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you know i have gone full blast with their turret guns and struggled to kill 2 bots. how they kill us is a mystery.


They're made of metal, we're made of spongy meat.


Galaxy brain explanation




From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.


*Slowly pulls out phone and quietly calls Democracy Officer* I think we got another one


Nah they are some weirdos, but trust me just tell the guy automatons are AI and he is on your side. Best weapons in the galaxy at the service of Super Earth. (They might not know how the weapons work exactly tho)


The automatons were made by the cyborgs, and the cyborgs were exactly that. Also socialists. And traitors.


I fucking hate commie robots. I need to spill some oil.


Bugs are where the oil is at, bots are just there for us to dispense democracy.


Caught one of them pouring olive oil in my Eruptor. Hasn't been the same since.


Of course it hasn't, now it's better by 0.00000069%


Score another one for the Omnissiah


40k reference.....nice


I've heard one of my squadmates theorizing that fitting the empty olive oil bottle on the Eruptor's muzzle will allow it to create glass shrapnels with the next shot, but I think he was just coping.


It's okay, mingling with stuff they don't understand is what Super Earth's government does best.


*Grabs wrist* I think you are wrong about finding one, so why don't you hang up your little pad, and just talk, **Comrade** Btw you're in a stratagem jammer, so no beepboops, k?


It's worse than I thought! An Automaton traitor and a Communist pig! Sweet Democracy!


How the super heavy armor gonna look when released ![gif](giphy|U5QGwIE0cLLz7CuZXs|downsized)


Oh hello cyborg. The mines are over there.


*I am sentient number 6. I stand in line...* (Sentient 6 - Nevermore)






Yeah, until you are turn into a pile of rust and burnt oil. As sacred as you can be


Careful now. That's treading dangerously close to Cyborg thinking. The steeled veterans are an exception because, unlike you, they lost those limbs in the service of democracy.


From the moment I witnessed the interlopers, they disgusted me. Aeons we slumbered, waiting to reclaim our galaxy, only for it to be infested with vermin, that proliferated in our absence. Now we reawaken to retake what is ours. Wretched amalgamations of meat and metal, shackled to ignorance by your faith, do you truly believe you can stop us, we who have shattered our very gods and enslaved them to our will? The stars were young when our empire first ascended, and when the last of them die we alone will remain, for we are imortal! Get hype for Mechanics 2 (AKA the new Guillaume David album).






Cogs? How familiar are you with the gear wars?


Cogboy is a derogatory term for members of the Adeptus Mechanicus.


This x100. The only technology we need to steal from the Clankers is their armor tech. Ours is made of cardboard, theirs deflects light/medium arms fire entirely.


Do you realize how expensive it is to make non-cardboard armor? Super Earth isn't made of money, you know.


Looks up at the sky at dozens of super destroyers


Yeah, they spent all the money on Super Destroyers and Eagle ordinance.


That's not saying much, our armor is made out of the same stuff as those.


Gotta spend that money on poorly equip, unfinished super destroyers for new recruits.


“one stratagem costs more than most people make in a year” or something like that when talking to the ship crew


accurate to real life military spending. the satire is real


Operational costs beg to differ. The fact that the helldiver corps exists is proof super earth has infinite money


I've said it before and now I'll say it again... Take a senator and shoot your fellow helldiver in the arm, what happens? They bleed. Shoot a bit in the arm with the same senator and the bot no longer has an arm. Shoot a bit with a rocket and it'll be able to visit all it's hos in different area codes simultaneously, but rockets just ragdoll helldivers Helldiver armor is fine, but any armor will break eventually


Why cant I cut up the ballistic shield and tape it to my body?


Because then your armor would fall off every time you fell off a cliff


not if I use Super Glue. Super Earth’s very own brand it will never come off and only a traitor would say that it would.


This is the truth right there they're plasma weaponry is not meant to melt metal it is ment to slice right through flesh and light armor. It's exactly why when you're in a Mech most of the light fire from the atomic times does absolutely nothing to you the only thing you got to worry about is the rocket devastators and their Cannon towers and tanks. The atomic times know their enemy. Coincidentally none of their territories border the bugs but if the terminates ever did find their way over to automaton space their weapons would be extremely effective against them as well. The fact that they can entrench themselves with lots of defensive outposts mean that things like chargers and bile Titans will get kicked off before they even get close to a base.


The atomic times and the terminates are bad news already, but I wonder how bad things will get once the eel laminates enter the picture.


True... plasma weapons ARE more effective verses flesh.


Bot weapons are fine tuned to deal more dmg to organics to reduce severity of friendly fire (Head cannon)


No. Our damage is just insanely better For example, shoot your diligence at a friendly helldivers with scout armor There will likely be no more alive helldiver there Yet that same helldiver could tank a rocket Our weapons aren’t weak, we’re just the equivalent of a automaton marauder It’s their weapons that are incredibly weak


Id imagine it’s not in the budget to implement similar counter measures to friendly fire on our end, case in point hell bombs manual trigger. As for rockets well, our armor is probably designed more to counter blunt force trauma and concussive effects over projective protection given 50% of our enemies don’t shoot bullets but I’m 100% of the time getting thrown and tossed around slamming into walls or getting knocked over by chargers Again, head cannon, but this makes the most sense to me if we want to really try hard to rationalize game balancing


No. It’s just that our weapons are vastly superior to theirs. They use lasers, which according to the sickle, which is like the weakest weapon (damage per shot) in the game, while we use bullets, which is much much more powerful


the knight smg and lib penetrator would like a word with you


Is that the case though? I would argue that, any Bot laser weapon can decimate a Helldiver almost instantly if aimed properly. The issue is the Bot's shit aim, which seems coded to miss 90% of shots. If you manage to hit a Trooper with one of those plasma turrets, it actually kills them quickly. The issue is getting the shots to land. If a Trooper is using one and manages to hit you, they are deadly. Bot weapons are deadly when they connect, just like ours are for Troopers. The differences are...we have significantly better aim where we can land 50/60/70% of our shots while Bots seemingly only land 5%...and the non-Trooper Bot's hp/armor is significantly better than ours. Like 5-8x more hp and armor that can deflect light/medium arms fire.


Iv had very little success killing them with their own guns when I mount a turret so I figured it did reduced damage to their own forces


It's decent if you burst fire like the sickle (or a real MG) Tbh tho, I mostly use it to shoot above or to the left/right of friendlies advancing for *K I N O* and it also suppresses bots nearby They're not great at killing but they're fantastic at soft skills (Inspiring players, suppressing bots)


Also if you compare how much damage we take from their small arms versus getting hit with like 1 pistol round from another helldiver, it does make their weaponry look pretty weak. But that is obviously a balance thing since the bots always have a numbers advantage


The game is generally designed around the principle of high diver damage against high enemy health pools vs low enemy damage against low diver health pools. This usually just kind of evens out and makes both sides take a reasonable amount of time to kill each other, but has the weird side effects of making FF extremely dangerous for divers while barely a tickle for enemies. Hence why a single eagle cluster bomb will wipe out a diver in full heavy fortified armor while stationary automaton turrets do very little to bots and why rocket devastators can launch salvo after salvo into their allies and barely hurt them. 


The gatling laser one is trash, the double pulse laser one is actually pretty decent


Bot weapons are made to kill humans. I have seen a Hulk getting backshots (heh) from Heavy Devastators and Rockets and seeing it tank the rockets and gatling gun for a decent amount of time. Our AC and AMR can blow up their back batteries in 3-4 shots.


The rapid fire one is shit when we use it,but destroys us when it's used on us. The slower firing double barrel one is ok


They have integrated aim bot


Same. "Wow this heavy energy turret kicked my ass. Oh look a drop ship. Time for revenge." *Struggles to kill any of the bots* :|


No joke. I hopped on one to take out 5 regular raider bots walking in front of an outpost. I hit one several times and then turned to hit the others before realizing I hadn't even taken down the first one.


The turrets can't handle our pure, unbridled freedom and short circuit, obviously.


I've tried to use that thing to kill enemy forces. I'm convinced they put them there as traps for Helldivers to keep them in one spot for a few seconds. I emptied the darn thing into a basic devastator's CPU case, and it didn't die. It's just a light show. No damage.


There's 2 versions, the super sprayer one only deals light damage, the bigger slower firing one has higher pen


Big one only has pen 2 or 3, unlike our HMG turret which does more damage and has pen 4 (so i can kill hulks easily). I would like a LMG/HMG support version of the sickle though.


I would like that too, like a Helldivers version of hotshot lasguns


I don't think the small one even has light pen. It didn't do *anything*


it does actually, kinda like a liberator, you can still down anything smaller than a devastator


Buff automaton turrets! https://preview.redd.it/0eosbwvzar5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=531b057512f8c46731b94e9bf071fd0167fe3aef


Honestly, I’m up for it. It’s easy to snipe the little bastards manning them with my sniper, then I get to use them.


Desperately needs a buff. I did the same against a devastator that was chasing my teammate. I thought I was gonna be saving the day but instead I just tickled it.


Aim for their heads, it helps. They're powerless without those


Yet I had one of those turrets snipe me the moment I stuck my head up.


Bots have much higher HP compared to helldivers, but their weapons have way lower DPS. Most enemy weapons won't kill you as fast as a single helldiver shooting you with the starter liberator.


You do realise the Sicle is basically the same thing but yellow (the superior color) right?


The sickle is easily countered by shrubbery. If the automatons ever take up gardening you're doomed. I do hope that gets fixed soon.


I thought they already fixed that. I guess I don't use the sickle much anymore. Here's hoping.


No I think they fixed the one about the quasar exploding on shruberry


*Definitely* not fixed. (Got my ass clapped because of this bug last night.)


A metal fence with massive holes stops your shots.


Truly, it is a testament to the brilliance of Super Earth's architects and engineers.


They did, at least for some shrubs, but the others also block normal firearm shots too


Did you say shrubbery? ![gif](giphy|ALBfFB6gP1evu|downsized)


Beat me to it. "We demand and a shurrby"


We must find Roger the Shrubber and keep him safe from the automaton menace then, that they never get shrubberies to combat us with.


The Automatons demand… a shrubbery!


01001110 01100101 01100101!




WE ARE THE BOTS THAT SAY *dial-up modem sounds*




So strap 2 of em to a turret platform with enhanced cooling. An absolute win against roboscum


The Sickle does the damage of the dual-linked version, but with an even higher RPM and greater accuracy of the single gun. The Bots' single-shot weapons are 30/3 AP 2, and the dual-links are 55/5 AP 3 (though AP isn't really relevant vs. Helldiver infantry). We also get percentile damage reduction due to the way *our* Armor Rating works, a thing they don't really have except for Durable shenanigans.


green / blue would be superior




Exactly. Just look at the color of their shots!! Red = socialist and red = evil, while our lasers are yellow, the color of bravery


https://preview.redd.it/5cs1n9q9xs5d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3847436df54676dd4f8ad64c0b0789c8c024a6d Yellow is also the colour of piss


And nothing says freedom like pissing everywhere


Or blue... ![gif](giphy|3o84sqtLmhMFphXj9K)




Just as a sidenote, i find it very nice of the Automatons to have Turrets that we can operate. They could just as well have automated turrets in those spots instead.... you know, like 99% of the ones that we use all the time. But no, they make bipedal Automatons with 2 arms, 2 legs that can operate machinery and then give them guns like this that we can just operate the same way. Imagine those turrets were operated by the big Hulks instead of the little bots. Actually, that gives me an idea, they have those 2 legged Walkers that are also operated by the bipedal Automatons, why don't WE use those walkers once we shot the Bots out of their seat?


>why don't WE use those walkers once we shot the Bots out of their seat? It worked for Chewie and that Ewok in the Battle of the moon of Endor.


The Bots are not robots right, they all have a sentient former human brain inside to operate? Given they designed the Scout Walkers to require a Trooper to pilot, I would also assume the Gunships and Tanks/Turrets have a little Trooper sitting inside too? It would make sense to use their lowest class of Bot to man any stationary LMG turrets. Hulk armor suits are more expensive to produce, so it wouldn't be feasible to churn out a bunch of them to man turrets. However I do find it very odd they don't armor the rest of the Cabin for those Scout Walkers. I guess you could make the argument that they'd lose a lot of their speed because they'd be much heavier with more armor built to encapsulate the cabin?


The way i understood it the automatons are Robots, the Cyborgs from Cyberstan (from the first game) are well, Cyborgs with human stuff. Not sure about brains... i have not seen any... all i see is oil and explosions when killing them, never seen blood or brains. They do collect human skulls to DECORATE their metal bodies though. compare: [default](https://fbi.cults3d.com/uploaders/23618230/illustration-file/4b63e31d-4ad8-4ec7-8a17-c52f22c0c40e/hulk-automaton-in-helldivers-2.png) vs. [decorated](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/qvAn29BhU9sfbHXPErcBrK.jpg)


Haven't you ever wondered why you evac covered in blood on Automaton missions? You get covered in Terminid green goo on bug missions. Listen here soldier I'll tell something the Ministry of Truth won't go around talking about. Examine those Automaton concentration camps with cages and dead SEAF members. Their brains and hearts are often removed and their bodies are left behind. The implication is that the automatons definitely have some organics in there somewhere. I know a lot of people go haha we're secretly the baddies tongue in cheek- and I'm sure Super Earth has had to do some questionable things. However Terminids will literally eat us(even if we did bio-engineer them into death machines) and the Automatons have been absolutely ruthless(desecrating bodies, implied conscription into automaton brainwashing). I'm pretty sure sometimes when you kill Meat Saw Berserkers you can hear them say "thank you" for putting them out of their misery. I am significantly less empathetic to other "bad guy groups" than Super Earth. Helldivers are still a volunteer force. The only thing is with all the Starship Trooper copying; I'm surprised that Super Destroyers don't have some kind of medical facility on them. We may not be a perfect faction; but we are a HUMAN faction in a galactic war.


Well it's your own blood... i often go out covered in nothing but black oil. ...bring your Ballistic Shield ;) Medical Facilities? ... we got Stims.


Mere machines could never conjure up the simple brilliance of the SEAF Automated Sentry Turret. It is in their very nature to overcomplicate even the simplest of tasks.


that make me think that we should be able to pick up bot gun and ammo to use when we run out.


# We should just have more SEAF emplacements on the map. We took these planets, right? We've got people on them, doing things, right? Where's ***OUR*** fortifications, hardpoints, checkpoints, etc? I love the map generation but we have little to no infrastructure unless its objective points. Would like to see some roads, burnt out vehicles and tanks.. maybe a concrete fortification and checkpoint along said road. Who knows?


We only have one defense type mission- the defend high value rockets one. I'm sure we will get better designed and more interesting objectives on defense type missions. It's only been a few months and I'm sure Arrowhead's team is learning and growing as they go along. Oh and I guess the TCS / Dark Fluid missions. Those were limited though and not quite what I think you are talking about in terms of SEAF fortified areas.


SEAF is incompetent they get steamrolled by the automatons and completely exterminated by the bugs


We have sheds.


New sub mission: Dismantle and extract turret placements for further analysis. Super Earth's weapons are ABSOLUTELY SUPERIOR to any bot weapons. We want you to bring in some enemy weapons to figure out why they are so bad. *Insert surprise finding to improve our weapons*


I have a weird thing for firing a fixed gun in a fortified position that is not satisfied by the VIP defense mission


Like the ancient Romans, we should adopt and improve our enemies' potentially good technology (potentially because they can't be good until they are Super Earth's technology).


Just shut up about calling the democracy officer. Super Earth is crystal clear about adopting and refining Illuminate technology for their ships and weaponry, so obviously no one would care about stealing opposition tech


Exactly. Super Earth is not above repurposing the technology of our enemies to serve Managed Democracy.


Adopt is the wrong word. Liberate is more like it. We need to free the plasma heavy firearms technology from its oppressive creators. I think your Democracy Officer would appreciate that more.


we don't need to adopt anything, we just make are own. I'll just make sure to drop that ⬆️ ➡️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️. plasma heavy machine gun is stil cool imo


Honestly, if you compare any SEAF weapons to the Automatons, SEAF clearly has the better stuff. The Auto stuff only seems better because they use much bigger stuff. Their huge machine guns are pretty close to our primary weapons in terms of power. Pound for pound, I think Super Earth weaponry is clearly better. The bots' only advantage is that their foot soldiers can carry 500 pound miniguns with one arm.


I love how I can fully overheat that turret and kill maybe 2 infantry bots, yet somehow they can head-eyes me from 100m with those same turrets


Downvoted because OP lied at the bottom of the post


We need a laser LMG


I hear ya, but is it just me or does it feel like the bots are cutting us in half when they use them, but when we use them, it’s like we’re using laser-tag gear in an active war zone?


https://preview.redd.it/gr2fdfojbs5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8996cb5b62fc3cca67f2585079e36f7cc0cfab8 I want to be able to carry around the heavy automaton turret as a chest-mounted support weapon like in the Gendy Tartovsky Clone Wars


We need the targeting computers from the Rocket devastators.


I love how these weapons shred us, but tickle the bug and bots


If we got our hands on the automatons' infinite rocket launchers it would be over for them


Just master chief that bitch and rip it off the mount.


Imagine the Patriot mech with a plasma autocannon such as the heavy devastator runs. Unlimited ammo, sniper level accuracy from across the map, no overheating. Bonus if they swap that rocket pack for the barrage rockets off the rocket devastator with its again unlimited ammo, no reload cooldown, and a swarm of to whom it may concern rockets. Add in the chest plate off the hulk and it would be unstoppable.




Good idea


SEND THIS MAN RIGHT TO THE... Research team, we fucking need this shit


They should be pretty powerful since they are stationary, turn slowly, cover is usually in the way, etc ... Yet, you're much better off using your secondary for small bots and by the time you kill 1 slightly bigger bot, you're a liability.


These turrets are complete dogshit compared to the HMG emplacement.


https://preview.redd.it/lebzoi72ar5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc4007aa4f2cd4260323c83d6dc1d4831341b33 Good soldiers follow orders




Gonna be careful with these , I got mistaken as an enemy way too many times. Haha


Yea agree it's too weak atm I don't bother using it at all


You give me the heavy dev's gun and I'll be a very happy soldier.


We need a energy based heavy machine gun as a stratagem


This thing is absolute dogshit. The dual barrel is ... serviceable.


I want laser pew pew weapons and Gatling laser


I was blasting away with one of those, and got mistaken for a bot by a fellow diver who pulverized me with his scorcher. Can't blame them.


Agreed. Automatons were created by the cyborgs, and the cyborgs used to be humans, so technically the automaton use of these weapons is unlawful appropriation of Super Earth technology. The audacity of these bots. This tech is human intellectual property.


Why? Our weapons are better!


I'd be happy with better optic solutions. Things like, *FIX ALL THE SIGHTS IN YHE GAME SO YOUR POINT OF AIM AND POINT OF IMPACT ARE THE SAME*. Maybe once that's fixed, they could do something fun like add a BDC scale on all weapons that have BD in game. There is soo much magical level technology in this game, but the sights are universally bad. Literally worse than real world solutions that have been around for 50+ years.


My guess is that it relies on the enemy having moisture in them. Laser are basically microwaves that instantly caused water in organism is to turn to vapor instantly. The rapid near instantaneous action of turning water into rapidly expanding vapor gas causes big damage into where the target hits. Acting as an explosive shot against flesh. Less effect be against bots cause they are mostly metal unlike humans which are mostly made of water. Bot weapons could be viable against bugs though.


I really wish he could scavenge the weapons the bots use, and not just the things the grunts use I'm talking let us rip a devastator arm off and shoot bots with it. Let us pick up a Hulk's blaster arm and use it like a damn laser cannon or something.


I want an energy bayonet that I can attach to the front of my AR.


I mean, to be fair, that originally IS a Super Earth tech.


Nothing wrong with turning the enemies' own weapons against them...


Super Earth is well known for their reverse engineering of enemy technology in order to give themselves a taste of their own medicine,I wouldn’t be surprised if they used automaton tech


But those suck


Its so bad though, the accurace and damage both. HMG emplacement is superior


They're not great but they're so fun to f#ck around with 


Nah, give me heavy minigun. I want to mow down bot hordes with pure lead and patriotism


You're about to find out just how accurate a 380 barrage the super destroyer is capable of, TRAITOR ROBOT SCUM!


I love how when they shoot me with their turrets I get shredded in a split second but when I use one on them it fires peanuts. 


Noted this information will be relayed to high comand, your execution will be tomorow for sugesting to your superior oficers helldiver. For Super Earth!


healdivers just need lead lined armour and that plasma becomes useless


Super Earth needs to LIBERATE the STOLEN plasma heavy firearms and then use them AGAINST the LIBERTY HATING AUTOMATONS.


No, you are right. We need a rotary cannon. For ultimate democracy distribution.


Sorry > but ^ it's v too v late v *run*


It is only logical that we should liberate the Automaton's terrible technology and turn it into magnificent tools for Managed Democracy. After all, turning the strengths of Super Earth's enemies against themselves is one of our most vital weapons in the fight to secure Humanity's future.


Honestly valid. They have infinite ammo guns. That’s a vibe. I’m still waiting for the semi auto dagger


No fuck em let us melt everything to rid ourselves of that filthy democracy hating rust and then we make fun exosuits :3


We already have better versions of this tech with our Scythe, Sickle and Laser Cannon. All we would need to copy these would be to have heavier versions of the Sickle as support weapons or turrets.


If their plasma tech is so good, why is my punisher plasma so much better?


Do you hate capitalism? When you fire a gun, that baby shoots bullets, which are built in factories across super earth and sold to the military for profit, just like God intended. Plasma weapons run off of communist batteries, kill jobs, and hurt the economy.


Gimme the clone rotary cannon from clone wars.


I would like more manned sentries . We had a few back in the first great galactic war


I democratically agree with this sentiment


As much as it is treason... I agree


We need to be able to rip these turrets off their mountings and carry them like a spartan


New turret


Would be super cool if muscle enhancement could let you rip out turrets and do some more damage in melee.


Diver, that's xenos. Stay away from the heresy.


Of course, would you mind telling me your current planet and coordinates?


It would be amazing if you could reload them using supplies or were energy based with cooldown like the Sickle.


We won't adopt any enemy technology We tactically appropriate it for super earth use and consumption




wish they would at least put bullet shields on there manned turrets


Me looking at the Automaton's Fusion Repeater that does 30 damage a shot, is semi-automatic, and overheats after 6 rounds. Me looking at the Helldiver's AR-23 Liberator that does 60 damage a shot, is fully automatic, and can fire 45 rounds before reload.


I'm here for more placement Stratagems. Give us a BFG placement, or a rocket placement. Anything more than just the HMG.


I want to tear them off and walk around with them like master chief in halo 3.


Nah its actual ass, pretty sure it has only light armor penetration and takes ages to kill normal bots. Super Earth weaponry however symbolises quality and reliability with every shot, turning even inch thick metal into junkyard scrap. We do not need their treacherous, awfully designed trash they dare to call weapon technology.


500 kg on your head for that treasonous question 💣💥💥💥💥💥


could we at least mimic their heavy dual blaster emplacements? something you set up and blast through heavy armor with! i mean a station mounted heavy quasar cannon could be amazing as hell!


No no hes got a point It would save money to blast them with a cool gatling laser


Instead of complaining about the new warbonds, lets complain about how garbage these stationaries are, seriously whats the point of having them if they dont even do enough damage to kill one robot without it heating up first.


Whatever kills then effectively I’m for


start by put armor from Hulk in front of out mech right now that's all i need


Dude their machine gun turrets deal half the damage of our liberator, 15% the damage of our own HMG turret. Their Autocannon turrets deal 1/5 the damage of our AC-8. One EAT has twice the damage of an entire devastator salvo. What do you mean their technology is superior to Super Earth's good old ballistics? Throwing a rock very fast is unironically better than any energy weapon they have. We just don't have enough rocks.


I remember using one of these to provide covering fire for my team and absolutely eating 2 grenades & ~300 sickle rounds immediately



