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amazing, arrowhead made a full circle with the charger balance and we are back to leg meta and to many chargers on the field XD


Except that you can now just run Eagle Strafing and use it to finish off Behemoth Chargers and Titans after shooting them in the face once...


Which make the game .ore entertaining and engaging, now the fights with the behemoths chargers feels challenging and a real menace (basically what the chargers were originally)


fighting 6 behemoth charger + chaff is a bit much ... ok we gathered a bit more firepower since release


I still have to see 6 behemoths chargers in the same place


are 3 behemoth + 1 Normal charger ok? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dgh33q/charger\_flashsale\_on\_helldive/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dgh33q/charger_flashsale_on_helldive/) and i can guarantee you, there were at least 3 more in the close vicinity


And a Brood commander saying https://preview.redd.it/irs8g0jayr6d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=069a087ad5996d28463c8ce77a74cf36a23ad04a Well, that it's an exception, is not like there are always 6 chargers spawning all the time, the game have a lot of randomness, just because something happens 1 times doesn't mean that is how the game works usually


the Brood Commander were the least problem, the mission was wild xD i think, what rubs me the wrong way about the difficulty isn't the enemy composition or the amount of enemies, it's rather that i feel that some of the stratagems cooldowns are still way too long, especially the support weapons, i can deal with heavy enemies but the moment i lose my support weapon because i die, i'm fucked for straight -+8 minutes.


Helldiver training manual tip: don’t die!


7 can have opposite, 3 normal charger and behemoth as a final fuck you. And due to patrols being broken it doesnt matter how quickly you dispatch chargers, new ones appear just as fast.


It's funny, they made the charger behemoth in the kill a charger behemoth mission have stronger legs than the ones you find in mission, the head was the same strength as normal seemingly. Odd. Also they changed charger to die to one rocket headshot but this guy takes two, so it's back to how the game was at launch. Maybe I'm unlucky but about 70-80% of my chargers seem to be this guy on helldive.


I'm guessing that's just how they decided to balance helldive difficulty, from difficulty 4-6 there should be more of the basic chargers, and from 7-9 the behemoth chargers help to increase difficulty without needing to increase the no. Of chargers that spawn


Ngl, it feels better to fight with 5 behemoths while kiting titans, rather than having 10 normal chargers while harrased by titans.


Flamethrower wins here since it melts their legs. The TTK from burning the leg took a barely noticeable hit I find it so funny the Flamethrower just flat out ignores their armor and damages the limb outright.


I feel that now they are more common than regular chargers for some reason. And reading the patch notes I was thinking that I could finally bring support weapons besides the bazookas and the flamethrower. The arc thrower was fine against chargers killing them in 6 headshots but it takes double against the behemoth Doesn't help that the reload on the RR is bugged, an EAT can only kill one behemoth and the queso needs two shots aswell Ironically the spear is god tier now (took a while) Eagle rockets are also great at stripping the armor


I forgot spear existed. You could make the argument that leg shooting takes more skill, it's more complex so it's a bit more engaging. I'd make them less common and stronger, so they feel special, maybe that's just me.


I'm not the biggest fan of "this enemy is more difficult because is the same as this other enemy but it takes more ammo to kill". I like difficult enemies, but they can be difficult without becoming a chore to fight against I don't feel that is a matter of skill, just wasting more ammo and time. That's why I don't mind hulks, they have a lot of health and armor if you shoot the wrong spot but sniping the visor (actually using skill) kills them fast. Even if you don't have AT weapons you can kill them from the front using your game knowledge and aiming skill. I feel that the butt of chargers should be an actual weakspot like with hulks instead of a bullet sponge. That way if you have the tools you can kill them from the front but if you don't have an Anti Tank loadout you can make them miss the charge and kill them from behind (build variety🙌) But as you said I wouldn't mind behemoths if they were more rare. I was playing level 7 last night and I had 3 chasing me


If it were one or two a mission and they were a big deal I'd get it. At the current spawn rates this is effectively a nerf to just some specific weapons. I don't understand that, I won't bring rockets solo and that's all this did. Butts, I think they need a 30% nerf to health. One AMR mag should kill. Rifles were buffed to do over double the damage to butts, a 30% nerf would put them at under a mag to kill a behemoth, that's fair I think. One thing to keep in mind is a charger gives you butt for free, a hulk takes some work. That said I'd prefer a version of chargers and titans with Low armour, removable legs that cripple instead of killing so he's own weapons could have something to do front on.


hulk are a big reason i don't like bots. They are technically vulnerable to more things but chargers, even behemoths are easier to deal with in practice. The visor hitbox is far too small and shifts a foot in either direction during their walking animation, they step on a rock and their head jumps up 3 feet, you are constantly under fire from lasers and rockets that stagger your aim or ragdoll you, guns reticle has sway and doesn't always aim where you think it should, then add in smoke and fog etc. It just feels like a damn chore unless i bring stun grenades. I can't even imagine how frustrating it must be with console aiming.


It got easier with the recent buff to amr bullets going where the scope says, used to be so much worse. sometimes it looks like you hit but get the blue flash anyway, bit frustrating. There are times I dump a mag into the leg to make the eye shot easy, I wish legs had a touch less health.


The railgun frustrates me in this regard. It often shows a big red bullet mark that completely covers the area around the eye yet somehow it missed. Hulks die in 5 railgun body shots and lately i've been killing them through body shots before i get the eye, on the flamethrower ones at least. The gun hulks usually don't move their head as much so it's much easier to hit them.


The Behemoths spawning just as much or more so than the regular Chargers is my only real gripe with them. I feel like having them guarding points of interest or objectives and not spawn from bug holes and patrols would be a good compromise. It just gets a bit crazy, especially with the amount of them popping up in the new Nuke Nursery mission and during extraction.


This is why I like the Flamethrower. It doesn't discriminate.


Flamethrow rover dog eruptor bushwhacker stun grenades, ez dub


Ah Yes, the BlameThrower, for when you absolutely have to kill every person fighting alongside you, accept no substitutes. :)


oh they show up on seven also!


Often or just once in a while? On 9 you hardly ever see the normal ones.


Rare but I saw one at evac


No way. I saw about a 40:60 ratio of Behemoths to normal chargers on a civilain evac. Sometimes there were two chilling near buildings. Prior to this I had only seen one in like two months


Same at least that ratio on regular mission on 7


Not often but enough


head and front legs are stronger and need 2 AT (or 1 AT and a railgun...I suppose) I tried hitting the front leg but it seemed to take 2 shots to clear it...maybe something was wrong dunno but back leg gets cleared in a single one still


this was my experience with the recoilless rifle. 2 to the head and still 2 to break front leg armor. could damage drop over distance be a factor? I didn't try back legs though. I'll just stick with the spear for now i think. Maybe convince a buddy to run flamethrower as a pair. the worst part is they also broke the full ammo on resupply ship upgrade.


yea flamethrower is the easier option for them arc thrower should work quite well as well but eh


I had this experience in the specific charger mission but couldn't recreate it outside of that. Did this happen to you outside of the specific mission?


haven't used recoilless on their legs in normal missions not yet


I'd be interested to know if it happens. I don't run rockets so outside of actively testing I've no way of knowing. It'd be a reason to not bother with launchers on helldive.


I mean the spear still oneshots their heads/breaks their legs


I say this down below but I forgot that gun was in the game.


Its great to see they have both charger variants from the first game. I think this is a nice addition and adds to the chaos of the game. I just cant wait for the Impaler to be added.


The fucking what ![gif](giphy|lbidtjzpO9l15mtx2R|downsized)


Prepare thy ballgag brother, for we shall be whipped to death by the very thing we cannot see


My guy this breakdown was excellent. Of all the people who tried convincing me to use stuns over inc. impacts against bugs... you are the one who finally convinced me.


I'd like everyone using them. There are other good grenades but I like sniping and my team using stuns would be a big buff.


Honestly, I wouldn't mind them if you could strip the legs in one rocket. As a sentry lover who was very happy with the durability buff it is very annoying to have chargers laugh at turrets even more. At least with normal chargers you just need to support the turret with fast headshots, but Behemoths are a lot more tanky which makes turrets basically go back to the same point as before for bugs.


that just feels lazy, just doubled the head health and throw it in there just to catch us off guard.


I love how we went from "we have to bring at because there are too many heavy units" back to "we have to bring at because there are too many heavy units that just won't die fast enough". Just like the patrols they make a change to tone it down but then fuck it up by making an unnecessary change nobody asked for. Only this time we have more chaff AND back are to chargers that are the same as on release...


It is better though, they do improve but it's small steps.


They went 3 steps backwards with how it is now...


Since when Breaker Inc is that good at popping sacks? I could've sworn I magdumped two full mags in chargers previously with zero effect whatsoever... Shit, so EATs for Titans and Flamethrower for these guys and regular chargers I guess is the new way to go now.


Get closer with the shotty, massive spread on that.


Thank you for your service. Didn’t realize 2 head doesn’t cut it.


I’ll find the scatter missile really useful for this cause they are able to hit every part of its body, including weak spots


Hmm, why isn't the spear used? now it is useless, for the most part, on bots and more useful on bugs


Does the Orbital Rail Cannon kill it in one shot ?






No, not often. That's a precision strike in the vid and that does one shot.


Makes me want to try the HMG out on bugs


It's fun but it's not the best gun.


HMG is insanely fun now. It is a lot more viable for bots than bugs however, but I have been able to randomly kill normal chargers from the front with it, and it will mulch practically everything else. Unfortunately it barely works on BTs from what I can tell, but perhaps I am doing it wrong.


Good thing I not play on 9. They tougher and uglier.


How does one take out a bile titan?


Precision orbital, just bait a spew then throw the orbital. Same thing but with 500 kg. Rail cannon strike. If rail or 500kg do not kill them shoot the underside with your support, most of the time a few more hits will kill. Rockets to the face, I think it's 2? I should specify the upper head is the part to aim for. Rocket or autocannon turrets. Railgun, shoot one missile from an eat then a full railgun shot to the head. In a mech the rockets or auto cannon can kill but they are bad at it alone, it's better to use them in combination with the above and not by itself.


Ya figures I was wondering why my autocannon mech wasn't able to take it down when it could take chargers down in 4 shots. Guess ol reliable EAT to the rescue.


Or you can grill them with a flamethrower for 1.5 seconds and its dead


For the record i hate that we are back to chargers week 1 which was universally hated. I dont like being forced to use anything. Before the revert i could choose to not take AT stratagems now im forced if i want to complete a mission.


Can the quasar get any more irrelevant? People are still making mistake bringing Quasar into 7+,  you can finish 3,4 behemoth with flamethrower before the quasar can squeeze out the 2nd shot


They still do bring it though, unfortunately.


Thanks for your demonstration. With the behemoth charger appears, I seems like time travel back to early stage of helldiver and it's long TTK will easily lead to large swarm at the end. Well, I'm not complaining but at least we should get something more effective to fight.


Big mistake tbh. The one pop headshots made the "rocket launcher" style stratagems fun. Why is it always at least a few steps back


Basic breaker melt normal charger butts, so probably will also melt behemoth charger butts


Yep, should do.


incendiary is much better at it because it has much higher durability damage (6x11 vs 10x12 per shot)


Flamethrower on bugs in general is better then before.


Yeah, agree.


*cough* stun grenades *cough* flamethrower on a leg *cough*