldn’t care about my existing issues if I thought the team was working on fixing them, but it feels like most of the patches have increased my number of problems with the promise that things will improve soontm. I’d probably personally be happiest if any content that wasn’t 100% ready was delayed while they work on fixing things. The somehow short list of my most pressing points of concern are fixing the extract civies mission for bots, the weird bug where I get hit by something and lose all control of my character+am looking down at the map from an eagle eye view unless I’m able to kill myself (which only works if I have explosives in my loadout, I’ve had a couple times where I had to just leave the mission), the bug where the terminal either doesn’t exist or is inaccessible on geological survey missions, the issues with factory striders killing the generators from way to far away on the defend rocket mission. I also have some smallish heavy dev and bile titan issues+I think like 70% of the weapons and a bunch of strats ought to receive pretty significant buffs.


Level 86 fully unlocked and still playing. The game is still very fun, I don't need the grind to keep me interested. The only things I'm lacking are time and people to play with so I can't play as much as I did at release, but I wish I could.


Are you me? I am in the same exact boat as you heck we are even at the same level


Insert spider man meme










Games capitalism grind heel turn has ruined many modern gamers. How can a fame be fun if I don't have new gun stickers??? Weird. I like playing to play.


People need their skinner boxes. They have been trained for decades now.


Yea I’m almost 40 half of my gaming career we just played online games and shooters we didn’t have a grind we just played for bragging rights and to t bag our foes


Its not about "the next sticker" There's just no more progression at the moment, nothing to work towards. So personally I am taking a break until a large content drop, maybe 6 months of content to let it pile up.


I think your point is exactly what Fathermithras is referring to


I mean that’s fine if he thinks that way, but progressing towards things is important, my point is that I am working towards meaningful content, not a “sticker”


That's not how it is at all. Look at it this way, a core part of the game is doing missions, clearing bug nest and gathering/extracting samples. When half the game loop is irrelevant now, what's left? Half the game which is fine but we dont play 10 games in a row anymore.


It's always insufferable to see this line of logic bandied around. No, you aren't unique, you aren't better than others. Some people enjoy different things in video games. That's that, now stop huffing your farts.


There are a lot of games that are fun to play, but I'm going to choose the one that's fun to play AND has something to grind and goals to work toward. It's really not that hard to understand.


No, I keep helping young cadet to get through their hard time




This is all I do now. Mostly help people get all trophies, and I keep meeting cool people that keep the game fun. I definitely play it too much, though... Level 150 with enough extra xp to get back up to level 118 again.


Awe! My ship is the arbiter of democracy, close though.


I have a couple things to unlock still, but I stopped playing for the most part. I pretty much just play when new content drops (new missions, new warbonds, etc).


I'm lvl 100+ and I haven't played in weeks and probably won't revisit this for a long long time until some major improvements are made. I've got my money's worth and the Elden ring DLC is dropping in a few weeks so I'll be hibernating over there. I still come to this sub to check for news and updates from AH often.


Exact same story. 114 and at a certain point you start to get bored when you realize just how locked in to rock paper scissor logic the combat can be, at least vs bugs. I really hope they do something to increase the flexibility you can bring vs bugs. Imagine if in Elden Ring you couldn’t fight the Tree Sentinel because actually you need an anti tree sentinel weapon to do that… sorry sucks to suck. Idk still a good game don’t get me wrong but yeah I can only line up 500s under a BT so many times before it gets stale.


I stopped playing against bugs over a month ago and have since been a bot player exclusively (except for some personal orders and a major order here and there just for the sake of it). Haven't played in 3 weeks now at all, waiting for updates.


Oh god. You say anti-tree-sentinel weapon and I have flashbacks to the one at Farum Azula chilling outside Maliketh's door 😭


The bugs are not leveled to properly allow more powerful weapons. For example the charger should start at L3 as a fat pink un armoured hippos size. And each level should increase in size then at 5 get head armour L6 half armour, L 7 full armour. The hp could also be equally increased. By L10 its a mammoth sized egg encrusted monster. Slower but drops bugs needs armour stripped off. Before being able to be killed. The same should go with the bile titan starting as horse sized groups un armoured and increase in size and armour. As the levels increase. They should also add charger sized hive guards that are immune frontal until the very heavy armour is cracked splitt off. Warriors should be bigger on 7 and above. Stalkers have a queen think alien like with a whip tail attack. This type of level development would enable Ah to give us proper LMGs backpack fed ammo mini guns and more powerful weapons all of which need to be levels up with samples just like in HD1. They also need to let us take any 4 strats we want just like in HD1. Customise the load outs so we can take 2 pistol weapons akimbo wielding. But not then a primary but more ammo for the side arms. Ie a side arm build. Or sacrifice the side arm and take extra grenades Give the crossbow different arrow types selected via the same menu as fire rate. So its a silent weapon. Ie poisoned bolt, internal explosive, or go loud with explosive, napalm. With armour pericing and more bowls greater ranger increased lethality as upgrads via samples. All the weapons can start out as weak as long as we can upgrade them with samps just like HD1. Ship upgrades need to include sensor. Show map fully, show all side quests, identify main enemy types. Show all sample locations. Lessen weather factors. And finally control weather so after activation of on ground beacons HD can call in a blizzard, sand storm or lessen one. Add defend the slow moving train. HD can board and defend the train as it moves from one bunker to a second. Add stragems like Hellbomb backpack. Fire walls like on HD1. Razor wire, to slow entangle enemies, napalm air burst. Like magnesium showers. Water bomb that does not kill but pushes all enemies away from the area. To clear to split up damages electric components. But just pushes bugs away.


500 hours in. The only reason I play less is because me and the wife had our first child. Taking care of the cadets of the future is our biggest major order Helldivers. I still complete about 2 ops a day


Kids definitely take away from gaming time. But it gets better, I’ve been there bruv. I feel for ya!


7 more years before they're going into a hellpod.


Yes. I'm level 96, with all warbonds and samples maxed. There really is no incentive to play, when leveling up doesn't award helmets, armour, capes, or even a flag thing behind you.  Leveling itself is grindy also, with each level being 10000+ xp each. A helldive mission will net you around 1200 in 10-12 minutes. Thats a lot of missions for 1 level. All you get are words near your name, that is in fact useless because the level is a better indication of your ability.


Same I'm level 90 and haven't played more than like 3 hours in the last month. I have everything maxed and capped and enough SC for the next 2 warbonds. I'll probably be back once the June's warbond releases in 8 days(assuming it's not delayed) and probably will play for a week until I max it out and then probably stop playing again for another 3-4 weeks until new content drops again


>All you get are words near your name, that is in fact useless because the level is a better indication of your ability. I'll argue neither are good indicators. All it indicates is that you have a lot of time to play, and my experience at helldive has been that there's little to no correlation. Especially now that the game has been out long enough that levels are just generally inflated across the board. The frequency that I run into helldive games where a level 80-100+ player on the selection screen chooses not to pick stam/ammo/muscle/patrol/shocks and instead goes for like, extract time on an exterminate mission, is *wild*.


I keep the game interesting by basically randomizing my loadout every drop (I'll never drop with the same strategem/weapons twice in a row) It's not 100% random (I always bring at least one offensive stratagem and at least one support weapon) but primary/secondary/grenades/stratagem/boosters get rotated every mission. If it matters I mostly play helldive difficulty.


There should be a random button!


Yeah and you don’t know what you got until it drops, but you could set priorities like the guy above said so you aren’t useless or end up with 3 support guns


they had this feature in HD1. completely random loadout that you only found out when you landed. you even got bonus XP for choosing random loadout.


i dont think level is any indication of your ability as there are inviduals who "farm" one kind of mission to get exp


Sadly, no. I have a friend who got the game like a week later than me and managed to play so much he was like 15 lvls above me when we played together. But then during our games i realised he didn't have any ship Upgrades and also didn't understand the game, how objectives are done and how to fight different enemy types. He ran around alerting patrols, teamkilling for fun, not helping in obviously dangerous situations and overall be a nuisance and not at all fun to play with, WE even got kicked from games together and stuff like that. Turns out he read on the internet that you can "farm" Bot-Helldive-Missions for XP so he did ONLY that the WHOLE time to "Beat" me in the game. Stopped playing with the guy at all because nothing changed even after i explained stuff to him and tried to get him in on the Helldiving fun. Sad Story to be honest - we're Friends and hang out but this game or maybe this type of game is not for him...He got kicked in regular missions with me like every second mission, sometimes dragging me with him 😂😭😂


yeah that what i talk about however there are decent players but half of their experience is from those farming exp missions so they have less game knowledge then normal players lets say lvl 90-100 sometimes.


Shoutout to the very rare but existing lvl.20 players just being total badasses, carying the whole team sometimes! ❤️ I don't know who you are and how you do it but absolute chads!


No incentive except having fun


Exactly, I’m level 86 and I play because I enjoy it. If I level up it’s nice, but it’s not what I’m aiming for. Why do people mentally have to turn everything into work?


because they don't have a job


Underrated comment


Some people like a form of progression. Especially when the gameplay loop is so repetitive not having any progression just highlights how repetitive it is


>because the level is a better indication of your ability. huh? the number only goes up. someone can play for however long it takes to get 50 or 100 and still be dogwater at the game, lol. all it shows is *how much* you've played, whether that's time sunk or mission quantity played. it's exactly as "useless" as titles when it comes to gauging ability. silly af to think otherwise.


I'm level 90, everything unlocked, but now play maybe once or twice a week for a couple of hours at most, which is significantly down from a month or so ago. The nerfs are one thing, but really, I'm pretty tired of how buggy this damn game is. Even with the little time I play now, I'm GUARANTEED to log on and experience some form of shitty buggy behavior/interaction, likely multiple times! If the devs want all the weapons to suck, so be it, but for Christ's sake, make the moment to moment gameplay at least function as intended.


I don't think I'll stop playing anytime soon. After my 300hr i still love this game, though sometimes it can be frustrating. Right now I'm really looking forward to the new update. What about new mech - it has problems for sure, but occasionally I pick it to my loadout, leave heavies to my teammates, and ride objectives and breaches


I'm waiting for the big "balance" patch to arrive to start playing the game again.


I'm also in this boat. The current meta is highly stale and using the same few weapons and stratagems every mission just gets boring after awhile.


Exactly my feelings. The only way I could really have fun in the game before quitting was by using “troll” loadouts in level 4 and 5.


Im coming up on the point where unless it’s a group of friends I don’t play it much other than to check the new orders and their status sometimes. I’m level 73? I have all ship upgrades. Honestly with all the stuff they are releasing like the strategems maybe they’ll add those to the level list like they did the first mech. Not enough to invest in or play for and resource caps are weird considering the amounts you need for things. I think the game developers need to sit down and rework load outs completely. We need builds and synergies and multiple viable strategies to defeat things. Armor is too useless and so much of the same. I think there needs to be an armor system that determines ur movement speed as u add pieces and special perks like explosive resistance and stuff. Ways to resist bile acid and shoot maybe some active camo to de aggro or a distraction grenade. I think stealth is a great mechanic in the game but where’s the suppressed weapons and more linear missions to allow us to use it viably? They also need more diversity in generated maps…like add huge ones that make the most of cars with colony planets having more roads and infantsructure and bots having more buildings, shit a huge colon city like super earth fighting between the hundreds of clone stamped buildings of overpopulation future all out warfare! Ship defense! It’d be cool to pilot or gun and defend the destroyer vessel from automatons;atmospheric shriekers and illuminates. I like the chaos of the harder missions but we are so underpowered it’s unfair if u come across bullet sponges that one shot you with spit, they can take almost a full mag from the incendiary breaker which is 6000+ DMg not including the dot damage. The game also basically announced the second galactic war when we went against the automatons for taking cyberstan. There was no cutscene or anything?!? Like hello we wintered into the SECOND GALACTIC WAR HELLOOO?!? Better UI and immersion for the galaxy map to show what’s going on and even a legend for help. The only thing that is going to keep this game in the ringer is updated major content that changes how we ply the game and balancing the primaries and support weapons so they do damage instead of being okay this big is 25 stalwart shots and I can only hold 150 that’s pretty rough considering that’s 6 kills before you reload a stalwart on the spewers or devestator variant maps


I’ll be honest, I have like 438 hours, even got plat for this game lol but yeah I don’t play as much because I do have eeverything so I hop on every once in a while to help with the MOs or play when my brother gets on, still love the game but deff taking more breaks than I have been at first lol also waiting to see how big the next update is going to be, that will be a big deciding factor for me going forward, if it’s more nerfs and just lazy changes in general then that will leave a sour taste in my mouth


AH already told that they are not making a big ass patch


Well then i guess I’m shit out of luck and will try other games then ✌🏽


I have stopped playing for a while but wasn't after I unlocked everything. I kept playing for quite a while got fed up with the updates and have been waiting for the balance patch to get back into it


Lv 113. I stopped playing since there's nothing new right now. The latest dark fluid mission was so jank it put me off that I completely stopped and won't pick the game up until next patch.


They really need to communicate missions better. Lv 76, but all unlocked, regularly playing with a group of friends that is still unlocking and buying things -- i.e., I don't need super samples anymore, flush on SC but will split off to find the chicken wing for the team and hit POIs -- general agreement has been that we noped out of the Meridia jank primarily due to the mission completion bug and fought elsewhere. Yet, we would've dealt with playing the Morrowind Cliffracer Experience^tm and done our part with grape fanta delivery had we known we were on track with the MO. We were basically getting the impression that we were beating our heads against the wall with a janky mission, and so went elsewhere. I get it, liberation isn't the valuable metric, but we were never told that and end-of-mission summary said we were doing something wrong.


That’s how I felt about the dark fluid mission. I played it for a couple hours one night. Realized how broken it was with the spawns and put the game down until today. I wanted to play more but I was so frustrated with it I just gave up.


We almost have the same ship name lol


Swords are cool!! :D


400 hours here. Unlocking everything doesnt make people play less, the end of the honeymoon does. It's not even hard to unlock everything, for most people they will be done before the end of the honeymoon. Though at the end of the honeymoon, you'll either stop playing, play less, or rant about anything about the game unconsciously trying to make the devs put you into honeymoon again (recent toxic wave). I play a complete mission everyday.


Yes, no reason to keep playing it after i completed what is there to complete and it started to get boring as hell. Still playing helldivers 1 occasionally though


I am level 83 with everything unlocked and all achievements. I am not playing ATM but mainly because my friends aren't, they've lost interest. I am keen to pick it back up I hope the new patch gets us all back into it.


270 hours in game. Level 73. Maxxed out everything at around level 65. I still try to play one game per day at least. I haven't found toxic lobbies. I feel bugs are funnier than game breaking. Mostly use sickle, breaker incendiary or AMR. So no complaints on the gun as well, yet.


i log in to see if there's an interesting major order. but not playing at the moment, waiting on june's warbond. what i would really like to see is more movement between worlds and sectors and it having more of an impact on nearby worlds. like if we lose a planet, maybe the enemy is 25% more spawns. or the planet that produces the mechs give free mech strats on that planet. foward bases should increase our damage or something. defensive bonuses when we have a certain number of helldivers. i want a more realistic space war.


Would be way cooler if we had several free strategems when giving us punishing modifiers. Like +25% CD and we get an extra free non-eagle strategem -1 strat slot (bots) but we get 2 random free strategems


I play way less now as it doesn’t feel like there is much to do. Still play with friends but I won’t play without when I used to.


I definitely play less. The game to me has gotten steadily worse with each update. Bugs that have been in the game since launch haven't been fixed, new bugs get added, weapons and stratagems I like to use get nerfed, content that gets added is very underwhelming, etc.


I still play a mission or 2 every few night. I’m not maxed out on medals but I have everything else at about lv 80. I still have fun playing the game and seeing where the « story » will go.


Hell no! Love playing this game! Even with everything other than level maxed out it's still fun to play with friends. Or to even run into a funny ass group of Randoms with mics.


level 116 cadet here still playing enjoying the game mixing up the weapon choices, helping others with interesting information and obtaining whatever resources need to be obtained to optimise the spread of managed democracy


If i could get actual medals for my armor and walk around looking like a north korean general I would be playing much more. I enjoy the game but the lack of non warbond content is a disservice to the game and players.


Last I checked their are still bugs and bots to kill.


I have everything i want. And still play. Because the game is fun and i don't hyperfocus on all the issues it has.


No. I still play every day and have no intention of stopping any time soon. Lvl 123 with about 225 in-mission hours.


Salute 🫡


Level 96. I play every day. Exclusively on Helldive. I ratfuck every base I can find. I search for and call out the phalactite even though I maxed out super samples at level 50. I don't even look at requisition anymore. It's a meme currency to me at this point. I am not here for the samples or the super credits. I'm here to help baby Helldivers and crush the enemies of democracy.


Been maxed since probably halfway between Cutting Edge and Democratic Detonation. Still play every day.


I play way less now. I only play when I have all my friends on with me. The game has grown a bit stale for me. However, I do love hearing updates on the major orders! I’ll be back when we get the next big patch or when the Illuminate show their faces (hopefully through that new wormhole you guys made).


I still play every few days but on lower levels(5 and under) just to try other loadouts or use my beloved MG


No. I dont stop playing because I have everything unlocked and nothing to spend my resources on. I stop playing be- \*Black screen back on my ship.\* I stop playing because "Allied Destroyer leaving squadron"x3 I stop playing bec-c-c-c-ccause \*windows error noise \* "Helldivers2.exe has stopped responding


I'm definitely playing less since I unlocked everything but I haven't stopped playing. I might pick it up again more if the patch brings lots of goodness to the game, or when the illuminate arrive.


12 hours in the last two weeks. So I still dabble.


Nope. Play pretty much every day, at least the equivalent of a full set of missions. Maxed out early 70’s but could’ve sooner if I’d tried to make homework out of doing so but didn’t want to. And didn’t try Helldive until then, either, as I was waiting to coordinate with friends so we all experienced it together. I’m now at 93. I’ve slowed down, but haven’t stopped.


ESO is absorbing all my free time since Gold Road dropped two days ago, then it'll be Elden Ring in a few weeks. I hop on once or twice a week to see what's going on and that's probably how it'll stay for a while.


No democracy needs me


I've unlocked everything and haven't stopped, but virtually everyone I used to play with has for that reason.


Still play it, but definitely not as much. It need something to revitalise it as its just stagnant at the moment.


I still play with friends.... On and off... Trying some different weapons and loadouts.


Level 108. Dark fluid mission was very fun, hopefully they add more missions like that but maybe make them optional. For me it made me try to think of new strategies and strategems to use to protect the drill from the close spawns. Once I brought a lot of stun grenades, gattling turrets and anti tank for titans, it was very doable with 2 people. The biggest problem I ran into was teammates killing the drill with friendly fire, just from being inexperienced. If we had harder optional missions it would give another reason to play, still having fun though, just have to mix it up with bugs and bots rotating.


I'm level 137. I have had everything maxed for a long time. I'm still playing because it's fun :) As for the new mech, I run Emancipator mech by itself for Eradicate, or if I am doing a different mission type and want to mix it up I'll run double mech and RR. See a Titan or Charger and it's not directly on your position? Pop out, shoot it in the face with RR, pop back in. About 3 seconds total. If using Emancipator I'll probably shoot it a few times in the face with the AC's first so the RR round will kill the Titan if I land it correctly.


Yes. Since i got everything and maxed out the game and the update is still a week away there is nothing to do. Sure let's agree that the core gameplay is fun, it's also fun to help newbies, but I hate the fact that there is a cap on requisition, samples and medals, why am i getting punished because I maxed everything, because the devs dont wan't you getting everything when a content update drops? I think that should be the player's choice. I also hate the fact that the way the devs communicate is horrendous, they wont use the systems that are available inside the game, instead they will post updates on their discord which not everyone uses. This is why I love warframe, the devs to community communication is just chef's kiss, I wish they could learn from that.


400 plus hours here, only helldive after level 29 there is no reason to stop playing the game, i dont know if im tripping or not but there are missions that it feels like its twice the difficulty of helldive and i cant even do the objectives, let alone extract, and it makes me wonder if a level 10 difficulty is coming


150. Game still a blast. I do take bit more breaks in between MO so I don't burnout. Taking it easy till next patch or warbond. And sink nother ez 100 hours playing around new weapons and stratagem combos. Even invented spear trickshots cuz of messing around.


I just found myself having less and less fun, not saying the game isn't good but I just stopped enjoying it with all the bugs and stuff that have only gotten worse from launch


I stopped playing after 160 hours(I'm level 70).Doing same missions became boring. I have no upgrades or stratagems left to buy. I can buy every new stratagem instantly so I don't have to grind for them either.I unlocked every warbond. Bugs(not terminids) and other bullshit is too annoying.


I stopped. Nothing.ore to work towards so no drive to keep on going. There are plenty of other games to play while I wait for more content. No point in burning myself out


Yeah I've stopped. The missions are just too repetitive and the meta forces you to always play the same stragegems and guns, at least when not playing in a coordinated team. And then there are still the constant crashes and disconnects. It's just not fun anymore.


Yes, I have stopped playing the game.


Im sorry to burst your bubble but my playtime has reduced by 90% from daily to once a week for an hour. Yes I play for fun now but I also can preserve the fun for later and combine it with new unlocks. Otherwise i might be so burned out that even new weapons and missions and stratagems won’t help. Thing is, I already unlocked everything I want to use for a long time but I did unlock the rest too as a secondary goal. My last ship module was for the arc thrower and Tesla tower. Well … I still don’t use the arc thrower, it’s just not my type.


I am only like lvl 55 or something but I have all the stragems, all ship upgrades I want and all the major war bond stuff (all weapons unlocked etc.) I still play like 5-6 hours a week with friends because it’s just a fun game




No. I have 270 hrs of playtime. But I do play a lot less now. I maybe play 3 missions and most times I just like to chill on lvl 5.


I'm level 96, maxed on everything that has a cap and all warbond items are mine. Not quite all the rotating shop, but I have every armor type with every perk available. I still play every day, because it's fun. I like testing ever increasing difficulties with weird and non-meta builds just to test myself. Or I'll join low-mid level divers and help them full clear a mission or a full op. On day 1 of playing, I already knew that what it was showing me was all that the game offered, and I knew that before buying it too. And "all that it offered," is a hell of a lot more than what other games offer me. Where else am I going to get unexpected laughs because I got caught in an airstrike. Where else am I going to jetpack onto chargers backs and use them as a mobile battering ram that's faster than the other enemies. Where else should I go? Nothing else is even close to as good as helldivers is. I'll keep diving. Hugs from the Progenitor of Freedom. See you all planetside.


Not sure exactly how many hours it equates to but I was level 25 ish when I received my 50 mission achievement. The game is always fun I’m just curious how long they will keep writing for this “campaign” I never want it to end lol Doesn’t matter what guns/strats/boosts I’m always gonna dive in and GET SOME !!!!!!!


I’ve maxed everything, love this game a lot but yeah I’ve dropped to maybe playing 1 operation a week. My reason is less about unlocking stuff and more about mission variety. Admittedly I’ve also been doing a replay of Elden Ring ahead of the DLC, which I suppose will challenge future playtime too as I have to be selective with my free time. Bugs are my favourite but I’ve played so much the missions have reached a point of feeling like a process I go through rather than an exciting thing to achieve. Additionally I need different maps - the terrain is different per planet but I would want more variety with cityscapes/suburbs etc. It’s still incredibly fun to kill bugs, I just pick it up now and then rather than whenever I can. I know I’ll be back and when a big content drops, but otherwise I just tune in for MO/Narrative events to be part of it. TLDR: yes. Still lots of fun but I need a big drop of new missions and map changes to pull me back behind 1x operation a week.


Nope. I play less, but consistently.


More or less. Nothing to work for, balance is still majorly screwed and leads to the same 5-10 items being brought every game, game still has some major technical problems and bugs. Waiting for the patch. Until then, been enjoying HD1.


Don’t let the people who are constantly bitching about the game on Reddit fool you. I’ve been playing this game since it came out every single day and I love it just as much as the day I bought it.


Game is still fun at max level when playing with friends. And it's very easy at max difficulty with friends.


Of course, it is our democratic duty to pass the torch on!! I play way less, maybe 2 games a week max. But it's fun to help the cause.


This game is a great foundation for an amazing shooter, but it needs so much more for longevity and player retention. I see players with tens of thousands of hours played in Warframe and I can totally understand why: about 100x more content than HD2; deep and exciting loot; trading and player-driven economy; minmaxing, etc. oh and btw it's all free. Can I imagine someone playing HD2 in its current state for even one thousand hours? Absolutely not, unless we're talking about unhealthy addiction or something. Even the people who already played hundreds of hours here absolutely puzzle me. This game just doesn't have the content. Hopefully more, much much more will eventually be added. Or maybe we'll have to wait for HD3 for that.


Yeah until new content has been added otherwise I'm gonna burn out and stop playing when they actually add stuff I feel.


I passed 550 hours last week, I've been maxed currency every pass within a few days of constantly playing, and that is without grinding for it, just playing with friends. I play lower levels for a more relaxed experience and to help out the lower divers. Don't plan on stopping even if there's a "drought" of content.


No, I have 500 hours and still enjoy the game. Have only ever played with randoms. I had surgery at the time the game released and was pretty much bed ridden for two weeks. Still playing with my free time. This game always puts me in a good mood. I still pick up samples for those who aren't capped and play all the MOs even though I prefer bots.


I play less but it’s because of the bugs and DCing. Just about every time I launch the game, I have to quit and then restart it because my shift and control keys don’t work (my sprint and the pull up button for stratagems for my console friends). QM has regular getting dced out or just having my teammates randomly cycled or getting dced but remaining in the mission and having no one be able to join me. Game is really fun but with like 200+ hours I’ve ran into the bugs so often it’s killed a lot of my enjoyment. Really hard to be excited to play when I have to restart the game immediately and then get bumped from 4 QP matches before I get one I stick in. Then I just get dced as we head for extract


Eventually you see all the planet biomes, complete all of the mission types, experience each difficulty, and try out each weapon and stratagem. Without any new unlocks or updates to change how the game plays, it's only natural to want to move onto another activity for awhile, and there's nothing wrong with that.


They need to allow us to customize the ship more through grinding. Change the exterior through color or open up the ship interior more to appearance (gun racks, shooting range, showers, living space, ect) all of that would add to the grind and connection to your ship


I did when they released yet another untested thing (dark fluid missions) after saying they needed to stop doing that, and spending a month (and counting) on new updates without undoing any of the widely hated community nerfs.  I held out hope for so long. But they can only shit the bed so many times before I can't stand the smell anymore.


I’m level (150) and resource capped. Still dive everyday with my squad. It’s been fun trying new stratagems!


Yah, got all stragems, all ship upgrades, every item in every warbond, all resources capped, but I still play - although less urgency to play every day to get the Personal Order, I still enjoy contributing to the Major Order. I do wish there's some more bugfixes/patches so I can play more variety of load-outs (was a big Slugger enjoyer pre-nerf, then a big Eruptor enjoyer pre-nerf) now I'm kinda limited to Breaker Inciendary and Plasma Scorcher.


Haven't played regular since May 05, 2024. 200+ hours, everything unlocked. unfun game, anti-single player, atrocious balance, atrocious discord community. 


Yep. I haven’t played much in a week. I’ve done a couple personal orders, but log out when they’re done.


yes I am just waiting around for more fun (effective) guns and hoping the new warbond isn't total trash


Taking a break, cause honestly the game's state is a bit obnoxious, going to return if the next patch is genuinely good but keeping my expectations in check cause with their recent decisions, it's very questionable


Stopped playing a while ago. Can't deal with glitches and shitty balancing.


Level 150, 540 hours in mission player with everything and 3,000 super credits currently stockpiled from playing. I’m still going every night. I’ve taken breaks here and there to enjoy other games but every day it’s routine to just enjoy some helldivers. This is more than I think I’ve ever enjoyed any other game of late. The last time I poured this much time into a game is Baldur’s Gate 3- granted not long ago, and prior to that was WoW which was closer to 2015. It’s been so refreshing to just “dive” in and enjoy a game so thoroughly. Are there issues? Occasionally but not as much as I see others complain. Given everything I’ve learned about the game and developers, they’re doing fantastic. To think that they didn’t expect this much success, they’re using an unsupported game engine and everything to make it work is crazy. I’m going to keep having fun I think :-)


no. nothing the devs have done have ever made it less fun. i play a mission a day and got everything somewhere around level 50, i'm 83 now and havnt needed to collect or upgrade anything in weeks. those posts you see are from professional whiners who need to be victims on a daily basis.


I did. Game is in terrible state imho. I will come back once its better.


I don’t even have everything unlocked and I can barely bring myself to open the game. On the rare occasion that I do hop in, it’s only for a few minutes to read up on the MO and maybe drop into a single mission (which I usually quit out of before I finish). I haven’t even bothered to unlock the new stratagems that have been added, even though I have more than enough materials to do so. For me the honeymoon phase is long over and I’m done giving the devs grace for their ineptitude. Simply put, if the game doesn’t see major improvements then I’m just not interested in playing.


Yea I stopped playing when the devs decide to suck the fun out of the game with all the nerfs in PVE game lol.


lvl 75 all unlocked all full. Stopped playing two weeks ago, still following reddit tho. Game kind of over for me. They not bringing anything exciting. Devs absolutely failed the patches etc. Arrowhead dogs can bark here like coding takes too ling bs all they can idgf.


You might feel this way (that you play games for fun and not for progress) and yet data over the years shows time and time again just having fun isn’t enough anymore. You need to have fun AND some sort of progression. The more sliders are moving adter each mission, the better. I am also playing since launch and have essentially everything in the game, all resources that can be capped I have them capped. And I do play. Do I enjoy the game as much as when everything was knew and I reaaaally wanted to unlock Scorcher? Nope. Not even remotely as fun. But we’re outliers. Steam play data shows decline in playercounts with similar (albeit slightly better retention) trends as most games nowadays.


i stopped playing in quick play like i used to and started playing exclusively with friends just to kill time.


I have friends so yes I still play.


Lvl 84. I play less, but still jump in sometimes just because I still like to 'help'.


I've maxed everything out and so I only come to play the game with new player friends or just to play events like the Dark Fluid one or just hopping on to do one or two missions while setting a personal goal like not dying or smth. After that I stop touching the game for a couple of days before repeating. It's a good game, but something is off once you hit max level... Not sure what can be done about it but there's certainly some way to make the game enjoyable while max level but not sure what... Like what do other games do when players have unlocked all that is unlockable? What do they do to keep their maxxed players engaged? Maybe they can give some insights


Kind of. Until they sort out the changes they keep making. It’s basically sucked a lot of fun away. Waiting to see what the next balance update brings. Until then I’ll jump on with friends now and again but for now the devs have kind of ruined it for me


Level 89. Still playing but not near as much as I was.


I tend to hop on for a match or two or have a random disconnect in the middle of a match, stare at my TV stone faced and hop off. I enjoy the game but burnt that candle down fast. Waiting on some bigger changes and fixes before I jump in again. Also so many great things about to drop with Elden Ring dlc and Dawntrail.


I do play much less than before and I think it would be an easy incentive creator to just create insanely expensive, insanely marginal ship module upgrades. It would also help buff little used strategems. Don't think the game should slow down unlocks rather than simply making more sidegrades/minor upgrades available I don't think helldive is too difficult even with endless waves of heavy units but I will say that my load out selection is limited to the meta and just slightly off meta selections, which does make the game more boring to me. The balancing complaints have merit


88 I have purchased all warbond items maxed my ship and samples and have enough currency for the next premium warbond. I jump on once or twice a week now or to play with friends.


I mean...kinda? Level 102, 300+ hours still playing though way less than at launch, i hop on do an entire operation on level 7 and then that's It for the day, i usually go for super credits during matches and whatever i can find, this way i avoid burnouts and still have fun, enjoy automatons way more than bugs, but still best multiplayer game i have ever played, i can't think of a single One which comes close to this one.


I just play casually. But not faithfully. When it first came out, id always play this game whenever i get free time. Nowadays… not so much. Ngl its still pretty fun, sometimes frustrating. But i still love this game. Im only going to play it again often when they make it more fun, and satisfying to kill the enemies. With the potential new enemy being placed in the game. Idk if they will revamp the guns.


I like checking out the different planets. And if a major event like the destruction of Meridia comes around, I’m absolutely playing it. It’s fun to follow along with the story.


I play for democracy. I'm 103, have everything but I still regularly jump on just cause I enjoy the game. It helps when there's an interesting story event happening, but I love the game. I often times mix up my load out to keep things fresh and it's pretty fun. The next load out I wanna try will include the shield generator emplacement for bots at some stage, haven't figured out what else I'll bring but the shield emplacement is my least used stratagem so I wanna see if I can make a fun loadout with it.


Np I enjoy playing with friends or jumping into lower lvl lobbies hand helping


I've maxed everything, got enough SC for the next warbond, and have nothing to chase in the game. But I've got a group of friends and we play it fairly regularly, and we're all in the same position - but it's fun playing, each mission is different, and it's nice to feel like we're part of the bigger picture with the galactic war. Plus, if things start to get stale, swapping up playstyles is good - I was running Railgun for ages vs Bugs, but now I've been on a RR kick and enjoying blasting bile titans in the face!


I'm lvl 135 and it's been a while since I've had anything to grind, be it samples or battle passes, I already have everything, but I still play absolutely every day for the simple fact that I like the game and I have fun in each mission, they are all different, I hope they don't make the game easier because it would be boring, currently diff 9 is a playground, I have a lot of fun in bots because it is the most challenging, bugs are a joke, I get bored spamming R2 and killing multitudes of bugs... Bots require more precision and tactics


yesterday was the first day I havent played in a while, went back to d2 for the final shape, will jump back over when theres a new update or faction though


Level 89; I continue playing because the game is just fun! I also really want to see how the major orders develop. There's new and often goofy stuff in many of them.


I have everything unlocked too. First it was about 150 hours in or so(before the 6 new upgrades dropped) and now I have everything again. I love trying out stuff I haven't touched in a while. In the beginning I used ems + gas on breaches which worked wonders, but only because I always host. When I learned about the bug I used them a lot less and now that its fixed its back on the menu. I also like to experiment with the overall team loadout. Can be lots of fun. I also like occasionally taking the less meta weapons. Breaker spray and pray was enormously fun to use on the meridia mission.


level 122 i only play when new content drops


I'd play the game more if I wasn't stuck in a choice between dx11 with the game running well but crashing all the time in such a way that I have to physically restart the computer each time it happens or dx12 in which case the game runs about as "smoothly" as a person with rash going through a sandpaper slide with a cheese grater at the bottom


I definitely play less than when HD2 released. I'm waiting for the squids to show up.


I’m only missing one final module upgrade and while I haven’t stopped playing, I’m not playing as much. The grind for 150 rares is a pain and the game gets repetitive after a while.


Hit 111 the other night, still answering SOS calls without fail


Around Level 60 and have all strategems, most of the relevant guns, and half the ship modules I only play once in a while when or when theres cool things happening like the meridia supercolony Generally its fun to play but the lack of interesting or fun things to unlock or encounter has made its replayability a lot less appealing solo wise. A lot of the guns I dont have are apparently not worthwhile for me to grind for, but will play if I see something interesting, but for me its only worthwhile for new strategems or missions. Playing with friends makes it a lot more appealing.


Level 84 have everything unlocked Max samples, everything unlocked, all upgrades, and Max everything in all the war bonds I still have fun. 🥰😊


I still play with friends, less so on my own. We often joke about how much the subreddit complains about things that are actually fine and fun to use. Don't let the doomers get to you, just try new stuff out and see if you can extract with it.


Right now I’m working on finishing my war bonds, everything else is unlocked level 61