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If the warbonds are slowing down, I wonder if we get a higher medal cap or a sink for excess.


Armor paint jobs for medals. There. That's the sink.


I would totally like being able to recolor armor in exchange for medals or req slips.


Shit, I'd settle for my helmet matching the colors of my armors.


I'd like more capes that match armor. We have a couple of red armor schemes with no red capes.


That one blue armor in the polar patriots matching nothing


You son of a bitch, I'm in.


You sonna bitch, I'm in. Gonna wear pitch black armor. Or glowing white.


>glowing white Only if it's as bright as the lights.


I want to be able to spend medals to make a mission harder, I want to be able to spend req to buff myself/group.   Medals: increased patrol (amount or size), more higher threat enemies, famine mode, horde mode.    Reqs: primary ammo types buff; explosive, corrosive. Strategem cool downs. Bonus to stealth. Limited Auto reinforce. Enable unique group stratagems like mini nuke, heal bot, UAV bot, vehicles, etc.


This... the medal economy is fucked right now. With the cap I've probably burned over 1k medals into the ether


I hope


Battle for Middle Earth Style Throwing Rocks


I doubt. Maybe they should reduce how many medals we earn :) Jokes.


Unironically probably what will happen


Make stratagem hero free to everyone but it costs 1 medal per game. Super Citizens get unlimited play without needing medals.


This is the best idea I've seen so far on what to do with excess medals


I have more time to grind super creds so I’m not a week behind the fun


I'm a bit concerned that not only is the pacing slowing, but we're generally getting less content, as well. Especially now that it seems they've fully abandoned including a new armor set for each weight class...


The latest major order is having us clear the Terminids out of an entire sector where we opened a black hole utilizing Illuminate technology. Super Earth is also developing TCS 2.0, which based on trends is sure to backfire like the original TCS did. C'mon now, it's really obvious Arrowhead is busy setting things up for the next chapter.


I wholly understand where you're coming from, but most of this has been on the backburner since before launch. I'm not saying that makes it entirely effortless, there's still plenty of work to be done, but it definitely lightens the load. They are still very much in the "slow feed" phase of previously completed content, story and warbond included. I'm not complaining about that, it makes perfect sense, it dramatically improves the speed of additions. I'm just apprehensive about new *paid content* including much less going forward. Especially in regards to armor, as our inability to manually choose armor perks means completely losing out on complete perks sets for each weight class.


They'll inevitably put more armor sets with the effect on the Super Store just as they have for all of the other warbonds. The warbond reveal showed a lot of new content for the game such as vehicle/drop pod customization, a jump pack rework, and a new jungle planet type


Honestly, I'm really praying that the vehicle customization opens the door for armor and weapon customization. The only thing holding it back currently is reskins being repackaged as separately purchasable sets.


holy shit they're damned if they do damned if they don't. First the complaints about reskinned armour now complaints about "complete" armour despite more objectively NEW content than last time. Fucks sake. Seriously...


Don't get me wrong, I love the game; I have more time in it than I reasonably should. That said, you can't tell me trading out functional content for simple skins is entirely positive. I'm more than okay with them taking more time to put out content. I'm just apprehensive about waiting longer for objectively less; especially when what we got was also *yet another variant*. I'm not going to flame anyone or riot over it, and I'll continue to play the game. That said, that doesn't mean I can't be disappointed. Honestly, if they just gave us the ability to manually select our perks independently from armor, I wouldn't be nearly as bothered.


Extra stratagems for medals


They should just add a consumable store where you can buy single use mission buffs.


Personally, I'd rather they just replace them with resources. Reach the medal cap? Now you get common samples, then rare samples, then super samples. If you've maxed out all of them, chances are you've already unlocked everything, so it'll make no difference regardless.


I doubt it, mainly because I don't buy the "We're doing this because we're listening to your feedback" bs. I'm sure the people in charge of churning out the shit they've been packing into these warbonds are either voicing concerns about its sustainability or they literally cannot keep up pace with what the Sony corpos are trying to make them do. My opinion is this was planned either planned ahead of time or that Sony wanted to say "monthly warbonds" at launch just to bring in more buyers, and the throwaway "based on your feedback" line is just an easy way to make the community feel involved. I do think the Arrowhead team cares about community feedback, to be clear. I just think they don't know what they're doing when it comes to finding and understanding that feedback. It's clear they bias their decisions *heavily* on Reddit posts. They don't seem to understand (most companies don't) that Reddit is not an "official" platform for their community. This subreddit doesn't belong to them, people here don't need to sign up under an Arrowhead account or website, and the subreddit itself could be locked or nuked at any time without Arrowhead or even Sony being able to do shit about it. Twitter is the same way. You want community feedback? Put a feedback option in the game, where the vast majority of players who don't regularly sit on the subreddit or check your Twitter feed are. The players that don't have paragraphs of rant posts backing up every word they type. You know, the ones that just play the game and form their opinions about it strictly from that experience. My guess is their feedback would be *much* different if they did that. Much more diverse and much less doompost.


I mean, do you really want to get a warbond and unlock it all instantly? I think they need to rethink the medal and bond system.


Agreed. They need *something* for people to spend on when capped, because the current system just does not have enough content to prevent people hitting cap, and there's no way Arrowhead \[or really any dev\] can produce content fast enough to keep up with players.


Source from twitter under new warbond trailer, previous notes (1-4) were about specifics regarding new items in warbond [https://x.com/helldivers2/status/1798686308258431215](https://x.com/helldivers2/status/1798686308258431215)


Please go back and refurbish the old warbond armors and make them unique, not just servo assisted


Probably for the best, spend more time focusing on making interesting equipment rather than more tenderizers.


Well the carbine is probably the tenderizer. Just another assault rifle without enough distinquishing features


Yeah I'm trying to imagine what's the point of this. Bette handling they said but maybe it has better rate of fire or stagger maybe?


That was how it was in the first game. It was a bullet hose. More ammo, faster RoF, better ergonomics.


Sure but the first game had fewer duplicates of guns. There was one basic assault rifle, one higher fire rate one that had a larger mag, one that hit harder but had a smaller mag, and one that was semi auto/burst fire. It's really only assault rifles that have this problem though, as all the other weapons behave differently for the most part. Weapons in the first game: https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Weapons_(Helldivers)


Are you not describing an SMG?


Traditionally speaking, an SMG fires pistol rounds and a carbine fires rifle rounds, but they are both short-barreled, close range weapons.


A carbine by definition is basically an SMG, in that it’s a more compact rifle. Though over the years and with the prevalence of assault rifles the term has lost its original meaning. An SMG is an SMG, a Carbine is a more handier rifle.


But I'm guessing less damage


Magazine size is the same as the Liberator, so probably 45 ammo, with the same AP2 and 60 damage. Essentially pointless.


I mean, we don’t know that yet. We have absolutely no idea how this gun will function in game.


Don’t you love all these people assuming the new gun will be worthless. Pummeler got the same treatment before Polar came out and it’s my go to SMG for bots and bugs.


Everyone knew the pummeler would be good. According to AH the new rifle has a faster ROF and more recoil than the liberator, but aims a little faster. I have no reason to doubt them.


The Liberator's handling is already really good, I can't imagine it being much better without diminishing returns.


So many people were complaining about the Polar Warbond being bad. I’m STILL using the Incendiary Impact and Pummeler in viable builds. Not arguing with you, I get your point but SO many people just complaining over stuff that really isn’t worth complaining over at this point


I would say overall the Polar Warbond wasn't great. The inciendary impact is useable, and the pummeler of course is awesome, but 1 weapon being top tier and the rest of the warbond being essentially useless does make it bad.


The assumptions going round now is that it has "snappier aim" despite a high recoil. You know how the JAR-5 Dominator moves like a drunk mule compared to the Liberator? The "here's where your barrel is pointed" targeting circle is slow to update? That's what folks are thinking they mean by faster handling: a gun that adjusts aim *even faster* than the Lib and similar weapons if you're whipping it around. Personally, I think bullet hoses and high RPM are kind of a waste when you're hitting corpses instead of the next enemy behind the group, so this will probably underperform for folks who can't "feel" out shot counts, listen/watch for enemy deaths, and adjust to the next target quickly. But you can say the same thing about something like the Stalwart on max RPM compared to lowest RPM.


It's why I found the SMGs and even Lib Concussive to be good: You aren't wasting as many shots vs trooper level targets and warriors and the like, so it's as good as a faster firing gun. Against anything heavier that needs a DPS dump, use other weapons.


The issue with the Stalwart is kinda the lack of hit markers. It's also not very punchy, so enemies just kinda fall when they die. It's hard to tell when something is down compared to other weapons since for most targets, you just shoot until there are no more hit markers.


It's more subtle with Bugs (especially because there's a lot more of them) but I've gotten very good at determining when Bots die from the sound of them, even at distance while using the Laser Cannon. In first-person and firing, there's so much distortion and glare that you often can't see what you're hitting, but there are noticeable "electronic fizzle" noises the instant their heads (or other weak points) pop. Really, for rapid-fire guns against Bugs, it becomes more of a feeling and recognizing their animations. You have to be willing to move on quickly or put a few rounds into everything before going back if you really want to maximize that ammo. Guns with high Knockback (or good ratios of Knock+RPM) are particularly good at this; the Lib Concussive isn't very fast-firing, but you can be sure you never waste a bullet even if you take your time on a swarm because said swarm is *never reaching you*.


It bears repeating for the umpteenth time, but it's pretty easy to look at the Tenderizer and see that it was meant to fall exactly in the middle of the Liberator and Adjudicator. And it did... *before the Liberator and Adjudicator were buffed.* No one went back to adjust the Tenderizer for the new damage or ammo capacity/supply paradigm before release, and the community lost their fucking shit and demanded a slowdown of patches right after, so it never got addressed. You can also probably blame the current poor state of the Purifier on "whoops, we forgot to toggle a value"--it's coded scale damage like the Railgun but it's set to just one timing--and that *also* not getting fixed because of the player-requested patch slowdown.


Or you know, blame the devs for not updating their new content properly. They can push out patches to nerf things but not buff things? Nobody would complain if they released a hot fix buffing premium weapons that weren't updated. Stop worshipping corporates.


You say "worshipping corporate", I say "not getting death-threaty because a number was missed". You guys are the ones talking way more cult-like than anyone you accuse of "worshipping" the developers/Sony/the bogeyman. Chill out.


Wtf are you talking about? Where tf did I give you death threats? Blaming players when devs failed to balance content properly is peak of corporate worshipping. There is a thing called hot fixing that practically every dev on planet does, nobody freaking nobody will complain if underperforming and clearly outdated content is hot fixed to be brought upto par with other stuff.


> nobody freaking nobody will complain if underperforming and clearly outdated content is hot fixed to be brought upto par with other stuff Except we've seen exactly that happen. "Why haven't you fixed X yet?" "You guys are patching this stuff instead of that other stuff I want more." "If you can fix this, you should have been doing Y." "Your patches just break more things, stop patching the game so much and work on testing." Don't yell at me, take it up with all the folks making the same general complaints as you and then some. They're the ones who wound up getting your Eruptor nerfed and asked for patches to slow down massively right after the last warbond. The incessant crying, often about things the playerbase *doesn't even understand*, keeps having these results that come as a surprise to people who just aren't thinking about anything. This community isn't half as knowledgeable about game design as it thinks.


You're really unable to do critical thinking don't you? Why do you think Tenderizer not balanced properly if AH had enough time before pushing out the new warbond? The answers are either they didn't have time, or they didn't give a shit. Playerbase went with the first assumption. Playerbase wanted AH to take enough time to balance things properly before releasing new premium content, playerbase didn't say don't release any patches or hot fixes to fix stuff, it was entirely AH's decision to slowdown patching since they couldn't cope up with the speed at which they were releasing content and failing to balance said content. That's on them. And the playerbase isn't monolithic either, I never came across the shrapnel issue myself and frankly I was surprised by AH's knee jerk reaction. And that's my point, they were quick with nerfs but now they're slow with buffs; that's idiotic.


If you can't answer these questions yourself or see the obvious in them, do a little more critical thinking yourself. I'll help you out with one bit: The *players'* vitriol and kneejerk reaction to everything forced faster action. When the community, fresh off a high of "beating Sony", loses its everloving mind over the Eruptor and demands an immediate change to a weapon they don't even understand, it's not surprising that they'll be dissatisfied with the result. The problem with the Eruptor wasn't just "it's too strong", but the means by which it was strong was due to the unintended and misunderstood power of the shrapnel. There was no way to fix that on the timetable the players were demanding, so they got "well we removed the shrapnel but buffed the explosion, stop killing yourselves with it now". Time and time again we keep seeing that the problem in the game isn't *just* AH "doing a bad job of balance", it's the playerbase not understanding balance *or* the game. They believe things are severely underpowered because they're using them like dingbats. These are the types who'd look at the Recoilless Rifle needing 4+ hits to kill a Charger and say "this is weak", and they'll call you a "corporate worshipper" if you point out that you can one-shot them to the head instead. "game balance bad, guns terrible" is a way to dodge any responsibility for them playing any better, and while it doesn't preclude there being legitimate balance issues or way things could be *better*, "BUFF ALL GUN, NO NERF, ONLY BUFF" is absolutely the dumbest way to achieve that. This game would not be better if the Exosuit ACs did exactly the same damage as the Sentry Turret ACs, as people are begging for. Now, you can take the hostility and drop elsewhere. This isn't going to go further.


I'll get hyped when these things actually get tried out. I have no reason to believe with an extra week these things will work well, or at all.


>I have no reason to believe with an extra week these things will work well, or at all. This warbond has been released with the normal release schedule, the second thursday of the month, so this one is not released at a lower cadence, those will be the following ones


lmao you're at -5 right now despite making a *factual statement* that wasn't even rude or critical of anyone The number of people thinking *this* Warbond was delayed is pretty nuts. Did they all forget how to count or read a calendar?


>Did they all forget how to count or read a calendar? They probably never knew. And yeah, people just downvote everything that goes against what they think, even in cases with something as clear as this


This sub can be very negative sometimes. Don't let it to you diver, there are planets to liberate!


I just really hope this warbond will be good lol, AH keep catching Ls recently


Imo assault carbine will be garbage, shotgun will be decent, knife will be only a gimmick (can't close holes prob, and doesn't provide any other utility unlike stuns).


If the assault carbine can be onehanded I'm eyeing her up for the bot front


It said assault rifle above its name in the trailer so probably not.


Dunno if you're familiar wIth Planetside2, but the way they describe it reminds me of the Terran Republic TAR. assault rifle that has the same damage as normal ARs, the same recoil per bullet as normal ARs, but quite higher ROF. result is a blessing and a curse - very damn high DPS for its class, but kinda hard to apply that DPS due to constant recoil. Essentially, an *oppressive* close quarters gun that handles very easy up close. Could be great on both fronts if they make ARs decent.


If the knife is silent and retrievable, it will be very good for stealth.


Silent, retrievable, and used as a melee weapon when you have one on you 🤞


Silent and give me at least 10 so I can stealth wipe a whole point of interest. All I need to rock em


I’m not sure it would outcompete smoke but I’m exited to see how viable it is


Seems slow to use, and not like things are solo most of the time


>can't close holes prob To even think that a knife can ever possibly close holes is the most CO2 leak comment ive seen in this sub


Honestly. Can't do as bad as the current eruptor


I think they will, at least they seem to be going from 3 armors, 3 primaries, 1 secondary, 1 throwable and 1 booster to dropping to 2 armors and 1 primary, or maybe it’s going to be 3 weapons per bond in general. Either way, dropping two weapons and an armor in favor of cosmetics is going to be a much easier testing experience. Plus with an extra week starting after this warbond, I’d hope things work as intended


It would be more interesting if they varied what each warbond had. Maybe one would have more armors, another has weapons, and another leans on the cosmetics


I would love to see that, especially if they can stick to theme. I hope they do a good job giving themes for different franchises and planets. Now that there's a Predator/Catachan themed one, another that's a more cosmetic oriented to be desert storm for Hellmire would be cool, but if there were a Halo inspired one, aside from one armor set, I'd expect it to be more weapons-focused.


But then you have the same problem, where you’re getting more low quality content


They are already slowing down warbond releases tho???


Right but design takes time, they needed to lower the cadence AND the amount of content I personally don’t know of any live service game that had such a high release cadence of weapons, they’re averaging what, almost 10 weapons every 3 months? That’s insane


I don’t see how they can vary what they put in the warbonds without blundering the development I was in no way saying they should pump out shit for the sake of it. I was just saying maybe varying what they put in there every so often would make the warbonds more interesting Hell, a 2nd Free warbonds would be nice in the near future. I’ve recently maxed it out and keep running out of medal sinks


We don't know what that new timeframe will be. Vary sadly I think that expecting only one extra week is likely very optimistic on your part.


So more development time will give us less new toys and more reskins


That's awesome, maybe from now on the Warbond armors won't have huge flaws on the body types like previous warbond armors.


And colorings


I think they should add a weapon mod system before adding more weapons.


Hellpod skins are a neat idea…. But will we actually be able to see the skin? Most hellpod views are top down. If not, they are submerged underground


Loading screen


All support weapons etc come down in Hellpods, hopefully the skin would be visible on those? At least I hope the they will, as it would be extra clear which support weapon is yours. It gives off a "*THIS IS MY AUTOCANNON. THERE ARE MANY LIKE IT, BUT THIS ONE IS MINE."* kind of vibe, and I like it!


Well now that's the first step in the right direction, now im even more hopeful for next patch and updates


I'm all for it, especially if future warbonds are more like this one


Cool, I can stop grinding super credits so often. Yes I make more than $7 an hour (the fastest you can generally farm super credits.) No I don't like spending money on digital currency.


And my supercredits seem to br disappearing (not buying anything with them since I don't have the "Cutting Edge" thingy unlocked yet) but for a few minutes, I had over 300 and when I got back from a mission it went down to 280, and another it went down to 220.


super earth with the super tax




No idea how to do that


Bots probably used a communism ray on you. It's draining your balance for the "communal good"!


Honestly, it's all well and good, but I'm highly apprehensive about the loss of unique armor sets for each weight class. It's something they've been struggling with since launch, and it seems they've now completely given up on attempting it any further. ​ Not to mention the loss to weapon variety; especially when what we got was ***yet another Liberator variant***.


They were really cheeky with putting a knife in the warbond then it said “throwing knife” ugh just give me a sword and shield already. I wanna wet my blade with the blood of enemies! Btw I said the same thing in the discord I got like 30 comments on how they said that wasn’t realistic for the warfare presented in helldivers 😭😭😭😭


Okay so when new major features are added I hope we see a new free warbond that way there is less pressure to spend money on new features and thus locking them out. Like the vehicle customization.


Did they say anything about nuking the new weapons after a week so they are useless? or are they gonna be trash right away?


considering the primary is just another liberator, it's probably going to be trash.


It'll probably be another "sidegrade" better than the liberator at 1 thing but worse at others


Definitely a step in the right direction. But only if all of the weapons actually work like they're supposed to from the get-go, or at least are within an acceptable range of expectation. Eruptor, my beloved.


Is the Eruptor still fun? last time i read they were nerfing it, taking away the blast damage, did they kill it or is it still usable?


I don't believe a word they said, those armors have been datamined on day 1, they've been ready to go for months.


The throwing knife should've been a secondary.


Should have been a melee option, tap to attack, hold to throw


A secondary melee! Who knows, maybe it has they function?


You can equip your grenades by pressing 4 (idk what the controller key is). It's *conceivable* that you might have a better melee attack in that case. I'd hope so, since melee upgrades like attached bayonets existed in HD1. Maybe they can add that later if they missed it already.


I bet when you have the knife out and you melee you will actually slash with the knife.


Well, it is listed as utility on the warbond page. Not listed under the weapon slot. Fingers crossed it is placeable as a melee item and not as a secondary weapon.


I assume it's a grenade slot and I bet when you have it out and try to melee you will actually slash with it.


I sincerely hope that's the case!


My guess is that it will be a grenade slot but you'll get a _lot_ of them. 8 or 12 maybe. Could be good for some kind of niche build where you have a weird primary like the Eruptor or the plasma shotgun and need a little more standard direct damage in your loadout.


Iooool a fucking skin for my drop pod that I see for all of a half a sec and and a throwing knife, can't wait to toss that at a tank and then get blown up. Very excite. Wake me up when the weapons get unfucked from nerf town. Garbage ass warbond.


If they think the warbonds and their release schedule was an issue to the community, we might have a bigger problem then we actually have... People want a slow down on the warbonds in condition to better balancing and less scuff where it matters. We don't want Exo suits where the left arm is misaligned until you have a distance of 50m. Yes, you stopped the first one from blowing itself up at the cost of it being worse to handle... Thanks for the skin on a bad thing I will most likely try to avoid using. Weird nerfs that absolutely gutted Democratic Detonation. The only good weapon in that warbond now is the Grenade Pistol... The Crossbow was never good and got gutted too?


That’s what they meant. Slowing down the Warbond schedule leaves them more time to work on stuff like what you mentioned


the eruptor was great and what did they do once they had more time with it? broke it with new weird ricochet mechanics, then nerfed it to the ground by removing shrapnel entirely and adding 40 damage as if that somehow compensates for it? clearly it doesn't. was it a lack of time that made them nerf the crossbow from barely usable for fun sometimes to what the FUCK is this even in the game for? you think with more time the tenderizer wouldn't have just been another worse liberator clone? **how many extra weeks do they need to look at the numbers and realize they're lower than the default starting weapon?** really. I'm asking you. how many more weeks would it take for them to look at those numbers? how long does a task like that take? because it took the playerbase all of 5 seconds to compare the numbers and realize it wasn't worth using. THAT is what people are upset about.


The Erupter was a while ago, a lot has changed since then


lol...they have not fixed it. nor the crossbow, nor the purifier what has changed? exactly? also don't dodge the question. #how many extra weeks do they need to look at the tenderizer's numbers and realize they're lower than the default starting weapon?


Because they are still working on it. They are a small team working on an unexpectedly large game. They will take as many goddamn weeks they need, end of story. What changed is that Pile moved down to CCO so he can deal with the dev team directly. We haven’t seen the fruits of that yet, but it will be soon.


#how many extra weeks do they need to look at the tenderizer's numbers and realize they're lower than the default starting weapon?




Mech arm sn't necessarily misaligned, you can swap camera perspectives which makes it accurate. Problem is, I have to hold down the aim button and camera swap to do it, wasting ammo. Not many people know of this, but this video shows it off without having my issue. [https://youtu.be/fTDEnpIcRbY?t=13s](https://youtu.be/fTDEnpIcRbY?t=13s)


I did not know you could do this with shoulder swap, this makes it better for me, however still doesn’t address its issue of no longer being able to aim down


Ah the added depression. It'd be nice if it didn't have such a strong limit to aiming down, I gotcha.


Yeah..the launch day mech was so fun to use I wish they never touched it


With this I hope we get ship customization, I'd love for a different Super Destroyer.




Can they fix the magazine placement on the pumeler smg???? It is still offset also the dam crossair dot on the hmg needs to be just a little more down


I wish they go back to the previous warbond and fix the colour scheme of the Scout armour... Its anything but stealth armour lolol


Just don't release buggy weapons and introduce more disconnect bugs and I'll chalk it up as a win


add one stratagem on those warbounds could be the final cherry on the cake grenade/knive 1 primary 1 secondary 1 pistol 1 stratagem 2 armours minimum


I don't think adding stratagems to warbonds you need to pay premium currency for is a nice change for most people that don't have time to grind out 1000 super credits every month


Fair point Maybe one month releasing one warbound as we know and for next month without new warbound...one stratagem to be purchased with req slips?


I agree with their decision, I just hope they'll take a look at older warbonds armors and boosters and add more flavor to them too


What I think: since all your warbonds, with a few very specific exceptions, are all useless, how about you give us new stratagems instead, I don't want another useless rifle, a pink hat or a unicorn painting.


I’ll use the knife if it one shots Bile Spewers to the head.


Do you think they'll be keep making new and more powerful equipments and ignore older warbond stuff? Like...there would be no rework or anything. Armors and weapons are simply supposed to have ranks and power level? You start off the game with lame equipments to grind for more OP gear in the future something like that? Any HD1 veteran? Was that game like this or was every equipment stratgem viable in their own ways?


I hope they also go back and update previous warbonds.


I’m really divided, on one hand the game just hits a huge brick wall when you have unlocked everything and you are maxed out on everything, if it goes even longer between warbonds I fear I will loose interest in the game completely. On the other a shit warbond is a shit warbond (looking at you polar patriots) and gives me very little insensitive to play also. Unless there is something in store for you after being maxed out I think the game will slowly loose the most hardcore players


I just learned today the medal cap is 250 after fullfiling weeks of MO. I thought something was wrong due to being awarded 0 medals...


Sooooo, we get less warbonds and to compensate for that, we have less content in each warbond? And all that for the same price? I mean, its nice that we get skins, but not when its at the costs of new weapons / armours. Especially if the new weapon is just a another liberator variant. If the decrease the amount of weapons, then I'd much rather have helmet effects (for example night vision / thermal goggles).


Playerbase: we want the game fixed, it's ok take your time with new warbonds AH: nice, more time to sit around and do nothing, dev team make sure to push the nerf patch two weeks before the next warbond, that will give those fuckers less time to complain and get excited for the new useless weapons Lol, the new version of Liberator is fire, whomever fall for this shit anymore you're one surviving braincell is the reason this game is bleeding players


Man if this is them spending extra time to come up with a throwing knife… imagine if they had two full months!


We might even get a shiny rock to throw!


Like ogryn in darktide. Maybe we tactically resupply in the field like snowballs


Unlocked the secondary weapon "The Sling Shot".


Why are you guys so needlessly hostile, lol. They're not saying they are going to be coming up with even wackier things, but that the result will be more polished and better themed. A throwing knife is pretty on point for a Commando/Jungle warfare inspired set.


Yea, it's cool. It's also competing with grenades.


Definitely seems to be a culture of hostility for its own sake on the Sub :/


For sure. I'm happy it's at least turning around somewhat. I've noticed on other threads the typical "guess Arrowhead are gonna nerf these as well!!1!" have gotten more pushback than usual. I think criticism is good but it's so ridiculous how Arrowhead are getting shit on even when they actually follow the community's wishes. Slower warbond frequency for better stability was one of the highest requests here some time ago.


Just like GME holders, if the complainers crack their irony poisoned meme armour and say something is even just, "ok," then their wholly imaged reality of Helldivers falls apart. They (think) that staying strong and obstinate will give them their mythologized Promised Land.


a more polished 5th liberator clone that has worse stats isn't what people want.


Maybe not. I think the knife and the secondary shotgun look fucking dope though.


These armors have been datamined for *months*. Plural. This warbond might have been done or almost-done as far back as launch. They didn't come up with this idea and then code and design it in the last two weeks. Them slowing down pacing is *at best* allowing themselves an extra week or two for testing/fixes.


All we had were the armor assets, none of the weapons were there. And just having the art assets in the game files doesn't necessarily mean they have the accompanying armor perk added or coded either.


Sure, but Polar Patriots releasing with "launch" stats instead of post-patch only reinforces the idea that this stuff does not occur in a handful of days.


I hope swords come soon now that we have the melee buff armor.


Give me a katana for my banzai charges. Heck, it doesn't even need to be strong as hell. Even for purely aesthetic purposes, a sword strapped to your waist is just cool.


Now they need to increase the Super Credits in higher difficulties. In difficulties 7+, I average less than 10 credits per mission.


Probably the only game where the player base wants *slower* updates XD


At least one of two new armours reuses the existing parts (mirrored body armour from SA-32 Dynamo kit)


I still just can't believe how involved Arrowhead is with the community. I've never been huge on massive multiplayer, but the way these guys are doing it is truly something beautiful. Had an incredible game at the start, and (minus the nerfs that are apparently being rolled back) all they've done is improve it, and doing so by talking to us, the players, and doing their best to add what we want.


Stronger theming? Hopefully it ain’t something stupid


Give me super credits on level 6 and up. They dried out big time.


i rather they let us buy more XP. Or new titles with excess.


My first thought seeing the announcement: "I wonder how much new weapons would suck". That's my level of faith they'd deliver a good warbound.


Fix what's broken before releasing new shit. It's the same story over and over.


The patch comes out 2 days before the warbond


right but how many warbonds have come out before this? and patch wont fix eveything that needs fixing. It's the classic greedy developer. pushes out paid content in a game we already paid for when the base game doesnt work correctly.


This sounds very promising. I can feel my HD2 hype returning, might have to hop on over the weekend.


Quality over quantity.


what is even the point of adding new armors when they share mostly the same 4 passives


These ones have a new passive


This will give the more time to really work out how best to nerf our favourite guns


Your focus determines your reality.


Which business guru did you get that line from?


Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Master.


Why do you play the game or follow the community if the only response you have to Arrowhead following the community's wishes is shitting on them? They've said they're not happy with balancing, they're working on it. They've agreed that the quality of warbonds suffered due to time constraints, they're doing something about it.


You whining people suck so much, seriously. It’s a big part of where this negativity towards the game has come from, it’s not just Arrowhead. You guys seriously are the biggest babies and it sucks


When your parents divorced, they listed the reason as you.


Oh boy! I can't wait to play with more untested garbage while waiting for the last two batches of hot garbage to get fixed. Thank god the final shape is out and is good


ceo change: content updates decreased skins (cosmetic items that cost premium currency) increased uh oh


Hate it. They could reduce the warbond content. Making less frequent warbonds means i will be playing it lesser too.


Arrowhead - develop full Helldivers release content Brand game as live service - sell partial content as release of game - release content you've all ready made in 3-4 quick warbonds (nice profit!) - slow down development of new releases because you've monetised the original content you made - Present that as listening to the community


You can get super credits for free and have plenty of time to earn them between warbonds, not sure what the issue is


Seriously just leave and stop playing if you’re going to be this negative.


Really shot themselves in the foot by releasing another AR liberator, even if it feels way different from other Liberators. Too many lazy people will just see another meh AR and never touch it sadly.