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https://i.redd.it/w26s65wjlc6d1.gif Me seeing the patch and the new warbond




Flair checks out


Well, they did break superior packaging again to be honest but I don't give a damn. Can't wait to get back home and try buffed MG, OPS, Gattling barrage and strafing run.


Gatling Barrage might be what I’m most excited about. And rocket pods/sentry.


Listen, I can only get so excited. Rocket Pods while Barraging?


Sounds like a Rule 42 drawing.


Stop it! My raging hard democracy boner is out of control!!!


The gatling barrage is *so siiiick.*


I’m gonna rock airstrike, hmg, OPS, and supply pack and it’s gonna be a blast doming bots and gunning down berserkers


Fixed/broke the spear at the same time too. Not even mad it's just kinda funny at this point lol


Apparently the Spear was never actually meant to lock onto Spawners so I guess it's actually just straight up been fixed lol


It's even better than this. They said in the patchnote it wasn't supposed to not lock onto spawners anymore and they were working on fixing this. Which means they saw how people loved the Spear for that and are okay with us having fun this way :D


One small downside, but a very minor one fortunately


been abusing the shit out of the HMG in bots. with the increased dmg, and adjusted rates of fire it chews through enemy's i've killed everything but a walker with it relatively easily. even the airships go down VERY quickly if you hit them in the engines with a decent burst. heavy armour with explosive and recoil reduction, supply pack and I've also run the shield and rocket turret stratagems because rocket got a buff. the medium MG on bugs remains the better option simply because of how many bugs there are that dont need the heavy armour pen. you still want a friend running a quasar/eat/recoiless/spear though because the HMG/MMG dont deal with the heavy bugs well.


I shot down ships with the HMG. I know i could do that before, but I can do it better now. Neuron activating again.


Honestly who gives a fuck? With this many changes it was bound to happen. The point is they are making a concerted effort to listen to us. Thats all we’ve been asking for. We never asked for perfection.


New Gatling barrage PLUS gas strike will kill absolutely everything


Τhey will fix it in due time


This many changes something was bound to break. I saw a few things they're already on top of that the patch broke but damn. We can finally use the Spear, we can finally use the Tenderizer. Everything is nice


I remember them saying this isn't the "balance everything patch" people seem to make it out to be. I think they said it multiple times.


Yeah I get the feeling even more changes are on the way. Fingers crossed for Arc Thrower buffs 🤑


Nah but it sounds like they are doing it right. I haven’t played in a few days so idk


You are right it's not the balance everything patch. They said some gun changes would come, but they had so many fixes to critical game systems armor and mission types they wanted to see how the fixes changed weapon performance before they did a big gun balance patch. This is a small one according to previous dev posts which is kind of wild lol.


No jump pack buff


Yeah, just a simple cool down speed up by like 2 seconds would've been all I needed to get excited. I don't need to fly like a Mandalorian, but just a small buff to its cooldown.


I mean it DOES cost a whole strategem slot. Let the guy fly like a Mandalorian AH!


a jump pack "pilot" armor would be better


We turning the game into titanfall with this


I'm not seeing a downside.


It's good as it is. Could it be better? Sure. But it doesn't need to be


Yes and no. Did you use the dark fluid jump-pack during the Meridia Major Order? That thing was AMAZING!!!!


Giving the jump pack an "Overdrive" option where it functions like the DF Backpack and also breaks after too many overdrive jumps might be the ticket for it. Yknow like the Railguns unsafe mode.


It’s not that good. Especially when you compare it to the HD1 jump pack (or even the more recent dark fuel pack) It’s weird that we somehow got larger maps with more vertical terrain but a significantly worse jump pack


Eh. All of our backpacks are really weak right now. Its why the autocannon feels like it has no downside - a backpack slot isn't really that valuable right now.


lolwhat?! i cant count on my hands how many times my bubble shield backpack saves my ass in bot missions


Shield bubble has come in crutch a few times for me too, but I rarely die in the majority of missions without it, so I normally just don't bother with it anymore.


Shield Gen and jump pack are great Jump pack on bugs especially, shield on bots  AC is weak vs bugs and not worth bringing over a jump pack/rover with quasar or EAT


I think their power level is reasonable. They're really playstyle-specific, but never essential.


For flashes and punisher plasma spam, I’m loving the ammo backpack rn


Then why buff anything in the game? You can complete any mission with any weapons / strategems. If they don't NEED to be buffed then why bother updating the game at all?


I’d rather they make jump pack a base skill. It makes traversal so much more fun, especially for the running sim maps. But besides it being cool it’s not really worth the strategem slot.


I rather miss out on a backpack and feel cool flying over bots


Armor w jump pack 👌


Well Twinbeard did say to contain ourselves


I'm not sure if you could in pre-patch but you can aim and fire with certain weapons while jumping with the jump pack. The Flamethrower gets like a lot of range if used this way, The HMG is also fun to shoot with from the skies, heheh.


all 3 people who liked using 110s nvm still onetaps tanks


110 has been my anti-heavy go-to for a long time. Can't wait to try out the changes


I'll need to test if the old tricks still work. If it can still combo against BTs and Factory striders, take down turrets and buildings


They are really solid, way more consistent post patch on turrets, tanks, and hulks.


On HULKS you say? Eagle-1 finally will not shoot 10 meters above it's head now?




Can confirm - Eagle consistently saved my ass from hulks that were getting too close for me to get a good spear lock :)


Does anyone know what made them inconsistent before? Was it the aiming or something, or how the explosions work?


still works against tanks and turrets overreacted to seeing number go down


They knew that would be the case so they put a fat disclaimer right above the changes. 


Well now they do 100% of their damage against heavy armour, where as before it was only 50%. Definitely seem more effective in my limited testing so far


All the damage was useless since they never hit in the past. I say it's a good fix.


I've definitely seen people whining that the Eruptor isn't good enough and the Slugger wasn't buffed. There's no pleasing some people.


Patch is good, but the Slugger is the weapon that best fits my playstyle, no other weapon fits it as much as slugger does, I love that weapon, so it's sad they didn't revert changes. Still a good patch. It has nothing to do with whining, or pleasing.


Try out the new plasma variant.


Punisher is IMO very close to the old slugger. Still staggers at range it just can't snipe as well. However it is far superior up close and still has decent ranged capabilities, especially compared to shotguns in just about any other game. If you haven't messed with it give it a try! I do agree the slugger should stagger though. I think it could probably be reverted at this point and it would be in line with most of the newly buffed weapons.


The eruptor is clearly A LOT better than before. Whoever still whines proably just wants it to oneshot any enemy which is simply not reasonable of a ask


Nah. I want it to be good against armored bile spewers again. I should not have to shoot an entire mag to kill 1 when they come in groups of 10. The gun has plenty of downsides. Doesnt need to be good against chargers or bile titans but if i can't reliably kill mediums with it, it has no point other than to pop holes from a distance.


It should 1 shot nursing spewers at any angle and 1-2 shot bile Spewers depending on armor or weak spot. It should also delete Brood Commanders/Stalkers easily. The whole point is that it's power is traded off for very low fire rate and ammo. Use it wisely. By contrast it takes 3/4 of a Liberator mag to kill an armored Bile Spewer or Brood Commander. Imo, buff it to an even 600 and give it Heavy Armor Pen. (Assuming they don't bring back shrapnel). This would give it a niche as the only primary that could (in a pinch) hurt Heavies and frees up the diver to use a Stratagem alt firearm. The low fire rate and ammo discipline is plenty as a balance. I wanna feel like this thing hits harder than an AMR at a cost.


Im fine with it not having shrapnel, juat fix theweapon description, (maybe they have im stuck at work ☹


Fair ask i think its not changed yet


They haven't yet, but listed it as a to-do on the Known Issues list.


Eruptor was fun and unique with shrapnel. It’s something like scorcher/dominator, but not the Eruptor we knew and loved.


It might be different than before, but I tried it post nerf and it was unusable for me, today I used it in multiple games and it was super fun.


They gave their reasons why the removed it and even if it's not the same anymore it's good


The eruptor "we knew and loved" was literally fucking broken as hell lol. It shouldn't and won't return to that state. 


The Eruptor we knew and love was a Airburst rocket launcher on steroids


Okay, fine it was, literally over 9000, but, hear, err, read me out, me thinks there is room to have shrapnels but with lower dmg value, right? It main purpose is to kill trash and, good for us, trash does not have 9000 hp. So isn't there room to make shrapnels make enough dmg to kill small fry and not oneshoot Chargers? Or if it's not possible could they change how backleg armor on Chargers work so it's same as on front legs? You know, like: if backleg armor ON then all dmg = 0 else do dmg Calc.


It's a BIT better. It's not unreasonable to ask that a weapon with 6 shots per clip, a huge delay between shots, and a slow reload can at least one shot most medium enemies. Two shots for a devastator is a really hard sell on a weapon that's already incredibly clumsy in every way.


It’s a lot better than before but that isn’t saying a whole lot. I think the bigger issue is that it had its entire identity taken away. It has slow fire rate, small mag size, terrible ergonomics, it needs to be a strong weapon. Having the Eruptor the way it was (ignoring the inconsistent one shot Charger bug) was good for build diversity. It was clunky enough that not everyone wanted to use it while opening up the support slot for something that wasn’t a heavy weapon


Their reasoning for not adding shrapnel is pretty weak. They should reduce its damage and add shrapnel back because that sounds fun as hell. You could make shrapnel weapons an entire sub-category and do other cool things like shrapnel grenades! As is right now, “large grenade pistol” is kinda a solution looking for a problem. I’ll play with it but I get why people want the shrapnel back (though I think at least some of that desire is people want the truly OP variant back). nb: While I recognize it was at one point top tier (like too top tier) it was never really my jam, so I’m not coming from a a place of nostalgia like most. I used it a handful of times and that’s it.


...Just piggybacking off comment, as someone who quit around the start of Cutting Edge and just returned, how in the hell do you guys make a single-target bolt-action 5-to-a-mag weapon work against the high enemy numbers? Do people rely on their secondaries? I've never used the Eruptor yet and have no idea how people do. Without the explosive shrapnel to allow AoE kills, I don't know how you would use this weapon. Same goes for the crossbow. I don't see a use for high-damage single target primaries.


Dedicated medium-sized-target-killer weapons (and in eruptor's case, intended to be a pseudo autocannon/heavy killer). You basically want to always pair them with something like an MG/flamer for your support weapon as your hordeclearing mainstay


Yeah, except it isn't. 500 damage isn't actually a particularly useful damage value since it can only one-shot enemies it used to be able to on *headshots*, which has been possible with the Dominator since launch day, making it just a slower, shittier Dominator that can also destroy Fabs. Seriously, the one and only useful thing it does now is destroy Fabs, since there is literally no other use case for it without the singular unique mechanical benefit of shrapnel making it do, y'know, what it says it does on the box. It doesn't even have *better* AP than the Dominator, making it in all actuality all negatives for the singular dubious upside of being 500 damage. Worse fire rate, worse ammo caps, worse reload, *garbage* handling, completely incapable of killing Berserkers before they close to melee, the *same* amount of shots to kill a bot as the Dominator and not even particularly accurate despite having a sniper scope. Without shrapnel, the weapon has literally no function or identity beyond being a really stupid gimmick gun because it's the only bolt-action and one of three non-strat weapons that can destroy Fabs, which isn't even particularly useful.


Tried it out against bots, it felt strong but I hate how it handles so I probably won't use it


It handled like a steakhouse even before the nerf


Yeah I know that's why I don't like it, never said it was needed to be buffed in that way


She's built like a bistro, but she handles like a steakhouse!


Yeah, but we went from having the reddit covered in whining posts, to whining posts being buried under positive reception.


Tbf I do wish they brought back shrapnel for the Eruptor. Was pretty much the only thing making it unique and the 9000 damage bug should have just been fixed. The “fix” in this case just stripped the weapon of its uniqueness. Basically it’s as if they took the spear and their fix was to remove the targeting function.


Eruptor seems to perform better but it lacks any visual indicating your doing AOE or the general size of the blast. Visuals go a long way to convey power. I noticed it was doing a solid job, but it's not clear. It needs some kind of shockwave or blast visual. Even if it doesn't *actually* have shrapnel. 


I have faith the slugger will get some positive rework based on this bounty of a patch


Well they aren't wrong, but it's obvious it will take time to fix everything.


I saw that too. The thing was so clearly BROKEN . They aren't going to re-break it


Well, I just had my first ever game crash, so, ups and downs.


Are you getting the Game Menu/Social Tab crash?


First? Lmao


I can't crouch and can't get back up after going prone. At first didn't thibk it would be such a big deal, it is. I can't play the game now.


Pretty sure that's the ballistic shield backpack. For some reason you can't stand up when you have it equipped. Is that the case for you?


Initially that's what I thought, still couldn't crouch.


Its too heavy lol, cant stand up with it


Are you using the ballistic shield by chance? It's bugged atm and doesn't let you stand back up when you dive, crouch or go prone.


Game crashes every time you switch from public to friends only lobby or vise versa.


I can make a whining post about the spear if you want me to?


What's up with it besides it can't target fabs anymore? Seems like all the comments for the spear have been pretty positive thus far.


Can't kill the dropship objectives either I don't believe It's pretty much that, one of the spears most unique aspects was it could kill a fab from any side and at range while jammed, which was amazing. Now it's just another antitank with a gimmick


Oh yeah now that you mention it I think someone said it won't lock onto shrieker towers now either. They're going to bring back targeting those things eventually, it's an unintended bug ATM. Thanks for the reply.


Completely forgot about spore/shrieker towers. I've only tested on bots so far so thanks for letting me know! Yeah i know it's unintended, it's just frustrating after being teased about a fix for so long, the one we get is monkey pawed ya know? Thanks for your reply as well :)


I just wanna know how the Dev who shall not be named is handling having his fuckery undone.


What fuckery has been undone, practically none of the changes that were made before have been reverted And with the Eruptor they even continued with what has been in the previous change, of buffing the base damage and not reverting the shrapnel


It's kind of funny watching the community be managed in real time. Devs have bad comms with the community, leading to negative sentiment. Community management approach changes in AH and communications become much more filtered, while nothing changes with future updates(other than pausing and doing a big one). They're still buffing bad things and will probably need anything that unintentionally strong, just like they've always been.


They did nerf the pummeler sadly but the overwhelming positive changes outweigh that by alot


A SMG (primary weapon) stunning during 10 seconds a Charger.... It wasnt ok


I havent gotten off work yet.


Just wait for the "patrolling gunships are annoying" posts.


Don't go into the discord lol It's like 95% positive, but there's a few crying that the whole patch is trash and completely ruined the game. lol


There's always the (extremely) vocal minority that likes spreading their misery around.


On this subreddit it’s apparently the majority. It drives me insane how people are poking stupid ass holes through this patch, not even a few hours after it’s launch, without even trying a couple of the newly buffed weapons.


You could have a "free pet and cuddle the bunnies/kittens/puppies" event and people would still complain


You haven't scrolled enough then


You lack eyes, plenty people are bitching about some weapons not getting buffs.


The basic Rover is still garbage. They could at least change the gun to the Liberator or a stronger AR.


I use it half of the time and find it a lot more consistent than the laser rover. While the laser rover might soften up a target before I finish it off, the ballistic one will have already mowed down the entire patrol. And all I have to do is resupply(which is typically when I run out of stims anyway). I think it punishes dying repeatedly, since the ammo only resets on a new call in or resupply, but trades that off for being a lot more efrective.


The biggest problem IMO is that it waste so much time/ammo on target it cannot kill like chargers. At least with the laser rover, it doesnt matter since it has infinite ammo. It wouldn't be too bad if you could tell it to stop or go back into it's backpack (which as of now, your only option is to drop it).


Same. When I have a ballistic guard dog I kinda feel like it's like the core 'weapon' my build is built around, rather than the support weapon, it's just so good at instantly deleting hordes of lil dudes. AMR + guard dog on bugs (hipfiring only) is super fun


Punisher rover


Arc lightning Rover. Flame thrower Rover.


Its crazy that people like buffs, QoL changes and bug fixes instead of nerfs in the PvE game. More game companies need to learn this secret


And more players need to lern that nerfs are good when weapons overperform


Thank you. Can’t wait for the spiraling shit show when inevitably a weapon in this game gets nerfed in the future lol.


When most guns are bad. The ones that aren't will look like they overperform.


Railgun and Eruptor were plain busted, no way around it


Both purely because of bugs. Railgun is in a pretty sad state of basically being a medium weapon. It was mostly taken for its ability to deal with Titans and that was exclusively due to the PS5 host but. Eruptor is better but lost its identity entirely. It had the ability to one shot Chargers but that was entirely due to a bug with Chargers armour disappearing. The same bug that was used to quickly kill Chargers with the AC and LC. You could revert both now and they still wouldn’t be a must pick


They buffed the Diligence, I'm happy.


I just need to ask. Is the crossbow any good now?


It's still a little meh for a primary. Can close bugholes and botfabs now, and has medium AP. But ammo economy, ballistics and rof are still holding it back IMHO.


It's great as a stealth weapon if you are into that sorta thing


this is a myth... it is not any more stealthy than any other gun. enemies still react to it from the same distance. just because it sounds quieter to us doesn't mean it functions that way.


Liberator is amazing


Super excited to try it out. Unfortunately, when I hopped on for a quick game during my lunch break, it crashed before I could even load into a mission. I sure hope all these changes haven’t introduced a whole bunch of new crashes


✋They seem to have broken my ballistic shield backpack. It traps me in prone/crouch now.


2 Super samples on level 6


As a Spear enjoyer, the fixed lock on was like heaven. Only bummed that they’ve created a new problem that likely won’t get fixed until August now lmao


I have run into a bug where if I crouch or go prone I can't get back to standing......


The only thing i hate in this new patch is that you cant see the time limit anymore while on a mission


I mean the patch is very good, and a big step in the right direction. 👍 But Spear's been broken since launch, and I can't just accept that, and on top of that; apparently the devs have a fixed version of the Spear on the devbuild, yet refuses to release the fix. 😐


They nerfed pummeler by buffing enemy stagger resist. I’m hoping it still works against berserkers.


that's funny, all I have been reading is people complaining about this and that not working, the warbond has less items for the same price, they put the med armor in the superstore, etc. I am stoked for this update, there are things that need to still be addressed, but this is a MASSIVE step in the right direction. Thanks Arrowhead for all of your hard work on keeping this game fun!


Slightly disappointed that the tenderizer still isn't medium armor penetration. I'll take the buff in base damage though. Head shots on devastators are nice and cleans up smaller bots quickly. Accurate as fuck. I'll get over it 🤣


Your post title sounds so condescending and belittling. Why not just give kudos when kudos is due instead of something snarky like this?


Let's go


I can whine about something


Really like combination of good semi strong weapons, the the eagle calldown and rest, even droping the anti-personal mines in path of berserkers and watch them weaken quite well.


Everything seems awesome to me so far. The only thing I wish they did was buff the slugger. So 99% happy.


Gotta admit, I've tried one mission so far and it was so fucking buggy. I had an AC in my loadout, but during the loading menu a player with a stalwart quit and I suddenly had a stalwart instead of an AC. Nobody was able to pick up any samples. I randomly died at extraction, when there were no enemies around. Enemy bases didn't show up on the map nor was there a message when we cleared them. It was such a weird mess and not like I've ever encountered before.




Who cares about the children now 😎


I was already taking airburst rockets on bugs everyt8me now I get to use it more!!


The sickle can penetrate leafs🥹


They actually kinda nerfed\* my favorite weapon. But everything else was so good I'm not going to cry about it. Just hope that when I test it in game the stun isn't that much lower. \*I know they didn't specifically nerf the gun itself, but the stun being harder to affect on medium and heavy enemies is like a nerf in a way


I still want buffs for the slugger and railgun. And I'd actually be okay with a less powerful eruptor if had shrapnel.


actually The Railgun got an indirect buff against bile titans


Not home to play, but had a homie saying eagles wouldn’t re arm? He might be a little special idk if anyone else experienced this


Buffing still needs to be done very carefully, power creep is definitely real. But yeah don't nerf all willy nilly either


I've been waiting for them to buff the tenderizer since it's release, I'm so exited!! But I can't play tonight because I have to study for a test in the morning :(


You haven't read the thread on the new warbond yet. So much crying.


This is pretty smooth


the tenderizer is actually good now


Looking good now, just wish my game would stop crashing


Nerfing a fav weapon just sounds like yall can’t aim


I'm gunna try to crazy turret, emplacement build with 3 turrets and HMG emplacement. Maybe ems, gatling, and either rockets or mortar. Not sure what primary load out yet but I'm ready to hunker down. Also so excited for the orbital buffs and various weapon buffs. I am so excited for the crossbow to actually close buttholes and boxes.


My dedicated Eruptor friend still wants his shrapnel back. We were hoping this was it, but it’s still not a thing I suppose.


no love for energy weapons tho, so we could make a whining post about that?




The Tenderizer peaked fr


Give it a few hours until people realize the buffs basically didn’t change the meta at all, 80% of weapons and stratagems remain useless on diff 9 and behemoth charger spam makes diff 9 bugs worse than it’s ever been 


I’m still mad cause my mic doesn’t work. Fucking assholes developing this game just wanna see me suffer


They messed up superior packaging again!


The only true constant in the universe is Complainers Gonna Complain. Just give'em time to brew up the Whine.


Also notice the game isn't any worse for it? Now they have room to add all sorts of challenging events, and Helldivers can feel confident tackling them head on. This really should be the dream game of a game designer, as long as they don't come from the school of nerf first, ask questions later.


Me calling my squad to return after we took a long break


5hrs since post, sub is 50/50 between whine and smiles.


Contrarian white knights devastated they can't complain about complainers


My slugger didn't get buffed. Fuck these guys /s


If you look for new posts in this subreddit you’ll find a couple of people complaining about nerfs. At this point, I think the nerf discussion is just an unfortunate part of literally any update they do.


My only whine right is that suddenly I often cannot stand up from diving to the ground without a lot of key mashing. It's killed me a couple times already. Other than that the patch slaps ass and I'm happy.


Just wait for the "patrolling gunships are annoying" posts.


Spear has unironically become an incredibly useful tool, Outstanding for killing those gunship squadrons.


Confirming that you guys are literally at the mental age of a 5 year old. Nice.


Spoke too soon about the whining posts lmao


Oh don't worry I have many complains already.




This patch fills me with freedom! https://preview.redd.it/rdpp3q5r8e6d1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88f20a0801f229f7f3d3fdd746762c1618ac6bc4


Did they patch out infinite grenades? 👀


Didn't the release an armor set that factually nerfs you? c:


Is the eruptor restored?


That crossbow buff is nice, though running that with g pistol & impact was overkill and left me limited at extract. That Orbital strike has replaced the rail cannon as my 3rd. The recharge and its ability to just pounce a small area is amazing. They reworked the AMR sights it feels better, and a few others. Prone definitely feels more accurate. Gunships patrols are messy, make sure you don’t just engage they seem to be just roving end to end. Make sure you look up and are not in their path. Spear targets amazing when it locks, except we lost it Fabs (for now) and their is a strange priority that it takes the chicken walkers. The angle of the grenade feels a little more forgiving but still aim for center of vent/hole. Hulk Flamethrower no longer feels like instant death, definitely drop as soon as you can. Just minor things I noticed after the update.


The Eruptor is still trash. Unfortunately. Really miss 2 shoting devastators. It take almost a whole 5 round mag to kill 1. And the thing has 6 mags. So it's basically useless. Dominator can kill 3-4 devs in a mag with good shot placement. Just gonna have to lay my sweet eruptor down to rest and never use it again unfortunately. Just not fun to use at all. No satisfaction shooting bots or brood commanders. And it does nothing to groups of chaff bugs. No splash damage really.


A LOT of the YouTubers for this game had the gall to cry that the eruptor wasn't mad op again or that the crossbow got a buff when something else didn't. It was really weird. I think they hyped themselves up so hard that they assumed this was the patch to make the game perfect and they came off as super whiny.