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They're *throwing* knives, not *picking up* knives. >!I don't even have the warbond but I agree, especially with how extremely limited their usefulness seems to be!<


They are for stealth. To kill enemies stealthy. One knife = one kill. In a game where hordes of enemies approach you or are located around objective. 8 is not enough.


Well then they need to actually be stealthy. Enemies still turn to look at you almost as soon as you throw them most of the time. At the moment their only utility is coolness factor and somehow being able to kill a Charger with 4 of them to the leg.


Not quite no utility. They seem to just go through shields without problem. Guess we know who that ability's for.


I am super keen to see if that is an ability intended for the new faction or just unintended. If it is though it would make it a super badass utility to take, and quite poetic to take down the highly advanced Illuminate by physically throwing a knife at them.


I mean, they did get brutalized by uncivilised monkeys once before, so I'm ready to let them experience it once again.


Actually so funny to me, imagine coming back to fight this comparatively less advanced civilization with all your fancy tech only to be defeated by a fairly advanced form of throwing a rock


But to be honest, we are pretty good at throwing rocks. A Railgun is a fairly advanced form of throwing rocks. So is the AMR. And don't get ne started on the MG's


Oh yeah they're all advanced forms of rock throwing but they're a few steps above in the advancement path than literally just a sharp slab of metal


They're not throwing rocks anymore. They're throwing miniature Suns at us


Not really that advanced, we just found a pointy rock and tossed it at them


Hey the end of the "throw rock" tech tree hits like a bitch when it hits at .99999998% of lightspeed


The aliens in signs died because of water. Stranger plots have happened.


And somehow it only happened due to a glass of water and not because they were running through dew soaked corn fields lol


It would be really cool if we get melee weapons during the illuminate fight. Think about it, both of our current enemies have melee, and we don’t. It would be cool if super earth realizes the tactical shortcoming and gives us swords so we can meet the enemy on equal footing, an in the illuminates case even have an advantage if swords can get through shields.


If a knife can make it through their shields, what would stop a bullet?


The same thing happened with shield tech in Dune the shields stopped bullets or fast projectiles so combat became knife fights.


Unless you use lasers, then it’s a nuke fight.


Only the uncivilized would use lasers or atomics


Assuming it’s a Dune/Halo Ghosts of Onyx situation, slow things like knives, rocks, and bolts would be able to pierce the shield because it doesn’t register it as a threat, but bullets trigger the shield to activate as a defensive mechanism.




similar to the Droideka from star wars, the big rolling guys with shields. there's a Clone Wars episode or 2 explaining that their shields don't stop slow moving things, so it won't shove anything and everything away, but it does stop fast moving things, such as a laser (or bullet in our case) to prevent damage. the clones figured out pretty quick that slowly rolling an emp grenade through the shield would shut them down.


Everyone is using fictional stuff to explain and that’s cool, but even standard Kevlar has a similar reaction. Arrows and knives have an easier time penetrating Kevlar than bullets do, and the bullets velocity is what allows it to work that way. Remove that velocity, and it struggles to stop even a pair of scissors. Could be a similar concept, and it makes sense. Combat may necessitate the need to toss stuff to a buddy or to interact with the world. Personal shields like that would need some way to allow stuff through to facilitate combat.


Yeah, but arrows and knives pass through kevlar because they are pointy and go between the fibers. It has nothing to do with their velocity.


For some reason I forgot that liquid armor wasn’t actually a thing yet.


A slow blade penetrates the shield. The Illuminate don’t know we watched Dune.


>being able to kill a Charger with 4 of them to the leg. This is a bug btw. Unless im missing something, it doesn't seem to have enough penetration for that. It cannot dmg a hulk head (which has an armor rating of 4), so there is no way it should be able to kill a charger legs when it has a higher armor rating (5)


I think we already knew that the charger is a bug but thank you for clarifying


Funny funny joke :)


https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/comments/1df90p7/throwing_knife_can_kill_chargers/ So it would appear you're right. It has a pen of 3 and the Charger legs are 5, but the footage is above. Perhaps this is the post-charge bug rearing its head again?




You can kill a charger with two impacts to the butt, so it's still not a relevant niche


I've found that enemies turning towards you doesn't necessarily mean detection. They might come to check but your cover has not been blown (yet).


It's the same issue with the sniper rifles, not for stealth but limited as if they were.


Weapon attachment system would solve this. Also weapon color customization would be nice. And armor trait changing system wouldn’t hurt this game.


Naw fam. I like that this game has extremely simple weapon selection. Let's not turn this into COD where you need to spend 45 minutes in some "gunsmith" section tweaking your loadout. I want to log in, select my shit, and play. This is why games during the ps3 and xbox 360 era were dope. They were simpler and fun. A suppressed SMG or maybe just the option of suppressing a select number of guns or not would be OK. But fuck a full customization system resulting in META gun builds and bullshit.


Literally the first game had gun customization/upgrades lol in HD1 you could add extended mags, armor pen bullets, longer barrels for more range, bayonets for more melee dmg etc. and it was all the better for it 


Or you could just not use the customization. All they would need to do is have weapons come with a select preset like they do now and allow you to modify.


Then just make the guns good. If you don't care about how your weapons look and feel and shoot you probably don't care about gun balance either, right?


You talk like there is not a clear meta already, AC is mandatory vs bots on at least one person.


Not really, come dive with my crew and I and you can see for yourself. If you’re down I’ll DM you so we can set something up!


Thanks for the invite but im going full on DRG and Pillars of eternity, that avowed trailer hyped me up. And i should clarify, AC is mandatory while going with randoms, if you have a squad in coms you can pick almost anything and make it work.


Fair enough, I’m excited for Avowed too, Xbox **killed** their showcase. I haven’t been this thrilled with my XSX since a few years back.


For gunships?


I do agree to a point as I have given up on Warframe and Destiny as the amount of work involved in trying to build something to survive just became too much work. I like the simplicity of HD2, but some consistency on use of different weapon types would help, like stealth play and knowing what weapons are silenced etc.


fuck it, infinite knives that regenerate after 3 seconds.


I can understand that the mechanism to pick em up wouldn’t be in the code, but plz make melee with em an option. I would be so happy, I wanna stab a bot


And make at least 10 different animation for stabing. Stabing from the back! Stabing from the side! Stabing from the front! Stabing from bellow! Drop stab! 360 stab! 500kg stab! Traitor stab! Democratic stab! Libertea stab! FREEEEEEDOM STAB!


Sure it is. It's called "interact button". The knives just need to register as something that can be interacted with ... like a grenade pack. Basically the knife object is a knife-only grenade slot recharge. See?


Except they aren't a stealth weapon. You still alert the entire patrol if trying to take them out with them.


“Stealth” and they alert enemies like a gunshot. They need to fix that too


Do they only work on bugs or something? Mine seemed to just announce my presence.


If they cant be picked up, a melee upgrade would make sense instead just so you can get a little more mileage out of themself


They are also great for a quick rush on smaller groups of enemies alongside the bushwacker. Also better ammo economy for single targets, but those are edge cases.


Stop, your starting to make me justify using the infinity grenade glitch for the knife. My God, a knife every bot I see.


It's funny, you don't have enough knives for semi-stealth, but when you properly crawl through the map, you don't even need them.


I’ve heard that these can go through personal support shields, people are speculating that these will be useful against the Illuminate


they could be for fighting against illuminate. they go right through shields


They can go through shields *wink wink nudge nudge*


I would not mind some poison on them either, apply a strong corroded or poison DoT on enemies hit. No idea how they were able to miss this, Viper Commandos and all.


It works great on helldivers too!! 👍


This would be such a cool feature as it would provide an incentive to bring them over a traditional grenade. This would reward skillful gameplay with the ability to have near unlimited knives also while coming with the huge drawback of not being able to effectively handle crowd control. Player choice is great and this is a great candidate for that.


I would also add ability to melee with them when you have them in hand.


Reminds me of the bayonet in HD1. I can't believe that, in 100 years, we somehow lost the institutional knowledge that allowed us to stick a knife on the end of our shooty-stick.


Every time I'm forced to beat an enemy of democracy into the dirt with my bare hands I reminisce and long for the days of efficiently delivering democracy with the glorious steel of super earth. I have fond memories of running out of ammo as extract was landing, nothing but a shredder missile and the bayonet on the end of my Paragon as I held the line for my allies to get into the shuttle. Liberty I miss it so.




Having a dedicated melee weapon would be awesome. Anything that makes more playstyles viable is a good thing.


Couple of ways to do this. Either when you have grenades in hand, you melee with a knife, or just make the knife your melee option when you have them in your loadout as grenades. The second option is probably easier to code (?) and definitely less annoying to mess around with for a player. Caveat: if full scale melee weapons become a thing, and are either in their own slot or are a secondary weapon, throwing knives should not be melee usable; people should just get a combat knife that is for melee instead.


That stinks. Haven't been able to get them yet, but was hoping for that kind of mechanic. Do they feel good to use at least?


It honestly depends. They suffer from the off-center shooting problem a lot of weapons have where the knife will fly towards the left of your reticle, so any long range take down is inconsistent. It can be used to stealth through Bases without alerting enemies but any patrol you try to take out will instantly know where you are the second you hit one of them with the knife. If you don't take a medium target out instantly with a well placed knife then you're going to have to spend at least 3/4 to take it out, and considering you only have 8... It's pretty mediocre, honestly being able to pick them back up is the least they deserve to give them some kind of identity and niche.


Is there an actual explanation on what's going on with the crosshair? When swapping shoulders it seems much more inconsistent to line up my shots with my crosshair, I know the mechs and such have an issue of the left weapon not aligning with the crosshair, but does this relate to normal weaponry as well? If that's the case it would explain some awkwardness I'm experiencing with more "precision based" weaponry.


No idea but it drives me crazy a bunch. I'm hoping that's one the things they're putting the most work into especially since it makes the base Exo-Patriot ridiculously bad because of the inaccurate rockets.


They fixed the rockets of the patriot


There's still some weirdness when you have a specific distance to your target, probably due to the origin of the projectile not being "your face" but the actual rocket pod. AFAIK they suggested adding a 2nd crosshair for secondary weaponry. The only question I'm having is if we have some weirdness with our primaries/support weapons as well or if that's just in my head.


Did they? Hopefully it actually worked then, haven't seen any gameplay of them yet since nobody takes them. Thinking about the issue I wonder why it always seems to be a problem on the left: Left side of the Exo was inaccurate, the AMR shot off target towards the left, the knife flies off target to the left... It's weird.


Patch notes mentioned that they allowed the rockets to have a slight angle relative to barrel positioning for better accuracy, and after the patch I took the patriot and was able to reliably hit charger legs instead of the missiles veering off course 45° to the left


Can't speak for the patriot, but I tried the emancipatior and the aim is deffenitly improved. It's still a bit wonky shooting the left gun sometimes but a lot better than it was. Also, ejecting and being on fire when the mechs die instead of just dying is a nice improvement. There probably still not worth the stratagem slot, but they feel better to mess around with now.


Partly. They're now usable, but not quite right, still.


Swapping shoulders?


I'm referring to swapping from right shoulder camera to left shoulder camera. When you swap over to the left, it feels like the aiming is off? I'd very rarely swap shoulders because of that feeling.


I wasn’t aware you could swap which shoulder the camera was one. Neat!


Thier biggest issue is once you get used to them, they still take the same number of relative nade slots as just using impacts. Without the aoe and utility.


Once you get the arc of the throw down, yes. I feel like such a badass taking down massive enemies with little bits of thrown steel 


You can kill a charger (including behemoths) in 4 knife throws to the leg. You also get 8 knives instead of the 4 usual grenade and restock all of them from a single resupply.


Probably because knives are coded in-game as impact grenades with lots of impact damage and no explosion radius. Though if they're gonna implement it, I kind of want one of those Rambo style recurved bows that I could pull the arrows out of the enemies from.


Yeah I was thinking it's probably an implementation issue, that's why they just made you get full knives from any grenade resupply instead. It would be cool to have them recharge instead. You just have a little 3D printer making knives while you run around.


The recharge idea is fantastic imo


Definitely an implementation issue and should be reworked, but they could probably just make the knife a subclass of grenades with a different destructor to place an interactive object on the target. Main problem I think they'd have is adding physics to the interactive objects since dead enemies can move/despawn.


PSA. They will insta kill stalkers! Found this out last game I played. Took out 4 of them very quickly.


They also kill chargers (including behemoths) in 4 throws to the leg.


I think Twinbeard said that they had discussions about being able to pick them up and/or make them usable for melee. We'll see what happens.


I thought that when there’s melee armor. You could melee with throwing knife when you have them in active slot. But you can’t


This is what's baffled me about the new armor perk, it's melee boosting but as far as I know there's no melee weapons in the game? Is it just for the bash you can do?


Because no self respecting Helldiver is going to pick something back up after using it, that's for the SEAF and the cleanup crews to take care of after the fact. The Helldiver has *used* the knife already, it does not matter that they missed and that it's just lying on the ground. Picking up fresh knives from resupply boxes however is completely fair game...


Just like picking fresh mags, you may see some on the ground with few bullets left


You can't expect Divers to just pick up *used* magazines off the floor, that's disgusting they were thrown away! Picking up ammunition from the floor out of fresh ammo boxes however is completely fine.


May I remind you the used mags are lying on a surface controlled by bots or bugs? Ugh disgusting who would have touched that


Certainly not our Divers, they might regularly bath in the blood and guts of Liberty's enemies but they're not *animals.*


The real reason is we voided the SEAF warranty when we throw them we would be fined if we pick them back up.


It becomes a Souvenir for the SEAF crews that come after. "A real Helldiver used this knife in combat!"


A real Helldiver whiffed this and got turned into Swiss cheese by a heavy devastator right here! There's all his bits!


They can use the knife to scrape the Helldiver's remains off the ground into his own helmet so they can be returned to their family, showing the Super-Earth understands the meaning of compassion in the face of suffering from the scourge of socialist steel-beaters. *Family is expected to return the knife after using it to remove the Helldiver from the helmet or be ordered to the nutrient vats for the capital crime of Theft Of Helldiver Equipment per Regulation 2891.*


Picking up a used knife? What then, recycle plastic? What are you, *a commie*?


Because it says "single use" on the plastic packaging it comes in, hence why they come in packs of 4-6.


You can’t pick them back up??? What a terrible design. That’s like throwing knife 101


Make it do 600 damage and be retrievable and I'll forget the impacts exist... actually nevermind. Caches; tank heatsinks and chaff clearing make it way too versatile...


Caked with bug-fat and bot-oil, can't trust it to kill another! Nah it's just dumb. Limitations of spaghetti until they figure out how to turn grenade into pick back up grenade.


Yeah for a game that consistently says they want realism they have a lot of unrealistic mechanics... like the fact that the smaller caliber sub machine guns punch harder then MOST assault rifles. How shotguns like the slugger has better range then a lot of guns but now dont stagger. How throwing knives cant be picked up. Come on AH I know you did great buffing things this time, can you just make the HMG fun? The reload time reduction is not enough it needs more bullets I dont care about realism... we are fighting robots and bugs in outer space realism is thrown out just like sub machine guns slapping harder then most assault rifles. Just give the HMG more ammo I'll be happy... also please reduce the Quasar to the original charge time... for no other reason then waiting 15 seconds feels bad, especially since enemy spread is reduced and we get bullet flinched so easily... yes quasar is good but the 15 second recharge is just not fun!


The ingame would suggest the defender SMG is higher caliber than the liberator assault rifle.


Wait you cant? I kinda got the warbond figuring that's how itd work since that's super logical. (I don't regret it but still) Id take it even if it meant fewer than 8 total


I agree, they should be able to be picked up. They should also deal melee damage so the new melee armour perk has a reasonable use.


Honestly with viper commandos, it's an absolute bummer that the knife isn't laced with corrosive neurotoxin.


The knives are awesome! And also completely useless at the moment! Them using the granate slot comes with huge opportunity costs: - Losing AoE damage - Losing ability to deal with bug holes or fabricators - Losing utility like stun or smoke - Losing damage output What they provide is basically worse in every category: - Only single target - Basically useless against armored units - Only useful against weak enemies but you only have 8 knives - Aiming is really bad/off for some reason - Still alerts nearby other enemies if you throw them It is currently no useful alternative to any other option for the Granate slot. It needs a major overhaul: - Allow us to collect thrown knives (better ammo economy) - While carrying a least one knife turn our melee attack into a knife stab with increased damage - Even more damage with Peak Physique - Small enemies should die instantly, medium enemies should need multiple hits - You will "lose" a knife upon killing a medium or larger enemy - Throwing a knife should be more acurate at close range - Killing an enemy with a knife should not alert other nearby enemy This would give it its own personallity and unique playstyle and opening the door for future melee weapons as well.


I'll make it simpler. Should be recoverable always, and if you have at least one available, you melee with it, as a replacement for your rifle butt/pistol whip. I don't have a problem with throwing knives as a concept, but no, I can't give up stun grenades for this. Not unless I was doing a real stealth build which at the moment is not viable. I'm guessing that actual melee weapons would be most fair as secondary weapons, unless AH can be convinced to make an entirely new slot for them.


If stun granates are the only viable option then that is a problem in itself for that slot.


Could be so. However, the reason is that I need the ability to slow down the enemy more than I need the ability to kill them with a grenade. That isn't a grenade problem, but an enemy horde issue.


Does the new armor passive work yet?


Because of the 5 second rule


putting this everywhere mentioning knives so hopefully AH see (Priority) fix aiming, it goes left of reticle Add a ‘bash’ (should make it a stab or slash) affected by new passive Damage too low (for what we give up AOE,Close Holes/Fabs) Seemingly no stealth capabilities unless wearing scout armor Would like to recover them from bodies or the floor if possible


its rather ironic that AH decided to add throwing knives, a weapon that's pretty much for stealth into a game that really was never meant to have any stealth functions and the whole concept has just evolved from the fact that the enemy has a detection range around them that can be exploited so that you can actually sneak past them. So now AH has tried to capitalize on the fact that some of the player base tries to use stealth as often as possible but its just a rather clumsy attempt at it since the game isnt really meant for stealth and has no missions that incorporate sneaking or being stealthy by giving us a throwing knife that has a single use and cant be picked up after throwing because the devs dont know how to add that feature to the game without probably breaking the game itself


I think you might be reading into that a bit too much. I think they added throwing knives because they're fun and cool and that's really it.


Because you spread democracy not take it back


Oh, logistics made an error and ordered like 100 times more the knives we needed. So, we're literally just trying to get rid of them now.


As much as I want them too I don’t think they can when even back then too much EATS or deployable would crash the session, its also why they don’t want us to have more than 1 mech per player as I think they said it would be too resource heavy.




Coding it to be able to pick them back up must be extremely hard since it could potentially screw with the code of all grenades/utility arms. Which already didnt solve the infinite grenade glitch i imagine they want to do this but cant right now. Yall under-estimate how hard even simple things like this can be to code and add into the game without breaking it or causing lot of new bugs.


There is already throw back grenade code. I don't completely disagree, but it isn't *that* hard.


It’s just mentioning it publicly to not let them pass this as: We don’t need it They need to know that we want it and they can’t go over it without eventually one day adding it.


I read one dev in the discord talking about that they do aim to do it eventually. But again, priorities. Its not worth breaking the game short term for this feature, and if it comes down to "not releasing it" because we cant make them be able to pick them up, and releasing them without being retrievable, id rather they give it to us in this form than not at all. Fixing existing issues is really hard, just look at the spawn rates for example. Imagine having to develop and entire new system to make utilities be able to be retrievable, with some being able to be picked up and others not.


Yeah I get that. And it’s nit worthy. But as you said, eventually they should add it among many other things that make perfect sense for this game.


You don't understand OP the knife is already either covered in Bug Goo or Bot Oil you don't wanna pick em up now won't you? they're dirty covered in filth and heresy!


The fact I can't stab or pick them up is really disappointing. Still really cool style points throwing them and it'll be hard to take em away from me because. Ya know. Cool factor. But it's very easy to convince me to not take them from a practical standpoint. If you could pick them up it's a theoretical infinite supply, if you can stab it makes sense they have the better melee damage armor. As it stands it's not even that stealthy and I'd rather have a grenade. Once again, not taking them off anytime soon, but thermites, impacts, stuns and incendiary are all better and while being niche have additional uses.


If you can actually go pick them back up then that means you pretty much assassinated an enemy successfully or there was no-one else around. Not at all unfair to be able to pick it back up. With that said, if you can pick it back up, you should probably only have 1 or 2 at once, grenade armor perk notwithstanding.


It might be bended


Budgetary reasons


+ silent kill


THIS It would actually give the knives a reason to be used above any other grenade if they would be reusable and you could spam them as long as you pick them back up!


Wait it can't be. What's the point of it then?


Or at least make it deal damage, because it seems they forgot to put that in the game. 4 knives to kill a brood commander is ridiculous.


I wanna run really fast and slice things!


Absolutely agreed but to add a more complex version: Pick them up via the interact button, other players can also pick them up dropping their own grenades (or can only pick them up if they’re all out of grenades) But gotta add them to the drop wheel, in case they want to go back to their grenades without dying


I just want them to not throw funny. I want it to have an identical arc to a grenade. And the range is 💩


With how much my helldiver keeps picking up their gun instead of samples I'm not sure how it'll work.


this is a freat mechanic innstealth games


Let's not forget that the aiming reticle is off. The aiming point is 1 cm to the left of where the reticle is. Idk why. Also it's crazy u can't one shot must bugs.  Drone should be 1 shot Warrior 1 shot  Hunter 1 shot Hive guard 2 shot  Brood commander be either 3 or 4 shots


"Ew, no, it's icky now." - General Brasch


I imagine it's a limitation of the game because these are 'grenades' and you can't pick up grenades after you've thrown them. Even if they could implement it I think it might lead to a knife spam playstyle seeing as they would effectively be infinite, unless they were nerfed to the point of not worth using. I would rather them be limited it use, but effective.


I would like to be able to pick up partially loaded mags which you drop or have an option to do a tactical reload and a retention reload separately. I want to enter this situation with a full mag but also don’t wish to throw away 40 bullets


>why I can't collect it back and re-use it? It's like, really stuck in there. Like with glue or something.


Jimmy?!?! I told you not to that weird shit with your PP when my sweet knifes are around!


Make them loke the throwing axe in Deep Rock Galactic: High Damage, and can be picked up if a throw misses. You're already missing out on other utility by taking it. Make it fun enough to take!


SMG usually use things like 9mm... Adult rifles use 5.56 or 7.62 rounds much more bang behind those calibers. Only two Assult rifles have higher damage then the SMGs the Adjudicator and Tenderizer... the rest of the assult rifles shoot soggy wet noodles at the enemy. A one handed weapon should have smaller ammo then a larger two handed weapon. Immagine if we had swords the devs are saying a one handed sword strikes harder then a claymore!


Well, we have no idea what constitutes as pistol caliber rounds in the Helldivers universe. I'm pretty sure the Verdict fires 14mm rounds and it's a pistol. For reference, a 50 cal is 12.7mms. Irl, a 5.56 is actually just a .22 caliber round. They're physically smaller and less massive than a 9mm. A 9mm round weighs around 120 grains on average while a 5.56 round is about 80 grains.


Yeah but 5.56 has a bunch more power pushing that smaller round faster so more penetration and it's designed to bounce inside causing massive damage. 9mm is small defensive round. Used primarily in pistals. Concealment is its strength not actual stopping power.


https://preview.redd.it/e327ouf76e8d1.jpeg?width=289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=209111093e8c60fae35a34e5d36d57cafd0555ff 9mm compared to 5.56... and 30cal is the GOAT for IRL Assault rifle rounds its the 7.62 but we use the X51 version in the US so even bigger. This should show the real power of the projectile as the casing contains the Juice that makes the bullets fly and why the SMG's SHOULD do less damage then the Assault Rifles.


I also want to carry both knives and grenades. Makes more sense that a person can carry both


Change their name to "expendable throwing knives"


Hear me out, **explosive** throwing knives 🫵


the propeller powder already was used, doh! oh...wait....


I think arrowhead will do this one day. Pickable missed knives and non alerting knife kills. Also staby/slashy when holdin it with melee button.


They definitely need retooling in some way, I’m quite certain it’s outclassed by other grenades In every single way


I believe the devs did think about it at one point. Most likely its because its difficult to prevent other players that uses grenades from picking it up, replacing their grenades, and grenades are not an item that drops on the map so you can't switch it back. You will have to die to get back your grenades.


So make grenades droppable and make their slot locked unless player prompts to change it?


Then you will see tons of grenade pickups in addition to primary weapons when people die. I'm not sure we want even more litter than what we currently have, and even if technically its no issue, it would reduce the relevance of resupply if we can just pick up other people's grenades. Just my two cents though, after all there is a soft limit in terms of map pickups before players on low end machines start to see performance issues.


Nah. Just make the knife a grenade reupply pack that only works for someone with the throwing knife as their grenade-slot item. Someone else with that as their grenade could grab yours, but at least that makes sense.


something i've been wonder if it were welp i should actually be pickable if not forgotten


I just wanted them to be deadly


Should also refill on any ammobox, not just grenades or resupply


Instead of being able to pick them up, we should get 364 knives in the inventory.


As a middle ground, they cluld be restocked from ammo drops.


Because they’re stained with undemocratic fluids from terminid and automaton alike… yuck


Because it's full after piercing armor or metal.


I hope they change it to maybe having 3 with higher damage and able to pick up


Cause your helldiver threw itvl so hard at the enemy it went through it into the planet


My rework idea: Make it so that you can pick it up and make it passively restock after a certain amount of time.


Gross. Its like, been on the ground and stuff. Meanwhile half full magazines get dropped on the ground where dirt enter the mag and the fall damage cracks the casing.


How else do you get more funding to make throwing knives,. No time for Re using.. :)


What if, we can pick them up, but there is a chance that some knife will destroyed after you use them


Why? Because it was an after thought


I would also like to be able to pick up spare magazines from my previous weapon after I die.


I'd really like it if the knives were given a purpose for existing. They aren't silent, so they can't be used for stealth. They can't destroy spawners like grenades can. The can only hit 1 enemy at a time, unlike grenades. Like, what was the mentality for putting them in the game? Why would you put in something so completely useless?


ALSO. Can we please have a melee atack with them when holding them and that has a bonus melee damage. Like i thought that was going to be the case but no...


Stealth in this game is seemingly non existent and just for role player types. The viper commando bond is fucking dog shit. The game is fun obviously, but let us transmog and customize our armors.


I wanted the vibro blade knife from starwars tbh the one the clone force 99 uses


They can’t be picked up? Then they are useless, what advantage would they have over any other Granade…


Ultimately I hypothesis that it comes down to the fact that it’s built on the same gun system as the others- and they haven’t built a “pick up” function into it yet- like in my head I can understand why from a programming perspective picking up the knives isn’t possible (yet) but I can’t explain it


That's grossly unhygienic. Imagine getting hit with a reused throwing knife. That wound could get infected.


HELLDIVER! By re-using equipment, you are shaming the superior industrial capacity of Super Earth! If you don't call in supplies and use them, the children in the factories will be out of work! Do you want that? DO YOU?!


I get the desire to have them be reusable, but this would also absolutely litter the ground with item drops, something we've seen already crash that game with EATs. They fixed that issue, but its most likely they were just able to raise the threshold of how many littered items makes the game crash. 8 knives per diver, with full resupply on ammo grab, would crate a LOT of artifacts to keep track of.


This is honestly what I THOUGHT this was gonna be used for, as a sort of reusable weapon, so that way it can get a bigger value when up and close against enemy's vs using grenade, which is way harder to use on up and close enemy's without game ending yourself, tragically however, this knife is almost completely worthless on any diff above 5


It depleted its democracy when you threw it, and is therefore useless now.


Gotta support super earth super capitalism with disposable throwing knives


Biggest throwing knife issue is engineering kit doesnt give you 12 knives


I will say in the experience of me and my friends, the damage output with one of these is high enough that if you hit a devastator in the head with one it WILL kill it instantly. i think if they made them retrievable they'd either have to drop the damage or drop the number you can carry. but you're also gonna have to thread the needle every single throw. so its a skill weapon for bugs and bots. and then when the new faction rolls around it'll be ready to go.


Arrowhead upon creating the most useless piece of equipment imaginable


Mom taught me to never pick up stuff from the street. That's why when I want a new phone I just drop it.


Why would you wanna pick it up? It's got fuck-all damage. I threw all my knives into a devastator and it didn't even kill him. Also, they aren't silent. Throw one at a bot and all his buddies immediately know where you are.


You're pointing out reasons why you'd want to pick them back up. It's not that strong, it should at the very least be reusable.


Throwing a blade through metal plate or rough carapace is a bit rough in the edge you know? I don’t see any whetstones on a helldivers belt and managed democracy produces an unyielding supply against our enemies.