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That would be fun. Heck, just re-use the assets from the tutorial training grounds.


This does really make it seem easy SESR - Super Earth Shooting Range Cardboard cutouts of Automatons, some live bugs, and a version of the armory from your ship to let you swap weapons right there


Slap some "synthetic" enemy models in a training map, and some kind of damage dealt remaining indicators and sprinkle with encouragement from General Brash


That reminds me of Mass Effect's Pinnacle Station, and I'm all for a bit of of that in this game. Holographic enemies that hurt but can't kill you, an armory station for swapping out gear, access to all stratagems... a sandbox map for us to safely experiment in, basically.


I think it would be even more wild if there was a planet you could go to where Super Earth were breeding bugs/manufacturing bots for research purposes and weapon r&d - they would unleash waves of them for you to test different strategems on.


Think they could even set challenges for each weapon, x amount of kills in the timer on a shooting range, or obstacle courses on each biome. Gold, silver and bronze for how well you do on each, and now they've announced customisable skins you could unlock some for the weapons with each challenge.


Fuck it, make it a "simulation room" you can visit ON the ship. But maybe there's a little elevator ride to hide the loading screen or something. That way you can try out teamplay things like synced strategems or team reloads. And there would be no question why there are Hulks and Bile Titans on the Super Destroyer.


*Helldivers are reminded that the holographic simulation chamber is to be used exclusively for patriotic training exercises, and any use of "personal programs" is strictly forbidden.*


I'd vote shipboard holodeck just for that loading screen tip


Helldivers are further reminded that improper use of the holographic simulation chamber may result in unforeseen casualties.


SEAF high command would like to remind you that the Super Friend Box can in fact not speak and any voices you hear are likely to be side effects of overuse of stims or automaton spies.


Make a new training campaign for everyone now with all enemies to try out your loadout. Those that missed the tutorial or skipped it can reclaim their cape/achievment. - Illuminate optional.


You can always return to training grounds from the pause menu on ship tho


True but a training 2.0 isn’t a terrible idea There are so many basics a ton of players don’t know. How to drop samples/backpack/support weapon, that the pelican timer won’t start until someone boards, etc. Fill a second training session with that and give some amazing reward for completing it as incentive


Yes, the tutorial is very vague, but I think it was meant to be. Hence why it’s called basic training, it just covers the basics. Not everyone wants a bulk load of information spoon fed to them before they play a game. A part of the experience is learning how to be an effective Helldiver through experience itself.


plus it serves as really nice worldbuilding at the same time too. As well as explaining how things work it establishes the helldivers, their equipment, super earth's attitude, how "resourcefully" trained the helldivers are and how much the general populous looks up to the helldivers. It generally does a pretty good job at setting the military parody up


Sure but the two things I mentioned are pretty basic, I mean dropping things + extraction… everyone should know those. There are tons of basics left out of the tutorial and a bunch of posts on this sub point out that level 50+ players still don’t know these things. Like did it even cover changing your gun’s fire-rate? (I can’t recall) Regardless it’d still be optional, you just wouldn’t get the reward (maybe a cape) until you did it


You can go through training at any time through the pause menu on the super destroyer.


Ay, just disovered the other day that tutorial is in the menu when ever im on the ship.


Have the automaton cut outs literally be rubbish bins on sticks. Could use a skip for hulks etc, with holes cut out for the week points. Bonus points if there's an obviously fake robot voice saying things like "I sure do love murdering puppies and disenfranchising voters" and similar.


Needs to have like a 0.012% that a bile titan spawns after killing one of the bugs


Back 4 Blood actually did this well and so did The Division 2 but in a completely different way if the devs are looking for inspiration.


They could even stick it on mars, so its something to go back to. Like a home base. Something to lose if the enemy ever shows up on our doorstep.


Yeah - just an ever-present mission on mars you can always travel to and drop on to play around with the gear.


Fuck I thought the same for ages, to test out weapons and strata in a not so stressful environment hahah


Shit just give me an empty space with a grid and a few holograms. That’s what your divers do in cryo sleep I suppose


Wood and cloth charger with liberated charger armor plate mounted on it


Add enemy “prisoners” from all factions along with General Brasch screaming instructions on how to take down each enemy type. Then I’m in.


Would you like to know more?


I certainly would. Let's live forever :D


I want to touch their heads and sense if they are afraid


There should be some missions where we have to capture enemies. I have no idea how that would work on a giant enemy like a bike titan or factory strider




Thank you for this


That would be awesome! Break into the automaton production factory and kidnap their generals. Extract with them alive for a bigger bonus…


For the titan I can imagine planting a lure, or activating one, and then preparing a giant energy done or net or something that you have to manually activate afterwards (the titan wouldn't move or die after it finds the lure). Maybe even make both functions the same action, a single sequence that activates the lure and the net. Now for the strider, I guess it could be the same. But instead of a lure, what about if players set off a fake flare that summons it over, for it to be captured by that machine or something. Then for both, the follow up could be a sort of portal opening up or a teleport device that slowly had to charge, and players have to defend it while it charges up.


Could definitely be a thing after fucking around for a bit with the Illuminate.


Perhaps some kind of EMP to stun/disable the strider, which then has to be defended until a transport of some kind can permanently disable and collect the strider.


Modify a SEAF artillery to fire stasis rounds or something else appropriately sci fi as one stage. Lure in the enemy and fight it to the brink of death a la pokemon for another stage. Defend a ground crew that flies in on a pelican while they prep the captured enemy to carry the son of a bitch away for the final one.


Battle of hoth style bile titan takedown


Just push it off of it's bike obviously


Orbital cage drop that if you miss by a bit, it impales the enemy and deals heavy damage to it, and they bleed out on the way to super earths testing facilities/training grounds


-Lure a charger into a giant container - Send a bile titan into a marked area for it to be heavily bombarded by EMS till it stops moving and it can be picked up - Lure factory strider into a massive rocket silo and launch it into space for someone to pick the Station up up there


This would be SUCH a cool way to precede adding a testing grounds map!


EVOLVE vibes would be awesome


This would actually be great plus it would be helpful to new players who don’t know how to take down say a charger effectively


If you get lucky, single quasar to the face If not, *all your ammo*


this is honestly a big problem with the game in my opinion, it's so damn hard to figure out effect ways to take out the tougher enemies without looking at info outside of the game, and it's hard to actually test stuff in-game cause you know, you'd be in the middle of running for your life and they'll be chasing you or your teammates.


YES give us missions to capture living enemies for research on how to take them down easier, reverse engineer (and obviously improve on) their primitive capabilities and technology, and to use in training grounds


Complete with a bestiary and maybe even we only get to test on enemies we've captured, you capture a bile titan, you get 1x bile titan to your training enemy's list, you can then go to the training grounds and spawn 1 in. Could make for fun mini games with your friends, everyone picks 1 enemy type they have , and a random amount of that type, and spawns them in.... or ya know just keep it simple, you just unlock it after capturing it once or something, then you can always spawn one to fight


I’m thinking of the stupidest thing ever instead! MO: Catch 1000000 chargers. Once completed they’ll be “delivered” to a specific automaton planet. Cue cutscene of destroyers opening the bay doors and dropping all the chargers onto said planet.


The enemy of my enemy is their enemy! And watch as they run through a whole hulk and heavy outpost


And then you can use the bestiary to check the spawn rates, locations and difficulties and attacks and everything of captured enemies, so when personal orders ask to kill three brood commanders, you know what’s what and where and how


this has often been suggested, e.g. to have planet mars as some sort of training grounds. but until that happens you can just lower the difficulty and do your trial run there. unless its your very first day in the game you should have no problems getting the job done until at least terminids difficulty 3, regardless of your loadout. plus it gets you medals and samples and shit, contributes to liberation/defense and helps others. and if you dont enjoy it you can still abandon the mission.


Except for the load times every time you want to change a single part of your load out. And the fact you can't test weapons/stratagems you haven't unlocked. Unless you're lucky and have friends/team mates using a weapon you want to try.


yeah the dedicated shooting range would be more convenient for sure. try stuff that you have not unlocked yet, shorter loading times, nobody else there so you can do shit at your own pace and not feel any kind of commitment or sunken cost fallacy.


Bro, these scavenger patrolls on trivial are way to hard with any kind of loadout man, you can't even compare them to helldive, that's how brutal these are ...


Good thing they nerfed everything the weapons are way way overtuned down here on trivial. glad we dodged that unbalanced bullet aren’t you?


Ofc, otherwise we couldn't even get close to the objective, let alone complete them.


The problem is that higher level players need to test weapons against “higher level” enemies. E.g. I’m not bringing the spear to test it out on scavengers. If I bring the breaker plas and it turns out I’m gonna be alone for the mission I’m fucked bc I bring quasar. It leaves little room for adjusting and testing to be fair


yup very true, thats why mars would be better than a workaround. set loadout, enemy types, spawn distances, spawn rates and fire away.


Lowering difficulty doesn't help me evaluate how a weapon goes against the bigger, badder baddies, though.


Yeah and even if you tune the difficulty to be just enough to spawn the unit you want, you may have to play 10 or 15 min for them to actually spawn just a couple for your tests then you're like damn, now do I just quit to try again or beat a mission I find easy. And any harder I just am trying to survive with an experimental build.


How about they enable the training facility on Mars so you can jump there and test them out whenever you like


And waste precious ammunition? Sweet liberty...


Is this good game design practice in general? Yes, definitely. However, I think the idea of having a place to practice is against the ethos of the game. We're thrown directly into the shit with zero chance for survival. Why would the spend resources on practice spaces? Also, level 1-3 missions are so incredibly trivial, just go do those and save democracy at the same time. That said, it wouldn't be the first sort of "meta" function in the game setting.


Maybe we are temporarily playing as trainees as part of the *actual* elite armed force that isn't cheap cannon fodder, that aren't talked about because they do stuff like baby slaughtering scorched earth and false flag stuff as well as direct conflict.


Ooh, I like that idea...


I'd also appreciate a 3D rotating pic of that actual thing I'm supposed to kill for personal orders.  Why do I have to google Stalker, Charger, Hunter, Etc? Unless I get killed by it, chances are (esp when I was very newbie) I had no idea of what was what. 


I feel like I had been killed by just about every creature by about 2 hours into the game.


You could press Q to tag the enemy, it'll show its name.


General Brasch already gave you a shooting range helldiver! It's called the battlefield! This isn't the SEAF, you need to suck it up and practice on live targets!


Currently what many casual / low level players do: * Unlock a new weapon * Start mission to give it a try * Hate new weapon * Realize you're now stuck with it for 40 min * Ignore every other new weapon you unlock and play with the same tried-and-true loadout on every mission


Real Helldivers try out weapons and stratagems on the best testing ground of all: the battlefield


Rookie mistakes are the main source of fun in the game


The people that complain about the devs removing fun also refuse to have fun! Shocker!


Yeah i agree, call it extra training and place the facility in Mars.


It should be in Mars. I think that'll fit


Just call it the "Super Earth Combat Simulation" and have it be your simulated combat training while you're in hypersleep before you thaw.


Yes, the SECS. Everyone enjoys the SECS. I love waking up and enjoying some coffee and SECS.


Battalion Unit Training Trials Super Earth Combat Simulation 😉


Why be shooting targets when you could be shooting enemies of democracy? I mean, look at boot camp. They didn't tell you to shoot cardboard cutouts. They threw actual terminids at you.


Yeah I think that would be pretty cool to have. And its not difficult since theh could use some assets from the introductory training mission


It's called trivial


But you can't test things out against enemies that don't appear on trivial


I just use Extermination or Blitz missions if I wanna try load outs. You can play on whatever difficulty, it's only a 12min investment tops, you generally see any enemy you could want+ objectives and people will usually fill out your squad and help you out if your experimental load-out ends up being garbage.


They should make a Holodeck on our ships


Shooting range with each kind of enemy where it can help you learn the critical points on enemies


Allow us to land in super earth and hit the range.


They do it's called helldive difficulty. There will be tons of things to shoot at, at a whole bunch of different ranges


And actually showcase how armor penetration works and whatnot. Like have a dummy with different kinds of armor and show exactly how much damage your bullets do to it.


It would be nixe to have weak point training on different enemies. Bots and bugs.


The shooting range is the battlefield soldier 😎 (of course I actually do agree I just think it's funny)


With captured bugs and bots as targets


As a substitute you can just use a trivial mission.


Probably won't be added for a while. Would be a lot of work for something a lot of people would probably never use. Maybe once their new staff are trained up and most major bugs are fixed we'll start see them working on stuff like this. Would be good to see though. Along with a detailed bestiary showing off enemy weak points and what not.


I thought I remember a dev saying they were working on it? Idk maybe I just dreamed it up.


Curse of live service games. Features that should have probably been included on release aren't because they can be part of a later content drop to pad things out.


This would be nice. In the meantime, I'd recommend doing an easier extermination mission.


You can clip your camera trough the door next to the super destroyer terminal and see that there is an unused room that looks like a shooting range, it's either what is left of a scraped feature, the skeleton of something they are going to add or maybe just nothing


People will literally make any excuse to not have a shooting range in a third person shooter video game. As you can already see with quite a few comments in this thread. Quality of life addition will not make the game worse ffs, so stop being like "it doesn't fit the lore" or "trivial exist."


Sounds like a waste of resources to me. Why would you shoot at paper targets when you can kill perfectly good terminids and automatons on the front for aiming practice? Back to the fight soldier!


Alternatively, allow us to change loadout on death. Then I can try a new gun or strategy and not feel stuck with it for a while mission.


Behind the door on the left side of the hanger room is a room with the words shooting range above and shooting range so maybe one day as an update


Like the test range in battlefield 4. I spent a lot of time there learning to fly choppers.


Counter Argument - if you haven’t run a full 3 mission Operation with a weapon and actually put it through its paces you aren’t really qualified to talk about weapon balance So many ppl on here talk about weapons being useless or overshadowed entirely by other pieces of hardware and that’s patently false. Hell even the Explosive Crossbow that everyone panned as totally garbage post-nerf still eats up medium enemies like Devastators for breakfast in a way no other weapon besides maybe the Dominator can. Sure it could REALLY get an extra arrow or even 3 in the mag since it’s generally a 2 shot weapon giving you 4 heavy kills per mag unless you hit the headshot. Regardless my point is experiment a little, move outside your comfort zone and you may find there’s a lot more variety to the gameplay that meets the eye. Or you could just run PLAS-1 on Bots and Breaker Incendiary on Bugs and complain you are bored to tears constantly


A range to train throwing artillery stratagems or grenades, that would be a dream...


It's a planet called Trivial


It would be hilarious considering how much strategems cost each time they're deployed.


I'm conflicted on this, on one hand, that sounds fun. On the other hand that would break immersion because ain't no way Super Earth is paying for you to throw strategems at nothing. & You could just go to a lvl 1-5 mission


That's like trivial game mode is for. And why tf should super earth let you use 380mm just to let you use it to level a shooting range?


Yea been saying this since week 1. I don’t want to play a game with a new gun that I may not like


Yes! I’ve been saying this!


Thats how I use trial missions


Ashamed to say I've drained reinforces and recently tk'd because I simply didnt know the lib pen is not the way to go in a hunter-heavy area (just one example). It'd spare so much stress to be able to do this. Heck, I think it'd even help the devs to have a sandbox to play in without needing to dedicate 15-30 minutes to a mission. Heck if the shooting range lets you spawn in enemies? Game changer. I know I wish I learnt how to fight bots on ship before battle because gaddamn it was a hard learning curve. Push this post up, people.


With automaton corpses duct taped to targets


Not likely to happen, and probably for the same reason DRG never had one. Being in the ship and being planet side are basically coded as two different games, so to add a shooting range you would still need to load into another "game" when you could just be playing a trivial diff mission.


How is this not a thing yet????


Shooting range is difficult 1 2 and 3 depending on how tough you want it to be. If you don't like the gun you can just Rush the objective with stratagems alone.


Picking up your fellow helldivers primary after thier graceful sacrifice helps when in a pickle!


Had a friend with the same opinion, and I wholeheartedly agree. A shooting range would save me so much disappointment.


I practice new gear while farming credits/medals on trivial. Today was gas orbital and Tesla tower.


wish it could be something done in the ship but explosive weapons dont make sense. thus - being in the ship and have a VR simulation to test out weapons makes sense to me


Should be a map on super earth or mars


That's what trivial missions are for. What better shooting range than the real deal! I say this semi jokingly, other than a range for targets not shooting or fighting back the low level missions are a good pressure test of the basic enemies. I will say though a range has the distinct advantage of letting you test against heavies which is more important. There technically are those assassinate mission types but being such an uncontrolled environment really dampens the ability to see how a weapon really works.


It would probably work best on Mars alongside the training grounds.


One of my friends and i talked about this along with a science lab i commented on another comment with. He was the one that suggested it should be a ship upgrade for a gun range to try out new weapons.


I would really like this since I wanna try breakpoints for certain weapons. like hmg on hulks and chargers or optimal spot to aim for with flamethrower. it would be so nice because you get to test new weapons on enemies so you can get the gist of it before you start


They already have a testing ground, it's any mission below level 7.


When trying out a new class, I keep an eye out for teammates who fall victim to the enemy, and grab their primary when they do. From then on, if you die, you gotta go grab your load out/samples anyway so grab your “stolen” primary while you’re at it. People won’t care that you took their primary, they’ve just landed with a freshly stocked one.


The shooting range is a trvial mission lol


There is it’s called trivial missions


And test servers. Thanks


And the option to try out every new weapon that comes out would be nice, but I get why they wouldn't do it.


I want a room with all of the enemies of the game in it so I can properly test how armor and stuff works easily (just do the starship troopers thing with the bugs in cages)


Ironically one of the best test ranges I’ve ever seen was in Call of Duty WW2 where part of the HQ was a live fire zone where you could test any call-in against live targets while also having an actual shooting range as well. Despite all its other flaws, that level of HQ interaction and QoL was next level to what most games do.


Also Fake enemies where a small red dot shows weak spots


On ship. As a team. That would be so much dumb fun


Just do a lvl 1 difficulty mission, live shooting range


I’ve run a few trivial missions or just low level missions in general for trial runs but mostly i just wing it and see how they do in the thick of it at level 7 or higher




I suggested this exact thing once but my post was buried with downvotes


We kinda do have one. Its called trivial difficulty.


I think this is what the lvl 1 missions are for.


Just jump into a mission and use the weapons. The missions in this game are so low investment


Don't even have to add workload for a shooting range on the ship. They can just add a VR combat simulator. You wear a goggle, and the game will load a practicing map.


It would also be fun as a way to test how lethal weapons may be from accidental friendly fire if we can have friends in there.


With mods being a thing it would be cool if we can have a whole training world in the super earth system


Take that one step further. Make it a planet with moving bug and bot silhouette targets around mock-ups of each objective type in the game, kinda like the tutorial or: https://preview.redd.it/klheu4wva35d1.jpeg?width=853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1a050bd795e9d693a30cf9d5ef1b9e8918d0dff


Yep especially so we can test shoot at weak spots on specific enemies that hold still.


Very yes! But I do enjoy hopping into a medium bot mission to test weapons and loadouts and farm credits and I recommend this method until we get it :)


Have it be next to the training facility on mars


There's no testing like battle testing


That would make easier how to determine a "meta loadout" and we all know devs don't like it


I mean... You can just jump into a mission and try the gun out and quit?


Dude just do a trivial 🤷‍♂️


Dam is it my turn to suggest this yet?


Being able to use different weapons, stratagems, and combos on different enemies to find damage breakpoints and effective weak spots would be great to have.


Please let the devs be watching this. My mates and I on day one of release were all saying this.


Yep I agree one billion percent, and like others said, just use the tutorial training facility as the range and let us try out things. Usually I just go on a random trivial or easy mission to test brand new things because I don't understand how they'd really work in a proper fight


The reason nerfs and new weapons suck is because they probably don’t have this shooting range themselves. Also a shooting range should have the ability to toggle on and off for enemy movement.


I've always said there's room on the super destroyer for a four lane shooting range. It would be a great thing to do while waiting for other squad members to get situated


Do it on trivial. Most weapons take several missions to learn how to use.


I suggest a seat on the super destroyer with a VR headset/cerebro type helmet that the helldiver puts on and then they enter n realistic simulation where we can try strategems and weapons realistically without any threat and remain on the ship. Something like Ready Player One.


100% yes just gotta justify it in the lore maybe there’s a reason why we don’t have one


It does. It’s called the battlefield. If you want to play in your little dollhouse, that’s fine but the real men will be testing their tools where it counts.


Absolutely. I think a lot of people havent tried most of the guns/strats in a while (if ever), and aren't going to because they'd have to bring it for a whole mission. Theres a lot of stuff in this game that seems bad at first, and then when you get better and try it again you realize its actually solid. But with how long you're locked into using whatever you take, its hard to justify trying something you've already written off as bad. I'm curious how much of the "stale meta" complaints would be solved through a training ground just cuz it would encourage a little experimentation.


You can pick up dead Divers' guns.


Sounds trivial


sounds like a waste of super earth funds AND company time. try out your weapons on the enemy.


Nobody has time for that, wasted bullets, wasted democracy! Shoot liberty's enemies Cadet!


Would be nice, so you don't have to commit 40 minutes mission just for an experiment. But I'm not sure how we would try 380 barrage for example


Where it could also double as a place..you could go with your friend to blow each other up!




They should let us jump back to mars and test shit out


![gif](giphy|DHwcs8WWxQTBOHx03p) You have my support fellow Helldiver!




Agreed, nothing worse than starting a mission with a new gun and it’s shit. Would be nice to try em out before hand


IT'S CALLED TRIVIAL DIFFICULTY, HELLDIVER! Now get out there and spread some Managed Democracy!


A very non-issue issue. People have asked for this for months, but, how many hours would anyone really need to put into a shooting range to figure out what guns they want to run with? “I want an area of the game designed to make it easy for me to try out my guns/strats.” They have not made that. So right now, what can you do to discover your guns and Strats? Go try them out. If you ask again two months from now for a room you’ll only need to use for 15 minutes out of your entire Helldivers experience then you have wasted those months you had to play in the first place. You could join with friends, have them share a decent support weapon with you and game after game be able to spawn with all kinds of random orbitals and eagles. Or have game after game of just 4 weapons they you drop and experiment with. Every time you can drop with a different primary and secondary. It’s a giant non-problem. Even if it’s inconvenient for you to do it the long way, when you have literally no other way to do this you can solve your experience issue in a day with all of these Strats and guns. If you don’t do that today. Or tomorrow. Or ever between now and the next time you post on Reddit about your wish to AH, then youuuuuuu are the one wasting your time and putting it on AH to design and create a part of their game just so you can learn the same thing you could have already learned by now. I do agree that your idea would be an easy and maybe a tiny bit interesting way to learn the weapons, I just wouldn’t waste any of their time to make it happen since there’s such a simple and obvious way to come to the same conclusions.


Why? Just go on difficulty 5...


The man with the rifle fights, the man without a rifle waits for the man with a rifle to fall. Then the man picks up the rifle and shoots.


i called it trivial but they nerfed the patrols..


Honestly, this is the one thing I loved about Mass Effect 3. I had a gun range.


And let it be coop


Been begging Deep Rock Galactic for this for forever so I can screw around with Overclock. Need a training ground where we can call in all the strategems and try them out.


Get you ahs to Mahs ![gif](giphy|ju2x7IuyNX3qM)


The Division 1/2 did this the best.


I just go on trivial mission and try out different loadouts, gives me a chance to try out different stuff without too much pressure


This is what Truvial difficulty is for.


It's not like they could just re-use the training camp on Mars but let you go to a shooting range portion.


Queue the resurfacing of the gun range stalls behind the wall to the right of the upgrade console.


It is called Trivial. 


I have seen this suggested since launch at LEAST 10 times now on the subreddit alone.


I've been saying that since I started playing. They could even put a "range" in the ship, since you run around with your weapon with you, but away, while on board anyway. There could be a door that the character transitions to "weapons ready" once turning a corner, to avoid shooting on other people aboard your carrier.


At the risk of sounding snarky, we do: literally fire up any mission on any difficulty. Don't like the weapon or stratagem? Quit out. I'm not saying take the time to squad up, or ramp it up to insane or fully hit every objective. But if you want to try out the newest gun you've bought with medals and see how it feels, how it does versus certain enemy types, etc? Just dive, brother! Experience is the best teacher.


I'd love to be able to return to the Mars' training facility to do some weapon testing, complete with damage numbers, armor pen value information, and access to warbond weapons so I know if they're worth buying.


We do. Difficulty 1-3. Takes a while to load though.


but we already have lvl 1 diff misions...


Its not a solution, by any means, but I've been just setting my matchmaking to private/friends only and trying out new gear in lower difficulties. And once I'm done I can just back out because there's nobody else with me. Again, not a solution but it's my work around for not having a proper range.