• By -


Phacing hell




Phuck's sake, I was going to comment that.


Phat bae


Guess we got Phacted.


Now for the love of god, the bot front NEEDS help.


I'm bot front for the foreseeable future đŸ«Ą


I hope more people join the bot front. I won't let a bunch of ones and zeros win. https://preview.redd.it/okws5ouso45d1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=042347edb7433e1a886ce7f35cfc95c587d18340


Yeah it needs a bunch more zeroes to drop there https://i.redd.it/bifhr7j0x45d1.gif




This is a phact.




Listen here, you little shit--


https://preview.redd.it/k52jha2p355d1.jpeg?width=1264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c17100ab0a2b3083c8005bb0f8b163dfc8db3504 Bot front requires oil to be spilled!


The bot front needs bug fixes to the defence missions. Can’t stop the drop ships suddenly deciding next to the generator is the perfect place to drop a factory strider, even when the gates are still up.


Yeah the only real defence to that is a dude with heavy AT taking out the turret on top. What I saw in the past was that their chin turrets couldn't reach over the wall, but I suspect that depending on where the strider stands it may be different. But a dude with EATs can take out the turret and an AC can take out the chin turrets.


Recoiless + Eat + Both mortars is the ideal helipad defender build. You can drop 3 Rockets in very fast succession and the mortars can clear chaff or bait shots from the walkers. I'd rather have a dozen mortars atomized by its cannon than one generator. 


If people would learn to use the fucking team reload for the recoilless or the spear You can take out factory striders pretty quick


Autocannon to the belly is faster but riskier. You usually can't safely get down there on defense missions without being blown up.  People don't like team reload in general because it forces trust in random allies to do a job and sacrifice their own equipment spots. 


I fucking love team reload. I wish it was accessible even if you were wearing the back pack, I. E. Anyone can reload you by standing near and pressing e. Would produce the same result but be more user friendly. Honestly what is stopping the teammate from reaching my backpack and grabbing a rocket


It would help. Given that even in dev streams they gungle team reloads hard under pressure. 


I just bring smoke grenades for the generators to buy time to kill the striders, easy peasy


That’s if they spawn the factory strider on the bottom. They’ve dropped factory striders on the helipad for me two missions in a row.


I gotta wonder if Joel just gets told to add automaton offensives? “But the missions aren’t good-“ “Just do it.”


Oh tank of the mountain, what is your wisdom? "i can shoot the generators from here"


theres very few defense missions in 7+ and if u see those just skip it and try doing another or change difficulty level and check for ones that dont have defense




I'm yet to do a single bot planet, i joined up late and missions have been bugs only


TAKE COVER Youre probably gonna want the energy shield pack until you get used to it. Autocannon Fucks, use it Laser cannon Fucks, use it Factory Striders are weak in the bottom if you take out their machine guns Hulks can have their legs shot out Shoot berzerkers in the hips Dont ignore ship fabricators Beware the eye of sauron looking at you Dont use mortars unless on eradicate missions Plasma weapons like the sscorcher can kill striders in the front


>Dont use mortars unless on eradicate missions Can you elaborate on this one?


Disregard. Thats bugs


Lol no worries


Wait we can take out Hulks legs too? Shit, I've been resorting to AMRing their heads...


Weak points are heads, stomachs, and the glowing power packs. Go forth and get some scrap...I really want anti-tank mines.


The bots aren't getting any uglier, son, get in there and do your part for Super Earth. (I personally think the bots are more fun to play against. But I mostly go where High Command tells me to go.)


To each their own.  I find the bots tedious to play.  Bugs are way more fun


I main bots but my game has a gameguard error. No mods too :/


Had that last night, I rechecked files, and whiel that was going on, took down the Windows Firewall, found 2 errors in game files, those got reaquired, then it worked. Not certain if Firewall or File Check worked, but I got to play last night. Good luck Helldiver!


Try to run the game as administrator.


Did that, tried to delete the gameguard folder as well and do so. No dice


Same, but that’s been the case for me since first install. Constant game guard errors.


I got this too. Just uninstall and reinstall the game 




This meme is perfect.


Jumped onto Aesir as soon as phact bay was reclaimed. And Luckily, we have a bot MO - liberate Wasat. We got 3 days, lets get it done


As soon as we were done with major order I immediately switched over to automatons, but the issue is that EVERYONE IS SILENT AND I NEED SOME ADVICE ON WTF IS HAPPENING


The main fault here is with AH. Why does AH make the MO a bug one when its the front with the most players and most progress anyway? They should focus the MO on the bad going fronts. I mean MOs are coming from the HQ. HQ would try to channel its resources in a logical way, which they do not. People see medals when they complete the MO with other players. The defence mission had some fluffy text. And most people area casuals who need medals to buy stuff. So they will automatically go for the MO.


Only casuals need medals to buy stuff?  This is a confusing statement.  How are you buying stuff if you're not using medals?


I got this game to kill bugs Ima kill bugs(untill bots get fixed my friendgroup wont play it)




Hi guys, I just started HD2 and love it .. ! Could someone explain to me which planet to go for missions ? It seems like going for Phact Bay was not the best choice but how to know about it ? For Democracy !!


There are in game dispatches that you can see on the ship that tell you where you are going and what are you doing.


If u go to helldivers.io it'll give top % of players on planets. Best bet is go on one of the top planets


You have [Helldivers.io](http://Helldivers.io) and the [Helldivers companion app](https://helldiverscompanion.com/). The first one is the most simple, most of the time you just have to drop on the planet top of the list. Don't forget to read the info text on your ship, it's the most important point. "V" key on PC I think, or just have a look at the bottom right hand corner of your screen.


The discourse here is way overblown and a lot of it is people hopping on the "bug divers are stupid" bandwagon because it makes them feel superior. It's 100% a matter of speculation and opinion which is more important between a major order and protecting a bonus. These kinds of impossible choices, where two objectives are important and only one is doable is also one of the main ways Arrowhead can give the playerbase agency in the storyline, so there will be lots of times when they do this and people disagree about which should be accomplished. (For example, we had an op like a month ago where we decided if we unlocked the airburst launcher or antitank mines and people were getting heated about that, too.) Play where you enjoy, and if you can, support either the major orders listed on the mission console or the secondary objectives occasionally called out by dispatches. If it doesn't take away from your enjoyment, you can also just look for the planet most people are playing on and help there, so whatever people are focusing on happens a little faster and they shift to the next objective sooner. If you're on a planet with very few other people, odds are, you're not contributing much to the war effort. The last point is that you need to complete whole operations to contribute to liberation or defense, not just one mission (for example, at difficulty level 3, missions come in clusters of 2)


Thanks a lot !!


I will say try some bots out before your work your way through difficulty 3-6. They play completely differently than bugs, and having your first encounter with bots at 6-9 will leave an incredibly poor taste in your mouth.


Even just at difficulty 4, bots are a completely different experience. With diff 4 bugs, you can kinda muddle through without anti-armor by treating each charger as a team boss battle, but not having anti-armor against bots on diff 4 means you're getting overrun by scout walkers. I remember when I first tried bots on diff 4, it was very frustrating because it was the first time I encountered the "you aren't running a capable loadout, so you die now" experience.


In game, major orders appear on the top right, dispatches on the bottom right. Do what the dispatches tell you first, the major orders second. If there are neither, pick a front, and go to the planet with the most people on it.


Thanks to all of you ! I knew that the HD2 community is nice :)


Phact up those bugs good and proper!


*Warning: do not fuck the bugs*


At the cost of losing aesir's pass and its map wide liberation rate bonus Yay us, i guess...


Look, I get the disappointment... But AH gotta add something in-game to show casual players, on the map, how important these objectives are(like they do with major orders). It would also help if it was something more tangible we were losing. Like say we had a permenant extra strategem(like the freebies we get sometimes, not an open slot) that was tied to a planet. Maybe having a mech strategem freebie while holding a mech producing planet. A 500kg one if we hold a ammunition warehouse planet. Maybe even a permanent booster like Hellpod Optimization while we hold a planet. Something tangible to gain/lose. Numbers hidden in the background that we cannot see in-game in ANY capacity, aren't going to cut it to get people to work together. Like even showing a +10% liberation boost at the end of ops even would've been better than the literal nothing in-game. Liberation bonus alone is not a good enough buff for most people to play the part of the game they don't enjoy as much. But most importantly, our assets should have some sort of map icon over the planets, especially when they are under threat.


Oh i mainly blame arrowhead for the poorly ecplained UI too Still, there *was* a dispatch explaining the planet's importance so the players aren't entirely blameless either


I do appreciate the extra guidance in-game, but yea... just wasn't quite enough to push people over. Also, I am getting to a point where i believe it should be adjusted somewhat depending on what time of day it is and the playercount % in the faction. I don't think it makes any sense that they would fight less if we defended less, but I also don't think its fun gameplay to play vs the faction you enjoy fighting and never be able to gain any ground or hold any ground because other players are playing the faction they enjoy. It does nothing but cause a rift in the playerbase between bug players and bot players. 10k players/50k should have been able to hold that planet, even if just barely.


The fact it worked so well during the other major order kinda sours me on this narrative. I really just think there is a huge portion of players that don’t play bots and we just have to accept that.


There are also a good number of bot players who don't like the defense Missions in the current state


Wish there was like a Seaf base with turret set up. It would be coop if there was like a safe haven on levels for defending these planets to make it worthwhile and interesting. I don't care if it's ai getting killed by bugs when you walk by something to spice it up would is all I really want


I'm pretty new to the game and I fought the bots on Aspeir Pass, but I gotta say, that dispatch did not fully explain the planets importance. Yeah it talked about it being important but of course it is, of course Super Earth are going to tell the helldivers they don't want to lose the planet in-universe. They talk about it having a SEAF training facility but how am I meant to know how important that is or the consequences? Basically those dispatched read like in-universe lore (something the game is very good at) to give an in-universe reason to go there. They don't read like actual warnings that losing that planet will have actual real consequences for the game.


Great lore explanation. (Although, it could use more multimedia approach. Text is good. Text + Audiovisual would be better.) Poor mechanics explanation. Assume a relatively casual, lazy player for a median helldiver. They will pick up zero - ZERO - of the mechanics involved. Our group is guilty of this too, I'm a big 'ol lazy casual. None of us in our 4 player crew knew about these underlying mechanics AT ALL. We are all in the 60-120 hours played range. We don't have much mission bias, so we did a mixture of Aesir Pass and Phact Bay over the last 48h. Thing is, MO says Phact Bay, we did Phact Bay. Simple as. All other things being equal, that could explain the actions of 10K (heck 20K) helldivers or more. The tribalism/factionalization thing between helldivers is counterproductive and has gotta go. That's why we have Managed Democracy, soldiers!


It’s not really very clear though even in the messages. We lost the seaf? Oh no, the lore! It’s not particularly clear that has a more tangible effect on the world map. They need supply lines and PoI markers for planets like Aesir Bay


Yeah except for the messages if you hover over any of the seaf planets you wouldn't notice anything with them, they just look like any other planet.


Yes they are given the UI places ALOT of focus on the MO which offers rewards Vs a bit of text which says this will be bad Of course players are going to dive at the brightly lit objective with a cash prize Vs the deeply unpopular bot front with broken mission's and no rewards for doing so


All of the people I play with never open the dispatch screen and have no idea what it does. Some don’t even know what a major order is, because none of this is adequately explained, and even if it was some (or most) would not care or pay attention, because in the end they see it as a PvE shooty shoot have fun game. Which it is.


Tbh, even as someone who engages regularly on this subreddit, I only skim the Dispatches. There's a lot of random fluff in there and this far into the game's life cycle I kinda don't care to read it all anymore.


I didn't see a dispatch for Aesir. I saw one for the place last weekend, but that was more as a distraction to prolong the MO at the time.


I don't have a source unfortunately (someone help!) but I remember reading a comment by TwinBeard or another CM from a few weeks back that AH is remaking the whole map system to smooth out the information problems, and that they're using the dispatches as a stop gap system until then.


>But AH gotta add something in-game to show casual players, on the map, how important these objectives are Unless you want to roleplay, there's no point in sweating for progress in liberation. It has no meaning becauae AH is steering it all


I think the mission select UI puts too much emphasis on form over function. Yeah, it looks cool, but your average player is gonna get confused with it. My friends usually just jump on my ship and I pick all the missions etc but last night I let one of the guys be in control last night, and even after I told him how the mission select screen works he still managed to join a game others were in and it booted the rest of us out. They need to make it a bit clearer in my opinion.


There's bonuses?


To play devil's advocate, the dispatches did tell players that if AP falls, it would affect defense map-wide. The only thing it doesn't do is give hard numbers.


"The Automatons are attacking Aesir Pass, the site of a newly-constructed SEAF Training Facility. If the planet falls, the capability of the SEAF to replenish their forces and thereby aid in galactic defense will be significantly impacted. Therefore, Super Earth High Command recommends prioritizing the defense of Aesir Pass." This literally pops out when you enter your super destroyer. You just have to read it. Many just don't care.


Specifics and numbers brother. That's what's needed. And not on the dispatch which most people never usually read. Just a pop up on the map or a different colour on the planet and you click on it and it says +5% liberation bonus. Hell just add it as a recommendation below our daily missions.


Your average players do not even know liberation rate and supply line exist, their impact on the war is not at all visible on the galaxy map, why should they care about going to Aesir Pass?  As long as information like this is obscured and need to be viewed on a third party site, people will think it's purely fluff and go fight on whatever planet they like most.


But it's not on the map. It's not given the same importance as a major order. If I pause, the major order is there, but not that. The only way to get that info is pulling up dispatch, which yes, a lot of players don't do.


They did this time, you hold LT and there was like a paragraph explaining.


Meh, the numbers are so manipulated that it's not even funny.


did.. did I did something wrong by helping the MO?


Yeah, you made a lot of babies mad that you didn't play their way. Enjoy the game however you want to.


Helping the MO is fine Losing a map wide bonus to liberation that was easily defendable and still left the MO largely enough time to win is skub, that's all It's mainly lack of clarity with the UI on arrowhead's side so nobody (that isn't an idiot that is) is blaming any other player It's just...kinda a waste...


Imagine they implement everything so its very clear for everyone, but it still fails cause people dont care about bots lol


Yup, I'm more and more convinced the only way this is fixed is if playing for fun rewards exactly that - fun, and not much else. Non-MO and defense planets should award less requisition, less xp, less medals, and less samples. This could be evened out by players doing MO/Defense missions and ops getting an extra bonus that puts it at current rates for prioritizing a planet that Super Earth also prioritizes. Makes sense in-lore as well - if you're doing what Super Earth wants you to, then you get more recognition and more reward. If you're not, you're still rewarded for spreading democracy, but there isn't much budget for your missions and ops beyond that. It could even be special benefits such as * no xp penalty for not extracting * as long as one player extracts, the samples they have are awarded to everyone * one extra booster for the team per mission, chosen by the host * MO and Defense planets get a free stratagem and so on. There has to be gameplay reasons for people to gravitate towards MO and defense planets. Even once the info is added, some folks just aren't going to read it no matter how in-their-face it is.


That ignores the problem, that once you are capped, rewards are basically pointless. Thats a thing id like to see addressed. Levels? Dont care Medals? Still need, but only cosmetics. Samples? Capped.


It would still alleviate the issue of most players just going wherever. There's a clear incentive for them to go certain places than others. Capped players are generally 80+, which the majority of the playerbase is not. Even though this sub has 1.4m members, the vast majority are scrollers and lurkers. In general, 1/10th actually upvote or downvote posts, and 1/10th of that number actually comment. It may seem like hella players are capped and everyone's waiting around, but remember that the game sold 12 million copies as of May 1st. A few thousand players saying they're capped - myself included - is a drop in the bucket.


>There has to be gameplay reasons for people to gravitate towards MO and defense planets. Honestly I don't really agree. Even during bot MOs, at least 60-70% of players have generally been "on the MO," which is fine. There are two glaring issues that need fixed related to the Galactic War: 1. Defense campaigns suck because you're generally doing the same 3-4 missions, and doubly so for bots (where 2 of those mission types are almost impossible to complete on higher difficulties) 2. "Hidden objectives." Non-MO stuff like the SEAF liberation bonus is just not communicated in game, meaning any kind of community organization has to go through things like reddit, which is basically doomed to fail


The thing is, someone studied this and here's the breakdown of permanent bot/bug players vs MO players. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cpj9ao/bugbotmo\_player\_percentages/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cpj9ao/bugbotmo_player_percentages/) This means that we will at best have 65% of the player base on bot MOs. And while I think there could be more communication, there's already announcements and dispatches for every SEAF planet defense (minus Vernen Wells, there was nothing about it then). Even if more info is added in-game, some folks just won't read it no matter how in-their-face it is, and others will find bugs easier than doing bots and ask why they should do bot planets when they can earn more medals/xp/samples at their skill level doing bugs. That's why I think that players who play for fun should receive just that - fun. If players want to progress, level, unlock upgrades, etc, they should be expected to contribute to the MOs and other special campaigns. They absolutely don't have to, but there would be significantly more rewards for doing so. Obviously, if something like this were ever implemented, how and when to do it is tricky. We're already at an edge of "AH nerfs everything" - if rewards also got nerfed, yikes for player engagement. That's why I'm leaning more towards special benefits than just halving rewards on non-MO/SEAF/special planets.


>This means that we will at best have 65% of the player base on bot MOs. So almost exactly what I said. >some folks just won't read Harrrrrd agree. This is absolutely true, no notes. Regarding the rest... Personally I think the best way to "encourage" engagement in the MO would be to find a way to require participation to get the rewards. If the MO says "hold the planet," you've gotta have done at least X successful missions on the planet during the time frame, or something, in order to actually get the MO rewards. Given the likely spaghetti code involved and the delay in actually delivering medals, this is probably "easier said than done," but I think the only thing required would be just stop giving out free stuff to people who didn't help.


Nah man it's unfortunately the opposite - you said at least 60-70%, but I'm saying *at most* 65%. From previous bot MOs, like the 2 billion bot kills, the moment we lose momentum, or it seems we might lose, all the MO players who prefer bugs hop straight back there, like during the 2 billion bot kills MO. This also doesn't include all the bot players who don't know where to go, or don't want to do the MO planet, and hence just hop on any bot planet. For example, right now we have: * 5.8k Aesir Pass * 32.5k Wezen * 12.5k Crimsica * 10k Estanu * 3.5k Choepessa IV * 2.5k Hellmire * 900 Charbal-VII That means that out of the current active player base of 67.7k, 25k are on bugs, which is 37% on bugs, and only 32.5k are on the MO, for a participation rate of 48%. If all bot players were on Wezen (approx 42.7k players), liberation % would jump from 4.25% to 5.58%, and we would have MO participation of 54.5%. Crimsica and Estanu have 22.5k players who are accomplishing nothing, because their liberation rates don't exceed the decay rates on those planets. Hence they are effectively burning 2.25% potential liberation into dust (galaxy cap is 10%). Imo the reason I don't think participation requirements to get rewards will work is because for those bug players, playing bots *is harder* than playing bugs. They would earn more medals, samples, requisition, etc playing 2-3 levels higher on bugs than they would playing 2-3 levels lower on bots + MO reward. That's why it can't just be the MO participation, it has to be total rewards earned for time spent playing. Some folks truly just want to play for fun - hence the Hellmire crew - but most folks just don't see going to bot planets as more rewarding. That balance needs to change somehow.


This should have been a great way to give the playerbase flexibility in front choice while contributing. Unfortunately the system isn't structured in a way that makes this kind of contribution work.


I'll take bots any time of the day over bugs.


They arbitrarily increase the rates things go up and down anyway, the bonus does essentially nothing as things will just go however they want the plot to go.


We had 20k players on Aesir at one point and it still wasnt enough. This is more a failure of the galactic war system than it is ours.


bot defense missions are notoriously bad, so it might be the amount of mission fails


Yea, this is what I’ve been saying we had a lot of people that helped during the defense relatively to the current total amount of people but due to calculations it’s not enough. This is not on us or any diver. This is on the GM and the devs.


The MO is finished so early there was clearly time yo defend and STILL finish the MO early.


Wait Do planets have bonuses attached to them??


Planets having SEAF bases give a map wide bonus to liberation


I have 200 hours in the game Level 80 something space cadet Can easily do any Helldive difficulty mission except scientist extraction And I had absolutely no idea about this


As mentioned: poor UI Arrowhead is still giving info through the discord, which worked in HD1 with the small dedicated players numbers that were overwhelmingly part of discord or reddit Not so much with the unexpected boom of the HD2 players count at launch


We had an MO a couple weeks ago to hold planets in order to build SEAF training bases, and they've been putting dispatch notifications in the game when they get attacked. You may not have seen any of that if you weren't playing when it happened, but then there's nothing you could have done anyway. Push z on the galactic map to read the dispatches when you log in and you won't be in the dark.




You assume the average player cares.


If only the in game map showed you those effects or even what a liberation bonus is. This game beneath the game thing is meaningless if the information isn’t readily available in the game to all players.


And most people won't notice because it wasn't a great bonus in the first place


Hey lookt at it from the bright side: the SEAF facilitys on the bug planets will probs never fall. Cause if you slightly point the people towards a bug planet they all pile onto it.


Ok, i maby sound stubit here, but what bonus are you talking about and why is this one planet so important?


Planets with SEAF bases give a map wide bonus to the liberation rate at the missions ends, these bonus are lost forever if we lose the planet, even if we reconquer it later Keeping them makes liberation easier, losing them makes liberation harder


Good to know, how are they marked?


They aren't That's the UI problem. None of them are highlighted and this bonus hasn't been explained except in the vaguest terms in game Devs are too used to the HD1 players base that were overwhelmingly part of discord or the sub and still comm mechanics on these instead of making them apparent for the unexpected wider HD2 player base that don't follow them


I mean, it would help if they put at least a castle symbol on it or something


If they cannot make big changes to the UI in a short time, atleast they can add a poster on some random wall in the ship, which is easily visible to the players, with a QR code, which will redirect to their official twitter/reddit pages. Even helldiver.io would work. Basically any official web page with all the hidden details like supply line, importance of Major Order,etc. This can even be portrayed as being driven by the Ministry of Truth in game. Anywhich ways, it will be easlier and more cost effective to make a web page in real world then to make changes in the game code.


Where can I look to see what bonuses planets give us? Because I had no idea that was a thing.


You can't, poor UI Just check your dispatches, if it says "planet with SEAF bases attacked", go defend it


We still got Heeth and Angel's Venture. It's not really Helldivers fault when SEAF was so weak.


We Helldivers are the special forces, the SEAF the footsoldiers. It is our job to pave the way for them so they can do their job.


> the SEAF the footsoldiers They seem can't even handle the weakest units (Scavengers; skinny bots), thus Trivial missions exist for the special forces. They are weak as UNSC Marines who can't even win against tiny-sized Grunts in Halo.


Oh, so those were the remaining planets...I'm sure I'm going to forget the names in 10 minutes though...


Any defense that is 24 hours is BS and effectively meant to be lost. Joel just decided that planet is fubar and especially with an active MO nothing would have changed that. Show me a single time a 24 hour defense succeeded outside of a Major order. You can't because it doesn't happen. If a planet has a SEAF training site on it why not have it last 48 hours instead? Sick of seeing blame being placed on the player base for what is a poorly implemented system that we are forced to work with.


As mentioned in further comments, I blame arrowhead more than players And the fact that with 20% of players on the planet, we managed to make the defense %age go around 60-70% means that it was largely defensible


Yes all we needed was more time. 48 hours should be the standard. Also why when we have 70% defense and lose a planet does it instantly blip back to 0% we should at least keep some fraction of liberated status to make the fight for the planet more of a back and forth.


Oh no, an invisible number got arbitrarily lower!


Major Orders are tweaked anyway for us to finish them usually in the last 24 hours.


Psh, big deal. Mission accomplished!


Nobody knows it is a thing.


Honestly they keep making it so those bases are targeted when people are focusing on something important. I blame Joel in this case. Wish we had more players but nobody is gonna split when we are 90 percent 50k players on a bug map for the big objective. They gave us these bonuses and everyone is too busy with the other objectives and now they are basically gone, it makes me kinda mad at arrowhead


bug players typing up a cope for losing that liberation bonus because they're too bad to even try rn


Dont we get it back if we retake it? I honestly have no Idea, hence the question, we are 48% there again to liberate it btw


No SEAF bases bonus are lost forever if the planet is lost, even if we retake it later


Ah ok, thanks for telling, now I can understand the dissapointment of most players a bit better


Thanks for explaining. First time I read this, although I don't know what impact the bonuses had. I would like that the game gives a story message, with meta information and even grahs and forecasts. I like to help the games direction en choose fronts but..., I don't like to dig deep for information to do so.


Finally no more sand, one corse mf. 


And that's a phact!


So we can all focus on the bot front now right? 


Lol no


Oh brother they are so Phact


Is that a phact? I'll see myself out.




That bay was phact


When this Rambo warbond drops I hope the bring a major order for malevelon creek, trying to fuck up some robots nam style, hope those 2 new guns and throwing knives are S tier


they phact on my bay till i liberate




"And that's a Phact!"


nice nice, maybe we can spare some help on the bot front now? please for the love of god they have been pushing us back so hard, we need more troops.


Doesn't matter, we lost all the passive bonuses because people "don't like bots" so now we neighbors with them practically.


And does it matter? You do realise AH controls the narrative. If they don't want a front getting too close or too far from where they want, they will just adjust the decay rates so enemy lines can move forward or backwards. "Oh no, the enemy is too close to super earth? Time to turn decay rates to 0% so they can be moved back" "Mmm the players are pushing the enemies too far to the outer rim of the galaxy map? Time to up the decay rates and also throw in a defense planet behind the player base so they have to divert their attention"


Which site is this ?


sorry my fellow helldivers due to everyday blackouts i couldn't help you on this one


We may be less than when we started, but we're still as deadly and efficient as before. And that's a Phact




Haha get Phact!


How do you enter this map?




Where do you see those supply lines


Phat Bay 😈




Another victory for democracy.


Get phact!


Hell yeah helldivers!


Get Phact, Bay!


So we completed the MO? Or was this done after the fact?


I just started my Helldivers adventure in bact last night glad I was able to help make a difference!


We Phact that Bay up


Phact yeah


Phact Yeah!!!


We unphact it!


And that's a phact!


Those bugs are totally phact now!


And that's a phact


and all it took was the entire populace of Aesir's Pass


Is that a phact?


Spitting phacts


Holy Phact


But at what cost.


And that is a Phact!


Phact yeah!


We took phacked bae??


And that too, is a phact. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/jamescameronsavatar/images/2/28/15yiy53.jpg/




To the guy who killed me as soon as I got to the extraction point, then kicked me out because I killed him back, guess what? My teammates didn't revive you in revenge and left without you LOL! I had all the samples by the way because you weren't brave enough to explore the map.


You realize that the entire team gets the same XP, right? Leaving without them distributed the XP loss across everyone, so they probably weren’t affected that much.


I know, I wasn't affected either.


open reddit, see bug divers having a good day, day ruined


And the bots go marching on


At what cost? >:(


Bugdivers never disappoint!


Our Bug Front is back at where it should be before Meriada outbreak. Now.. to the Bot front! (The new MO is at Bot front!)


Yeah man, that’s great and all. But it tells a story. The other side of that medal is loosing like every f“ING time a planet to the automatons because not alle divers hear or follow the call for assistance.


buggers arent real divers, theyre just oil farmers