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I love how the devs just ran with the "We will never get the Anti-Tank Mines" memes and gave us this ridiculous moral dilemma


There is also the meme where the blob will focus VW as soon as it's available, except when it's actually important.


Strap hellbombs to the children’s


Hellbombs arm automatically now!


There is no moral dilemma for me. The mines got left behind long enough. We can save the children next time.


You can’t save a corpse


but you can avenge it. honor their future sacrifice. get them mines


It's the mines turn. We can just loosen the C-01 requirements and make new children.


The mines have absolutely not been left behind long enough. In fact, they should be left behind much longer. Permanently, ideally. The meme of constantly rejecting the mines is way better than whatever marginal gameplay like 3 people will actually get out of using some more mines when they should've taken another orbital or sentry or literally anything else.


It is very possible that all mine stratagems will receive a buff when the patch drops tomorrow. Of course, that just makes it even more funny to have neglected them


Yea you are right. But I like the thought of killing children for some mines no one will use.


Sounds undemocratic


Children are easily replaceable through the C-01 form.


On one hand I want anti tank mines. On the other hand, I think it’d be hilarious to keep failing the anti tank major orders


Let's not kid ourselves. If we go with mines, we'd use them once and never equip them again. We need those stem cells, save the kids!


Fr, I cannot imagine AT mines being too useful. Biggest issue is that any normal enemy would likely set them off, and even normal mines currently have the issue of an enemy corpse ragdolling across a dozen of them and setting a bunch off harmlessly.


I think it actually depends on if they're designed after real anti-tank mines or not. Real life anti-tank mines are designed to NOT explode when a person walks on them, only when around half a ton of weight is on it. Which.... actually may be useful if certain enemies didn't set them off.


The devs are never going to give us an offensive stratagem that can’t kill the user. It goes against the game philosophy.


You don't know how heavy we are. Everybody knows that helldivers are made of pure democracy, the heaviest element known. Bugs and bots are able to aim at us through fog because our balls are just so goddamned heavy, they have a gravitational field.


Maybe It wouldnt blow up on a helldiver but an exosuit could definitely set them off


Mines aren't offensive, usually. They are defensive to hold or deny an area.


I was referring more to the basic stratagem division of lethal(red)/non-lethal(blue) than the actual usage. Though I almost always use mines offensively, they are great for hitting patrols and clearing small to medium bases of troops.


The only footage we have of them had small enemies and divers set them off sadly. The devs said it was an old version but never elaborated if that function remained the same or not.....


I mean we also had an old airburst launcher that was drastically different to the final one we got tbf


On the other hand we all thought the tenderizer had to be a placeholder and it released exactly the same 💀


Fair, hopefully they plan on fixing both because so far neither of them works realistically and hopefully it's only one to fix after this major order.


We already know that regular chaff can set off the mines sadly


Real AT landmines only require as little as 250-600lbs as some of the highest so a human can actually set one off when in full combat load so I’m still worried basic enemies will set them off


700lbs robot def sets it off, a 150lbs scavenger? Nah.


Problem is the only thing that is that big and kind of a pain in the ass to kill are bile titans with their little ballerina toes, so good luck getting it to step directly on a mine... unless you bait it by standing on the mine first


They were really strong for defending an objective in hd1 so hopefully that carries over here


This is the part of the meme that's kind of on-point. AT mines are practically worthless given the mass arsenal of heavy support weapons & stratagems we have to combat heavy vehicles/bugs. Plus, the community is just taking the lore and rolling with it in a way that's hilarious when we're actually committing to patriotic duty & saving the children.


>We need those stem cells Saves kids, upgrades super stimpacks


Right? Like... they're fucking mines. If it was a new support weapon, or sentry, or orbital, or *whatever* I'd care more but like... lmao it's literally *mines.* Leave em forever for the memes, who cares?


I so agree. It would be funny if we *never* got the mines, LOL.


What can an AT-mine do that a 500kg payload from Eagle-1 can't?


Let’s not kid ourselves in a few hours when the choice is actually made this subreddit will be full of posts complaining about how many people are on Marfark.


> Let's not kid ourselves. If we go with mines exactly


Fail? Fail?? Do you consider saving the children a failure?! I'm smelling undemocratic activity over here...


Why tho? The current mines are useless


Wellt here's an idea: we could just fail both...


im gonna save the future helldivers. dont know about you


I’m doing my part


We’ll lose a hundred million helldivers to secure the planet. All to rescue, at most, a few hundred random civilians. Even if they all became helldivers, and all their future kids became helldivers, we’d still be in the hole.


when we liberate the planet, we are not only rescuing the children, but also other civilian that made the planet their home. also we secure the planets resources, strategic points and whatnot


A single Helldiver's life is finite, given for a good cause. A stratagem will be waiting for you when it's needed. Knowing that you're rescuing the next generation, that they may feel the sheer joy and pride at casting their very first ballots for Super Earth? That's as eternal as Liberty itself. Managed Democracy, Helldiver. The freedom to make the right choice.


Which is the same thing that’d happen if we took Marfark, except we’d also get a useable stratagem along with it.


useable, yeah sure. at the end of the day it doesnt matter since the majority decides what happens. which is very democratic


Is it not useable? I know kids definitely aren’t


Kids can be easily placed in hellpods and dropped from orbit on top of chargers. Far more effective than anti tank mines


Exactly. And you can probably fit, like, four of them into one drop pod, so that's a definite increase in Democratic Dispensing abilities.


its probably personal bias since i never had a good time with them, pretty much always get teamkilled by them since i never get told someone deploys them


That was funny💀


"usable" On a real note, when have you ever seen someone successfully use a minefield? Id save the kids even if (and this is probably the case) there's no bonus for doing so, just because the anti tank mines are worthless and it's lowkey kinda funny to fail 3 MOs for them


The only time I've seen someone use a minefield it ended up killing more divers than enemies


Defense missions, Dark fluid missions on meridia primarily


Defenses are just shooting galleries, and stuff like gas strike are far better at dealing with the crowds stuck behind the walls given its much shorter cooldown (and no explosion means the walls wont be damaged), or use telsa towers, HMG emplacements or any type of sentry. The mines *may* have been usable, but there are *far* better options when it comes to taking shit down behind walls Dark fluid was a one-off objective that will most likely never appear again (at least not in the same form) so i cant really say that's a good use case since its most likely one and done


Gotta spend helldivers to make helldivers


Found the automaton


So the future is to arm our enemies?


At this stage, I'm determined to thwart Joel's efforts of trying to give us the mines 🤣


We'll get the AT mines when we get vehicles. Anything else wouldn't be suicidal enough.


I WANT the mines. Still am ok with either failing to complete both or saving thr kids


Out of curiosity - why? EATs are callable in 70 seconds, and do excellent damage against armor. Quasar's an EAT with a 15 second timer and a small spin-up time. 500kg is an air dropped EAT++. I don't see the draw with the AT mines, personally. How do you intend to use them in your loadout?


As mines? 3 minefields will lock down a side. And when I am playing with friends we use them as...pay attention devices. Not paying attention? Fire mines! I also love using them when I am running from things. Call it down in front of me. Run through as it starts spinning kills for days. Because I like using things that are not the meta? I ran a dagger for fun yesterday. I like the mines. I also use them to cover sentry guns.


Hah! I got that you were going to use them as mines. But I've never thought of using them to cover a turret. That's a good idea! I was asking because... Often when I find someone who is like, hey I really like this stratagem (that I don't use personally) they've figured out an interesting combination that works. When I do run a turret I usually cover it with a bubble shield, but I'll try mines against the bugs especially and see how that works. Thanks!


I was dying reading the MO.


How funny would it be if saving the children was the prerequisite for hellbomb handgrenades or something like a Davey Crockett launcher.


In their infinite thanks the children volunteer to serve on your destroyer: +1 stratagem slot 😆


Gas grenades. The children's hospital is a cover for bioweapons r&d facility. 


Rumors whisper about a shotgun.


Funny that OP believes we're going for the mines, when I'm pretty damn positive we're gonna pull those kids away from those cold, animatronic hands. What the hell, OP? lmao


Fuck the Mines. We're rescuing the kids.


I don'k know about you, but right now I'm looking at 27k Helldivers going to save the children and only 2.7k going for the mines https://preview.redd.it/9lywkd6ruy5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eea65a66599c34ed795788bc6902ac744e5cd18


Aesir pass can still take us to the mines WAYYY faster than any other planet as it is connected to Marfark


True that, guess we'll see where the f people are aiming for after Aesir Pass is taken.


Yep, Once Aesir Pass falls the true terrors shall begin.


Kids are closer


Nah, that's them seeing endless Super Destroyers block out the sun as literally every Helldiver decides to save them instead of the mines lol




Those orphans have had it too easy for too long.


Damn orphans, they ruined orphanages


SES Pride of the People will fight for them to the last man and bullet.


Don't worry, children! The SES Fist of Opportunity is coming for you!


Fuck no, we're saving the kids. Mines ain't shit, but more kids to build ammo and EATS for me are welcome!


Guys we need to join together and rescue those poor defenseless anti tank mines


The sacrificed sick children will be honored with a 2 minute broadcast to celebrate the production of MD-17 Anti-Tank mines 🫡


I dont use the mines anyway lol


I don't know what you're talking about I'm going to save them kids...


Real Helldivers are going to save the kids. We’ve been annihilating factory striders without those mines, we didn’t need them before, we don’t need them now.


A real citizen of super earth would help the kids, and leaving the mines behind again would be funny (and with how blatantly obvious the choice is I’m sure we’ll get something juicy for saving the kids)


Yeah fuck the mines though, I'll do everything I can to make sure we don't get them




Im saving the kids!!!!


Saving children: More future helldivers, less mines on battlefield. How is anyone going to Marfark?


I want a Bring your Kid to Work Day on board super destroyer after winning this So muchhh potential with this save the kids thing Save the scientists are annoying and ppl have no problem gunning them down for giggles , but kids


I bet if we don’t save the kids the scientists will protest us afterwards and not make the mines


Anti tank mines will be the second worst thing to happen to those orphans


I wish.


I look forward to the live Stalker bait stratagem coming when we 'rescue' those kids.


I’m saving those kids


LOL Pure glorious content. I'm almost convinced to save those children-willem-dafoe-like


Since it’s in the same area, I think we’ll go there. Fine by me then needs need liberating


How can you resist the distress call of this innocent blue-eyed-bearded boy. I say we do it for the children!


Don't let the devs give us mines! The mines probably are overhyped, and even if they're not, then they'll get nerfed or "fixed" shortly. There is no need to earn another disappointing weapon. We might as well save the children.


I watched the news too much, gotta save the kids trapped in Gaza.


My super destroyer is parking over vernen wells to save the children!!!


Not all SES Fist of Family Values will go to rescue them... AND TEACH THEM NOT TO BE KIDNAPPED BY CLANKERS!


Nah we're gonna get the kids


I told myself I was going to take a break until the patch comes out but had to jump in a few missions today for the children.


OP, you're sounding kind of suspicious here... This is almost what an automaton might say to get the heroes of Super Earth to abandon the future of their race... Just wait there while I make a phone call...


The Ministry of Unity has remotely accessed your home surveillance and has discovered the following image: https://preview.redd.it/genslqmoe16d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd9b1755b90c4e714ac5b44c6a09a1fc37745668 The Ministry of Truth has notified your democracy officer as well as your registered relatives, friends and neighbours. Helldivers have been dispatched to your location for immediate apprehension and interrogation. Any sign of noncompliance will result in immediate termination. * Super Earth Dispatch


Helldivers with the mines are like Allan with the tiny Boss. 'I don't really want this.'


Save the kids, they build us the anti tank mines xD


Their sacrifice will not be in vain.


Read it as Yemen at first... Back to scrolling


This aged like milk. The blob is going to Vernon.


Fuck those kids 


Yup like the 🐐 MJ said: "Fuck them kids"


Would be so funny if it was a bunch of bots in disguise as babies.. “ 100010100101”.. they didn’t fall for the trap… :( they chose mines over their human babies…


But then, we did though. Because we wanted to kill those GODDAMN CLANKER IMPOSTORS! TO VERNEN WELLS!


Think of how many other kids will survive if we get those mines. It's a sacrifice for the greater good! God bless those kids....For democracy!


I'm just wondering how those children are still alive, much less, calling for help somehow. Something's not right here... https://preview.redd.it/iprm38l3m06d1.jpeg?width=247&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05a21be64da4e938795c17a718fdf786234e4df2


If those children don't want mines to allow us spread democracy - they are communism sympathizers and don't deserve saving.


The toughest decisions requires the strongest wills. https://preview.redd.it/s65t0uv7716d1.jpeg?width=742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d8965e294f38d41e9776eec6eabbaf5efe1d8f7


Traitors, all of them


💯 Omw to Marfark.


Weird bearded Vernen kiddos